function getCrecimientoMobile($days, $idCountry, $total_user) { $crecimiento = ''; $sql = "SELECT ((rc1.category_18 + rc1.category_19 + rc1.category_20 + rc1.category_21 + rc1.category_22 + rc1.category_23) - (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT (rc2.category_18 + rc2.category_19 + rc2.category_20 + rc2.category_21 + rc2.category_22 + rc2.category_23) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM record_country_for_user_preference rc2 \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE date = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT date \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM record_country_for_user_preference \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE DATE_SUB('" . get_last_date_for_user_preference() . "',INTERVAL " . $days . " DAY) <= date \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY date \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY 1 ASC \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND rc2.id_country = " . $idCountry . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t )) cambio \n\t\t\t\tFROM record_country_for_user_preference rc1 \n\t\t\t\tWHERE date = '" . get_last_date_for_user_preference() . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND rc1.id_country = " . $idCountry . ";\n\t\t\t\t"; $que = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { if ($fila['cambio'] > 0) { $crecimiento['value'] = '<span class="owloo_change_audition owloo_arrow_up">' . owloo_number_format($fila['cambio']) . '</span>'; $crecimiento['porcentaje'] = '<span class="owloo_arrow_up_porcent">' . owlooFormatPorcent($fila['cambio'], $total_user) . '%</span>'; } else { if ($fila['cambio'] == 0) { $crecimiento['value'] = '<span class="owloo_not_change_audition"><em>sin cambio</em></span>'; $crecimiento['porcentaje'] = '<span class="owloo_not_change_audition"><em>n/a</em></span>'; } else { $crecimiento['value'] = '<span class="owloo_change_audition owloo_arrow_down">' . owloo_number_format($fila['cambio'] * -1) . '</span>'; $crecimiento['porcentaje'] = '<span class="owloo_arrow_down_porcent">' . owlooFormatPorcent($fila['cambio'] * -1, $total_user) . '%</span>'; } } } return $crecimiento; }
<?php } ?> </div> <div class="owloo_index_charts_item"> <h3 class="owloo_index_charts_title">Últimos 90 días</h3> <div class="owloo_index_charts_country"> <?php echo $hh_city_mayor_decrec_3_meses['ciudad']; ?> </div> <?php if ($hh_city_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio_number'] > 0) { ?> <div class="owloo_index_charts_porcent"><?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($hh_city_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio_number'], $hh_city_mayor_decrec_3_meses['total_user']); ?> %</div> <div class="owloo_index_charts_number <?php echo $hh_city_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio'] != 0 ? 'owloo_index_charts_down' : ''; ?> "><?php echo $hh_city_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio']; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="owloo_index_charts_number owloo_index_charts_no_change">0</div> <?php }
function getCrecimientoFacebookLocalFansPage($id_page, $id_country, $last_update, $days) { $crecimiento = array(); $sql = "SELECT likes, (likes - (\n SELECT likes \n FROM facebook_page_local_fans_country \n WHERE id_page = {$id_page}\n AND id_country = {$id_country}\n AND date = (\n SELECT date \n FROM facebook_page_local_fans_country \n WHERE DATE_SUB('{$last_update}',INTERVAL {$days} DAY) <= date\n AND id_page = {$id_page}\n ORDER BY 1 ASC \n LIMIT 1\n ) \n )) cambio \n FROM facebook_page_local_fans_country\n WHERE id_page = {$id_page} \n AND id_country = {$id_country}\n AND date = '{$last_update}';\n "; $que = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { if ($fila['cambio'] > 0) { $crecimiento['value'] = '<span class="owloo_change_audition owloo_arrow_up">' . owloo_number_format($fila['cambio']) . '</span>'; $crecimiento['porcentaje'] = '<span class="owloo_arrow_up_porcent">' . owlooFormatPorcent($fila['cambio'], $fila['likes']) . '%</span>'; } else { if ($fila['cambio'] == 0) { $crecimiento['value'] = '<span class="owloo_not_change_audition"><em>sin cambio</em></span>'; $crecimiento['porcentaje'] = '<span class="owloo_not_change_audition"><em>n/a</em></span>'; } else { $crecimiento['value'] = '<span class="owloo_change_audition owloo_arrow_down">' . owloo_number_format($fila['cambio'] * -1) . '</span>'; $crecimiento['porcentaje'] = '<span class="owloo_arrow_down_porcent">' . owlooFormatPorcent($fila['cambio'] * -1, $fila['likes']) . '%</span>'; } } } return $crecimiento; }
function getKloutHistory30Array($id_profile) { $current_klout_data = NULL; $qry = $qry . " SELECT * "; $qry = $qry . " FROM " . DB_TWITTER_PREFIX . "klout_tw_data_record"; $qry = $qry . " WHERE owloo_user_id = \$1"; $qry = $qry . " ORDER BY date ASC"; $qry = $qry . " LIMIT 1"; $que = db_query_tw($qry, array($id_profile)); if ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { $current_klout_data['score'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['score'], NULL, 3, '.', ''); $current_klout_data['day_change'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['day_change']); $current_klout_data['week_change'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['week_change']); $current_klout_data['month_change'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['month_change']); $current_klout_data['bucket'] = $fila['bucket']; } else { return array(); } $qry = ""; $qry = $qry . " SELECT score, date"; $qry = $qry . " FROM " . DB_TWITTER_PREFIX . "klout_tw_data_record"; $qry = $qry . " WHERE owloo_user_id = \$1"; $qry = $qry . " ORDER BY date ASC"; $qry = $qry . " LIMIT 0 , 30"; $que = db_query_tw($qry, array($id_profile)); $seriesData = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores $seriesDataMin = 0; //Número mínimo de seguidores $seriesDataMax = 0; //Número máximo de seguidores $xAxisCategories = array(); //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos $ban = 1; //Bandera $cont_num_data = mysql_num_rows($que); while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { //Formatear fecha $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']); $dia = $auxformat[2]; $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short'); $year = $semister_year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2); $score = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['score']); $seriesData[] = $score; $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year; if ($ban == 1) { $seriesDataMin = $score; $seriesDataMax = $score; $ban = 0; } else { if ($score < $seriesDataMin) { $seriesDataMin = $score; } else { if ($score > $seriesDataMax) { $seriesDataMax = $score; } } } } return array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'current_klout_data' => $current_klout_data); }
} ?> <?php if ($total_local_fans_country != $page_data['likes']) { ?> <tr<?php echo $count++ > 7 ? ' class="owloo_tr_hidden"' : ''; ?> > <td><span class="owloo_fb_others_countries">Otros países</span></td> <td><?php echo owloo_number_format($page_data['likes'] - $total_local_fans_country); ?> </td> <td><?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($page_data['likes'] - $total_local_fans_country, $page_data['likes']); ?> %</td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($count_element > 7) { ?> <div data="owloo_fb_table_local_fans" section="países" class="owloo_country_more_info">Ver más países</div> <?php } ?>
</div> <a href="<?php echo URL_ROOT; ?> facebook-stats/pages/<?php echo strtolower($fila['username']); ?> /"><?php echo $fila['name']; ?> </a> </div> <div class="owloo_fb_ranking_item"> <div class="owloo_title owloo_fb_pta_td">PTA</div> <div class="owloo_fb_num_green"><?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($fila['talking_about'], $fila['total_likes']); ?> %</div> </div> <div class="owloo_fb_ranking_item"> <div class="owloo_title">Fans totales</div> <div class="owloo_fb_num_green"><?php echo owloo_number_format($fila['total_likes']); ?> </div> </div> <div class="owloo_fb_ranking_item owloo_fb_ranking_item_change_audition"> <div class="owloo_title">Semana</div> <div class="owloo_change_audition"><?php echo $crecimiento_fans['semana']['value']; ?>
<?php } ?> </div> <div class="owloo_index_charts_item"> <h3 class="owloo_index_charts_title">Últimos 90 días</h3> <div class="owloo_index_charts_country"> <?php echo $hh_mayor_decrec_3_meses['pais']; ?> </div> <?php if ($hh_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio_number'] > 0) { ?> <div class="owloo_index_charts_porcent"><?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($hh_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio_number'], get_country_total_audience_for_date($hh_mayor_decrec_3_meses['id_country'], COUNTRY_DATE_LAST_UPDATE)); ?> %</div> <div class="owloo_index_charts_number <?php echo $hh_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio'] != 0 ? 'owloo_index_charts_down' : ''; ?> "><?php echo $hh_mayor_decrec_3_meses['cambio']; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="owloo_index_charts_number owloo_index_charts_no_change">0</div> <?php }
<div class="owloo_left owloo_country_width_56"> <p> En <?php echo COUNTRY_DATA_NAME_ES; ?> el <?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($total_intereses_ios, $crecimiento['total_user']); ?> % de los usuarios ingresan a Facebook a través de la plataforma iOS, el <?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($total_intereses_android, $crecimiento['total_user']); ?> % usan el sistema operativo Android, además del <?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($total_intereses_others_mobile_bb, $crecimiento['total_user']); ?> % de usuarios tienen BlackBerry y el <?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($total_intereses_others_mobile_windows, $crecimiento['total_user']); ?> % prefieren Windows. </p> <div class="owloo_ads_content_468x60"> <div class="owloo_ads_468x60 owloo_ads_box"></div> </div> </div> <div class="owloo_right owloo_country_width_34"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th class="owloo_country_table_th" colspan="2">Dispositivos móviles</th> <th class="owloo_country_table_th"><?php echo owloo_number_format($intereses_total_mobile_os); ?>
function get_instagram_last_post($id_profile, $count, $followed_by_count, $data_type = 'last_post') { $media = array(); $where = ''; $order_by = ''; /*if($data_type == 'last_post'){*/ $order_by = 'created_time DESC'; /*}elseif($data_type == 'engagement_rate'){ $where = ' AND created_time >= '.strtotime(date('Y-m-d').' -1 months'); $order_by = 'engagement DESC'; }*/ $qry = ' SELECT id_media, caption_text, type, images_standard_resolution, videos_standard_resolution, filter, comments_count, likes_count, (comments_count + likes_count) engagement, location_latitude, location_longitude, location_name, link, FROM_UNIXTIME(created_time) created_time FROM ' . DB_INSTAGRAM_PREFIX . 'media WHERE id_profile = $1 AND active = 1 ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' LIMIT 0 , $2;'; $que = db_query($qry, array($id_profile, $count)); $index = 0; while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { $media[$index]['type'] = $fila['type']; $media[$index]['images_standard_resolution'] = $fila['images_standard_resolution']; $media[$index]['videos_standard_resolution'] = $fila['videos_standard_resolution']; if ($data_type == 'engagement_rate') { $media[$index]['caption_text'] = $fila['caption_text']; $media[$index]['filter'] = $fila['filter']; $media[$index]['comments_count'] = owloo_number_format($fila['comments_count']); $media[$index]['likes_count'] = owloo_number_format($fila['likes_count']); $media[$index]['engagement_rate'] = $followed_by_count > 0 ? owlooFormatPorcent(($fila['likes_count'] + $fila['comments_count']) / $followed_by_count * 100) : 0; $media[$index]['location'] = array(); if (!empty($fila['location_latitude'])) { $media[$index]['location'] = array('latitude' => $fila['location_latitude'], 'longitude' => $fila['location_longitude'], 'name' => $fila['location_name']); } $media[$index]['link'] = $fila['link']; $media[$index]['created_time'] = $fila['created_time']; //$media[$index]['comments'] = get_instagram_medio_comments($fila['id_media'], 5); } $index++; } return $media; }
</h1> <div class="owloo_fb_fan_page_country_description"> <?php $country_data_num = getCountryData($country_data['code']); ?> <?php echo $country_data['nombre']; ?> cuenta con <?php echo owloo_number_format($country_data_num['total_user']); ?> usuarios, de los cuáles el <?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($country_data_num['total_female'], $country_data_num['total_user']); ?> % son mujeres y <?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($country_data_num['total_male'], $country_data_num['total_user']); ?> son hombres.<br/> Actualmente se encuentra en la posición <?php echo getRanking($country_data['id_country']); ?> en el ranking mundial de Facebook. <hr> <a href="<?php echo URL_ROOT; ?> facebook-stats/<?php echo convert_to_url_string($country_data['name']); ?> /" title="Estadísticas de Facebook en <?php echo $country_data['nombre'];
function getHistory30Array($id_page, $fb_page_likes_last_update) { $sql = 'SELECT likes, talking_about, date FROM ' . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . 'pages_likes_talking_about WHERE id_page = $1 AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE(\'$2\', \'%Y-%m-%d\'),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date ORDER BY date ASC; '; $que = db_query($sql, array($id_page, $fb_page_likes_last_update)); $_likes_valor_anterior = -1; $_likes_suma_crecimiento = 0; $_count_suma_crecimiento = 0; $accumulate_down = 0; $seriesData = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook $seriesData_talking_about = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook $seriesDataMin = NULL; //Número mínimo de usuarios $seriesDataMax = NULL; //Número máximo de usuarios $seriesDataMin_talking_about = NULL; //Número mínimo de usuarios $seriesDataMax_talking_about = NULL; //Número máximo de usuarios $xAxisCategories = array(); //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos $daily_likes_grow_seriesData = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin = NULL; //Número mínimo de seguidores $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax = NULL; //Número máximo de seguidores $daily_likes_grow_xAxisCategories = array(); //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos $ban = 1; //Bandera $cont = 1; $_num_rango = 1; $_num_discard = mysql_num_rows($que) - $_num_rango * floor(mysql_num_rows($que) / $_num_rango); while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { if ($_num_discard-- > 0) { continue; } if ($cont % $_num_rango == 0) { //Formatear fecha $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']); $dia = $auxformat[2]; $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short'); $year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2); $fila['talking_about'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['talking_about'], $fila['likes'], 2, '.', ''); $seriesData[] = $fila['likes']; $seriesData_talking_about[] = $fila['talking_about']; $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year; if ($ban == 1) { $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes']; $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes']; $seriesDataMin_talking_about = $fila['talking_about']; $seriesDataMax_talking_about = $fila['talking_about']; $_likes_valor_anterior = $fila['likes']; $ban = 0; } else { if ($fila['likes'] < $seriesDataMin) { $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes']; } else { if ($fila['likes'] > $seriesDataMax) { $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes']; } } if ($fila['talking_about'] < $seriesDataMin_talking_about) { $seriesDataMin_talking_about = $fila['talking_about']; } else { if ($fila['talking_about'] > $seriesDataMax_talking_about) { $seriesDataMax_talking_about = $fila['talking_about']; } } $likes_daily_grow = $fila['likes'] - $_likes_valor_anterior; $daily_likes_grow_seriesData[] = $likes_daily_grow; $daily_likes_grow_xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year; if (count($daily_likes_grow_seriesData) == 1) { //Primera vez $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin = $likes_daily_grow; $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax = $likes_daily_grow; } else { if ($likes_daily_grow < $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin) { $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin = $likes_daily_grow; } else { if ($likes_daily_grow > $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax) { $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax = $likes_daily_grow; } } } $_likes_suma_crecimiento += $likes_daily_grow; $_count_suma_crecimiento++; $_likes_valor_anterior = $fila['likes']; } } $cont++; } $step_1 = 1; if ($cont - 1 > 11) { $step_1 = 2; } if ($cont - 1 > 21) { $step_1 = 3; } $average_growth_likes = NULL; if ($_count_suma_crecimiento > 0) { $average_growth_likes = owlooFormatPorcent($_likes_suma_crecimiento / $_count_suma_crecimiento, NULL, 2); } $likes = array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'accumulate_down' => $accumulate_down, 'step' => $step_1); $daily_likes_grow = array('series_data' => implode(',', $daily_likes_grow_seriesData), 'x_axis' => implode(',', $daily_likes_grow_xAxisCategories), 'series_data_min' => $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax, 'avg_change_per_day' => $average_growth_likes); $talking_about = array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData_talking_about), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin_talking_about, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax_talking_about, 'avg_change_per_day' => count($seriesData_talking_about) > 0 ? owlooFormatPorcent(array_sum($seriesData_talking_about) / count($seriesData_talking_about), NULL, 2) : 0, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'step' => $step_1); return array('likes' => $likes, 'daily_likes_grow' => $daily_likes_grow, 'talking_about' => $talking_about); }
function getHistory30Array($id_profile) { $qry = ""; $qry = $qry . " SELECT media, followed_by, follows, date"; $qry = $qry . " FROM " . DB_INSTAGRAM_PREFIX . "record"; $qry = $qry . " WHERE id_profile = \$1 AND date >= '" . get_instagram_date_for_days($id_profile, 30) . "'"; $qry = $qry . " ORDER BY date ASC , followed_by DESC"; $qry = $qry . " LIMIT 0 , 35"; $que = db_query($qry, array($id_profile)); $_followers_valor_anterior = -1; $_followers_suma_crecimiento = 0; $_following_valor_anterior = -1; $_following_suma_crecimiento = 0; $_count_suma_crecimiento = 0; $accumulate_down = 0; $seriesData = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores $seriesDataMin = NULL; //Número mínimo de seguidores $seriesDataMax = NULL; //Número máximo de seguidores $xAxisCategories = array(); //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos $daily_followers_grow_seriesData = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin = NULL; //Número mínimo de seguidores $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax = NULL; //Número máximo de seguidores $daily_followers_grow_xAxisCategories = array(); //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos $daily_following_grow_seriesData = array(); //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin = NULL; //Número mínimo de seguidores $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax = NULL; //Número máximo de seguidores $daily_following_grow_xAxisCategories = array(); //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos $ban = 1; //Bandera $cont_num_data = mysql_num_rows($que); while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) { //Formatear fecha $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']); $dia = $auxformat[2]; $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short'); $year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2); $seriesData[] = $fila['followed_by']; $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year; if ($ban == 1) { $seriesDataMin = $fila['followed_by']; $seriesDataMax = $fila['followed_by']; $_followers_valor_anterior = $fila['followed_by']; $_following_valor_anterior = $fila['follows']; $ban = 0; } else { if ($fila['followed_by'] < $seriesDataMin) { $seriesDataMin = $fila['followed_by']; } else { if ($fila['followed_by'] > $seriesDataMax) { $seriesDataMax = $fila['followed_by']; } } if ($fila['followed_by'] - $_followers_valor_anterior < 0) { $accumulate_down += $_followers_valor_anterior - $fila['followed_by']; } $followers_daily_grow = $fila['followed_by'] - $_followers_valor_anterior; $following_daily_grow = $fila['follows'] - $_following_valor_anterior; $daily_followers_grow_seriesData[] = $followers_daily_grow; $daily_followers_grow_xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year; $daily_following_grow_seriesData[] = $following_daily_grow; $daily_following_grow_xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year; if (count($daily_followers_grow_seriesData) == 1) { //Primera vez $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin = $followers_daily_grow; $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax = $followers_daily_grow; $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin = $following_daily_grow; $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax = $following_daily_grow; } else { if ($followers_daily_grow < $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin) { $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin = $followers_daily_grow; } else { if ($followers_daily_grow > $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax) { $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax = $followers_daily_grow; } } if ($following_daily_grow < $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin) { $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin = $following_daily_grow; } else { if ($following_daily_grow > $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax) { $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax = $following_daily_grow; } } } $_followers_suma_crecimiento += $followers_daily_grow; $_following_suma_crecimiento += $following_daily_grow; $_count_suma_crecimiento++; $_followers_valor_anterior = $fila['followed_by']; $_following_valor_anterior = $fila['follows']; } } $average_growth = array('followers' => NULL, 'following' => NULL); if ($_count_suma_crecimiento > 0) { $average_growth = array('followers' => owlooFormatPorcent($_followers_suma_crecimiento / $_count_suma_crecimiento, NULL, 2), 'following' => owlooFormatPorcent($_following_suma_crecimiento / $_count_suma_crecimiento, NULL, 2)); } return array('followers' => array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'accumulate_down' => $accumulate_down), 'daily_followers_grow' => array('series_data' => implode(',', $daily_followers_grow_seriesData), 'x_axis' => implode(',', $daily_followers_grow_xAxisCategories), 'min_change_of_followers_on' => $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin, 'max_change_of_followers_on' => $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax, 'avg_change_per_day' => $average_growth['followers']), 'daily_following_grow' => array('series_data' => implode(',', $daily_following_grow_seriesData), 'x_axis' => implode(',', $daily_following_grow_xAxisCategories), 'min_change_of_following_on' => $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin, 'max_change_of_following_on' => $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax, 'avg_change_per_day' => $average_growth['following'])); }
title: { text: null } }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'Speed', data: [<?php echo $value_gauge <= 6 ? $value_gauge : 6; ?> ], dataLabels: { format: '<div style="text-align:center"><span style="color: #505050;font-family: OpenSans-Light;font-size: 25px;font-weight: normal;"><?php echo owlooFormatPorcent($page_data['talking_about'], $page_data['likes']); ?> %</span></div>' }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }] })); }); <?php require_once 'statistics/highcharts_v4.0/highcharts.js'; require_once 'statistics/highcharts_v4.0/highcharts-more.js'; require_once 'statistics/highcharts_v4.0/solid-gauge.src.js';