function cron_example()
    if (!inCLI()) {
        // send headers (for running through web with "Run Manually" link above)
        if (!headers_sent()) {
            header("Content-type: text/plain");
            header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename='output.txt'");
            // Force IE to display as text and not download file
            // Turn off browser buffering
        // This lines are only needed if your cron script is going to be called directly and you need to enforce security, if cron is added as a CMS "Background Task" then you can specify access rights in: pluginAction_addHandlerAndLink
        // $CMS_USER = getCurrentUserFromCMS();                                                                       // security check for web access - don't show cron filepaths unless logged in
        // if (!@$CMS_USER['isAdmin']) { die(t("You must be logged in as Admin to run this script from the web!")); } // security check for web access - don't show cron filepaths unless logged in
        // continue running even if user clicks stop on their browser
        // v2.51 - End the current session and store session data so locked session data doesn't prevent concurrent access to CMS by user while backup in progress
    // ignore PHP's max_execution_time directive
    print "My sample Cron \n";
    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
    // Add your own code here...
    print "The current time is: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n\n";
    print "Done!\n";
    // return summary message
    $summary = "Successful";
    if (@$_REQUEST['_pluginAction'] == __FUNCTION__) {
    // exit if being run manually from web
    return $summary;
    // otherwise, return summary if being run by cron
Пример #2
// load viewer library
// change dir to the directory the script is in (so relative paths below work).
require_once 'lib/init.php';
// send headers (for running through web)
if (!inCLI()) {
    header("Content-type: text/plain");
    header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename='output.txt'");
    // Force IE to display as text and not download file
    $CMS_USER = getCurrentUserFromCMS();
    // security check for web access - don't show cron filepaths unless logged in
    if (!@$CMS_USER['isAdmin']) {
        die(t("You must be logged in as Admin to run this script from the web!"));
    // security check for web access - don't show cron filepaths unless logged in
    // Turn off browser buffering
    // continue running even if user clicks stop on their browser
    // v2.51 - End the current session and store session data so locked session data doesn't prevent concurrent access to CMS by user while backup in progress
// ignore PHP's max_execution_time directive
// Show cronjob instructions and web warning
if (!inCLI()) {
    $thisScriptPath = __FILE__;
    $thisScriptUrl = preg_replace("/\\?.*/", '', thisPageUrl()) . '?run=1';
    print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
    print "You are currently running cron.php through the web interface.  This can be useful\n";