function indexCourse() { global $db, $smarty, $nav; $query = "select c.course_name course, p.code code,\n p.paper_title title\n from paper p, course c\n where p.paper_course = c.code\n order by c.course_name, p.paper_title"; $result =& $db->queryAll($query); /* Iteration to get all info about the paper */ foreach ($result as $row) { /* Iteration to get all paper's author(s) */ $query = "select a.person_name name, a.person_lastname lastname, \n a.person_webpage webpage \n from person a, authoring at \n where at.code_author = a.code and at.code_paper = " . $db->quote($row['code']) . "order by at.author_order"; $temporal =& $db->queryAll($query); foreach ($temporal as $tmp_row) { $author[] = array('name' => $tmp_row['name'], 'lastname' => $tmp_row['lastname'], 'webpage' => $tmp_row['webpage']); } /* Here we put together all the information */ $paper[] = array('code' => $row['code'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'course' => $row['course'], 'author' => $author, 'tutor' => $tutor); unset($author); } $arr = generateIndex($paper, 'course', 1); $nav['Cursos'] = navigationIndex($arr); $smarty->assign('leftnav', $nav); $smarty->assign('index', $arr); $smarty->assign('body', $smarty->fetch('courseindex.tpl')); }
function indexCourse() { global $db, $smarty, $nav; $result = $db->prepare('select c.course_name course, p.code code, p.paper_title title from paper p, course c where p.paper_course = c.code order by c.course_name, p.paper_title'); $result =& $db->execute($query); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { die($db->getMessage()); } /* Iteration to get all info about the paper */ while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { /* Iteration to get all paper's author(s) */ $query = $db->prepare("select a.person_name name, a.person_lastname lastname, \n a.person_webpage webpage \n from person a, authoring at \n where at.code_author = a.code and at.code_paper = ?\n order by at.author_order"); $temporal =& $db->execute($query, $row['code']); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { die($db->getMessage()); } while ($temporal->fetchInto($tmp_row)) { $author[] = array('name' => $tmp_row['name'], 'lastname' => $tmp_row['lastname'], 'webpage' => $tmp_row['webpage']); } /* Here we put together all the information */ $paper[] = array('code' => $row['code'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'course' => $row['course'], 'author' => $author, 'tutor' => $tutor); unset($author); } $arr = generateIndex($paper, 'course', 1); $nav['Cursos'] = navigationIndex($arr); $smarty->assign('leftnav', $nav); $smarty->assign('index', $arr); $smarty->assign('body', $smarty->fetch('courseindex.tpl')); }