:</span> <sup>*</sup></td> <td><input type="text" name="email" class="register" value="<?php if (isset($cu[5])) { echo $cu[5]; } ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="220"><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["signup_password"]; ?> :</span> <sup>*</sup></td> <td><input type="text" name="password" class="register" value="<?php if (isset($cu[6])) { echo password_decode($key, $cu[6]); } ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="220"><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["signup_ip_address"]; ?> :</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="ip_address" class="register" value="<?php if (isset($cu[8])) { echo $cu[8]; } ?> "></td>
$baseline = "compte inconnu"; } } else { $baseline = "email invalide"; } } else { $baseline = "formulaire incomplet"; } } else { $baseline = "formulaire invalide"; } } if (request_confirm('Valid')) { $baseline = 'Restitution de votre mot de passe'; print_r($_RESQUEST); if (!empty($_GET)) { extract(addslashes_r($_GET)); } if (!empty($_POST)) { extract(addslashes_r($_POST)); } $user = get_db('valid_account', $_REQUEST); if (!empty($user)) { $Password = password_decode($prefixe_salt . $user['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $user['Account_Password']); $filter = uniqid(); $pswd = password_encode($prefixe_salt . $filter . $suffixe_salt, $Password); update_db('Caranille_Accounts', array('Account_ID' => $user['Account_ID'], 'Account_Password' => $pswd, 'Account_Salt' => $filter)); $user_record = get_db('request_account', $user); valid_renew_email($user_record); } }
function register_admin() { global $bdd, $prefixe_salt, $suffixe_salt; extract(addslashes_r($_POST)); echo "{$Password} === {$Password_Confirm}<br/>"; if ($Password === $Password_Confirm) { $Date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $IP = getRealIpAddr(); $filter = uniqid(); $pswd = password_encode($prefixe_salt . $filter . $suffixe_salt, $Password); //echo "saisie : $Password<br/>clé : ($prefixe_salt - $filter - $suffixe_salt)=>crypté : $pswd<br/>"; $decode = password_decode($prefixe_salt . $filter . $suffixe_salt, $pswd); //echo " ctrl :: $decode <br/>"; insert_db('Caranille_Accounts', array('Account_Pseudo' => $Pseudo, 'Account_Password' => $pswd, 'Account_Salt' => $filter, 'Account_Email' => $Email, 'Account_Last_Connection' => $Date, 'Account_Last_IP' => $IP, 'Account_HP_Remaining' => 100, 'Account_Level' => 1, 'Account_Order' => 1, 'Account_Valid' => 1, 'Account_Reason' => 'None', 'Account_Status' => "Authorized", 'Account_Access' => "Admin", 'Account_ID' => 1, 'Account_Guild_ID' => 0, 'Account_HP_Bonus' => 0, 'Account_MP_Remaining' => 10, 'Account_MP_Bonus' => 0, 'Account_Strength_Bonus' => 0, 'Account_Magic_Bonus' => 0, 'Account_Agility_Bonus' => 0, 'Account_Defense_Bonus' => 0, 'Account_Experience' => 0, 'Account_Golds' => 0, 'Account_Notoriety' => 0, 'Account_Chapter' => 1, 'Account_Mission' => 1)); config_game($Email); return true; } return false; }
function buildEdit($type) { switch ($type) { case "account": //decode the password in the URL before using in query $password = password_decode($_GET["password"]); //Update the User in Users table with OwnerEmail id using the specified get variables return "UPDATE Users SET FirstName='" . $_GET["firstname"] . "', LastName='" . $_GET["lastname"] . "', Description='" . $_GET["desc"] . "', EventName='" . $_GET["event"] . "', Password='******' WHERE UserEmail='" . $_GET["id"] . "'"; case "event": //If voting is specified, update only the Ranking field in Events with EventName name and OwnerEmail owner if ($_GET["voting"]) { return "UPDATE Events SET Ranking=" . $_GET["voting"] . " WHERE EventName='" . $_GET["name"] . "' and OwnerEmail='" . $_GET["owner"] . "'"; } else { //update event name in Users table before updating it in Events table return "UPDATE Users SET EventName='" . $_GET["name"] . "' WHERE EventName='" . $_GET["oldname"] . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE Events SET EventName='" . $_GET["name"] . "', EventDescription='" . $_GET["desc"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE EventName='" . $_GET["oldname"] . "' and OwnerEmail='" . $_GET["owner"] . "'"; } case "book": //Update the BookName, Description, and ISBN of Book in Books table with BookID id return "UPDATE Books SET BookName='" . $_GET["name"] . "', Description='" . $_GET["desc"] . "', ISBN='" . $_GET["isbn"] . "' WHERE BookID='" . $_GET["id"] . "'"; case "group": //Update the GroupName, Description, and Tag of Group in Groups table with GroupId id return "UPDATE Groups SET GroupName='" . $_GET["name"] . "', Description='" . $_GET["desc"] . "', Tag='" . $_GET["tag"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE GroupID='" . $_GET["id"] . "'"; default: return ""; } }
function formulaire($Account) { global $prefixe_salt, $suffixe_salt, $array_access_type; extract($Account); ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo get_link("Accounts", "Admin"); ?> "> <table> <tr><th colspan="3" >Identifiants</th></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" ><?php echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Pseudo", $Account_Pseudo); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Email", $Account_Email); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Password", password_decode($prefixe_salt . $Account_Salt . $suffixe_salt, $Account_Password)); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Access", $Account_Access); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Valid", $Account_Valid); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="none" colspan="3" ></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="3" >Connection</th></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" ><?php echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Last_Connection", $Account_Last_Connection); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Last_IP", $Account_Last_IP); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Last_Connected", $Account_Last_Connected); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="none" colspan="3" ></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="3" >Stats</th></tr> <tr><th></th><th>Restant</th><th>Bonus</th></tr> <tr><td>HP</td> <td><input type="text" name="Account_HP_Remaining" value="<?php echo $Account_HP_Remaining; ?> "/></td> <td><input type="text" name="Account_HP_Bonus" value="<?php echo $Account_HP_Bonus; ?> "/></td> </tr> <tr><td>MP</td> <td><input type="text" name="Account_MP_Remaining" value="<?php echo $Account_MP_Remaining; ?> "/></td> <td><input type="text" name="Account_MP_Bonus" value="<?php echo $Account_MP_Bonus; ?> "/></td> </tr> <tr><td>Force</td><td></td><td><input type="text" name="Account_Strength_Bonus" value="<?php echo $Account_Strength_Bonus; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td>Magie</td><td></td><td><input type="text" name="Account_Magic_Bonus" value="<?php echo $Account_Magic_Bonus; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td>Agility</td><td></td><td><input type="text" name="Account_Agility_Bonus" value="<?php echo $Account_Agility_Bonus; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td>Defense</td><td></td><td><input type="text" name="Account_Defense_Bonus" value="<?php echo $Account_Defense_Bonus; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class="none" colspan="3" ></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="3" >Progression</th></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" ><?php echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Level", $Account_Level); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Experience", $Account_Experience); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Golds", $Account_Golds); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Notoriety", $Account_Notoriety); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Chapter", $Account_Chapter); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Mission", $Account_Mission); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Order", $Account_Order); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Guild_ID", $Account_Guild_ID); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="none" colspan="3" ></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="3" >Infos complémentaires</th></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" ><?php echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_siteweb", $Account_siteweb); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Avatar", $Account_Avatar); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Signature", $Account_Signature); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_localisation", $Account_localisation); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="none" colspan="3" ></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="3" >Banissement</th></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" ><?php echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Status", $Account_Status); echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_Reason", $Account_Reason); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="none" colspan="3" ></td></tr> <tr> <td class="none" colspan="3" > <input type="submit" name="Back" value="Annuler" /> <input type="submit" name="End_Edit" value="Terminer"/> <?php if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) { ?> <input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo line_db("Caranille_Accounts", "Account_ID", $Account_ID); ?> </form> <?php if (isset($Account["Account_ID"])) { $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Inventory', 'ID' => 'Inventory_Account_ID', 'value' => $Account["Account_ID"])); if (!empty($loots)) { list_html($loots, "Caranille_Inventory", "Accounts", array('Inventory_Item_ID', 'Inventory_Item_Quantity', 'Inventory_Item_Equipped'), false, false); } $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Inventory_Invocations', 'ID' => 'Inventory_Invocation_Account_ID', 'value' => $Account["Account_ID"])); if (!empty($loots)) { list_html($loots, "Caranille_Inventory_Invocations", "Accounts", array('Inventory_Invocation_Invocation_ID'), false, false); } $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Inventory_Magics', 'ID' => 'Inventory_Magic_Account_ID', 'value' => $Account["Account_ID"])); if (!empty($loots)) { list_html($loots, "Caranille_Inventory_Magics", "Accounts", array('Inventory_Magic_Magic_ID'), false, false); } } }
<?php //$title =""; // l'utilisateur peut ajouter un titre pour chaque module different de Caranille -Accueil //$baseline= "" if (request_confirm('Delete')) { if (verifier_token(600, get_link('Delete_Account', 'User'), 'Delete_Account-step-2')) { extract(addslashes_r($_POST)); $Delete_List = get_db('request_account', $_POST); if (!empty($Delete_List)) { if ($Password === password_decode($prefixe_salt . $Delete_List['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $Delete_List['Account_Password'])) { delete_db('Caranille_Accounts', $Delete_List); echo 'Votre compte ainsi que toute vos données personnelles ont été définitivement supprimée'; } else { echo 'Mauvaise combinaison Pseudo/Mot de Passe'; } } else { echo 'compte inconnu'; } } }
if (empty($error)) { $replacement = $data[0] . '|' . $data[1] . '|' . $data[2] . '|' . $data[3] . '|' . $data[4] . '|' . $data[5] . '|' . $data[6] . '|1|' . $data[8] . '|'; replaceLine($SignupFile, $id, $replacement); $success = '<strong>' . $lang['signup_activate_success_title'] . '</strong><br>' . $lang['signup_activate_success']; } else { $_SESSION["abuselogin"]++; $error = $lang['signup_activate_invalid']; } } if (!isset($_GET['registration'])) { $url = $_POST['login']; if (isset($_POST['login']) && !empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { @($username = $_POST['username']); @($password = $_POST['password']); $data = signup($SignupFile, $username); $pass = password_decode($key, @$data[6]); if ($username == @$data[4] && $password == $pass) { if ($data[7] == 0) { $error = $lang['signup_activate_not_still']; } else { $_SESSION["login"] = $data[1]; $success = '<strong>' . $lang['signup_activate_hi'] . ' ' . $username . '</strong><br>' . $lang['signup_activate_you_are_logged']; Header("Refresh: 4; URL=\"index.php\""); } } else { $error = $lang['signup_activate_incorrect_username']; Header("Refresh: 5; URL=\"index.php\""); } } else { header("location: {$url}"); }
function connexion($Pseudo, $Password) { global $baseline, $prefixe_salt, $suffixe_salt, $MMORPG_Access; $login = get_db('request_account', $_POST); $pswd = password_encode($prefixe_salt . $login['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $Password); $restore = password_decode($prefixe_salt . $login['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $login['Account_Password']); if ($login['Account_Password'] === $pswd && $restore === $Password) { if ($login['Account_Valid'] == '1') { if (!isConnected($login)) { get_user($Pseudo); if (verif_auth()) { init_equipement_session(); get_perso($Pseudo); get_equipement($Pseudo); get_Guild($Pseudo); clear_battle(); $ID = user_data('Account_ID'); $Date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $IP = getRealIpAddr(); $Last_Connection = user_data('Account_Last_Connection'); $Last_IP = user_data('Account_Last_IP'); update_db('Caranille_Accounts', array('Account_Last_Connection' => $Date, 'Account_Last_IP' => $IP, 'Account_ID' => $ID)); if ($Last_IP !== $IP) { $message = "ATTENTION!!!" . "\n"; $message .= "Votre dernière connexion ne provient pas de la même adresse IP." . "\n"; $message .= "Cela peut signifier qu'une autre personne se soit précédemment connectée avec votre compte." . "\n"; $message .= "Si par contre vous vous êtes connecté depuis un autre poste veuillez ignorer ce message."; $message .= "\n\n"; $message .= "Pour information voici un détail de votre dernière connexion:." . "\n"; $message .= "- Date de connexion: {$Last_Connection} " . "\n"; $message .= "- Adresse IP: {$Last_IP} " . "\n"; } if ($MMORPG_Access === "Yes") { $baseline = 'Connection Réussi<br /><br />'; $baseline .= '<a href="' . get_link('Main', 'Public') . '">Commencer à jouer</a>'; } elseif ($MMORPG_Access === "No" && verif_access("Admin", true)) { $baseline = 'Connection Réussi<br /><br />'; $baseline .= '<a href="' . get_link('Main', 'Admin') . '">Administration</a>'; } else { $baseline = 'Le jeu est actuellement fermé, merci de revenir plus tard'; session_destroy(); } return true; } return 2; } return 3; } return 4; } return 5; }
if (empty($_POST['email'])) { $error[] = $lang['alert_authentification_email']; } else { $email = $_POST['email']; } if (!@preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $email) && !empty($_POST['email'])) { $error[] = $lang['alert_register_email']; } if (empty($error)) { $DataCustomers = database($CustomersFile, $email); if (empty($DataCustomers)) { $error[] = $lang['alert_authentification_db_customer']; } } if (empty($error)) { $pass = password_decode($key, $DataCustomers[14]); $_SESSION["sendemail"] = $DataCustomers[6]; $_SESSION["pass"] = $pass; $_SESSION["review_pass"] = '******'; header("location: form/FormPass.php"); exit; } } if (isset($_POST['question'])) { if (empty($name)) { $error[] = $lang['alert_register_name']; } if (empty($comments)) { $error[] = $lang['alert_review_comments']; } if (!preg_match('/\\d [\\+\\*\\-] \\d/', $question)) {
<td width="200"><span class="label"><?php echo $lang['orders_detail_zip']; ?> :</span> <sup>*</sup></td> <td><input type="text" name="zip" class="register" value="<?php echo @$cu[12]; ?> " onFocus="javascript:this.value=''" ></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="200"><span class="label"><?php echo $lang["customers_detail_pass"]; ?> :</span> <sup>*</sup></td> <td><input type="text" name="password" class="register" value="<?php echo @password_decode($key, $cu[14]); ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><left><br><input class="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['save_button']; ?> "> <input class="submit" type="button" name="Reset" value="<?php echo $lang['cancel_button']; ?> " onClick="location.href='customers.php'"></left></td> </tr> </table>
$exist = false; while (!feof($fp) && !$exist) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); if (preg_match('|\\b' . preg_quote($pattern) . '\\b|i', $line)) { $exist = true; } } fclose($fp); } if (isset($exist)) { $data = explode('|', $line); return $data; } } @($data = db($SignupFile, $usermail)); @($pass = password_decode($key, $data[6])); @($username = $data[4]); if ($usermail != @$data[5]) { header("Location: ../signup.php?pass=lost&mg=data"); exit; } define('SENDMAIL_EOL', "\n"); $header = 'From:' . $title . '<' . $admin_email . '>' . SENDMAIL_EOL; $header .= 'Reply-To:' . $title . '<' . $admin_email . '>' . SENDMAIL_EOL; $header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . SENDMAIL_EOL; $header .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset={$charset}" . SENDMAIL_EOL; $subject = cleanmail($lang['form_password_subject']); $email_to = $usermail; $message = cleanmail($lang['form_password_hi']) . "\n"; $message .= $content . "\n"; $message .= "\n";
<?php $record = false; if (request_confirm('Valid')) { if (verifier_token(600, get_link('Email_Valid', 'User'), 'Valid')) { extract(addslashes_r($_POST)); if (request_confirm('Pseudo') && request_confirm('Password') && request_confirm('Email')) { if (filter_var($Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false) { if ($Password == $Password_Confirm) { $account = get_db('request_account', $_POST); if (!empty($account)) { if ($account['Account_Valid'] === 0) { $pswd = password_encode($prefixe_salt . $account['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $Password); $restore = password_decode($prefixe_salt . $account['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $account['Account_Password']); if ($account['Account_Password'] === $pswd && $restore === $Password) { $key = uniqid(); update_db('Caranille_Accounts', array('Account_Key' => $key, 'Account_ID' => $account['Account_ID'])); $user_record = get_db($req_pseudo); if (!empty($user_record)) { register_email($user_record); } } else { $baseline = "mot de passe éronné"; } } else { $baseline = "ce compte est dejà validé"; } } else { $baseline = "compte inconnu"; } } else {
} $nbdel = $show_per_page * $_GET['page']; for ($i = $row; $i < sizeof($tab) - $ShowLigne; $i++) { @(list($id, $id_signup, $dd, $name, $username, $email, $pass, $enabled) = explode('|', $tab[$i])); if (strlen($username) > 19) { $username = substr($username, 0, 20) . '...'; } if (strlen($name) > 25) { $name = substr($name, 0, 26) . '...'; } if (strlen($email) > 29) { $email = substr($email, 0, 30) . '...'; } $n = $nbdel + $x; $del = $order == 'desc' ? $n : $nb + 1 - $n; $password = password_decode($key, $pass); $class = $i % 2; $img = $enabled == 0 ? 'unactive.png' : 'active.png'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $id . '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . @date('Y-m-d', $dd) . '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $name . '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $username . '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $email . '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . $password . '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center"><img src="images/' . $img . '" border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"></td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center"><a href="add_user.php?c=' . $id_signup . '" class="detail"><img src="images/edit.png" border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16" title="' . $lang["signup_edit_tip"] . '"></a></td>', "\n"; echo '<td class="row' . $class . '" align="center"><a href="javascript:if(confirm(\'' . $lang['alert_user_delete'] . '\')) location.href=\'' . $url . '?delete=' . $del . '\'"><img src="images/delete.gif" border="0" title="' . $lang["signup_delete_tip"] . '"></a></td>', "\n"; echo '</tr>', "\n"; $x++; }
$msg[] = $lang['alert_register_address']; } else { $address = $_POST['address']; } if (empty($_POST['city'])) { $msg[] = $lang['alert_register_city']; } else { $city = $_POST['city']; } if (empty($_POST['zip'])) { $msg[] = $lang['alert_register_zip']; } else { $zip = $_POST['zip']; } $country = $_POST['country']; $OldPassword = password_decode($key, $data[14]); if (!empty($_POST['oldpassword']) && $_POST['oldpassword'] != $OldPassword) { $msg[] = $lang['alert_profile_old_password']; } if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['cpassword']) { $msg[] = $lang['alert_register_match_password']; } else { $password = $_POST['password']; } $company = $_POST['company']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $address2 = $_POST['address2']; $state = $_POST['state']; $country = $_POST['country']; if (empty($msg)) { if (empty($_POST['company'])) {