Пример #1
 public static function safeLongText($string)
     check_condition($string, 'Пустое сообщение');
     $texExtractor = TexExtractor::inst($string, true);
     $string = $texExtractor->getMaskedText();
     $string = htmlspecialchars($string);
     $string = nl2brr($string);
     $string = $texExtractor->restoreMasks($string);
      * Удалим двойные пробелы, т.к. к этом моменту уже все переносы 
      * строк заменены на <br />
     return normalize_string($string);
function popup_ticket($id, $print = 'false', $search = FALSE)
    /* 7/9/09 - show specified ticket */
    global $istest, $iw_width;
    if ($istest) {
        print "GET<br />\n";
        print "POST<br />\n";
    if ($id == '' or $id <= 0 or !check_for_rows("SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE id='{$id}'")) {
        /* sanity check */
        print "Invalid Ticket ID: '{$id}'<BR />";
    $restrict_ticket = get_variable('restrict_user_tickets') == 1 && !is_administrator() ? " AND owner={$_SESSION['user_id']}" : "";
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE ID='{$id}' {$restrict_ticket}";
    // 8/12/09
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        //no tickets? print "error" or "restricted user rights"
        print "<FONT CLASS=\"warn\">No such ticket or user access to ticket is denied</FONT>";
    $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result));
	<TABLE BORDER="0" ID = "outer" ALIGN="left">
    print "<TD ALIGN='left'>";
    print "<TABLE ID='theMap' BORDER=0><TR CLASS='odd' ><TD  ALIGN='center'>\n\t\t<DIV ID='map' STYLE='WIDTH:" . get_variable('map_width') . "px; HEIGHT: " . get_variable('map_height') . "PX'></DIV>\n\t\t</TD></TR>";
    // 11/29/08
    print "<FORM NAME='sv_form' METHOD='post' ACTION=''><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='frm_lat' VALUE=" . $row['lat'] . ">";
    // 2/11/09
    print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='frm_lng' VALUE=" . $row['lng'] . "></FORM>";
    print "<TR ID='pointl1' CLASS='print_TD' STYLE = 'display:none;'>\n\t\t<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Range:</B>&nbsp;&nbsp; <SPAN ID='range'></SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Brng</B>:&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t\t\t<SPAN ID='brng'></SPAN></TD></TR>\n\n\t\t<TR ID='pointl2' CLASS='print_TD' STYLE = 'display:none;'>\n\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Lat:</B>&nbsp;<SPAN ID='newlat'></SPAN>\n\t\t\t&nbsp;<B>Lng:</B>&nbsp;&nbsp; <SPAN ID='newlng'></SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>NGS:</B>&nbsp;<SPAN ID = 'newusng'></SPAN></TD></TR>\n";
    print "</TABLE>\n";
    print "</TD></TR>";
    print "<TR CLASS='odd' ><TD COLSPAN='2' CLASS='print_TD'>";
    $lat = $row['lat'];
    $lng = $row['lng'];
    print "</TABLE>\n";
	<SCRIPT SRC='../js/usng.js' TYPE='text/javascript'></SCRIPT>
	<SCRIPT SRC="../js/graticule.js" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

	function isNull(val) {								// checks var stuff = null;
		return val === null;

	var the_grid;
	var grid = false;
	function doGrid() {
		if (grid) {
			grid = false;
		else {
			the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
			grid = true;

	String.prototype.trim = function () {				// 9/14/08
		return this.replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1");

	String.prototype.parseDeg = function() {
		if (!isNaN(this)) return Number(this);								// signed decimal degrees without NSEW

		var degLL = this.replace(/^-/,'').replace(/[NSEW]/i,'');			// strip off any sign or compass dir'n
		var dms = degLL.split(/[^0-9.,]+/);									// split out separate d/m/s
		for (var i in dms) if (dms[i]=='') dms.splice(i,1);					// remove empty elements (see note below)
		switch (dms.length) {												// convert to decimal degrees...
			case 3:															// interpret 3-part result as d/m/s
				var deg = dms[0]/1 + dms[1]/60 + dms[2]/3600; break;
			case 2:															// interpret 2-part result as d/m
				var deg = dms[0]/1 + dms[1]/60; break;
			case 1:															// decimal or non-separated dddmmss
				if (/[NS]/i.test(this)) degLL = '0' + degLL;	// - normalise N/S to 3-digit degrees
				var deg = dms[0].slice(0,3)/1 + dms[0].slice(3,5)/60 + dms[0].slice(5)/3600; break;
			default: return NaN;
		if (/^-/.test(this) || /[WS]/i.test(this)) deg = -deg; // take '-', west and south as -ve
		return deg;
	Number.prototype.toRad = function() {  // convert degrees to radians
		return this * Math.PI / 180;

	Number.prototype.toDeg = function() {  // convert radians to degrees (signed)
		return this * 180 / Math.PI;
	Number.prototype.toBrng = function() {  // convert radians to degrees (as bearing: 0...360)
		return (this.toDeg()+360) % 360;
	function brng(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
		lat1 = lat1.toRad(); lat2 = lat2.toRad();
		var dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();

		var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
		var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) -
		return Math.atan2(y, x).toBrng();

	distCosineLaw = function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
		var R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km
		var d = Math.acos(Math.sin(lat1.toRad())*Math.sin(lat2.toRad()) +
				Math.cos(lat1.toRad())*Math.cos(lat2.toRad())*Math.cos((lon2-lon1).toRad())) * R;
		return d;
    var km2feet = 3280.83;
	var thisMarker = false;

	var map;
	var icons=[];						// note globals	- 1/29/09
] = "./our_icons/blue.png";		// normal
] = "./our_icons/green.png";	// green
] =  "./our_icons/red.png";		// red
+1] =  "./our_icons/white.png";	// white - not in use

	var baseIcon = new GIcon();
	baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";

	baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
	baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
	baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);

	map = new GMap2($("map"));		// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    // 08/02/09
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
	map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
	map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());				// 12/24/08
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {
	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $lat;
, <?php 
    print $lng;
	var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
	icon.image = icons[<?php 
    print $row['severity'];
	var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $lat;
, <?php 
    print $lng;
);	// 1147
	map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, icon));

// ====================================Add Active Responding Units to Map =========================================================================
	var icons=[];						// note globals	- 1/29/09
	icons[1] = "./our_icons/white.png";		// normal
	icons[2] = "./our_icons/black.png";	// green

	var baseIcon = new GIcon();
	baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";

	baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
	baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
	baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);

	var unit_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
	unit_icon.image = icons[1];

function createMarker(unit_point, number) {
	var unit_marker = new GMarker(unit_point, unit_icon);
	// Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked
	var html = number;
	GEvent.addListener(unit_marker, "click", function() {unit_marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);});
	return unit_marker;

    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE ticket_id='{$id}'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $responder_id = $row['responder_id'];
        if ($row['clear'] == NULL) {
            $query_unit = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` WHERE id='{$responder_id}'";
            $result_unit = mysql_query($query_unit) or do_error($query_unit, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            while ($row_unit = mysql_fetch_array($result_unit)) {
                $unit_id = $row_unit['id'];
                $mobile = $row_unit['mobile'];
                if (my_is_float($row_unit['lat']) && my_is_float($row_unit['lng'])) {
                    if ($mobile == 1) {
                        echo "var unit_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                        echo "var unit_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=0&text=RU\";\n";
                        // 4/18/09
                        echo "unit_icon.image = unit_icon_url;\n";
                        echo "var unit_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_unit['lat'] . "," . $row_unit['lng'] . ");\n";
                        echo "var unit_marker = createMarker(unit_point, '" . addslashes($row_unit['name']) . "', unit_icon);\n";
                        echo "map.addOverlay(unit_marker);\n";
                        echo "\n";
                    } else {
                        echo "var unit_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                        echo "var unit_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=RU\";\n";
                        // 4/18/09
                        echo "unit_icon.image = unit_icon_url;\n";
                        echo "var unit_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_unit['lat'] . "," . $row_unit['lng'] . ");\n";
                        echo "var unit_marker = createMarker(unit_point, '" . addslashes($row_unit['name']) . "', unit_icon);\n";
                        echo "map.addOverlay(unit_marker);\n";
                        echo "\n";
                    // end if/else ($mobile)
                // end ((my_is_float()) - responding units
            // end outer if
        // end inner while
    //	end outer while
    // =====================================End of functions to show responding units========================================================================
    // ====================================Add Facilities to Map 8/1/09================================================
	var icons=[];	
	var g=0;

	var fmarkers = [];

	var baseIcon = new GIcon();
	baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";

	baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30);
	baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 30);
	baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);

	var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
	fac_icon.image = icons[1];

function createfacMarker(fac_point, fac_name, id, fac_icon) {
	var fac_marker = new GMarker(fac_point, fac_icon);
	// Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked
	var fac_html = fac_name;
	fmarkers[id] = fac_marker;
	GEvent.addListener(fac_marker, "click", function() {fac_marker.openInfoWindowHtml(fac_html);});
	return fac_marker;

    $query_fac = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.id AS fac_id, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.description AS facility_description, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.name AS fac_type_name, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.name AS facility_name FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.id LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.status_id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status`.id ORDER BY `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type ASC";
    $result_fac = mysql_query($query_fac) or do_error($query_fac, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_fac = mysql_fetch_array($result_fac)) {
        $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
        // all flavors of eol
        while ($row_fac = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_fac))) {
            $fac_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
            //	10/8/09
            $fac_temp = explode("/", $fac_name);
            $fac_index = substr($fac_temp[count($fac_temp) - 1], -6, strlen($fac_temp[count($fac_temp) - 1]));
            // 3/19/11
            print "\t\tvar fac_sym = '{$fac_index}';\n";
            // for sidebar and icon 10/8/09
            $fac_id = $row_fac['id'];
            $fac_type = $row_fac['icon'];
            $f_disp_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
            //	10/8/09
            $f_disp_temp = explode("/", $f_disp_name);
            $facility_display_name = $f_disp_temp[0];
            if (my_is_float($row_fac['lat']) && my_is_float($row_fac['lng'])) {
                $fac_tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin'  width='{$iw_width}' >";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($facility_display_name, 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($row_fac['fac_type_name'], 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Description:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['facility_description'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Status:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['status_val']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_name']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Email: " . addslashes($row_fac['contact_email']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>As of:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row_fac['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
                $fac_tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin'  width='{$iw_width}' >";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_contact']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security email:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_email']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Access rules:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['access_rules'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security reqs:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['security_reqs'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Opening hours:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['opening_hours'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Prim pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_p']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Sec pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_s']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
//			var fac_sym = (g+1).toString();
			var myfacinfoTabs = [
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row_fac['facility_name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
                print $fac_tab_1;
				new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $fac_tab_2);
                if ($row_fac['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_fac['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 7/28/10
                    echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                    echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
                    echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/question1.png\";\n";
                    echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                    echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . "," . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
                    echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon);\n";
                    echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                    echo "\n";
                } else {
                    echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                    echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
		var origin = ((fac_sym.length)>3)? (fac_sym.length)-3: 0;						// pick low-order three chars 3/22/11
		var iconStr = fac_sym.substring(origin);
                    echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_fac_icon.php?blank={$fac_type}&text=\" + (iconStr) + \"\";\n";
                    echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                    echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_fac['lat'] . "," . $row_fac['lng'] . ");\n";
                    echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon);\n";
                    echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                    echo "\n";
            // end if my_is_float - facilities
        // end while
    // =====================================End of functions to show facilities========================================================================
    // kml functions
	function lat2ddm(inlat) {				// 9/7/08
		var x = new Number(inlat);
		var y  = (inlat>0)?  Math.floor(x):Math.round(x);
		var z = ((Math.abs(x-y)*60).toFixed(1));
		var nors = (inlat>0.0)? " N":" S";
		return Math.abs(y) + '\260 ' + z +"'" + nors;

	function lng2ddm(inlng) {
		var x = new Number(inlng);
		var y  = (inlng>0)?  Math.floor(x):Math.round(x);
		var z = ((Math.abs(x-y)*60).toFixed(1));
		var eorw = (inlng>0.0)? " E":" W";
		return Math.abs(y) + '\260 ' + z +"'" + eorw;

	function do_coords(inlat, inlng) {  //9/14/08
		if(inlat.toString().length==0) return;								// 10/15/08
		var str = inlat + ", " + inlng + "\n";
		str += ll2dms(inlat) + ", " +ll2dms(inlng) + "\n";
		str += lat2ddm(inlat) + ", " +lng2ddm(inlng);

	function ll2dms(inval) {				// lat/lng to degr, mins, sec's - 9/9/08
		var d = new Number(inval);
		d  = (inval>0)?  Math.floor(d):Math.round(d);
		var mi = (inval-d)*60;
		var m = Math.floor(mi)				// min's
		var si = (mi-m)*60;
		var s = si.toFixed(1);
		return d + '\260 ' + Math.abs(m) +"' " + Math.abs(s) + '"';

function list_facilities($addon = '', $start)
    //	global {$_SESSION['fip']}, $fmp, {$_SESSION['editfile']}, {$_SESSION['addfile']}, {$_SESSION['unitsfile']}, {$_SESSION['facilitiesfile']}, {$_SESSION['routesfile']}, {$_SESSION['facroutesfile']};
    global $iw_width, $u_types, $tolerance;
    //	$assigns = array();
    //	$tickets = array();
    $query = "SELECT `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`scope` AS `ticket` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`";
    $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as))) {
        $assigns[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket'];
        $tickets[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket_id'];
    $calls = array();
    $calls_nr = array();
    $calls_time = array();
    $query = "SELECT * , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks` ORDER BY `packet_date` ASC";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if (isset($calls[$row['source']])) {
            // array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search )
        } else {
            array_push($calls, trim($row['source']));
            $calls[trim($row['source'])] = TRUE;
            $calls_nr[$row['source']] = 1;
        $calls_time[$row['source']] = $row['packet_date'];
        // save latest - note query order
    $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $facilities = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? mysql_affected_rows() : "<I>none</I>";


var color=0;
	var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');

	function hideDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/15/11
		if (div_area == "buttons_sh") {
			var controlarea = "hide_controls";
		if (div_area == "resp_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "resp_list";
		if (div_area == "facs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "facs_list";
		if (div_area == "incs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "incs_list";
		if (div_area == "region_boxes") {
			var controlarea = "region_boxes";
		var divarea = div_area 
		var hide_cont = hide_cont 
		var show_cont = show_cont 
		if($(divarea)) {
			$(divarea).style.display = 'none';
			$(hide_cont).style.display = 'none';
			$(show_cont).style.display = '';
		var params = "f_n=" +controlarea+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
		var url = "persist2.php";
		sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);			

	function showDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/15/11
		if (div_area == "buttons_sh") {
			var controlarea = "hide_controls";
		if (div_area == "resp_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "resp_list";
		if (div_area == "facs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "facs_list";
		if (div_area == "incs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "incs_list";
		if (div_area == "region_boxes") {
			var controlarea = "region_boxes";
		var divarea = div_area
		var hide_cont = hide_cont 
		var show_cont = show_cont 
		if($(divarea)) {
			$(divarea).style.display = '';
			$(hide_cont).style.display = '';
			$(show_cont).style.display = 'none';
		var params = "f_n=" +controlarea+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
		var url = "persist2.php";
		sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);					
	function hideGroup(color) {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
				if (gmarkers[i].id == color) {
				else {
				}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = $("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "visible";
		}			// end function

	function showAll() {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = $("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "hidden";

		}			// end function

	function checkArray(form, arrayName)	{	//	5/3/11
		var retval = new Array();
		for(var i=0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
			var el = form.elements[i];
			if(el.type == "checkbox" && el.name == arrayName && el.checked) {
	return retval;
	function checkForm(form)	{	//	6/10/11
		var errmsg="";
		var itemsChecked = checkArray(form, "frm_group[]");
		if(itemsChecked.length > 0) {
			var params = "f_n=viewed_groups&v_n=" +itemsChecked+ "&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
";	//	3/15/11
			var url = "persist3.php";	//	3/15/11	
			sendRequest (url, fvg_handleResult, params);				
//			form.submit();
		} else {
			errmsg+= "\tYou cannot Hide all the regions\n";
			if (errmsg!="") {
				alert ("Please correct the following and re-submit:\n\n" + errmsg);
				return false;
	function fvg_handleResult(req) {	// 6/10/11	The persist callback function for viewed groups.
	function form_validate(theForm) {	//	5/3/11
//		alert("Validating");
		}				// end function validate(theForm)			

	function sendRequest(url,callback,postData) {								// 2/14/09
		var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
		if (!req) return;
		var method = (postData) ? "POST" : "GET";
		if (postData)
		req.onreadystatechange = function () {
			if (req.readyState != 4) return;
			if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 304) {
		if (req.readyState == 4) return;

	var XMLHttpFactories = [
		function () {return new XMLHttpRequest()	},
		function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")	},
		function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")	},
		function () {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")	}

	function createXMLHTTPObject() {
		var xmlhttp = false;
		for (var i=0;i<XMLHttpFactories.length;i++) {
			try {
				xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i]();
			catch (e) {
		return xmlhttp;

	function createMarker(point, tabs, color, id, fac_id) {						// (point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
    print $row['type'];
, i)
		points = true;													// at least one
//		var letter = to_str(id);
		var fac_id = fac_id;	
		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_fac_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + fac_id;

		icon.image = icon_url;		// 

		var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			if (marker) {
				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
					else {
					},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

				}		// end if (marker)
			});			// end GEvent.add Listener()

		gmarkers[id] = marker;									// marker to array for side_bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
		if (!(map_is_fixed)) {
		return marker;
		}				// end function create Marker()

	function createdummyMarker(point, tabs, color, id, fac_id) {						// 7/28/10
		points = true;													// at least one
//		var letter = to_str(id);
		var fac_id = fac_id;	
		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";

		icon.image = icon_url;		// 

		var dummymarker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		dummymarker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(dummymarker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			if (dummymarker) {
				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
					else {
					},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

				}		// end if (marker)
			});			// end GEvent.add Listener()

		gmarkers[id] = dummymarker;									// marker to array for side_bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
		if (!(map_is_fixed)) {
		return dummymarker;
		}				// end function createdummyMarker()		

	function do_sidebar (sidebar, id, the_class, fac_id) {
		var fac_id = fac_id;
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(id)%2] +"'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='" + the_class + "' onClick = myclick(" + id + "); >" + fac_id + sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 3/15/11

	function do_sidebar_nm (sidebar, line_no, id, fac_id) {	
		var fac_id = fac_id;	
		var letter = to_str(line_no);	
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(line_no)%2] +"'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD onClick = myclick_nm(" + id + "); >" + fac_id + sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 1/23/09, 10/29/09 removed period, 11/11/09, 3/15/11

	function myclick_nm(v_id) {				// Responds to sidebar click - view responder data

	function myclick(id) {					// Responds to sidebar click, then triggers listener above -  note [id]
		GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");
		location.href = '#top';		// 11/11/090

	function do_lat (lat) {
	function do_lng (lng) {

	function do_ngs() {											// LL to USNG
		var loc = <?php 
    print get_variable('locale');
		if(loc == 0) {
			document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoUSNG(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value, 5);
		if(loc == 1) {
			document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoOSGB(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value);
		if(loc == 2) {
			document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoOSGB(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value);

	function do_sel_update_fac (in_unit, in_val) {							// 3/15/11
		to_server_fac(in_unit, in_val);

	function to_server_fac(the_unit, the_status) {									// 3/15/11
		var querystr = "frm_responder_id=" + the_unit;
		querystr += "&frm_status_id=" + the_status;
		var url = "as_up_fac_status.php?" + querystr;			// 3/15/11
		var payload = syncAjax(url);						// 
		if (payload.substring(0,1)=="-") {	
			alert ("<?php 
    print __LINE__;
: msg failed ");
			return false;
		else {
			parent.frames['upper'].show_msg ('Facility status update applied!')
			return true;
			}				// end if/else (payload.substring(... )
		}		// end function to_server()

	var icons=new Array;							// maps type to icon blank

    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['fac_icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";
    $dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');
    print "\tvar map_is_fixed = ";
    print my_is_int($dzf) && $dzf == 2 || my_is_int($dzf) && $dzf == 3 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
	var map;
	var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_facilities'>";
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD><B>Icon</B></TD><TD><B>Handle</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>Name</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B><?php 
    print get_text("Type");
</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B><?php 
    print get_text("Status");
</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B><?php 
    print get_text("As of");
	var gmarkers = [];
	var infoTabs = [];
	var which;
	var i = <?php 
    print $start;
;					// sidebar/icon index
	var points = false;								// none

	map = new GMap2($("map"));						// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";

//	map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
	map.setUIToDefault();										// 8/13/10

	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {

	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
	mapBounds=new GLatLngBounds(map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), map.getBounds().getNorthEast());

	var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create  bounding box

	do_landb();				// 8/1/11 - show scribbles		
	var listIcon = new GIcon();
	listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
	listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
	listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30);
	listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(16, 28);
	listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
	listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
	listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);

	GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom

//-----------------------BOUNDARIES STUFF--------------------6/10/11

	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
	var boundary = new Array();	
	var bound_names = new Array();
	GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,boundpoint) {
	for (var n = 0; n < boundary.length; n++) {
		if (boundary[n].Contains(boundpoint)) {
			map.openInfoWindowHtml(boundpoint,"This is " + bound_names[n]);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    //	6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    //	6/10/11
    $a_gp_bounds = array();
    $gp_bounds = array();
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        //	6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        //	6/10/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 4/18/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            //	//	6/10/11
            if ($row2['boundary'] != 0) {
                $a_gp_bounds[] = $row2['boundary'];
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
        //	6/10/11
        foreach (explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']) as $val_vg) {
            $query3 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$val_vg}';";
            $result3 = mysql_query($query3);
            //	6/10/11
            while ($row3 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result3))) {
                if ($row3['boundary'] != 0) {
                    $gp_bounds[] = $row3['boundary'];
    } else {
        $gp_bounds = $a_gp_bounds;
    foreach ($gp_bounds as $value) {
        //	6/10/11
		var points = new Array();
        if ($value != 0) {
            $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `id`='{$value}' AND `use_with_f`=1";
            //			print $query_bn;
            $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
                $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
                $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                for ($xx = 0; $xx < count($points); $xx++) {
                    $coords = explode(",", $points[$xx]);
					thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $coords[1];
                // end for ($i = 0 ... )

                switch ($row_bn['line_type']) {
                    case "p":
                        // poly
                        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
                            //	6/10/11
						var polyline = new GPolygon(points, "<?php 
                            print $line_color;
", <?php 
                            print $line_width;
, <?php 
                            print $line_opacity;
, "<?php 
                            print $fill_color;
", <?php 
                            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false});
                            print $bn_name;
                        } else {
						var polyline = new GPolyline(points, "<?php 
                            print $line_color;
", <?php 
                            print $line_width;
, <?php 
                            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false});
                            print $bn_name;
                    case "c":
                        $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                        $radius = $temp[1];
                        $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                        $lat = $coords[0];
                        $lng = $coords[1];
                        $fill_opacity = intval($filled) == 0 ? 0 : $fill_opacity;
                        echo "\n drawCircle({$lat}, {$lng}, {$radius}, add_hash('{$line_color}'), {$line_opacity}, {$line_width}, add_hash('{$fill_color}'), {$fill_opacity}); // 513\n";
            //	End while
        //	end if $value !=0
    //	end foreach $gp_bounds
    //-------------------------END OF BOUNDARIES STUFF-------------------------
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $status_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $status_vals[''] = $status_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_st = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_st = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_st))) {
        $temp = $row_st['id'];
        $status_vals[$temp] = $row_st['status_val'];
    $type_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $type_vals[''] = $type_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_ty = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_ty = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_ty))) {
        $temp = $row_ty['id'];
        $type_vals[$temp] = $row_ty['name'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}';";
    // 6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 6/10/11
    $al_groups = array();
    while ($row_gp = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row_gp['group'];
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
        //	6/10/11
        $curr_viewed = explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    if (!isset($curr_viewed)) {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($curr_viewed as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($curr_viewed) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `a`.`type` = 3";
    //	6/10/11
    //	3/15/11, 6/10/11
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, \n\t\t`f`.id AS id, \n\t\t`f`.status_id AS status_id,\n\t\t`f`.boundary AS boundary,\t\t\n\t\t`f`.description AS facility_description,\n\t\t`t`.name AS fac_type_name, \n\t\t`f`.name AS name,\n\t\t`f`.type AS type,\n\t\t`f`.street AS street,\n\t\t`f`.city AS city,\n\t\t`f`.state AS state \n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`  `f`\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `f`.`id` = a.resource_id )\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` `t` ON `f`.type = `t`.id \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` `s` ON `f`.status_id = `s`.id \n\t\t{$where2} GROUP BY `f`.id ORDER BY `f`.type ASC";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $num_facilities = mysql_affected_rows();
    $i = 0;
    // counter
    // =============================================================================
    $utc = gmdate("U");
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // ==========  major while() for Facility ==========
        $boundary = $row['boundary'];
        //-----------------------FACILITY BOUNDARIES / CATCHMENT STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
        $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `id`='{$boundary}' AND `use_with_f`=1";
        $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
            $the_type = $row_bn['line_type'];
            switch ($the_type) {
                case "p":
                    $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
                    $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
                        $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
					thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
                        print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                        print $coords[1];
                    // end for ($i = 0 ... )
                    if (intval($filled) == 1) {
                        //	6/10/11
					var polyline = new GPolygon(points, "<?php 
                        print $line_color;
", <?php 
                        print $line_width;
, <?php 
                        print $line_opacity;
, "<?php 
                        print $fill_color;
", <?php 
                        print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false});
                        print $bn_name;
                    } else {
					var polyline = new GPolyline(points, "<?php 
                        print $line_color;
", <?php 
                        print $line_width;
, <?php 
                        print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false});
                        print $bn_name;
                case "c":
                    $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                    $radius = $temp[1];
                    $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                    $lat = $coords[0];
                    $lng = $coords[1];
                    $fill_opacity = intval($filled) == 0 ? 0 : $fill_opacity;
                    echo "\n drawCircle({$lat}, {$lng}, {$radius}, add_hash('{$line_color}'), {$line_opacity}, {$line_width}, add_hash('{$fill_color}'), {$fill_opacity}); // 513\n";
            // end switch
        //	End while
        //-------------------------END OF FACILITY BOUNDARIES STUFF-------------------------
        $fac_gps = get_allocates(3, $row['id']);
        //	6/10/11
        $grp_names = "Groups Assigned: ";
        //	6/10/11
        $y = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($fac_gps as $value) {
            //	6/10/11
            $counter = count($fac_gps) > $y + 1 ? ", " : "";
            $grp_names .= get_groupname($value);
            $grp_names .= $counter;
        $grp_names .= " / ";
        $the_bg_color = $GLOBALS['FACY_TYPES_BG'][$row['icon']];
        // 2/8/10
        $the_text_color = $GLOBALS['FACY_TYPES_TEXT'][$row['icon']];
        // 2/8/10
        $the_on_click = my_is_float($row['lat']) ? " onClick = myclick({$i}); " : " onClick = myclick_nm({$row['unit_id']}); ";
        //	3/15/11
        $got_point = FALSE;
        print "\n\t\tvar i={$i};\n";
        if (is_guest()) {
            $toedit = $tomail = $toroute = "";
        } else {
            $toedit = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['facilitiesfile']}?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>";
            $tomail = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = 'do_mail_in_win({$row['id']})'><U><B>Email</B></U></SPAN>";
            $toroute = "&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['facroutesfile']}?fac_id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Route To Facility</U></A>";
        $temp = $row['status_id'];
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        $temp_type = $row['type'];
        $the_type = array_key_exists($temp_type, $type_vals) ? $type_vals[$temp_type] : "??";
        if (!$got_point && my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . ", " . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
            } else {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row['lat'] . ", " . $row['lng'] . ");\n";
            $got_point = TRUE;
        $update_error = strtotime('now - 6 hours');
        // set the time for silent setting
        $index = $row['icon_str'];
        // name
        $display_name = $name = htmlentities($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
        $handle = htmlentities($row['handle'], ENT_QUOTES);
        // 7/7/11
        $sidebar_line = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD WIDTH='15%' TITLE = '{$row['handle']}' {$the_on_click}><U><SPAN STYLE='background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'>" . addslashes(shorten($handle, 15)) . "</SPAN></U></TD>";
        //	6/10/11
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='40%' TITLE = '" . addslashes($name) . "' {$the_on_click}><U><SPAN STYLE='background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'><NOBR>" . addslashes(shorten($name, 24)) . "</NOBR></SPAN></U></TD><TD WIDTH='15%'>{$the_type}</TD>";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='20%' CLASS='td_data' TITLE = '" . addslashes($the_status) . "'> " . get_status_sel($row['id'], $row['status_id'], 'f') . "</TD>";
        //	3/15/11
        // as of
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        $the_time = $row['updated'];
        $the_class = "";
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='20%' CLASS='{$the_class}'> {$strike} <NOBR>" . format_sb_date($the_time) . "</NOBR> {$strike_end}</TD>";
        // tab 1
        if (my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            // position data?
            $temptype = $u_types[$row['type']];
            $the_type = $temptype[0];
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='{$iw_width}'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($display_name, 48)) . "</B> - " . $the_type . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Description:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 32)) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Status:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . $the_status . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['contact_name']) . " Via: " . addslashes($row['contact_email']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>As of:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . $toedit . $tomail . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['facilitiesfile']}?func=responder&view=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>View</U></A></TD></TR>";
            // 08/8/02
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='{$iw_width}' ALIGN = 'center' >";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right' STYLE= 'width:50%'>Security contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left' STYLE= 'width:50%'>" . addslashes($row['security_contact']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security email:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['security_email']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['security_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>" . get_text("Access rules") . ":&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['access_rules'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security reqs:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['security_reqs'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Opening hours:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['opening_hours'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Prim pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['pager_p']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Sec pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['pager_s']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
            // tab 2
            $tabs_done = FALSE;
            // default
            if (!$tabs_done) {
			var myinfoTabs = [
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row['name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
				new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $tab_2);
				new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")

            // end if/else
            $name = $row['name'];
            // 10/8/09		 4/28/11
            if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                // check for facilities added in no mpas mode 7/28/10
		var fac_id = "<?php 
                print $index;
";	//	10/8/09
		var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";

		do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print $sidebar_line;
", i, the_class, fac_id);
		var dummymarker = createdummyMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $row['type'];
, i, fac_id);	// 771 (point,tabs, color, id)
            } else {
		var fac_id = "<?php 
                print $index;
";	//	10/8/09
		var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";

		do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print $sidebar_line;
", i, the_class, fac_id);
		var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $row['type'];
, i, fac_id);	// 771 (point,tabs, color, id)
            // End of check for facilities added in no maps mode 7/28/10
        } else {
            // end position data available
            $name = $row['name'];
            // 11/11/09
            $temp = explode("/", $name);
            $index = substr($temp[count($temp) - 1], -6, strlen($temp[count($temp) - 1]));
            // 3/19/11
			var fac_id = "<?php 
            print $index;
";	//	11/11/09
            print "\tdo_sidebar_nm (\" {$sidebar_line} \" , i, {$row['id']}, fac_id);\n";
            // sidebar only - no map
        // zero-based
    // end  ==========  while() for Facility ==========
	if (!(map_is_fixed)) {
		if (!points) {		// any?
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		else {
			center = bounds.getCenter();
			zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);

var buttons_html = "";
    if (!empty($addon)) {
        print "\n\tbuttons_html +=\"" . $addon . "\"\n";
	side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
	$("side_bar").innerHTML += side_bar_html;	// append the assembled side_bar_html contents to the side_bar div
	$("buttons").innerHTML = buttons_html;	// append the assembled side_bar_html contents to the side_bar div
	$("num_facilities").innerHTML = <?php 
    print $num_facilities;


function do_list($unit_id = "")
    global $row_fac, $dispatches, $from_top, $from_left, $eol, $conversion;
    //	2/4/11
	var color=0;
	var last_from;
	var last_to;
	var current_id;
	var output_direcs = "";
	var have_direcs = 0;
	var fac_name = "<?php 
    print $row_fac['fac_name'];
";	//10/29/09 - 11/13/09
	if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
		var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');
	    function setDirections(fromAddress, toAddress, locale, unit_id) {
		$("mail_button").style.display = "none";
		$("loading").style.display = "inline-block";		// 10/28/09
	    	last_from = fromAddress;
	    	last_to = toAddress;
		f_unit = unit_id;
		   	G_START_ICON.image = "./our_icons/sm_white.png";
		   	G_START_ICON.iconSize = new GSize(12,20); 
		   	G_END_ICON.image = "./our_icons/sm_white.png";
		   	G_END_ICON.iconSize = new GSize(12,20);         	

	    	var Direcs = gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress, { "locale": locale, preserveViewport : true  });
			GEvent.addListener(Direcs, "addoverlay", GEvent.callback(Direcs, cb())); 
	    	}		// end function set Directions()

		function cb() {
			setTimeout(cb2,3000);     // I THINK you need quotes around the named function - here's 2 seconds of delay
		}      // end function cb()

		function cb2() {                                        // callback function 09/11/09
			var output_direcs = "";
			for ( var i = 0; i < gdir.getNumRoutes(); i++) {        // Traverse all routes - not really needed here, but ...
				var groute = gdir.getRoute(i);
				var distanceTravelled = 0;             // if you want to start summing these
				for ( var j = 0; j < groute.getNumSteps(); j++) {                // Traverse the steps this route
					var gstep = groute.getStep(j);
					var directions_text =  gstep.getDescriptionHtml();
					var directions_dist = gstep.getDistance().html;
//					alert ("1387 " + gstep.getDescriptionHtml());
//					alert ("1388 " + gstep.getDistance().html);
					output_direcs = output_direcs + directions_text + " " + directions_dist + ". " + "\n";

			output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("<div class=\"google_note\">", "\n - ");
			output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("&nbsp:", " ");
			document.email_form.frm_direcs.value = output_direcs;
			document.email_form.frm_u_id.value = f_unit;
			document.email_form.frm_scope.value = fac_name;	//10/29/09
			$("mail_button").style.display = "inline-block";	//10/6/09
			$("loading").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09			
		}                // end function cb2()

		function mail_direcs(f) {
			f.target = 'Mail Form'
			newwindow_mail=window.open('',f.target,'titlebar, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=360,width=600,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300');
			if (isNull(newwindow_mail)) {
				alert ("Email edit operation requires popups to be enabled -- please adjust your browser options.");
			return false;

		function do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id) {						// No map
			var letter = ""+ id;	
			marker = null;
			gmarkers[id] = null;										// marker to array for side_bar click function
			side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(id+1)%2] +"' VALIGN='bottom' onClick = myclick(" + id + "," + unit_id +");><TD>";
			side_bar_html += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='rtarrow.gif' ID = \"R" + id + "\"  STYLE = 'visibility:hidden;'></TD>";
			var letter = ""+ id;	
			var the_class = (lats[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";

			side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='" + the_class + "'>" + letter + ". "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";
			return null;
			}				// end function create Marker()

		function createMarker(point,sidebar,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {		// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
			do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id)
			var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
			var uid = unit_id;
			var letter = ""+ id;	
			var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + letter;
			icon.image = icon_url;		// ./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=zz"
			var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
			marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused
			GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
				which = id;
				var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
				var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
//				detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
//				map.setUIToDefault();										// 8/13/10
//				detailmap.setCenter(point, 17;  					// larger # = closer
//				detailmap.addOverlay(marker);
			gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side_bar click function
			infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
			bounds.extend(point);							// extend the bounding box		
			return marker;
			}				// end function create Marker()
		function myclick(id, unit_id) {								// responds to side bar click - 11/13/09
//			alert("550 " + direcs[id]);
			which = id;
			document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "hidden";		// hide last check
			current_id= "R"+id;
			document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";		// show newest
			if (!(lats[id])) {
				alert("611 Cannot route -  no position data currently available\n\nClick map point for directions.");
				$('directions').innerHTML = "";							// 11/13/09	
				$('mail_dir_but').style.visibility = "hidden";			// 11/13/09	
			else {
				$('mail_dir_but').style.visibility = "visible";			// 11/13/09	
				var thelat = <?php 
    print $row_fac['lat'];
; var thelng = <?php 
    print $row_fac['lng'];
;		// coords of click point
				setDirections(lats[id] + " " + lngs[id], thelat + " " + thelng, "en_US", unit_id);							// get directions
			}					// end function my click(id)
		var the_grid;
		var grid = false;
		function doGrid() {
			if (grid) {
			else {
				the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
			grid = !grid;
			}			// end function doGrid
	    var trafficInfo = new GTrafficOverlay();
	    var toggleState = true;
		function doTraffic() {
			if (toggleState) {
			else {
	        toggleState = !toggleState;			// swap
		    }				// end function doTraffic()
		var starting = false;

		function sv_win(theLat, theLng) {
			if(starting) {return;}						// dbl-click proof
			starting = true;					
//			alert(622);
			var url = "street_view.php?thelat=" + theLat + "&thelng=" + theLng;
			newwindow_sl=window.open(url, "sta_log",  "titlebar=no, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=450,width=640,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300");
			if (!(newwindow_sl)) {
				alert ("Street view operation requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options - or else turn off the Call Board option.");
			starting = false;
			}		// end function sv win()

		function handleErrors(){		//G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS 
			if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS ) {
				alert("501: directions unavailable\n\nClick map point for directions.");
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS)
				alert("440: No corresponding geographic location could be found for one of the specified addresses. This may be due to the fact that the address is relatively new, or it may be incorrect.\nError code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR)
				alert("442: A map request could not be processed, reason unknown.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY)
				alert("444: Technical error.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_KEY)
				alert("448: The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. \n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST)
				alert("450: A directions request could not be successfully parsed.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else alert("451: An unknown error occurred.");
			}		// end function handleErrors()

		function onGDirectionsLoad(){ 
//			var temp = gdir.getSummaryHtml();
			}		// function onGDirectionsLoad()

		function guest () {
			alert ("Demonstration only.  Guests may not commit dispatch!");
		function validate(){		// frm_id_str
			for (var i =1;i<unit_sets.length;i++) {
				if (unit_sets[i]) {
					document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value += unit_ids[i] + "|";
			if (msgstr.length==0) {
				var more = (nr_units>1)? "s": ""
				alert ("Please select unit" + more + ", or cancel");
				return false;
			else {
				if (confirm ("Please confirm Unit dispatch as follows\n\n" + msgstr)) {
					document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value = document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.substring(0, document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.length - 1);	// drop trailing separator
					document.routes_Form.frm_name_str.value = msgstr;	// for re-use
					document.getElementById("outer").style.display = "none";
					document.getElementById("bottom").style.display = "block";					
				else {
					return false;

			}		// end function validate()
		function exists(myarray,myid) {
			var str_key = " " + myid;		// force associative
			return ((typeof myarray[str_key])!="undefined");		// exists if not undefined
			}		// end function exists()
		var icons=[];						// note globals
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['fac_icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";
		var map;
		var center;
		var zoom;
	    var gdir;				// directions
	    var geocoder = null;
	    var addressMarker;
		$("mail_button").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09
		$("loading").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09
		var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_responders'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD  COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>Routes to Facility: <I><?php 
    print shorten($row_fac['fac_name'], 20);
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd'>	<TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'>Click line, icon or map for route</TD></TR>\n";
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD COLSPAN=3></TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Unit</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>SLD</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Facility</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Status</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>As of</TD></TR>\n";

		var gmarkers = [];
		var infoTabs = [];
		var lats = [];
		var lngs = [];
		var distances = [];
		var unit_names = [];			// names
		var unit_contacts = [];		// contact emails
		var unit_sets = [];			// settings
		var unit_ids = [];			// id's
		var unit_assigns =  [];		// unit id's assigned this incident
		var direcs =  [];			// if true, do directions
		var which;			// marker last selected
		var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
//		map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));		// create the map
//		map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
//		map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {
//		map.addMapType(G_PHYSICAL_MAP);

		gdir = new GDirections(map, document.getElementById("directions"));
		GEvent.addListener(gdir, "load", onGDirectionsLoad);
		GEvent.addListener(gdir, "error", handleErrors);
		map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
);		// <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
		var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create empty bounding box
		var listIcon = new GIcon();
		listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
//		listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
		listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
//		listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
		listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
		listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
//		listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
		var newIcon = new GIcon();
		newIcon.image = "./markers/white.png";	// yellow.png - 20 X 34
//		newIcon.shadow = "./markers/shadow.png";
		newIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
//		newIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
		newIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
		newIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
//		newIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
																	// set Incident position
		var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $row_fac['lat'];
, <?php 
    print $row_fac['lng'];

		GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom
			setDirections(last_from, last_to, "en_US") ;
		var accept_click = false;
		GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(marker, point) {		// point.lat()
			var the_start = point.lat().toString() + "," + point.lng().toString();
			var the_end = thelat.toString() + "," + thelng.toString();			
			setDirections(the_start, the_end, "en_US");			
			});				// end GEvent.addListener()

		var nr_units = 	0;
		var email= false;
	    var km2mi = <?php 
    print $conversion;
;				// 
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    // build js array of responders to this ticket - possibly none
    $where = empty($unit_id) ? "" : " WHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`id` = {$unit_id} ";
    // revised 5/23/08 per AD7PE
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus`, `contact_via` FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\tORDER BY `name` ASC, `unit_id` ASC";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
        // major while ... for RESPONDER data starts here
        $i = $k = 1;
        // sidebar/icon index
        while ($unit_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
            $has_coords = my_is_float($unit_row['lat']) && my_is_float($unit_row['lng']);
            if (is_email($unit_row['contact_via'])) {
                print "\t\temail= true\n";

				var i = <?php 
            print $i;
;						// top of loop
				unit_names[i] = "<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['name']);
				unit_sets[i] = false;								// pre-set checkbox settings				
				unit_ids[i] = <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 				direcs[i] = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['direcs']) == 1 ? "true" : "false";
            if ($has_coords) {
                //					snap (__LINE__, $unit_row['unit_id']);
                $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . shorten($unit_row['name'], 48) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $unit_row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['unitstatus'] . " </TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $unit_row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($unit_row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
//				new_element = document.createElement("input");								// please don't ask!
//				new_element.setAttribute("type", 	"checkbox");
//				new_element.setAttribute("name", 	"unit_<?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
//				new_element.setAttribute("id", 		"element_id");
//				new_element.setAttribute("style", 	"visibility:hidden");
//				document.forms['routes_Form'].appendChild(new_element);
				var dist_mi = "na";
				var multi = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['multi']) == 1 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
            $dispatched_to = array_key_exists($unit_row['unit_id'], $dispatches) ? $dispatches[$unit_row['unit_id']] : "";
            if ($has_coords) {
					lats[i] = <?php 
                print $unit_row['lat'];
; 		// 774 now compute distance - in km
					lngs[i] = <?php 
                print $unit_row['lng'];
					distances[i] = distCosineLaw(parseFloat(lats[i]), parseFloat(lngs[i]), parseFloat(<?php 
                print $row_fac['lat'];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                print $row_fac['lng'];
					var dist_mi = ((distances[i] * km2mi).toFixed(1)).toString();				// to miles
            } else {
					distances[i] = 9999.9;
					var dist_mi = "na";
            if (!empty($unit_row['callsign'])) {
                $thespeed = "";
                $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS packet_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$unit_row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
                $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
                    // got a track?
                    $track_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_tr));
                    // most recent track report
                    $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR><TH CLASS='even' COLSPAN=2>" . $track_row['source'] . "</TH></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $track_row['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $track_row['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD>" . format_date($track_row['packet_date']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
						var myinfoTabs = [
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['name'], 8));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print $track_row['source'];
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_2;
							new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                    $thespeed = $track_row['speed'] == 0 ? "<FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>" : "<FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
                    if ($track_row['speed'] >= 50) {
                        $thespeed = "<FONT COLOR='WHITE'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
						var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $track_row['latitude'];
, <?php 
                    print $track_row['longitude'];
						bounds.extend(point);								// point into BB
                } else {
                    // no track data
                    // not a clickable unit for dispatch
						var myinfoTabs = [
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
							new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                // end  no track data
            } else {
                // no callsign
                if ($has_coords) {
						var myinfoTabs = [
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
							new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
						lats[i] = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lat'];
; // 819 now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lng'];
						distances[i] = distCosineLaw(parseFloat(lats[i]), parseFloat(lngs[i]), parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $row_fac['lat'];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $row_fac['lng'];
));	// note: km
					    var km2mi = <?php 
                    print $conversion;
;				// 
						var dist_mi = ((distances[i] * km2mi).toFixed(1)).toString();				// to feet
                // end if ($has_coords)
                $thespeed = "";
            // END IF/ELSE (callsign)
            print !(intval($unit_row['multi']) == 1) && isset($dispatches[$unit_row['unit_id']]) ? "\n\tvar is_checked =  ' CHECKED ';\n\tvar is_disabled =  ' DISABLED ';\n" : "\n\tvar is_checked =  '';\n\tvar is_disabled =  '';\n";
				sidebar_line = "<TD ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME = 'unit_" + <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 + "' onClick='unit_sets[<?php 
            print $i;

				sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['name']);
				sidebar_line += "<NOBR><?php 
            print shorten($unit_row['name'], 20);

				sidebar_line += "<TD>"+ dist_mi+"</TD>"; // 8/25/08, 4/27/09
				sidebar_line += "<TD><NOBR><?php 
            print shorten(addslashes($dispatched_to), 20);
				sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print $unit_row['unitstatus'];
\" CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print shorten($unit_row['unitstatus'], 12);
//				sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print $thespeed;
				sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print substr(format_sb_date($unit_row['updated']), 4);
            if ($has_coords) {
                //  2/25/09
					var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                print $unit_row['lat'];
, <?php 
                print $unit_row['lng'];
);	//  840 for each responder 832
					var unit_id = <?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
					bounds.extend(point);																// point into BB
					var marker = createMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $unit_row['type'];
, i, unit_id);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id, unit_id)
					if (!(isNull(marker))) {
            } else {
                print "\n\tdo_sidebar(sidebar_line, color, i);\n";
            // end if/else ($has_coords)
        // end major while ($unit_row = ...)  for each responder
    // end if(mysql_affected_rows()>0)
 		var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo $row_fac['lat'];
, <?php 
    echo $row_fac['lng'];
);	//
		var baseIcon = new GIcon();
		var inc_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon, "./markers/sm_black.png", null);
		var thisMarker = new GMarker(point);

		if (nr_units==0) {
			side_bar_html +="<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='center' COLSPAN=99><BR /><B>No Units!</B></TD></TR>";;		
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo $row_fac['lat'];
, <?php 
    echo $row_fac['lng'];
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		else {
			center = bounds.getCenter();
			zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);		// -1 for further out	
			side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html+= "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
		side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
		document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = side_bar_html;	// put the assembled side_bar_html contents into the side_bar div

		var thelat = <?php 
    print $row_fac['lat'];
; var thelng = <?php 
    print $row_fac['lng'];
		var start = min(distances);		// min straight-line distance to Incident

		if (start>0) {
			var current_id= "R"+start;			//
//			document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";		// show link check image at the selected sidebar el ement
//			if (lats[start]) {
//				setDirections(lats[start] + " " + lngs[start], thelat + " " + thelng, "en_US");
//				}
		}		// end if (GBrowserIsCompatible())

	else {
		alert("Sorry,  browser compatibility problem. Contact your tech support group.");

function do_list($unit_id = "", $capabilities = "", $searchtype)
    // 12/18/10
    global $unav_id_str, $row_ticket, $dispatches_disp, $dispatches_act, $from_top, $eol, $sidebar_width, $sortby_distance;
    $conversion = get_dist_factor();
    // KM vs mi - 11/23/10
    switch ($row_ticket['severity']) {
        //color tickets by severity
            $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
        case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
            $severityclass = 'severity_high';
            $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
            dump(basename(__FILE__) . "/" . __LINE__);
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`updated`) AS updated,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr` \n\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`  \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` `ty` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`in_types_id` = `ty`.`id`)\t\t\n\t\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`=" . get_ticket_id() . " LIMIT 1";
    // 7/24/09 10/16/08 Incident location 09/25/09 Pre Booking
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $row_ticket = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result));
    $facility = $row_ticket['facility'];
    $rec_fac = $row_ticket['rec_facility'];
    if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
        // check for tickets created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
        $lat = get_variable('def_lat');
        $lng = get_variable('def_lng');
    } else {
        $lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
        $lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
    // end check for tickets created in no-maps mode
    //	print "var thelat = " . $lat . ";\nvar thelng = " . $lng . ";\n";		// set js-accessible location data
    if ($rec_fac > 0) {
        $query_rfc = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` WHERE `id`= {$rec_fac} ";
        // 7/24/09 10/16/08 Incident location 10/06/09 Multi point routing
        $result_rfc = mysql_query($query_rfc) or do_error($query_rfc, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $row_rec_fac = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_rfc));
        $rf_lat = $row_rec_fac['lat'];
        $rf_lng = $row_rec_fac['lng'];
        $rf_name = $row_rec_fac['name'];
        //		print "var thereclat = " . $rf_lat . ";\nvar thereclng = " . $rf_lng . ";\n";		// set js-accessible location data for receiving facility
    } else {
        //		print "var thereclat;\nvar thereclng;\n";		// set js-accessible location data for receiving facility
		var color=0;
		var last_from;
		var last_to;
		var rec_fac;
		var current_id;			// 10/25/08
		var output_direcs = "";	//10/6/09
		var have_direcs = 0;	//10/6/09
		var tick_name = "<?php 
    print $row_ticket['scope'];
";	// 3/15/11
		if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
			var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');
			var Direcs = null;			// global
			var Now;
			var mystart;
			var myend;
		    function setDirections(fromAddress, toAddress, recfacAddress, locale, unit_id) {	//10/6/09

				if (document.routes_Form.frm_allow_dirs.value==='false') {return false;}		// 11/21/09
				$("mail_button").style.display = "none";			//10/6/09
				$("loading").style.display = "inline-block";		// 10/28/09
				$("directions_ok_no").style.display = "none";
				$("loading_2").style.display = "inline-block";
			    last_from = fromAddress;
			    last_to = toAddress;
				rec_fac = recfacAddress;
				f_unit = unit_id;	//10/6/09
				G_START_ICON.image = "./our_icons/sm_white.png";
				G_START_ICON.iconSize = new GSize(12,20); 
				G_END_ICON.image = "./our_icons/sm_white.png";
				G_END_ICON.iconSize = new GSize(12,20);         	
				Now = new Date();      				// Grab the current date.
				mystart = Now.getTime(); 		// Initialize variable Start
				if (rec_fac != "") {	//10/6/09
				    	var Direcs = gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress + " to: " + recfacAddress, { "locale": locale, preserveViewport : true  });
				    	var Direcs = gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress, { "locale": locale, preserveViewport : true  });

					GEvent.addListener(Direcs, "addoverlay", GEvent.callback(Direcs, cb2())); 		// 11/21/09
			    	}		// end function set Directions()
			function cb2() {                               // callback function 10/6/09
				var output_direcs = "";
				for ( var i = 0; i < gdir.getNumRoutes(); i++) {        // Traverse all routes - not really needed here, but ...
					var groute = gdir.getRoute(i);
					var distanceTravelled = 0;             // if you want to start summing these
					for ( var j = 0; j < groute.getNumSteps(); j++) {                // Traverse the steps this route
						var gstep = groute.getStep(j);
						var directions_text =  gstep.getDescriptionHtml();
						var directions_dist = gstep.getDistance().html;
						output_direcs = output_direcs + directions_text + " " + directions_dist + ". " + "\n";
				output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("<div class=\"google_note\">", "\n -");	//10/6/09
				output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("Destination", "\n***Destination");	//10/6/09
				output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("&nbsp:", " ");	//10/6/09
				document.email_form.frm_direcs.value = output_direcs;	//10/6/09
				document.email_form.frm_u_id.value = f_unit;	//10/6/09
				document.email_form.frm_scope.value = tick_name;	//10/29/09

				have_direcs = 1;	//10/6/09
				$("mail_button").style.display = "inline-block";	//10/6/09
				$("loading").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09	
				$("loading_2").style.display = "none";
				$("directions_ok_no").style.display = "inline-block";			
				}                // end function cb2()
			function mail_direcs(f) {	//10/6/09
				f.target = 'Mail Form'
				newwindow_mail=window.open('',f.target,'titlebar, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=360,width=600,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300');
				if (isNull(newwindow_mail)) {
					alert ("Email edit operation requires popups to be enabled -- please adjust your browser options.");
				return false;
			function do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id) {						// No map
				var letter = ""+ id;										// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
				marker = null;
				gmarkers[id] = null;										// marker to array for side bar click function
				side_bar_html += "<TR ID = '_tr" + id  + "' CLASS='" + colors[(id+1)%2] +"' VALIGN='bottom' onClick = myclick(" + id + "," + unit_id +");><TD>";
				side_bar_html += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='rtarrow.gif' ID = \"R" + id + "\"  STYLE = 'visibility:hidden;' /></TD>";
				var letter = ""+ id;										// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
	//			var the_class = (direcs[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";
				var the_class = (lats[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";
				side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='" + the_class + "' ALIGN='right'>" + letter + " "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";
				return null;
				}				// end function create Marker()
			function createMarker(point,sidebar,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {		// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
				do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id)
				var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
				var uid = unit_id;
				var letter = ""+ id;
											// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
				var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + letter;				// 1/5/09
				icon.image = icon_url;		// ./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=zz"
				var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
				marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
					which = id;
					var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
					var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
					detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
					detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  					// larger # = closer
				gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side bar click function
				infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
				bounds.extend(point);							// extend the bounding box		
				return marker;
				}				// end function create Marker()
			function createdummyMarker(point,sidebar,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {		// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
				do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id)
				var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
				var uid = unit_id;
				var letter = ""+ id;
											// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
				var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";				// 1/5/09
				icon.image = icon_url;
				var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
				marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
					which = id;
					var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
					var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
					detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
					detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  					// larger # = closer
				gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side bar click function
				infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
				bounds.extend(point);							// extend the bounding box		
				return marker;
				}				// end function create Marker()				
			function myclick(id, unit_id) {								// responds to side bar click
				var norecfac = "";
				if (document.getElementById(current_id)) {
					document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "hidden";			// hide last check if defined
				current_id= "R"+id;
				document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";			// show newest
				if (lats[id]) {																// position data?
					$('mail_dir_but').style.visibility = "visible";			// 11/12/09	
    if ($lat == 0.999999 && $lng == 0.999999) {
        // test of tickets entered in no-maps mode 8/4/10
						var thelat = <?php 
        print get_variable('def_lat');
; var thelng = <?php 
        print get_variable('def_lng');
;		// coords of click point
    } else {
						var thelat = <?php 
        print $lat;
; var thelng = <?php 
        print $lng;
;		// coords of click point
    // end of test of tickets entered in no-maps mode 8/4/10
    if ($row_ticket['rec_facility'] > 0) {
						var thereclat = <?php 
        print $rf_lat;
; var thereclng = <?php 
        print $rf_lng;
;									//adds in receiving facility
						if (direcs[id]) {
							setDirections(lats[id] + " " + lngs[id], thelat + " " + thelng, thereclat + " " + thereclng, "en_US", unit_id);	// get directions
    } else {
						if (direcs[id]) {
							setDirections(lats[id] + " " + lngs[id], thelat + " " + thelng, norecfac, "en_US", unit_id);					// get directions
				else {
					$('directions').innerHTML = "";							// no position data, no directions
					$('mail_dir_but').style.visibility = "hidden";			// 11/12/09	 -	
				$("directions").innerHTML= "";								// prior directions no longer apply - 11/21/09
				if (gdir) {	gdir.clear();}

				}					// end function my click(id)
			var the_grid;
			var grid = false;
			function doGrid() {
				if (grid) {
				else {
					the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
				grid = !grid;
				}			// end function doGrid
		    var trafficInfo = new GTrafficOverlay();
		    var toggleState = true;
			function doTraffic() {				// 10/16/08
				if (toggleState) {
				else {
		        toggleState = !toggleState;			// swap
			    }				// end function doTraffic()
			var starting = false;
			function sv_win(theLat, theLng) {				// 8/17/09
				if(starting) {return;}						// dbl-click proof
				starting = true;					
	//			alert(622);
				var url = "street_view.php?thelat=" + theLat + "&thelng=" + theLng;
				newwindow_sl=window.open(url, "sta_log",  "titlebar=no, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=450,width=640,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300");
				if (!(newwindow_sl)) {
					alert ("Street view operation requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options - or else turn off the Call Board option.");
				starting = false;
				}		// end function sv win()
			function handleErrors(){		//G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS 	
				if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS ) {
					alert("501: directions unavailable\n\nClick map point for directions.");
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS)
					alert("440: No corresponding geographic location could be found for one of the specified addresses. This may be due to the fact that the address is relatively new, or it may be incorrect.\nError code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR)
					alert("442: A map request could not be processed, reason unknown.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY)
					alert("444: Technical error.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_KEY)
					alert("448: The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. \n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST)
					alert("450: A directions request could not be successfully parsed.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else alert("451: An unknown error occurred.");
				}		// end function handleErrors()
			function onGDirectionsLoad(){ 
	//			var temp = gdir.getSummaryHtml();
				}		// function onGDirectionsLoad()
			function guest () {
				alert ("Demonstration only.  Guests may not commit dispatch!");
			function validate(){		// frm_id_str
				for (var i =1;i<unit_sets.length;i++) {				// 3/30
					if (unit_sets[i]) {
						document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value += unit_ids[i] + "|";
				if (msgstr.length==0) {
					var more = (nr_units>1)? "s": ""
					alert ("Please select unit" + more + ", or cancel");
					return false;
				else {
					var quick = <?php 
    print intval(get_variable("quick") == 1) ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
					if ((quick) || (confirm ("Please confirm unit dispatch\n\n" + msgstr))) {		// 11/23/09
						document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value = document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.substring(0, document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.length - 1);	// drop trailing separator
						document.routes_Form.frm_name_str.value = msgstr;	// for re-use
	//					document.getElementById("outer").style.display = "none";		4/26/10
						document.getElementById("bottom").style.display = "block";					
					else {
						return false;
				}		// end function validate()
			function exists(myarray,myid) {
				var str_key = " " + myid;		// force associative
				return ((typeof myarray[str_key])!="undefined");		// exists if not undefined
				}		// end function exists()
			var icons=[];						// note globals
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";
			var map;
			var center;
			var zoom;
		    var gdir;				// directions
		    var geocoder = null;
		    var addressMarker;
			$("mail_button").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09
			$("loading").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09		
			var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_responders' STYLE = 'WIDTH: <?php 
    print $sidebar_width;
			var gmarkers = [];
			var infoTabs = [];
			var lats = [];
			var lngs = [];
			var unit_names = [];		// names 
			var unit_sets = [];			// settings
			var unit_ids = [];			// id's
			var unit_assigns =  [];		// unit id's assigned this incident
			var direcs =  [];			// if true, do directions - 7/13/09
			var which;			// marker last selected
			var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
			map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));		// create the map
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
//			map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());						// 9/23/08
			map.setUIToDefault();										// 8/13/10
			map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
			var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create empty bounding box			
			do_landb();				// 8/1/11 - show scribbles				
    if (intval(get_variable('terrain')) == 1) {
			gdir = new GDirections(map, document.getElementById("directions"));
			GEvent.addListener(gdir, "load", onGDirectionsLoad);
			try {GEvent.addListener(gdir, "error", handleErrors);}
			catch (e) {}
			var listIcon = new GIcon();
			listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
			listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
			listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
			listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
			listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
			listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
			listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
			var newIcon = new GIcon();
			newIcon.image = "./markers/white.png";	// yellow.png - 20 X 34
			newIcon.shadow = "./markers/shadow.png";
			newIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
			newIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
			newIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
			newIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
			newIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
																		// set Incident position
			var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $lat;
, <?php 
    print $lng;
);	// 675
			bounds.extend(point);										// Incident into BB
			GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom

				setDirections(last_from, last_to, "en_US") ;

			var accept_click = false;					// 10/15/08
			GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(marker, point) {		// point.lat()
				var the_start = point.lat().toString() + "," + point.lng().toString();
				var the_end = thelat.toString() + "," + thelng.toString();	
				setDirections(the_start, the_end, "en_US");
				});				// end GEvent.addListener()
			var nr_units = 	0;
			var email= false;
    function get_cd_str($in_row)
        // unit row in,
        global $unit_id;
        //																			// first, already on this run?
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE  `ticket_id` = " . get_ticket_id() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t AND (`responder_id`={$in_row['unit_id']}) \n\t\t\t\t\t AND ((`clear` IS NULL) OR (DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00')) LIMIT 1;";
        // 6/25/10
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
            return " CHECKED DISABLED ";
        if ($unit_id != "" && (mysql_affected_rows() != 1 || mysql_affected_rows() == 1 && intval($in_row['multi']) == 1)) {
            print "checked";
            return " CHECKED ";
        // 12/18/10 - Checkbox checked here individual unit seleted.
        if (intval($in_row['dispatch']) == 2) {
            return " DISABLED ";
        // 2nd, disallowed  - 5/30/10
        if (intval($in_row['multi']) == 1) {
            return "";
        // 3rd, allowed
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `responder_id`={$in_row['unit_id']} \n\t\t\t\t\tAND ((`clear` IS NULL) OR (DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00'))\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1;";
        // 6/25/10
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
            return " DISABLED ";
        } else {
            return "";
    // function get cd_str($in_row)
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    // build js array of responders to this ticket - possibly none
    $query = "SELECT `ticket_id`, `responder_id` \n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE `ticket_id` = " . get_ticket_id();
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($assigns_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
        print "\t\tunit_assigns[' '+ " . $assigns_row['responder_id'] . "]= true;\n";
        // note string forced
    print "\n";
    // ===================================================================================
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend \n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` \n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id`= " . get_ticket_id() . " LIMIT 1;";
    // 4/5/10
    $result_pos = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
        $row_position = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_pos));
        $latitude = $row_position['lat'];
        $longitude = $row_position['lng'];
        $problemstart = $row_position['problemstart'];
        $problemend = $row_position['problemend'];
    } else {
        //			dump ($query);
    $where = empty($unit_id) ? "" : " AND `r`.`id` = {$unit_id} ";
    // revised 5/23/08 per AD7PE
    //			$where2 = (empty($capabilities))? "" : " AND (";	// 12/18/10
    if (!empty($unit_id)) {
        $where2 = "";
    } else {
        $where2 = empty($capabilities) ? "" : " AND (";
        // 12/18/10
        $searchitems = empty($capabilities) ? "" : explode(" ", $capabilities);
        if ($searchitems) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($searchitems); $j++) {
                if ($j + 1 != count($searchitems)) {
                    $where2 .= "`r`.`capab` LIKE '%{$searchitems[$j]}%' {$searchtype}";
                } else {
                    $where2 .= "`r`.`capab` LIKE '%{$searchitems[$j]}%')";
    switch (intval(trim(get_variable('locale')))) {
        // nm conversion, 3/15/11
        case 0:
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515;
            // mi
            $capt = "mi";
        case 1:
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515 * 1.609344;
            // UK - km
            $capt = "km";
        case 2:
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515 * 1.609344;
            // ROW - km
            $capt = "km";
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515 * 1.609344;
            // ERROR?
            $capt = "km";
    $have_position = !($latitude == 0.999999 && $longitude == 0.999999);
    $by_distance = $sortby_distance && $have_position ? "`distance` ASC, " : "";
    // 6/19/10 - user-set variable, 2/5/11 calls assigned added as order element
    // 5/30/10, 11/24/10
    // ============================= Regions Stuff
    // Allows Tickets to be dispatched to any responders in the same region as the current user.
    // $query = "SELECT * FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '$_SESSION[user_id]' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";	// 4/18/11
    // $result = mysql_query($query);	// 5/4/11
    // $al_groups = array();
    // $al_names = "";
    // while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) 	{	// 5/4/11
    // $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    // $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]region` WHERE `id`= '$row[group]';";	// 5/4/11
    // $result2 = mysql_query($query2);	// 5/4/11
    // while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) 	{	// 5/4/11
    // $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
    // }
    // }
    // if(isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
    // $al_groups= explode(",",$_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    // }
    // if(!isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {	//	5/4/11
    // $x=0;
    // $where3 = "AND (";
    // foreach($al_groups as $grp) {
    // $where4 = (count($al_groups) > ($x+1)) ? " OR " : ")";
    // $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
    // $where3 .= $where4;
    // $x++;
    // }
    // } else {
    // $x=0;
    // $where3 = "AND (";
    // foreach($al_groups as $grp) {
    // $where4 = (count($al_groups) > ($x+1)) ? " OR " : ")";
    // $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
    // $where3 .= $where4;
    // $x++;
    // }
    // }
    // $where3 .= " AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    // Replacement code - only allows Tickets to be dispatched to responders in the same region
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 1 AND `resource_id` = " . get_ticket_id() . " ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    // 4/18/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 5/4/11
    $al_groups = array();
    $al_names = "";
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 5/4/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        // 5/4/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 5/4/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            // 5/4/11
            $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
    $x = 0;
    $where3 = "AND (";
    foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
        $where4 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
        $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
        $where3 .= $where4;
    $where3 .= " AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    // ================================ end of regions stuff
    $query = "(SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`updated`) AS `updated`, `r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, `t`.`name` AS `type_name`, `r`.`type` AS `type`,\n\t\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `r`.`capab` AS `capab`,\n\t\t\t\t`s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus`, `contact_via`, \n\t\t\t\t(((acos(sin(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * sin((`r`.`lat`*pi()/180))+cos(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * cos((`r`.`lat`*pi()/180)) * cos((({$longitude} - `r`.`lng`)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*{$nm_to_what}) AS `distance`,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT  COUNT(*) as numfound FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = `r`.`id`  \n\t\t\t\t\tAND `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' )\n\t\t\t\t\tAS `calls_assigned`\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`r`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON (`r`.`type` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON (`r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id`)\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t WHERE  `dispatch` = 0 {$where} {$where2} {$where3} GROUP BY unit_id )\n\t\t\tUNION DISTINCT\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`updated`) AS `updated`, `r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, `t`.`name` AS `type_name`, `r`.`type` AS `type`,\n\t\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `r`.`capab` AS `capab`,\n\t\t\t\t`s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus`, `contact_via`, \n\t\t\t\t9999 AS `distance`,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT  COUNT(*) as numfound FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = `r`.`id`  \n\t\t\t\t\tAND `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' ) \n\t\t\t\t\tAS `calls_assigned`\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`r`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON (`r`.`type` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON (`r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id`)\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t WHERE  `dispatch` > 0 {$where} {$where2} {$where3} GROUP BY unit_id )\n\t\t\t ORDER BY `dispatch` ASC, `calls_assigned` ASC, {$by_distance} `handle` ASC, `unit_name` ASC, `unit_id` ASC \t\t ";
    //	5/4/11
    //	 		dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
        $end_date = intval($problemend) > 1 ? $problemend : time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
        $elapsed = my_date_diff($problemstart, $end_date);
        // 5/13/10
        //	==========================================================================================
        $search_arg = array_key_exists('capabilities', $_GET) ? "<TR class='even' STYLE = 'white-space:nowrap;'><TD COLSPAN='99' ALIGN='center'>Unit capabilities match: '" . $_GET['capabilities'] . "'</TD></TR>" : "";
			side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD CLASS='<?php 
        print $severityclass;
' COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>Routes to Incident: <I><?php 
        print shorten($row_ticket['scope'], 20) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(" . $elapsed;
			side_bar_html += "<?php 
        print $search_arg;
			side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd'>	<TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'>Click line, icon or map for route</TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html += "<TR class='even' STYLE = 'white-space:nowrap;'><TD COLSPAN=3></TD><TD ALIGN='left'>Unit</TD><TD ALIGN='right'>SLD&nbsp;(<?php 
        print $capt;
)</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Call</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>Status</TD><TD>M</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>As of</TD></TR>\n";
        // major while ... for RESPONDER data starts here
        $i = $k = 1;
        // sidebar/icon index
        while ($unit_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
            // 7/13/09
            $has_coords = my_is_float($unit_row['lat']) && my_is_float($unit_row['lng']);
            // 2/25/09, 7/7/09
            $has_rem_source = intval($unit_row['aprs']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['instam']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['locatea']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['gtrack']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['glat']) == 1;
            // 11/15/09
            if (is_email($unit_row['contact_via'])) {
                print "\t\t\t email= true;\n";
					var i = <?php 
            print $i;
;						// top of loop
					unit_names[i] = "<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['unit_name']);
";	// unit name 8/25/08, 4/27/09
					unit_preselected = "<?php 
            print $unit_id;
					if (unit_preselected != "") {
						unit_sets[i] = true;								// pre-set checkbox settings
						show_butts(to_visible);		//	sets dispatch button visible if there is a pre-selected unit - for dispatch from unit functionality.	5/4/11
						} else {
						unit_sets[i] = false;
					unit_ids[i] = <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
	 				direcs[i] = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['direcs']) == 1 ? "true" : "false";
;			// do directions - 7/13/09
            if ($has_coords) {
                $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 48) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $unit_row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['unitstatus'] . " </TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $unit_row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($unit_row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
					new_element = document.createElement("input");								// please don't ask!
					new_element.setAttribute("type", 	"checkbox");
					new_element.setAttribute("name", 	"unit_<?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
					new_element.setAttribute("id", 		"element_id");
					new_element.setAttribute("style", 	"visibility:hidden");
					var multi = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['multi']) == 1 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
	// 5/22/09
            $dispatched_to = array_key_exists($unit_row['unit_id'], $dispatches_disp) ? $dispatches_disp[$unit_row['unit_id']] : "";
            if ($has_coords) {
                if ($unit_row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $unit_row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
						lats[i] = <?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lat');
; 		// 774-1 now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lng');
                } else {
						lats[i] = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lat'];
; 		// 774-2 now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lng'];
                // end check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check tickets created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                    $ticket_lat = get_variable('def_lat');
                    $ticket_lng = get_variable('def_lng');
                } else {
                    $ticket_lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
                    $ticket_lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
            if ($has_coords && $has_rem_source && !empty($unit_row['callsign'])) {
                // 11/15/09
                $thespeed = "";
                $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS packet_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$unit_row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
                $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
                    // got a track?
                    $track_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_tr));
                    // most recent track report
                    $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR><TH CLASS='even' COLSPAN=2>" . $track_row['source'] . "</TH></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $track_row['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $track_row['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD>" . format_date($track_row['packet_date']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
							var myinfoTabs = [
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 8));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print $track_row['source'];
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_2;
								new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                    $thespeed = $track_row['speed'] == 0 ? "<FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>" : "<FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
                    if ($track_row['speed'] >= 50) {
                        $thespeed = "<FONT COLOR='WHITE'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
							var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $track_row['latitude'];
, <?php 
                    print $track_row['longitude'];
);	// 783 - mobile position
							bounds.extend(point);															// point into BB

                } else {
                    // no track data
                    // not a clickable unit for dispatch
							var myinfoTabs = [
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
								new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                // end  no track data
                // 8/7/09
            } else {
                // no rem_source
                if ($has_coords) {
                    //  2/25/09
							var myinfoTabs = [
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
								new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                    if ($unit_row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $unit_row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                        // check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
									lats[i] = <?php 
                        print get_variable('def_lat');
; 		// 819-1 now compute distance - in km
									lngs[i] = <?php 
                        print get_variable('def_lng');
                    } else {
									lats[i] = <?php 
                        print $unit_row['lat'];
; 		// 819-2 now compute distance - in km
									lngs[i] = <?php 
                        print $unit_row['lng'];
                    // end check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                    if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                        // check tickets created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                        $ticket_lat = get_variable('def_lat');
                        $ticket_lng = get_variable('def_lng');
                    } else {
                        $ticket_lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
                        $ticket_lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
                // end if ($has_coords)
                $thespeed = "";
            // END IF/ELSE (rem_source)
            $the_disp_str = "";
            if ($unit_row['dispatch'] == 2) {
                print "\tsidebar_line = '<TD ALIGN=center><INPUT TYPE=checkbox disabled STYLE = \"visibility: hidden;\"></TD>'";
            } else {
                switch ($unit_row['calls_assigned']) {
                    // 8/29/10
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (`responder_id` = {$unit_row['unit_id']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' ) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlimit 1";
                        $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                        $row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as));
                        $the_disp_str = "<SPAN CLASS='disp_stat'>&nbsp;" . get_disp_status($row_as) . "&nbsp;</SPAN>&nbsp;";
                        // display count
                        $the_disp_str = "<SPAN CLASS='disp_stat'>&nbsp;{$unit_row['calls_assigned']}&nbsp;</SPAN>&nbsp;";
                // end switch ()
					sidebar_line = "<TD ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' <?php 
                print get_cd_str($unit_row);
 NAME = 'unit_" + <?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 + "' onClick='show_butts(to_visible); unit_sets[<?php 
                print $i;
]=this.checked;' /></TD>";
					sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['unit_name']);
            $the_bg_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_BG'][$unit_row['icon']];
            // 2/1/10
            $the_text_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_TEXT'][$unit_row['icon']];
            $strike = $unit_row['dispatch'] == 0 ? "" : "color:red;text-decoration:line-through;";
            $the_style = "<SPAN STYLE='{$strike}background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'>";
            $str_dist = $have_position ? number_format(round($unit_row['distance'], 1), 1) : "";
            // 3/5/11
            //					dump(__LINE__);
					sidebar_line += "<NOBR><?php 
            print $the_style . shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 20);
					sidebar_line += "<TD ALIGN='right'><?php 
            print $str_dist;
</TD>"; // 8/25/08, 4/27/09

					sidebar_line += "<?php 
            print get_assigned_td($unit_row['unit_id']);
";		// 3/15/11
            $the_style = "<SPAN STYLE='{$strike}background-color:{$unit_row['bg_color']}; color:{$unit_row['text_color']};'>";
					sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print $unit_row['unitstatus'];
\" CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print $the_style . shorten($unit_row['unitstatus'], 12);
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print $thespeed;
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print substr(format_sb_date($unit_row['updated']), 4);
            if ($has_coords) {
                //  2/25/09
                if ($unit_row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $unit_row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 8/4/10
							var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lng');
);	//  840 for each responder 832
							var unit_id = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['unit_id'];
							bounds.extend(point);																// point into BB
							var marker = createdummyMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                    print $unit_row['type'];
, i, unit_id);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id)
							if (!(isNull(marker))) {
                } else {
							var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $unit_row['lat'];
, <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lng'];
);	//  840 for each responder 832
							var unit_id = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['unit_id'];
							bounds.extend(point);																// point into BB
							var marker = createMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                    print $unit_row['type'];
, i, unit_id);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id)
							if (!(isNull(marker))) {
                // end check for facilities entered in no maps mode 8/4/10
            } else {
                print "\n\t\t\t\tdo_sidebar(sidebar_line, color, i);\n";
            // end if/else ($has_coords)
        // end major while ($unit_row = ...)  for each responder
        print "\t\t var start = 1;\n";
        // already sorted - 3/24/10
    } else {
        print "\t\t var start = 0;\n";
        // already sorted - 3/24/10
    //					responders complete
    if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
        // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 8/4/10
				var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
        print get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
        print get_variable('def_lng');
);	// incident
				var baseIcon = new GIcon();
				var inc_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon, "./our_icons/question1.png", null);		// 10/26/08
				var thisMarker = new GMarker(point);
    } else {
				var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
        echo $row_ticket['lat'];
, <?php 
        echo $row_ticket['lng'];
);	// incident
				var baseIcon = new GIcon();
				var inc_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon, "./markers/sm_black.png", null);		// 10/26/08
				var thisMarker = new GMarker(point);

			if (nr_units==0) {
				side_bar_html +="<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='center' COLSPAN=99><BR /><BR /><H3>No Units!</H3></TD></TR>";	
				map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo $row_ticket['lat'];
, <?php 
    echo $row_ticket['lng'];
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
			else {
				center = bounds.getCenter();
				zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);		// -1 for further out	
//				var radii = new Array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,   6,   7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) ;
				var radii = new Array (100, 100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, 20, 10, 5, 5, 5,  5,  5,  5,  5) ;	// miles
				var the_rad = radii[zoom];
    print $row_position['lat'];
,  <?php 
    print $row_position['lng'];
, the_rad, "#000080", 1, 0.75, "#0000FF", .05);				
				side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
				side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(i+1)%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>M</B>obility:&nbsp;&nbsp; stopped: <FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;moving: <FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fast: <FONT COLOR='white'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;silent: <FONT COLOR='black'><B>&bull;</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
				side_bar_html+= "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
			document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = side_bar_html;	// put the assembled side_bar_html contents into the side bar div
			var thelat = <?php 
    print $lat;
; var thelng = <?php 
    print $lng;
			var norecfac = "";	//10/6/09
			if (start>0) {
				var current_id= "R"+start;			//
				document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";		// show link check image at the selected sidebar el ement
				$("mail_button").style.display = "none";	//10/6/09
				if (lats[start]) {
    if ($rec_fac > 0) {
						var thereclat = <?php 
        print $rf_lat;
; var thereclng = <?php 
        print $rf_lng;
;	//adds in receiving facility
						if (direcs[start]) {
							setDirections(lats[start] + " " + lngs[start], thelat + " " + thelng, thereclat + " " + thereclng, "en_US", unit_id);	// get directions	10/6/09
    } else {
						if (direcs[start]) {
							setDirections(lats[start] + " " + lngs[start], thelat + " " + thelng, norecfac, "en_US", unit_id);	// get directions	10/6/09
    // end if/else ($rec_fac > 0)
					}		// end if (lats[start]) 
				}		// end if (start>0)
    // ======================================

				location.href = "#top";				// 11/12/09	
			}		// end if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
		else {
			alert("Sorry,  browser compatibility problem. Contact your tech support group.");
Пример #6
 if ($count % 2 == 0) {
     $rowNum = "even";
 } else {
     $rowNum = "odd";
 print "<tr class={$rowNum}>";
 print "<td>";
 print "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/User Admin/user_manage_edit.php&gibbonPersonID=" . $adult["gibbonPersonID"] . "'>" . formatName($adult["title"], $adult["preferredName"], $adult["surname"], "Parent") . "</a>";
 print "</td>";
 print "<td>";
 print $adult["status"];
 print "</td>";
 print "<td>";
 print nl2brr($adult["comment"]);
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px'>";
 print $adult["childDataAccess"];
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px'>";
 print $adult["contactPriority"];
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px'>";
 print $adult["contactCall"];
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px'>";
 print $adult["contactSMS"];
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px'>";
 print $adult["contactEmail"];
function do_list($unit_id = "")
    global $row_unit;
	var color=0;
	var last;				// id of last/current responder sidebar element
	var last_from;
	var last_to;
	if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
		var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');
	    function setDirections(fromAddress, toAddress, locale) {
	    	last_from = fromAddress;
	    	last_to = toAddress;
//	    	alert("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress, { "locale": locale });
	    	gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress, { "locale": locale });
//	    	alert (235);
	    	}		// end function set Directions()
		function createMarker(point,sidebar,tabs, color, id) {		// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
			var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
			icon.image = icons[color] + (id % 100) + ".png";		//e.g.,marker9.png, 100 icons limit
			var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
			marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused
			GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
				which = id;
				var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
				var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
				detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
				detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  					// larger # = closer - 7/16/10
			gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side_bar click function
			infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
			side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(id+1)%2] +"' VALIGN='bottom' onClick = myclick(" + id + ");><TD>";
			side_bar_html += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='rtarrow.gif' ID = \"R" + id + "\"  STYLE = 'visibility:hidden;'></TD>";
			side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='td_label'>" + (id) + ". "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";
			bounds.extend(point);							// extend the bounding box
			return marker;
			}				// end function create Marker()
		function myclick(id) {								// Responds to sidebar click
			if (!(lats[id])) {
				alert("Cannot route -  no position data currently available");
				return false;
			else {
				which = id;
				document.getElementById(last).style.visibility = "hidden";		// hide last check
				var element= "R"+id;
				document.getElementById(element).style.visibility = "visible";
				last = element;													// new 'last' = current selection
//				GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");
				var thelat = <?php 
    print $row_unit['lat'];
; var thelng = <?php 
    print $row_unit['lng'];
				setDirections(lats[id] + " " + lngs[id], thelat + " " + thelng, "en_US");
		function doGrid() {
			map.addOverlay(new LatLonGraticule());
		function handleErrors(){		//G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS 
			if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS )
				alert("290: No driving directions are available to/from this location.\nError code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS)
				alert("292: No corresponding geographic location could be found for one of the specified addresses. This may be due to the fact that the address is relatively new, or it may be incorrect.\nError code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR)
				alert("294: A geocoding or directions request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact reason for the failure is not known.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY)
				alert("296: The HTTP q parameter was either missing or had no value. For geocoder requests, this means that an empty address was specified as input. For directions requests, this means that no query was specified in the input.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
	//		else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS)  <--- Doc bug... this is either not defined, or Doc is wrong
	//			alert("296: The geocode for the given address or the route for the given directions query cannot be returned due to legal or contractual reasons.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_KEY)
				alert("300: The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. \n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST)
				alert("302: A directions request could not be successfully parsed.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else alert("303: An unknown error occurred.");
			}		// end function handleErrors()
		function onGDirectionsLoad(){ 
			var temp = gdir.getSummaryHtml();
//			alert(extr_num(temp));
//	 		Use this function to access information about the latest load() results.
//	 			e.g.
//	 		document.getElementById("getStatus").innerHTML = gdir.getStatus().code;
//	 		and yada yada yada...
			}		// function onGDirectionsLoad()

		function guest () {
			alert ("Demonstration only.  Guests may not commit dispatch!");
		function validate(){		// frm_id_str
			for (var i =0;i<unit_sets.length;i++) {
				if (unit_sets[i]) {
					document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value += unit_ids[i] + ",";
			if (msgstr.length==0) {
				var more = (nr_units>1)? "s": ""
				alert ("Please select unit" + more + ", or cancel");
				return false;
			else {
				if (confirm ("Please confirm Unit dispatch as follows\n\n" + msgstr)) {
					document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value = document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.substring(0, document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.length - 1);	// drop trailing separator
					document.routes_Form.frm_name_str.value = msgstr;	// for re-use
				else {
					return false;

			}		// end function validate()
		function ifexists(myarray,myid) {
			var str_key = " " + myid;		// force associative
			return ((typeof myarray[str_key])!="undefined");		// exists if not undefined
			}		// end function ifexists()
		var icons=[];						// note globals
		icons[1] = "./markers/YellowIcons/marker";		//e.g.,marker9.png
		icons[2] = "./markers/RedIcons/marker";
		icons[3] = "./markers/BlueIcons/marker";
		icons[4] = "./markers/GreenIcons/marker";
		icons[5] = "./markers/WhiteIcons/marker";
		var map;
		var center;
		var zoom;
	    var gdir;				// directions
	    var geocoder = null;
	    var addressMarker;
		var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_responders'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD colspan=99 ALIGN='center'><B>Routes to Incident <I><?php 
    print shorten($row_unit['scope'], 20);
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd'>	<TD colspan=99 ALIGN='center'>Click line or icon for route</TD></TR>";
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD COLSPAN=2></TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Unit</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>SLD</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Status</TD><TD>M</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>As of</TD><TD>Assign</TD></TR>";
		var gmarkers = [];
		var infoTabs = [];
		var lats = [];
		var lngs = [];
		var distances = [];
		var which;			// marker last selected
		var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
		map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));		// create the map
		map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
		map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {

		gdir = new GDirections(map, document.getElementById("directions"));
		GEvent.addListener(gdir, "load", onGDirectionsLoad);
		GEvent.addListener(gdir, "error", handleErrors);
		map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
);		// <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
		var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create empty bounding box
		var listIcon = new GIcon();
		listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
		listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
		listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
		listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
		listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
		listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
		listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
		var newIcon = new GIcon();
		newIcon.image = "./markers/white.png";	// yellow.png - 20 X 34
		newIcon.shadow = "./markers/shadow.png";
		newIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
		newIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
		newIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
		newIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
		newIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
																	// set Incident position
		var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $row_unit['lat'];
, <?php 
    print $row_unit['lng'];
		bounds.extend(point);										// Incident into BB
		GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom
			setDirections(last_from, last_to, "en_US") ;
//			map.setCenter(center,zoom);
//			alert ("289 " + which);
//			map.addOverlay(gmarkers[which])
//			alert ("290 " + zoom);
//		GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(marker, point) {
//			if (marker) {
//				document.forms[0].frm_lat.disabled=document.forms[0].frm_lat.disabled=false;
//				document.forms[0].frm_lat.value=document.forms[0].frm_lng.value="";
//				document.forms[0].frm_lat.disabled=document.forms[0].frm_lat.disabled=true;
//				}
//			});				// end GEvent.addListener() "click"
		unit_names = 	new Array();				// names 
		unit_sets = 	new Array();				// settings
		unit_ids = 		new Array();				// id's
		unit_assigns = 	new Array();				// unit id's assigned this incident
		var nr_units = 	0;
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    //						build js array of responders to this ticket - possibly none
    $query = "SELECT `ticket_id`, `responder_id` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE `ticket_id` = " . $_GET['ticket_id'];
    //		dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($assigns_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
        print "\t\tunit_assigns[' '+ " . $assigns_row['responder_id'] . "]= true;\n";
        // note string forced
    print "\n";
    $where = empty($unit_id) ? "" : " WHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`id` = {$unit_id} ";
    // revised 5/23/08 per AD7PE
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus` FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\tORDER BY `name` ASC, `unit_id` ASC";
    //		dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
        // major while ... for RESPONDER data starts here
        $i = 1;
        // sidebar/icon index
        while ($unit_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
				var i = <?php 
            print $i;
;						// top of loop
				unit_names[i] = '<?php 
            print $unit_row['name'];
';	// unit name
				unit_sets[i] = false;								// pre-set checkbox settings				
				unit_ids[i] = <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . shorten($unit_row['name'], 48) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $unit_row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['unitstatus'] . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $unit_row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($unit_row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
				new_element = document.createElement("input");								// please don't ask!
				new_element.setAttribute("type", 	"checkbox");
				new_element.setAttribute("name", 	"unit_<?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
				new_element.setAttribute("id", 		"element_id");
				new_element.setAttribute("style", 	"visibility:hidden");
				var dist_mi = "na";
            if (intval($unit_row['mobile']) == 1) {
                $thespeed = "na";
                $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS packet_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$unit_row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
                //					dump ($query);
                $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
                    // got a track?
                    $track_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_tr));
                    // most recent track report
                    $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR><TH CLASS='even' COLSPAN=2>" . $track_row['source'] . "</TH></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $track_row['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $track_row['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD>" . format_date($track_row['packet_date']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
						var myinfoTabs = [
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['name'], 8));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print $track_row['source'];
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_2;
							new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
						lats[i] = <?php 
                    print $track_row['latitude'];
;									// now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                    print $track_row['longitude'];
						distances[i] = distCosineLaw(parseFloat(lats[i]), parseFloat(lngs[i]), parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $row_unit['lat'];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $row_unit['lng'];
					    var km2mi = <?php 
                    print $conversion;
;				// 
						var dist_mi = ((distances[i] * km2mi).toFixed(1)).toString();				// to miles
                    $thespeed = $track_row['speed'] == 0 ? "<FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>" : "<FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
                    if ($track_row['speed'] >= 50) {
                        $thespeed = "<FONT COLOR='WHITE'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
						var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $track_row['latitude'];
, <?php 
                    print $track_row['longitude'];
);	// mobile position
						bounds.extend(point);															// point into BB
                } else {
                    // no track data
						var dist_mi = "na";
                // end  no track data
					sidebar_line = "<TD><?php 
                print shorten($unit_row['name'], 32);
</TD><TD>"+ dist_mi+"</TD>";
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
                print shorten($unit_row['unitstatus'], 12);
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
                print $thespeed;
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
                print format_sb_date($unit_row['updated']);
					var is_checked = (ifexists(unit_assigns,'<?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
'))? " CHECKED ": "";
					var is_disabled = (ifexists(unit_assigns,'<?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
'))? " DISABLED ": "";
					sidebar_line += "<TD ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' " + is_checked + is_disabled + " NAME = 'unit_" + <?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 + "' onClick='unit_sets[<?php 
                print $i;
					var marker = createMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $unit_row['type'];
, i);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id)
            } else {
                // fixed position with location info.
						var myinfoTabs = [
							new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
							new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
						lats[i] = <?php 
                print $unit_row['lat'];
;									// now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                print $unit_row['lng'];
						distances[i] = distCosineLaw(parseFloat(lats[i]), parseFloat(lngs[i]), parseFloat(<?php 
                print $row_unit['lat'];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                print $row_unit['lng'];
));	// note: km
					    var km2mi = <?php 
                print $conversion;
;				// 
						var dist_mi = ((distances[i] * km2mi).toFixed(1)).toString();				// to feet
						sidebar_line = "<TD><?php 
                print shorten($unit_row['name'], 16);
</TD><TD>"+ dist_mi+"</TD>";
						sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
                print shorten($unit_row['unitstatus'], 12);
						sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'></TD><TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
                print format_sb_date($unit_row['updated']);
						var is_checked = (ifexists(unit_assigns,'<?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
'))? " CHECKED ": "";
						var is_disabled = (ifexists(unit_assigns,'<?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
'))? " DISABLED ": "";
						sidebar_line += "<TD ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' " + is_checked  + is_disabled + " NAME = 'unit_" + <?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 + "' onClick='unit_sets[<?php 
                print $i;
						var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                print $unit_row['lat'];
, <?php 
                print $unit_row['lng'];
);	// for each responder
						bounds.extend(point);																// point into BB
						var marker = createMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs, <?php 
                print $unit_row['type'];
, i);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id)
            // end if/else (mysql_affected_rows()>0;) - no track data
        // end major while ($unit_row = ...) for each responder
    // end if(mysql_affected_rows()>0)
    //					responders complete
		if (nr_units==0) {
			side_bar_html +="<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='center' COLSPAN=99><BR /><B>No Units!</B></TD></TR>";;		
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		else {
			center = bounds.getCenter();
			zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);		// -1 for further out	
			side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
			side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(i+1)%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>M</B>obility:&nbsp;&nbsp; stopped: <FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;moving: <FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fast: <FONT COLOR='white'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;silent: <FONT COLOR='black'><B>&bull;</B></FONT></TD></TR>";
			side_bar_html+= "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
    $thefunc = is_guest() ? "guest()" : "validate()";
    // reject guest attempts
			side_bar_html+= "<TR><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Cancel'  onClick='history.back();'>";
			side_bar_html+= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='button' value='DISPATCH SELECTED UNITS' onClick = '<?php 
    print $thefunc;
' />";
			side_bar_html+= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='RESET' VALUE='Reset' onClick = 'doReset()'>";
			side_bar_html+= "</TD></TR>";
		side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
		document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = side_bar_html;	// put the assembled side_bar_html contents into the side_bar div
		var thelat = <?php 
    print $row_unit['lat'];
; var thelng = <?php 
    print $row_unit['lng'];
		var start = min(distances);		// min straight-line distance to Incident
		if (start>0) {
			var last= "R"+start;			//
			document.getElementById(last).style.visibility = "visible";		// show link check image at the selected sidebar element
			setDirections(lats[start] + " " + lngs[start], thelat + " " + thelng, "en_US");
		}		// end if (GBrowserIsCompatible())

	else {
		alert("Sorry,  browser compatibility problem. Contact your tech support group.");
Пример #8
                echo '$(document).ready(function(){';
                echo "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").hide();";
                echo "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").fadeIn(1000);";
                echo "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").click(function(){";
                echo "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").fadeToggle(1000);";
                echo '});';
                echo '});';
                echo '</script>';
                if ($row['comment'] != '') {
                    echo "<a title='" . __($guid, 'View Description') . "' class='show_hide-{$count}' onclick='false' href='#'><img style='padding-right: 5px' src='" . $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . "/themes/Default/img/page_down.png' alt='" . __($guid, 'Show Comment') . "' onclick='return false;' /></a>";
                echo '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
                if ($row['comment'] != '') {
                    echo "<tr class='comment-{$count}' id='comment-{$count}'>";
                    echo '<td colspan=4>';
                    if ($row['comment'] != '') {
                        echo '<b>' . __($guid, 'Comment') . '</b><br/>';
                        echo nl2brr($row['comment']) . '<br/><br/>';
                    echo '</td>';
                    echo '</tr>';
            echo '</table>';
            if ($result->rowCount() > $_SESSION[$guid]['pagination']) {
                printPagination($guid, $result->rowCount(), $page, $_SESSION[$guid]['pagination'], 'bottom', "gibbonPersonID2={$gibbonPersonID2}&badgesBadgeID2={$badgesBadgeID2}&gibbonSchoolYearID={$gibbonSchoolYearID}");
function list_facilities($addon = '', $start)
    //	global {$_SESSION['fip']}, $fmp, {$_SESSION['editfile']}, {$_SESSION['addfile']}, {$_SESSION['unitsfile']}, {$_SESSION['facilitiesfile']}, {$_SESSION['routesfile']}, {$_SESSION['facroutesfile']};
    global $iw_width, $u_types, $tolerance;
    //	$assigns = array();
    //	$tickets = array();
    $query = "SELECT `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`scope` AS `ticket` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`";
    $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as))) {
        $assigns[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket'];
        $tickets[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket_id'];
    $calls = array();
    $calls_nr = array();
    $calls_time = array();
    $query = "SELECT * , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks` ORDER BY `packet_date` ASC";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if (isset($calls[$row['source']])) {
            // array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search )
        } else {
            array_push($calls, trim($row['source']));
            $calls[trim($row['source'])] = TRUE;
            $calls_nr[$row['source']] = 1;
        $calls_time[$row['source']] = $row['packet_date'];
        // save latest - note query order
    $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $facilities = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? mysql_affected_rows() : "<I>none</I>";


var color=0;
	var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');

	function hideGroup(color) {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
				if (gmarkers[i].id == color) {
				else {
				}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = $("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "visible";
		}			// end function

	function showAll() {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = $("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "hidden";

		}			// end function

	function createMarker(point, tabs, color, id, fac_id) {						// (point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
    print $row['type'];
, i)
		points = true;													// at least one
//		var letter = to_str(id);
		var fac_id = fac_id;	
		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_fac_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + fac_id;

		icon.image = icon_url;		// 

		var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			if (marker) {
				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
					else {
					},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

				}		// end if (marker)
			});			// end GEvent.add Listener()

		gmarkers[id] = marker;									// marker to array for side_bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
		if (!(map_is_fixed)) {
		return marker;
		}				// end function create Marker()

	function createdummyMarker(point, tabs, color, id, fac_id) {						// 7/28/10
		points = true;													// at least one
//		var letter = to_str(id);
		var fac_id = fac_id;	
		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";

		icon.image = icon_url;		// 

		var dummymarker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		dummymarker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(dummymarker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			if (dummymarker) {
				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
					else {
					},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

				}		// end if (marker)
			});			// end GEvent.add Listener()

		gmarkers[id] = dummymarker;									// marker to array for side_bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
		if (!(map_is_fixed)) {
		return dummymarker;
		}				// end function createdummyMarker()		

	function do_sidebar (sidebar, id, the_class, fac_id) {
		var fac_id = fac_id;
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(id)%2] +"'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='" + the_class + "' onClick = myclick(" + id + "); >" + fac_id + sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 3/15/11

	function do_sidebar_nm (sidebar, line_no, id, fac_id) {	
		var fac_id = fac_id;	
		var letter = to_str(line_no);	
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(line_no)%2] +"'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD onClick = myclick_nm(" + id + "); >" + fac_id + sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 1/23/09, 10/29/09 removed period, 11/11/09, 3/15/11

	function myclick_nm(v_id) {				// Responds to sidebar click - view responder data

	function myclick(id) {					// Responds to sidebar click, then triggers listener above -  note [id]
		GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");
		location.href = '#top';		// 11/11/090

	function do_lat (lat) {
	function do_lng (lng) {

	function do_ngs() {						// LL to USNG into form
		document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoUSNG(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value, 5);

	function do_sel_update_fac (in_unit, in_val) {							// 3/15/11
		to_server_fac(in_unit, in_val);

	function to_server_fac(the_unit, the_status) {									// 3/15/11
		var querystr = "frm_responder_id=" + the_unit;
		querystr += "&frm_status_id=" + the_status;
		var url = "as_up_fac_status.php?" + querystr;			// 3/15/11
		var payload = syncAjax(url);						// 
		if (payload.substring(0,1)=="-") {	
			alert ("<?php 
    print __LINE__;
: msg failed ");
			return false;
		else {
			parent.frames['upper'].show_msg ('Facility status update applied!')
			return true;
			}				// end if/else (payload.substring(... )
		}		// end function to_server()

	var icons=new Array;							// maps type to icon blank

    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['fac_icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";
    $dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');
    print "\tvar map_is_fixed = ";
    print my_is_int($dzf) && $dzf == 2 || my_is_int($dzf) && $dzf == 3 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
	var map;
	var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_facilities'>";
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD colspan='99' ALIGN='center'><B><?php 
    print get_text("Facilities");
    print $facilities;
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd'>	<TD colspan='99' ALIGN='center'>Click line or icon for details</TD></TR>";
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD></TD><TD ALIGN='center'><B><?php 
    print get_text("Facility");
</B></TD><TD ALIGN='center'><B><?php 
    print get_text("Type");
</B></TD><TD ALIGN='center'><B><?php 
    print get_text("Status");
</B></TD><TD ALIGN='center'><B><?php 
    print get_text("As of");
	var gmarkers = [];
	var infoTabs = [];
	var which;
	var i = <?php 
    print $start;
;					// sidebar/icon index
	var points = false;								// none

	map = new GMap2($("map"));						// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";

//	map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
	map.setUIToDefault();										// 8/13/10

	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {

	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
	mapBounds=new GLatLngBounds(map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), map.getBounds().getNorthEast());

	var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create  bounding box

	var listIcon = new GIcon();
	listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
	listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
	listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30);
	listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(16, 28);
	listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
	listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
	listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);

	GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom

    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $status_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $status_vals[''] = $status_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_st = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_st = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_st))) {
        $temp = $row_st['id'];
        $status_vals[$temp] = $row_st['status_val'];
    $type_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $type_vals[''] = $type_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_ty = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_ty = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_ty))) {
        $temp = $row_ty['id'];
        $type_vals[$temp] = $row_ty['name'];
    //	3/15/11
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.id AS id, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.status_id AS status_id,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.description AS facility_description,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.name AS fac_type_name, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.name AS name, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.street AS street,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.city AS city, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.state AS state \n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.id \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.status_id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status`.id \n\t\tORDER BY `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type ASC";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $i = 0;
    // counter
    // =============================================================================
    $utc = gmdate("U");
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // ==========  major while() for Facility ==========
        $the_bg_color = $GLOBALS['FACY_TYPES_BG'][$row['icon']];
        // 2/8/10
        $the_text_color = $GLOBALS['FACY_TYPES_TEXT'][$row['icon']];
        // 2/8/10
        $the_on_click = my_is_float($row['lat']) ? " onClick = myclick({$i}); " : " onClick = myclick_nm({$row['unit_id']}); ";
        //	3/15/11
        $got_point = FALSE;
        print "\n\t\tvar i={$i};\n";
        if (is_guest()) {
            $toedit = $tomail = $toroute = "";
        } else {
            $toedit = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['facilitiesfile']}?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>";
            $tomail = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = 'do_mail_in_win({$row['id']})'><U><B>Email</B></U></SPAN>";
            $toroute = "&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['facroutesfile']}?fac_id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Route To Facility</U></A>";
        $temp = $row['status_id'];
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        $temp_type = $row['type'];
        $the_type = array_key_exists($temp_type, $type_vals) ? $type_vals[$temp_type] : "??";
        if (!$got_point && my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . ", " . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
            } else {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row['lat'] . ", " . $row['lng'] . ");\n";
            $got_point = TRUE;
        $update_error = strtotime('now - 6 hours');
        // set the time for silent setting
        // name
        $name = $row['name'];
        //	10/8/09
        $temp = explode("/", $name);
        $display_name = $temp[0];
        //		$sidebar_line = "<TD CLASS='td_data' TITLE = '" . addslashes($display_name) . "'><U>" . addslashes(shorten($display_name, 48)) ."</U></TD>";	//	10/8/09
        //		$sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='td_data' TITLE = '" . addslashes ($the_type) . "'> " . shorten($the_type, 18) .
        //				"&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>";
        //		$sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='td_data' TITLE = '" . addslashes ($the_status) . "'> " . shorten($the_status, 18) .
        //				"&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>";
        $sidebar_line = "<TD TITLE = '" . addslashes($display_name) . "' {$the_on_click}><U><SPAN STYLE='background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'>" . addslashes(shorten($display_name, 40)) . "</SPAN></U>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD><TD>{$the_type}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='td_data' TITLE = '" . addslashes($the_status) . "'> " . get_status_sel($row['id'], $row['status_id'], 'f') . "</TD>";
        //	3/15/11
        // as of
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        $the_time = $row['updated'];
        $the_class = "td_data";
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='{$the_class}'> {$strike}" . format_sb_date($the_time) . "{$strike_end}</TD>";
        // tab 1
        if (my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            // position data?
            $temptype = $u_types[$row['type']];
            $the_type = $temptype[0];
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='{$iw_width}'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($display_name, 48)) . "</B> - " . $the_type . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Description:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 32)) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Status:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . $the_status . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['contact_name']) . " Via: " . addslashes($row['contact_email']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>As of:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . $toedit . $tomail . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['facilitiesfile']}?func=responder&view=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>View</U></A></TD></TR>";
            // 08/8/02
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='{$iw_width}' ALIGN = 'center' >";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right' STYLE= 'width:50%'>Security contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left' STYLE= 'width:50%'>" . addslashes($row['security_contact']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security email:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['security_email']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['security_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>" . get_text("Access rules") . ":&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['access_rules'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security reqs:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['security_reqs'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Opening hours:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['opening_hours'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Prim pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['pager_p']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Sec pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row['pager_s']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
            // tab 2
            $tabs_done = FALSE;
            // default
            if (!$tabs_done) {
			var myinfoTabs = [
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row['name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
				new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $tab_2);
				new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")

            // end if/else
            $name = $row['name'];
            // 10/8/09
            $temp = explode("/", $name);
            $index = substr($temp[count($temp) - 1], -6, strlen($temp[count($temp) - 1]));
            // 3/19/11
            if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                // check for facilities added in no mpas mode 7/28/10
		var fac_id = "<?php 
                print $index;
";	//	10/8/09
		var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";

		do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print $sidebar_line;
", i, the_class, fac_id);
		var dummymarker = createdummyMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $row['type'];
, i, fac_id);	// 771 (point,tabs, color, id)
            } else {
		var fac_id = "<?php 
                print $index;
";	//	10/8/09
		var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";

		do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print $sidebar_line;
", i, the_class, fac_id);
		var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $row['type'];
, i, fac_id);	// 771 (point,tabs, color, id)
            // End of check for facilities added in no maps mode 7/28/10
        } else {
            // end position data available
            $name = $row['name'];
            // 11/11/09
            $temp = explode("/", $name);
            $index = substr($temp[count($temp) - 1], -6, strlen($temp[count($temp) - 1]));
            // 3/19/11
			var fac_id = "<?php 
            print $index;
";	//	11/11/09
            print "\tdo_sidebar_nm (\" {$sidebar_line} \" , i, {$row['id']}, fac_id);\n";
            // sidebar only - no map
        // zero-based
    // end  ==========  while() for Facility ==========
	if (!(map_is_fixed)) {
		if (!points) {		// any?
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		else {
			center = bounds.getCenter();
			zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);

	side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'></TR>";
	side_bar_html +="<TR><TD><?php 
    print get_facilities_legend();
</TD></TR>\n";	//	3/15/11
    if (!empty($addon)) {
        print "\n\tside_bar_html +=\"" . $addon . "\"\n";
	side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
	$("side_bar").innerHTML += side_bar_html;	// append the assembled side_bar_html contents to the side_bar div


Пример #10
function list_responders($addon = '', $start)
    global $iw_width, $u_types, $tolerance;
    $assigns = array();
    // 08/8/3
    $tickets = array();
    // ticket id's
    // 7/18/10
    $query = "SELECT `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`scope` AS `ticket` \n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`\n\t\tWHERE ( `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' )";
    $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_as))) {
        $assigns[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket'];
        $tickets[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket_id'];
    $calls = array();
    // 6/17/08
    $calls_nr = array();
    $calls_time = array();
    $query = "SELECT * , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks` ORDER BY `packet_date` ASC";
    // 6/17/08
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        if (isset($calls[$row['source']])) {
            // array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search )
        } else {
            //			array_push ($calls, trim($row['source']));
            $calls[trim($row['source'])] = TRUE;
            $calls_nr[$row['source']] = 1;
        $calls_time[$row['source']] = $row['packet_date'];
        // save latest - note query order


var color=0;
	var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');

	function hideDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/15/11
		if (div_area == "buttons_sh") {
			var controlarea = "hide_controls";
		if (div_area == "resp_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "resp_list";
		if (div_area == "facs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "facs_list";
		if (div_area == "incs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "incs_list";
		if (div_area == "region_boxes") {
			var controlarea = "region_boxes";
		var divarea = div_area 
		var hide_cont = hide_cont 
		var show_cont = show_cont 
		if($(divarea)) {
			$(divarea).style.display = 'none';
			$(hide_cont).style.display = 'none';
			$(show_cont).style.display = '';
		var params = "f_n=" +controlarea+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
		var url = "persist2.php";
		sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);			

	function showDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/15/11
		if (div_area == "buttons_sh") {
			var controlarea = "hide_controls";
		if (div_area == "resp_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "resp_list";
		if (div_area == "facs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "facs_list";
		if (div_area == "incs_list_sh") {
			var controlarea = "incs_list";
		if (div_area == "region_boxes") {
			var controlarea = "region_boxes";
		var divarea = div_area
		var hide_cont = hide_cont 
		var show_cont = show_cont 
		if($(divarea)) {
			$(divarea).style.display = '';
			$(hide_cont).style.display = '';
			$(show_cont).style.display = 'none';
		var params = "f_n=" +controlarea+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
		var url = "persist2.php";
		sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);					

	function hideGroup(color) {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
				if (gmarkers[i].id == color) {
				else {
				}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = $("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "visible";
		}			// end function

	function showAll() {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = $("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "hidden";

		}			// end function

	function checkArray(form, arrayName)	{	//	5/3/11
		var retval = new Array();
		for(var i=0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
			var el = form.elements[i];
			if(el.type == "checkbox" && el.name == arrayName && el.checked) {
	return retval;
	function checkForm(form)	{	//	6/10/11
		var errmsg="";
		var itemsChecked = checkArray(form, "frm_group[]");
		if(itemsChecked.length > 0) {
			var params = "f_n=viewed_groups&v_n=" +itemsChecked+ "&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
";	//	3/15/11
			var url = "persist3.php";	//	3/15/11	
			sendRequest (url, fvg_handleResult, params);				
		} else {
			errmsg+= "\tYou cannot Hide all the regions\n";
			if (errmsg!="") {
				alert ("Please correct the following and re-submit:\n\n" + errmsg);
				return false;
	function fvg_handleResult(req) {	// 6/10/11	The persist callback function for viewed groups.
	function form_validate(theForm) {	//	5/3/11
//		alert("Validating");
		}				// end function validate(theForm)			

	function sendRequest(url,callback,postData) {								// 2/14/09
		var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
		if (!req) return;
		var method = (postData) ? "POST" : "GET";
		if (postData)
		req.onreadystatechange = function () {
			if (req.readyState != 4) return;
			if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 304) {
		if (req.readyState == 4) return;

	var XMLHttpFactories = [
		function () {return new XMLHttpRequest()	},
		function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")	},
		function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")	},
		function () {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")	}

	function createXMLHTTPObject() {
		var xmlhttp = false;
		for (var i=0;i<XMLHttpFactories.length;i++) {
			try {
				xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i]();
			catch (e) {
		return xmlhttp;

	function createMarker(point,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {						// (point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
    print $row['type'];
, i)
		points = true;
		var unit_id = unit_id;										// 2/13/09

		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + color + "&text=" + unit_id;				// 1/5/09

		icon.image = icon_url;		// ./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=zz"

		var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			if (marker) {
				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete - 12/17/08
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
					else {
	//					alert(62);
	//					alert($("detailmap"));
					},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

				}		// end if (marker)

			});			// end GEvent.add Listener()

		gmarkers[id] = marker;									// marker to array for side bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
		if (!(map_is_fixed)) {				// 4/3/09
		return marker;
		}				// end function create Marker()

	function createdummyMarker(point,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {						// (point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
    print $row['type'];
, i)
		points = true;
		var unit_id = unit_id;										// 2/13/09

		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";

		icon.image = icon_url;		// ./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=zz"

		var dummymarker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		dummymarker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(dummymarker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			if (dummymarker) {
				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete - 12/17/08
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
					else {
	//					alert(62);
	//					alert($("detailmap"));
					},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

				}		// end if (marker)

			});			// end GEvent.add Listener()

		gmarkers[id] = dummymarker;									// marker to array for side bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
		if (!(map_is_fixed)) {				// 4/3/09
		return dummymarker;
		}				// end function create dummy Marker()		

	function do_sidebar (sidebar, id, the_class, sidebar_id) {
		var sidebar_id = sidebar_id;
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(id)%2] +"'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD WIDTH='5%' CLASS='" + the_class + "' onClick = myclick(" + id + "); >" + sidebar_id + sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 1/5/09, 3/4/09, 10/29/09 removed period

	function do_sidebar_nm (sidebar, line_no, id, sidebar_id) {	
		var sidebar_id = sidebar_id;		
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(line_no)%2] +"'>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD WIDTH='5%' onClick = myclick_nm(" + sidebar_id + "); >" + sidebar_id + sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 1/23/09, 10/29/09 removed period, 11/11/09

	function myclick_nm(v_id) {				// Responds to sidebar click - view responder data

	function myclick(id) {					// Responds to sidebar click, then triggers listener above -  note [id]
		GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");
		location.href = '#top';				// 11/11/09

	function do_lat (lat) {
	function do_lng (lng) {
	function do_ngs() {											// LL to USNG
		var loc = <?php 
    print get_variable('locale');
		if(loc == 0) {
			document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoUSNG(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value, 5);
		if(loc == 1) {
			document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoOSGB(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value, 5);
		if(loc == 2) {
			document.forms[0].frm_ngs.value = LLtoOSGB(document.forms[0].frm_lat.value, document.forms[0].frm_lng.value, 5);

	var icons=new Array;							// maps type to icon blank

    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $row['icon'];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $blank . ";\n";
    $dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');
    print "\tvar map_is_fixed = ";
    print my_is_int($dzf) && $dzf == 2 || my_is_int($dzf) && $dzf == 3 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
	var map;
	var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' WIDTH = '100%' >";

	side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>Unit</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>Handle</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>Dispatch</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>Status</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>M</B></TD><TD ALIGN='left'><B>As of</B></TD></TR>";
	var gmarkers = [];
	var infoTabs = [];
	var which;
	var i = <?php 
    print $start;
;					// sidebar/icon index
	var points = false;								// none
	map = new GMap2($("map"));						// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    // 08/02/09
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";

//	map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());					// 10/6/08
	map.setUIToDefault();										// 8/13/10

	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {

	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
	mapBounds=new GLatLngBounds(map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), map.getBounds().getNorthEast());		// 4/4/09

	var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create  bounding box

	var listIcon = new GIcon();
	listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
	listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
	listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
	listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
	listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
	listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
	listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);

	GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom
	do_landb();				// 8/1/11 - show scribbles	
//-----------------------BOUNDARIES STUFF--------------------6/10/11

	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
	var boundary = new Array();	
	var bound_names = new Array();

	GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,boundpoint) {
		for (var n = 0; n < boundary.length; n++) {
			if (boundary[n].Contains(boundpoint)) {
				map.openInfoWindowHtml(boundpoint,"This is " + bound_names[n]);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    //	6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    //	6/10/11
    $a_gp_bounds = array();
    $gp_bounds = array();
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        //	6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        //	6/10/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 4/18/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            //	//	6/10/11
            if ($row2['boundary'] != 0) {
                $a_gp_bounds[] = $row2['boundary'];
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
        //	6/10/11
        foreach (explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']) as $val_vg) {
            $query3 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$val_vg}';";
            $result3 = mysql_query($query3);
            //	6/10/11
            while ($row3 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result3))) {
                if ($row3['boundary'] != 0) {
                    $gp_bounds[] = $row3['boundary'];
    } else {
        $gp_bounds = $a_gp_bounds;
    foreach ($gp_bounds as $value) {
        //	6/10/11
		var points = new Array();
        if ($value != 0) {
            $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `id`='{$value}'";
            $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
                $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
                $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
                    $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
					thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
                    print $coords[1];
                // end for ($i = 0 ... )

                if (intval($filled) == 1) {
                    //	6/10/11
				var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false});
                    print $bn_name;
                } else {
				var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false});
                    print $bn_name;
            //	End while
        //	end if $value !=0
    //	end foreach $gp_bounds
    //-------------------------END OF BOUNDARIES STUFF-------------------------
    function can_do_dispatch($the_row)
        if (intval($the_row['multi']) == 1) {
            return TRUE;
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE `responder_id` = {$the_row['id']}";
        // all dispatches this unit
        $result_temp = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        while ($row_temp = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_temp))) {
            // check any open runs this unit
            if (!is_date($row_temp['clear'])) {
                // if  clear is empty, then NOT dispatch-able
                unset($result_temp, $row_temp);
                return FALSE;
        // end while ($row_temp ...)
        unset($result_temp, $row_temp);
        return TRUE;
        // none found, can dispatch
    // end function can do_dispatch()
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    $status_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $status_vals[''] = $status_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_st = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_st = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_st))) {
        $temp = $row_st['id'];
        $status_vals[$temp] = $row_st['status_val'];
    $query_al = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}';";
    //	6/10/11
    $result_al = mysql_query($query_al);
    // 6/10/11
    $al_groups = array();
    while ($row_al = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_al))) {
        //	6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row_al['group'];
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
        //	6/10/11
        $curr_viewed = explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    if (!isset($curr_viewed)) {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($curr_viewed as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($curr_viewed) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    //	6/10/11
    //-----------------------UNIT RING FENCE STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
    $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` `l`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON ( `l`.`id` = `r`.`ring_fence`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\n\t\t\t\t{$where2} AND `use_with_u_rf`=1 GROUP BY `l`.`id`";
    $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
        $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
        $all_boundaries[] = $row_bn['ring_fence'];
        $points = explode(";", $line_data);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
            $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
			thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[1];
        // end for ($i = 0 ... )
        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
            //	6/10/11
			var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
            print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
        } else {
			var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
    //	End while
    //-------------------------END OF UNIT RING FENCE STUFF-------------------------
    //-----------------------UNIT EXCLUSION ZONE STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
    $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` `l`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON ( `l`.`id` = `r`.`excl_zone`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\n\t\t\t\t{$where2} AND `use_with_u_ex`=1 GROUP BY `l`.`id`";
    $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
        $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
        $all_boundaries[] = $row_bn['ring_fence'];
        $points = explode(";", $line_data);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
            $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
			thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[1];
        // end for ($i = 0 ... )
        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
            //	6/10/11
			var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
            print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
        } else {
			var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
    //	End while
    //-------------------------END OF UNIT EXCLUSION ZONE STUFF-------------------------
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated`,\n\t\t`t`.`id` AS `type_id`,\n\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`,\n\t\t`r`.`name` AS `name`,\n\t\t`s`.`description` AS `stat_descr`,\n\t\t`r`.`description` AS `unit_descr`, \n\t\t`r`.`ring_fence` AS `ring_fence`,\t\n\t\t`r`.`excl_zone` AS `excl_zone`,\t\t\n\t\t(SELECT  COUNT(*) as numfound FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = unit_id  AND  (`clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' )) AS `nr_assigned` \n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = a.resource_id )\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON ( `r`.`type` = t.id )\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON ( `r`.`un_status_id` = s.id ) \t\t\n\t\t{$where2}  GROUP BY unit_id ORDER BY `nr_assigned` DESC,  `handle` ASC, `r`.`name` ASC ";
    // 2/1/10, 3/15/10, 6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $num_units = mysql_affected_rows();
    $i = 0;
    // counter
    // =============================================================================
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    $utc = gmdate("U");
    //									 ==========  major while() for RESPONDER ==========
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $ringfence = $row['ring_fence'];
        $resp_gps = get_allocates(2, $row['unit_id']);
        //	6/10/11
        $grp_names = "Groups Assigned: ";
        //	6/10/11
        $y = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($resp_gps as $value) {
            //	6/10/11
            $counter = count($resp_gps) > $y + 1 ? ", " : "";
            $grp_names .= get_groupname($value);
            $grp_names .= $counter;
        $grp_names .= " / ";
        $track_type = get_remote_type($row);
        $index = $row['icon_str'];
        // 4/28/11
        $the_on_click = my_is_float($row['lat']) ? " onClick = myclick({$i}); " : " onClick = myclick_nm({$row['unit_id']}); ";
        $the_bg_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_BG'][$row['icon']];
        // 2/1/10
        $the_text_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_TEXT'][$row['icon']];
        // 2/1/10
        $do_dispatch = can_do_dispatch($row);
        // 11/17/09
        $got_point = FALSE;
        print "\n\t\tvar i={$i};\n";
        $tofac = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['unitsfile']}?func=responder&view=true&dispfac=true&id=" . $row['unit_id'] . "'><U>To Facility</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 10/6/09
        $todisp = is_guest() || !can_do_dispatch($row) ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['unitsfile']}?func=responder&view=true&disp=true&id=" . $row['unit_id'] . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 08/8/02, 9/19/09
        $toedit = !can_edit() ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['unitsfile']}?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row['unit_id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 5/11/10
        $totrack = intval($row['mobile']) == 0 || empty($row['callsign']) ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = do_track('" . $row['callsign'] . "');><B><U>Tracks</B></U></SPAN>";
        $temp = $row['un_status_id'];
        // 2/24/09
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        // 2/2/09
        $row_track = FALSE;
        if ($track_type > 0) {
            // get most recent position data
            $do_legend = TRUE;
            $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM \n\t\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_track = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $aprs_updated = $row_track['updated'];
            $aprs_speed = $row_track['speed'];
            if ($row_track && my_is_float($row_track['latitude'])) {
                if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . ", " . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
                } else {
                    echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_track['latitude'] . ", " . $row_track['longitude'] . "); // 677\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        if (!$got_point && my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . ", " . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
            } else {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row['lat'] . ", " . $row['lng'] . ");\t// " . __LINE__ . "\n";
            $got_point = TRUE;
        $update_error = strtotime('now - 6 hours');
        // set the time for silent setting
        //			if ($instam_updated < $update_error) {$the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>{$GLOBALS['TRACK_2L'][$track_type]}</B></FONT>";}
        // end bullet stuff
        // name, handle
        $handle = htmlentities($row['handle'], ENT_QUOTES);
        // 7/7/11
        $sidebar_line = "<TD WIDTH='15%' TITLE = '{$handle}' {$the_on_click}><NOBR>{$handle}</NOBR></TD>";
        $name = htmlentities($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='20%' TITLE = '{$name}' {$the_on_click}><U><SPAN STYLE='width: 30%; background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'><NOBR>" . addslashes(shorten($row['name'], 14)) . "</NOBR></SPAN></U></TD>";
        // 10/8/09
        // assignments 3/16/09, 3/15/10 - 8/30/10
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` `t` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\t\tWHERE `responder_id` = '{$row['unit_id']}' AND (`clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' )";
        $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $row_assign = mysql_affected_rows() == 0 ? FALSE : stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as));
        switch ($row_assign['severity']) {
            //color tickets by severity
            case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']:
                $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
            case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
                $severityclass = 'severity_high';
                $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
        switch (mysql_affected_rows()) {
            // 8/29/10
            case 0:
                $the_disp_str = "";
            case 1:
                $the_disp_str = get_disp_status($row_assign) . "&nbsp;";
                // multiples
                $the_disp_str = "<SPAN CLASS='disp_stat'>&nbsp;" . mysql_affected_rows() . "&nbsp;</SPAN>&nbsp;";
        // end switch()
        $onclick = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? " onClick = 'open_tick_window ({$row_assign['ticket_id']})'" : "";
        $ass_td = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? "<TD WIDTH='20%' CLASS='{$severityclass}' TITLE = '{$row_assign['scope']}'  {$onclick} ><NOBR>{$the_disp_str}" . shorten($row_assign['scope'], 24) . "</NOBR></TD>" : "<TD WIDTH='20%'>na</TD>";
        $sidebar_line .= $row['nr_assigned'] . $row_assign ? $ass_td : "<TD WIDTH='20%'>na</TD>";
        //  status, mobility  - 4/14/10
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='20%' TITLE = '" . addslashes($the_status) . "'> " . get_status_sel($row['unit_id'], $row['un_status_id'], "u") . ($the_bull = "");
        // define the bullet
        if ($row_track['speed'] > 50) {
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>{$GLOBALS['TRACK_2L'][$track_type]}</B></FONT>";
        if ($row_track['speed'] < 50) {
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>{$GLOBALS['TRACK_2L'][$track_type]}</B></FONT>";
        if ($row_track['speed'] == 0) {
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>{$GLOBALS['TRACK_2L'][$track_type]}</B></FONT>";
        $tip = htmlentities($row['callsign'], ENT_QUOTES);
        $tip_str = "onMouseover=\\\"Tip('{$tip}')\\\" onmouseout=\\\"UnTip();\\\" ";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='2%' {$tip_str}>{$the_bull}</TD>";
        // 4/14/10
        // as of
        $the_time = $row['updated'];
        $the_class = "";
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        $the_flag = $name . "_flag";
        if ($track_type > 0 && abs($utc - $the_time) > $GLOBALS['TOLERANCE']) {
            // attempt to identify  non-current values
            $strike = "<STRIKE>";
            $strike_end = "</STRIKE>";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD WIDTH='18%' CLASS='{$the_class}'> {$strike}<SPAN id = '" . $name . "'><NOBR>" . format_sb_date($the_time) . "</NOBR></SPAN>{$strike_end}&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN ID = '" . $the_flag . "'></SPAN></TD>";
        // 6/17/08
        // tab 1
        if (my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            // position data? 4/29/09
            $temptype = $u_types[$row['type_id']];
            $the_type = $temptype[0];
            // 1/1/09
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='{$iw_width}'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($row['name'], 48)) . "</B> - " . $the_type . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . addslashes(shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 32)) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $the_status . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . addslashes($row['contact_name']) . " Via: " . addslashes($row['contact_via']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($the_time) . "</TD></TR>";
            // 4/11/10
            if (array_key_exists($row['unit_id'], $assigns)) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD CLASS='emph'>Dispatched to:</TD><TD CLASS='emph'><A HREF='main.php?id=" . $tickets[$row['unit_id']] . "'>" . addslashes(shorten($assigns[$row['unit_id']], 20)) . "</A></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . $tofac . $todisp . $totrack . $toedit . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='{$_SESSION['unitsfile']}?func=responder&view=true&id=" . $row['unit_id'] . "'><U>View</U></A></TD></TR>";
            // 08/8/02
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            // tab 2
            if ($row_track) {
                // do all three tabs
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='{$iw_width}'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_track['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_track['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_track['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_track['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $row_track['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $row_track['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                if (array_key_exists('packet_date', $row_track)) {
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike}" . format_date($row_track['packet_date']) . "{$strike_end} (UTC)</TD></TR></TABLE>";
			var myinfoTabs = [
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row['name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print $GLOBALS['TRACK_2L'][$track_type];
                print addslashes(substr($row_track['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
				new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            } else {
                // two tabs
			var myinfoTabs = [
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row['name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
				new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            // end if/else  ($row_track)
            if ($row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                // check for no maps mode entries 7/28/10
		var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";		// 4/3/09
		do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print $sidebar_line;
", i, the_class, "<?php 
                print $row['icon_str'];
		var dummymarker = createdummyMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $row['icon'];
, i, "<?php 
                print $index;
");	// 771 (point,tabs, color, id)
            } else {
		var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";		// 4/3/09
		do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print $sidebar_line;
", i, the_class, "<?php 
                print $index;
		var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                print $row['icon'];
, i, "<?php 
                print $index;
");	// 771 (point,tabs, color, id)
        } else {
            print "\tdo_sidebar_nm (\" {$sidebar_line} \" , i, {$row['id']}, '{$index}');\n";
            // sidebar only - no map, 11/11/09, 5/12/10
        // zero-based
    // end  ==========  while() for RESPONDER ==========
    $source_legend = isset($do_legend) ? "<TD CLASS='emph' ALIGN='left'>Source time</TD>" : "<TD></TD>";
    // if any remote data/time 3/24/09
	if (!(map_is_fixed)) {		// 4/3/09
		if (!points) {		// any?
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		else {
			center = bounds.getCenter();
			zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);

	side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=6>&nbsp;</TD><?php 
    print $source_legend;
    if (!empty($addon)) {
        print "\n\tside_bar_html +=\"" . $addon . "\"\n";
	side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
	$("side_bar").innerHTML += side_bar_html;	// append the assembled side_bar_html contents to the side bar div
	$("num_units").innerHTML = <?php 
    print $num_units;

    //	print "<TABLE BORDER = 4 >{$buttons}</TABLE>";


function list_responders($addon = '', $start)
    global $u_types;

	try {
		parent.frames["upper"].document.getElementById("whom").innerHTML  = "<?php 
    print $_SESSION['user'];
		parent.frames["upper"].document.getElementById("level").innerHTML = "<?php 
    print get_level_text($_SESSION['level']);
		parent.frames["upper"].document.getElementById("script").innerHTML  = "<?php 
    print LessExtension(basename(__FILE__));
	catch(e) {
	var color=0;
	var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');
	var starting = false;

	function $() {								// 1/23/09
		var elements = new Array();
		for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
			var element = arguments[i];
			if (typeof element == 'string')
				element = document.getElementById(element);
			if (arguments.length == 1)
				return element;
		return elements;

	function isNull(val) {								// checks var stuff = null;
		return val === null;
	function do_aprs_window() {				// 6/25/08
//				echo '<a href="mycgi?foo=', urlencode($userinput), '">';
//		var url = "http://www.openaprs.net?center=" + "<?php 
    print urlencode(get_variable('def_lat') . ',' . get_variable('def_lng'));
		var url = "http://www.openaprs.net?center=" + "<?php 
    print get_variable('def_lat') . ',' . get_variable('def_lng');
		var spec ="titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=640,width=640,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=50,top=250,screenX=50,screenY=250";
		newwindow=window.open(url, 'openaprs',  spec);
		if (isNull(newwindow)) {
			alert ("APRS display requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
		}				// end function

	function do_track(callsign) {
		if (parent.frames["upper"].logged_in()) {
			var width = <?php 
    print get_variable('map_width');
			var spec ="titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=640,width=" + width + ",status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300";
			var url = "track_u.php?source="+callsign;
			newwindow=window.open(url, callsign,  spec);
			if (isNull(newwindow)) {
				alert ("Track display requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
//			starting = false;
		}				// end function

	function hideGroup(color) {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
				if (gmarkers[i].id == color) {
				else {
				}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = document.getElementById("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "visible";
		}			// end function

	function showAll() {
		for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
			if (gmarkers[i]) {
			} 	// end for ()
		elem = document.getElementById("allIcons");
		elem.style.visibility = "hidden";

		}			// end function

	function create_track_Marker(point,html, mytype, ender, heading) {
		switch (mytype){
			case 1:
//				alert(99);
				var marker = new GMarker(point, starticon);	
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
			case ender:
//				alert(106);
				var marker = new GMarker(point, endicon);	
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
			default : 
				var infoicon = new GIcon();
				infoicon.image = "./markers/" + direcs[heading];
				infoicon.iconSize = new GSize(15, 15);
				infoicon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(4, 4);
				var marker = new GMarker(point, infoicon);	
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
		return marker;
																// 1/24/09
	function createMarker(point,tabs, color, id) {				// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow 
		points = true;											// at least one
		var letter = String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + id);		// start with A - 1/5/09

		var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
		var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + letter;				// 1/5/09
		icon.image = icon_url;		// ./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=zz"

		var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
		marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused

		GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
			which = id;
//			var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
//			var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
//			detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
//			detailmap.setCenter(point, 13);  					// larger # = closer
//			detailmap.addOverlay(marker);

			setTimeout(function() {										// wait for rendering complete - 12/17/08
			if ($("detailmap")) {				
				var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
				var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
				detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
				detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
			else {
//				alert(62);
//				alert($("detailmap"));
			},4000);				// end setTimeout(...)

		});			// end 	GEvent.addListener()

		gmarkers[id] = marker;									// marker to array for side_bar click function
		infoTabs[id] = tabs;									// tabs to array
//		bounds.extend(point);									// extend the bounding box - removed 5/26/08
		return marker;
		}				// end function create Marker()
	function do_sidebar (sidebar, id, call) {
		var letter = String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + id);								// start with A - 1/5/09
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(id)%2] +"' onClick = myclick(" + id + ");>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='td_label'>" + letter + ". "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 1/5/09

	function do_sidebar_nm (sidebar, line_no, rcd_id) {							// no map - view responder // view_Form
		var letter = String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + line_no);							// start with A - 1/5/09
		side_bar_html += "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(line_no)%2] +"' onClick = myclick_nm(" + id + ");>";
		side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='td_label'>" + letter + ". "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";		// 1/23/09

	function myclick_nm(v_id) {				// Responds to sidebar click - view responder data
		alert("No track data");

	function myclick(id, call) {					// Responds to sidebar click, then triggers listener above -  note [id]
		GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");

	function doGrid() {
		map.addOverlay(new LatLonGraticule());

	function do_lat (lat) {
	function do_lng (lng) {
						// 2/24/09
	var direcs=new Array("north.png","north_east.png","east.png","south_east.png","south.png","south_west.png","west.png","north_west.png", "north.png");	// 10/4/08

	var icons=[];						// note globals

    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";

	var starticon = new GIcon();
	starticon.image = "./markers/start.png";	
	starticon.iconSize = new GSize(16, 16);
	starticon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 8);

	var endicon = new GIcon();
	endicon.image = "./markers/end.png";
	endicon.iconSize = new GSize(16, 16);
	endicon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 8);

	var map;
	var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_responders'>";
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD colspan=99 ALIGN='center'><B>Mobile Units</B></TD></TR>";
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd'>	<TD colspan=99 ALIGN='center'>Click line or icon for information</TD></TR>";
	side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD></TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Name</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Description</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Status</TD><TD>M</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>#</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>As of</TD></TR>";
	var gmarkers = [];
	var infoTabs = [];
	var which;
	var i = k = 0;			// sidebar/icon index, track point index
	var points = false;								// none

	map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));		// create the map
//	map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
	map.setUIToDefault();									// 8/13/10

	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
);		// <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');

	var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create  bounding box
//	map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());

	var listIcon = new GIcon();
	listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	
	listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
	listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
	listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
	listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
	listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
	listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);

	GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom

    $calls = array();
    $calls_nr = array();
    $calls_time = array();
    $query = "SELECT * , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 20";
    // 6/17/08
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if (isset($calls[$row['source']])) {
            // array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search )
        } else {
            //			array_push ($calls, trim($row['source']));
            $calls[trim($row['source'])] = TRUE;
            $calls_nr[$row['source']] = 1;
        $calls_time[$row['source']] = $row['packet_date'];
        // save latest - note query order
    //	dump($calls);
    //	dump($calls_nr);
    //	dump($calls_time);
    $query = "SELECT `id`, `status_val` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status`";
    // build unit status values array
    $temp_result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $status_vals[0] = "TBD";
    while ($temp_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($temp_result)) {
        // build array of values
        $status_vals[$temp_row['id']] = $temp_row['status_val'];
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` WHERE `mobile` = 1 AND `aprs` = 1 AND `callsign` <> '' ORDER BY `name`";
    // 1/24/09
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    //	dump(mysql_affected_rows());
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    // major while ... for mobile RESPONDER data starts here
    $aprs = FALSE;
    // legend show/not boolean
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $toedit = is_guest() ? "" : "<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        $totrack = empty($row['callsign']) ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = do_track('" . $row['callsign'] . "');><U>Tracks</U></SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        $temp = $row['un_status_id'];
        // 2/24/09
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        // 2/2/09
        if (!$row['mobile'] == 1) {
            // for fixed units
            $mode = $row['lat'] == 0 ? 4 : 0;
            //  toss invalid lat's
		var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
            print $row['lat'];
, <?php 
            print $row['lng'];
);	// mobile position

        } else {
            // is mobile, do infowin, etc.
            $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `source`, `latitude`, `longitude` ,`course` ,`speed` ,`altitude` ,`closest_city` ,`status` , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh` WHERE `source` = '" . $row['callsign'] . "' ORDER BY `updated`";
            //	6/16/08
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
				var j=1;				// point counter this unit
				var ender = <?php 
                print mysql_affected_rows();
                $last = "";
                while ($row_tr = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr))) {
					bounds.extend(new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $row_tr['latitude'];
, <?php 
                    print $row_tr['longitude'];
));	// all points to bounding box
					var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $row_tr['latitude'];
, <?php 
                    print $row_tr['longitude'];
					var html = "<b><?php 
                    print $row_tr['source'];
</b><br /><br /><?php 
                    print format_date($row['updated']);
					var heading = Math.round(<?php 
                    print intval($row_tr['course']);
/45);		// 10/4/08
					var marker = create_track_Marker(point, html, j, ender, heading);

                    if (!empty($last)) {
						var polyline = new GPolyline([
						    new GLatLng(<?php 
                        print $last['latitude'];
, <?php 
                        print $last['longitude'];
),		// prior point
						    new GLatLng(<?php 
                        print $row_tr['latitude'];
, <?php 
                        print $row_tr['longitude'];
)	// current point
							], "#FF0000", 2);
                    // end if (!empty($last))
                    $last = $row_tr;
                    // either way
                // end while ($row_tr...)
                $mode = $last['speed'] == 0 ? 1 : 2;
                if ($last['speed'] >= 50) {
                    $mode = 3;
					var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                print $last['latitude'];
, <?php 
                print $last['longitude'];
);	// mobile position
            } else {
                // no track data, do sidebar only
                $mode = 4;
            // end if/else (mysql_affected_rows()>0;) - no track data
        // end mobile
        //										common to all modes
        $the_bull = $mode == 0 ? "" : "<FONT COLOR=" . $bulls[$mode] . "><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
        $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
        // all flavors of eol
        $sidebar_line = "<TD>" . shorten($row['name'], 30) . "</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 16) . "</TD>";
        //		$sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='td_data'> " . shorten($status_vals[$row['un_status_id']], 16) . "</TD><TD CLASS='td_data'> " . $the_bull . "</TD>";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='td_data'> " . shorten($the_status, 16) . "</TD><TD CLASS='td_data'> " . $the_bull . "</TD>";
        $the_count = isset($calls[$row['callsign']]) ? $calls_nr[$row['callsign']] : "";
        // track records
        //		$the_time = (isset($calls[$row['callsign']]))? $calls_time[$row['callsign']]: $row['updated'];		// latest report time
        if (isset($calls[$row['callsign']])) {
            $the_time = $calls_time[$row['callsign']];
            $the_class = "aprs";
            $aprs = TRUE;
            // show legend
        } else {
            $the_time = $row['updated'];
            $the_class = "td_data";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='td_data' ALIGN='right'> " . $the_count . "</TD>";
        $sidebar_line .= "<TD CLASS='{$the_class}'>" . format_sb_date($the_time) . "</TD>";

		var do_map = true;		// default
        $temptype = $u_types[$row['type']];
        $the_type = $temptype[0];
        // 1/1/09
        $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
        //		$tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . shorten($row['name'], 48) . "</B> - " . $types[$row['type']] . "</TD></TR>";
        $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . shorten($row['name'], 48) . "</B> - " . $the_type . "</TD></TR>";
        $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
        //		$tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $status_vals[$row['un_status_id']] . " </TD></TR>";
        $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
        $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
        $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>Details:" . $totrack . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $toedit . "<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&view=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>View</U></A></TD></TR>";
        $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
        //		dump($row['callsign']);
        switch ($mode) {
            case 0:
                // not mobile
				do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $sidebar_line);
", i, <?php 
                print $row_tr['source'];
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            case 1:
                // stopped
            // stopped
            case 2:
                // moving
            // moving
            case 3:
                // fast
				do_sidebar ("<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $sidebar_line);
", i);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $last['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $last['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $last['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $last['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $last['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $last['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD>" . format_date($last['packet_date']) . "(UTC)</TD></TR>";
                //	6/16/08
                $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";

				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print $last['source'];
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            case 4:
                // mobile - no track
				do_sidebar_nm ("<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $sidebar_line);
", i, <?php 
                print $row['id'];
);	// special sidebar link - adds id for view
				var do_map = false;
                echo "mode error: {$mode}";
        // end switch
			if (do_map) {
				var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
        print $row['type'];
, i);	// (point,tabs, color, id)
			i++;				// zero-based
    // end major while ($row = ...) for each responder
    $aprs_legend = $aprs ? "<TD CLASS='aprs' ALIGN='center'>APRS time</TD>" : "<TD></TD>";
	if (!points) {		// any?
		map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
	else {
		center = bounds.getCenter();
		zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)-1;
	side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=6>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
	side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(i+1)%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=6 ALIGN='center'><B>M</B>obility:&nbsp;&nbsp; stopped: <FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;moving: <FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fast: <FONT COLOR='white'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;silent: <FONT COLOR='black'><B>&bull;</B></FONT></TD><?php 
    print $aprs_legend;
    if (!empty($addon)) {
        print "\n\tside_bar_html +=\"" . $addon . "\"\n";
    //	$temp = get_variable('auto_poll');
    //	$aprs_but = (intval($temp>0))? "<TR><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='button' value= 'APRS'  onClick ='do_aprs_window();'></TD></TR>": "";
    $aprs_but = "";
	side_bar_html += "<?php 
    print $aprs_but;
	document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML += side_bar_html;	// append the assembled side_bar_html contents to the side_bar div
function full_scr($sort_by_field = '', $sort_value = '')
    // list tickets ===================================================
    global $now_num, $now_day, $now_mon, $now_year, $monday, $disposition;
    if ($_SESSION['scr_width'] < 1300 && $_SESSION['scr_width'] > 1050) {
        //	4/5/11	sets shorten length depending on client screen width
        $shorten_length = 11;
    } elseif ($_SESSION['scr_width'] < 1050) {
        $shorten_length = 10;
    } elseif ($_SESSION['scr_width'] > 1300) {
        $shorten_length = 15;
    } else {
        $shorten_length = 10;
    $func = isset($func) ? $func : 0;
    global $istest;
    //	$dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');			// 4/2/09
    $cwi = get_variable('closed_interval');
    // closed window interval in hours
    $captions = array("Current situation", "Incidents closed today", "Incidents closed yesterday+", "Incidents closed this week", "Incidents closed last week", "Incidents closed last week+", "Incidents closed this month", "Incidents closed last month", "Incidents closed this year", "Incidents closed last year");
    $pri_buttons_width = (int) get_variable('map_width') * 0.2;
    $fac_buttons_width = (int) get_variable('map_width') * 0.4;
    $units_buttons_width = (int) get_variable('map_width') * 0.4;
    $heading = $captions[$func];
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $group = isset($_SESSION['group']) ? $_SESSION['group'] : 0;
    //	4/11/11
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `status` = {$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']} ";
    // 10/26/09
    $result_ct = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $num_closed = mysql_num_rows($result_ct);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `status` = {$GLOBALS['STATUS_SCHEDULED']} ";
    // 10/26/09
    $result_scheduled = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $num_scheduled = mysql_num_rows($result_scheduled);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    // 6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 6/10/11
    $al_groups = array();
    $al_names = "";
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        // 6/10/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 6/10/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            // 6/10/11
            $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
<!-- 3/29/11 DIVS Incident List & Assignments List -->

	<DIV ID = 'inc_list' style='width: 46%; position: fixed; top: 5%; left: 3%; z-index:3; display: block; border: 2px outset #CECECE;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px; '><?php 
    print get_text('Incidents');
<DIV style='float: right'>
	<SPAN id='collapse_ticks' onClick="hideDiv('inc_list', 'collapse_ticks', 'expand_ticks'); CngMenuClass('incs_but', 'right_menu');" style = "display: 'none';"><IMG SRC = './buttons/close.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'></SPAN></DIV></DIV>
	<DIV ID = 'incidents' style='background: #CECECE; width: 100%; max-height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; position: relative; z-index:2; display: block;'></DIV>		<!-- 3/24/11 List of current open incidents -->

	<DIV ID = 'assigns_list' style='width: 46%; position: fixed; top: 5%; right: 3%; z-index:3; display: block; border: 2px outset #CECECE;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Assignments');
<DIV style='float: right'>
	<SPAN id='collapse_ass' onClick="hideDiv('assigns_list', 'collapse_ass', 'expand_ass'); CngMenuClass('assign_but', 'right_menu');" style = "display: 'none';"><IMG SRC = './buttons/close.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'></SPAN></DIV></DIV>
	<DIV ID = 'assignments' style='background: #CECECE; width: 100%; max-height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; position: relative; z-index:2; display: block;'></DIV>		<!-- 3/24/11 List of current assignments -->

<!-- 3/29/11 DIVS for show hide side menu for lists and marker controls -->
	<DIV ID='side_menu_cont' class='right_menu_container' style='position: fixed; top: 10%; right: 0px;'>
	<BR />

	var text_size = window.screen.width > 1000 ? "16" : "12";

	var div_button1 = "<DIV ID='marker_but' CLASS='right_menu' style='font-size:" + text_size + "px' onMouseover=\"showDiv('buttons_sh', 'collapse_buttons', 'expand_buttons'); CngMenuClass('marker_but', 'right_menu_lit');\">M<BR />A<BR />R<BR />K<BR />E<BR />R<BR />S</DIV><BR />";
	var div_button2 = "<DIV ID='incs_but' CLASS='right_menu' style='font-size:" + text_size + "px' onMouseover=\"showDiv('inc_list', 'collapse_ticks', 'expand_ticks'); CngMenuClass('incs_but', 'right_menu_lit');\">I<BR />N<BR />C<BR />I<BR />D<BR />E<BR />N<BR />T<BR />S</DIV><BR />";
	var div_button3 = "<DIV ID='assign_but' CLASS='right_menu' style='font-size:" + text_size + "px' onMouseover=\"showDiv('assigns_list', 'collapse_ass', 'expand_ass'); CngMenuClass('assign_but', 'right_menu_lit');\">A<BR />S<BR />S<BR />I<BR />G<BR />N<BR />M<BR />E<BR />N<BR />T<BR />S</DIV><BR />";
	document.write (div_button1);
	document.write (div_button2);
	document.write (div_button3);

<!-- 3/29/11 Marker controls -->	
	<DIV ID = 'buttons_sh' class='fs_buttons' style='display: none; background: #CECECE; width: 300px; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: hidden; position: fixed; right: 10%; top: 20%; z-index:4; border: 3px outset #505050;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'>Show / Hide Markers<DIV style='float: right'><SPAN id='collapse_buttons' STYLE = 'text-align: right' onClick="hideDiv('buttons_sh', 'collapse_buttons', 'expand_buttons'); CngMenuClass('marker_but', 'right_menu');"><IMG SRC = './buttons/close.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'></SPAN></DIV></DIV>
	<DIV ID = 'incidents_sh' style='display: block; position: relative; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px; ' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Incidents');
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('normal'); hideGroup(1, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_blue.png' STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;Normal: <input type=checkbox id='normal'  onClick="set_pri_chkbox('normal')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('medium'); hideGroup(2, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_green.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Medium: <input type=checkbox id='medium'  onClick="set_pri_chkbox('medium')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('high'); hideGroup(3, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_red.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>&nbsp;&nbsp;High: <input type=checkbox id='high'  onClick="set_pri_chkbox('high')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' ID = 'pri_all' class='pri_button' STYLE = 'display: none;' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('all'); hideGroup(4, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_blue.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_green.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_red.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>All <input type=checkbox id='all'  STYLE = 'display:none;' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('all')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' ID = 'pri_none' class='pri_button' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('none'); hideGroup(5, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_white.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'> None <input type=checkbox id='none' STYLE = 'display:none;' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('none')"/></DIV></b>
	</DIV><BR />
	<DIV ID = 'units_sh' style='display: block; position: relative; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Units');
	<DIV ID = 'boxes' style='position: relative; padding: 3px;'></DIV>		<!-- 2/16/11 Units show and hide -->
	</DIV><BR />
	<DIV ID = 'facs_sh' style='display: block; position: relative; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Facilities');
	<DIV ID = 'fac_boxes' style='position: relative; padding: 3px;'></DIV>		<!-- 2/16/11 Facilities show and hide -->
	</DIV><BR />

	<DIV ID = 'bottom_bar' class='td_fs_buttons' style='display: table-cell; position: fixed; bottom: 0%; left: 0%; width: 100%; z-index: 3; height: 5%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 5px; border-top: 4px outset #CECECE;'>
	<B><NOBR>	<!-- 2/16/11 Change CSS classes -->
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick='maxWindow();'><U>Full screen</U></SPAN>
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick='doGrid()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 60px'><U>Grid</U></SPAN>
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick='doTraffic()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 60px'><U>Traffic</U></SPAN>
    //		if(((!empty($num_closed)) && ($num_closed > 0)) || ($num_scheduled > 0)) {					// 10/26/09  added button, 10/21/09 added check for closed incidents on the database, 3/29/11 added scheduled runs option
    echo "<SPAN class='fs_buttons' STYLE =  'margin-left: 60px'><U>Change display</U>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;</SPAN>";
    echo "\n\t\t <SELECT NAME = 'frm_interval' onChange = 'document.to_all.func.value=this.value; show_btns_closed();'>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='99' SELECTED>Select</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='0'>Current situation</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='1'>Incidents closed today</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='2'>Incidents closed yesterday+</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='3'>Incidents closed this week</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='4'>Incidents closed last week</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='5'>Incidents closed last week+</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='6'>Incidents closed this month</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='7'>Incidents closed last month</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='8'>Incidents closed this year</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='9'>Incidents closed last year</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='10'>Scheduled Runs</OPTION>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</SELECT>\n";
    echo "<SPAN ID = 'btn_go' class='fs_buttons' onClick='document.to_all.submit()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 10px; display:none; color: #006600;'><U>Go</U></SPAN>";
    echo "<SPAN ID = 'btn_can' class='fs_buttons' onClick='hide_btns_closed()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 10px; display:none; color: #FF0000;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN>";
    //			}
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick = "opener.focus()" STYLE =  'margin-left: 60px'><U>Back</U></SPAN>
		<A HREF="mailto:shoreas@Gmail.com?subject=Comment%20on%20Tickets%20Dispatch%20System"><SPAN STYLE = 'margin-left: 20px; font-size:10px; '><U>Contact us</U> <IMG SRC="mail.png" BORDER="0" STYLE="vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-left: 10px;"></SPAN></A>
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick = "window.close();" STYLE =  'margin-left: 60px'><U>Close</U></SPAN>
		<FORM NAME='view_form' METHOD='get' ACTION='units.php'>
		<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='func' VALUE='responder'>
		<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='view' VALUE='true'>
		<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='id' VALUE=''>
	<DIV style='position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px, z-index: 1'>
	<TABLE BORDER=1 STYLE= "margin-top:0;">
		<TR CLASS='header'><TD COLSPAN='99' ALIGN='center'><FONT CLASS='header'><?php 
    print get_variable('map_caption') . " - " . $heading;
 <SPAN ID='sev_counts' STYLE = 'margin-left: 40px'></SPAN></FONT></TD></TR>	<!-- 1/17/09 -->

		<TR ID='map_row'>
			<TD COLSPAN='99' CLASS='td_label' width="100%" height="82%">

    $by_severity = array(0, 0, 0);
    // counters
			var map_width = window.screen.width -16;		// 11/6/10
			var map_height = window.screen.height *.82;		// browser-dependent
			var div_style_str = "<DIV ID='map' STYLE='WIDTH:" + map_width + "px; height:" + map_height + "px';></DIV>"
			document.write (div_style_str);
	function show_btns_closed() {
		$('btn_go').style.display = 'inline';
		$('btn_can').style.display = 'inline';
	function hide_btns_closed() {
		$('btn_go').style.display = 'none';
		$('btn_can').style.display = 'none';

		function isNull(val) {								// checks var stuff = null;
			return val === null;
		function to_str(instr) {			// 0-based conversion - 2/13/09
	//		alert("143 " + instr);
			function ord( string ) {
			    return (string+'').charCodeAt(0);
			function chr( ascii ) {
			    return String.fromCharCode(ascii);
			function to_char(val) {
			var lop = (instr % 26);													// low-order portion, a number
			var hop = ((instr - lop)==0)? "" : to_char(((instr - lop)/26)-1) ;		// high-order portion, a string
			return hop+to_char(lop);
		function sendRequest(url,callback,postData) {								// 2/14/09
			var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
			if (!req) return;
			var method = (postData) ? "POST" : "GET";
			if (postData)
			req.onreadystatechange = function () {
				if (req.readyState != 4) return;
				if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 304) {
    if ($istest) {
        print "\t\t\talert('HTTP error ' + req.status + '" . __LINE__ . "');\n";
			if (req.readyState == 4) return;
		var XMLHttpFactories = [
			function () {return new XMLHttpRequest()	},
			function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")	},
			function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")	},
			function () {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")	}
		function createXMLHTTPObject() {
			var xmlhttp = false;
			for (var i=0;i<XMLHttpFactories.length;i++) {
				try {
					xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i]();
				catch (e) {
			return xmlhttp;
	if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
		$("map").style.backgroundImage = "url('http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
    echo get_variable('map_width');
    echo get_variable('map_height');
    echo get_variable('gmaps_api_key');
		var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');

		function add_hash(in_str) { // prepend # if absent
			return (in_str.substr(0,1)=="#")? in_str : "#" + in_str;

		function drawCircle(lat, lng, radius, strokeColor, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity) {		// 8/19/09
	//		drawCircle(53.479874, -2.246704, 10.0, "#000080", 1, 0.75, "#0000FF", .5);

			var d2r = Math.PI/180;
			var r2d = 180/Math.PI;
			var Clat = radius * 0.014483;
			var Clng = Clat/Math.cos(lat * d2r);
			var Cpoints = [];
			for (var i=0; i < 33; i++) {
				var theta = Math.PI * (i/16);
				Cy = lat + (Clat * Math.sin(theta));
				Cx = lng + (Clng * Math.cos(theta));
				var P = new GPoint(Cx,Cy);
			var polygon = new GPolygon(Cpoints, strokeColor, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity);
		function drawBanner(point, html, text, font_size, color) {        // Create the banner
		//	alert("<?php 
    echo __LINE__;
 " + color);
			var invisibleIcon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON, "./markers/markerTransparent.png");      // Custom icon is identical to the default icon, except invisible

			map.setCenter(point, 8);
			map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
			map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
			var the_color = (typeof color == 'undefined')? "#000000" : color ;	// default to black

			var style_str = 'background-color:transparent;font-weight:bold;border:0px black solid;white-space:nowrap; font-size:' + font_size + 'px; font-family:arial; opacity: 0.9; color:' + add_hash(the_color) + ';';

			var contents = '<div><div style= "' + style_str + '">'+text+'<\/div><\/div>';
			var label=new ELabel(point, contents, null, new GSize(-8,4), 75, 1);
			var marker = new GMarker(point,invisibleIcon);	        // Create an invisible GMarker
		//	map.addOverlay(marker);
			}				// end function draw Banner()		

		function do_landb() {				// JS function - 8/1/11
			var points = new Array();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `line_status` = 0 AND `use_with_bm` = 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, $query, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $empty = FALSE;
        $name = $row['line_name'];
        switch ($row['line_type']) {
            case "p":
                // poly
                $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                echo "\n\tvar points = new Array();\n";
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
                    $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
							var thepoint = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $coords[0];
, <?php 
                    print $coords[1];
                // end for ($i = 0 ... )
                if (intval($filled) == 1 && count($points) > 2) {
							var polyline = new GPolygon(points,add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
                    print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $fill_opacity;
                } else {
							var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
            case "c":
                // circle
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $radius = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                $lat = $coords[0];
                $lng = $coords[1];
                $fill_opacity = intval($filled) == 0 ? 0 : $fill_opacity;
                echo "\n drawCircle({$lat}, {$lng}, {$radius}, add_hash('{$line_color}'), {$line_width}, {$line_opacity}, add_hash('{$fill_color}'), {$fill_opacity}, {$name}); // 513\n";
            case "t":
                // text banner
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $banner = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                echo "\n var point = new GLatLng(parseFloat({$coords[0]}) , parseFloat({$coords[1]}));\n";
                $the_banner = htmlentities($banner, ENT_QUOTES);
                $the_width = intval(trim($line_width), 10);
                // font size
                echo "\n drawBanner( point, '{$the_banner}', '{$the_banner}', {$the_width});\n";
        // end switch
    // end while ()
    unset($query, $result);
			}		// end function do_landb()
		function URLEncode(plaintext ) {					// The Javascript escape and unescape functions do
															// NOT correspond with what browsers actually do...
			var SAFECHARS = "0123456789" +					// Numeric
							"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +	// guess
							"-_.!*'()";					// RFC2396 Mark characters
			var HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF";
			var encoded = "";
			for (var i = 0; i < plaintext.length; i++ ) {
				var ch = plaintext.charAt(i);
				if (ch == " ") {
					encoded += "+";				// x-www-urlencoded, rather than %20
				} else if (SAFECHARS.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
					encoded += ch;
				} else {
					var charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);
					if (charCode > 255) {
						alert( "Unicode Character '"
								+ ch
								+ "' cannot be encoded using standard URL encoding.\n" +
								  "(URL encoding only supports 8-bit characters.)\n" +
								  "A space (+) will be substituted." );
						encoded += "+";
					} else {
						encoded += "%";
						encoded += HEX.charAt((charCode >> 4) & 0xF);
						encoded += HEX.charAt(charCode & 0xF);
				} 			// end for(...)
			return encoded;
			};			// end function					

//	Tickets show / hide by Priority functions

	function set_initial_pri_disp() {
		$('normal').checked = true;
		$('medium').checked = true;
		$('high').checked = true;
		$('all').checked = true;
		$('none').checked = false;
		$('buttons_sh').style.display = 'none';
		$('incidents').style.display = '';
		$('assignments').style.display = '';		

	function hideGroup(color, category) {			// 8/7/09 Revised function to correct incorrect display, revised 12/03/10 completely revised
		var priority = color;
		var priority_name="";
		if(priority == 1) {
		if(priority == 2) {
		if(priority == 3) {
		if(priority == 4) {

		if(priority == 5) {

		if(priority == 1) {
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id == priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id != priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {

					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = true;
			$('medium').checked = false;
			$('high').checked = false;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 1
		if(priority == 2) {
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id == priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id != priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {

					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = false;
			$('medium').checked = true;
			$('high').checked = false;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 2
		if(priority == 3) {
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id == priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id != priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {

					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = false;
			$('medium').checked = false;
			$('high').checked = true;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 3
		if(priority == 4) {		//	show All
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if (gmarkers[i].category == category) {
					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = true;
			$('medium').checked = true;
			$('high').checked = true;
			$('all').checked = true;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = 'none';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 4
		if(priority == 5) {		// hide all
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if (gmarkers[i].category == category) {
					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = false;
			$('medium').checked = false;
			$('high').checked = false;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = true;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = 'none';
			}	//	end if priority == 5
		}			// end function hideGroup(color, category)

	function set_pri_chkbox(control) {
		var pri_control = control;
		if($(pri_control).checked == true) {
			$(pri_control).checked = false;
			} else {
			$(pri_control).checked = true;

//	End of Tickets show / hide by Priority functions		

// 	Units show / hide functions				
	function set_categories() {			//	12/03/10 - checks current session values and sets checkboxes and view states for hide and show.
		var curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_category_butts());
		var cat_sess_stat = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_session_status());
		var hidden = <?php 
    print find_hidden();
		var shown = <?php 
    print find_showing();
		var number_of_units = <?php 
    print get_no_units();
		if(hidden!=0) {
			$('ALL').style.display = '';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('ALL').checked = false;	
		} else {			
			$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL').checked = false;
		if(shown!=0) {
			$('NONE').style.display = '';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('NONE').checked = false;	

		} else {
			$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE').checked = false;
		if(number_of_units==0) {
			$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL').checked = false;
			$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE').checked = false;				
		for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
			var catname = curr_cats[i];
			if(cat_sess_stat[i]=="s") {
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == catname)) {
				$(catname).checked = true;
			} else {
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == catname)) {
				$(catname).checked = false;

	function do_view_cats() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('go_can').style.display = 'inline';
		$('can_button').style.display = 'inline';
		$('go_button').style.display = 'inline';

	function cancel_buttons() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('go_can').style.display = 'none';
		$('can_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('ALL').checked = false;
		$('NONE').checked = false;

	function set_chkbox(control) {
		var units_control = control;
		if($(units_control).checked == true) {
			$(units_control).checked = false;
			} else {
			$(units_control).checked = true;

	function do_go_button() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories
		var curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_category_butts());
		if ($('ALL').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
				$(category).checked = true;				
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category!="Incident")) {				
				$('ALL').checked = false;
				$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
				$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';				
				$('NONE').style.display = '';
				$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('can_button').style.display = 'none';				

		} else if ($('NONE').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);	
				$(category).checked = false;				
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category!="Incident")) {
				$('NONE').checked = false;
				$('ALL').style.display = '';
				$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
				$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';					
				$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('can_button').style.display = 'none';
		} else {
			var x = 0;
			var y = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				if (category!="Incident") {
					if ($(category).checked == true) {
						var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
						var url = "persist2.php";
						sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
						$(category).checked = true;			
						for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
							if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == category)) {	
//								alert("Showing gmarker " + j + " in Category " + category);
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				if (category!="Incident") {				
					if ($(category).checked == false) {
						var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
						var url = "persist2.php";
						sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
						$(category).checked = false;
						var y=0;
						for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
							if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == category)) {
//								alert("Hiding gmarker " + j + " in Category " + category);							

		$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('can_button').style.display = 'none';

		if((x > 0) && (x < curr_cats.length)) {
			$('ALL').style.display = '';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('NONE').style.display = '';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
		if(x == 0) {
			$('ALL').style.display = '';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
		if(x == curr_cats.length) {
			$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE').style.display = '';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';

	}	// end function do_go_button()

	function gb_handleResult(req) {							// 12/03/10	The persist callback function

// Facilities show / hide functions		

	function set_fac_categories() {			//	12/03/10 - checks current session values and sets checkboxes and view states for hide and show.
		var fac_curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_fac_category_butts());
		var fac_cat_sess_stat = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_fac_session_status());
		var fac_hidden = <?php 
    print find_fac_hidden();
		var fac_shown = <?php 
    print find_fac_showing();
		if(fac_hidden!=0) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL').checked = false;	
		} else {			
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_ALL').checked = false;
		if(fac_shown!=0) {
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE').checked = false;
		} else {
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE').checked = false;
		for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
			var fac_catname = fac_curr_cats[i];
			if(fac_cat_sess_stat[i]=="s") {
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if (fmarkers[j].category == fac_catname) {
				$(fac_catname).checked = true;
			} else {
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if (fmarkers[j].category == fac_catname) {
				$(fac_catname).checked = false;

	function do_view_fac_cats() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('fac_go_can').style.display = 'inline';
		$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'inline';
		$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'inline';

	function fac_cancel_buttons() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('fac_go_can').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_ALL').checked = false;
		$('fac_NONE').checked = false;

	function set_fac_chkbox(control) {
		var fac_control = control;
		if($(fac_control).checked == true) {
			$(fac_control).checked = false;
			} else {
			$(fac_control).checked = true;

	function do_go_facilities_button() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories
		var fac_curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_fac_category_butts());
		if ($('fac_ALL').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
				$(fac_category).checked = true;				
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if(fmarkers[j].category != "Incident") {				
				$('fac_ALL').checked = false;
				$('fac_ALL').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';				
				$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
				$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';

		} else if ($('fac_NONE').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);	
				$(fac_category).checked = false;				
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if(fmarkers[j].category != "Incident") {
				$('fac_NONE').checked = false;
				$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
				$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('fac_NONE').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';					
				$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';
		} else {
			var x = 0;
			var y = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {

				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];
				if ($(fac_category).checked == true) {
					var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
					var url = "persist2.php";
					sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
					$(fac_category).checked = true;			
					for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
						if(fmarkers[j].category == fac_category) {			
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];				
				if ($(fac_category).checked == false) {
					var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
					var url = "persist2.php";
					sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
					$(fac_category).checked = false;
					var y=0;
					for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
						if(fmarkers[j].category == fac_category) {			

		var hidden = <?php 
    print find_hidden();
		var shown = <?php 
    print find_showing();

		$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';

		if((x > 0) && (x < fac_curr_cats.length)) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
		if(x == 0) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
		if(x == fac_curr_cats.length) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';

	}	// end function do_go_button()

	function gfb_handleResult(req) {							// 12/03/10	The persist callback function

// end of facilities show / hide function

		function hideDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/29/11, function forhiding DIVS for control areas
			var divarea = div_area 
			var hide_cont = hide_cont 
			var show_cont = show_cont 
			if($(divarea)) {
				$(divarea).style.display = 'none';

		function showDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/29/11, function for showing DIVS for control areas
			var divarea = div_area
			var hide_cont = hide_cont 
			var show_cont = show_cont 
			if($(divarea)) {
				$(divarea).style.display = '';
		var starting = false;

		function check_sidemenu() {
			if($('inc_list').style.display=="block") {
			if($('buttons_sh').style.display=="block") {
			if($('assigns_list').style.display=="block") {
		function myclick(id) {					// 3/29/11	For incident list clicks to launch infoWindow
			GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");
			location.href = "#top";
		function do_mail_fac_win(id) {			// Facility email 9/22/09
			if(starting) {return;}					
			var url = "do_fac_mail.php?fac_id=" + id;	
			newwindow_in=window.open (url, 'Email_Window',  'titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=300,width=600,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=50,top=150,screenX=100,screenY=300');
			if (isNull(newwindow_in)) {
				alert ("This requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
			starting = false;
		function do_show_Units() {
			var params = "f_n=show_hide_unit&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(basename(__FILE__) . __LINE__);
";					// flag 1, value s
			var url = "persist.php";
			sendRequest (url, s_handleResult, params);	// ($to_str, $text, $ticket_id)   10/15/08
			}			// end function do notify()
		function s_handleResult(req) {					// the 'called-back' persist function - show
		function createMarker(point, tabs, color, stat, id, sym, category) {					// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
			points = true;
			var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
			var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + sym;				// 1/6/09
			icon.image = icon_url;
			var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
			marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide
			marker.category = category;		// 12/03/10 for show / hide by status	
			marker.stat = stat;				// 10/21/09
			GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {					// here for icon click
//				if (ticket_ids[(id-1)]) {
//					open_tick_window (ticket_ids[(id-1)]);
//					}
//				else {
					which = id;
					setTimeout(function() {											// wait for rendering complete - 11/6/08
						if ($("detailmap")) {				// 10/9/08
							var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
							var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
							detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
							detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
						else {
						},3000);				// end setTimeout(...)
					});				// end function(marker, point)
			gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side_bar click function
			infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
			if (!(map_is_fixed)){
			return marker;
			}				// end function create Marker()
		function createdummyMarker(point, tabs, id) {					// Creates dummymarker and sets up click event infowindow for "no maps" added tickets and units. 7/28/10 
			points = true;
			var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
			var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";				// 7/28/10
			icon.image = icon_url;

			var dummymarker = new GMarker(point, icon);

			GEvent.addListener(dummymarker, "click", function() {

				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);
					else {
	//					alert($("detailmap"));
					},3000);				// end setTimeout(...)

			gmarkers[id] = dummymarker;							// marker to array for side_bar click function
			infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
			if (!(map_is_fixed)){
			return dummymarker;
			}				// end function create dummyMarker()			
		var the_grid;
		var grid = false;
		function doGrid() {
			if (grid) {
			else {
				the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
			grid = !grid;
			}			// end function doGrid
	    var trafficInfo = new GTrafficOverlay();
	    var toggleState = true;
		function doTraffic() {				// 10/16/08
			if (toggleState) {
			else {
	        toggleState = !toggleState;			// swap
		    }				// end function doTraffic()
		var icons=[];						// note globals
		icons[0] = 											 4;	// units white
+1] = 1;	// blue
+1] = 2;	// yellow
+1] =  3;	// red
+2] =  0;	// black
		var map;
		var center;
		var zoom;
		var points = false;
    $dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');
    print "\tvar map_is_fixed = ";
    print $dzf == 1 || $dzf == 3 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
    $kml_olays = array();
    $dir = "./kml_files";
    $dh = opendir($dir);
    $i = 1;
    $temp = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $temp[count($temp) - 1] = "kml_files";
    $server_str = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . implode("/", $temp) . "/";
    while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
        if (!is_dir($filename)) {
            echo "\tvar kml_" . $i . " = new GGeoXml(\"" . $server_str . $filename . "\");\n";
            $kml_olays[] = "map.addOverlay(kml_" . $i . ");";
    //	dump ($kml_olays);
	function do_mail_win() {			// 6/13/09
		if(starting) {return;}					
		newwindow_um=window.open('do_unit_mail.php', 'E_mail_Window',  'titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=640,width=800,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=50,top=150,screenX=100,screenY=300');
		if (isNull(newwindow_um)) {
			alert ("This requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
		starting = false;
	function open_tick_window (id) {				// 4/12/10
		var url = "single.php?ticket_id="+ id;
		var tickWindow = window.open(url, 'mailWindow', 'resizable=1, scrollbars, height=600, width=600, left=100,top=100,screenX=100,screenY=100');
	function do_add_note (id) {				// 8/12/09
		var url = "add_note.php?ticket_id="+ id;
		var noteWindow = window.open(url, 'mailWindow', 'resizable=1, scrollbars, height=240, width=600, left=100,top=100,screenX=100,screenY=100');
	function do_track(callsign) {		
		if (parent.frames["upper"].logged_in()) {
	//		if(starting) {return;}					// 6/6/08
	//		starting=true;
			var width = <?php 
    print get_variable('map_width');
			var spec ="titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=640,width=" + width + ",status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300";
			var url = "track_u.php?source="+callsign;
			newwindow=window.open(url, callsign,  spec);
			if (isNull(newwindow)) {
				alert ("Track display requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
	//		starting = false;
		}				// end function do track()
	//function do_popup(id) {					// added 7/9/09
	//	if (parent.frames["upper"].logged_in()) {
	//		map.closeInfoWindow();
	//		var width = <?php 
    print get_variable('map_width');
	//		var spec ="titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=590,width=" + width + ",status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300";
	//		var url = "incident_popup.php?id="+id;
	//		newwindow=window.open(url, id, spec);
	//		if (isNull(newwindow)) {
	//			alert ("Popup Incident display requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
	//			return;
	//			}
	////		starting = false;
	//		newwindow.focus();
	//		}
	//	}				// end function do popup()
		var ticket_ids = [];
		var gmarkers = [];
		var fmarkers = [];
		var infoTabs = [];
		var facinfoTabs = [];
		var which;
		var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
		map = new GMap2($("map"));		// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    // 08/02/09
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
//		map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());					// 8/25/08
		map.setUIToDefault();									// 8/13/10

		map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
		map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		mapBounds=new GLatLngBounds(map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), map.getBounds().getNorthEast());		// 4/4/09
		var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create  bounding box
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {
		do_landb();				// 7/3/11 - show lines		
		var baseIcon = new GIcon();
		baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";		// ./markers/sm_shadow.png
		baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
		baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
		baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
		baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
		baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
		GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom
    $order_by = !empty($get_sortby) ? $get_sortby : $_SESSION['sortorder'];
    // use default sort order?
    //fix limits according to setting "ticket_per_page"
    $limit = "";
    if ($_SESSION['ticket_per_page'] && check_for_rows("SELECT id FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`") > $_SESSION['ticket_per_page']) {
        if ($_GET['offset']) {
            $limit = "LIMIT {$_GET['offset']},{$_SESSION['ticket_per_page']}";
        } else {
            $limit = "LIMIT 0,{$_SESSION['ticket_per_page']}";
    $restrict_ticket = get_variable('restrict_user_tickets') == 1 && !is_administrator() ? " AND owner={$_SESSION['user_id']}" : "";
    $time_back = mysql_format_date(time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60 - $cwi * 3600);
    if (!isset($_POST['frm_group'])) {
        $x = 0;
        $where2 = "AND (";
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        $where2 = "AND (";
        foreach ($_POST['frm_group'] as $grp) {
            $where3 = count($_POST['frm_group']) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    switch ($func) {
        //9/29/09 Added capability for Special Incidents 10/27/09 changed to bring scheduled incidents to front when due.
        case 0:
            $where = "WHERE (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_OPEN']}' OR (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_SCHEDULED']}' AND `booked_date` <= (NOW() + INTERVAL 2 DAY)) OR \n\t\t\t\t\t(`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']}'  AND `problemend` >= '{$time_back}')){$where2}";
            //	11/29/10, 6/10/11, 6/10/11
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
        case 8:
        case 9:
            $the_start = get_start($func);
            // mysql timestamp format
            $the_end = get_end($func);
            $where = " WHERE (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']}' AND `problemend` BETWEEN '{$the_start}' AND '{$the_end}') {$where2} ";
            //	6/10/11, 6/10/11
        case 10:
            $where = "WHERE (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_SCHEDULED']}' AND `booked_date` >= (NOW() + INTERVAL 2 DAY)) {$where2}";
            //	11/29/10, 6/10/11, 6/10/11
            print "error - error - error - error " . __LINE__;
            //				default: $where = "WHERE `status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_OPEN']}' OR (`status`='3'  AND `booked_date` <= (NOW() - INTERVAL 6 HOUR))"; break;
    // end switch($func)
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS `problemstart`, \n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS `problemend`,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS `date`,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.updated) AS `updated`, \n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id` AS `ticket_id`, \n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`severity` AS `severity`, \t\t\t\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types`.type AS `type`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types`.`id` AS `t_id`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.street AS `tick_street`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.city AS `tick_city`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.state AS `tick_state`,\t\t\t\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.lat AS `lat`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.lng AS `lng`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.lat AS `fac_lat`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.lng AS `fac_lng`, \n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`name` AS `fac_name` \n\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.id=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`resource_id`\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.in_types_id=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types`.`id` \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.rec_facility=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`id` \n\t\t\t{$where} {$restrict_ticket} \n\t\t\t GROUP BY ticket_id ORDER BY `status` DESC, `severity` DESC, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id` ASC";
    // 2/2/09, 10/28/09
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $curr_incs = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $sb_indx = 0;
    // note zero base!
    // major while ... starts here
//	3/29/11 Incident List sidebar header
			var sidebar_line = "<DIV style='width: 100%;'>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_space odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";	
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_space odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_1 odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Incident</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_type odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Type</B></DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_1 odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Addr</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_date odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Start</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_dur odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Duration</B></DIV></DIV></DIV><BR />";			
    $evenodd = array("even", "odd");
    // CLASS names for alternating table row colors
    if ($curr_incs > 0) {
        $z = 0;
        while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
            $z == 0 ? $background_col = "even" : ($background_col = "odd");
            print "\t\t ticket_ids.push({$row['ticket_id']});\n";
            switch ($row['status']) {
                //10/27/09 to Add star to scheduled incidents on current situation screen
                case 1:
                    $sp = "";
                case 2:
                    $sp = "";
                case 3:
                    $sp = "*";
                    $sp = "";
            print "\t\tvar scheduled = '{$sp}';\n";
		//		var sym = i.toString();						// for sidebar and icon
				var sym = scheduled + (<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
+1).toString();					// for sidebar and icon
            $the_id = $row[0];
            if ($row['tick_descr'] == '') {
                $row['tick_descr'] = '[no description]';
            // 8/12/09
            if (get_variable('abbreviate_description')) {
                //do abbreviations on description, affected if neccesary
                if (strlen($row['tick_descr']) > get_variable('abbreviate_description')) {
                    $row['tick_descr'] = substr($row['tick_descr'], 0, get_variable('abbreviate_description')) . '...';
            if (get_variable('abbreviate_affected')) {
                if (strlen($row['affected']) > get_variable('abbreviate_affected')) {
                    $row['affected'] = substr($row['affected'], 0, get_variable('abbreviate_affected')) . '...';
            switch ($row['severity']) {
                //color tickets by severity
                case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']:
                    $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
                case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
                    $severityclass = 'severity_high';
                    $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
            $street = empty($row['tick_street']) ? "" : $row['tick_street'] . "<BR/>" . $row['tick_city'] . " " . $row['state'];
            $todisp = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;<A HREF='routes.php?ticket_id=" . $the_id . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>";
            // 8/2/08
            $now = now();
            if ($row['status'] == $GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']) {
                $strike = "<strike>";
                $strikend = "</strike>";
            } else {
                $strike = $strikend = "";
            $index_no = $sb_indx + 1;
				//	3/29/11 Incident List sidebar				
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_space <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('* means the incident is a scheduled one')\"><?php 
            print $strike;
            print $index_no;
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_space <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('* means the incident is a scheduled one')\"><?php 
            print $strike;
            print $sp;
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_1 <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print $row['scope'];
            print $strike;
            print shorten($row['scope'], $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_type <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print $row['type'];
            print $strike;
            print shorten($row['type'], $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_1 <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print $row['tick_street'] . " " . $row['tick_city'] . " " . $row['tick_state'];
            print $strike;
            print shorten($row['tick_street'] . ' ' . $row['tick_city'] . " " . $row['tick_state'], $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_date <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print format_date($row['problemstart']);
            print $strike;
            print shorten(format_date($row['problemstart']), $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_dur <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print my_date_diff($row['problemstart'], $now);
            print $strike;
            print shorten(my_date_diff($row['problemstart'], $now), $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;

            $rand = $istest ? "&rand=" . chr(rand(65, 90)) : "";
            // 10/21/08
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>{$strike}" . shorten($row['scope'], 48) . "{$strikend}</B></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            if (good_date($row['booked_date'])) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Booked Date:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['booked_date']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Reported by:</TD><TD>" . shorten($row['contact'], 32) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Phone:</TD><TD>" . format_phone($row['phone']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Addr:</TD><TD>" . $row['tick_street'] . ' ' . $row['tick_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
            $end_date = intval($row['problemend']) > 1 ? $row['problemend'] : time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
            $elapsed = my_date_diff($row['problemstart'], $end_date);
            // 5/13/10
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='left'>Status:</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_status($row['status']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;({$elapsed})</TD></TR>";
            // 3/27/10
            if (!empty($row['fac_name'])) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Receiving Facility:</TD><TD>" . shorten($row['fac_name'], 30) . "</TD></TR>";
            $utm = get_variable('UTM');
            if ($utm == 1) {
                $coords = $row['lat'] . "," . $row['lng'];
                // 8/12/09
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>UTM grid:</TD><TD>" . toUTM($coords) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            // 11/6/08
            $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin'  width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            // 8/12/09
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD ALIGN='left'>Description:</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . replace_quotes(shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['tick_descr']), 48)) . "</TD></TR>";
            // str_replace("\r\n", " ", $my_string)
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'>\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text('Disposition') . ":</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . replace_quotes(shorten($row['comments'], 48)) . "</TD></TR>";
            // 8/13/09, 3/15/11
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD ALIGN='left'>911 contact:</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . replace_quotes(shorten($row['nine_one_one'], 48)) . "</TD></TR>";
            // 6/26/10
            $locale = get_variable('locale');
            // 08/03/09
            switch ($locale) {
                case "0":
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD>USNG:</TD><TD>" . LLtoUSNG($row['lat'], $row['lng']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                case "1":
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD>OSGB:</TD><TD>" . LLtoOSGB($row['lat'], $row['lng']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                case "2":
                    $coords = $row['lat'] . "," . $row['lng'];
                    // 8/12/09
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD>UTM:</TD><TD>" . toUTM($coords) . "</TD></TR>";
                    // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                    print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
            //		$tab_2 .= "<TR>					<TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR>\t\t\t\t\t<TD COLSPAN=2>" . show_assigns(0, $the_id) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
            // 11/6/08
            $query = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}action WHERE `ticket_id` = " . $the_id;
            $resultav = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql_query', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $A = mysql_affected_rows();
            $query = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}patient WHERE `ticket_id` = " . $the_id;
            $resultav = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql_query', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $P = mysql_affected_rows();
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
            print nl2brr(shorten($row['scope'], 12));
", "<?php 
            print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
            print str_replace($eols, " ", $tab_2);
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
				var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
            print $row['lat'];
, <?php 
            print $row['lng'];
);	// for each ticket
				if (!(map_is_fixed)){																// 4/3/09
				var category = "Incident";

				var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
            print $row['severity'] + 1;
, 0, i, sym, category);	// (point,tabs, color, id, sym) - 1/6/09
				var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";
					i++;				// step the index				
            if (intval($row['radius']) > 0) {
                $color = substr($row['color'], 0, 1) == "#" ? $row['color'] : "#000000";
                // black default
		//		drawCircle(				38.479874, 				-78.246704, 						50.0, 					"#000080",						 1, 		0.75,	 "#0000FF", 					.2);
				drawCircle(	<?php 
                print $row['lat'];
, <?php 
                print $row['lng'];
, <?php 
                print $row['radius'];
, "<?php 
                print $color;
", 1, 0.75, "<?php 
                print $color;
", .<?php 
                print $row['opacity'];
            // end if (intval($row['radius'])
            $z == 0 ? $z = 1 : ($z = 0);
        // end tickets while ($row = ...)
    } else {
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='even' style='width: 100%;'><DIV style='text-align: center; color: #FF0000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;'>No Current Incidents for selected time period</DIV></DIV><BR />";
    $sev_string = "Severities: normal ({$by_severity[$GLOBALS['SEVERITY_NORMAL']]}), Medium ({$by_severity[$GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']]}), High ({$by_severity[$GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']]})";
			$('sev_counts').innerHTML = "<?php 
    print $sev_string;
			$('incidents').innerHTML = sidebar_line;	//	incident list to sidebar

var sidebar_line = "";
    // ========================================== 3/29/11 ASSIGNMENTS start    ================================================
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
        //	6/10/11
        $curr_viewed = explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    if (!isset($curr_viewed)) {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "AND (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "AND (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($curr_viewed as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($curr_viewed) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(as_of) AS as_of,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`id` AS `assign_id` ,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`comments` AS `assign_comments`,\n\t\t`u`.`user` AS `theuser`, `t`.`scope` AS `tick_scope`,\n\t\t`t`.`description` AS `tick_descr`,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`t`.`problemstart`) AS `tick_pstart`,\n\t\t`t`.`problemstart` AS `problemstart`,\t\t\n\t\t`t`.`status` AS `tick_status`,\n\t\t`t`.`street` AS `tick_street`,\n\t\t`t`.`city` AS `tick_city`,\n\t\t`t`.`state` AS `tick_state`,\t\t\t\n\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`,\n\t\t`r`.`name` AS `unit_name` ,\n\t\t`r`.`type` AS `unit_type` ,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`as_of` AS `assign_as_of`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`clear` AS `clear`\t\t\n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` `t` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}user` `u` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`user_id` = `u`.`id`)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`\t`r` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = `r`.`id`)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\t\n\t\t\tWHERE (`clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00') {$where2}   \n\t\tGROUP BY `unit_id` ORDER BY `severity` DESC, `tick_pstart` ASC";
    //			dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $curr_calls = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $guest = is_guest();
    $user = is_user();
    $doUnit = $guest || $user ? "viewU" : "editU";
    // 5/11/10
    $doTick = $guest ? "viewT" : "editT";
    // 06/26/08
    $now = time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
    $items = mysql_affected_rows();
    $tags_arr = explode("/", get_variable('disp_stat'));
    // 8/29/10
    $TBL_INC_PERC = 50;
    // incident group - four columns  -  50 percent as default
    $TBL_UNIT_PERC = 35;
    // unit group,
    $COLS_INCID = 18;
    // incident name -  18 characters as default
    $COLS_OPENED = 16;
    // date/time opened -  0 characters as default
    $COLS_DESCR = 32;
    // incident description -  32 characters as default
    $COLS_ADDR = 32;
    // address -  32 characters as default
    $COLS_UNIT = 15;
    // unit name
    $COLS_ASOF = 9;
    // call as-of date/time -  9 characters as default
    $priorities = array("", "severity_medium", "severity_high");
    if ($curr_calls > 0) {
//	3/29/11 Assignments List sidebar header
			sidebar_line += "<DIV style='font-size: 12px; color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF;'>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'c1 odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Incident</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'cdate odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Inc Start</B></DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'c1 odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Synopsis</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'c1 odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Addr</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'cspace odd'><DIV class='incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'unit_n odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Unit</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'unit_d odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>&nbsp</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'unit_s odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Unit St</B></DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "</DIV><BR />";
        $w = 0;
        $unit_ids = array();
        $i = 1;
        $evenodd = array("even", "odd");
        // CLASS names for alternating table row colors
        while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
            //	While for Assignments
            //	============================= Regions stuff
            $query_un = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 2 AND `resource_id` = '{$row['unit_id']}' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
            // 5/4/11
            $result_un = mysql_query($query_un);
            // 5/4/11
            $un_groups = array();
            while ($row_un = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_un))) {
                // 5/4/11
                $un_groups[] = $row_un['group'];
            //				dump($row);
            $inviewed = 0;
            //	5/4/11
            foreach ($un_groups as $un_val) {
                if (in_array($un_val, $al_groups)) {
            //	============================= end of Regions stuff
            $w == 0 ? $bg_color_class = "even" : ($bg_color_class = "odd");
            $in_strike = !empty($row['scope']) && $row['tick_status'] == $GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED'] ? "<STRIKE>" : "";
            // 11/7/08
            $in_strikend = !empty($row['scope']) && $row['tick_status'] == $GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED'] ? "</STRIKE>" : "";
            if ($inviewed > 0) {
                //	Tests to see whether assigned unit is in one of the users groups 5/4/11
                if (!empty($row['scope'])) {
                    $the_name = addslashes($row['tick_scope']);
                    // 9/12/09
                    $the_short_name = shorten($row['tick_scope'], $shorten_length);
                    $the_descr = empty($row['tick_descr']) ? "&nbsp;" : addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['tick_descr']));
                    $the_short_one = empty($row['tick_descr']) ? "&nbsp; " : shorten(addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['tick_descr'])), $shorten_length);
                    $address = empty($row['tick_street']) ? "&nbsp;" : $row['tick_street'] . ", ";
                    // 8/10/10
                    $address = addslashes($address . $row['tick_city'] . "&nbsp;" . $row['tick_state']);
                    $short_addr = shorten($address, $shorten_length);
//	3/29/11 Assignments List sidebar					
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c1 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('[#<?php 
                    print $row['ticket_id'];
] <?php 
                    print $the_name;
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print $in_strike;
                    print $the_short_name;
                    print $in_strikend;
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='cdate <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('Opened: <?php 
                    print format_date($row['tick_pstart']);
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print substr($row['problemstart'], 0, $shorten_length);
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c1 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
                    print $the_descr;
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print $in_strike;
                    print $the_short_one;
                    print $in_strikend;
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c1 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
                    print $address;
')\" ALIGN='left' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print $in_strike;
                    print $short_addr;
                    print $in_strikend;
                } else {
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c0 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs'>135[#<?php 
                    print $row['ticket_id'];
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='cspace <?php 
                print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";	
                //  UNITS			3 col's	- 9/12/09
                if (is_date($row['clear'])) {
                    // 6/26/08
                    $strike = "<STRIKE>";
                    $strikend = "</STRIKE>";
                    // strikethrough on closed assigns
                } else {
                    $strike = $strikend = "";
                if (!($row['unit_id'] == 0)) {
                    // 5/11/09
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types`\tWHERE `id`= '{$row['unit_type']}' LIMIT 1";
                    $result_type = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                    $row_type = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_type)) : "";
                    $the_bg_color = empty($row_type) ? "transparent" : $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_BG'][$row_type['icon']];
                    // 3/15/10
                    $the_text_color = empty($row_type) ? "black" : $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_TEXT'][$row_type['icon']];
                    $unit_name = empty($row['unit_id']) ? "[#{$row['unit_id']}]" : addslashes($row['unit_name']);
                    // id only if absent
                    $short_name = shorten($unit_name, 10);
							sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='unit_n <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
' STYLE='background-color:<?php 
                    print $the_bg_color;
;  opacity: .7; color:<?php 
                    print $the_text_color;
;'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('#<?php 
                    print $row['unit_id'];
                    print $unit_name;
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><B><?php 
                    print $short_name;
                    $the_disp_str = fs_get_disp_status($row);
                    // 3/25/11
							sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='unit_d disp_stat'><DIV class='incs'<b>&nbsp;<?php 
                    print $the_disp_str;
                    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`t`.`id` AS `type_id`, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`r`.`name` AS `name`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`s`.`description` AS `stat_descr`,  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`r`.`name` AS `unit_name`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON ( `r`.`type` = t.id )\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON ( `r`.`un_status_id` = s.id ) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `r`.`id` = '{$row['unit_id']}' LIMIT 1";
                    $result_unit = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                    $row_unit = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_unit));
								sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='unit_s' <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
                    print substr($row_unit['stat_descr'], 0, 12);
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">&nbsp;<?php 
                    print substr($row_unit['stat_descr'], 0, 12);
								sidebar_line += "</DIV><BR />";	
            $w == 0 ? $w = 1 : ($w = 0);
    } else {
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='even' style='width: 100%;'><DIV style='text-align: center; color: #FF0000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;'>No Current Unit Assignments</DIV></DIV><BR />";
		$('assignments').innerHTML = sidebar_line;	//	assignment list to DIV		
	// ==========================================      RESPONDER start    ================================================
			points = false;
			var j=0;
    $u_types = array();
    // 1/1/09
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $u_types[$row['id']] = array($row['name'], $row['icon']);
        // name, index, aprs - 1/5/09, 1/21/09
    $categories = array();
    // 12/03/10
    $categories = get_category_butts();
    // 12/03/10
    $assigns = array();
    // 08/8/3
    $tickets = array();
    // ticket id's
    $query = "SELECT `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`scope` AS `ticket` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`";
    $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_as))) {
        $assigns[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket'];
        $tickets[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket_id'];
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    $status_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $status_vals[''] = $status_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_st = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_st = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_st))) {
        $temp = $row_st['id'];
        $status_vals[$temp] = $row_st['status_val'];
        $status_hide[$temp] = $row_st['hide'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}';";
    // 6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 6/10/11
    $al_groups = array();
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    if (!isset($_POST['frm_group'])) {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($_POST['frm_group'] as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($_POST['frm_group']) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    //-----------------------UNIT RING FENCE STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
	var boundary = new Array();	
	var bound_names = new Array();	
    $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` `l`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON ( `l`.`id` = `r`.`ring_fence`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\n\t\t\t\t{$where2} AND `use_with_u_rf`=1 GROUP BY `l`.`id`";
    $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
        $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
        $all_boundaries[] = $row_bn['ring_fence'];
        $points = explode(";", $line_data);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
            $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
			thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[1];
        // end for ($i = 0 ... )
        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
            //	6/10/11
			var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
            print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
        } else {
			var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
    //	End while
    //-------------------------END OF UNIT RING FENCE STUFF-------------------------
    //-----------------------UNIT EXCLUSION ZONE STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
    $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` `l`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON ( `l`.`id` = `r`.`excl_zone`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\n\t\t\t\t{$where2} AND `use_with_u_ex`=1 GROUP BY `l`.`id`";
    $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
        $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
        $all_boundaries[] = $row_bn['ring_fence'];
        $points = explode(";", $line_data);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
            $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
			thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[1];
        // end for ($i = 0 ... )
        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
            //	6/10/11
			var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
            print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
        } else {
			var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
    //	End while
    //-------------------------END OF UNIT EXCLUSION ZONE STUFF-------------------------
    //	$query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]responder` ORDER BY `handle`";	//
    //	$query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]responder` ORDER BY `name`";	//
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated`, `r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, `r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `t`.`name` AS `type_name`, `r`.`type` AS `type`\n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = a.resource_id )\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON ( `r`.`type` = t.id )\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON ( `r`.`un_status_id` = s.id ) \n\t\t{$where2} \n\t\tGROUP BY unit_id ";
    //	4/11/11, 5/4/11
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $units_ct = mysql_affected_rows();
    // 1/4/10
    $aprs = FALSE;
    $instam = FALSE;
    $locatea = FALSE;
    $gtrack = FALSE;
    $glat = FALSE;
    $i = 0;
    // counter
    // =============================================================================
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    $utc = gmdate("U");
    // 3/25/09
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
        // ==========  major while() for RESPONDER ==========
        $got_point = FALSE;
        $latitude = $row['lat'];
        // 7/18/10
        $longitude = $row['lng'];
        // 7/18/10
        $name = $row['unit_name'];
        //	10/8/09
        $temp = explode("/", $name);
        $index = $row['icon_str'];
        // 4/27/11
        print "\t\tvar sym = '{$index}';\n";
        // for sidebar and icon 10/8/09
        // 2/13/09
        $todisp = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&view=true&disp=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 08/8/02
        $toedit = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 10/8/08
        $totrack = intval($row['mobile']) == 0 || empty($row['callsign']) ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = do_track('" . $row['callsign'] . "');><B><U>Tracks</B></U>&nbsp;&nbsp;</SPAN>";
        $tofac = is_guest() ? "" : "<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&view=true&dispfac=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>To Facility</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 08/8/02
        $temp = $row['un_status_id'];
        // 2/24/09
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        // 2/2/09
        $hide_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_hide) ? $status_hide[$temp] : "??";
        // 10/21/09
        if ($hide_status == "y") {
            $hide_unit = 1;
        } else {
            $hide_unit = 0;
        $temp = $row['un_status_id'];
        // 2/24/09
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        // 2/2/09
        if ($row['aprs'] == 1) {
            // get most recent aprs position data
            $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_aprs = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $aprs_updated = $row_aprs['updated'];
            $aprs_speed = $row_aprs['speed'];
            //			if (($row_aprs) && (settype($row_aprs['latitude'], "float"))) {
            if ($row_aprs && my_is_float($row_aprs['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_aprs['latitude'] . ", " . $row_aprs['longitude'] . "); // 677\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_aprs = FALSE;
        //		dump($row_aprs);
        if ($row['instam'] == 1) {
            // get most recent instamapper data
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no. 3/22/09
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_instam = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $instam_updated = $row_instam['updated'];
            $instam_speed = $row_instam['speed'];
            if ($row_instam && my_is_float($row_instam['latitude'])) {
                // 4/29/09
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_instam['latitude'] . ", " . $row_instam['longitude'] . "); // 724\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_instam = FALSE;
        if ($row['locatea'] == 1) {
            // get most recent locatea data		// 7/23/09
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no.
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_locatea = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $locatea_updated = $row_locatea['updated'];
            $locatea_speed = $row_locatea['speed'];
            if ($row_locatea && my_is_float($row_locatea['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_locatea['latitude'] . ", " . $row_locatea['longitude'] . "); // 687\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_locatea = FALSE;
        if ($row['gtrack'] == 1) {
            // get most recent gtrack data		// 7/23/09
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no.
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_gtrack = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $gtrack_updated = $row_gtrack['updated'];
            $gtrack_speed = $row_gtrack['speed'];
            if ($row_gtrack && my_is_float($row_gtrack['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_gtrack['latitude'] . ", " . $row_gtrack['longitude'] . "); // 687\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_gtrack = FALSE;
        if ($row['glat'] == 1) {
            // get most recent latitude data		// 7/23/09
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no.
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_glat = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $glat_updated = $row_glat['updated'];
            if ($row_glat && my_is_float($row_glat['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_glat['latitude'] . ", " . $row_glat['longitude'] . "); // 687\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_glat = FALSE;
        if (!$got_point && my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row['lat'] . ", " . $row['lng'] . ");\t// 753\n";
            $got_point = TRUE;
        //		print __LINE__ . "<BR />";
        $the_bull = "";
        // define the bullet
        $update_error = strtotime('now - 6 hours');
        // set the time for silent setting
        //		echo $update_error;
        if ($row['aprs'] == 1) {
            if ($row_aprs) {
                $spd = 2;
                // default
                if ($aprs_speed == 0) {
                    $spd = 1;
                // stopped
                if ($aprs_speed >= 50) {
                    $spd = 3;
                // fast
            } else {
                $spd = 0;
                // no data
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR=" . $bulls[$spd] . "><B>AP</B></FONT>";
        // end aprs
        if ($row['instam'] == 1) {
            if ($instam_speed > 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
            if ($instam_speed < 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
            if ($instam_speed == 0) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
            if ($instam_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
        if ($row['locatea'] == 1) {
            if ($locatea_speed > 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
            // 7/23/09
            if ($locatea_speed < 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
            if ($locatea_speed == 0) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
            if ($locatea_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
        if ($row['gtrack'] == 1) {
            if ($gtrack_speed > 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
            // 7/23/09
            if ($gtrack_speed < 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
            if ($gtrack_speed == 0) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
            if ($gtrack_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
        if ($row['glat'] == 1) {
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>GL</B></FONT>";
            // 7/23/09
            if ($glat_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>GL</B></FONT>";
        // end bullet stuff
        // name
        $name = $row['name'];
        //	10/8/09
        $temp = explode("/", $name);
        $display_name = $temp[0];
        // assignments 3/16/09
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`  LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` t ON ({$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns.ticket_id = t.id)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `responder_id` = '{$row['id']}' AND `clear` IS NULL ";
        //		dump($query);
        $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $row_assign = mysql_affected_rows() == 0 ? FALSE : stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as));
        switch ($row_assign['severity']) {
            //color tickets by severity
            case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']:
                $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
            case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
                $severityclass = 'severity_high';
                $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
        $tick_ct = mysql_affected_rows() > 1 ? "(" . mysql_affected_rows() . ") " : "";
        $ass_td = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? "<TD COLSPAN=2 CLASS='{$severityclass}' TITLE = '" . $row_assign['scope'] . "' >" . $tick_ct . shorten($row_assign['scope'], 24) . "</TD>" : "<TD>na</TD>";
        // status, mobility
        // as of
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        if ($row['instam'] == 1 && $row_instam || $row['aprs'] == 1 && $row_aprs || $row['locatea'] == 1 && $row_locatea || $row['gtrack'] == 1 && $row_gtrack || $row['glat'] == 1 && $row_glat) {
            // either remote source?
            $the_class = "emph";
            if ($row['aprs'] == 1) {
                // 3/24/09
                $the_time = $aprs_updated;
                $instam = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['instam'] == 1) {
                // 3/24/09
                $the_time = $instam_updated;
                $instam = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['locatea'] == 1) {
                // 7/23/09
                $the_time = $locatea_updated;
                $locatea = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['gtrack'] == 1) {
                // 7/23/09
                $the_time = $gtrack_updated;
                $gtrack = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['glat'] == 1) {
                // 7/23/09
                $the_time = $glat_updated;
                $glat = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
        } else {
            $the_time = $row['updated'];
            $the_class = "td_data";
        if (abs($utc - $the_time) > $GLOBALS['TOLERANCE']) {
            // attempt to identify  non-current values
            $strike = "<STRIKE>";
            $strike_end = "</STRIKE>";
        } else {
            $strike = $strike_end = "";
        //	    snap(basename( __FILE__) . __LINE__, $the_class );
        // tab 1
        //		if (((settype($row['lat'], "float"))) || ($row_aprs) || ($row_instam)) {						// position data?
        if (my_is_float($row['lat']) || $row_aprs || $row_instam || $row_locatea || $row_gtrack || $row_glat) {
            // 5/4/09
            //			dump(__LINE__);
            $temptype = $u_types[$row['type']];
            $the_type = $temptype[0];
            // 1/1/09
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . shorten($row['unit_name'], 48) . "</B> - " . $the_type . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $the_status . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            if (array_key_exists($row['id'], $assigns)) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD CLASS='emph'>Dispatched to:</TD><TD CLASS='emph'><A HREF='main.php?id=" . $tickets[$row['id']] . "'>" . shorten($assigns[$row['id']], 20) . "</A></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN = 2>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN = 2 ALIGN = 'center' onClick = 'do_mail_win();'><B><U>Email units</U></B></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            // tab 2
            $tabs_done = FALSE;
            if ($row_aprs) {
                // three tabs if APRS data
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_aprs['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_aprs['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_aprs['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_aprs['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $row_aprs['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $row_aprs['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_aprs['packet_date']) . " {$strike_end} (UTC)</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("APRS <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_aprs['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            // end if ($row_aprs)
            if ($row_instam) {
                // three tabs if instam data
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_instam['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_instam['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_instam['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_instam['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_instam['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Instam <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_instam['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_instam)
            if ($row_locatea) {
                // three tabs if locatea data		7/23/09
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_locatea['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_locatea['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_locatea['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_locatea['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_locatea['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("LocateA <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_locatea['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_gtrack)
            if ($row_gtrack) {
                // three tabs if gtrack data		7/23/09
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_gtrack['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_gtrack['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_gtrack['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_gtrack['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_gtrack['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Gtrack <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_gtrack['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_gtrack)
            if ($row_glat) {
                // three tabs if glat data			7/23/09
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_glat['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_glat['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("G Lat <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_glat['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_gtrack)
            if (!$tabs_done) {
                // else two tabs
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            // end if(!($tabs_done))
            $temp = $u_types[$row['type']];
            // array ($row['name'], $row['icon'])
            //		dump($temp);
            $the_color = $row['mobile'] == "1" ? 0 : 4;
            // icon color black, white		-- 4/18/09
            $the_group = get_category($row['unit_id']);
            if ($latitude == "0.999999" && $longitude == "0.999999") {
                // check for no maps added points 7/28/10
                $dummylat = get_variable('def_lat');
                $dummylng = get_variable('def_lng');
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $dummylat . ", " . $dummylng . "); // 677\n";
				var dummymarker = createdummyMarker(point, myinfoTabs, <?php 
                print $sb_indx;
);	// Plots dummy icon in default position for units added in no maps operation
            } else {
				var the_group = '<?php 
                print $the_group;
				var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs, <?php 
                print $the_color;
, <?php 
                print $hide_unit;
,  <?php 
                print $sb_indx;
, sym, the_group); // 7/28/10
            // end check for no maps added points
        } else {
            // (sidebar, line_no, rcd_id, letter)
            //		dump(__LINE__);
        // zero-based
        print "\t\ti++;\n";
        // 3/20/09
        // zero-based
    // end  ==========  while() for RESPONDER ==========
    $source_legend = $aprs || $instam || $gtrack || $locatea || $glat ? "<TD CLASS='emph' ALIGN='center'>Source time</TD>" : "<TD></TD>";
    // if any remote data/time 3/24/09
		side_bar_html= "<form action='#'>";		//	12/03/10
    if ($units_ct > 0) {
        //	3/15/11
        foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
            //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
            print $value;
: <input type=checkbox id='<?php 
            print $value;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
\")'/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "NONE";
        //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'ALL_BUTTON' class='cat_button' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>ALL</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $all;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'NONE_BUTTON' class='cat_button'  onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>NONE</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $none;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'go_can' style='float:right; padding:2px;'><SPAN ID = 'go_button' onClick='do_go_button()' class='conf_next_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Next</U></SPAN>";
			side_bar_html += "<SPAN ID = 'can_button'  onClick='cancel_buttons()' class='conf_can_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN></DIV>";
			side_bar_html+="</form></TD></TR></TABLE>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
    } else {
        foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
            //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' STYLE='display: none;' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
            print $value;
: <input type=checkbox id='<?php 
            print $value;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
\")'/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "NONE";
        //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' style='color: red;'>None Defined ! </DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'ALL_BUTTON' class='cat_button' STYLE='display: none;' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'><input type=checkbox id='ALL' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'NONE_BUTTON' class='cat_button' STYLE='display: none;' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'><input type=checkbox id='NONE' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html +="</form></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		$("boxes").innerHTML = side_bar_html;										// 12/03/10 side_bar_html to responders div			

	// ====================================Add Facilities to Map 8/1/09================================================

    $fac_categories = array();
    // 12/03/10
    $fac_categories = get_fac_category_butts();
    // 12/03/10
		var icons=[];	
		var g=0;
		var fmarkers = [];
		var baseIcon = new GIcon();
		baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
		baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30);
		baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 30);
		baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
		var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
		fac_icon.image = icons[1];
	function createfacMarker(fac_point, fac_name, id, fac_icon, type) {
		var fac_marker = new GMarker(fac_point, fac_icon);
		// Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked
		var fac_html = fac_name;
		fac_marker.category = type;		
		fmarkers[id] = fac_marker;
		GEvent.addListener(fac_marker, "click", function() {fac_marker.openInfoWindowHtml(fac_html);});
		return fac_marker;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}';";
    //	5/4/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    //	5/4/11
    $al_groups = array();
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        //	5/4/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    if (!isset($_POST['frm_group'])) {
        //	5/4/11
        $x = 0;
        //	5/4/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	5/4/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	5/4/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	5/4/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	5/4/11
        foreach ($_POST['frm_group'] as $grp) {
            //	5/4/11
            $where3 = count($_POST['frm_group']) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`type` = 3";
    //	5/4/11
    $query_fac = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.id AS fac_id,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.description AS facility_description, \n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.name AS fac_type_name, \n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.name AS facility_name \n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` ON ( `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`id` = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.resource_id )\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.id \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.status_id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status`.id \n\t\t{$where2} \n\t\tGROUP BY fac_id ORDER BY `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type ASC";
    $result_fac = mysql_query($query_fac) or do_error($query_fac, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    //	dump($query_fac);
    while ($row_fac = mysql_fetch_array($result_fac)) {
        $fac_id = $row_fac['fac_id'];
        $fac_type = $row_fac['icon'];
        $fac_type_name = $row_fac['fac_type_name'];
        $fac_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
        //	10/8/09
        //	$fac_name = $row_fac['name'];					//	10/8/09
        $fac_temp = explode("/", $fac_name);
        //  11/27/09
        $fac_index = $row_fac['icon_str'];
        print "\t\tvar fac_sym = '{$fac_index}';\n";
        // for sidebar and icon 10/8/09
        $toroute = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;<A HREF='routes.php?ticket_id=" . $fac_id . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>";
        // 8/2/08
        if (is_guest()) {
            $facedit = $toroute = $facmail = "";
        } else {
            $facedit = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='facilities.php?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row_fac['fac_id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>";
            $facmail = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = do_mail_fac_win('" . $row_fac['fac_id'] . "');><U><B>Email</B></U></SPAN>";
            $toroute = "&nbsp;<A HREF='fac_routes.php?fac_id=" . $fac_id . "'><U>Route To Facility</U></A>";
            // 8/2/08
        if (my_is_float($row_fac['lat']) && my_is_float($row_fac['lng'])) {
            $f_disp_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
            //	10/8/09
            $f_disp_temp = explode("/", $f_disp_name);
            $facility_display_name = $f_disp_temp[0];
            $fac_tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($facility_display_name, 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($row_fac['fac_type_name'], 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Description:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['facility_description'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Status:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['status_val']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_name']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Email: " . addslashes($row_fac['contact_email']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>As of:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'> " . format_date($row_fac['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            $fac_tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_contact']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security email:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_email']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Access rules:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['access_rules'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security reqs:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['security_reqs'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Opening hours:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['opening_hours'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Prim pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_p']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Sec pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_s']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
	//			var fac_sym = (g + 1).toString();
				var myfacinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
            print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row_fac['facility_name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
            print $fac_tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
            print str_replace($eols, " ", $fac_tab_2);
            if ($row_fac['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_fac['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 7/28/10
                echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
                echo "var fac_type_name = \"{$fac_type_name}\";\n";
                echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/question1.png\";\n";
                echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . "," . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
                echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon, fac_type_name);\n";
                echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                echo "\n";
            } else {
                echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
                echo "var fac_type_name = \"{$fac_type_name}\";\n";
                echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_fac_icon.php?blank={$fac_type}&text=\" + (fac_sym) + \"\";\n";
                echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_fac['lat'] . "," . $row_fac['lng'] . ");\n";
                echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon, fac_type_name);\n";
                echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                echo "\n";
				if (fac_marker.isHidden()) {
				} else {
        // end if my_is_float
    // end while
    // =====================================End of functions to show facilities========================================================================
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($kml_olays); $i++) {
        // emit kml overlay calls
        echo "\t\t" . $kml_olays[$i] . "\n";
	function add_hash(in_str) { // prepend # if absent
		return (in_str.substr(0,1)=="#")? in_str : "#" + in_str;

	function do_landb() {				// JS function - 8/1/11
		var points = new Array();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `line_status` = 0 AND (`use_with_bm` = 1 OR `use_with_r` = 1)";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, $query, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $empty = FALSE;
        $name = $row['line_name'];
        switch ($row['line_type']) {
            case "p":
                // poly
                $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                echo "\n\tvar points = new Array();\n";
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
                    $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
						var thepoint = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $coords[0];
, <?php 
                    print $coords[1];
                // end for ($i = 0 ... )
                if (intval($filled) == 1 && count($points) > 2) {
						var polyline = new GPolygon(points,add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
                    print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $fill_opacity;
                } else {
				        var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
            case "c":
                // circle
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $radius = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                $lat = $coords[0];
                $lng = $coords[1];
                $fill_opacity = intval($filled) == 0 ? 0 : $fill_opacity;
                echo "\n drawCircle({$lat}, {$lng}, {$radius}, add_hash('{$line_color}'), {$line_width}, {$line_opacity}, add_hash('{$fill_color}'), {$fill_opacity}); // 513\n";
            case "t":
                // text banner
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $banner = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                echo "\n var point = new GLatLng(parseFloat({$coords[0]}) , parseFloat({$coords[1]}));\n";
                $the_banner = htmlentities($banner, ENT_QUOTES);
                $the_width = intval(trim($line_width), 10);
                // font size
                echo "\n drawBanner( point, '{$the_banner}', '{$the_banner}', {$the_width});\n";
        // end switch
    // end while ()
    unset($query, $result);
		}		// end function do_landb()
	try {
		do_landb();				// 7/3/11 - show lines
	catch (e) {	}

		if (!(map_is_fixed)){
			if (!points) {		// any?
				map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
			else {
				center = bounds.getCenter();
				zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);
				}			// end if/else (!points)
		}				// end if (!(map_is_fixed))
		side_bar_html = "";
    if (!empty($fac_categories)) {
		side_bar_html= "<form action='#'>";		//	12/03/10

        function get_fac_icon($fac_cat)
            // returns legend string
            $icons = $GLOBALS['fac_icons'];
            $sm_fac_icons = $GLOBALS['sm_fac_icons'];
            $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` WHERE `name` = \"{$fac_cat}\"";
            // types in use
            $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $print = "";
            while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
                $fac_icon = $row['icon'];
                $print .= "<IMG SRC = './our_icons/" . $sm_fac_icons[$fac_icon] . "' STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>";
            return $print;
        foreach ($fac_categories as $key => $value) {
            //	12/03/10
            $curr_icon = get_fac_icon($value);
				side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button_fs' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
            print get_fac_icon($value);
            print $value;
: <input type=checkbox id='<?php 
            print $value;
'  onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
\")'/></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "fac_ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "fac_NONE";
        //	12/03/10
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_ALL_BUTTON'  class='cat_button_fs' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>ALL</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $all;
' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_NONE_BUTTON'  class='cat_button_fs' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>NONE</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $none;
' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_go_can' style='float:middle; padding:2px;'><SPAN ID = 'fac_go_button' onClick='do_go_facilities_button()' class='conf_next_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Next</U></SPAN>";
		side_bar_html += "<SPAN ID = 'fac_can_button'  onClick='fac_cancel_buttons()' class='conf_can_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN></DIV>";
		side_bar_html+="</form>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		$("fac_boxes").innerHTML = side_bar_html;										// 12/03/10 side_bar_html to responders div			

    } else {
		side_bar_html= "";		//	12/03/10
		side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' style='color: red;'>None Defined ! </DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "fac_ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "fac_NONE";
        //	12/03/10
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_ALL_BUTTON' class='cat_button' style='display: none;'><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $all;
'/><input type=checkbox id='fac_ALL' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_NONE_BUTTON' class='cat_button' style='display: none;'><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $none;
'/><input type=checkbox id='fac_NONE' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_go_can' style='float:right; padding:2px; display: none'><SPAN ID = 'fac_go_button' class='conf_next_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Next</U></SPAN>";
		side_bar_html += "<SPAN ID = 'fac_can_button' class='conf_can_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN></DIV>";
		side_bar_html+="</form>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		$("fac_boxes").innerHTML = side_bar_html;										// 12/03/10 side_bar_html to responders div			
	// =============================================================================================================
		}		// end if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
	else {
		alert("Sorry, browser compatibility problem. Contact your tech support group.");
Пример #13
     print "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").click(function(){";
     print "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").fadeToggle(1000);";
     print "});";
     print "});";
     print "</script>";
     if ($row["body"] != "" or $row["recipientList"] != "") {
         print "<a title='" . _('View Details') . "' class='show_hide-{$count}' onclick='false' href='#'><img style='padding-right: 5px' src='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/themes/Default/img/page_down.png' alt='" . _('View Details') . "' onclick='return false;' /></a>";
     print "</td>";
     print "</tr>";
     if ($row["body"] != "" or $row["recipientList"] != "") {
         print "<tr class='comment-{$count}' id='comment-{$count}'>";
         print "<td colspan=4>";
         if ($row["body"] != "") {
             print "<b>" . _('Letter Body') . "</b><br/>";
             print nl2brr($row["body"]) . "<br/><br/>";
         if ($row["recipientList"] != "") {
             print "<b>" . _('Recipients') . "</b><br/>";
             $reipients = explode(',', $row["recipientList"]);
             foreach ($reipients as $reipient) {
                 print trim($reipient) . "<br/>";
         print "</td>";
         print "</tr>";
 print "</table>";
 if ($result->rowCount() > $_SESSION[$guid]["pagination"]) {
     printPagination($guid, $result->rowCount(), $page, $_SESSION[$guid]["pagination"], "bottom", "gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}&gibbonRollGroupID={$gibbonRollGroupID}&gibbonYearGroupID={$gibbonYearGroupID}&type={$type}");
Пример #14
function getBehaviourRecord($guid, $gibbonPersonID, $connection2)
    $enableDescriptors = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Behaviour", "enableDescriptors");
    $enableLevels = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Behaviour", "enableLevels");
    try {
        $dataYears = array("gibbonPersonID" => $gibbonPersonID);
        $sqlYears = "SELECT * FROM gibbonStudentEnrolment JOIN gibbonSchoolYear ON (gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonSchoolYearID=gibbonSchoolYear.gibbonSchoolYearID) WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID ORDER BY sequenceNumber DESC";
        $resultYears = $connection2->prepare($sqlYears);
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>";
    if ($resultYears->rowCount() < 1) {
        print "<div class='error'>";
        print _("There are no records to display.");
        print "</div>";
    } else {
        print "<div class='linkTop'>";
        $policyLink = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Behaviour", "policyLink");
        if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Behaviour/behaviour_manage.php") == TRUE) {
            print "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Behaviour/behaviour_manage_add.php&gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}&gibbonRollGroupID=&gibbonYearGroupID=&type='>" . _('Add') . "<img style='margin: 0 0 -4px 5px' title='" . _('Add') . "' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/page_new.png'/></a>";
            if ($policyLink != "") {
                print " | ";
        if ($policyLink != "") {
            print "<a href='{$policyLink}'>" . _('View Behaviour Policy') . "</a>";
        print "</div>";
        $yearCount = 0;
        while ($rowYears = $resultYears->fetch()) {
            $class = "";
            if ($yearCount == 0) {
                $class = "class='top'";
            print "<h3 {$class}>";
            print $rowYears["name"];
            print "</h3>";
            try {
                $data = array("gibbonPersonID" => $gibbonPersonID, "gibbonSchoolYearID" => $rowYears["gibbonSchoolYearID"]);
                $sql = "SELECT gibbonBehaviour.*, title, surname, preferredName FROM gibbonBehaviour JOIN gibbonPerson ON (gibbonBehaviour.gibbonPersonIDCreator=gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID) WHERE gibbonBehaviour.gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND gibbonSchoolYearID=:gibbonSchoolYearID ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
                $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>";
            if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
                print "<div class='error'>";
                print _("There are no records to display.");
                print "</div>";
            } else {
                print "<table cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%'>";
                print "<tr class='head'>";
                print "<th>";
                print _("Date");
                print "</th>";
                print "<th>";
                print _("Type");
                print "</th>";
                if ($enableDescriptors == "Y") {
                    print "<th>";
                    print _("Descriptor");
                    print "</th>";
                if ($enableLevels == "Y") {
                    print "<th>";
                    print _("Level");
                    print "</th>";
                print "<th>";
                print _("Teacher");
                print "</th>";
                print "<th>";
                print _("Actions");
                print "</th>";
                print "</tr>";
                $rowNum = "odd";
                $count = 0;
                while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
                    if ($count % 2 == 0) {
                        $rowNum = "even";
                    } else {
                        $rowNum = "odd";
                    //COLOR ROW BY STATUS!
                    print "<tr class={$rowNum}>";
                    print "<td>";
                    if (substr($row["timestamp"], 0, 10) > $row["date"]) {
                        print _("Updated:") . " " . dateConvertBack($guid, substr($row["timestamp"], 0, 10)) . "<br/>";
                        print _("Incident:") . " " . dateConvertBack($guid, $row["date"]) . "<br/>";
                    } else {
                        print dateConvertBack($guid, $row["date"]) . "<br/>";
                    print "</td>";
                    print "<td style='text-align: center'>";
                    if ($row["type"] == "Negative") {
                        print "<img src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/iconCross.png'/> ";
                    } else {
                        if ($row["type"] == "Positive") {
                            print "<img src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/iconTick.png'/> ";
                    print "</td>";
                    if ($enableDescriptors == "Y") {
                        print "<td>";
                        print trim($row["descriptor"]);
                        print "</td>";
                    if ($enableLevels == "Y") {
                        print "<td>";
                        print trim($row["level"]);
                        print "</td>";
                    print "<td>";
                    print formatName($row["title"], $row["preferredName"], $row["surname"], "Staff", false, true) . "</b><br/>";
                    print "</td>";
                    print "<td>";
                    if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Behaviour/behaviour_manage.php", "Manage Behaviour Records_all") and $row["gibbonSchoolYearID"] == $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonSchoolYearID"]) {
                        print "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Behaviour/behaviour_manage_edit.php&gibbonBehaviourID=" . $row["gibbonBehaviourID"] . "&gibbonPersonID=" . $row["gibbonPersonID"] . "&gibbonRollGroupID=&gibbonYearGroupID=&type='><img title='" . _('Edit') . "' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/config.png'/></a> ";
                    } else {
                        if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Behaviour/behaviour_manage.php", "Manage Behaviour Records_my") and $row["gibbonSchoolYearID"] == $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonSchoolYearID"] and $row["gibbonPersonIDCreator"] == $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]) {
                            print "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Behaviour/behaviour_manage_edit.php&gibbonBehaviourID=" . $row["gibbonBehaviourID"] . "&gibbonPersonID=" . $row["gibbonPersonID"] . "&gibbonRollGroupID=&gibbonYearGroupID=&type='><img title='" . _('Edit') . "' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/config.png'/></a> ";
                    print "<script type='text/javascript'>";
                    print "\$(document).ready(function(){";
                    print "\$(\".comment-{$count}-{$yearCount}\").hide();";
                    print "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}-{$yearCount}\").fadeIn(1000);";
                    print "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}-{$yearCount}\").click(function(){";
                    print "\$(\".comment-{$count}-{$yearCount}\").fadeToggle(1000);";
                    print "});";
                    print "});";
                    print "</script>";
                    if ($row["comment"] != "" or $row["followup"] != "") {
                        print "<a title='" . _('View Description') . "' class='show_hide-{$count}-{$yearCount}' onclick='false' href='#'><img style='padding-right: 5px' src='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/themes/Default/img/page_down.png' alt='" . _('Show Comment') . "' onclick='return false;' /></a>";
                    print "</td>";
                    print "</tr>";
                    if ($row["comment"] != "" or $row["followup"] != "") {
                        if ($row["type"] == "Positive") {
                            $bg = "background-color: #D4F6DC;";
                        } else {
                            $bg = "background-color: #F6CECB;";
                        print "<tr class='comment-{$count}-{$yearCount}' id='comment-{$count}-{$yearCount}'>";
                        print "<td style='{$bg}' colspan=6>";
                        if ($row["comment"] != "") {
                            print "<b>" . _('Incident') . "</b><br/>";
                            print nl2brr($row["comment"]) . "<br/><br/>";
                        if ($row["followup"] != "") {
                            print "<b>" . _('Follow Up') . "</b><br/>";
                            print nl2brr($row["followup"]) . "<br/><br/>";
                        print "</td>";
                        print "</tr>";
                print "</table>";
// $Id: views-view-field.tpl.php,v 1.1 2008/05/16 22:22:32 merlinofchaos Exp $
  * This template is used to print a single field in a view. It is not
  * actually used in default Views, as this is registered as a theme
  * function which has better performance. For single overrides, the
  * template is perfectly okay.
  * Variables available:
  * - $view: The view object
  * - $field: The field handler object that can process the input
  * - $row: The raw SQL result that can be used
  * - $output: The processed output that will normally be used.
  * When fetching output from the $row, this construct should be used:
  * $data = $row->{$field->field_alias}
  * The above will guarantee that you'll always get the correct data,
  * regardless of any changes in the aliasing that might happen if
  * the view is modified.

<div class="tafsir">
<?php print nl2brr($output); ?>
Пример #16
                    print "<a title='" . _('View Description') . "' class='show_hide-{$count}' onclick='false' href='#'><img style='padding-right: 5px' src='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/themes/Default/img/page_down.png' alt='" . _('Show Comment') . "' onclick='return false;' /></a>";
                print "</td>";
                print "</tr>";
                if ($row["comment"] != "" or $row["followup"] != "") {
                    if ($row["type"] == "Positive") {
                        $bg = "background-color: #D4F6DC;";
                    } else {
                        $bg = "background-color: #F6CECB;";
                    print "<tr class='comment-{$count}' id='comment-{$count}'>";
                    print "<td style='{$bg}' colspan=6>";
                    if ($row["comment"] != "") {
                        print "<b>" . _('Incident') . "</b><br/>";
                        print nl2brr($row["comment"]) . "<br/><br/>";
                    if ($row["followup"] != "") {
                        print "<b>" . _('Follow Up') . "</b><br/>";
                        print nl2brr($row["followup"]) . "<br/><br/>";
                    print "</td>";
                    print "</tr>";
            print "</table>";
            if ($result->rowCount() > $_SESSION[$guid]["pagination"]) {
                printPagination($guid, $result->rowCount(), $page, $_SESSION[$guid]["pagination"], "bottom", "gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}&gibbonRollGroupID={$gibbonRollGroupID}&gibbonYearGroupID={$gibbonYearGroupID}&type={$type}");
Пример #17
function getExpenseLog($guid, $gibbonFinanceExpenseID, $connection2, $commentsOpen = FALSE)
    try {
        $data = array("gibbonFinanceExpenseID" => $gibbonFinanceExpenseID);
        $sql = "SELECT gibbonFinanceExpenseLog.*, surname, preferredName FROM gibbonFinanceExpense JOIN gibbonFinanceExpenseLog ON (gibbonFinanceExpenseLog.gibbonFinanceExpenseID=gibbonFinanceExpense.gibbonFinanceExpenseID) JOIN gibbonPerson ON (gibbonFinanceExpenseLog.gibbonPersonID=gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID) WHERE gibbonFinanceExpenseLog.gibbonFinanceExpenseID=:gibbonFinanceExpenseID ORDER BY timestamp";
        $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>";
    if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
        print "<div class='error'>";
        print _("There are no records to display.");
        print "</div>";
    } else {
        print "<table cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%'>";
        print "<tr class='head'>";
        print "<th>";
        print _("Person");
        print "</th>";
        print "<th>";
        print _("Date");
        print "</th>";
        print "<th>";
        print _("Event");
        print "</th>";
        if ($commentsOpen == FALSE) {
            print "<th>";
            print _("Actions");
            print "</th>";
        print "</tr>";
        $rowNum = "odd";
        $count = 0;
        while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
            if ($count % 2 == 0) {
                $rowNum = "even";
            } else {
                $rowNum = "odd";
            //COLOR ROW BY STATUS!
            print "<tr class={$rowNum}>";
            print "<td>";
            print formatName("", $row["preferredName"], $row["surname"], "Staff", false, true);
            print "</td>";
            print "<td>";
            print dateConvertBack($guid, substr($row["timestamp"], 0, 10));
            print "</td>";
            print "<td>";
            print $row["action"];
            print "</td>";
            if ($commentsOpen == FALSE) {
                print "<td>";
                print "<script type='text/javascript'>";
                print "\$(document).ready(function(){";
                print "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").hide();";
                print "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").fadeIn(1000);";
                print "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").click(function(){";
                print "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").fadeToggle(1000);";
                print "});";
                print "});";
                print "</script>";
                if ($row["comment"] != "") {
                    print "<a title='" . _('View Description') . "' class='show_hide-{$count}' onclick='false' href='#'><img style='padding-right: 5px' src='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/themes/Default/img/page_down.png' alt='" . _('Show Comment') . "' onclick='return false;' /></a>";
                print "</td>";
            print "</tr>";
            if ($row["comment"] != "") {
                print "<tr class='comment-{$count}' id='comment-{$count}'>";
                print "<td colspan=4>";
                if ($row["comment"] != "") {
                    print nl2brr($row["comment"]) . "<br/><br/>";
                print "</td>";
                print "</tr>";
        print "</table>";
Пример #18
            echo '<td>';
            echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
            echo '$(document).ready(function(){';
            echo "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").hide();";
            echo "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").fadeIn(1000);";
            echo "\$(\".show_hide-{$count}\").click(function(){";
            echo "\$(\".comment-{$count}\").fadeToggle(1000);";
            echo '});';
            echo '});';
            echo '</script>';
            echo "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . '/index.php?q=/modules/Badges/badges_manage_edit.php&badgesBadgeID=' . $row['badgesBadgeID'] . "&search={$search}'><img title='Edit' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]['gibbonThemeName'] . "/img/config.png'/></a> ";
            echo "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . '/index.php?q=/modules/Badges/badges_manage_delete.php&badgesBadgeID=' . $row['badgesBadgeID'] . "&search={$search}'><img title='Delete' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]['gibbonThemeName'] . "/img/garbage.png'/></a> ";
            if ($row['description'] != '') {
                echo "<a class='show_hide-{$count}' onclick='false' href='#'><img style='padding-right: 5px' src='" . $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . "/themes/Default/img/page_down.png' title='Show Description' onclick='return false;' /></a>";
            echo '</td>';
            echo '</tr>';
            if ($row['description'] != '') {
                echo "<tr class='comment-{$count}' id='comment-{$count}'>";
                echo "<td style='background-color: #fff' colspan=5>";
                echo nl2brr($row['description']);
                echo '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
        echo '</table>';
        if ($result->rowCount() > $_SESSION[$guid]['pagination']) {
            printPagination($guid, $result->rowCount(), $page, $_SESSION[$guid]['pagination'], 'bottom', "search={$search}");