$Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_median', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_minor', true); header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "{$BASEURL}/details.php?id=" . htmlspecialchars($id)); } break; case 2: $imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($row["url"]); if ($imdb_id) { $dbdata = new douban(); $dbdata->setid($imdb_id); set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp"); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name'); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_large', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_median', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_minor', true); header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "{$BASEURL}/details.php?id=" . htmlspecialchars($id)); } break; case 3: $douban_id = parse_douban_id($row["dburl"]); if ($douban_id) { $dbdata = new douban(); $dbdata->setid($douban_id, "douban"); set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp"); header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "{$BASEURL}/details.php?id=" . htmlspecialchars($id)); } break; default: die("Error!"); break; }
function get_dbexternal_tr($imdb_url = "") { global $lang_functions; global $showextinfo; $imdbNumber = parse_douban_id($imdb_url); ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' ? tr($lang_functions['row_douban_url'], "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 650px;\" name=\"dburl\" value=\"".($imdbNumber ? "http://movie.douban.com/subject/".parse_douban_id($imdb_url) : "")."\" /><br /><font class=\"medium\">".$lang_functions['text_douban_url_note']."</font>", 1) : ""); }
<?php require "include/bittorrent.php"; require_once "douban/douban.class.php"; dbconn(); //Send some headers to keep the user's browser from caching the response. header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $douban_url = $_GET['douban_url']; $mode = $_GET['type']; $cache_stamp = $_GET['cache']; $douban_id = parse_douban_id($douban_url); $douban_type = parse_douban_type($douban_url); $Cache->new_page('douban_id_' . $douban_id . '_' . $mode, 1296000, true); if (!$Cache->get_page()) { $infoblock = getdouban($douban_id, $douban_type, $cache_stamp, $mode); if ($infoblock) { $Cache->add_whole_row(); print $infoblock; $Cache->end_whole_row(); $Cache->cache_page(); echo $Cache->next_row(); } } else { echo $Cache->next_row(); }
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res); $torrentAddedTimeString = $row['added']; if (!$row) { die("没有这个id的种子"); } if ($CURUSER["id"] != $row["owner"] && get_user_class() < $torrentmanage_class) { bark($lang_takeedit['std_not_owner']); } $oldcatmode = get_single_value("categories", "mode", "WHERE id=" . sqlesc($row['category'])); $updateset = array(); //$fname = $row["filename"]; //preg_match('/^(.+)\.torrent$/si', $fname, $matches); //$shortfname = $matches[1]; //$dname = $row["save_as"]; $url = parse_imdb_id($_POST['imdburl']); $dburl = parse_douban_id($_POST['dburl']); if ($enablenfo_main == 'yes') { $nfoaction = $_POST['nfoaction']; if ($nfoaction == "update") { $nfofile = $_FILES['nfo']; if (!$nfofile) { die("No data " . var_dump($_FILES)); } if ($nfofile['size'] > 65535) { bark($lang_takeedit['std_nfo_too_big']); } $nfofilename = $nfofile['tmp_name']; if (@is_uploaded_file($nfofilename) && @filesize($nfofilename) > 0) { $updateset[] = "nfo = " . sqlesc(str_replace("\r\r\n", "\r\n", file_get_contents($nfofilename))); } $Cache->delete_value('nfo_block_torrent_id_' . $id);