function nh_save_as_draft($form) { global $post; $item_key = $_GET['entry']; $current_status = 'draft'; $tmp_item_id = nh_get_frm_key_id($item_key); $tmp_post_id = nh_get_frm_id_post_id($tmp_item_id); if ($form->id == 12 and $_GET['ref'] == 'update') { $new_post = get_post($tmp_post_id, 'ARRAY_A'); $tmp_post = get_post($tmp_post_id); $tmp_author = $tmp_post->post_author; $new_post['post_status'] = $current_status; $new_post['post_author'] = $tmp_author; wp_update_post($new_post); } }
<div id="main"> <div id="content"> <h3 class="page-title">Edit Your Content</h3> <?php // Get guide cat id $guide_cat = get_category_id('guides'); $stories_cat = get_category_id('stories'); $resources_cat = get_category_id('resources'); $blog_cat = get_category_id('blog'); // Get current user global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); // Get the entry info $item_key = esc_attr($_GET['entry']); $item_id = nh_get_frm_key_id($item_key); $item_post_id = nh_get_frm_id_post_id($item_id); $entry_info = get_post($item_post_id); $btn_preview = '<li style="float:right;margin-left:1em;"><a href="' . $app_url . '/?post_type=post&p=' . esc_attr($item_post_id) . '&preview=true" title="See what your Guide will look like" target="_blank"><button class="nh-btn-blue-med">Preview Guide</button></a></li>'; ?> <?php $mypost = get_post($item_post_id); //var_dump($mypost); //var_dump($current_user->ID); //var_dump($mypost->post_status); if ($current_user->ID == $mypost->post_author and is_user_logged_in()) { // LOGGED IN AND IS AUTHOR if ($mypost->post_status == 'draft') { if ($_GET['ref'] == 'create') { echo '<div class="alert alert-info"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><strong>Thank you for writing a CityHow Guide!</strong><p>Your Guide has been saved as a Draft, so you can keep working on it until you're ready to publish.</div>';