Пример #1
 function check_for_update($transient)
     global $wp_filesystem;
     $smof_data = of_get_options();
     if (empty($transient->checked)) {
         return $transient;
     $request_args = array('id' => $this->theme_id, 'slug' => $this->theme_slug, 'version' => $transient->checked[$this->theme_slug]);
     if ($this->api_url == 'http://updates.theme-fusion.com/avada-theme.php') {
         $request_args['item_code'] = '2833226';
         $request_args['envato_username'] = $smof_data['tf_username'];
         $request_args['api_key'] = $smof_data['tf_api'];
     $filename = trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . 'log.txt';
     $request_string = $this->prepare_request('theme_update', $request_args);
     $raw_response = wp_remote_post($this->api_url, $request_string);
     $response = null;
     if (!is_wp_error($raw_response) && $raw_response['response']['code'] == 200) {
         $response = json_decode($raw_response['body'], true);
     if (!empty($response)) {
         // Feed the update data into WP updater
         $transient->response[$this->theme_slug] = $response;
     /*$handle = fopen($filename, 'a');
       fwrite($handle, json_encode($request_string));
       fwrite($handle, json_encode($raw_response));*/
     return $transient;
Пример #2
 * Add default options upon activation else DB does not exist
 * DEPRECATED, Class_options_machine now does this on load to ensure all values are set
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_option_setup()
    global $of_options, $options_machine;
    $options_machine = new bresponZive_themepacific_Options_Machine($of_options);
    if (!of_get_options()) {
Пример #3
 * Add default options upon activation else DB does not exist
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_option_setup()
    global $of_options, $options_machine;
    $options_machine = new Options_Machine($of_options);
    if (!of_get_options()) {
Пример #4
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: duonglh
 * Date: 8/23/14
 * Time: 3:01 PM
function cupid_generate_less()
    require_once 'Less.php';
    $cupid_data = of_get_options();
    try {
        $primary_color = $cupid_data['primary-color'];
        $secondary_color = $cupid_data['secondary-color'];
        $button_color = $cupid_data['button-color'];
        $bullet_color = $cupid_data['bullet-color'];
        $icon_box_color = $cupid_data['icon-box-color'];
        $site_logo_url = $cupid_data['site-logo'];
        $site_logo_white_url = $cupid_data['site-logo-white'];
        $site_logo_url = str_replace(THEME_URL, '', $site_logo_url);
        $site_logo_white_url = str_replace(THEME_URL, '', $site_logo_white_url);
        $css = '@primary_color:' . $primary_color . ';';
        $css .= '@secondary_color:' . $secondary_color . ';';
        $css .= '@button_color:' . $button_color . ';';
        $css .= '@bullet_color:' . $bullet_color . ';';
        $css .= '@icon_box_color:' . $icon_box_color . ';';
        $css .= "@logo_url : '" . $site_logo_url . "';@logo_white_url : '" . $site_logo_white_url . "';";
        $css .= '@theme_url:"' . THEME_URL . '";';
        $style = $css;
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
        require_once THEME_DIR . "lib/inc-generate-less/custom-css.php";
        $custom_css = cupid_custom_css();
        global $wp_filesystem;
        $options = array('compress' => true);
        $parser = new Less_Parser($options);
        $parser->parseFile(THEME_DIR . 'assets/css/less/style.less');
        $css = $parser->getCss();
        if (!$wp_filesystem->put_contents(THEME_DIR . "style.min.css", $css, FS_CHMOD_FILE)) {
            echo __('Could not save file', 'cupid');
            return '0';
        /*$theme_info = $wp_filesystem->get_contents( THEME_DIR . "theme-info.txt" );
                $parser = new Less_Parser();
                $parser->parseFile(THEME_DIR . 'assets/css/less/style.less',THEME_URL);
                $style = $parser->getCss();
                $style = $theme_info . "\n" . $style;
                $style = str_replace("\r\n","\n", $style);
                $wp_filesystem->put_contents( THEME_DIR.   "style.css", $style, FS_CHMOD_FILE);*/
        return '1';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
        return '0';
Пример #5
function cupid_setup_options()
    // reset Theme options
    global $of_options, $options_machine;
    $smof_data = of_get_options();
    if (!isset($smof_data) || !array_key_exists('smof_init', $smof_data) || empty($smof_data['smof_init'])) {
        $options_machine = new Options_Machine($of_options);
    // generate less to css
    require get_template_directory() . '/lib/inc-generate-less/generate-less.php';
Пример #6
 * Add default options upon activation else DB does not exist
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_option_setup()
    global $of_options, $options_machine, $smof_data;
    do_action('of_option_setup_before', array('of_options' => $of_options, 'options_machine' => $options_machine, 'smof_data' => $smof_data));
    $options_machine = new Options_Machine($of_options);
    if (empty($smof_data) || !isset($smof_data['smof_init'])) {
        // Let's set the values if the theme's already been active
        of_save_options(date('r'), 'smof_init');
        $smof_data = of_get_options();
        $data = $smof_data;
    do_action('of_option_setup_after', array('of_options' => $of_options, 'options_machine' => $options_machine, 'smof_data' => $smof_data));
Пример #7
 * Add default options upon activation else DB does not exist
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_option_setup()
    global $of_options, $options_machine, $sitepress;
    $options_machine = new Options_Machine($of_options);
    $defaults = $options_machine->Defaults;
    if (ishyoboy_wpml_plugin_active()) {
        $languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=0&orderby=code');
        $return = '';
        if (!empty($languages)) {
            $smof_wpml_default_lng = '';
            if (is_object($sitepress)) {
                $smof_wpml_default_lng = $sitepress->get_default_language();
            foreach ($languages as $l) {
                if ($smof_wpml_default_lng == $l['language_code']) {
                    // DEFAULT LANGUAGE
                    if (!of_get_options()) {
                        ishyoboy_generate_options_css($defaults, GENERATEDCSS_BASE, '');
                } else {
                    // OTHER LANGUAGES
                    $options = OPTIONS_BASE . '_' . $l['language_code'];
                    if (!of_get_options($options)) {
                        of_save_options($defaults, $options);
                        ishyoboy_generate_options_css($defaults, GENERATEDCSS_BASE . '_' . $l['language_code'], '_' . $l['language_code']);
        } else {
            // DEFAULT LANGUAGE
            if (!of_get_options()) {
    } else {
        if (!of_get_options()) {
 function of_options()
     $data = of_get_options();
     global $ts_all_fonts;
     if (defined('TS_ALL_FONTS')) {
         $ts_all_fonts = TS_ALL_FONTS;
     } elseif (function_exists('ts_essentials_all_fonts')) {
         $ts_all_fonts = ts_essentials_all_fonts(true);
     } elseif (function_exists('ts_all_fonts')) {
         $ts_all_fonts = ts_all_fonts(true);
     } else {
         $ts_all_fonts = array();
     //Access the WordPress Categories via an Array
     $of_categories = array();
     $of_categories_obj = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
     foreach ($of_categories_obj as $of_cat) {
         $of_categories[$of_cat->cat_ID] = $of_cat->cat_name;
     $_of_categories = $of_categories;
     $categories_tmp = array_unshift($of_categories, __("Select a category:", 'ThemeStockyard'));
     //Access the WordPress Pages via an Array
     $of_pages = array();
     $of_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order');
     foreach ($of_pages_obj as $of_page) {
         $of_pages[$of_page->ID] = $of_page->post_name;
     $of_pages_tmp = array_unshift($of_pages, __("Select a page:", 'ThemeStockyard'));
     $of_options_select = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
     $of_options_radio = array("one" => "One", "two" => "Two", "three" => "Three", "four" => "Four", "five" => "Five");
     //Sample Homepage blocks for the layout manager (sorter)
     $of_options_homepage_blocks = array("disabled" => array("placebo" => "placebo", "block_one" => "Block One", "block_two" => "Block Two", "block_three" => "Block Three"), "enabled" => array("placebo" => "placebo", "block_four" => "Block Four"));
     //Background Images Reader
     $bg_images_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/images/bg/';
     // change this to where you store your bg images
     $bg_images_url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/bg/';
     // change this to where you store your bg images
     $bg_images = array();
     if (is_dir($bg_images_path)) {
         if ($bg_images_dir = opendir($bg_images_path)) {
             while (($bg_images_file = readdir($bg_images_dir)) !== false) {
                 if (stristr($bg_images_file, ".png") !== false || stristr($bg_images_file, ".jpg") !== false) {
                     $bg_images[] = $bg_images_url . $bg_images_file;
     /* TO DO: Add options/functions that use these */
     //More Options
     $uploads_arr = wp_upload_dir();
     $all_uploads_path = $uploads_arr['path'];
     $all_uploads = get_option('of_uploads');
     $other_entries = array("Select a number:", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20");
     $body_attachment = array("scroll", "fixed");
     $body_repeat = array("no-repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "repeat");
     $body_pos = array("top left", "top center", "top right", "center left", "center center", "center right", "bottom left", "bottom center", "bottom right");
     $css_shadow_entries = array('min' => '-10', 'max' => '10');
     // Image Alignment radio box
     $of_options_thumb_align = array("alignleft" => "Left", "alignright" => "Right", "aligncenter" => "Center");
     // Image Links to Options
     $of_options_image_link_to = array("image" => "The Image", "post" => "The Post");
     /* The Options Array */
     // Set the Options Array
     global $of_options;
     $of_options = array();
        General Settings
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("General Settings", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Enable "Smooth Page Scrolling"', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Makes scrolling a bit smoother.<br/><strong>Default:</strong> Off", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "smooth_page_scroll", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Enable Inline CSS", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Only enable this setting as a last resort if styling options (typography, colors, backgrounds, etc) are not updating correctly.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "enable_inline_css", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Custom CSS", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Paste any custom CSS you have right here.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "custom_css", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Custom Favicon", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Upload a 16px x 16px Png/Gif image that will represent your website's favicon.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "custom_favicon", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Apple iPhone Icon Upload", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Icon for Apple iPhone (57px x 57px)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "iphone_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Apple iPhone Retina Icon Upload", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Icon for Apple iPhone Retina Version (114px x 114px)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "iphone_icon_retina", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Apple iPad Icon Upload", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Icon for Apple iPhone (72px x 72px)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "ipad_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Apple iPad Retina Icon Upload", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Icon for Apple iPad Retina Version (144px x 144px)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "ipad_icon_retina", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Custom RSS URL", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Paste your FeedBurner (or other) URL here.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "rss_url", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
     // Social Links
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Social Links", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Social Links", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('These social links/icons are used in the header and as the defaults for the <strong>(TS) Social Links</strong> widget.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_links_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Facebook</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_facebook", "std" => '#', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Twitter</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_twitter", "std" => '#', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Pinterest</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_pinterest", "std" => '#', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Google+</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_google_plus", "std" => '#', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Github</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_github", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>LinkedIn</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_linkedin", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Instagram</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_instagram", "std" => '#', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Flickr</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_flickr", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Youtube</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_youtube", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Vimeo</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_vimeo", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>VK</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_vk", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Tumblr</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_tumblr", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Behance</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_behance", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Dribbble</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_dribbble", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Soundcloud</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_soundcloud", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>RSS</strong> (use the <strong>[rss_url]</strong> shortcode for the default RSS url).", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "social_url_rss", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
     // Header Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Header and Nav", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading", "class" => 'headeroptions');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Logo Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "logo_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Logo", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Upload your brand/company logo here.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_upload", "std" => '', "type" => "media");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Retina Logo", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Upload your retina logo here.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "retina_logo", "std" => '', "type" => "media");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Retina logo width. Example: 120px", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "retina_logo_width", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Retina logo height. Example: 40px", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "retina_logo_height", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
     $alt_logo_text = get_bloginfo('name');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Alternate Logo Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('This text only shows up if you choose not to use an image logo above. <strong>Note:</strong> This text can be styled in the "Typography" section.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_text", "std" => trim($alt_logo_text) ? $alt_logo_text : "Your company", "type" => "text");
     $logo_tagline_text = get_bloginfo('description');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Logo Tagline Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("HTML allowed", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_tagline_text", "std" => trim($logo_tagline_text) ? $logo_tagline_text : "", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => '3'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Main Navigation Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "main_nav_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Enable &#8220;Sticky&#8221; Navigation", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Turn on sticky navigation. <strong>Default:</strong> Off", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "sticky_nav", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Main Navigation Alignment', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "main_nav_align", "std" => 'standard', "type" => "select", "options" => array('standard' => __('Standard', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'centered' => __('Centered', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Shop" Icon in Main Navigation', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Will only show if WooCommerce is installed.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "include_main_nav_shop_link", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Top Bar Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "top_sticky_bar_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Top Bar: Middle Area', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Choose whether to show the "Top Bar: Small Navigation" menu or the "Alternate text" (below)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "top_bar_center_content", "std" => 'alt_text', "type" => "select", "options" => array('small_nav' => __('Top Bar: Small Navigation menu', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'alt_text' => __('Alternate text (below)', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Top Bar: Middle Area - Alternate text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('HTML and shortcodes are allowed. Remember, space is somewhat limited in this area.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "top_bar_center_alt_content", "std" => 'Lorem ipsum...', "type" => "textarea");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Title Bar Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "title_bar_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show Title Bar on pages", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "show_titlebar_on_pages", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     // Footer Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show Bottom Ad", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "show_bottom_ad", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Bottom Ad Content", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Paste your Google Adwords or other ad code here', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "bottom_ad_code", "std" => '', "type" => "textarea");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show Footer Widget Area", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_footer_widgets", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $url = defined('TS_ESSENTIALS_ADMIN_URI') ? TS_ESSENTIALS_ADMIN_URI . 'assets/images/' : '/path_to_images/';
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Widget Area Layout", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_layout", "std" => "footer2", "type" => "images", "options" => array('footer1' => $url . 'footer-1.png', 'footer2' => $url . 'footer-2.png', 'footer3' => $url . 'footer-3.png', 'footer4' => $url . 'footer-4.png', 'footer5' => $url . 'footer-5.png', 'footer6' => $url . 'footer-6.png', 'footer7' => $url . 'footer-7.png', 'footer8' => $url . 'footer-8.png'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show Copyright &amp; Bottom Navigation Area", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_copyright", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Copyright Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("<strong>Note:</strong> Use the [year] shortcode to always show the current year.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "copyright_text", "std" => "&copy; Copyright [year]. All rights reserved.", "type" => "text");
     // Performance issues arise with the following option(s). Look into it...
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Back to top" button in footer', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Toggle ON or OFF any time", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_back_to_top", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Back to top" button on mobile devices', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Toggle ON or OFF any time", 'ThemeStockyard') . '<br/>' . __('Not recommended', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_back_to_top_on_mobile", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     // Sidebar Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array( "name" => __("Sidebar Width", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                         "desc" => __("Set the desired sidebar width in pixels.<br/>Even numbers work best.<br/>Min: 100px - Max: 600px<br/><strong>Default:</strong> 310px", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                         "id" => "sidebar_width",
                         "std" => '310px',
                         "type" => "text",
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Default Sidebar Visibility", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("<strong>Show sidebar on Pages</strong><br/>(Can be changed for individual pages)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_page_sidebar", "std" => 1, "type" => "checkbox");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Show sidebar on Archive pages</strong><br/>(category, tags, custom taxonomies, etc)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_archive_sidebar", "std" => 1, "type" => "checkbox");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Show sidebar on Search page</strong>", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_search_sidebar", "std" => 1, "type" => "checkbox");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("<strong>Show sidebar on Blog posts</strong><br/>(Can be changed for individual posts)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_post_sidebar", "std" => 1, "type" => "checkbox");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Default Sidebar Position: Pages", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Can be changed for individual pages", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "page_sidebar_position", "std" => 'right', "type" => "radio", "options" => array('right' => __('Right', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'left' => __('Left', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Default Sidebar Position: Posts", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Can be changed for individual posts", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "post_sidebar_position", "std" => 'right', "type" => "radio", "options" => array('right' => __('Right', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'left' => __('Left', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'content-right' => __('Right (under fullwidth featured media)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'content-left' => __('Left (under fullwidth featured media)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'comments-right' => __('Right (under content, next to comments)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'comments-left' => __('Left (under content, next to comments)', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar Placement on Tablets", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("For devices with a viewport smaller than 768 pixels (like tablets), decide where the sidebar should appear.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "tablet_sidebar_placement", "std" => 'beside-content', "type" => "radio", "options" => array('beside-content' => __('Beside Content (default)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'below-content' => __('Below Content', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     // Blog Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Blog Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Turn on "Infinite Scrolling" for the "Blog"?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('This option is only for the main blog page and pages that use the "Blog Template". The blog shortcode has its own infinite scroll method.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "infinite_scroll_on_blog_template", "std" => 'no', "type" => "select", "options" => array('0' => __('No', 'ThemeStockyard'), '1' => __('Yes (load more on scroll)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'yes_button' => __('Yes (load more on button click)', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('"Infinite Scrolling" button text', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Only works when previous setting is "Yes (load more on button click)".', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "infinite_scroll_button_text", "std" => 'Load more posts', "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Crop Featured Images on "Blog" page?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('<strong>Note:</strong> This option is only used with "1 Column" / "Classic" blog layouts.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "crop_images_on_blog", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Default posts layout on "Blog" page', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "blog_layout", "std" => "classic", "type" => "select", "options" => array('classic' => __('Classic', 'ThemeStockyard'), '2columns' => __('2 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), '3columns' => __('3 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), '4columns' => __('4 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'masonry' => __('Masonry', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'list' => __('List', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'banner' => __('Banners', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Default posts layout on "Search" page', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "search_layout", "std" => "classic", "type" => "select", "options" => array('classic' => __('Classic', 'ThemeStockyard'), '2columns' => __('2 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), '3columns' => __('3 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), '4columns' => __('4 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'masonry' => __('Masonry', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'list' => __('List', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'banner' => __('Banners', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Default posts layout on "Archives" page', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "archive_layout", "std" => "classic", "type" => "select", "options" => array('classic' => __('Classic', 'ThemeStockyard'), '2columns' => __('2 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), '3columns' => __('3 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), '4columns' => __('4 Column Grid', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'masonry' => __('Masonry', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'list' => __('List', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'banner' => __('Banners', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Default excerpt length within loop", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('"Classic" layout. <strong>Default:</strong> 320', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "excerpt_length_more", "std" => "320", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('"2 Column Grid" and "List" layouts. <strong>Default:</strong> 160', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "excerpt_length_standard", "std" => "160", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('"3 column", "4 column", and "Masonry" layouts. <strong>Default:</strong> 100', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "excerpt_length_minimum", "std" => "100", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Default image size/orientation within loop", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('"2 Column Grid", "3 Column Grid", and "List" layouts. <br/><strong>Default:</strong> 3:2', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "image_orientation_standard", "std" => "3:2", "type" => "select", "options" => array('3:2' => __('3:2 (landscape)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '16:9' => __('16:9 (landscape)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '16:10' => __('16:10 (landscape)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '2:3' => __('2:3 (portrait)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '9:16' => __('9:16 (portrait)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '10:16' => __('10:16 (portrait)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '1:1' => __('1:1 (square)', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('"4 column" layout only. <br/><strong>Default:</strong> 1:1', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "image_orientation_4col", "std" => "1:1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('3:2' => __('3:2 (landscape)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '16:9' => __('16:9 (landscape)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '16:10' => __('16:10 (landscape)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '2:3' => __('2:3 (portrait)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '9:16' => __('9:16 (portrait)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '10:16' => __('10:16 (portrait)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '1:1' => __('1:1 (square)', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> __("Allow HTML in excerpts within loop?", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "desc" 		=> __("<strong>Default:</strong> Off<br/>This option retains/enables the following html tags within excerpts:<br/>", 'ThemeStockyard').esc_html('<strong> <b> <i> <br> <em> <a> <u> <strike> <del> <acronym> <abbr> <sup> <sub>'),
                             "id" 		=> "allow_html_excerpts",
                             "std" 		=> 0,
                             "type" 		=> "switch" 
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Get featured image "alt text" within loop?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("<strong>Default:</strong> Off<br/>Good for SEO, but may decrease performance as it requires an additional database query for each featured image.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "featured_image_alt_text_within_loop", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Exclude Categories from Loop', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Optionally select one or more categories. Posts within these categories will not appear in blog results.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "excluded_blog_loop_categories", "std" => "", "type" => "multiselect", 'options' => $_of_categories);
     // Single Post Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Single Post Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Single Post Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_post_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Link the title on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "link_title_on_post", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Crop Featured Images on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "crop_images_on_post", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Cropped Featured Image Dimensions (with sidebar)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('<strong>Width</strong> (leave blank for default)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "cropped_featured_image_width", "std" => '', "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('<strong>Height</strong> (leave blank for default)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "cropped_featured_image_height", "std" => '', "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Cropped Featured Image Dimensions (NO sidebar)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('<strong>Width</strong> (leave blank for default)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "cropped_featured_image_width_full", "std" => '', "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('<strong>Height</strong> (leave blank for default)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "cropped_featured_image_height_full", "std" => '', "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show Featured Images/Videos on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Use this option if you only want featured images to appear within the "loop", but not on individual post pages', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_images_on_post", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "About the Author" on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "author_info_on_post", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show previous/next post on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "post_show_direction_links", "std" => 'yes', "type" => "select", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'yes_similar' => __('Yes (from same category)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'no' => __('No', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show related posts on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "show_related_blog_posts", "std" => 'yes', "type" => "select", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes (filter by category)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'yes_tag' => __('Yes (filter by tags)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'no' => __('No', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('Related Posts Title Text', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "related_blog_posts_title_text", "std" => "Related Posts", "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> '',
                             "desc" 		=> __('Related Posts Title Alignment', 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" 		=> "related_blog_posts_title_alignment",
                             "std" 		=> "left",
                             "type" => "select",
                             "options"   => array(
                                     'left' => __('Left', 'ThemeStockyard'),
                                     'center' => __('Center', 'ThemeStockyard'),
                                     'right' => __('Right', 'ThemeStockyard'),
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('"Sharing Options / Comment Count" position on "Single" post?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "sharing_options_position_on_post", "std" => 'top', "type" => "radio", "options" => array('top' => __('Top (below featured image)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom (below post content)', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'hidden' => __('Hidden', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Available Sharing Options...", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Select the Sharing Options you want your website visitors to use.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "available_sharing_options", "std" => array('facebook', 'twitter', 'google-plus', 'pinterest', 'tumblr', 'linkedin', 'reddit', 'email', 'print'), "type" => "multicheck", 'keyAsValue' => true, "options" => array('facebook' => 'Facebook', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'google-plus' => 'Google+', 'pinterest' => 'Pinterest', 'vk' => 'VK', 'tumblr' => 'Tumblr', 'linkedin' => 'LinkedIn', 'reddit' => 'Reddit', 'digg' => 'Digg', 'stumbleupon' => 'StumbleUpon', 'email' => __('Email', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'print' => __('Print', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Single Post Options (BETA)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('The following options are in open beta and may not work as expected.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "single_post_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show page view count for single posts?", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('The page view count will be shown within the meta section of the title bar.<br/><strong>Note:</strong> The counter may not update properly on cached pages.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_titlebar_post_view_count", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     // Comment Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Comment Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show Comments on pages", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "show_comments_on_pages", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Show user avatars next to comments", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Not available for Disqus comments", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_comments_avatars", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Disqus Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('If using Disqus comments, we recommend the following "Comment Count Link" settings:', 'ThemeStockyard') . '<br/><img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/disqus-settings.jpg" alt="image: disqus settings" style="border:1px solid #e1e1e1;margin:10px 0;display:inline-block;"/><br/>' . __('You can edit those settings on Disqus: ', 'ThemeStockyard') . '<a href="https://disqus.com/admin/settings">https://disqus.com/admin/settings</a>', "id" => "single_post_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Use Disqus", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Enable <a href="http://disqus" target="_blank">Disqus</a> comments (instead of standard comments)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "use_disqus", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Disqus Shortname", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Type the "shortname" that belongs to the Disqus account you created for this website.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "disqus_shortname", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Are you using the recommended "Comment Count Link" settings for Disqus?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "using_recommended_disqus_settings", "std" => 'no', "type" => "select", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'no' => __('No', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     // Shop Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Shop Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("WooCommerce Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('The following settings will are only useful if the <a href="http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/" target="_blank">WooCommerce plugin</a> is installed and activated.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "woocommerce_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Ajax Load Shopping Cart Total on Each Page", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Enable ajax loading of the shopping cart total (in the header or main navigation area) on each page load. This setting should be enabled if WP Cache or another caching plugin is in use.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "enable_cart_ajax_loading", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Add to Cart" Buttons on Results Page', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Default: On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_add_to_cart_button_on_results", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Add to Cart" Buttons on Single Product Page(s)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Default: On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_add_to_cart_button_on_single", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Price(s)" on Results Page', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Default: On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_shop_prices_on_results", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Price(s)" on Single Product Page(s)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Default: On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_shop_prices_on_single", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Show "Reviews" on Single Product Page(s)', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Default: On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "show_shop_reviews_on_single", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Catalog Mode", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "disable_cart_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Cart and Checkout Pages", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Default: Off', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "catalog_mode", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Checkout Button/Form", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Use this option to only disable the checkout form. Default: Off', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "disable_woocommerce_checkout", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     // Other Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Other Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Date and Time Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "date_time_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Enable "Smart Date/Time Conversion"', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Use this option to automatically convert dates/times for posts into a more localized format (using the options below).', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "smart_datetime", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Which date looks correct?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "smart_date_format", "std" => 'american', "type" => "select", "options" => array('american' => __('June 12th, 2020', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'not_american' => __('12 June 2020', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Which time looks correct?', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "smart_time_format", "std" => '12hour', "type" => "select", "options" => array('12hour' => __('5:30 pm', 'ThemeStockyard'), '24hour' => __('17:30', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Search Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "search_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Search Input Placeholder Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('This text will be used in sidebar search inputs as well.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "search_placeholder_text", "std" => "Search...", "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Breadcrumb Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "breadcrumb_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('"Breadcrumb" Home Link Text', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('This text will be used to represent the homepage link in the "breadcrumbs".<br/><strong>Note:</strong> Leave blank for default.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "breadcrumbs_home_link_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Image Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "image_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Sharpen Resized Images?", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('<strong>Default:</strong> On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "sharpen_resized_images", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Use Custom JPEG Compression?", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('<strong>Default:</strong> On', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "use_custom_jpeg_compression", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('JPEG Compression', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Set your desired JPEG compression for resized images. <strong>Note:</strong> While a higher setting will result in clearer images, it can also  result in larger file sizes and slower page loads.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "jpeg_compression", "std" => "95", "min" => "1", "step" => "1", "max" => "100", "type" => "sliderui");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Developer Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "developer_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Enable Style Selector", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Should probably only be used by developers', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "enable_style_selector", "std" => 0, "type" => "switch");
        Styling Options
     // Typography
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Typography", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading", "class" => "mt10");
     $alt_logo_text = get_option('blogname');
     $preview_text = $alt_logo_text ? $alt_logo_text : 'Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.';
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Alternate Logo", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font<br/><strong>Note:</strong> only useful if you haven't uploaded a logo", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_font_family", "std" => "Montserrat", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => $preview_text, "size" => '24px'));
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> "",
                             "desc" => __("Don't see the font you were looking for?", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" => "use_alt_logo_font_family",
                             "std" => 0,
                             "type" => "checkbox",
                             "folds" => 1,
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> '',
                             "desc" => __('Enter the name of a font here.', 'ThemeStockyard').'<br/>'.__('View all options at:', 'ThemeStockyard').' '.'<a href="https://www.google.com/fonts" target="_blank">Google Fonts</a>',
                             "id" => "alt_logo_font_family",
                             "std" => "",
                             "type" => "text",
                             "fold" => "use_alt_logo_font_family"
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Alternate logo size &amp; style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_font_style", "std" => array('size' => '30px', 'style' => 'normal'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("General Typography Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "general_typography_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Small Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "small_font_family", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Plain Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "body_font_family", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'), "options" => $ts_all_fonts);
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font size &amp; style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "body_font_style", "std" => array('size' => '14px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("&lt;H1&gt; heading", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h1_font_family", "std" => "Montserrat", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h1_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '36px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("&lt;H2&gt; heading", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h2_font_family", "std" => "Montserrat", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h2_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '26px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("&lt;H3&gt; heading", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h3_font_family", "std" => "Montserrat", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h3_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '20px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("&lt;H4&gt; heading", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h4_font_family", "std" => "Montserrat", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h4_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '15px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("&lt;H5&gt; heading", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h5_font_family", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h5_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '14px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("&lt;H6&gt; heading", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h6_font_family", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "h6_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '12px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Stylized Meta", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Used mostly for post authors within blog results", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "stylized_meta_font_family", "std" => "Libre Baskerville", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '12px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "stylized_meta_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'italic'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Form text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "form_font_family", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '14px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "form_font_style", "std" => array('style' => 'normal', 'size' => '14px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Main Navigation Typography", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "main_nav_typography_options_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Main Navigation", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_font_family", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font size", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_font_style", "std" => array('size' => '13px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Main Navigation: Sub-menu", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Choose a font", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_submenu_font", "std" => "Open Sans", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '16px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Font size", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_submenu_font_style", "std" => array('size' => '13px'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     // Colors
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Choose a color scheme", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Note: Choosing a color scheme will automatically change some of the colors below.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "color_scheme", "std" => "coral", "type" => "select_color_scheme", "options" => array('#ee4643' => __('Coral', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#e2a8a8' => __('Faded Rose', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#f28d7b' => __('Peach', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#8e587a' => __('Purple', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#134063' => __('Navy', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#365d95' => __('Blue', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#1e7775' => __('Teal', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#67a788' => __('Sea Green', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#3ab54b' => __('Sage', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#7f9614' => __('Green', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#e8b71a' => __('Mustard Yellow (default)', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#f28707' => __('Orange', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#9b7c56' => __('Brown', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#d9b753' => __('Gold', 'ThemeStockyard'), '#3b3b3b' => __('Gray', 'ThemeStockyard')), "fields" => array('logo_font_color', 'primary_color', 'body_link_color', 'top_container_link_hover_color', 'main_nav_hover_color', 'main_nav_submenu_hover_color', 'footer_widgets_link_color', 'copyright_bg_color'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Check this box to create your own color scheme.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "use_custom_color_scheme", "std" => 0, "type" => "checkbox", "folds" => 1);
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __('<button id="custom_color_scheme_button" type="button" class="button-primary">Select Color</button> &nbsp; Choose any color you like, then click the button.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "custom_color_scheme", "std" => "", "type" => "color", "fold" => "use_custom_color_scheme");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("General Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "general_colors_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Primary/Highlight Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "primary_color", "std" => '#ee4643', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> __("Background color", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "desc" 		=> '',
                             "id" 		=> "background_color",
                             "std" 		=> "#fff",
                             "type" 		=> "color"
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> __("Content background color", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "desc" 		=> __("Post content, Top Bar, Main Navigation area, pricing tables, masonry cards, etc.", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" 		=> "content_background_color",
                             "std" 		=> "#fff",
                             "type" 		=> "color"
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Standard Border Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "standard_border_color", "std" => '#eee', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Subtle Text Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "subtle_text_color", "std" => '#999', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Subtle Background Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "subtle_bg_color", "std" => '#f5f5f5', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Top area colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "top_area_colors_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "top_bar_text_color", "std" => '#aaa', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "top_bar_link_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Alternate Logo", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Alternate logo color<br/><strong>Note:</strong> only useful if you haven't uploaded a logo.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_font_color", "std" => '#EE4643', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Logo Tagline", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "logo_tagline_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Main Navigation Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_link_color", "std" => '#444', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Hover/active color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_hover_color", "std" => '#ee4643', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __('"Has sub-menu" indicator color', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_submenu_indicator_color", "std" => '#e5e5e5', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> __("Main Navigation: Sub-menu", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "desc" 		=> __('Background Color', 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" 		=> "main_nav_submenu_bg_color",
                             "std" 		=> '#fff',
                             "type" 		=> "color"
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Main Navigation: Sub-menu", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_submenu_link_color", "std" => '#575757', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Hover/Active Link Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_submenu_hover_color", "std" => '#ee4643', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Text Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "main_nav_submenu_text_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> "",
                             "desc" 		=> __("Border/Separator Color", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" 		=> "main_nav_submenu_border_color",
                             "std" 		=> '#eee',
                             "type" 		=> "color"
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> "",
                             "desc" 		=> __("Subtle Background Color", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" 		=> "main_nav_submenu_subtle_bg_color",
                             "std" 		=> '#f5f5f5',
                             "type" 		=> "color"
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body/Content Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "body_colors_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body: General Links", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "body_link_color", "std" => "#ee4643", "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body: Title Links", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "body_title_link_color", "std" => "#212121", "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body: Plain Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Body text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "body_font_color", "std" => '#555', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body: &lt;H1-6&gt; Headings", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Body heading colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "heading_font_color", "std" => '#444', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("WooCommerce Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "woocommerce_colors_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Price Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "woocommerce_price_color", "std" => '#7ac142', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Form Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "form_colors_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Form Element Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "form_font_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Form field background color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "form_background_color", "std" => '#eee', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => "", "id" => "footer_colors_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Area", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Background color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_bg_color", "std" => "#f5f5f5", "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_widgets_link_color", "std" => '#ee4643', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Plain text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_widget_font_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Headings", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_widget_headings_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Widget border colors (some widgets use borders, set those colors here)", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_widget_border_color", "std" => '#e5e5e5', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Copyright Area Colors', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Copyright background color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "copyright_bg_color", "std" => '#EE4643', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Copyright link color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "copyright_link_color", "std" => '#fff', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Copyright text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "copyright_text_color", "std" => '#f5f5f5', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Form Elements", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Text color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_form_font_color", "std" => '#808080', "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => '', "desc" => __("Form field background color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "footer_form_background_color", "std" => '#eee', "type" => "color");
     // Backgrounds Styles
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Background", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Enable Fullwidth Layout", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Turn <strong>off</strong> to use a background image.<br/><strong>Default:</strong> On", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "layout", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array( "name" => __("Add Subtle Shadow To Content", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                         "desc" => __("This adds a very subtle shadow on the left and right sides of web page content. <strong>Note:</strong> Only useful when fullwidth layout is disabled.", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                         "id" => "layout_shadow",
                         "std" => 0,
                         "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body background color.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "background_color", "std" => "#fff", "type" => "color");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body content background color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("<strong>Note:</strong> not useful with fullwidth layout", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "content_background_color", "std" => "#fff", "type" => "color");
     $url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/backgrounds/';
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body: Background Pattern/Color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Choose a background pattern and color for your website.<br/><br/>Visit <a href="http://subtlepatterns.com" target="_blank">SubtlePatterns.com</a> for more.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "background_pattern", "std" => "", "type" => "images", "options" => array('' => $url . 'none_thumb.jpg', 'arches' => $url . 'arches_thumb.png', 'bright-squares' => $url . 'bright-squares_thumb.jpg', 'cartographer' => $url . 'cartographer_thumb.png', 'dark_wood' => $url . 'dark_wood_thumb.png', 'diagmonds' => $url . 'diagmonds_thumb.png', 'escheresque_ste' => $url . 'escheresque_ste_thumb.png', 'escheresque' => $url . 'escheresque_thumb.png', 'food' => $url . 'food_thumb.png', 'gplaypattern' => $url . 'gplaypattern_thumb.png', 'graphy' => $url . 'graphy_thumb.png', 'green_cup' => $url . 'green_cup_thumb.png', 'grunge-wall' => $url . 'grunge-wall_thumb.jpg', 'px_by_Gr3g' => $url . 'px_by_Gr3g_thumb.png', 'retina_wood' => $url . 'retina_wood_thumb.jpg', 'school' => $url . 'school_thumb.png', 'shattered' => $url . 'shattered_thumb.png', 'skulls' => $url . 'skulls_thumb.png', 'sneaker_mesh_fabric' => $url . 'sneaker_mesh_fabric_thumb.jpg', 'stressed_linen' => $url . 'stressed_linen_thumb.png', 'swirl_pattern' => $url . 'swirl_pattern_thumb.png', 'symphony' => $url . 'symphony_thumb.png', 'tileable_wood_texture' => $url . 'tileable_wood_texture_thumb.png', 'type' => $url . 'type_thumb.png'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("<strong>Alternatively, you can upload your own.</strong> Check the box to get started.", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "use_custom_background_image", "std" => 0, "type" => "checkbox", "folds" => 1);
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Body: Custom Background Image", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('Upload a custom background image or pattern here.<br/><strong>Note:</strong> only useful in &#8220;Boxed&#8221; layout', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "custom_background_image", "std" => "", "type" => "media", "fold" => "use_custom_background_image");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => __("Custom background image properties: Repeat, Position, Attachment", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "custom_background_positioning", "std" => array('position' => 'top center', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), "type" => "background_positioning", "options" => array('position' => $body_pos, 'repeat' => $body_repeat, 'attachment' => $body_attachment), "fold" => "use_custom_background_image");
     $of_options[] = array( 	"name" 		=> "",
                             "desc" => __("<strong>Use background image with Fullwidth layout.</strong><br/>By default, background images are only used with the boxed layout.", 'ThemeStockyard'),
                             "id" => "fullwidth_bg_image",
                             "std" => 0,
                             "type" => "checkbox",
     // Backup Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Backup Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading", "class" => "mt10");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Backup and Restore Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "of_backup", "std" => "", "type" => "backup", "desc" => __('You can use the two buttons below to backup your current options, and then restore it back at a later time. This is useful if you want to experiment on the options but would like to keep the old settings in case you need it back.', 'ThemeStockyard'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Transfer Theme Options Data", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "of_transfer", "std" => "", "type" => "transfer", "desc" => __('You can tranfer the saved options data between different installs by copying the text inside the text box. To import data from another install, replace the data in the text box with the one from another install and click "Import Options".', 'ThemeStockyard'));
     // Documentation Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Documentation", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading", "class" => "");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Documentation Info", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('A copy of the documentation for the Matador theme can always be found online at: <a href="http://themestockyard.com/matador/documentation" target="_blank">http://themestockyard.com/matador/documentation</a><br/><br/>Additionally, a copy should have been included with your Themeforest download.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "documentation_info", "std" => '', "icon" => true, "type" => "info");
Пример #9
function wd_of_option_setup()
    global $of_options, $options_machine;
    $wd_data = of_get_options();
    $options_machine = new Options_Machine($of_options);
    $wd_data = wd_array_atts($options_machine->Defaults, $wd_data);
Пример #10
        set_theme_mod($key, $data);
    } else {
        // Update all values in $data
        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
            if (!isset($smof_data[$k]) || $smof_data[$k] != $v) {
                // Only write to the DB when we need to
                set_theme_mod($k, $v);
            } else {
                if (is_array($v)) {
                    foreach ($v as $key => $val) {
                        if ($key != $k && $v[$key] == $val) {
                            set_theme_mod($k, $v);
    do_action('of_save_options_after', array('key' => $key, 'data' => $data));
 * For use in themes
 * @since forever
$data = of_get_options();
if (!isset($smof_details)) {
    $smof_details = array();
  * Drag and drop slides manager
  * @uses get_option()
  * @access public
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return string
 public static function optionsframework_slider_function($id, $std, $oldorder, $order, $int)
     $smof_data = of_get_options();
     $smof_data = of_get_options();
     $slider = '';
     $slide = array();
     $slide = $smof_data[$id];
     if (isset($slide[$oldorder])) {
         $val = $slide[$oldorder];
     } else {
         $val = $std;
     //initialize all vars
     $slidevars = array('title', 'url', 'link', 'description');
     foreach ($slidevars as $slidevar) {
         if (!isset($val[$slidevar])) {
             $val[$slidevar] = '';
     //begin slider interface
     if (!empty($val['title'])) {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>' . stripslashes($val['title']) . '</strong>';
     } else {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>Slide ' . $order . '</strong>';
     $slider .= '<input type="hidden" class="slide of-input order" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][order]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_order" value="' . $order . '" />';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_edit_button" href="#">Edit</a></div>';
     $slider .= '<div class="slide_body">';
     $slider .= '<label>Title</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-title" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][title]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_title" value="' . stripslashes($val['title']) . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Image URL</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][url]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_url" value="' . $val['url'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<div class="upload_button_div"><span class="button media_upload_button" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '" rel="' . $int . '">Upload</span>';
     if (!empty($val['url'])) {
         $hide = '';
     } else {
         $hide = 'hide';
     $slider .= '<span class="button mlu_remove_button ' . $hide . '" id="reset_' . $id . '_' . $order . '" title="' . $id . '_' . $order . '">Remove</span>';
     $slider .= '</div>' . "\n";
     $slider .= '<div class="screenshot">';
     if (!empty($val['url'])) {
         $slider .= '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="' . $val['url'] . '">';
         $slider .= '<img class="of-option-image" id="image_' . $id . '_' . $order . '" src="' . $val['url'] . '" alt="" />';
         $slider .= '</a>';
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '<label>Link URL (optional)</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][link]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_link" value="' . $val['link'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Description (optional)</label>';
     $slider .= '<textarea class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][description]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_description" cols="8" rows="8">' . stripslashes($val['description']) . '</textarea>';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_delete_button" href="#">Delete</a>';
     $slider .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '</li>';
     return $slider;
Пример #12
function ts_of_option_setup()
    global $of_options, $options_machine;
    $ts_data = of_get_options();
    $options_machine = new Options_Machine($of_options);
    $ts_data = ts_array_atts($options_machine->Defaults, $ts_data);
Пример #13
 * Ajax Save Options
 * @uses get_option()
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_ajax_callback()
    global $options_machine, $of_options;
    $nonce = $_POST['security'];
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'of_ajax_nonce')) {
    //get options array from db
    $all = of_get_options();
    $save_type = $_POST['type'];
    //echo $_POST['data'];
    if ($save_type == 'upload') {
        $clickedID = $_POST['data'];
        // Acts as the name
        $filename = $_FILES[$clickedID];
        $filename['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', $filename['name']);
        $override['test_form'] = false;
        $override['action'] = 'wp_handle_upload';
        $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($filename, $override);
        $upload_tracking[] = $clickedID;
        //update $options array w/ image URL
        $upload_image = $all;
        //preserve current data
        $upload_image[$clickedID] = $uploaded_file['url'];
        if (!empty($uploaded_file['error'])) {
            echo 'Upload Error: ' . $uploaded_file['error'];
        } else {
            echo $uploaded_file['url'];
        // Is the Response
    } elseif ($save_type == 'image_reset') {
        $id = $_POST['data'];
        // Acts as the name
        $delete_image = $all;
        //preserve rest of data
        $delete_image[$id] = '';
        //update array key with empty value
    } elseif ($save_type == 'backup_options') {
        $backup = $all;
        $backup['backup_log'] = date('r');
        of_save_options($backup, BACKUPS);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'restore_options') {
        $smof_data = get_option(BACKUPS);
        update_option(OPTIONS, $smof_data);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'import_options') {
        $smof_data = unserialize(base64_decode($smof_data));
        //100% safe - ignore theme check nag
    } elseif ($save_type == 'save') {
        wp_parse_str(stripslashes($_POST['data']), $smof_data);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'reset') {
        $theme_name = 'wp-consilium' . get_option('cs-body-class', '');
        $option_json = get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/sample/' . $theme_name . '/option.txt';
        $option_json = wp_remote_get($option_json);
        $option_data = $option_json['body'];
        //options reset
    } elseif ($save_type == 'of_add_params') {
        $current_option = of_get_options();
        $current_option = of_get_options();
        $default = $options_machine->Defaults;
        foreach ($default as $k => $option) {
            if (isset($current_option[$k])) {
                $default[$k] = $current_option[$k];
        //options reset
Пример #14
 function of_options()
     $data = of_get_options();
     global $ts_all_fonts;
     if (defined('TS_ALL_FONTS')) {
         $ts_all_fonts = TS_ALL_FONTS;
     } elseif (function_exists('ts_essentials_all_fonts')) {
         $ts_all_fonts = ts_essentials_all_fonts(true);
     } elseif (function_exists('ts_all_fonts')) {
         $ts_all_fonts = ts_all_fonts(true);
     } else {
         $ts_all_fonts = array();
     //Access the WordPress Categories via an Array
     $of_categories = array();
     $of_categories_obj = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
     foreach ($of_categories_obj as $of_cat) {
         $of_categories[$of_cat->cat_ID] = $of_cat->cat_name;
     $_of_categories = $of_categories;
     $categories_tmp = array_unshift($of_categories, __("Select a category:", 'ThemeStockyard'));
     //Access the WordPress Pages via an Array
     $of_pages = array();
     $of_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order');
     foreach ($of_pages_obj as $of_page) {
         $of_pages[$of_page->ID] = $of_page->post_name;
     $of_pages_tmp = array_unshift($of_pages, __("Select a page:", 'ThemeStockyard'));
     $of_options_select = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
     $of_options_radio = array("one" => "One", "two" => "Two", "three" => "Three", "four" => "Four", "five" => "Five");
     //Sample Homepage blocks for the layout manager (sorter)
     $of_options_homepage_blocks = array("disabled" => array("placebo" => "placebo", "block_one" => "Block One", "block_two" => "Block Two", "block_three" => "Block Three"), "enabled" => array("placebo" => "placebo", "block_four" => "Block Four"));
     //Background Images Reader
     $bg_images_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/images/bg/';
     // change this to where you store your bg images
     $bg_images_url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/bg/';
     // change this to where you store your bg images
     $bg_images = array();
     if (is_dir($bg_images_path)) {
         if ($bg_images_dir = opendir($bg_images_path)) {
             while (($bg_images_file = readdir($bg_images_dir)) !== false) {
                 if (stristr($bg_images_file, ".png") !== false || stristr($bg_images_file, ".jpg") !== false) {
                     $bg_images[] = $bg_images_url . $bg_images_file;
     /* TO DO: Add options/functions that use these */
     //More Options
     $uploads_arr = wp_upload_dir();
     $all_uploads_path = $uploads_arr['path'];
     $all_uploads = get_option('of_uploads');
     $other_entries = array("Select a number:", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20");
     $body_attachment = array("scroll", "fixed");
     $body_repeat = array("no-repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "repeat");
     $body_pos = array("top left", "top center", "top right", "center left", "center center", "center right", "bottom left", "bottom center", "bottom right");
     $css_shadow_entries = array('min' => '-10', 'max' => '10');
     // Image Alignment radio box
     $of_options_thumb_align = array("alignleft" => "Left", "alignright" => "Right", "aligncenter" => "Center");
     // Image Links to Options
     $of_options_image_link_to = array("image" => "The Image", "post" => "The Post");
     /* The Options Array */
     // Set the Options Array
     global $of_options;
     $of_options = array();
        General Settings
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Section", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Information Area", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __('This is a place to put more details describing the following options.', 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_information_area", "type" => "info");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Example Switch Option"', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Easy to toggle", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_switch", "std" => 1, "type" => "switch");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Upload", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Upload a file here", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_upload", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Media", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Upload a file here", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_media", "std" => '', "type" => "media");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Textarea", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Add content here", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_textarea", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array("rows" => '5'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Text Box", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => __("Add content here", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_text_box", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Small Text", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_small_text", "std" => "320", "type" => "text", 'class' => 'small-text');
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Example Select', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_select", "std" => 'yes', "type" => "select", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'social' => __('Only the social icons', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'no' => __('No', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $url = defined('TS_ESSENTIALS_ADMIN_URI') ? TS_ESSENTIALS_ADMIN_URI . 'assets/images/' : '/path_to_images/';
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Images", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "example_images", "std" => "footer2", "type" => "images", "options" => array('footer1' => $url . 'footer-1.png', 'footer2' => $url . 'footer-2.png', 'footer3' => $url . 'footer-3.png', 'footer4' => $url . 'footer-4.png', 'footer5' => $url . 'footer-5.png', 'footer6' => $url . 'footer-6.png', 'footer7' => $url . 'footer-7.png', 'footer8' => $url . 'footer-8.png'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Checkbox", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_checkbox", "std" => 1, "type" => "checkbox");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Radio", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_radio", "std" => 'no', "type" => "radio", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'no' => __('No', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Example Multi-select', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_multiselect", "std" => "", "type" => "multiselect", 'options' => $_of_categories);
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Multi-check", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_multicheck", "std" => array('option1', 'option2', 'option3'), "type" => "multicheck", 'keyAsValue' => true, "options" => array('option1' => __('Option 1', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'option2' => __('Option 2', 'ThemeStockyard'), 'option3' => __('Option 3', 'ThemeStockyard')));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __('Example Slider UI', 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_slider_ui", "std" => "95", "min" => "1", "step" => "1", "max" => "100", "type" => "sliderui");
     // Typography
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Typography", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading", "class" => "mt10");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Google Fonts", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_fonts", "std" => "Libre Baskerville", "type" => "select_google_font", "options" => $ts_all_fonts, "preview" => array("text" => '0123456789 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', "size" => '30px'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example Font Style", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_font_style", "std" => array('size' => '36px', 'style' => 'normal'), "type" => "typography", "class" => "w345");
     // Colors
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Colors", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Example color", 'ThemeStockyard'), "desc" => '', "id" => "example_color", "std" => "#000", "type" => "color");
     // Backup Options
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Backup Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "type" => "heading", "class" => "mt10");
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Backup and Restore Options", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "of_backup", "std" => "", "type" => "backup", "desc" => __('You can use the two buttons below to backup your current options, and then restore it back at a later time. This is useful if you want to experiment on the options but would like to keep the old settings in case you need it back.', 'ThemeStockyard'));
     $of_options[] = array("name" => __("Transfer Theme Options Data", 'ThemeStockyard'), "id" => "of_transfer", "std" => "", "type" => "transfer", "desc" => __('You can tranfer the saved options data between different installs by copying the text inside the text box. To import data from another install, replace the data in the text box with the one from another install and click "Import Options".', 'ThemeStockyard'));
	<!-- end: pagination -->
    // Deprecated (the above function displays pagination)
// Get SMOF data
$data_cached = array();
$smof_filters = array();
$data = function_exists('of_get_options') ? of_get_options() : array();
$data_iteration_count = 0;
function get_data($var = '', $default = '')
    global $data, $data_cached, $data_iteration_count;
    if (!function_exists('of_get_options')) {
        return null;
    if (isset($data_cached[$var])) {
        return apply_filters("get_data_{$var}", $data_cached[$var]);
    if (!empty($var) && isset($data[$var])) {
        if (empty($data[$var]) && $default) {
            $data[$var] = $default;
Пример #16
 public static function optionsframework_ads_function($id, $std, $oldorder, $order, $int)
     $data = of_get_options();
     $slider = '';
     $slide = array();
     $slide = $data[$id];
     if (isset($slide[$oldorder])) {
         $val = $slide[$oldorder];
     } else {
         $val = $std;
     //initialize all vars
     $slidevars = array('title');
     foreach ($slidevars as $slidevar) {
         if (!isset($val[$slidevar])) {
             $val[$slidevar] = '';
     //begin slider interface
     if (!empty($val['title'])) {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>' . stripslashes($val['position']) . '</strong>';
     } else {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>Slide ' . $order . '</strong>';
     $slider .= '<input type="hidden" class="slide of-input order" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][order]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_order" value="' . $order . '" />';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_edit_button" href="#">Edit</a></div>';
     $slider .= '<div class="slide_body">';
     $slider .= '<label>Adsense position</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-title" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][position]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_position" value="' . stripslashes(isset($val['position']) ? $val['position'] : "") . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Is it featured?</label>';
     $slider .= '<input type="checkbox" class="slide of-input of-slider-featured" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][featured]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_featured"';
     $slider .= !empty($val['featured']) ? " checked " : "";
     $slider .= '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Custom width (by pixels)</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-featured" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][width]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_width" value="' . stripslashes(isset($val['width']) ? $val['width'] : "") . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Adsense</label>';
     $slider .= '<textarea class="slide of-input of-slider-ads" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][title]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_title" rows="6" />' . stripslashes($val['title']) . '</textarea>';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_delete_button" href="#">Delete</a>';
     $slider .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '</li>';
     return $slider;
Пример #17
 public static function optionsframework_language_function($id, $std, $oldorder, $order)
     $data = of_get_options();
     $smof_data = of_get_options();
     $slider = '';
     $slide = array();
     $slide = $smof_data[$id];
     $flags = array();
     $flags = glob(get_template_directory() . '/images/flags/*');
     $flags = array_filter($flags, 'is_file');
     $flags = array_map('basename', $flags);
     if (isset($slide[$oldorder])) {
         $val = $slide[$oldorder];
     } else {
         $val = $std;
     //initialize all vars
     $slidevars = array('language', 'langurl');
     foreach ($slidevars as $slidevar) {
         if (!isset($val[$slidevar])) {
             $val[$slidevar] = '';
     //begin slider interface
     if (!empty($val['language'])) {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>' . stripslashes($val['language']) . '</strong>';
     } else {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header"><strong>' . __('Language', 'snpshpwp') . ' ' . $order . '</strong>';
     $slider .= '<input type="hidden" class="slide of-input order" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][order]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_order" value="' . $order . '" />';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_edit_button" href="#">' . __('Edit', 'snpshpwp') . '</a></div>';
     $slider .= '<div class="slide_body">';
     $flags_select = '<label>' . __('Flag', 'snpshpwp') . '</label>';
     $flags_select .= '<div class="select_wrapper">';
     $flags_select .= '<select class="select of-input flag-select" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][flag]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_flag">';
     foreach ($flags as $flag) {
         $selected = isset($val['flag']) && $val['flag'] == $flag ? "selected = 'selected'" : '';
         $flags_select .= '<option value="' . $flag . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $flag . '</option>';
     $flags_select .= '</select></div>';
     $slider .= '<div>' . $flags_select . '</div>';
     $slider .= '<div>';
     $slider .= '<label>' . __('Language', 'snpshpwp') . '</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-language" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][language]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_language" value="' . stripslashes($val['language']) . '" />';
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '<div>';
     $slider .= '<label>' . __('URL', 'snpshpwp') . '</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-langurl" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][langurl]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_langurl" value="' . stripslashes($val['langurl']) . '" />';
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '<a href="#" class="of-button slide_delete_button" title="' . __('Delete Language', 'snpshpwp') . '">' . __('Delete Language', 'snpshpwp') . '</a>';
     $slider .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '</li>';
     return $slider;
Пример #18
  * Drag and drop custom headers generator
  * @uses get_option()
  * @access public
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return string
 public static function optionsframework_headers_function($id, $std, $oldorder, $order)
     $data = of_get_options();
     $smof_data = of_get_options();
     $slider = '';
     $slide = array();
     $slide = $smof_data[$id];
     if (isset($slide[$oldorder])) {
         $val = $slide[$oldorder];
     } else {
         $val = $std;
     //initialize all vars
     $slidevars = array('title', 'url', 'link', 'description');
     foreach ($slidevars as $slidevar) {
         if (!isset($val[$slidevar])) {
             $val[$slidevar] = '';
     //begin slider interface
     if (!empty($val['icon_name'])) {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header">' . $val['icon_name'];
     } else {
         $slider .= '<li><div class="slide_header">Social Icon ' . $order;
     $slider .= '<input type="hidden" class="slide of-input order" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][order]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_order" value="' . $order . '" />';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_edit_button" href="#">Edit</a></div>';
     $slider .= '<div class="slide_body">';
     $slider .= '<label>Header Name</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input of-slider-title" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][title]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_title" value="' . stripslashes($val['title']) . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Background Image URL</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="upload slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][url]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_slide_url" value="' . $val['url'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<div class="upload_button_div"><span class="button media_upload_button" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '">Upload</span>';
     if (!empty($val['url'])) {
         $hide = '';
     } else {
         $hide = 'hide';
     $slider .= '<span class="button remove-image ' . $hide . '" id="reset_' . $id . '_' . $order . '" title="' . $id . '_' . $order . '">Remove</span>';
     $slider .= '</div>' . "\n";
     $slider .= '<div class="screenshot">';
     if (!empty($val['url'])) {
         $slider .= '<a class="of-uploaded-image" href="' . $val['url'] . '">';
         $slider .= '<img class="of-option-image" id="image_' . $id . '_' . $order . '" src="' . $val['url'] . '" alt="" />';
         $slider .= '</a>';
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '<label>Title Font Size</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][title_fs]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_title_fs" value="' . $val['link'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Title Color</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][title_color]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_title_color" value="' . $val['link'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Tagline Color</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][tagline_color]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_tagline_color" value="' . $val['link'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<label>Text Align</label>';
     $slider .= '<input class="slide of-input" name="' . $id . '[' . $order . '][align]" id="' . $id . '_' . $order . '_align" value="' . $val['link'] . '" />';
     $slider .= '<a class="slide_delete_button" href="#">Delete</a>';
     $slider .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
     $slider .= '</div>';
     $slider .= '</li>';
     return $slider;
Пример #19
function cupid_custom_css()
    $cupid_data = of_get_options();
    $custom_css = '';
    /* body tag style*/
    $background_image = '';
    if ($cupid_data['use-bg-image'] == '1') {
        $background_image_url = '';
        if (isset($cupid_data['bg-pattern-upload']) && $cupid_data['bg-pattern-upload'] != '') {
            $background_image_url = $cupid_data['bg-pattern-upload'];
        } else {
            if (isset($cupid_data['bg-pattern']) && $cupid_data['bg-pattern'] != '') {
                $background_image_url = $cupid_data['bg-pattern'];
        if ($background_image_url != '') {
            $background_image .= 'background-image: url("' . $background_image_url . '");';
            $background_image .= 'background-repeat: ' . $cupid_data['bg-repeat'] . ';';
            $background_image .= 'background-position: ' . $cupid_data['bg-position'] . ';';
            $background_image .= 'background-attachment: ' . $cupid_data['bg-attachment'] . ';';
            $background_image .= 'background-size: ' . $cupid_data['bg-size'] . ';';
    /*end body tag style*/
    $custom_css .= 'body{font-family:' . $cupid_data['body-font']['face'] . '; font-size: ' . $cupid_data['body-font']['size'] . ';font-weight:' . $cupid_data['body-font']['weight'] . ';' . $background_image . '}';
    if (!empty($cupid_data['heading-font']['face']) && $cupid_data['heading-font']['face'] != 'none') {
        $custom_css .= 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-family: ' . $cupid_data['heading-font']['face'] . ';}';
    if (!empty($cupid_data['h1-font']['face']) && $cupid_data['h1-font']['face'] != 'none') {
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    } else {
        $custom_css .= 'h6{font-size: ' . $cupid_data['h6-font']['size'] . ';font-style: ' . $cupid_data['h6-font']['style'] . ';font-weight: ' . $cupid_data['h6-font']['weight'] . ';text-transform: ' . $cupid_data['h6-font']['text-transform'] . ';}';
    $custom_css .= $cupid_data['css-custom'];
    // Remove all newline & tab characters
    $custom_css = str_replace("\r\n", '', $custom_css);
    $custom_css = str_replace("\n", '', $custom_css);
    $custom_css = str_replace("\t", '', $custom_css);
    return $custom_css;
Пример #20
 * Ajax Save Options
 * @uses get_option()
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_ajax_callback()
    global $options_machine, $of_options;
    $nonce = $_POST['security'];
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'of_ajax_nonce')) {
    //get options array from db
    $all = of_get_options();
    $save_type = $_POST['type'];
    //echo $_POST['data'];
    if ($save_type == 'upload') {
        $clickedID = $_POST['data'];
        // Acts as the name
        $filename = $_FILES[$clickedID];
        $filename['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', $filename['name']);
        $override['test_form'] = false;
        $override['action'] = 'wp_handle_upload';
        $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($filename, $override);
        $upload_tracking[] = $clickedID;
        //update $options array w/ image URL
        $upload_image = $all;
        //preserve current data
        $upload_image[$clickedID] = $uploaded_file['url'];
        if (!empty($uploaded_file['error'])) {
            echo 'Upload Error: ' . $uploaded_file['error'];
        } else {
            echo $uploaded_file['url'];
        // Is the Response
    } elseif ($save_type == 'image_reset') {
        $id = $_POST['data'];
        // Acts as the name
        $delete_image = $all;
        //preserve rest of data
        $delete_image[$id] = '';
        //update array key with empty value
    } elseif ($save_type == 'backup_options') {
        $backup = $all;
        $backup['backup_log'] = date('r');
        of_save_options($backup, BACKUPS);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'restore_options') {
        $smof_data = get_option(BACKUPS);
        update_option(OPTIONS, $smof_data);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'import_options') {
        $smof_data = unserialize(base64_decode($smof_data));
        //100% safe - ignore theme check nag
    } elseif ($save_type == 'save') {
        wp_parse_str(stripslashes($_POST['data']), $smof_data);
        if (SNPSHPWP_FBUILDER === true) {
            global $fbuilder;
            $options = array('bottom_margin' => $smof_data['fb_bmargin'], 'high_rezolution_width' => $smof_data['fb_hres_w'], 'high_rezolution_margin' => $smof_data['fb_hres_c'], 'med_rezolution_width' => $smof_data['fb_mres_w'], 'med_rezolution_margin' => $smof_data['fb_mres_c'], 'med_rezolution_hide_sidebar' => $smof_data['fb_mres_s'] == 1 ? 'true' : 'false', 'low_rezolution_width' => $smof_data['fb_lres_w'], 'low_rezolution_margin' => $smof_data['fb_lres_c'], 'low_rezolution_hide_sidebar' => $smof_data['fb_lres_s'] == 1 ? 'true' : 'false');
    } elseif ($save_type == 'reset') {
        //options reset
    } elseif ($save_type == 'demo_remove') {
        set_transient('snpshpwp_remove_demo', 'true');
        //options reset
    } elseif ($save_type == 'demo_install') {
        $curr_style = $_POST['style'];
        $curr_theme = $_POST['theme'];
        $curr_images = $_POST['images'];
        $curr_pages = $_POST['pages'];
        $site_url = get_option("siteurl");
        $template_url = get_template_directory_uri();
        $snpshpwp_options = array('snapshop' => array('options' => array('blog_layout' => '3', 'blog_excerpt' => '223', 'snpshpwp_hide_featarea' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_title' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_tags' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_related_main' => '0', 'snpshpwp_related_columns' => '3', 'snpshpwp_hide_meta' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_author' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_postmeta' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_share' => '0', 'snpshpwp_hide_related_side' => '1', 'contactform_message' => '', 'contact' => array(1 => array('order' => '1', 'url' => 'http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/82.jpg', 'name' => 'James McMilan', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'job' => 'Web Designer', 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'contact' => array(1 => array('socialnetworksurl' => '#', 'socialnetworks' => 'facebook.png'), 2 => array('socialnetworksurl' => '#', 'socialnetworks' => 'twitter.png'), 3 => array('socialnetworksurl' => '#', 'socialnetworks' => 'google.png')))), 'favicon' => 'http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/themes/snapshopWP/images/snpshpwp_favicon.png', 'apple_ti57' => 'http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/themes/snapshopWP/images/snpshpwp_favicon.png', 'apple_ti72' => 'http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/themes/snapshopWP/images/snpshpwp_favicon.png', 'apple_ti114' => 'http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/themes/snapshopWP/images/snpshpwp_favicon.png', 'apple_ti144' => 'http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/themes/snapshopWP/images/snpshpwp_favicon.png', 'header_bar' => '0', 'header_bar_height' => '30', 'header_bar_left' => array('disabled' => array('placebo' => 'placebo', 'language-bar' => 'language-bar', 'login-link' => 'login-link', 'network-icons' => 'network-icons', 'menu' => 'menu', 'tagline-alt' => 'tagline-alt'), 'enabled' => array('placebo' => 'placebo', 'tagline' => 'tagline')), 'header_bar_right' => array('disabled' => array('placebo' => 'placebo', 'menu' => 'menu', 'tagline' => 'tagline', 'network-icons' => 'network-icons', 'login-link' => 'login-link'), 'enabled' => array('placebo' => 'placebo', 'language-bar' => 'language-bar', 'tagline-alt' => 'tagline-alt')), 'header_bar_menu' => 'side-menu', 'header_bar_networks' => '1', 'header_bar_tagline' => '<i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> REACH OUT TO US: <STRONG>+381 (0) 63 255 7004</STRONG>', 'header_bar_tagline_alt' => 'Write us at: <STRONG><a href="#">info@yourdomain.com</a></STRONG>', 's_header_bar_bg' => '#ffffff', 's_header_bar_txt' => '#222222', 's_header_bar_lnk' => '#222222', 's_header_bar_lnkhvr' => '#c74c44', 's_header_bar_brdr' => '#cccccc', 'f_header_bar_mn' => array('face' => 'Lovelo', 'size' => '16px', 'style' => 'normal', 'weight' => '400'), 'f_header_bar_mnggl_on' => '1', 'f_header_bar_mnggl' => array('face' => 'PT Sans', 'size' => '12px', 'style' => 'normal', 'weight' => '400'), 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=> '13px', 'style' => 'normal', 'weight' => '400'), 'breadcrumbs_active' => '0', 'breadcrumbs_height' => '60', 'breadcrumbs_tagline' => '', 's_breadcrumbs_bg' => '#ffffff', 's_breadcrumbs_txt' => '#222222', 's_breadcrumbs_lnk' => '#222222', 's_breadcrumbs_lnkhvr' => '#c74c44', 's_breadcrumbs_brdr' => '#cccccc', 'f_breadcrumbs' => array('face' => 'Lovelo', 'size' => '16px', 'style' => 'normal', 'weight' => '400'), 'f_breadcrumbs_ggl_on' => '0', 'f_breadcrumbs_ggl' => array('face' => 'PT Serif', 'size' => '12px', 'style' => 'normal', 'weight' => '400'), 'snpshpwp_hide_page_title' => '0', 'enable_comments' => '0', 's_post_bg' => '#ffffff', 's_post_txt' => '#808080', 's_post_hdr' => '#222222', 's_post_lnk' => '#c74c44', 's_post_lnkhvr' => '#c74c44', 's_post_brdr' => '#cccccc', 's_post_bttn' => '#222222', 's_post_bttnhvr' => '#c74c44', 's_post_bttnlnk' => '#ffffff', 's_post_bttnlnkhvr' => '#ffffff', 'f_post_mn' => array('face' => 'Lovelo', 'size' => '12px', 'style' => 'normal', 'weight' => 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Aenean erat lacus, vulputate sit amet lacinia vestibulum, ornare a augue.', 'filter' => false), 3 => array('title' => 'OUR LINKS', 'text' => '<a href="#">Envato.com</h3></a><BR> <a href="#">Themeforest.net</a><BR> <a href="#">Codecanyon.net</a><BR> <a href="#">Videohive.net</a><BR> <a href="#">Shindiristudio.com</a><BR>', 'filter' => false), 4 => array('title' => '', 'text' => '<img src="http://www.shindiristudio.com/envato/logo-footer.png"></img> <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean erat lacus, vulputate sit amet lacinia vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean erat lacus, vulputate sit amet lacinia vestibulum, ornare a augue.', 'filter' => false), 5 => array('title' => '', 'text' => '<img src="http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/sidebar-ad.jpg"></img><br><img src="http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ad21.jpg"></img><br><img src="http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ad13.jpg"></img>', 'filter' => false), 6 => array('title' => '', 'text' => '<img src="http://www.shindiristudio.com/snapshop/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/sidebar-ad.jpg">', 'filter' => false), 7 => array('title' => 'GET IN TOUCH', 'text' => 'Aenean erat lacus, vulputate sit amet lacinia vestibulum, ornare a augue.', 'filter' => false), 9 => array('title' => 'Search Products', 'text' => 'Aenean erat lacus, vulputate sit amet lacinia vestibulum, ornare a augue.', 'filter' => false), '_multiwidget' => 1), 'widget_rss' => array(1 => array(), '_multiwidget' => 1), 'widget_search' => array(2 => 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Пример #21
 * Ajax Save Options
 * @uses get_option()
 * @since 1.0.0
function of_ajax_callback()
    global $options_machine, $of_options;
    $nonce = $_POST['security'];
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'of_ajax_nonce')) {
    //get options array from db
    $all = of_get_options();
    $save_type = $_POST['type'];
    //echo $_POST['data'];
    if ($save_type == 'upload') {
        $clickedID = $_POST['data'];
        // Acts as the name
        $filename = $_FILES[$clickedID];
        $filename['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', $filename['name']);
        $override['test_form'] = false;
        $override['action'] = 'wp_handle_upload';
        $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($filename, $override);
        $upload_tracking[] = $clickedID;
        //update $options array w/ image URL
        $upload_image = $all;
        //preserve current data
        $upload_image[$clickedID] = $uploaded_file['url'];
        if (!empty($uploaded_file['error'])) {
            echo 'Upload Error: ' . $uploaded_file['error'];
        } else {
            echo $uploaded_file['url'];
        // Is the Response
    } elseif ($save_type == 'image_reset') {
        $id = $_POST['data'];
        // Acts as the name
        $delete_image = $all;
        //preserve rest of data
        $delete_image[$id] = '';
        //update array key with empty value
    } elseif ($save_type == 'backup_options') {
        $backup = $all;
        $backup['backup_log'] = date('r');
        of_save_options($backup, BACKUPS);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'restore_options') {
        $smof_data = of_get_options(BACKUPS);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'import_options') {
        $smof_data = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['data']));
        //100% safe - ignore theme check nag
    } elseif ($save_type == 'save') {
        wp_parse_str(stripslashes($_POST['data']), $smof_data);
    } elseif ($save_type == 'reset') {
        //options reset
Пример #22
 function avada_less_vars($vars, $handle)
     if ($handle == 'avada-dynamic') {
         global $smof_data, $of_options;
         if (!$smof_data) {
             $smof_data = of_get_options();
         $options = array();
         foreach ($of_options as $option) {
             if (isset($option['std'])) {
                 $options[$option['id']] = $option['std'];
         foreach ($smof_data as $key => $data) {
             if ($data == NULL && $data != '' && isset($options[$key])) {
                 $smof_data[$key] = $options[$key];
         if (strpos($smof_data['site_width'], '%') === false && strpos($smof_data['site_width'], 'px') === false) {
             $smof_data['site_width'] = $smof_data['site_width'] . 'px';
         // General
         $vars['template-directory'] = sprintf('~"%s"', get_template_directory_uri());
         $vars['page-layout'] = $smof_data['layout'];
         $vars['header-position'] = $smof_data['header_position'];
         $vars['footer-width-100'] = $smof_data['footer_100_width'];
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         $vars['site-width'] = $smof_data['site_width'];
         $vars['responsive'] = $smof_data['responsive'];
         $vars['ipad-portrait'] = $smof_data['ipad_potrait'];
         $vars['disable-avada-dropdown-styles'] = $smof_data['avada_styles_dropdowns'];
         $vars['content-width'] = is_numeric($smof_data['content_width']) ? $smof_data['content_width'] . '%' : $smof_data['content_width'];
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         $vars['sidebar-2-2-width'] = is_numeric($smof_data['sidebar_2_2_width']) ? $smof_data['sidebar_2_2_width'] . '%' : $smof_data['sidebar_2_2_width'];
         $vars['scheme-type'] = $smof_data['scheme_type'];
         $vars['breadcrumbs-mobile'] = $smof_data['breadcrumb_mobile'];
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         if ($smof_data['header_position'] == 'Top') {
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         } else {
             // Set the side-header width to 280px (default value ) if the theme options setting is above a threshold of 280px
             $vars['side-header-width'] = $smof_data['side_header_width'] != NULL ? $smof_data['side_header_width'] : $options['side_header_width'];
         $vars['header-shadow'] = $smof_data['header_shadow'];
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         $vars['is-woocommerce'] = class_exists('Woocommerce');
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         // Styling Variables
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             $vars['image-rollover-gradient-bottom-color'] = sprintf('rgba(%s,%s,%s, %s)', $image_rollover_gradient_bottom[0], $image_rollover_gradient_bottom[1], $image_rollover_gradient_bottom[2], $vars['image-rollover-opacity']);
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         $vars['button-gradient-bottom-hover-color'] = !$smof_data['button_gradient_bottom_color_hover'] ? 'transparent' : $smof_data['button_gradient_bottom_color_hover'];
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         // Buttons
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         // Image Rollover
         $vars['image-rollover-icon-circle'] = $smof_data['icon_circle_image_rollover'];
         // Typography
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