public static function og2Groups()
     $ogs = array();
     $availableConsumerIDs = array();
     foreach (og_get_all_group_bundle() as $entity_type => $bundles) {
         $group_entity_ids = og_get_all_group($entity_type);
         $group_entities = entity_load($entity_type, $group_entity_ids);
         $ogs[$entity_type] = $group_entities;
         foreach ($group_entities as $entity_id => $group_entity) {
             $roles = og_roles($entity_type, isset($group_entity->type) ? $group_entity->type : NULL, $entity_id);
             $ogs[$entity_type][$entity_id] = array('roles' => $roles, 'entity' => $group_entity, 'name' => isset($group_entity->title) ? $group_entity->title : '');
             foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {
                 $auth_id = ldap_authorization_og_authorization_id($entity_id, $rid, $entity_type);
                 $availableConsumerIDs[$auth_id] = $ogs[$entity_type][$entity_id]['name'] . " - {$role}";
     return array($ogs, $availableConsumerIDs);
  * @see LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract::normalizeMappings
 public function normalizeMappings($mappings)
     $new_mappings = array();
     if ($this->ogVersion == 2) {
         $group_entity_types = og_get_all_group_bundle();
         foreach ($mappings as $i => $mapping) {
             $from = $mapping[0];
             $to = $mapping[1];
             $to_parts = explode('(raw: ', $to);
             $user_entered = $to_parts[0];
             $new_mapping = array('from' => $from, 'user_entered' => $user_entered, 'valid' => TRUE, 'error_message' => '');
             if (count($to_parts) == 2) {
                 // has simplified and normalized part in (). update normalized part as validation
                 $to_normalized = trim($to_parts[1], ')');
                  * users (node:35:1)
                  * node:students (node:21:1)
                  * faculty (node:33:2)
                  * node:35:1 (node:35:1)
                  * node:35 (node:35:1)
                 $to_simplified = $to_parts[0];
                 $to_simplified_parts = explode(':', trim($to_simplified));
                 $entity_type = count($to_simplified_parts) == 1 ? 'node' : $to_simplified_parts[0];
                 $role = count($to_simplified_parts) < 3 ? OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE : $to_simplified_parts[2];
                 $group_name = count($to_simplified_parts) == 1 ? $to_simplified_parts[0] : $to_simplified_parts[1];
                 list($group_entity, $group_entity_id) = ldap_authorization_og2_get_group_from_name($entity_type, $group_name);
                 $to_simplified = join(':', array($entity_type, $group_name));
             } else {
                 // may be simplified or normalized, but not both
                  * users
                  * node:students
                  * faculty
                  * node:35:1
                  * node:35
                 $to_parts = explode(':', trim($to));
                 $entity_type = count($to_parts) == 1 ? 'node' : $to_parts[0];
                 $role = count($to_parts) < 3 ? OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE : $to_parts[2];
                 $group_name_or_entity_id = count($to_parts) == 1 ? $to_parts[0] : $to_parts[1];
                 list($group_entity, $group_entity_id) = ldap_authorization_og2_get_group_from_name($entity_type, $group_name_or_entity_id);
                 if ($group_entity) {
                     // if load by name works, $group_name_or_entity_id is group title
                     $to_simplified = join(':', array($entity_type, $group_name_or_entity_id));
                 } else {
                     $to_simplified = FALSE;
                 $simplified = (bool) $group_entity;
                 if (!$group_entity && ($group_entity = @entity_load_single($entity_type, $group_name_or_entity_id))) {
                     $group_entity_id = $group_name_or_entity_id;
             if (!$group_entity) {
                 $new_mapping['normalized'] = FALSE;
                 $new_mapping['simplified'] = FALSE;
                 $new_mapping['valid'] = FALSE;
                 $new_mapping['error_message'] = t("cannot find matching group: !to", array('!to' => $to));
             } else {
                 $role_id = is_numeric($role) ? $role : ldap_authorization_og2_rid_from_role_name($entity_type, $group_entity->type, $group_entity_id, $role);
                 $roles = og_roles($entity_type, isset($group_entity->type) ? $group_entity->type : NULL, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
                 $role_name = is_numeric($role) ? $roles[$role] : $role;
                 $to_normalized = join(':', array($entity_type, $group_entity_id, $role_id));
                 $to_simplified = $to_simplified ? $to_simplified . ':' . $role_name : $to_normalized;
                 $new_mapping['normalized'] = $to_normalized;
                 $new_mapping['simplified'] = $to_simplified;
                 if ($to == $to_normalized) {
                     /**  if not using simplified notation, do not convert to simplified.
                            this would create a situation where an og group
                            can change its title and the authorizations change when the
                            admin specified the group by entity id
                     $new_mapping['user_entered'] = $to;
                 } else {
                     $new_mapping['user_entered'] = $to_simplified . ' (raw: ' . $to_normalized . ')';
             $new_mappings[] = $new_mapping;
     } else {
         // og 1
         foreach ($mappings as $i => $mapping) {
             $new_mapping = array('from' => $mapping[0], 'user_entered' => $mapping[1], 'normalized' => NULL, 'simplified' => NULL, 'valid' => TRUE, 'error_message' => '');
             $gid = NULL;
             $rid = NULL;
             $correct_syntax = "gid=43,rid=2 or group-name=students,role-name=member or node.title=students,role-name=member";
             $incorrect_syntax = t('Incorrect mapping syntax.  Correct examples are:') . $correct_syntax;
             $targets = explode(',', $mapping[1]);
             if (count($targets) != 2) {
                 $new_mapping['valid'] = FALSE;
                 $new_mapping['error_message'] = $incorrect_syntax;
             $group_target_and_value = explode('=', $targets[0]);
             if (count($group_target_and_value) != 2) {
                 $new_mapping['valid'] = FALSE;
                 $new_mapping['error_message'] = $incorrect_syntax;
             list($group_target, $group_target_value) = $group_target_and_value;
             $role_target_and_value = explode('=', $targets[1]);
             if (count($role_target_and_value) != 2) {
                 $new_mapping['valid'] = FALSE;
                 $new_mapping['error_message'] = $incorrect_syntax;
             list($role_target, $role_target_value) = $role_target_and_value;
             $og_group = FALSE;
             if ($group_target == 'gid') {
                 $gid = $group_target_value;
             } elseif ($group_target == 'group-name') {
                 list($og_group, $og_node) = ldap_authorization_og1_get_group($group_target_value, 'group_name', 'object');
                 if (is_object($og_group) && property_exists($og_group, 'gid') && $og_group->gid) {
                     $gid = $og_group->gid;
             } else {
                 $entity_type_and_field = explode('.', $group_target);
                 if (count($entity_type_and_field) != 2) {
                     $new_mapping['valid'] = FALSE;
                     $new_mapping['error_message'] = $incorrect_syntax;
                 list($entity_type, $field) = $entity_type_and_field;
                 $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
                 $query->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type)->fieldCondition($field, 'value', $group_target_value, '=')->addMetaData('account', user_load(1));
                 // run the query as user 1
                 $result = $query->execute();
                 if (is_array($result) && isset($result[$entity_type]) && count($result[$entity_type]) == 1) {
                     $entities = array_keys($result[$entity_type]);
                     $gid = ldap_authorization_og1_entity_id_to_gid($entities[0]);
             if (!$og_group && $gid) {
                 $og_group = og_load($gid);
             if ($role_target == 'rid') {
                 $role_name = ldap_authorization_og1_role_name_from_rid($role_target_value);
                 $rid = $role_target_value;
             } elseif ($role_target == 'role-name') {
                 $rid = ldap_authorization_og_rid_from_role_name($role_target_value);
                 $role_name = $role_target_value;
             $new_mapping['simplified'] = $og_group->label . ', ' . $role_name;
             $new_mapping['normalized'] = $gid && $rid ? ldap_authorization_og_authorization_id($gid, $rid) : FALSE;
             $new_mappings[] = $new_mapping;
     return $new_mappings;