Пример #1
function gpluspost_feeditem($pid, $uid)
    global $a;
    require_once 'include/api.php';
    require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
    require_once "include/html2plain.php";
    require_once "include/network.php";
    $skipwithoutlink = get_pconfig($uid, 'gpluspost', 'skip_without_link');
    $items = q("SELECT `uri`, `plink`, `author-link`, `author-name`, `created`, `edited`, `id`, `title`, `body` from `item` WHERE id=%d", intval($pid));
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $item['body'] = bb_CleanPictureLinks($item['body']);
        $item['body'] = bb_remove_share_information($item['body'], true);
        if ($item["title"] != "") {
            $item['body'] = "*" . $item["title"] . "*\n\n" . $item['body'];
        // Looking for the first image
        $image = '';
        if (preg_match("/\\[img\\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\\](.*?)\\[\\/img\\]/is", $item['body'], $matches)) {
            $image = $matches[3];
        if ($image == '') {
            if (preg_match("/\\[img\\](.*?)\\[\\/img\\]/is", $item['body'], $matches)) {
                $image = $matches[1];
        $multipleimages = strpos($item['body'], "[img") != strrpos($item['body'], "[img");
        // When saved into the database the content is sent through htmlspecialchars
        // That means that we have to decode all image-urls
        $image = htmlspecialchars_decode($image);
        $link = '';
        // look for bookmark-bbcode and handle it with priority
        if (preg_match("/\\[bookmark\\=([^\\]]*)\\](.*?)\\[\\/bookmark\\]/is", $item['body'], $matches)) {
            $link = $matches[1];
        $multiplelinks = strpos($item['body'], "[bookmark") != strrpos($item['body'], "[bookmark");
        $body = $item['body'];
        $body = preg_replace("(\\[b\\](.*?)\\[\\/b\\])ism", '*$1*', $body);
        $body = preg_replace("(\\[i\\](.*?)\\[\\/i\\])ism", '_$1_', $body);
        $body = preg_replace("(\\[s\\](.*?)\\[\\/s\\])ism", '-$1-', $body);
        // At first convert the text to html
        $html = bbcode(api_clean_plain_items($body), false, false, 2);
        // Then convert it to plain text
        $msg = trim(html2plain($html, 0, true));
        $msg = html_entity_decode($msg, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        // If there is no bookmark element then take the first link
        if ($link == '') {
            $links = collecturls($html);
            if (sizeof($links) > 0) {
                $link = current($links);
            $multiplelinks = sizeof($links) > 1;
            if ($multiplelinks) {
                $html2 = bbcode($msg, false, false);
                $links2 = collecturls($html2);
                if (sizeof($links2) > 0) {
                    $link = current($links2);
                    $multiplelinks = sizeof($links2) > 1;
        $msglink = "";
        if ($multiplelinks) {
            $msglink = $item["plink"];
        } else {
            if ($link != "") {
                $msglink = $link;
            } else {
                if ($multipleimages) {
                    $msglink = $item["plink"];
                } else {
                    if ($image != "") {
                        $msglink = $image;
        if ($msglink == "" and $skipwithoutlink) {
        } else {
            if ($msglink == "") {
                $msglink = $item["plink"];
        // Fetching the title - or the first line
        if ($item["title"] != "") {
            $title = $item["title"];
        } else {
            $lines = explode("\n", $msg);
            $title = $lines[0];
        //if ($image != $msglink)
        //	$html = trim(str_replace($msglink, "", $html));
        $title = trim(str_replace($msglink, "", $title));
        $msglink = original_url($msglink);
        if ($uid == 0) {
            $title = $item["author-name"] . ": " . $title;
        $msglink = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($msglink));
        if (strpos($msg, $msglink) == 0) {
            $msg .= "\n" . $msglink;
        $msg = nl2br($msg);
        $title = str_replace("&", "&", $title);
        //$html = str_replace("&", "&", $html);
        echo "\t" . '<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">' . "\n";
        echo "\t\t" . '<title type="html" xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[' . $title . "]]></title>\n";
        echo "\t\t" . '<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="' . $msglink . '" />' . "\n";
        // <link rel="enclosure" type="audio/mpeg" length="1337" href="http://example.org/audio/ph34r_my_podcast.mp3"/>
        echo "\t\t<id>" . $item["uri"] . "</id>\n";
        echo "\t\t<updated>" . date("c", strtotime($item["edited"])) . "</updated>\n";
        echo "\t\t<published>" . date("c", strtotime($item["created"])) . "</published>\n";
        echo "\t\t<author>\n\t\t\t<name><![CDATA[" . $item["author-name"] . "]]></name>\n";
        echo "\t\t\t<uri>" . $item["author-link"] . "</uri>\n\t\t</author>\n";
        //echo '<content type="image/png" src="http://media.example.org/the_beach.png"/>';
        echo "\t\t" . '<content type="html" xml:space="preserve" xml:base="' . $item["plink"] . '"><![CDATA[' . $msg . "]]></content>\n";
        echo "\t</entry>\n";
Пример #2
function parseurl_getsiteinfo($url, $no_guessing = false, $do_oembed = true, $count = 1)
    require_once "include/network.php";
    $a = get_app();
    $siteinfo = array();
    if ($count > 10) {
        logger("parseurl_getsiteinfo: Endless loop detected for " . $url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
        return $siteinfo;
    $url = trim($url, "'");
    $url = trim($url, '"');
    $url = original_url($url);
    $siteinfo["url"] = $url;
    $siteinfo["type"] = "link";
    $stamp1 = microtime(true);
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->get_useragent());
    $header = curl_exec($ch);
    $curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch);
    $http_code = $curl_info['http_code'];
    $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "network");
    if (($curl_info['http_code'] == "301" or $curl_info['http_code'] == "302" or $curl_info['http_code'] == "303" or $curl_info['http_code'] == "307") and ($curl_info['redirect_url'] != "" or $curl_info['location'] != "")) {
        if ($curl_info['redirect_url'] != "") {
            $siteinfo = parseurl_getsiteinfo($curl_info['redirect_url'], $no_guessing, $do_oembed, ++$count);
        } else {
            $siteinfo = parseurl_getsiteinfo($curl_info['location'], $no_guessing, $do_oembed, ++$count);
        return $siteinfo;
    // if the file is too large then exit
    if ($curl_info["download_content_length"] > 1000000) {
        return $siteinfo;
    // if it isn't a HTML file then exit
    if ($curl_info["content_type"] != "" and !strstr(strtolower($curl_info["content_type"]), "html")) {
        return $siteinfo;
    if ($do_oembed) {
        require_once "include/oembed.php";
        $oembed_data = oembed_fetch_url($url);
        if ($oembed_data->type != "error") {
            $siteinfo["type"] = $oembed_data->type;
        if ($oembed_data->type == "link" and $siteinfo["type"] != "photo") {
            if (isset($oembed_data->title)) {
                $siteinfo["title"] = $oembed_data->title;
            if (isset($oembed_data->description)) {
                $siteinfo["text"] = trim($oembed_data->description);
            if (isset($oembed_data->thumbnail_url)) {
                $siteinfo["image"] = $oembed_data->thumbnail_url;
    $stamp1 = microtime(true);
    // Now fetch the body as well
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->get_useragent());
    $header = curl_exec($ch);
    $curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch);
    $http_code = $curl_info['http_code'];
    $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "network");
    // Fetch the first mentioned charset. Can be in body or header
    $charset = "";
    if (preg_match('/charset=(.*?)[' . "'" . '"\\s\\n]/', $header, $matches)) {
        $charset = trim(trim(trim(array_pop($matches)), ';,'));
    if ($charset == "") {
        $charset = "utf-8";
    $pos = strpos($header, "\r\n\r\n");
    if ($pos) {
        $body = trim(substr($header, $pos));
    } else {
        $body = $header;
    if ($charset != '' and strtoupper($charset) != "UTF-8") {
        logger("parseurl_getsiteinfo: detected charset " . $charset, LOGGER_DEBUG);
        //$body = mb_convert_encoding($body, "UTF-8", $charset);
        $body = iconv($charset, "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $body);
    $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    deletenode($doc, 'style');
    deletenode($doc, 'script');
    deletenode($doc, 'option');
    deletenode($doc, 'h1');
    deletenode($doc, 'h2');
    deletenode($doc, 'h3');
    deletenode($doc, 'h4');
    deletenode($doc, 'h5');
    deletenode($doc, 'h6');
    deletenode($doc, 'ol');
    deletenode($doc, 'ul');
    $xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
    $list = $xpath->query("//meta[@content]");
    foreach ($list as $node) {
        $attr = array();
        if ($node->attributes->length) {
            foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
                $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
        if (@$attr["http-equiv"] == 'refresh') {
            $path = $attr["content"];
            $pathinfo = explode(";", $path);
            $content = "";
            foreach ($pathinfo as $value) {
                if (substr(strtolower($value), 0, 4) == "url=") {
                    $content = substr($value, 4);
            if ($content != "") {
                $siteinfo = parseurl_getsiteinfo($content, $no_guessing, $do_oembed, ++$count);
                return $siteinfo;
    //$list = $xpath->query("head/title");
    $list = $xpath->query("//title");
    foreach ($list as $node) {
        $siteinfo["title"] = html_entity_decode($node->nodeValue, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    //$list = $xpath->query("head/meta[@name]");
    $list = $xpath->query("//meta[@name]");
    foreach ($list as $node) {
        $attr = array();
        if ($node->attributes->length) {
            foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
                $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
        $attr["content"] = trim(html_entity_decode($attr["content"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
        if ($attr["content"] != "") {
            switch (strtolower($attr["name"])) {
                case "fulltitle":
                    $siteinfo["title"] = $attr["content"];
                case "description":
                    $siteinfo["text"] = $attr["content"];
                case "thumbnail":
                    $siteinfo["image"] = $attr["content"];
                case "twitter:image":
                    $siteinfo["image"] = $attr["content"];
                case "twitter:image:src":
                    $siteinfo["image"] = $attr["content"];
                case "twitter:card":
                    if ($siteinfo["type"] == "" or $attr["content"] == "photo") {
                        $siteinfo["type"] = $attr["content"];
                case "twitter:description":
                    $siteinfo["text"] = $attr["content"];
                case "twitter:title":
                    $siteinfo["title"] = $attr["content"];
                case "dc.title":
                    $siteinfo["title"] = $attr["content"];
                case "dc.description":
                    $siteinfo["text"] = $attr["content"];
                case "keywords":
                    $keywords = explode(",", $attr["content"]);
                case "news_keywords":
                    $keywords = explode(",", $attr["content"]);
        if ($siteinfo["type"] == "summary") {
            $siteinfo["type"] = "link";
    if (isset($keywords)) {
        $siteinfo["keywords"] = array();
        foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
            $siteinfo["keywords"][] = trim($keyword);
    //$list = $xpath->query("head/meta[@property]");
    $list = $xpath->query("//meta[@property]");
    foreach ($list as $node) {
        $attr = array();
        if ($node->attributes->length) {
            foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
                $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
        $attr["content"] = trim(html_entity_decode($attr["content"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
        if ($attr["content"] != "") {
            switch (strtolower($attr["property"])) {
                case "og:image":
                    $siteinfo["image"] = $attr["content"];
                case "og:title":
                    $siteinfo["title"] = $attr["content"];
                case "og:description":
                    $siteinfo["text"] = $attr["content"];
    if (@$siteinfo["image"] == "" and !$no_guessing) {
        $list = $xpath->query("//img[@src]");
        foreach ($list as $node) {
            $attr = array();
            if ($node->attributes->length) {
                foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
                    $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
            $src = completeurl($attr["src"], $url);
            $photodata = @getimagesize($src);
            if ($photodata && $photodata[0] > 150 and $photodata[1] > 150) {
                if ($photodata[0] > 300) {
                    $photodata[1] = round($photodata[1] * (300 / $photodata[0]));
                    $photodata[0] = 300;
                if ($photodata[1] > 300) {
                    $photodata[0] = round($photodata[0] * (300 / $photodata[1]));
                    $photodata[1] = 300;
                $siteinfo["images"][] = array("src" => $src, "width" => $photodata[0], "height" => $photodata[1]);
    } else {
        $src = completeurl($siteinfo["image"], $url);
        $photodata = @getimagesize($src);
        if ($photodata && $photodata[0] > 10 and $photodata[1] > 10) {
            $siteinfo["images"][] = array("src" => $src, "width" => $photodata[0], "height" => $photodata[1]);
    if (@$siteinfo["text"] == "" and @$siteinfo["title"] != "" and !$no_guessing) {
        $text = "";
        $list = $xpath->query("//div[@class='article']");
        foreach ($list as $node) {
            if (strlen($node->nodeValue) > 40) {
                $text .= " " . trim($node->nodeValue);
        if ($text == "") {
            $list = $xpath->query("//div[@class='content']");
            foreach ($list as $node) {
                if (strlen($node->nodeValue) > 40) {
                    $text .= " " . trim($node->nodeValue);
        // If none text was found then take the paragraph content
        if ($text == "") {
            $list = $xpath->query("//p");
            foreach ($list as $node) {
                if (strlen($node->nodeValue) > 40) {
                    $text .= " " . trim($node->nodeValue);
        if ($text != "") {
            $text = trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array(" ", " "), $text));
            while (strpos($text, "  ")) {
                $text = trim(str_replace("  ", " ", $text));
            $siteinfo["text"] = trim(html_entity_decode(substr($text, 0, 350), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '...');
    logger("parseurl_getsiteinfo: Siteinfo for " . $url . " " . print_r($siteinfo, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
    call_hooks('getsiteinfo', $siteinfo);
    return $siteinfo;
Пример #3
function twitter_expand_entities($a, $body, $item, $no_tags = false, $picture)
    require_once "include/oembed.php";
    require_once "include/network.php";
    $tags = "";
    if (isset($item->entities->urls)) {
        $type = "";
        $footerurl = "";
        $footerlink = "";
        $footer = "";
        foreach ($item->entities->urls as $url) {
            if ($url->url and $url->expanded_url and $url->display_url) {
                $expanded_url = original_url($url->expanded_url);
                $oembed_data = oembed_fetch_url($expanded_url);
                // Quickfix: Workaround for URL with "[" and "]" in it
                if (strpos($expanded_url, "[") or strpos($expanded_url, "]")) {
                    $expanded_url = $url->url;
                if ($type == "") {
                    $type = $oembed_data->type;
                if ($oembed_data->type == "video") {
                    //$body = str_replace($url->url,
                    //		"[video]".$expanded_url."[/video]", $body);
                    //$dontincludemedia = true;
                    $type = $oembed_data->type;
                    $footerurl = $expanded_url;
                    $footerlink = "[url=" . $expanded_url . "]" . $expanded_url . "[/url]";
                    $body = str_replace($url->url, $footerlink, $body);
                    //} elseif (($oembed_data->type == "photo") AND isset($oembed_data->url) AND !$dontincludemedia) {
                } elseif ($oembed_data->type == "photo" and isset($oembed_data->url)) {
                    $body = str_replace($url->url, "[url=" . $expanded_url . "][img]" . $oembed_data->url . "[/img][/url]", $body);
                    //$dontincludemedia = true;
                } elseif ($oembed_data->type != "link") {
                    $body = str_replace($url->url, "[url=" . $expanded_url . "]" . $expanded_url . "[/url]", $body);
                } else {
                    $img_str = fetch_url($expanded_url, true, $redirects, 4);
                    $tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), "cache");
                    file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str);
                    $mime = image_type_to_mime_type(exif_imagetype($tempfile));
                    if (substr($mime, 0, 6) == "image/") {
                        $type = "photo";
                        $body = str_replace($url->url, "[img]" . $expanded_url . "[/img]", $body);
                        //$dontincludemedia = true;
                    } else {
                        $type = $oembed_data->type;
                        $footerurl = $expanded_url;
                        $footerlink = "[url=" . $expanded_url . "]" . $expanded_url . "[/url]";
                        $body = str_replace($url->url, $footerlink, $body);
        if ($footerurl != "") {
            $footer = add_page_info($footerurl, false, $picture);
        if ($footerlink != "" and trim($footer) != "") {
            $removedlink = trim(str_replace($footerlink, "", $body));
            if ($removedlink == "" or strstr($body, $removedlink)) {
                $body = $removedlink;
            $body .= $footer;
        if ($footer == "" and $picture != "") {
            $body .= "\n\n[img]" . $picture . "[/img]\n";
        } elseif ($footer == "" and $picture == "") {
            $body = add_page_info_to_body($body);
        if ($no_tags) {
            return array("body" => $body, "tags" => "");
        $tags_arr = array();
        foreach ($item->entities->hashtags as $hashtag) {
            $url = "#[url=" . $a->get_baseurl() . "/search?tag=" . rawurlencode($hashtag->text) . "]" . $hashtag->text . "[/url]";
            $tags_arr["#" . $hashtag->text] = $url;
            $body = str_replace("#" . $hashtag->text, $url, $body);
        foreach ($item->entities->user_mentions as $mention) {
            $url = "@[url=https://twitter.com/" . rawurlencode($mention->screen_name) . "]" . $mention->screen_name . "[/url]";
            $tags_arr["@" . $mention->screen_name] = $url;
            $body = str_replace("@" . $mention->screen_name, $url, $body);
        // it seems as if the entities aren't always covering all mentions. So the rest will be checked here
        $tags = get_tags($body);
        if (count($tags)) {
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                if (strstr(trim($tag), " ")) {
                if (strpos($tag, '#') === 0) {
                    if (strpos($tag, '[url=')) {
                    // don't link tags that are already embedded in links
                    if (preg_match('/\\[(.*?)' . preg_quote($tag, '/') . '(.*?)\\]/', $body)) {
                    if (preg_match('/\\[(.*?)\\]\\((.*?)' . preg_quote($tag, '/') . '(.*?)\\)/', $body)) {
                    $basetag = str_replace('_', ' ', substr($tag, 1));
                    $url = '#[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/search?tag=' . rawurlencode($basetag) . ']' . $basetag . '[/url]';
                    $body = str_replace($tag, $url, $body);
                    $tags_arr["#" . $basetag] = $url;
                } elseif (strpos($tag, '@') === 0) {
                    if (strpos($tag, '[url=')) {
                    $basetag = substr($tag, 1);
                    $url = '@[url=https://twitter.com/' . rawurlencode($basetag) . ']' . $basetag . '[/url]';
                    $body = str_replace($tag, $url, $body);
                    $tags_arr["@" . $basetag] = $url;
        $tags = implode($tags_arr, ",");
    return array("body" => $body, "tags" => $tags);
Пример #4
function fromgplus_handleattachments($a, $uid, $item, $displaytext, $shared)
    require_once "include/Photo.php";
    require_once "include/items.php";
    require_once "include/network.php";
    $post = "";
    $quote = "";
    $pagedata = array();
    $pagedata["type"] = "";
    foreach ($item->object->attachments as $attachment) {
        switch ($attachment->objectType) {
            case "video":
                $pagedata["type"] = "video";
                $pagedata["url"] = original_url($attachment->url);
                $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
            case "article":
                $pagedata["type"] = "link";
                $pagedata["url"] = original_url($attachment->url);
                $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
                $images = fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($attachment->fullImage, $attachment->image);
                if ($images["full"] != "") {
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["full"];
                $quote = trim(fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->content));
                if ($quote != "") {
                    $pagedata["text"] = $quote;
            case "photo":
                // Don't store shared pictures in your wall photos (to prevent a possible violating of licenses)
                if ($shared) {
                    $images = fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($attachment->fullImage, $attachment->image);
                } else {
                    if ($attachment->fullImage->url != "") {
                        $images = store_photo($a, $uid, "", $attachment->fullImage->url);
                    } elseif ($attachment->image->url != "") {
                        $images = store_photo($a, $uid, "", $attachment->image->url);
                if ($images["preview"] != "") {
                    $post .= "\n[url=" . $images["page"] . "][img]" . $images["preview"] . "[/img][/url]\n";
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["preview"];
                    $pagedata["url"] = $images["page"];
                } elseif ($images["full"] != "") {
                    $post .= "\n[img]" . $images["full"] . "[/img]\n";
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["full"];
                    if ($images["preview"] != "") {
                        $pagedata["images"][1]["src"] = $images["preview"];
                if ($attachment->displayName != "" and fromgplus_cleantext($attachment->displayName) != fromgplus_cleantext($displaytext)) {
                    $post .= fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName) . "\n";
                    $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
            case "photo-album":
                $pagedata["url"] = original_url($attachment->url);
                $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
                $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=" . $pagedata["url"] . "]" . $pagedata["title"] . "[/bookmark]\n";
                $images = fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($attachment->fullImage, $attachment->image);
                if ($images["preview"] != "") {
                    $post .= "\n[url=" . $images["full"] . "][img]" . $images["preview"] . "[/img][/url]\n";
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["preview"];
                    $pagedata["url"] = $images["full"];
                } elseif ($images["full"] != "") {
                    $post .= "\n[img]" . $images["full"] . "[/img]\n";
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["full"];
                    if ($images["preview"] != "") {
                        $pagedata["images"][1]["src"] = $images["preview"];
            case "album":
                $pagedata["type"] = "link";
                $pagedata["url"] = original_url($attachment->url);
                $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
                $thumb = $attachment->thumbnails[0];
                $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $thumb->image->url;
                $quote = trim(fromgplus_html2bbcode($thumb->description));
                if ($quote != "") {
                    $pagedata["text"] = $quote;
            case "audio":
                $pagedata["url"] = original_url($attachment->url);
                $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
                $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=" . $pagedata["url"] . "]" . $pagedata["title"] . "[/bookmark]\n";
                //	die($attachment->objectType);
    if ($pagedata["type"] != "") {
        return add_page_info_data($pagedata);
    return $post . $quote;
Пример #5
function statusnet_convertmsg($a, $body, $no_tags = false)
    require_once "include/oembed.php";
    require_once "include/items.php";
    require_once "include/network.php";
    $body = preg_replace("=\\[url\\=https?://([0-9]*).([0-9]*).([0-9]*).([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]=ism", "\$1.\$2.\$3.\$4/\$5", $body);
    $URLSearchString = "^\\[\\]";
    $links = preg_match_all("/[^!#@]\\[url\\=([{$URLSearchString}]*)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]/ism", $body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    $footer = "";
    $footerurl = "";
    $footerlink = "";
    $type = "";
    if ($links) {
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $search = "[url=" . $match[1] . "]" . $match[2] . "[/url]";
            logger("statusnet_convertmsg: expanding url " . $match[1], LOGGER_DEBUG);
            $expanded_url = original_url($match[1]);
            logger("statusnet_convertmsg: fetching data for " . $expanded_url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
            $oembed_data = oembed_fetch_url($expanded_url, true);
            logger("statusnet_convertmsg: fetching data: done", LOGGER_DEBUG);
            if ($type == "") {
                $type = $oembed_data->type;
            if ($oembed_data->type == "video") {
                //$body = str_replace($search, "[video]".$expanded_url."[/video]", $body);
                $type = $oembed_data->type;
                $footerurl = $expanded_url;
                $footerlink = "[url=" . $expanded_url . "]" . $expanded_url . "[/url]";
                $body = str_replace($search, $footerlink, $body);
            } elseif ($oembed_data->type == "photo" and isset($oembed_data->url) and !$dontincludemedia) {
                $body = str_replace($search, "[url=" . $expanded_url . "][img]" . $oembed_data->url . "[/img][/url]", $body);
            } elseif ($oembed_data->type != "link") {
                $body = str_replace($search, "[url=" . $expanded_url . "]" . $expanded_url . "[/url]", $body);
            } else {
                $img_str = fetch_url($expanded_url, true, $redirects, 4);
                $tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), "cache");
                file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str);
                $mime = image_type_to_mime_type(exif_imagetype($tempfile));
                if (substr($mime, 0, 6) == "image/") {
                    $type = "photo";
                    $body = str_replace($search, "[img]" . $expanded_url . "[/img]", $body);
                } else {
                    $type = $oembed_data->type;
                    $footerurl = $expanded_url;
                    $footerlink = "[url=" . $expanded_url . "]" . $expanded_url . "[/url]";
                    $body = str_replace($search, $footerlink, $body);
        if ($footerurl != "") {
            $footer = add_page_info($footerurl);
        if ($footerlink != "" and trim($footer) != "") {
            $removedlink = trim(str_replace($footerlink, "", $body));
            if ($removedlink == "" or strstr($body, $removedlink)) {
                $body = $removedlink;
            $body .= $footer;
    if ($no_tags) {
        return array("body" => $body, "tags" => "");
    $str_tags = '';
    $cnt = preg_match_all("/([!#@])\\[url\\=([{$URLSearchString}]*)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]/ism", $body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    if ($cnt) {
        foreach ($matches as $mtch) {
            if (strlen($str_tags)) {
                $str_tags .= ',';
            if ($mtch[1] == "#") {
                // Replacing the hash tags that are directed to the GNU Social server with internal links
                $snhash = "#[url=" . $mtch[2] . "]" . $mtch[3] . "[/url]";
                $frdchash = '#[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/search?tag=' . rawurlencode($mtch[3]) . ']' . $mtch[3] . '[/url]';
                $body = str_replace($snhash, $frdchash, $body);
                $str_tags .= $frdchash;
            } else {
                $str_tags .= "@[url=" . $mtch[2] . "]" . $mtch[3] . "[/url]";
            // To-Do:
            // There is a problem with links with to GNU Social groups, so these links are stored with "@" like friendica groups
            //$str_tags .= $mtch[1]."[url=".$mtch[2]."]".$mtch[3]."[/url]";
    return array("body" => $body, "tags" => $str_tags);
Пример #6
function fbpost_fetchwall($a, $uid)
    require_once "include/oembed.php";
    require_once "include/network.php";
    require_once "include/items.php";
    require_once "mod/item.php";
    require_once "include/bbcode.php";
    $access_token = get_pconfig($uid, 'facebook', 'access_token');
    $post_to_page = get_pconfig($uid, 'facebook', 'post_to_page');
    $mirror_page = get_pconfig($uid, 'facebook', 'mirror_page');
    $lastcreated = get_pconfig($uid, 'facebook', 'last_created');
    if ((int) $post_to_page == 0) {
        $post_to_page = "me";
    if ((int) $mirror_page != 0) {
        $post_to_page = $mirror_page;
    $url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $post_to_page . "/feed?access_token=" . $access_token;
    $first_time = $lastcreated == "";
    if ($lastcreated != "") {
        $url .= "&since=" . urlencode($lastcreated);
    $feed = fetch_url($url);
    $data = json_decode($feed);
    if (!is_array($data->data)) {
    $items = array_reverse($data->data);
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if ($item->created_time > $lastcreated) {
            $lastcreated = $item->created_time;
        if ($first_time) {
        if ($item->application->id == get_config('facebook', 'appid')) {
        if (isset($item->privacy) && $item->privacy->value !== 'EVERYONE' && (int) $mirror_page == 0) {
        } elseif (isset($item->privacy) && $item->privacy->value !== 'EVERYONE' && $item->privacy->value !== '') {
        } elseif (!isset($item->privacy)) {
        if ($post_to_page != $item->from->id and (int) $post_to_page != 0) {
        if (!strstr($item->id, $item->from->id . "_") and isset($item->to) and (int) $post_to_page == 0) {
        $_SESSION["authenticated"] = true;
        $_SESSION["uid"] = $uid;
        $_REQUEST["type"] = "wall";
        $_REQUEST["api_source"] = true;
        $_REQUEST["profile_uid"] = $uid;
        //$_REQUEST["source"] = "Facebook";
        $_REQUEST["source"] = $item->application->name;
        $_REQUEST["extid"] = NETWORK_FACEBOOK;
        $_REQUEST["title"] = "";
        $_REQUEST["body"] = isset($item->message) ? escape_tags($item->message) : '';
        $pagedata = array();
        $content = "";
        $pagedata["type"] = "";
        if (isset($item->name) and isset($item->link)) {
            $item->link = original_url($item->link);
            $oembed_data = oembed_fetch_url($item->link);
            $pagedata["type"] = $oembed_data->type;
            $pagedata["url"] = $item->link;
            $pagedata["title"] = $item->name;
            $content = "[bookmark=" . $item->link . "]" . $item->name . "[/bookmark]";
            // If a link is not only attached but also added in the body, look if it can be removed in the body.
            $removedlink = trim(str_replace($item->link, "", $_REQUEST["body"]));
            if ($removedlink == "" or strstr($_REQUEST["body"], $removedlink)) {
                $_REQUEST["body"] = $removedlink;
        } elseif (isset($item->name)) {
            $content .= "[b]" . $item->name . "[/b]";
        $pagedata["text"] = "";
        if (isset($item->description) and $item->type != "photo") {
            $pagedata["text"] = $item->description;
        if (isset($item->caption) and $item->type == "photo") {
            $pagedata["text"] = $item->caption;
        // Only import the picture when the message is no video
        // oembed display a picture of the video as well
        //if ($item->type != "video") {
        //if (($item->type != "video") and ($item->type != "photo")) {
        if ($pagedata["type"] == "" or $pagedata["type"] == "link") {
            $pagedata["type"] = $item->type;
            if (isset($item->picture)) {
                $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $item->picture;
            if ($pagedata["type"] == "photo" and isset($item->object_id)) {
                logger('fbpost_fetchwall: fetching fbid ' . $item->object_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
                $url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $item->object_id . "?access_token=" . $access_token;
                $feed = fetch_url($url);
                $data = json_decode($feed);
                if (isset($data->images)) {
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $data->images[0]->source;
                    logger('got fbid image from images for ' . $item->object_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
                } elseif (isset($data->source)) {
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $data->source;
                    logger('got fbid image from source for ' . $item->object_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
                } elseif (isset($data->picture)) {
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $data->picture;
                    logger('got fbid image from picture for ' . $item->object_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
            if (trim($_REQUEST["body"] . $content . $pagedata["text"]) == '') {
                logger('facebook: empty body 1 ' . $item->id . ' ' . print_r($item, true));
            $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = fbpost_cleanpicture($pagedata["images"][0]["src"]);
            if ($pagedata["images"][0]["src"] != "" && isset($item->link)) {
                $item->link = original_url($item->link);
                $pagedata["url"] = $item->link;
                $content .= "\n" . '[url=' . $item->link . '][img]' . $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] . '[/img][/url]';
            } else {
                if ($pagedata["images"][0]["src"] != "") {
                    $content .= "\n" . '[img]' . $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] . '[/img]';
                // if just a link, it may be a wall photo - check
                if (isset($item->link)) {
                    $content .= fbpost_get_photo($uid, $item->link);
        if (trim($_REQUEST["body"] . $content . $pagedata["text"]) == '') {
            logger('facebook: empty body 2 ' . $item->id . ' ' . print_r($item, true));
        if ($pagedata["type"] != "") {
            $_REQUEST["body"] .= add_page_info_data($pagedata);
        } else {
            if ($content) {
                $_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n" . trim($content);
            if ($pagedata["text"]) {
                $_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n[quote]" . $pagedata["text"] . "[/quote]";
            $_REQUEST["body"] = trim($_REQUEST["body"]);
        if (isset($item->place)) {
            if ($item->place->name or $item->place->location->street or $item->place->location->city or $item->place->location->country) {
                $_REQUEST["location"] = '';
                if ($item->place->name) {
                    $_REQUEST["location"] .= $item->place->name;
                if ($item->place->location->street) {
                    $_REQUEST["location"] .= " " . $item->place->location->street;
                if ($item->place->location->city) {
                    $_REQUEST["location"] .= " " . $item->place->location->city;
                if ($item->place->location->country) {
                    $_REQUEST["location"] .= " " . $item->place->location->country;
                $_REQUEST["location"] = trim($_REQUEST["location"]);
            if ($item->place->location->latitude and $item->place->location->longitude) {
                $_REQUEST["coord"] = substr($item->place->location->latitude, 0, 8) . ' ' . substr($item->place->location->longitude, 0, 8);
        if (trim($_REQUEST["body"]) == '') {
            logger('facebook: empty body 3 ' . $item->id . ' ' . print_r($item, true));
        if (trim(strip_tags(bbcode($_REQUEST["body"], false, false))) == '') {
            logger('facebook: empty body 4 ' . $item->id . ' ' . print_r($item, true));
        logger('facebook: posting for user ' . $uid);
    set_pconfig($uid, 'facebook', 'last_created', $lastcreated);
Пример #7
function original_url($url, $depth = 1, $fetchbody = false)
    $a = get_app();
    // Remove Analytics Data from Google and other tracking platforms
    $urldata = parse_url($url);
    if (is_string($urldata["query"])) {
        $query = $urldata["query"];
        parse_str($query, $querydata);
        if (is_array($querydata)) {
            foreach ($querydata as $param => $value) {
                if (in_array($param, array("utm_source", "utm_medium", "utm_term", "utm_content", "utm_campaign", "wt_mc", "pk_campaign", "pk_kwd", "mc_cid", "mc_eid", "fb_action_ids", "fb_action_types", "fb_ref", "awesm", "wtrid", "woo_campaign", "woo_source", "woo_medium", "woo_content", "woo_term"))) {
                    $pair = $param . "=" . urlencode($value);
                    $url = str_replace($pair, "", $url);
                    // Second try: if the url isn't encoded completely
                    $pair = $param . "=" . str_replace(" ", "+", $value);
                    $url = str_replace($pair, "", $url);
                    // Third try: Maybey the url isn't encoded at all
                    $pair = $param . "=" . $value;
                    $url = str_replace($pair, "", $url);
                    $url = str_replace(array("?&", "&&"), array("?", ""), $url);
        if (substr($url, -1, 1) == "?") {
            $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
    if ($depth > 10) {
        return $url;
    $url = trim($url, "'");
    $stamp1 = microtime(true);
    $siteinfo = array();
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->get_useragent());
    $header = curl_exec($ch);
    $curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch);
    $http_code = $curl_info['http_code'];
    $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "network");
    if (($curl_info['http_code'] == "301" or $curl_info['http_code'] == "302") and ($curl_info['redirect_url'] != "" or $curl_info['location'] != "")) {
        if ($curl_info['redirect_url'] != "") {
            return original_url($curl_info['redirect_url'], ++$depth, $fetchbody);
        } else {
            return original_url($curl_info['location'], ++$depth, $fetchbody);
    // Check for redirects in the meta elements of the body if there are no redirects in the header.
    if (!$fetchbody) {
        return original_url($url, ++$depth, true);
    // if the file is too large then exit
    if ($curl_info["download_content_length"] > 1000000) {
        return $url;
    // if it isn't a HTML file then exit
    if ($curl_info["content_type"] != "" and !strstr(strtolower($curl_info["content_type"]), "html")) {
        return $url;
    $stamp1 = microtime(true);
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->get_useragent());
    $body = curl_exec($ch);
    $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "network");
    if (trim($body) == "") {
        return $url;
    // Check for redirect in meta elements
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
    $list = $xpath->query("//meta[@content]");
    foreach ($list as $node) {
        $attr = array();
        if ($node->attributes->length) {
            foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
                $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
        if (@$attr["http-equiv"] == 'refresh') {
            $path = $attr["content"];
            $pathinfo = explode(";", $path);
            $content = "";
            foreach ($pathinfo as $value) {
                if (substr(strtolower($value), 0, 4) == "url=") {
                    return original_url(substr($value, 4), ++$depth);
    return $url;
Пример #8
function feed_import($xml, $importer, &$contact, &$hub)
    $a = get_app();
    logger("Import Atom/RSS feed", LOGGER_DEBUG);
    if ($xml == "") {
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
    $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
    $xpath->registerNamespace('dc', "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/");
    $xpath->registerNamespace('content', "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/");
    $xpath->registerNamespace('rdf', "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#");
    $xpath->registerNamespace('rss', "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/");
    $xpath->registerNamespace('media', "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/");
    $author = array();
    // Is it RDF?
    if ($xpath->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel')->length > 0) {
        //$author["author-link"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel/rss:link/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel/rss:title/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($author["author-name"] == "") {
            $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel/rss:description/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $entries = $xpath->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:item');
    // Is it Atom?
    if ($xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry')->length > 0) {
        //$self = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='self']")->item(0)->attributes;
        //if (is_object($self))
        //	foreach($self AS $attributes)
        //		if ($attributes->name == "href")
        //			$author["author-link"] = $attributes->textContent;
        //if ($author["author-link"] == "") {
        //	$alternate = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='alternate']")->item(0)->attributes;
        //	if (is_object($alternate))
        //		foreach($alternate AS $attributes)
        //			if ($attributes->name == "href")
        //				$author["author-link"] = $attributes->textContent;
        $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:title/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($author["author-name"] == "") {
            $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:subtitle/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($author["author-name"] == "") {
            $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:author/atom:name/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        //$author["author-avatar"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:logo/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $author["edited"] = $author["created"] = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:updated/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $author["app"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:generator/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry');
    // Is it RSS?
    if ($xpath->query('/rss/channel')->length > 0) {
        //$author["author-link"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/link/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/title/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        //$author["author-avatar"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/image/url/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($author["author-name"] == "") {
            $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/copyright/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($author["author-name"] == "") {
            $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/description/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $author["edited"] = $author["created"] = $xpath->query('/rss/channel/pubDate/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $author["app"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/generator/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $entries = $xpath->query('/rss/channel/item');
    //if ($author["author-link"] == "")
    $author["author-link"] = $contact["url"];
    if ($author["author-name"] == "") {
        $author["author-name"] = $contact["name"];
    //if ($author["author-avatar"] == "")
    $author["author-avatar"] = $contact["thumb"];
    $author["owner-link"] = $contact["url"];
    $author["owner-name"] = $contact["name"];
    $author["owner-avatar"] = $contact["thumb"];
    $header = array();
    $header["uid"] = $importer["uid"];
    $header["network"] = NETWORK_FEED;
    $header["type"] = "remote";
    $header["wall"] = 0;
    $header["origin"] = 0;
    $header["gravity"] = GRAVITY_PARENT;
    $header["private"] = 2;
    $header["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST;
    $header["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE;
    $header["contact-id"] = $contact["id"];
    if (!strlen($contact["notify"])) {
        // one way feed - no remote comment ability
        $header["last-child"] = 0;
    if (!is_object($entries)) {
    $entrylist = array();
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        $entrylist[] = $entry;
    foreach (array_reverse($entrylist) as $entry) {
        $item = array_merge($header, $author);
        $item["title"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($item["title"] == "") {
            $item["title"] = $xpath->evaluate('title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($item["title"] == "") {
            $item["title"] = $xpath->evaluate('rss:title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $alternate = $xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $entry)->item(0)->attributes;
        if (!is_object($alternate)) {
            $alternate = $xpath->query("atom:link", $entry)->item(0)->attributes;
        if (is_object($alternate)) {
            foreach ($alternate as $attributes) {
                if ($attributes->name == "href") {
                    $item["plink"] = $attributes->textContent;
        if ($item["plink"] == "") {
            $item["plink"] = $xpath->evaluate('link/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($item["plink"] == "") {
            $item["plink"] = $xpath->evaluate('rss:link/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $item["plink"] = original_url($item["plink"]);
        $item["uri"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:id/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($item["uri"] == "") {
            $item["uri"] = $xpath->evaluate('guid/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($item["uri"] == "") {
            $item["uri"] = $item["plink"];
        $item["parent-uri"] = $item["uri"];
        $published = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($published == "") {
            $published = $xpath->query('pubDate/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($published == "") {
            $published = $xpath->query('dc:date/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $updated = $xpath->query('atom:updated/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($updated == "") {
            $updated = $published;
        if ($published != "") {
            $item["created"] = $published;
        if ($updated != "") {
            $item["edited"] = $updated;
        $creator = $xpath->query('author/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($creator == "") {
            $creator = $xpath->query('atom:author/atom:name/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($creator == "") {
            $creator = $xpath->query('dc:creator/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($creator != "") {
            $item["author-name"] = $creator;
        if ($pubDate != "") {
            $item["edited"] = $item["created"] = $pubDate;
        $creator = $xpath->query('dc:creator/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($creator != "") {
            $item["author-name"] = $creator;
        //$item["object"] = $xml;
        $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s')", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["uri"]), dbesc(NETWORK_FEED), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN));
        if ($r) {
            logger("Item with uri " . $item["uri"] . " for user " . $importer["uid"] . " already existed under id " . $r[0]["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
        // To-Do?
        // <category>Ausland</category>
        // <media:thumbnail width="152" height="76" url="http://www.taz.de/picture/667875/192/14388767.jpg"/>
        $attachments = array();
        $enclosures = $xpath->query("enclosure", $entry);
        foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
            $href = "";
            $length = "";
            $type = "";
            $title = "";
            foreach ($enclosure->attributes as $attributes) {
                if ($attributes->name == "url") {
                    $href = $attributes->textContent;
                } elseif ($attributes->name == "length") {
                    $length = $attributes->textContent;
                } elseif ($attributes->name == "type") {
                    $type = $attributes->textContent;
            if (strlen($item["attach"])) {
                $item["attach"] .= ',';
            $attachments[] = array("link" => $href, "type" => $type, "length" => $length);
            $item["attach"] .= '[attach]href="' . $href . '" length="' . $length . '" type="' . $type . '"[/attach]';
        if ($contact["fetch_further_information"]) {
            $preview = "";
            // Handle enclosures and treat them as preview picture
            foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                if ($attachment["type"] == "image/jpeg") {
                    $preview = $attachment["link"];
            $item["body"] = $item["title"] . add_page_info($item["plink"], false, $preview, $contact["fetch_further_information"] == 2, $contact["ffi_keyword_blacklist"]);
            $item["tag"] = add_page_keywords($item["plink"], false, $preview, $contact["fetch_further_information"] == 2, $contact["ffi_keyword_blacklist"]);
            $item["title"] = "";
            $item["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK;
        } else {
            $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('atom:content/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
            if ($body == "") {
                $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('content:encoded/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
            if ($body == "") {
                $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('description/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
            if ($body == "") {
                $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('atom:summary/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
            // remove the content of the title if it is identically to the body
            // This helps with auto generated titles e.g. from tumblr
            if (title_is_body($item["title"], $body)) {
                $item["title"] = "";
            $item["body"] = html2bbcode($body);
        logger("Stored feed: " . print_r($item, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
        $notify = item_is_remote_self($contact, $item);
        $id = item_store($item, false, $notify);
        logger("Feed for contact " . $contact["url"] . " stored under id " . $id);
Пример #9
function fbsync_createpost($a, $uid, $self, $contacts, $applications, $post, $create_user)
    $access_token = get_pconfig($uid, 'facebook', 'access_token');
    require_once "include/oembed.php";
    require_once "include/network.php";
    require_once "include/items.php";
    // check if it was already imported
    $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc('fb::' . $post->post_id));
    if (count($r)) {
    $postarray = array();
    $postarray['gravity'] = 0;
    $postarray['uid'] = $uid;
    $postarray['wall'] = 0;
    $postarray['verb'] = ACTIVITY_POST;
    $postarray['object-type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE;
    // default value - is maybe changed later when media is attached
    $postarray['network'] = dbesc(NETWORK_FACEBOOK);
    $postarray['uri'] = "fb::" . $post->post_id;
    $postarray['thr-parent'] = $postarray['uri'];
    $postarray['parent-uri'] = $postarray['uri'];
    $postarray['plink'] = $post->permalink;
    $postarray['author-name'] = $contacts[$post->actor_id]->name;
    $postarray['author-link'] = $contacts[$post->actor_id]->url;
    $postarray['author-avatar'] = $contacts[$post->actor_id]->pic_square;
    $postarray['owner-name'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->name;
    $postarray['owner-link'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->url;
    $postarray['owner-avatar'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->pic_square;
    $contact_id = 0;
    if ($post->parent_post_id != "" and $post->actor_id == $post->source_id) {
        $pos = strpos($post->parent_post_id, "_");
        if ($pos != 0) {
            $user_id = substr($post->parent_post_id, 0, $pos);
            $userdata = fbsync_fetchuser($a, $uid, $user_id);
            $contact_id = $userdata["contact-id"];
            $postarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id;
            if (array_key_exists("name", $userdata) and $userdata["name"] != "" and !link_compare($userdata["link"], $postarray['author-link'])) {
                $postarray['owner-name'] = $userdata["name"];
                $postarray['owner-link'] = $userdata["link"];
                $postarray['owner-avatar'] = $userdata["avatar"];
                if (!intval(get_config('system', 'wall-to-wall_share'))) {
                    $prebody = "[share author='" . $postarray['author-name'] . "' profile='" . $postarray['author-link'] . "' avatar='" . $postarray['author-avatar'] . "']";
                    $postarray['author-name'] = $postarray['owner-name'];
                    $postarray['author-link'] = $postarray['owner-link'];
                    $postarray['author-avatar'] = $postarray['owner-avatar'];
    if ($contact_id <= 0) {
        if ($post->actor_id != $post->source_id) {
            // Testing if we know the source or the actor
            $contact_id = fbsync_fetch_contact($uid, $contacts[$post->source_id], false);
            if ($contact_id == 0 and array_key_exists($post->actor_id, $contacts)) {
                $contact_id = fbsync_fetch_contact($uid, $contacts[$post->actor_id], false);
            // If we don't know anyone, we guess we should know the source. Could be the wrong decision
            if ($contact_id == 0) {
                $contact_id = fbsync_fetch_contact($uid, $contacts[$post->source_id], $create_user);
        } else {
            $contact_id = fbsync_fetch_contact($uid, $contacts[$post->source_id], $create_user);
        if ($contact_id == -1) {
            logger('fbsync_createpost: Contact is blocked. Post not imported ' . print_r($post, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
        } elseif ($contact_id <= 0 and !$create_user) {
            logger('fbsync_createpost: No matching contact found. Post not imported ' . print_r($post, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
        } elseif ($contact_id == 0) {
            // This case should never happen
            logger('fbsync_createpost: No matching contact found. Using own id. (Should never happen) ' . print_r($post, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
            $contact_id = $self[0]["id"];
        $postarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id;
    $postarray["body"] = isset($post->message) ? escape_tags($post->message) : '';
    $msgdata = fbsync_convertmsg($a, $postarray["body"]);
    $postarray["body"] = $msgdata["body"];
    $postarray["tag"] = $msgdata["tags"];
    // Change the object type when an attachment is present
    if (isset($post->attachment->fb_object_type)) {
        logger('fb_object_type: ' . $post->attachment->fb_object_type . " " . print_r($post->attachment, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
    switch ($post->attachment->fb_object_type) {
        case 'photo':
            $postarray['object-type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_IMAGE;
            // photo is deprecated: http://activitystrea.ms/head/activity-schema.html#image
        case 'video':
            $postarray['object-type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_VIDEO;
        case '':
            //$postarray['object-type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK;
            logger('Unknown object type ' . $post->attachment->fb_object_type, LOGGER_DEBUG);
    $pagedata = array();
    $content = "";
    $pagedata["type"] = "";
    if (isset($post->attachment->name) and isset($post->attachment->href)) {
        $post->attachment->href = original_url($post->attachment->href);
        $oembed_data = oembed_fetch_url($post->attachment->href);
        $pagedata["type"] = $oembed_data->type;
        if ($pagedata["type"] == "rich") {
            $pagedata["type"] = "link";
        $pagedata["url"] = $post->attachment->href;
        $pagedata["title"] = $post->attachment->name;
        $content = "[bookmark=" . $post->attachment->href . "]" . $post->attachment->name . "[/bookmark]";
        // If a link is not only attached but also added in the body, look if it can be removed in the body.
        $removedlink = trim(str_replace($post->attachment->href, "", $postarray["body"]));
        if ($removedlink == "" or strstr($postarray["body"], $removedlink)) {
            $postarray["body"] = $removedlink;
    } elseif (isset($post->attachment->name) and $post->attachment->name != "") {
        $content = "[b]" . $post->attachment->name . "[/b]";
    $pagedata["text"] = "";
    if (isset($post->attachment->description) and $post->attachment->fb_object_type != "photo") {
        $pagedata["text"] = $post->attachment->description;
    if (isset($post->attachment->caption) and $post->attachment->fb_object_type == "photo") {
        $pagedata["text"] = $post->attachment->caption;
    if ($pagedata["text"] . $post->attachment->href . $content . $postarray["body"] == "") {
    if (isset($post->attachment->media) and ($pagedata["type"] == "" or $pagedata["type"] == "link")) {
        foreach ($post->attachment->media as $media) {
            if (isset($media->type)) {
                $pagedata["type"] = $media->type;
            if (isset($media->src)) {
                $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $media->src;
            if (isset($media->photo)) {
                if (isset($media->photo->images) and count($media->photo->images) > 1) {
                    $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $media->photo->images[1]->src;
                if (isset($media->photo->fbid)) {
                    logger('fbsync_createpost: fetching fbid ' . $media->photo->fbid, LOGGER_DEBUG);
                    $url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $media->photo->fbid . "?access_token=" . $access_token;
                    $feed = fetch_url($url);
                    $data = json_decode($feed);
                    if (isset($data->images)) {
                        $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $data->images[0]->source;
                        logger('fbsync_createpost: got fbid ' . $media->photo->fbid . ' image ' . $pagedata["images"][0]["src"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
                    } else {
                        logger('fbsync_createpost: error fetching fbid ' . $media->photo->fbid . ' ' . print_r($data, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
            $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = fbpost_cleanpicture($pagedata["images"][0]["src"]);
            if (isset($media->href) and $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] != "" and $media->href != "") {
                $media->href = original_url($media->href);
                $pagedata["url"] = $media->href;
                $content .= "\n" . '[url=' . $media->href . '][img]' . $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] . '[/img][/url]';
            } else {
                if ($pagedata["images"][0]["src"] != "") {
                    $content .= "\n" . '[img]' . $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] . '[/img]';
                // if just a link, it may be a wall photo - check
                if (isset($post->link)) {
                    $content .= fbpost_get_photo($media->href);
    if ($pagedata["type"] != "") {
        if ($pagedata["type"] == "link") {
            $postarray["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK;
        $postarray["body"] .= add_page_info_data($pagedata);
    } else {
        if ($content) {
            $postarray["body"] .= "\n" . trim($content);
        if ($pagedata["text"]) {
            $postarray["body"] .= "\n[quote]" . trim($pagedata["text"]) . "[/quote]";
        $postarray["body"] = trim($postarray["body"]);
    if (trim($postarray["body"]) == "") {
    if ($prebody != "") {
        $postarray["body"] = $prebody . $postarray["body"] . "[/share]";
    $postarray['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', date("c", $post->created_time));
    $postarray['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', date("c", $post->updated_time));
    $postarray['app'] = $applications[$post->app_id]->display_name;
    if ($postarray['app'] == "") {
        $postarray['app'] = "Facebook";
    if (isset($post->privacy) && $post->privacy->value !== '') {
        $postarray['private'] = 1;
        $postarray['allow_cid'] = '<' . $self[0]['id'] . '>';
    $postarray["location"] = $post->place->name;
    postarray["coord"] = $post->geo->coordinates[0]." ".$post->geo->coordinates[1];
    //$types = array(46, 80, 237, 247, 308);
    //if (!in_array($post->type, $types))
    //	$postarray["body"] = "Type: ".$post->type."\n".$postarray["body"];
    $item = item_store($postarray);
    logger('fbsync_createpost: User ' . $self[0]["nick"] . ' posted feed item ' . $item, LOGGER_DEBUG);