$lang_id = $languages[$i]['id']; $_POST['coupon_name'][$iso_639_2] = trim($_POST['coupon_name'][$lang_id]); $_POST['coupon_desc'][$iso_639_2] = trim($_POST['coupon_desc'][$lang_id]); } $_POST['coupon_amount'] = trim($_POST['coupon_amount']); $update_errors = 0; if (!$_POST['coupon_name']) { $update_errors = 1; $messageStack->add(ERROR_NO_COUPON_NAME, 'error'); } if (!$_POST['coupon_amount'] && !$_POST['coupon_free_ship']) { $update_errors = 1; $messageStack->add(ERROR_NO_COUPON_AMOUNT, 'error'); } if (!$_POST['coupon_code']) { $coupon_code = oos_create_coupon_code(); } if ($_POST['coupon_code']) { $coupon_code = $_POST['coupon_code']; } $query1 = $dbconn->Execute("SELECT coupon_code\n FROM " . $oostable['coupons'] . "\n WHERE coupon_code = '" . oos_db_prepare_input($coupon_code) . "'"); if ($query1->RecordCount() && $_POST['coupon_code'] && $_GET['oldaction'] != 'voucheredit') { $update_errors = 1; $messageStack->add(ERROR_COUPON_EXISTS, 'error'); } if ($update_errors != 0) { $action = 'new'; } else { $action = 'update_preview'; } break;
$send_mail->Body = $message; $send_mail->AddAddress($mail['customers_email_address'], $mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname']); $send_mail->Send(); $send_mail->ClearAddresses(); $send_mail->ClearAttachments(); // Now create the coupon main and email entry $couponstable = $oostable['coupons']; $insert_result = $dbconn->Execute("INSERT INTO {$couponstable} (coupon_code, coupon_type, coupon_amount, date_created) VALUES ('" . $id1 . "', 'G', '" . $_POST['amount'] . "', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . "')"); $insert_id = $dbconn->Insert_ID(); $coupon_email_tracktable = $oostable['coupon_email_track']; $insert_result = $dbconn->Execute("INSERT INTO {$coupon_email_tracktable} (coupon_id, customer_id_sent, sent_firstname, emailed_to, date_sent) VALUES ('" . $insert_id . "', '0', 'Admin', '" . $mail['customers_email_address'] . "', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . "' )"); // Move that ADOdb pointer! $mail_result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (isset($_POST['email_to']) && !$_POST['back_x']) { $id1 = oos_create_coupon_code($_POST['email_to']); $message = oos_db_prepare_input($_POST['message']); $message .= "\n\n" . TEXT_GV_WORTH . $currencies->format($_POST['amount']) . "\n\n"; $message .= TEXT_TO_REDEEM; $message .= TEXT_WHICH_IS . $id1 . TEXT_IN_CASE . "\n\n"; $message .= OOS_HTTP_SERVER . OOS_SHOP . 'index.php?page=' . $aCatalogPage['gv_redeem'] . '&gv_no=' . $id1 . "\n\n"; $message .= TEXT_OR_VISIT . OOS_HTTP_SERVER . OOS_SHOP . TEXT_ENTER_CODE; //Let's build a message object using the email class $send_mail = new PHPMailer(); $send_mail->PluginDir = OOS_ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'includes/lib/phpmailer/'; $sLang = isset($_SESSION['iso_639_1']) ? $_SESSION['iso_639_1'] : 'en'; $send_mail->SetLanguage($sLang, OOS_ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'includes/lib/phpmailer/language/'); $send_mail->CharSet = CHARSET; $send_mail->IsMail(); $send_mail->From = $from_mail ? $from_mail : STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS; $send_mail->FromName = $from_name ? $from_name : STORE_OWNER;
$gv_amount = trim($amount); if (preg_match('/[^0-9/.]/', $gv_amount)) { $error = '1'; $error_amount = $aLang['error_entry_amount_check']; } $gv_amount = round($gv_amount, $oCurrencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']); if ($gv_amount>$customer_amount || $gv_amount == 0) { $error = '1'; $error_amount = $aLang['error_entry_amount_check']; } } if ($action == 'process') { $id1 = oos_create_coupon_code($mail['customers_email_address']); $coupon_gv_customertable = $oostable['coupon_gv_customer']; $sql = "SELECT amount FROM $coupon_gv_customertable WHERE customer_id = '" . intval($_SESSION['customer_id']) . "'"; $gv_result = $dbconn->Execute($sql); $gv_result = $gv_result->fields; $new_amount = round($gv_result['amount'], $oCurrencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places'])-$amount; if ($new_amount<0) { $error = '1'; $error_amount = $aLang['error_entry_amount_check']; $action = 'send'; } else { $coupon_gv_customertable = $oostable['coupon_gv_customer'];