/** * Generic exception handler * * Handles uncaught exceptions, such as database errors * @param Exception $e Any type of exception */ public static function handle_exception($e) { switch (get_class($e)) { case 'NumbatDBError': case 'PDOException': $type = 'db'; break; default: $type = 'uncaught'; break; } $config = array(); if ($type == 'db' && get_class($e) == 'NumbatDBError') { $config = $e->getConfig(); } numbat_primative_die($e->getMessage(), $type, $config); }
?> </dl> </div> </body> </html> <?php die; } function numbat_session_stats() { $time = microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['numbat_start_time']; return 'Rendered in ' . round($time, 3) . ' seconds, with ' . Database::instance()->get_count() . ' queries'; } /** Load app configuration if it exists */ if (file_exists(NUMBAT_APPPATH . '/config.php')) { include NUMBAT_APPPATH . '/config.php'; } else { numbat_primative_die("Couldn't load configuration", 'config'); } /** Make sure constant is defined */ if (!defined('NUMBAT_SHOW_DB_ERRORS')) { define('NUMBAT_SHOW_DB_ERRORS', false); } /** Undo magic quotes **/ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { list($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST) = stripslashes_deep(array($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST)); } // Connect to database Database::instance(Config::instance()->get('db')); Controller::parse(); Controller::handle();