/** * Makes this plugin the first to be loaded. * - Bumps this plugin at the top of the active_plugins stack. */ function mdh_emailmagick_bump_me() { if (OC_ADMIN) { // @legacy : ALWAYS remove this if active. if (osc_plugin_is_enabled("madhouse_utils/index.php")) { Plugins::deactivate("madhouse_utils/index.php"); } // Sanitize & get the {PLUGIN_NAME}/index.php. $path = str_replace(osc_plugins_path(), '', osc_plugin_path(__FILE__)); if (osc_plugin_is_installed($path)) { // Get the active plugins. $plugins_list = unserialize(osc_active_plugins()); if (!is_array($plugins_list)) { return false; } // Remove $path from the active plugins list foreach ($plugins_list as $k => $v) { if ($v == $path) { unset($plugins_list[$k]); } } // Re-add the $path at the beginning of the active plugins. array_unshift($plugins_list, $path); // Serialize the new active_plugins list. osc_set_preference('active_plugins', serialize($plugins_list)); if (Params::getParam("page") === "plugins" && Params::getParam("action") === "enable" && Params::getParam("plugin") === $path) { //osc_redirect_to(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); } else { osc_redirect_to(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?" . http_build_query(Params::getParamsAsArray("get"))); } } } }
_e('entries'); ?> ', "sSearch": '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-search" style="display: inline-block;"></span>' }, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "aaData": [ <?php foreach ($plugins as $p) { ?> <?php $p_info = osc_plugin_get_info($p); ?> <?php osc_plugin_is_installed($p) ? $installed = 1 : ($installed = 0); ?> [ "<input type='hidden' name='installed' value='<?php echo $installed; ?> ' /><input type='checkbox' name='id[]' value='<?php echo $p; ?> ' />", "<?php echo $p_info['plugin_name']; ?> <div id='datatables_quick_edit'><?php if ($installed) { if (isset($active_plugins[$p . '_configure'])) {
function doModel() { parent::doModel(); //specific things for this class switch ($this->action) { case 'add': $this->doView("plugins/add.php"); break; case 'add_post': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); $package = Params::getFiles("package"); if (isset($package['size']) && $package['size'] != 0) { $path = osc_plugins_path(); (int) ($status = osc_unzip_file($package['tmp_name'], $path)); } else { $status = 3; } switch ($status) { case 0: $msg = _m('The plugin folder is not writable'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case 1: $msg = _m('The plugin has been uploaded correctly'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case 2: $msg = _m('The zip file is not valid'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case 3: $msg = _m('No file was uploaded'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins&action=add"); break; case -1: default: $msg = _m('There was a problem adding the plugin'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); break; case 'install': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); $pn = Params::getParam('plugin'); // set header just in case it's triggered some fatal error header("Location: " . osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins&error=" . $pn, true, '302'); $installed = Plugins::install($pn); if (is_array($installed)) { switch ($installed['error_code']) { case 'error_output': osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m('The plugin generated %d characters of <strong>unexpected output</strong> during the installation'), strlen($installed['output'])), 'admin'); break; case 'error_installed': osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Plugin is already installed'), 'admin'); break; case 'error_file': osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Plugin couldn't be installed because their files are missing"), 'admin'); break; case 'custom_error': osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m("Plugin couldn't be installed because of: %s"), $installed['msg']), 'admin'); break; default: osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Plugin couldn't be installed"), 'admin'); break; } } else { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin installed'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'uninstall': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); if (Plugins::uninstall(Params::getParam("plugin"))) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin uninstalled'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Plugin couldn't be uninstalled"), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'enable': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); if (Plugins::activate(Params::getParam('plugin'))) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin enabled'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Plugin is already enabled'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'disable': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); if (Plugins::deactivate(Params::getParam('plugin'))) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin disabled'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Plugin is already disabled'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'admin': $plugin = Params::getParam("plugin"); if ($plugin != "") { Plugins::runHook($plugin . '_configure'); } break; case 'admin_post': Plugins::runHook('admin_post'); break; case 'renderplugin': $file = Params::getParam("file"); if ($file != "") { // We pass the GET variables (in case we have somes) if (preg_match('|(.+?)\\?(.*)|', $file, $match)) { $file = $match[1]; if (preg_match_all('|&([^=]+)=([^&]*)|', urldecode('&' . $match[2] . '&'), $get_vars)) { for ($var_k = 0; $var_k < count($get_vars[1]); $var_k++) { //$_GET[$get_vars[1][$var_k]] = $get_vars[2][$var_k]; //$_REQUEST[$get_vars[1][$var_k]] = $get_vars[2][$var_k]; Params::setParam($get_vars[1][$var_k], $get_vars[2][$var_k]); } } } else { $file = $_REQUEST['file']; } $this->_exportVariableToView("file", osc_plugins_path() . $file); //osc_renderPluginView($file); $this->doView("plugins/view.php"); } break; case 'configure': $plugin = Params::getParam("plugin"); if ($plugin != '') { $plugin_data = Plugins::getInfo($plugin); $this->_exportVariableToView("categories", Category::newInstance()->toTreeAll()); $this->_exportVariableToView("selected", PluginCategory::newInstance()->listSelected($plugin_data['short_name'])); $this->_exportVariableToView("plugin_data", $plugin_data); $this->doView("plugins/configuration.php"); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); } break; case 'configure_post': osc_csrf_check(); $plugin_short_name = Params::getParam("plugin_short_name"); $categories = Params::getParam("categories"); if ($plugin_short_name != "") { Plugins::cleanCategoryFromPlugin($plugin_short_name); if (isset($categories)) { Plugins::addToCategoryPlugin($categories, $plugin_short_name); } osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Configuration was saved'), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_get_http_referer()); } osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('No plugin selected'), 'admin'); $this->doView('plugins/index.php'); break; case 'error_plugin': // force php errors and simulate plugin installation to show the errors in the iframe if (!OSC_DEBUG) { error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); } @ini_set('display_errors', 1); include osc_plugins_path() . Params::getParam('plugin'); Plugins::install(Params::getParam('plugin')); exit; break; default: // $marketError = Params::getParam('marketError'); // $slug = Params::getParam('slug'); // if($marketError!='') { // if($marketError == '0') { // no error installed ok // $extra = '<br/><br/><b>' . __('You only need to install and configure the plugin.') . '</b>'; // osc_add_flash_ok_message( __('Everything was OK!') . ' ( ' . $slug . ' ) ' . $extra , 'admin'); // } else { // osc_add_flash_error_message( __('Error occurred') . ' ' . $slug , 'admin'); // } // } if (Params::getParam('checkUpdated') != '') { osc_admin_toolbar_update_plugins(true); } if (Params::getParam('iDisplayLength') == '') { Params::setParam('iDisplayLength', 10); } // ? $this->_exportVariableToView('iDisplayLength', Params::getParam('iDisplayLength')); $p_iPage = 1; if (is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') >= 1) { $p_iPage = Params::getParam('iPage'); } Params::setParam('iPage', $p_iPage); $aPlugin = Plugins::listAll(); $active_plugins = osc_get_plugins(); // pagination $start = ($p_iPage - 1) * Params::getParam('iDisplayLength'); $limit = Params::getParam('iDisplayLength'); $count = count($aPlugin); $displayRecords = $limit; if ($start + $limit > $count) { $displayRecords = $start + $limit - $count; } // -------------------------------------------------------- $aData = array(); $aInfo = array(); $max = $start + $limit; if ($max > $count) { $max = $count; } $aPluginsToUpdate = json_decode(getPreference('plugins_to_update')); $bPluginsToUpdate = is_array($aPluginsToUpdate) ? true : false; for ($i = $start; $i < $max; $i++) { $plugin = $aPlugin[$i]; $row = array(); $pInfo = osc_plugin_get_info($plugin); // prepare row 1 $installed = 0; if (osc_plugin_is_installed($plugin)) { $installed = 1; } $enabled = 0; if (osc_plugin_is_enabled($plugin)) { $enabled = 1; } // prepare row 2 $sUpdate = ''; // get plugins to update from t_preference if ($bPluginsToUpdate) { if (in_array(@$pInfo['plugin_update_uri'], $aPluginsToUpdate)) { $sUpdate = '<a class="market_update market-popup" href="#' . htmlentities($pInfo['plugin_update_uri']) . '">' . __("There's a new update available") . '</a>'; } } // prepare row 4 $sConfigure = ''; if (isset($active_plugins[$plugin . '_configure'])) { $sConfigure = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=admin&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Configure') . '</a>'; } // prepare row 5 $sEnable = ''; if ($installed) { if ($enabled) { $sEnable = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=disable&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Disable') . '</a>'; } else { $sEnable = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins& action=enable&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Enable') . '</a>'; } } // prepare row 6 $sInstall = ''; if ($installed) { $sInstall = '<a onclick="javascript:return uninstall_dialog(\'' . $pInfo['filename'] . '\');" href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=uninstall& plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Uninstall') . '</a>'; } else { $sInstall = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins& action=install&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Install') . '</a>'; } $row[] = '<input type="hidden" name="installed" value="' . $installed . '" enabled="' . $enabled . '" />' . $pInfo['plugin_name'] . '<div>' . $sUpdate . '</div>'; $row[] = $pInfo['description']; $row[] = $sUpdate != '' ? $sUpdate : ' '; $row[] = $sConfigure != '' ? $sConfigure : ' '; $row[] = $sEnable != '' ? $sEnable : ' '; $row[] = $sInstall != '' ? $sInstall : ' '; $aData[] = $row; if (@$pInfo['plugin_update_uri'] != '') { $aInfo[@$pInfo['plugin_update_uri']] = $pInfo; } else { $aInfo[$i] = $pInfo; } } $array['iTotalRecords'] = $displayRecords; $array['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = count($aPlugin); $array['iDisplayLength'] = $limit; $array['aaData'] = $aData; $array['aaInfo'] = $aInfo; // -------------------------------------------------------- $page = (int) Params::getParam('iPage'); if (count($array['aaData']) == 0 && $page != 1) { $total = (int) $array['iTotalDisplayRecords']; $maxPage = ceil($total / (int) $array['iDisplayLength']); $url = osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($maxPage == 0) { $url = preg_replace('/&iPage=(\\d)+/', '&iPage=1', $url); $this->redirectTo($url); } if ($page > 1) { $url = preg_replace('/&iPage=(\\d)+/', '&iPage=' . $maxPage, $url); $this->redirectTo($url); } } $this->_exportVariableToView('aPlugins', $array); $this->doView("plugins/index.php"); break; } }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ $aPlugin = __get('plugins'); $active_plugins = osc_get_plugins(); $aData = array(); foreach ($aPlugin as $plugin) { $row = array(); $pInfo = osc_plugin_get_info($plugin); // prepare row 1 $installed = 0; if (osc_plugin_is_installed($plugin)) { $installed = 1; } $enabled = 0; if (osc_plugin_is_enabled($plugin)) { $enabled = 1; } // prepare row 4 $sConfigure = ''; if (isset($active_plugins[$plugin . '_configure'])) { $sConfigure = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=admin&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . '">' . __('Configure') . '</a>'; } // prepare row 5 $sEnable = ''; if ($installed) { if ($enabled) {
function doModel() { parent::doModel(); //specific things for this class switch ($this->action) { case 'add': $this->doView("plugins/add.php"); break; case 'add_post': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); $package = Params::getFiles("package"); if (isset($package['size']) && $package['size'] != 0) { $path = osc_plugins_path(); (int) ($status = osc_unzip_file($package['tmp_name'], $path)); @unlink($package['tmp_name']); } else { $status = 3; } switch ($status) { case 0: $msg = _m('The plugin folder is not writable'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case 1: $msg = _m('The plugin has been uploaded correctly'); osc_add_flash_ok_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case 2: $msg = _m('The zip file is not valid'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; case 3: $msg = _m('No file was uploaded'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins&action=add"); break; case -1: default: $msg = _m('There was a problem adding the plugin'); osc_add_flash_error_message($msg, 'admin'); break; } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); break; case 'install': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); $pn = Params::getParam('plugin'); // set header just in case it's triggered some fatal error header("Location: " . osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins&error=" . $pn, true, '302'); $installed = Plugins::install($pn); if (is_array($installed)) { switch ($installed['error_code']) { case 'error_output': osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m('The plugin generated %d characters of <strong>unexpected output</strong> during the installation. Output: "%s"'), strlen($installed['output']), $installed['output']), 'admin'); break; case 'error_installed': osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Plugin is already installed'), 'admin'); break; case 'error_file': osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Plugin couldn't be installed because their files are missing"), 'admin'); break; case 'custom_error': osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m("Plugin couldn't be installed because of: %s"), $installed['msg']), 'admin'); break; default: osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Plugin couldn't be installed"), 'admin'); break; } } else { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin installed'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'uninstall': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); if (Plugins::uninstall(Params::getParam("plugin"))) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin uninstalled'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Plugin couldn't be uninstalled"), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'enable': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); if (Plugins::activate(Params::getParam('plugin'))) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin enabled'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Plugin is already enabled'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'disable': if (defined('DEMO')) { osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); } osc_csrf_check(); if (Plugins::deactivate(Params::getParam('plugin'))) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Plugin disabled'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Plugin is already disabled'), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins'); break; case 'admin': $plugin = Params::getParam("plugin"); if ($plugin != "") { osc_run_hook($plugin . '_configure'); } break; case 'admin_post': osc_run_hook('admin_post'); break; case 'renderplugin': if (Params::existParam('route')) { $routes = Rewrite::newInstance()->getRoutes(); $rid = Params::getParam('route'); $file = '../'; if (isset($routes[$rid]) && isset($routes[$rid]['file'])) { $file = $routes[$rid]['file']; } } else { // DEPRECATED: Disclosed path in URL is deprecated, use routes instead // This will be REMOVED in 3.4 $file = Params::getParam('file'); // We pass the GET variables (in case we have somes) if (preg_match('|(.+?)\\?(.*)|', $file, $match)) { $file = $match[1]; if (preg_match_all('|&([^=]+)=([^&]*)|', urldecode('&' . $match[2] . '&'), $get_vars)) { for ($var_k = 0; $var_k < count($get_vars[1]); $var_k++) { Params::setParam($get_vars[1][$var_k], $get_vars[2][$var_k]); } } } else { $file = Params::getParam('file'); } } osc_run_hook('renderplugin_controller'); if (stripos($file, '../') === false && stripos($file, '..\\') === false && $file != "") { $this->_exportVariableToView("file", osc_plugins_path() . $file); $this->doView("plugins/view.php"); } break; case 'configure': $plugin = Params::getParam("plugin"); if ($plugin != '') { $plugin_data = Plugins::getInfo($plugin); $this->_exportVariableToView("categories", Category::newInstance()->toTreeAll()); $this->_exportVariableToView("selected", PluginCategory::newInstance()->listSelected($plugin_data['short_name'])); $this->_exportVariableToView("plugin_data", $plugin_data); $this->doView("plugins/configuration.php"); } else { $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); } break; case 'configure_post': osc_csrf_check(); $plugin_short_name = Params::getParam("plugin_short_name"); $categories = Params::getParam("categories"); if ($plugin_short_name != "") { Plugins::cleanCategoryFromPlugin($plugin_short_name); if (isset($categories)) { Plugins::addToCategoryPlugin($categories, $plugin_short_name); } osc_run_hook('plugin_categories_' . Params::getParam('plugin'), $categories); osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Configuration was saved'), 'admin'); $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); } osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('No plugin selected'), 'admin'); $this->doView('plugins/index.php'); break; case 'delete': osc_csrf_check(); $plugin = str_replace('/index.php', '', Params::getParam("plugin")); $path = preg_replace('([\\/]+)', '/', CONTENT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin); if ($plugin != "" && strpos($plugin, '../') === false && strpos($plugin, '..\\') === false && $path != CONTENT_PATH . 'plugins/') { if (osc_deleteDir($path)) { osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The files were deleted'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m('There were an error deleting the files, please check the permissions of the files in %s'), $path . "/"), 'admin'); } $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=plugins"); } osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('No plugin selected'), 'admin'); $this->doView('plugins/index.php'); break; case 'error_plugin': // force php errors and simulate plugin installation to show the errors in the iframe if (!OSC_DEBUG) { error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); } @ini_set('display_errors', 1); include osc_plugins_path() . Params::getParam('plugin'); Plugins::install(Params::getParam('plugin')); exit; break; default: if (Params::getParam('checkUpdated') != '') { osc_admin_toolbar_update_plugins(true); } if (Params::getParam('iDisplayLength') == '') { Params::setParam('iDisplayLength', 25); } $this->_exportVariableToView('iDisplayLength', Params::getParam('iDisplayLength')); $p_iPage = 1; if (is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') >= 1) { $p_iPage = Params::getParam('iPage'); } Params::setParam('iPage', $p_iPage); $aPlugin = Plugins::listAll(); $active_plugins = osc_get_plugins(); // pagination $start = ($p_iPage - 1) * Params::getParam('iDisplayLength'); $limit = Params::getParam('iDisplayLength'); $count = count($aPlugin); $displayRecords = $limit; if ($start + $limit > $count) { $displayRecords = $start + $limit - $count; } // -------------------------------------------------------- $aData = array(); $aInfo = array(); $max = $start + $limit; if ($max > $count) { $max = $count; } $aPluginsToUpdate = json_decode(osc_get_preference('plugins_to_update')); $bPluginsToUpdate = is_array($aPluginsToUpdate) ? true : false; for ($i = $start; $i < $max; $i++) { $plugin = $aPlugin[$i]; $row = array(); $pInfo = osc_plugin_get_info($plugin); // prepare row 1 $installed = 0; if (osc_plugin_is_installed($plugin)) { $installed = 1; } $enabled = 0; if (osc_plugin_is_enabled($plugin)) { $enabled = 1; } // prepare row 2 $sUpdate = ''; // get plugins to update from t_preference if ($bPluginsToUpdate) { if (in_array(@$pInfo['plugin_update_uri'], $aPluginsToUpdate)) { $sUpdate = '<a class="market_update market-popup" href="#' . htmlentities($pInfo['plugin_update_uri']) . '">' . __("There's a new update available") . '</a>'; } } // prepare row 4 $sConfigure = ''; if (isset($active_plugins[$plugin . '_configure'])) { $sConfigure = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=admin&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Configure') . '</a>'; } // prepare row 5 $sEnable = ''; if ($installed) { if ($enabled) { $sEnable = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=disable&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Disable') . '</a>'; } else { $sEnable = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=enable&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Enable') . '</a>'; } } // prepare row 6 if ($installed) { $sInstall = '<a onclick="javascript:return uninstall_dialog(\'' . $pInfo['filename'] . '\', \'' . $pInfo['plugin_name'] . '\');" href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=uninstall&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Uninstall') . '</a>'; } else { $sInstall = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=plugins&action=install&plugin=' . $pInfo['filename'] . "&" . osc_csrf_token_url() . '">' . __('Install') . '</a>'; } $sDelete = ''; if (!$installed) { $sDelete = '<a href="javascript:delete_plugin(\'' . $pInfo['filename'] . '\');" >' . __('Delete') . '</a>'; } $sHelp = ''; if ($pInfo['support_uri'] != '') { $sHelp = '<span class="plugin-support-icon plugin-tooltip" ><a target="_blank" href="' . osc_sanitize_url($pInfo['support_uri']) . '" ><img src="' . osc_current_admin_theme_url('images/question.png') . '" alt="' . osc_esc_html(__('Problems with this plugin? Ask for support.')) . '" ></a></span>'; } $sSiteUrl = ''; if ($pInfo['plugin_uri'] != '') { $sSiteUrl = ' | <a target="_blank" href="' . $pInfo['plugin_uri'] . '">' . __('Plugins Site') . '</a>'; } if ($pInfo['author_uri'] != '') { $sAuthor = __('By') . ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $pInfo['author_uri'] . '">' . $pInfo['author'] . '</a>'; } else { $sAuthor = __('By') . ' ' . $pInfo['author']; } $row[] = '<input type="hidden" name="installed" value="' . $installed . '" enabled="' . $enabled . '" />' . $pInfo['plugin_name'] . $sHelp . '<div>' . $sUpdate . '</div>'; $row[] = $pInfo['description'] . '<br />' . __('Version:') . $pInfo['version'] . ' | ' . $sAuthor . $sSiteUrl; $row[] = $sUpdate != '' ? $sUpdate : ' '; $row[] = $sConfigure != '' ? $sConfigure : ' '; $row[] = $sEnable != '' ? $sEnable : ' '; $row[] = $sInstall != '' ? $sInstall : ' '; $row[] = $sDelete != '' ? $sDelete : ' '; $aData[] = $row; if (@$pInfo['plugin_update_uri'] != '') { $aInfo[@$pInfo['plugin_update_uri']] = $pInfo; } else { $aInfo[$i] = $pInfo; } } $array['iTotalRecords'] = $displayRecords; $array['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = count($aPlugin); $array['iDisplayLength'] = $limit; $array['aaData'] = $aData; $array['aaInfo'] = $aInfo; // -------------------------------------------------------- $page = (int) Params::getParam('iPage'); if (count($array['aaData']) == 0 && $page != 1) { $total = (int) $array['iTotalDisplayRecords']; $maxPage = ceil($total / (int) $array['iDisplayLength']); $url = osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?' . Params::getServerParam('QUERY_STRING', false, false); if ($maxPage == 0) { $url = preg_replace('/&iPage=(\\d)+/', '&iPage=1', $url); $this->redirectTo($url); } if ($page > 1) { $url = preg_replace('/&iPage=(\\d)+/', '&iPage=' . $maxPage, $url); $this->redirectTo($url); } } $this->_exportVariableToView('aPlugins', $array); $this->doView("plugins/index.php"); break; } }