} else { $template = new template("formbuilder", "_custom_report"); $template->assign("template", $rpt->text); } $template->assign("fields", $fields); $template->assign("captions", $captions); $template->assign("is_email", 1); $emailHtml = $template->render(); if (count($emaillist)) { //This is an easy way to remove duplicates $emaillist = array_flip(array_flip($emaillist)); if (!defined("SYS_SMTP")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/smtp.php"; } $headers = array("MIME-Version" => "1.0", "Content-type" => "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"); if (pathos_smtp_mail($emaillist, "", $f->subject, $emailHtml, $headers) == false) { pathos_lang_loadDictionary('modules', 'formbuilder'); echo TR_FORMBUILDER_ERR_SMTP; } } } //If is a new post show response, otherwise redirect to the flow. if (!isset($_POST['data_id'])) { $template = new template("formbuilder", "_view_response"); global $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH; $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH = "editfallback"; $template->assign("backlink", pathos_flow_get()); $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH = "pathos_default"; $template->assign("response_html", $f->response); $template->output(); } else {
$emails = array(); if (!defined("SYS_USERS")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/users.php"; } foreach ($notifs as $n) { if ($n->user_id != $user->id) { $u = pathos_users_getUserById($n->user_id); if ($u->email != "") { $emails[] = $u->email; } } } if (!defined("SYS_SMTP")) { require BASE . "subsystems/smtp.php"; } pathos_smtp_mail($emails, $from_addr, $title, $msg, $headers); } // Save new monitors $thread_id = $parent ? $parent->id : $post->id; if (isset($_POST['monitor'])) { if (!$db->selectObject("bb_threadmonitor", "thread_id=" . $parent . " AND user_id=" . $user->id)) { $mon = null; $mon->thread_id = $thread_id; $mon->user_id = $user->id; $db->insertObject($mon, "bb_threadmonitor"); } } else { $db->delete("bb_threadmonitor", "thread_id=" . $thread_id . " AND user_id=" . $user->id); } pathos_flow_redirect(); } else {
$message .= "----------------------------------\n"; $message .= "Name: " . $_POST['name'] . "\n"; $message .= "Email: " . $_POST['email'] . "\n"; $message .= "----------------------------------\n"; $message .= "Reasons for Volunteering:\n"; $message .= wordwrap($_POST['reasons']) . "\n"; $message .= "----------------------------------\n"; $message .= "How they feel they can help:\n"; $message .= wordwrap($_POST['howhelp']) . "\n"; $message .= "----------------------------------\n"; $message .= "Past experience and qualifications:\n"; $message .= wordwrap($_POST['experience']) . "\n"; $subject = "Software Roadmap : Volunteer for " . $milestone->name . ":" . $stepstone->name; } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; return; // exit this page } } if (!defined("SYS_SMTP")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/smtp.php"; } if (pathos_smtp_mail($stepstone->contact, $from, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo "Message successfully sent."; } else { echo "There was a problem sending the message. Please contact the system administrator."; } echo "<br /><br /><a href='" . pathos_flow_get() . "' class='mngmntlink codemap_mngmntlink'>Back</a>"; } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; }
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id: send_feedback.php,v 1.5 2005/04/18 15:22:16 filetreefrog Exp $ ################################################## if (!defined('PATHOS')) { exit(''); } if (!defined('SYS_SMTP')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/smtp.php'; } //filter the message thru the form template for formatting $msgtemplate = new formtemplate('email', '_' . $_POST['formname']); $msgtemplate->assign('post', $_POST); $msg = $msgtemplate->render(); $ret = false; //make sure we this is from a valid event and that the email addresses are listed, then mail if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $event = $db->selectObject('calendar', 'id=' . $_POST['id']); $email_addrs = array(); if ($event->feedback_email != '') { $email_addrs = split(',', $event->feedback_email); $email_addrs = array_map('trim', $email_addrs); $ret = pathos_smtp_mail($email_addrs, 'website@' . HOSTNAME, $_POST['subject'], $msg); } } $template = new template('calendarmodule', '_feedback_submitted'); $template->assign('success', $ret ? 1 : 0); $template->output();
$newpass = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < rand(12, 20); $i++) { $num = rand(48, 122); if ($num > 97 && $num < 122 || $num > 65 && $num < 90 || $num > 48 && $num < 57) { $newpass .= chr($num); } else { $i--; } } // Send message if (!defined('SYS_SMTP')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/smtp.php'; } $e_template = new template('loginmodule', '_email_resetdone', $loc); $e_template->assign('newpass', $newpass); $msg = $e_template->render(); if (!defined('SYS_USERS')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/users.php'; } $u = pathos_users_getUserById($tok->uid); if (!pathos_smtp_mail($u->email, 'Password Manager <passwords@pathos>', 'Your New Password', $msg)) { $template->assign('state', 'smtp_error'); } else { // Save new password $u->password = md5($newpass); pathos_users_saveUser($u); $db->delete('passreset_token', 'uid=' . $tok->uid); $template->assign('state', 'sent'); } } $template->output();
if (!defined('PATHOS')) { exit(''); } pathos_lang_loadDictionary('modules', 'loginmodule'); if (!defined('SYS_USERS')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/users.php'; } $u = pathos_users_getUserByName($_POST['username']); $template = new template('loginmodule', '_resetsend'); if ($u != null && $u->is_acting_admin == 0 && $u->is_admin == 0 && $u->email != '') { if (!defined('SYS_SMTP')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/smtp.php'; } $tok = null; $tok->uid = $u->id; $tok->expires = time() + 2 * 3600; $tok->token = md5(time()) . uniqid(''); $e_template = new template('loginmodule', '_email_resetconfirm', $loc); $e_template->assign('token', $tok); $msg = $e_template->render(); // FIXME: smtp call prototype / usage has changed. if (!pathos_smtp_mail($u->email, 'Password Manager <password@' . HOSTNAME . '>', 'Password Reset Confirmation', $msg)) { $template->assign('state', 'smtp_error'); } else { $db->insertObject($tok, 'passreset_token'); $template->assign('state', 'sent'); } } else { $template->assign('state', 'unable'); } $template->output();
$ban = $db->selectObject("inbox_contactbanned", "user_id=" . $user->id . " AND owner=" . $id); if (!$ban) { $ban = $db->selectObject("inbox_contactbanned", "user_id=" . $id . " AND owner=" . $user->id); } if ($ban) { $failed->body = sprintf(INBOXMODULE_FAILED_MSG, $message->body); $db->insertObject($failed, "privatemessage"); } else { $message->recipient = $id; $inbox_userconfig = $db->selectObject("inbox_userconfig", "id=" . $id); if (!$inbox_userconfig) { $inbox_userconfig->forward = 1; } if ($inbox_userconfig->forward == 1 && $u->email != "") { // Forward the message to their email account $emails[] = $u->email; } $db->insertObject($message, "privatemessage"); } } } } if (count($emails)) { $body = $message->body; $headers = array("MIME-Version" => "1.0", "Content-type" => "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", 'Reply-to' => $reply_to, 'From' => $reply_to); if (pathos_smtp_mail($emails, "", $message->subject, '<html><body>' . $message->body . '</body></html>', $headers) == false) { echo TR_INBOXMODULE_ERR_SMTP; } } pathos_flow_redirect(); }
} $headers = array(); $headers["From"] = $config->from_name . " <" . $config->from_address . ">"; if ($config->replyto_address != "") { $headers["Reply-to"] = $config->replyto_address; } if (!defined("SYS_USERS")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/users.php"; } $emails = array(); foreach ($db->selectObjects("contact_contact", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'") as $c) { if ($c->user_id != 0) { $u = pathos_users_getUserById($c->user_id); $emails[] = $u->email; } else { if ($c->email != "") { $emails[] = $c->email; } } } if (!defined("SYS_SMTP")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/smtp.php"; } if (pathos_smtp_mail($emails, $config->from_address, $config->subject, $msg, $headers)) { $template = new template('contactmodule', '_final_message'); $template->assign('message', $config->final_message); $template->output(); } else { pathos_lang_loadDictionary('modules', 'contactmodule'); echo TR_CONTACTMODULE_SMTPERROR; }