function save_profile() { need_login('ajax'); $current_id = $this->user->get_field('id'); $arr['user_nicename'] = safe_convert($this->getPost('user_nicename')); $new_pass = $this->getPost('new_pass'); $old_pass = $this->getPost('old_pass'); $new_pass_again = $this->getPost('new_pass_again'); $extra_arr = $this->getPost('extra'); if ($extra_arr['email'] && !check_email($extra_arr['email'])) { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('error_email')); } if ($new_pass) { if (!$this->user->check_pass($current_id, md5($old_pass))) { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('old_pass_error')); } if ($new_pass != $new_pass_again) { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('pass_twice_error')); } $arr['user_pass'] = md5($new_pass); } if ($this->user->update($current_id, $arr)) { $this->user->save_extra($current_id, $extra_arr); form_ajax_success('box', lang('modify_success') . ($new_pass ? lang('pass_edit_ok') : ''), null, 0.5, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('modify_failed')); } }
function copyselectedurl($config = array()) { need_login('ajax_page'); global $base_root; $ids = $this->getPost('sel_id'); if (!$ids || count($ids) == 0) { ajax_box(lang('copyimg:pls_sel_photo_want_to_copy')); } else { $site_url = $this->setting->get_conf('site.url'); $mdl_photo =& loader::model('photo'); $ids = array_keys($ids); $html = ''; $urls = ''; $ubb = ''; foreach ($ids as $id) { $pic = $mdl_photo->get_info($id); $img_path = img_path($pic['path']); $html_code = $config['tpl']; $html_code = str_replace('{thumbpath}', img_path($pic['thumb']), $html_code); $html_code = str_replace('{imgpath}', $img_path, $html_code); $html_code = str_replace('{imgname}', $pic['name'], $html_code); $html_code = str_replace('{detailurl}', $base_root . site_link('photos', 'view', array('id' => $pic['id'])), $html_code); $html .= $html_code . $config['split']; $urls .= $img_path . "\r\n"; $ubb .= '[IMG]' . $img_path . "[/IMG]\r\n"; } $this->output->set('img_url', $urls); $this->output->set('img_html', $html); $this->output->set('img_ubb', $ubb); loader::view('copyimg:copyurlall'); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('htmllib'); $this->load->model('game'); $this->load->model('level'); // Your own constructor code if (need_login() == false) { redirect(base_url() . "base/login"); } }
public function create_session() { if (need_login()) { redirect(base_url() . "base/logout"); } $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required'); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { $this->load->model("user"); $user = $this->user->auth($this->input->post("username"), $this->input->post("password")); if (count($user) > 0) { $this->session->set_userdata("user_id", $user->id); $this->session->set_userdata("user_name", $user->username); redirect(base_url() . "intro"); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata("alert", "Username dan password tidak cocok"); redirect(base_url() . "base/login"); } } else { $this->session->set_flashdata("alert", validation_errors()); redirect(base_url() . "base/login"); } }
<?php require_once (dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) . '/app.php'); need_login (); $condition = array ( 'user_id' => $login_user_id, 'team_id > 0' ); $selector = strval ( $_GET ['s'] ); $allow = array ( 'index', 'unpay', 'pay', 'askrefund', /* BEGIN add status by abei */ 'unused', 'expiring', 'undp', 'refundsuccess', 'expired', 'had_dp' /* END add status by abei */ ); if (false == in_array ( $selector, $allow )){ $selector = 'index'; } if ($selector == 'index') { $count = Table::Count ( 'order', $condition );
<?php /** * My * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This is not free software * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @author abei <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.0 * @link */ require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/app.php'); need_login(true); $consume_times = Table::Count('order', array( 'user_id' => $login_user_id, 'state' => 'pay', )); die(include template('m_my'));
function emptying() { need_login('ajax_page'); $albums = $this->mdl_album->get_trash(); if ($albums) { foreach ($albums as $v) { $ret = $this->mdl_album->real_delete($v['id'], $v); } } $photos = $this->mdl_photo->get_trash(); if ($photos) { foreach ($photos as $v) { $ret = $this->mdl_photo->real_delete($v['id'], $v); } } ajax_box(lang('empty_trash_success'), null, 0.5, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); }
function delete() { need_login('ajax_page'); $id = intval($this->getGet('id')); if ($this->mdl_cate->delete($id)) { $mdl_album =& Loader::model('album'); $mdl_album->set_default_cate($id); ajax_box(lang('delete_cate_succ'), null, 0.5, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { ajax_box(lang('delete_cate_fail')); } }
function save_priv() { need_login('ajax'); $album['priv_type'] = $this->getPost('priv_type', '0'); $album['priv_pass'] = $this->getPost('priv_pass'); $album['priv_question'] = safe_convert($this->getPost('priv_question')); $album['priv_answer'] = safe_convert($this->getPost('priv_answer')); $id = intval($this->getGet('id')); if ($album['priv_type'] == '1') { if ($album['priv_pass'] == '') { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('album_password_empty')); } } if ($album['priv_type'] == '2') { if ($album['priv_question'] == '') { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('album_question_empty')); } if ($album['priv_answer'] == '') { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('album_answer_empty')); } } if ($this->mdl_album->update($id, $album)) { $this->plugin->trigger('modified_album_priv', $id); form_ajax_success('box', lang('modify_album_priv_success'), null, 0.5, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('modify_album_priv_failed')); } }
function approve_batch() { need_login('ajax_page'); $ids = $this->getPost('sel_id'); if (!$ids || count($ids) == 0) { ajax_box(lang('pls_sel_comments_want_to_approve')); } else { if ($this->mdl_comment->approve_batch(array_keys($ids))) { ajax_box(lang('batch_approve_comments_success'), null, 1, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { ajax_box(lang('batch_approve_comments_failed')); } } }
public function remove_related_org_from_user($user_id, $related_org_name) { need_login(); if (!user('is_admin')) { $user_id = user('id'); } $related_ngo_model = M('Related_ngos'); $related_ngo_model->where(array('user_name' => $related_org_name, 'user_id' => $user_id))->delete(); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok')); }
function save_nav() { need_login('ajax_box'); $mdl_nav =& Loader::model('nav'); $names = $this->getPost('name'); $urls = $this->getPost('url'); $sorts = $this->getPost('sort'); $dels = $this->getPost('del'); $enables = $this->getPost('enable'); $flag = true; //编辑及删除 if ($names) { foreach ($names as $key => $name) { $key = intval($key); $name = trim($name); $urls[$key] = isset($urls[$key]) ? trim($urls[$key]) : ''; if (isset($dels[$key])) { //delete 记录 $mdl_nav->delete($key); } else { $data = array(); if ($name) { $data['name'] = $name; } if ($urls[$key]) { $data['url'] = $urls[$key]; } if ($sorts[$key]) { $data['sort'] = intval($sorts[$key]); } if (isset($enables[$key])) { $data['enable'] = 1; } else { $data['enable'] = 0; } if (!$mdl_nav->update($key, $data)) { $flag = false; } } } } //新增 $newnames = $this->getPost('namenew'); $newurls = $this->getPost('urlnew'); $newsorts = $this->getPost('sortnew'); if ($newnames) { foreach ($newnames as $key => $newname) { $newname = trim($newname); $newurls[$key] = trim($newurls[$key]); if ($newname == '') { continue; } if ($newurls[$key] == '') { $flag = false; continue; } $data = array('name' => $newname, 'url' => $newurls[$key], 'sort' => $newsorts[$key] ? intval($newsorts[$key]) : 100, 'enable' => 1); if (!$mdl_nav->save($data)) { $flag = false; } } } //清除菜单缓存 $mdl_nav->clear_nav_cache(); if ($flag) { form_ajax_success('box', lang('nav_save_succ'), null, 0.5, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { form_ajax_failed('box', lang('nav_save_fail'), null, 2, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } }
function core() { need_login('page'); @set_time_limit(0); @ignore_user_abort(true); $newversion = $this->getRequest('version'); $software = 'meiupic'; $version = MPIC_VERSION; if ($newversion == $version) { exit(lang('no_need_to_update')); } if (!$newversion) { exit(lang('version_can_not_be_empty')); } //检查目录是否可以读写 $directory = @dir(ROOTDIR); while ($entry = $directory->read()) { if ($entry == '..' || $entry == '.') { continue; } $filename = ROOTDIR . $entry; if (is_dir($filename) && !dir_writeable($filename)) { exit(lang('dir_not_writable', $filename)); } elseif (is_file($filename) && !is_writable($filename)) { exit(lang('file_not_writable', $filename)); } } $directory->close(); $langset = LANGSET; $time = time(); $hash = md5("{$newversion}{$software}{$version}{$langset}{$time}"); $q = base64_encode("newversion={$newversion}&software={$software}&version={$version}&langset={$langset}&time={$time}&hash={$hash}"); $url = CHECK_UPDATE_URL . '?act=update&q=' . $q; $response = get_remote($url, 2); if (!$response) { exit(lang('connect_to_server_failed')); } $json =& loader::lib('json'); $result = $json->decode($response); if ($result['return']) { $tmpfile = ROOTDIR . 'cache/tmp/'; if (file_exists($tmpfile) && md5_file($tmpfile) == $result['md5']) { echo lang('file_has_been_downloaded') . '<br />'; } else { $content = get_remote($result['package']); file_put_contents($tmpfile, $content); $file_md5 = md5_file($tmpfile); if ($file_md5 != $result['md5']) { echo lang('download_package_failed') . '<br />'; exit; } echo lang('download_package_succ') . '<br />'; } $zip =& loader::lib('zip'); $zip->load_file($tmpfile); $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, './', PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER); echo lang('unzip_package_succ') . '<br />'; echo lang('delete_tmp_download_file') . '<br />'; @unlink($tmpfile); echo lang('upgrade_after_jump') . '<br />'; redirect(site_link('default'), 1); } else { exit(lang('get_update_fail')); } }
function save_desc() { need_login('ajax'); $id = intval($this->getGet('id')); $desc = safe_convert($this->getPost('desc')); if ($desc == '') { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('empty_photo_desc')); } if ($this->mdl_photo->update($id, array('desc' => $desc))) { $this->plugin->trigger('modified_photo_desc', $id); form_ajax_success('text', $desc); } else { form_ajax_failed('text', lang('modify_photo_desc_failed')); } return; }
?> <!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <input type="hidden" id="base_url" value="<?php echo base_url(); ?> "> <?php if (need_login()) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col s12 grey darken-4"> <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> "><h5 class="white-text" style="float:left">Naval - Intuition<i class="material-icons left">play_circle_outline</i></h5></a> <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> base/logout" class="white-text" style="float:right"><h5>Logout<i class="material-icons left">not_interested</i></h5></a> </div> </div> <?php }
function save() { @set_time_limit(0); @ignore_user_abort(true); $type = $this->getGet('t'); $album_id = intval($this->getRequest('aid')); if (!$album_id) { showError(lang('pls_sel_album')); } if ($type == 'multi') { need_login('ajax'); /*$files_count = intval($this->getPost('muilti_uploader_count')); for($i=0;$i<$files_count;$i++){ $filename = $this->getPost("muilti_uploader_{$i}_tmpname"); $realname = $this->getPost("muilti_uploader_{$i}_name"); $purename = file_pure_name($filename); $purerealname = file_pure_name($realname); $photorow = $this->mdl_photo->get_photo_by_name_aid($album_id,$purename); if($photorow){ $this->mdl_photo->update($photorow['id'],array('name'=>$purerealname)); } } */ $this->mdl_album->update_photos_num($album_id); $this->mdl_album->check_repare_cover($album_id); $gourl = site_link('photos', 'index', array('aid' => $album_id)); form_ajax_success('box', lang('upload_photo_success'), null, 1, $gourl); } else { need_login('page'); $this->output->set('album_id', $album_id); $album_info = $this->mdl_album->get_info($album_id); $this->output->set('album_info', $album_info); $page_title = lang('upload_photo') . ' - ' . $this->setting->get_conf('site.title'); $page_keywords = $this->setting->get_conf('site.keywords'); $page_description = $this->setting->get_conf('site.description'); $this->page_init($page_title, $page_keywords, $page_description); $imglib =& loader::lib('image'); $supportType = $imglib->supportType(); $empty_num = 0; $error = ''; $allowsize = allowsize($this->setting->get_conf('upload.allow_size')); if (isset($_FILES['imgs'])) { foreach ($_FILES['imgs']['name'] as $k => $upfile) { if (!empty($upfile)) { $filesize = $_FILES['imgs']['size'][$k]; $tmpfile = $_FILES['imgs']['tmp_name'][$k]; $filename = $upfile; $fileext = file_ext($filename); if ($_FILES['imgs']['error'][$k] == 1) { $error .= lang('failed_larger_than_server', $filename) . '<br />'; continue; } if ($allowsize && $filesize > $allowsize) { $error .= lang('failed_larger_than_usetting', $filename) . '<br />'; continue; } if ($filesize == 0) { $error .= lang('failed_if_file', $filename) . '<br />'; continue; } if (!in_array($fileext, $supportType)) { $error .= lang('failed_not_support', $filename) . '<br />'; continue; } if (!$this->mdl_photo->save_upload($album_id, $tmpfile, $filename, true, array('cate_id' => $album_info['cate_id']))) { $error .= lang('file_upload_failed', $filename) . '<br />'; } } else { $empty_num++; } } } else { $error = lang('need_sel_upload_file'); } if (isset($_FILES['imgs']) && $empty_num == count($_FILES['imgs']['name'])) { $this->output->set('msginfo', '<div class="failed">' . lang('need_sel_upload_file') . '</div>'); } else { $this->mdl_album->update_photos_num($album_id); $this->mdl_album->check_repare_cover($album_id); if ($error) { $this->output->set('msginfo', '<div class="failed">' . $error . '</div>'); } else { $this->output->set('msginfo', '<div class="success">' . lang('upload_photo_success') . '<a href="' . site_link('photos', 'index', array('aid' => $album_id)) . '">' . lang('view_album') . '</a></div>'); } } $crumb_nav = array(); $crumb_nav[] = array('name' => lang('upload_photo')); $this->page_crumb($crumb_nav); loader::view('upload/normal'); } }