Пример #1
 * Implements theme_process_page().
function basetpl_process_page(&$variables)
    global $base_path;
    // show/hide breadcrumb
    $variables['show_breadcrumb'] = TRUE;
    // var theme_path
    $variables['theme_path'] = $base_path . path_to_theme();
    // var site_info
    $variables['site_info'] = $variables['logo'] || $variables['site_name'] || $variables['site_slogan'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
    // check if page is system page
    $variables['system_page'] = isset($variables['node']) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    // backend
    if (user_is_logged_in() && path_is_admin(current_path())) {
        $variables['site_info'] = FALSE;
        $variables['system_page'] = TRUE;
        foreach (element_children($variables['page']) as $region) {
            if ($region != 'content') {
                $variables['page'][$region] = FALSE;
    // show/hide page title
    $variables['title'] = $variables['system_page'] ? $variables['title'] : FALSE;
    // add robots to head
    if (theme_get_setting('robots') == 1) {
        $robots = array('#type' => 'html_tag', '#tag' => 'meta', '#attributes' => array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'noindex,nofollow'));
        drupal_add_html_head($robots, 'robots');
Пример #2
 * Implements hook_css_alter().
function omega_css_alter(&$css)
    $omega = drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega');
    // The CSS_SYSTEM aggregation group doesn't make any sense. Therefore, we are
    // pre-pending it to the CSS_DEFAULT group. This has the same effect as giving
    // it a separate (low-weighted) group but also allows it to be aggregated
    // together with the rest of the CSS.
    foreach ($css as &$item) {
        if ($item['group'] == CSS_SYSTEM) {
            $item['group'] = CSS_DEFAULT;
            $item['weight'] = $item['weight'] - 100;
    // Clean up core and contrib module CSS.
    $overrides = array('aggregator' => array('aggregator.css' => array('theme' => 'aggregator.theme.css'), 'aggregator-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'aggregator.theme-rtl.css')), 'block' => array('block.css' => array('admin' => 'block.admin.css', 'demo' => 'block.demo.css')), 'book' => array('book.css' => array('theme' => 'book.theme.css', 'admin' => 'book.admin.css'), 'book-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'book.theme-rtl.css')), 'color' => array('color.css' => array('admin' => 'color.admin.css'), 'color-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'color.admin-rtl.css')), 'comment' => array('comment.css' => array('theme' => 'comment.theme.css'), 'comment-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'comment.theme-rtl.css')), 'contextual' => array('contextual.css' => array('base' => 'contextual.base.css', 'theme' => 'contextual.theme.css'), 'contextual-rtl.css' => array('base' => 'contextual.base-rtl.css', 'theme' => 'contextual.theme-rtl.css')), 'field' => array('theme/field.css' => array('theme' => 'field.theme.css'), 'theme/field-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'field.theme-rtl.css')), 'field_ui' => array('field_ui.css' => array('admin' => 'field_ui.admin.css'), 'field_ui-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'field_ui.admin-rtl.css')), 'file' => array('file.css' => array('theme' => 'file.theme.css')), 'filter' => array('filter.css' => array('theme' => 'filter.theme.css')), 'forum' => array('forum.css' => array('theme' => 'forum.theme.css'), 'forum-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'forum.theme-rtl.css')), 'image' => array('image.css' => array('theme' => 'image.theme.css'), 'image-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'image.theme-rtl.css'), 'image.admin.css' => array('admin' => 'image.admin.css')), 'locale' => array('locale.css' => array('admin' => 'locale.admin.css'), 'locale-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'locale.admin-rtl.css')), 'openid' => array('openid.css' => array('base' => 'openid.base.css', 'theme' => 'openid.theme.css'), 'openid-rtl.css' => array('base' => 'openid.base-rtl.css', 'theme' => 'openid.theme-rtl.css')), 'poll' => array('poll.css' => array('admin' => 'poll.admin.css', 'theme' => 'poll.theme.css'), 'poll-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'poll.theme-rtl.css')), 'search' => array('search.css' => array('theme' => 'search.theme.css'), 'search-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'search.theme-rtl.css')), 'system' => array('system.base.css' => array('base' => 'system.base.css'), 'system.base-rtl.css' => array('base' => 'system.base-rtl.css'), 'system.theme.css' => array('theme' => 'system.theme.css'), 'system.theme-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'system.theme-rtl.css'), 'system.admin.css' => array('admin' => 'system.admin.css'), 'system.admin-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'system.admin-rtl.css'), 'system.menus.css' => array('theme' => 'system.menus.theme.css'), 'system.menus-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'system.menus.theme-rtl.css'), 'system.messages.css' => array('theme' => 'system.messages.theme.css'), 'system.messages-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'system.messages.theme-rtl.css')), 'taxonomy' => array('taxonomy.css' => array('admin' => 'taxonomy.admin.css')), 'user' => array('user.css' => array('base' => 'user.base.css', 'admin' => 'user.admin.css', 'theme' => 'user.theme.css'), 'user-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'user.admin-rtl.css', 'theme' => 'user.theme-rtl.css')));
    // Check if we are on an admin page. Otherwise, we can skip admin CSS.
    $path = current_path();
    $types = path_is_admin($path) ? array('base', 'theme', 'admin') : array('base', 'theme');
    // Add a special case for the block demo page.
    $types = strpos($path, 'admin/structure/block/demo') === 0 ? array_merge($types, array('demo')) : $types;
    // Override module provided CSS with clean and modern alternatives provided
    // by Omega.
    foreach ($overrides as $module => $files) {
        // We gathered the CSS files with paths relative to the providing module.
        $path = drupal_get_path('module', $module);
        foreach ($files as $file => $items) {
            if (isset($css[$path . '/' . $file])) {
                // Keep a copy of the original file array so we can merge that with our
                // overrides in order to keep the 'weight' and 'group' declarations.
                $original = $css[$path . '/' . $file];
                unset($css[$path . '/' . $file]);
                // Omega 4.x tries to follow the pattern described in
                // http://drupal.org/node/1089868 for declaring CSS files. Therefore, it
                // may take more than a single file to override a .css file added by
                // core. This gives us better granularity when overriding .css files
                // in a sub-theme.
                foreach ($types as $type) {
                    if (isset($items[$type])) {
                        $css[$omega . '/css/modules/' . $module . '/' . $items[$type]] = array('data' => $omega . '/css/modules/' . $module . '/' . $items[$type]) + $original;
    // Exclude CSS files as declared in the theme settings.
    if (omega_extension_enabled('assets')) {
        omega_css_js_alter($css, 'css');
    // Allow themes to specify no-query fallback CSS files.
    require_once "{$omega}/includes/assets.inc";
    $mapping = omega_assets_generate_mapping($css);
    foreach (preg_grep('/\\.no-query(-rtl)?\\.css$/', $mapping) as $key => $fallback) {
        // Don't modify browser settings if they have already been modified.
        if ($css[$key]['browsers']['IE'] === TRUE && $css[$key]['browsers']['!IE'] === TRUE) {
            $css[$key]['browsers'] = array('!IE' => FALSE, 'IE' => 'lte IE 8');
            // Make sure that we don't break any CSS aggregation groups.
            $css[$key]['weight'] += 100;
Пример #3
 * Preprocess html.tpl.php.
 * @see bootstrap_material_js_alter()
function bootstrap_material_preprocess_html(&$vars)
    // Add class to help us style admin pages.
    if (path_is_admin(current_path())) {
        $vars['classes_array'][] = 'admin';
    // Prepare to initialize.
    drupal_add_js('(function ($){ $.material.init(); })(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'group' => JS_BOOTSTRAP_MATERIAL, 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => 2));
Пример #4
 * Implements hook_css_alter().
function omega_css_alter(&$css)
    $omega = drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega');
    // The CSS_SYSTEM aggregation group doesn't make any sense. Therefore, we are
    // pre-pending it to the CSS_DEFAULT group. This has the same effect as giving
    // it a separate (low-weighted) group but also allows it to be aggregated
    // together with the rest of the CSS.
    foreach ($css as &$item) {
        if ($item['group'] == CSS_SYSTEM) {
            $item['group'] = CSS_DEFAULT;
            $item['weight'] = $item['weight'] - 100;
    // Clean up core and contrib module CSS.
    $overrides = array('aggregator' => array('aggregator.css' => array('theme' => 'aggregator.theme.css'), 'aggregator-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'aggregator.theme-rtl.css')), 'block' => array('block.css' => array('admin' => 'block.admin.css', 'demo' => 'block.demo.css')), 'book' => array('book.css' => array('theme' => 'book.theme.css', 'admin' => 'book.admin.css'), 'book-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'book.theme-rtl.css')), 'color' => array('color.css' => array('admin' => 'color.admin.css'), 'color-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'color.admin-rtl.css')), 'comment' => array('comment.css' => array('theme' => 'comment.theme.css'), 'comment-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'comment.theme-rtl.css')), 'contextual' => array('contextual.css' => array('base' => 'contextual.base.css', 'theme' => 'contextual.theme.css'), 'contextual-rtl.css' => array('base' => 'contextual.base-rtl.css', 'theme' => 'contextual.theme-rtl.css')), 'field' => array('theme/field.css' => array('theme' => 'field.theme.css'), 'theme/field-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'field.theme-rtl.css')), 'field_ui' => array('field_ui.css' => array('admin' => 'field_ui.admin.css'), 'field_ui-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'field_ui.admin-rtl.css')), 'file' => array('file.css' => array('theme' => 'file.theme.css')), 'filter' => array('filter.css' => array('theme' => 'filter.theme.css')), 'forum' => array('forum.css' => array('theme' => 'forum.theme.css'), 'forum-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'forum.theme-rtl.css')), 'image' => array('image.css' => array('theme' => 'image.theme.css'), 'image-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'image.theme-rtl.css'), 'image.admin.css' => array('admin' => 'image.admin.css')), 'locale' => array('locale.css' => array('admin' => 'locale.admin.css'), 'locale-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'locale.admin-rtl.css')), 'openid' => array('openid.css' => array('base' => 'openid.base.css', 'theme' => 'openid.theme.css'), 'openid-rtl.css' => array('base' => 'openid.base-rtl.css', 'theme' => 'openid.theme-rtl.css')), 'poll' => array('poll.css' => array('admin' => 'poll.admin.css', 'theme' => 'poll.theme.css'), 'poll-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'poll.theme-rtl.css')), 'search' => array('search.css' => array('theme' => 'search.theme.css'), 'search-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'search.theme-rtl.css')), 'system' => array('system.base.css' => array('base' => 'system.base.css'), 'system.base-rtl.css' => array('base' => 'system.base-rtl.css'), 'system.theme.css' => array('theme' => 'system.theme.css'), 'system.theme-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'system.theme-rtl.css'), 'system.admin.css' => array('admin' => 'system.admin.css'), 'system.admin-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'system.admin-rtl.css'), 'system.menus.css' => array('theme' => 'system.menus.theme.css'), 'system.menus-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'system.menus.theme-rtl.css'), 'system.messages.css' => array('theme' => 'system.messages.theme.css'), 'system.messages-rtl.css' => array('theme' => 'system.messages.theme-rtl.css')), 'taxonomy' => array('taxonomy.css' => array('admin' => 'taxonomy.admin.css')), 'user' => array('user.css' => array('base' => 'user.base.css', 'admin' => 'user.admin.css', 'theme' => 'user.theme.css'), 'user-rtl.css' => array('admin' => 'user.admin-rtl.css', 'theme' => 'user.theme-rtl.css')));
    // Check if we are on an admin page. Otherwise, we can skip admin CSS.
    $path = current_path();
    $types = path_is_admin($path) ? array('base', 'theme', 'admin') : array('base', 'theme');
    // Add a special case for the block demo page.
    $types = strpos($path, 'admin/structure/block/demo') === 0 ? array_merge($types, array('demo')) : $types;
    // Override module provided CSS with clean and modern alternatives provided
    // by Omega.
    foreach ($overrides as $module => $files) {
        // We gathered the CSS files with paths relative to the providing module.
        $path = drupal_get_path('module', $module);
        foreach ($files as $file => $items) {
            if (isset($css[$path . '/' . $file])) {
                // Keep a copy of the original file array so we can merge that with our
                // overrides in order to keep the 'weight' and 'group' declarations.
                $original = $css[$path . '/' . $file];
                unset($css[$path . '/' . $file]);
                // Omega 4.x tries to follow the pattern described in
                // http://drupal.org/node/1089868 for declaring CSS files. Therefore, it
                // may take more than a single file to override a .css file added by
                // core. This gives us better granularity when overriding .css files
                // in a sub-theme.
                foreach ($types as $type) {
                    if (isset($items[$type])) {
                        $css[$omega . '/css/modules/' . $module . '/' . $items[$type]] = array('data' => $omega . '/css/modules/' . $module . '/' . $items[$type]) + $original;
    // Exclude CSS files as declared in the theme settings.
    if (omega_extension_enabled('assets') && ($regex = omega_theme_get_setting('omega_css_exclude_regex'))) {
        // Make sure that RTL styles are excluded as well when a file name has been
        // specified with it's full .css file extension.
        $regex = preg_replace('/\\\\.css$/', '(\\.css|-rtl\\.css)', $regex);
        omega_exclude_assets($css, $regex);
Пример #5
 * Implement hook_js_alter()
 * Attempt to replace the system jQuery on non admin and non node admin pages with a newer version provided by the theme
function govdexsupport_js_alter(&$javascript)
    $node_admin_paths = array('node/*/edit', 'node/add', 'node/add/*', 'node/*/extend_review_date');
    $replace_jquery = TRUE;
    if (path_is_admin(current_path())) {
        $replace_jquery = FALSE;
    } else {
        foreach ($node_admin_paths as $node_admin_path) {
            if (drupal_match_path(current_path(), $node_admin_path)) {
                $replace_jquery = FALSE;
    // Swap out jQuery to use an updated version of the library.
    if ($replace_jquery) {
        $javascript['misc/jquery.js']['data'] = '//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js';
Пример #6
 * Implements theme_preprocess_html().
function subtpl_preprocess_html(&$variables, $hook)
    // add body frontpage class
    if (!empty($variables['page']['content']['system_main']['nodes'])) {
        $node = reset($variables['page']['content']['system_main']['nodes']);
        if ($node['#bundle'] == 'frontpage' && !drupal_is_front_page()) {
            $variables['classes_array'][] = 'frontpage';
    // add stylesheet for logged in users & login pages
    if (user_is_logged_in() || arg(0) == 'user') {
        drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/less/system.less', array('group' => CSS_DEFAULT, 'weight' => 98));
    // add stylesheet for admin backend
    if (user_is_logged_in() && path_is_admin(current_path())) {
        drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/less/admin.less', array('group' => CSS_DEFAULT, 'weight' => 99));
    // add google webfont
    drupal_add_css('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium+Web:400,300,300italic,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,900', array('type' => 'external'));
Пример #7
 * Implements theme_js_alter().
function basetpl_js_alter(&$javascript)
    if (!user_is_logged_in() && !path_is_admin(current_path())) {
Пример #8
print $content_column_class;
if (!empty($page['highlighted'])) {
        <div class="highlighted jumbotron"><?php 
    print render($page['highlighted']);
if (!path_is_admin(current_path()) && !empty($breadcrumb)) {
    print $breadcrumb;
      <a id="main-content"></a>
print render($title_prefix);
if (!empty($title)) {
Пример #9
 * Implements hook_preprocess_html().
function apigee_responsive_preprocess_html(&$vars)
    $header_bg_color = theme_get_setting('header_bg_color');
    $header_txt_color = theme_get_setting('header_txt_color');
    $header_hover_bg_color = theme_get_setting('header_hover_bg_color');
    $header_hover_txt_color = theme_get_setting('header_hover_txt_color');
    $link_color = theme_get_setting('link_color');
    $link_hover_color = theme_get_setting('link_hover_color');
    $footer_bg_color = theme_get_setting('footer_bg_color');
    $footer_link_color = theme_get_setting('footer_link_color');
    $footer_link_hover_color = theme_get_setting('footer_link_hover_color');
    $button_background_color = theme_get_setting('button_background_color');
    $button_text_color = theme_get_setting('button_text_color');
    $button_hover_background_color = theme_get_setting('button_hover_background_color');
    $button_hover_text_color = theme_get_setting('button_hover_text_color');
    // Add additional class to the body to adjust the body padding according to
    // the logo size. This is to prevent the search box from going beneath the
    // header.
    $vars['classes_array'][] = "logo_" . theme_get_setting('logo_size');
    $cdn = theme_get_setting('bootstrap_cdn');
    if (!(bool) $cdn || !isset($cdn) || empty($cdn)) {
        drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'bootstrap') . '/css/overrides.css', array('group' => CSS_SYSTEM));
        drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'apigee_responsive') . '/css/bootstrap.min.css', array('group' => CSS_SYSTEM));
        drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'apigee_responsive') . '/js/bootstrap.min.js', array('group' => CSS_SYSTEM));
    if (module_exists('devconnect_monetization')) {
        require_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'apigee_responsive') . '/templates/monetization/template.php';
        drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'apigee_responsive') . '/templates/monetization/css/monetization.css');
    drupal_add_css(".faq .collapsed {display:block !important}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar {background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar {border-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}; color:{$header_hover_txt_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:active {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-collapse {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-collapse:hover {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-collapse:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar.navbar-nav > .open > a {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar.navbar-nav > .open > a:hover {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar.navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {border-color: {$header_bg_color}; background-color: {$header_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar .nav > li > a {color: {$header_txt_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar .nav > li > a:hover {background-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse, .navbar-inverse .navbar-form, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle,\n  .navbar-default .navbar-collapse, .navbar-default .navbar-form, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle, header.navbar.navbar-collapse,\n  header.navbar.navbar-form, header.navbar.navbar-toggle {border-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus,\n  .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus,\n  .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:active, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus,\n  .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus,\n  header.navbar.navbar-nav > .open > a, header.navbar.navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, header.navbar.navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {background-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar .nav .active > a, body .navbar .nav .active > a:hover, .navbar.navbar-fixed-top #main-menu li a:hover {background-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body header.navbar .nav > li > a:hover {color: {$header_hover_txt_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body a {color: {$link_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body a:hover {color: {$link_hover_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .footer {background-color: {$footer_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .footer .navbar ul.footer-links > li > a {color: {$footer_link_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .footer .navbar ul.footer-links > li > a:hover {color: {$footer_link_hover_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn {background-color: {$button_background_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn {color: {$button_text_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn:hover {background-color: {$button_hover_background_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn:hover {color: {$button_hover_text_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn:focus {background-color: {$button_hover_background_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn:focus {color: {$button_hover_text_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn:active {background-color: {$button_hover_background_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn:active {color: {$button_hover_text_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn.active {background-color: {$button_hover_background_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .btn.active {color: {$button_hover_text_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .open .dropdown-toggle.btn {background-color: {$button_hover_background_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css("body .open .dropdown-toggle.btn {color: {$button_hover_text_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    // Main menu expanded drop down colors.
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li > span {color: {$header_txt_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li > span:hover {color: {$header_hover_txt_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li.expanded span:hover {background-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li.expanded.active {background-color: {$header_hover_bg_color}}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li > span > span.caret {border-bottom-color: {$header_txt_color}; border-top-color: {$header_txt_color}; color: {$header_txt_color};}", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    switch (theme_get_setting('logo_size')) {
        case 'big':
            drupal_add_css("body #navbar.navbar { height:60px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            drupal_add_css("@media(max-width:767px) { body #navbar.navbar { height:inherit; } }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li > a { line-height:30px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            drupal_add_css("@media(min-width:992px) { .logo > img { width:100%; } }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
        case 'bigger':
            drupal_add_css("body #navbar.navbar { height:70px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            drupal_add_css("@media(max-width:767px) { body #navbar.navbar { height:inherit; } }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            drupal_add_css(".navbar-nav > li > a { line-height:40px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            drupal_add_css("@media(min-width:992px) { .logo > img { width:100%; } }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
    switch (theme_get_setting('footer_position')) {
        case 'fixed':
            drupal_add_css("body #push { height: 100px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
            if (path_is_admin(current_path())) {
                drupal_add_css("#module-filter-tabs.bottom-fixed { bottom: 100px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
                drupal_add_css("html.js #module-filter-submit { padding: 10px; }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
        case 'static':
            drupal_add_css(".footer.footer-fixed-bottom { position:static }", array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'type' => 'inline'));
Пример #10
  * Checks if the current page is an admin page
  * @return mixed: returns 1 if matched, 0 if no match, false if error occurs
 public static function is_admin_page()
     return path_is_admin(current_path());
Пример #11
 * Local function 
 * Builds a sidebar menu based on the current path.
 * @return HTML content or false
 * @todo Refactor
function _uw_boundless_uw_sidebar_menu()
    global $theme;
    // check the theme setting for visibility
    if (!theme_get_setting('uw_boundless_sidebar_menu_visibility')) {
        return FALSE;
    // get some data
    $current_path = current_path();
    $active_trail = menu_get_active_trail();
    $current_depth = count($active_trail);
    $active_trail_key = $current_depth - 1;
    // no trail, no sidebar menu
    if ($active_trail_key < 1) {
        return FALSE;
    // prevent admin paths from building the sidebar menu
    if (path_is_admin($current_path)) {
        return FALSE;
    // is menu_name a key in the active trail
    if (!array_key_exists('menu_name', $active_trail[1])) {
        return FALSE;
    // don't build the sidebar if menu_name is not the main-menu
    if (!$active_trail[1]['menu_name'] == 'main-menu') {
        $_message = 'I\'m sorry, there\'s an issue with the sidebar menu. I can\'t build it. The active trail of this page does not appear to be the main-menu. It looks like it\'s using menu "' . $active_trail[1]['menu_name'] . '".';
        drupal_set_message($_message, 'warning');
        // write to log
        watchdog_exception($theme, new Exception($_message));
        return FALSE;
    // get the current menu link
    $current_link = menu_link_get_preferred($current_path, 'main-menu');
    $output = TRUE;
    $output_menu = '';
    $output_menu .= '<ul>';
    // only display sidebar menu when there's a parent and it's not hidden
    if (isset($current_link['plid']) && !$current_link['hidden']) {
        // first level links
        if ($current_depth == 2 && $current_link['has_children']) {
            // show sub tree of current node
            $output_menu .= '<li class="page_item page_item_has_children current_page_item">';
            $output_menu .= l($current_link['link_title'], $current_link['link_path']);
            // parameters to build the tree
            $parameters = array('active_trail' => array($current_link['plid']), 'only_active_trail' => FALSE, 'min_depth' => $current_link['depth'] + 1, 'max_depth' => $current_link['depth'] + 1, 'conditions' => array('plid' => $current_link['mlid']));
            // get the children
            $children = menu_build_tree($current_link['menu_name'], $parameters);
            $output_menu .= '<ul class="children">';
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                if (!$child['link']['hidden']) {
                    $output_menu .= '<li class="page_item">';
                    $output_menu .= l($child['link']['link_title'], $child['link']['link_path']);
                    $output_menu .= '</li>';
            $output_menu .= '</ul>';
            $output_menu .= '</li>';
        } elseif ($current_depth > 2) {
            // show sub tree of parent and
            // display current node as current page item
            // get active parent by moving one up the trail
            $active_parent = $active_trail[$active_trail_key - 1];
            // create flag if parent points home
            $active_parent_is_front = $active_parent['link_path'] === '<front>' ? TRUE : FALSE;
            // get the parent menu link
            $parent_link = menu_link_get_preferred($active_parent['link_path'], 'main-menu');
            // however, if active parent points home, create a new array
            // using front as path
            if ($active_parent_is_front) {
                $parent_link = array('link_title' => $active_parent['link_title'], 'link_path' => '<front>', 'plid' => $active_parent['plid'], 'mlid' => $active_parent['mlid'], 'menu_name' => $active_parent['menu_name'], 'depth' => $active_parent['depth']);
            $output_menu .= '<li class="page_item page_item_has_children current_page_ancestor current_page_parent">';
            $output_menu .= l($parent_link['link_title'], $parent_link['link_path']);
            // parameters to build the tree
            $parameters = array('active_trail' => array($parent_link['plid']), 'only_active_trail' => FALSE, 'min_depth' => $parent_link['depth'] + 1, 'max_depth' => $parent_link['depth'] + 1, 'conditions' => array('plid' => $parent_link['mlid']));
            // get the children
            $children = menu_build_tree($parent_link['menu_name'], $parameters);
            $output_menu .= '<ul class="children">';
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                if (!$child['link']['hidden']) {
                    if ($current_path == $child['link']['link_path']) {
                        $output_menu .= '<li class="page_item current_page_item">';
                        $output_menu .= '<span>' . $child['link']['link_title'] . '</span>';
                        if ($child['link']['has_children']) {
                            // get the grandchildren
                            // parameters to build the tree
                            $parameters = array('active_trail' => array($child['link']['plid']), 'only_active_trail' => FALSE, 'min_depth' => $child['link']['depth'] + 1, 'max_depth' => $child['link']['depth'] + 1, 'conditions' => array('plid' => $child['link']['mlid']));
                            $grandchildren = menu_build_tree($child['link']['menu_name'], $parameters);
                            $output_menu .= '<ul class="children">';
                            foreach ($grandchildren as $grandchild) {
                                if (!$grandchild['link']['hidden']) {
                                    $output_menu .= '<li class="page_item">';
                                    $output_menu .= l($grandchild['link']['link_title'], $grandchild['link']['link_path']);
                                    $output_menu .= '</li>';
                            $output_menu .= '</ul>';
                    } else {
                        $output_menu .= '<li class="page_item">';
                        $output_menu .= l($child['link']['link_title'], $child['link']['link_path']);
                    $output_menu .= '</li>';
            $output_menu .= '</ul>';
            $output_menu .= '</li>';
        } else {
            // link has no children
            $output = FALSE;
    } else {
        $output = FALSE;
    $output_menu .= '</ul>';
    return $output ? $output_menu : $output;
Пример #12
 protected function lookup($type, $lookup, $langcode = null)
     if (self::SOURCE !== $type) {
         // Exclude all admin paths
         if ($this->excludeAdminPath && path_is_admin($lookup)) {
             return $lookup;
         // Also check for whitelist
         if (false !== $this->whitelist && !isset($this->whitelist[strtok($lookup, '/')])) {
             return $lookup;
     if (!$langcode) {
         $langcode = $GLOBALS['language']->getId();
     // Compute cache key lookup
     if (self::SOURCE === $type) {
         $dest = self::ALIAS;
     } else {
         $type = self::ALIAS;
         $dest = self::SOURCE;
         if ($this->doCache && !$this->isPreloaded) {
             if (empty($this->data[self::ALIAS][$langcode])) {
                 $this->data[self::ALIAS][$langcode] = [];
             $this->data[self::ALIAS][$langcode] += $this->preloadSourceItems($langcode);
             $this->isPreloaded = true;
     if (isset($this->data[$type][$langcode][$lookup])) {
         $found = $this->data[$type][$langcode][$lookup];
         return $found ? $found : $lookup;
     $this->dataIsUpdated = true;
     if (self::SOURCE === $type) {
         $found = $this->storage->lookupPathSource($lookup, $langcode);
     } else {
         $found = $this->storage->lookupPathAlias($lookup, $langcode);
     if ($found) {
         $this->data[$type][$langcode][$lookup] = $found;
         $this->data[$dest][$langcode][$found] = $lookup;
     } else {
         $this->data[$type][$langcode][$lookup] = false;
     return $found ? $found : $lookup;