} ?> "> <div class="posted"> <?php oprum_posted_on(); ?> </div> <div class="extrameta"> <?php /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */ $category_list = '<span class="cat-links"> ' . get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'oprum')) . '</span>'; /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */ $tag_list = '<span class="tags-links"> ' . get_the_tag_list('', __(', ', 'oprum')) . '</span>'; if (!oprum_categorized_blog()) { if ('' != $tag_list) { $meta_text = __('%2$s', 'oprum'); } else { $meta_text = ''; } } else { if ('' != $tag_list) { $meta_text = __('%1$s %2$s', 'oprum'); } else { $meta_text = ''; } } // end check for categories on this blog printf($meta_text, $category_list, $tag_list, get_permalink()); ?>
oprum_posted_on(); ?> <?php if (!has_post_format(array('aside', 'quote', 'link', 'chat', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'gallery'))) { ?> <!--begin more meta--> <?php if ('post' == get_post_type()) { // Hide category and tag text for pages on Search ?> <?php /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */ $categories_list = get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'oprum')); if ($categories_list && oprum_categorized_blog()) { ?> <span class="cat-links"> <?php printf(__('%1$s', 'oprum'), $categories_list); ?> </span> <?php } // End if categories ?> <?php /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */ $tags_list = get_the_tag_list('', __(', ', 'oprum')); if ($tags_list) {