public function getCartTotal() { $member = get_member_account(false); $openid = $member['openid']; $cartotal = mysqld_selectcolumn("select sum(total) from " . table('shop_cart') . " where session_id='" . $openid . "'"); return empty($cartotal) ? 0 : $cartotal; }
$condition = $condition . ' and openid in (select alifans.openid from ' . table('alipay_alifans') . ' alifans where alifans.nickname like :alipayname)'; $conditiondata[':alipayname'] = '%' . $_GP['alipayname'] . '%'; } $status = 1; if (empty($_GP['showstatus']) || $_GP['showstatus'] == 1) { $status = 1; } if ($_GP['showstatus'] == -1) { $status = 0; } if (!empty($_GP['rank_level'])) { $rank_model = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('rank_model') . "where rank_level=" . intval($_GP['rank_level'])); if (!empty($rank_model['rank_level'])) { $condition = $condition . " and experience>=" . $rank_model['experience']; $rank_model2 = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('rank_model') . "where rank_level>" . $rank_model['rank_level'] . ' order by rank_level limit 1'); if (!empty($rank_model2['rank_level'])) { if (intval($rank_model['experience']) < intval($rank_model2['experience'])) { $condition = $condition . " and experience<" . $rank_model2['experience']; } } } } $rank_model_list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('rank_model') . " order by rank_level"); $list = mysqld_selectall('SELECT * FROM ' . table('member') . " where 1=1 and `istemplate`=0 and `status`={$status} {$condition} " . " LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, $conditiondata); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('member') . " where 1=1 and `istemplate`=0 {$condition} ", $conditiondata); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); foreach ($list as $index => $item) { $list[$index]['weixin'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('weixin_wxfans') . " WHERE openid = :openid", array(':openid' => $item['openid'])); $list[$index]['alipay'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('alipay_alifans') . " WHERE openid = :openid", array(':openid' => $item['openid'])); } include page('list');
} if ($status != '-99') { $condition .= " AND status = '" . intval($status) . "'"; } if ($status == '3') { $condition .= " and ( status = 3 or status = -5 or status = -6)"; } $dispatchs = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_dispatch')); $dispatchdata = array(); if (is_array($dispatchs)) { foreach ($dispatchs as $disitem) { $dispatchdata[$disitem['id']] = $disitem; } } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE 1=1 {$condition} ORDER BY createtime DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('shop_order') . " WHERE 1=1 {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($_GP['report'])) { foreach ($list as $id => $item) { $list[$id]['ordergoods'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT (select\tfrom" . table('shop_category') . " category where (0=goods.ccate and or (0!=goods.ccate and ) as categoryname,goods.thumb,ordersgoods.price,,goods.title,ordersgoods.optionname from " . table('shop_order_goods') . " ordersgoods left join " . table('shop_goods') . " goods on where ordersgoods.orderid=:oid order by ordersgoods.createtime desc ", array(':oid' => $item['id'])); } $report = 'orderreport'; require_once 'report.php'; exit; } include page('order_list'); } if ($operation == 'detail') { $orderid = intval($_GP['id']); $order = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $orderid)); $payments = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('payment') . " WHERE enabled = 1");
message('触发关键字' . $_GP['keywords'] . "已存在!"); } if (!empty($_FILES['thumb']['tmp_name'])) { file_delete($_GP['thumb_old']); $upload = file_upload($_FILES['thumb']); if (is_error($upload)) { message($upload['message'], '', 'error'); } $thumb = $upload['path']; } $data = array('title' => $_GP['title'], 'ruletype' => $_GP['ruletype'], 'keywords' => $_GP['keywords'], 'thumb' => $thumb, 'description' => $_GP['description'], 'url' => $_GP['url']); mysqld_insert('weixin_rule', $data); message('保存成功!', 'refresh', 'success'); } else { if ($rule['keywords'] != $_GP['keywords']) { $count = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT count(id) FROM ' . table('weixin_rule') . " WHERE keywords = :keywords", array(':keywords' => $_GP['keywords'])); if ($count > 0) { message('触发关键字' . $_GP['keywords'] . "已存在!"); } } if (!empty($_FILES['thumb']['tmp_name'])) { file_delete($_GP['thumb_old']); $upload = file_upload($_FILES['thumb']); if (is_error($upload)) { message($upload['message'], '', 'error'); } $thumb = $upload['path']; } $data = array('title' => $_GP['title'], 'ruletype' => $_GP['ruletype'], 'keywords' => $_GP['keywords'], 'description' => $_GP['description'], 'url' => $_GP['url']); if (!empty($thumb)) { $data['thumb'] = $thumb;
<?php $member = get_member_account(true, true); $openid = $member['openid']; $member = member_get($openid); $paymentconfig = ""; if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger')) { $paymentconfig = " and code!='alipay'"; } else { if (is_mobile_request()) { $paymentconfig = " and code!='weixin'"; } } $paymentlist = mysqld_selectall("select * from " . table("payment") . " where `enabled`=1 and `code`!='gold' and `online`=1 {$paymentconfig} "); $paymentscount = mysqld_selectcolumn("select count(id) from " . table("payment") . " where `enabled`=1 and `code`!='gold' and `online`=1 {$paymentconfig} "); if (empty($paymentscount)) { message("未找到可用的在线支付方式,暂时不支持余额充值。"); } if (checksubmit("submit")) { if (empty($_GP['charge']) || round($_GP['charge'], 2) <= 0) { message("请输入要充值的金额"); } $paytypecode = $_GP['paymentcode']; if (empty($paytypecode)) { message("请选择充值方式。"); } $payment = mysqld_select("select * from " . table("payment") . " where `enabled`=1 and `code`=:code and `code`!='gold' and `online`=1", array('code' => $paytypecode)); if (empty($payment['id'])) { message("未找到付款方式,付款失败"); } $goodtitle = "余额充值" . $_GP['charge'] . "元";
$condition .= " AND isnew = 1"; $sorturl .= "&isnew=1"; } if (!empty($_GP['ishot'])) { $condition .= " AND ishot = 1"; $sorturl .= "&ishot=1"; } if (!empty($_GP['isdiscount'])) { $condition .= " AND isdiscount = 1"; $sorturl .= "&isdiscount=1"; } if (!empty($_GP['istime'])) { $condition .= " AND istime = 1 "; $sorturl .= "&istime=1"; } $children = array(); $category = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_category') . " WHERE deleted=0 and enabled=1 ORDER BY parentid ASC, displayorder DESC", array(), 'id'); foreach ($category as $index => $row) { if (!empty($row['parentid'])) { $children[$row['parentid']][$row['id']] = $row; unset($category[$index]); } } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_goods') . " WHERE deleted=0 AND status = '1' {$condition} ORDER BY {$sortfield} "); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('shop_goods') . " WHERE deleted=0 AND status = '1' {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize, $url = '', $context = array('before' => 0, 'after' => 0, 'ajaxcallback' => '')); $id = $profile['id']; if ($profile['status'] == 0) { $profile['flag'] = 0; } include themePage('goodlist');
exit; } else { $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page'])); $psize = 20; $status = intval($_GP['status']); $where = "openid = '" . $openid . "'"; if ($status == -5) { $where .= " and ( status=-2 or status=-3 or status=-4 )"; } if ($status == 99) { // $where.=" and ( status=-5 or status=-6 or status=3 )"; } else { $where .= " and status={$status}"; } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE {$where} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, array(), 'id'); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('shop_order') . " WHERE openid = '" . $openid . "'"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as &$row) { $goods = mysqld_selectall("SELECT, g.title, g.thumb, g.marketprice,,o.optionid FROM " . table('shop_order_goods') . " o left join " . table('shop_goods') . " g on " . " WHERE o.orderid='{$row['id']}'"); foreach ($goods as &$item) { //属性 $option = mysqld_select("select title,marketprice,weight,stock from " . table("shop_goods_option") . " where id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $item['optionid'])); if ($option) { $item['title'] = "[" . $option['title'] . "]" . $item['title']; $item['marketprice'] = $option['marketprice']; } } unset($item); $row['goods'] = $goods; $row['total'] = $goodsid;
} elseif ($operation == 'default') { $id = intval($_GP['id']); mysqld_update('shop_address', array('isdefault' => 0), array('openid' => $openid)); mysqld_update('shop_address', array('isdefault' => 1), array('id' => $id)); message(1, '', 'ajax'); } elseif ($operation == 'detail') { $id = intval($_GP['id']); $row = mysqld_select("SELECT id, realname, mobile, province, city, area, address FROM " . table('shop_address') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); message($row, '', 'ajax'); } elseif ($operation == 'remove') { $id = intval($_GP['id']); if (!empty($id)) { $address = mysqld_select("select isdefault from " . table('shop_address') . " where id='{$id}' and openid='" . $openid . "' limit 1 "); if (!empty($address)) { //修改成不直接删除,而设置deleted=1 mysqld_update("shop_address", array("deleted" => 1, "isdefault" => 0), array('id' => $id, 'openid' => $openid)); if ($address['isdefault'] == 1) { //如果删除的是默认地址,则设置是新的为默认地址 $maxid = mysqld_selectcolumn("select max(id) as maxid from " . table('shop_address') . " where openid='" . $openid . "' limit 1 "); if (!empty($maxid)) { mysqld_update('shop_address', array('isdefault' => 1), array('id' => $maxid, 'openid' => $openid)); die(json_encode(array("result" => 1, "maxid" => $maxid))); } } } } die(json_encode(array("result" => 1, "maxid" => 0))); } else { $address = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_address') . " WHERE deleted=0 and openid = :openid", array(':openid' => $openid)); include themePage('address'); }
} $fee = round($_GP['charge'], 2); if ($fee > $member['gold']) { message('账户余额不足,最多能提取' . $member['gold'] . '元'); } $ordersn = 'rg' . date('Ymd') . random(6, 1); $gold_order = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('gold_teller') . " WHERE ordersn = '{$ordersn}'"); if (!empty($gold_order['ordersn'])) { $ordersn = 'rg' . date('Ymd') . random(6, 1); } member_gold($openid, $fee, 'usegold', '余额提取' . $fee . '元'); mysqld_insert('gold_teller', array('openid' => $openid, 'fee' => $fee, 'status' => 0, 'ordersn' => $ordersn, 'createtime' => time())); message('余额提取申请成功!', 'refresh', 'success'); exit; } $applygold = mysqld_selectcolumn("select sum(fee) from " . table("gold_teller") . " where status=0 and openid=" . $openid); if (empty($applygold)) { $applygold = '0'; } include themePage('outchargegold'); exit; } if ($op == 'history') { $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page'])); $psize = 20; $list = mysqld_selectall("select * from " . table("gold_teller") . " where openid=:openid order by createtime desc LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, array(":openid" => $openid)); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('gold_teller') . " where openid=:openid ", array(":openid" => $openid)); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); include themePage('outchargegold_history'); exit; }
<?php $settings = globaSetting(); $advs = mysqld_selectall("select * from " . table('shop_adv') . " where enabled=1 order by displayorder desc"); $allgoods = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table('shop_goods') . " WHERE deleted =0"); $children_category = array(); $category = mysqld_selectall("SELECT *,'' as list FROM " . table('shop_category') . " WHERE isrecommand=1 and enabled=1 and deleted=0 ORDER BY parentid ASC, displayorder DESC", array(), 'id'); foreach ($category as $index => $row) { if (!empty($row['parentid'])) { $children_category[$row['parentid']][$row['id']] = $row; unset($category[$index]); } } $first_good_list = array(); $recommandcategory = array(); foreach ($category as &$c) { if ($c['isrecommand'] == 1) { $c['list'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_goods') . " WHERE isrecommand=1 and deleted=0 AND status = 1 and pcate='{$c['id']}' ORDER BY displayorder DESC, sales"); foreach ($c['list'] as &$c1goods) { if ($c1goods['isrecommand'] == 1 && $c1goods['isfirst'] == 1) { $first_good_list[] = $c1goods; } } $recommandcategory[] = $c; } if (!empty($children_category[$c['id']])) { foreach ($children_category[$c['id']] as &$child) { if ($child['isrecommand'] == 1) { $child['list'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_goods') . " WHERE isrecommand=1 and deleted=0 AND status = 1 and pcate='{$c['id']}' and ccate='{$child['id']}' ORDER BY displayorder DESC, sales DESC "); foreach ($child['list'] as &$c2goods) { if ($c2goods['isrecommand'] == 1 && $c2goods['isfirst'] == 1) {
$condition .= " and t1.realnamestr='" . $realname . "'"; } if (!empty($_GP['addressname'])) { $addressname = $_GP['addressname']; $condition .= " and t1.tdrealname='" . $addressname . "'"; } if (!empty($_GP['ordersn'])) { $ordersn = $_GP['ordersn']; $condition .= " and t1.ordersn='" . $ordersn . "'"; } if ($isstatus == 1) { $conditionOrderStatus = "and orders.status>=1"; } else { $conditionOrderStatus = "and orders.status=3"; } if (!empty($_GP['orderstatisticsEXP01'])) { $psize = 9999; $pindex = 1; } $list = mysqld_selectall("select t1.* from (SELECT orders.status,,orders.createtime,orders.ordersn,orders.price,orders.dispatchprice,orders.paytype,(orders.address_realname ) tdrealname,(concat(orders.address_province,orders.address_city,orders.address_area,orders.address_address) ) tdaddress,(orders.address_mobile ) tdmobile from " . table('shop_order') . " orders where 1=1 {$conditionOrderStatus} order by orders.createtime desc) t1 where 1=1 {$condition} LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); foreach ($list as $id => $displayorder) { $list[$id]['ordergoods'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT (select\tfrom" . table('shop_category') . " category where (0=goods.ccate and or (0!=goods.ccate and ) as categoryname,goods.thumb,ordersgoods.price,,goods.title,ordersgoods.optionname from " . table('shop_order_goods') . " ordersgoods left join " . table('shop_goods') . " goods on where ordersgoods.orderid=:oid order by ordersgoods.createtime desc ", array(':oid' => $list[$id]['id'])); } $total = mysqld_selectcolumn("select count( from (SELECT orders.* from " . table('shop_order') . " orders where 1=1 {$conditionOrderStatus} order by orders.createtime desc) t1 where 1=1 {$condition} "); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($_GP['orderstatisticsEXP01'])) { $report = "orderstatistics"; require_once 'report.php'; exit; } include addons_page('orderstatistics');
public function do_getaward() { $xc_zjp = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_reply')); $member = get_member_account(true, intval($xc_zjp['needreg']) == 1); $openid = $member['openid']; if (empty($openid)) { message('非法访问,请重新发送消息进入抽奖页面!'); } $member = member_get($openid); if (empty($xc_zjp)) { message('非法访问,请重新发送消息进入抽奖页面!'); } $result = array('status' => -1, 'message' => ''); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " WHERE open_id = '{$openid}' and TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(createtime))<= " . $xc_zjp["periodlottery"]); $myuser = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_user') . " WHERE open_id = '{$openid}' "); $friendcount = 0; $arr_times = $this->get_today_times($total, $xc_zjp['maxlottery'], $friendcount); $result['useCount'] = false; $useCredit = false; if ($arr_times['today_has'] <= 0) { if (!empty($xc_zjp['basenum']) && $xc_zjp['basenum'] < $member['credit']) { $useCredit = true; } } if ($arr_times['today_has'] <= 0) { if (empty($xc_zjp['basenum']) || !empty($xc_zjp['basenum']) && $xc_zjp['basenum'] > $member['credit']) { $result['nochance'] = $arr_times['today_has']; $result['message'] = '抽奖机会已用完!'; $vars = array(); $vars['message'] = $result; $vars['redirect'] = refresh(); $vars['type'] = 'ajax'; exit(json_encode($vars)); } } $result['surplusCount'] = $arr_times['today_has'] - 1 < 0 ? -1 : $arr_times['today_has'] - 1; if (!empty($xc_zjp['basenum'])) { $result['useCredit1'] = $xc_zjp['basenum']; $result['surplusCredit1'] = $member['credit'] - $xc_zjp['basenum'] < 0 ? 0 : $member['credit'] - $xc_zjp['basenum']; } else { $result['useCredit1'] = 0; $result['surplusCredit1'] = 0; } $result['useCount'] = true; $gifts = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_award') . " WHERE total>0 ORDER BY probalilty ASC"); //计算每个礼物的概率 $probability = 0; $rate = 1; $award = array(); foreach ($gifts as $name => $gift) { if (empty($gift['probalilty'])) { continue; } if ($gift['probalilty'] < 1) { $temp = explode('.', $gift['probalilty']); $temp = pow(10, strlen($temp[1])); $rate = $temp < $rate ? $rate : $temp; } $probability = $probability + $gift['probalilty'] * $rate; $award[] = array('id' => $gift['id'], 'probalilty' => $probability); } $all = 100 * $rate; if ($probability < $all) { $award[] = array('title' => '', 'probalilty' => $all); } mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $rand = mt_rand(1, $all); foreach ($award as $key => $gift) { if (isset($award[$key - 1])) { if ($rand > $award[$key - 1]['probalilty'] && $rand <= $gift['probalilty']) { $awardid = $gift['id']; break; } } else { if ($rand > 0 && $rand <= $gift['probalilty']) { $awardid = $gift['id']; break; } } } $title = ''; $result['hasPrize'] = false; $result['message'] = '很遗憾,您没能中奖!'; $data = array('open_id' => $openid, 'status' => 0, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); $credit = array('award' => (empty($awardid) ? '未' : '') . '中奖', 'open_id' => $openid, 'status' => 3, 'description' => empty($awardid) ? $xc_zjp['misscredit'] : $xc_zjp['hitcredit'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); if (!empty($awardid)) { $gift = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_award') . " WHERE id = '{$awardid}'"); if ($gift['total'] > 0) { $data['award'] = $gift['title']; $result['gift'] = $gift['title']; $result['giftimg'] = $gift['description']; $result['hasPrize'] = true; mysqld_query("UPDATE " . table('xc_zjp_award') . " SET total = total - 1 WHERE id = '{$awardid}'"); $data['description'] = ''; $result['message'] = '恭喜您,得到“' . $data['award'] . '”!' . $desss; $result['status'] = 0; } else { $credit['description'] = $xc_zjp['misscredit']; } $data['gifturl'] = $gift['description']; $data['description'] = $gift['title']; } if ($useCredit) { member_credit($openid, intval($xc_zjp['basenum']), 'usecredit', '抓奖品消费积分'); } if (empty($_SESSION['cachetime']) || $_SESSION['cachetime'] < time()) { $_SESSION['cachetime'] = time() + 3; mysqld_insert('xc_zjp_winner', $data); } $result['myaward'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " WHERE open_id = '{$openid}' AND award <> '' ORDER BY createtime DESC"); $mycredit = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT SUM(description) FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " WHERE open_id = '{$openid}' AND award <> '' "); $result['credit'] = $mycredit; $result['credit'] = !empty($result['credit']) ? $result['credit'] : '0'; $vars = array(); $vars['message'] = $result; $vars['redirect'] = refresh(); $vars['type'] = 'ajax'; exit(json_encode($vars)); }
<?php $operation = !empty($_GP['op']) ? $_GP['op'] : 'display'; $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " where award <> '' ORDER BY createtime DESC"); foreach ($list as $id => $item) { $list[$id]['mobile'] = mysqld_selectcolumn("select mobile\tfrom" . table('member') . " where istemplate=0 and openid=:openid ", array(':openid' => $item['open_id'])); } if ($operation == 'post') { $id = intval($_GP['id']); mysqld_update('xc_zjp_winner', array('status' => 2), array('id' => $id)); message('兑现成功!', web_url('awardlist'), 'success'); } if ($operation == 'delete') { $id = intval($_GP['id']); mysqld_delete('xc_zjp_winner', array('id' => $id)); message('删除成功!', web_url('awardlist'), 'success'); } include addons_page('awardlist');
<?php $operation = !empty($_GP['op']) ? $_GP['op'] : 'display'; if ($operation == 'display') { $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page'])); $psize = 20; $condition = ''; $id = intval($_GP['id']); $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT comment.*,member.realname,,shop_goods.title FROM " . table('shop_goods_comment') . " comment left join " . table('member') . " member on comment.openid=member.openid left join " . table('shop_goods') . " shop_goods on ORDER BY comment.createtime DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('shop_goods_comment')); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); include page('goods_comment'); } elseif ($operation == 'delete') { $id = intval($_GP['id']); $row = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_goods_comment') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); if (empty($row)) { message('抱歉,评论不存在或是已经被删除!'); } //修改成不直接删除,而设置deleted=1 mysqld_delete("shop_goods_comment", array('id' => $id)); message('删除成功!', 'refresh', 'success'); }
<?php $requestcount = mysqld_selectcolumn("select count(id) FROM " . table('addon7_request') . " where award_id=:id", array(":id" => intval($_GP['id']))); if (empty($requestcount)) { mysqld_delete('addon7_award', array("id" => intval($_GP['id']))); } else { mysqld_update('addon7_award', array("deleted" => 1), array("id" => intval($_GP['id']))); } message('删除成功!', 'refresh', 'success');
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | WE CAN DO IT JUST FREE // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: °Ù¼ÒÍþÐÅ <QQ:2752555327> <> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- $condition = ""; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page'])); $psize = 20; if (!empty($_GP['start_time']) && !empty($_GP['end_time'])) { $start_time = strtotime($_GP['start_time'] . " 00:00:01"); $end_time = strtotime($_GP['end_time'] . " 23:59:59"); } else { $start_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:01', time())); $end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-t 23:59:59', time())); } $condition = " and orders.createtime>=" . $start_time . " and orders.createtime<=" . $end_time; if (!empty($_GP['saledetailsEXP01'])) { $psize = 9999; $pindex = 1; } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT ordergoods.price,,(select title from " . table('shop_goods') . " goods where titles,orders.createtime,orders.ordersn from " . table('shop_order_goods') . " ordergoods left join " . table('shop_order') . " orders on where 1=1 {$condition} order by orders.createtime desc LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count( from " . table('shop_order_goods') . " ordergoods left join " . table('shop_order') . " orders on where 1=1 {$condition} order by orders.createtime desc"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($_GP['saledetailsEXP01'])) { $report = "saledetails"; require_once 'report.php'; exit; } include addons_page('saledetails');
$dispatchs = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_dispatch')); $dispatchdata = array(); if (is_array($dispatchs)) { foreach ($dispatchs as $disitem) { $dispatchdata[$disitem['id']] = $disitem; } } $selectCondition = "LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize; if (!empty($_GP['report'])) { $selectCondition = ""; } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE 1=1 {$condition} ORDER BY createtime DESC " . $selectCondition); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('shop_order') . " WHERE 1=1 {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); foreach ($list as $id => $item) { $list[$id]['isguest'] = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT istemplate from " . table('member') . " where openid=:openid ", array(':openid' => $item['openid'])); } if (!empty($_GP['report'])) { foreach ($list as $id => $item) { $list[$id]['ordergoods'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT (select\tfrom" . table('shop_category') . " category where (0=goods.ccate and or (0!=goods.ccate and ) as categoryname,goods.thumb,ordersgoods.price,,goods.title,ordersgoods.optionname from " . table('shop_order_goods') . " ordersgoods left join " . table('shop_goods') . " goods on where ordersgoods.orderid=:oid order by ordersgoods.createtime desc ", array(':oid' => $item['id'])); } $report = 'orderreport'; require_once 'report.php'; exit; } $payments = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('payment') . " WHERE enabled = 1"); $hasaddon11 = false; $addon11 = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('modules') . " WHERE name = 'addon11' limit 1"); if (!empty($addon11['name'])) { if (is_file(ADDONS_ROOT . 'addon11/key.php')) { $hasaddon11 = true;
<?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | WE CAN DO IT JUST FREE // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: °Ù¼Òcms <QQ:1987884799> <> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- $goodslist = mysqld_selectall("SELECT,goods.sales from " . table('shop_goods') . " goods "); foreach ($goodslist as $gooditem) { $goodtotal = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT sum( FROM " . table('shop_order_goods') . " goodorder left join " . table('shop_order') . " orders on WHERE goodorder.goodsid = :id and orders.status>=1", array(':id' => $gooditem['id'])); if ($goodtotal > 0 && $goodslist['sales'] != $goodtotal && !empty($goodtotal)) { mysqld_update('shop_goods', array('sales' => $goodtotal), array('id' => $gooditem['id'])); } } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT goods.*,0 as cpersent,goods.sales salescount from " . table('shop_goods') . " goods order by salescount desc "); foreach ($list as $id => $displayorder) { $list[$id]['cpersent'] = round($list[$id]['salescount'] / ($list[$id]['viewcount'] == 0 ? 1 : $list[$id]['viewcount']) * 100, 2); if (empty($list[$id]['viewcount'])) { $list[$id]['viewcount'] = 0; } if (empty($list[$id]['salescount'])) { $list[$id]['salescount'] = 0; } if (empty($list[$id]['cpersent'])) { $list[$id]['cpersent'] = 0; } } include addons_page('productsalestatistics');
if ($goods['totalcnf'] != 2 && empty($goods['total'])) { message('抱歉,商品库存不足!'); } if ($goods['istime'] == 1) { if (time() < $goods['timestart']) { message('抱歉,还未到购买时间, 暂时无法购物哦~', refresh(), "error"); } if (time() > $goods['timeend']) { message('抱歉,商品限购时间已到,不能购买了哦~', refresh(), "error"); } } mysqld_update('shop_goods', array('viewcount' => $goods['viewcount'] + 1), array('id' => $goodsid)); //浏览量 $piclist = array(array("attachment" => $goods['thumb'])); $goods_piclist = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_goods_piclist') . " WHERE goodid = :goodid", array(':goodid' => $goodsid)); $goods_piclist_count = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table('shop_goods_piclist') . " WHERE goodid = :goodid", array(':goodid' => $goodsid)); if ($goods_piclist_count > 0) { $piclist = array(); foreach ($goods_piclist as &$item) { $piclist[] = array("attachment" => $item['picurl']); } } $marketprice = $goods['marketprice']; $productprice = $goods['productprice']; $stock = $goods['total']; //规格及规格项 $allspecs = mysqld_selectall("select * from " . table('shop_goods_spec') . " where goodsid=:id order by displayorder asc", array(':id' => $goodsid)); foreach ($allspecs as &$s) { $s['items'] = mysqld_selectall("select * from " . table('shop_goods_spec_item') . " where `show`=1 and specid=:specid order by displayorder asc", array(":specid" => $s['id'])); } unset($s);
$datas[$index]['persent'] = round($datas[$index]['count'] / $allcount, 2) * 100; } else { $datas[$index]['persent'] = 0; } } $dayallcount = 0; $daytopcount = 0; $daydatas = array(array()); $dayindex = 0; $lastday = date('t', strtotime($dropdayForYaer . "-" . $selectmonthSale . "-1")); for ($day = 1; $day <= $lastday; $day++) { if ($radiodayForSaleType == '0') { $dayordercount = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(id) FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE createtime >=" . strtotime($dropdayForYaer . "-" . $selectmonthSale . "-" . $day . " 00:00:01") . " and createtime <=" . strtotime($dropdayForYaer . "-" . $selectmonthSale . "-" . $day . " 23:59:59")); } if ($radiodayForSaleType == '1') { $dayordercount = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT sum(cast(price as decimal(8,2))) FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE createtime >=" . strtotime($dropdayForYaer . "-" . $selectmonthSale . "-" . $day . " 00:00:01") . " and createtime <=" . strtotime($dropdayForYaer . "-" . $selectmonthSale . "-" . $day . " 23:59:59")); } if (empty($dayordercount)) { $dayordercount = 0; } $daydatas[$dayindex]['day'] = $day; $daydatas[$dayindex]['count'] = $dayordercount; $dayindex = $dayindex + 1; $dayallcount = $dayallcount + $dayordercount; if ($daytopcount < $dayordercount) { $daytopcount = $dayordercount; } } foreach ($daydatas as $index => $row) { if ($dayallcount > 0) { $daydatas[$index]['persent'] = round($daydatas[$index]['count'] / $dayallcount, 2) * 100;
} else { $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page'])); $psize = 20; $status = intval($_GP['status']); $where = "openid = '" . $openid . "'"; if ($status == -5) { $where .= " and ( status=-2 or status=-3 or status=-4 )"; } else { if ($status == 99) { // $where.=" and ( status=-5 or status=-6 or status=3 )"; } else { $where .= " and status={$status}"; } } $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE {$where} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, array(), 'id'); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . table('shop_order') . " WHERE {$where} "); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as &$row) { $goods = mysqld_selectall("SELECT, g.title, g.thumb, g.marketprice,,o.optionid FROM " . table('shop_order_goods') . " o left join " . table('shop_goods') . " g on " . " WHERE o.orderid='{$row['id']}'"); foreach ($goods as &$item) { //属性 $option = mysqld_select("select title,marketprice,weight,stock from " . table("shop_goods_option") . " where id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $item['optionid'])); if ($option) { $item['title'] = "[" . $option['title'] . "]" . $item['title']; $item['marketprice'] = $option['marketprice']; } } unset($item); $row['goods'] = $goods; $row['total'] = $goodsid;
<?php $operation = !empty($_GP['op']) ? $_GP['op'] : 'display'; if ($operation == 'display') { $status = 1; $condition .= " AND status = '" . intval($status) . "'"; $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE 1=1 {$condition} "); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE 1=1 {$condition} "); $dispatchs = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_dispatch')); $dispatchdata = array(); if (is_array($dispatchs)) { foreach ($dispatchs as $disitem) { $dispatchdata[$disitem['id']] = $disitem; } } if (checksubmit('sendbatexpress')) { $index = 0; if (!empty($_GP['check'])) { foreach ($_GP['check'] as $k) { $item = mysqld_select("SELECT status,ordersn FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $k)); $isexpress = $_GP['express' . $k]; if ($isexpress != '-1' && empty($_GP['expressno' . $k])) { message('订单' . $item['ordersn'] . '没有快递单号,请填写完整!'); } if ($item['status'] != 1) { message('订单' . $item['ordersn'] . '状态不是待发货状态,请重新点击”批量发货“后进行操作。'); } } foreach ($_GP['check'] as $k) { $item = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $k)); $express = $_GP['express' . $k];
<?php $member = mysqld_select('SELECT * FROM ' . table('member') . ' where openid=:openid', array(':openid' => $_GP['openid'])); $weixininfo = mysqld_select('SELECT * FROM ' . table('weixin_wxfans') . ' where openid=:openid', array(':openid' => $_GP['openid'])); $bonuscount = mysqld_selectcolumn("select count(bonus_user.bonus_id) from " . table("bonus_user") . " bonus_user left join " . table("bonus_type") . " bonus_type on bonus_type.type_id=bonus_user.bonus_type_id where bonus_user.deleted=0 and `openid`=:openid order by isuse,bonus_type.send_type ", array(':openid' => $_GP['openid'])); if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (!empty($member['openid'])) { } if ($member['mobile'] != $_GP['mobile']) { $checkmember = mysqld_select('SELECT * FROM ' . table('member') . ' where mobile=:mobile', array(':mobile' => $_GP['mobile'])); if (!empty($checkmember['openid'])) { message($_GP['mobile'] . "已被注册。"); } } $datas = array('realname' => $_GP['realname'], 'mobile' => $_GP['mobile'], 'email' => $_GP['email']); if (!empty($_GP['password'])) { if ($_GP['password'] == $_GP['repassword']) { $datas['pwd'] = md5($_GP['password']); } else { message("两次密码不相同"); } } mysqld_update('member', $datas, array('openid' => $_GP['openid'])); message('操作成功!', 'refresh', 'success'); } include page('detail');
<?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | WE CAN DO IT JUST FREE // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: 百家威信 <QQ:2752555327> <> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- //订单总金额 $allorderprice = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT sum(cast(price as decimal(8,2))) FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE status=3 "); //总订单数 $allordercount = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(id) FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE status=3 "); //总会员数 $allmembercount = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table('member') . " where istemplate=0"); //总访问次数 $allorderviewcount = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT sum(cast(viewcount as decimal(8,0))) FROM " . table('shop_goods')); //有过订单的会员 $haveordermembercount = mysqld_selectcolumn("select count(os.openid) from (SELECT orders.openid FROM " . table('shop_order') . " orders group by orders.openid) as os"); if (empty($allorderprice)) { $allorderprice = 0; } include addons_page('saletargets');
if (empty($monthorderprice_re)) { $monthorderprice_re = "0.00"; } else { $monthorderprice_re = round($monthorderprice_re, 2); } if (empty($yearorderprice_re)) { $yearorderprice_re = "0.00"; } else { $yearorderprice_re = round($yearorderprice_re, 2); } $chartdata1 = array(); $index = 0; for ($dateindex = 1; $dateindex <= 7; $dateindex++) { $time = $nowyear . "-" . $nowmonth . "-" . $dateindex; $datastr = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - date("w") + $dateindex, date("Y"))); $start_time = date("Y-m-d 00:00:01", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - date("w") + $dateindex, date("Y"))); $end_time = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d") - date("w") + $dateindex, date("Y"))); $chart1data = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT sum(price) FROM " . table('shop_order') . " WHERE status>=1 and createtime >=" . strtotime($start_time) . " and createtime <=" . strtotime($end_time)); if (empty($chart1data)) { $chart1data = "0.00"; } else { $chart1data = round($chart1data, 2); } $tchartdata = array(); $tchartdata['counts'] = $chart1data; $tchartdata['dates'] = $datastr; $tchartdata['index'] = $index; $chartdata1[] = $tchartdata; $index = $index + 1; } include page('center');
function refreshSetting($arrays) { if (is_array($arrays)) { foreach ($arrays as $cid => $cate) { $config_data = mysqld_selectcolumn('SELECT `name` FROM ' . table('config') . " where `name`=:name", array(":name" => $cid)); if (empty($config_data)) { mysqld_delete('config', array('name' => $cid)); $data = array('name' => $cid, 'value' => $cate); mysqld_insert('config', $data); } else { mysqld_update('config', array('value' => $cate), array('name' => $cid)); } } mysqld_update('config', array('value' => ''), array('name' => 'system_config_cache')); } }
<?php $operation = !empty($_GP['op']) ? $_GP['op'] : 'display'; if ($operation == 'delete') { if (checksubmit('submit')) { foreach ($_GP['check'] as $k) { mysqld_update('bonus_user', array('deleted' => 1), array('bonus_id' => intval($k))); } message("批量删除成功!", "refresh", "success"); } mysqld_update('bonus_user', array('deleted' => 1), array('bonus_id' => intval($_GP['id']))); message("删除成功!", "refresh", "success"); } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page'])); $psize = 20; $bonus_user_list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT user.*, mobile,member.realname,orders.ordersn FROM " . table('bonus_user') . " user left join " . table('member') . " member on member.openid=user.openid left join " . table('shop_order') . " orders on where user.deleted=0 and user.bonus_type_id=:bonus_type_id order by user.bonus_id desc LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, array(":bonus_type_id" => $_GP['id'])); $total = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(user.bonus_id) FROM " . table('bonus_user') . " user left join " . table('member') . " member on member.openid=user.openid left join " . table('shop_order') . " orders on where user.deleted=0 and user.bonus_type_id=:bonus_type_id", array(":bonus_type_id" => $_GP['id'])); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); include page('bonus_view');
<?php $operation = !empty($_GP['op']) ? $_GP['op'] : 'display'; if ($operation == 'delete') { mysqld_update('bonus_type', array('deleted' => 1), array('type_id' => intval($_GP['id']))); message("删除成功!", "refresh", "success"); } if ($operation == 'post') { $bonus = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('bonus_type') . " where type_id='" . intval($_GP['id']) . "' "); if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (empty($_GP['id'])) { $data = array('type_name' => $_GP['type_name'], 'type_money' => $_GP['type_money'], 'send_type' => $_GP['send_type'], 'min_amount' => $_GP['min_amount'], 'max_amount' => $_GP['max_amount'], 'send_start_date' => strtotime($_GP['send_start_date']), 'send_end_date' => strtotime($_GP['send_end_date']), 'use_start_date' => strtotime($_GP['use_start_date']), 'use_end_date' => strtotime($_GP['use_end_date']), 'min_goods_amount' => $_GP['min_goods_amount']); mysqld_insert('bonus_type', $data); message("添加成功", create_url('site', array('name' => 'bonus', 'do' => 'bonus', 'op' => 'display')), "success"); } else { $data = array('type_name' => $_GP['type_name'], 'type_money' => $_GP['type_money'], 'send_type' => $_GP['send_type'], 'min_amount' => $_GP['min_amount'], 'max_amount' => $_GP['max_amount'], 'send_start_date' => strtotime($_GP['send_start_date']), 'send_end_date' => strtotime($_GP['send_end_date']), 'use_start_date' => strtotime($_GP['use_start_date']), 'use_end_date' => strtotime($_GP['use_end_date']), 'min_goods_amount' => $_GP['min_goods_amount']); mysqld_update('bonus_type', $data, array('type_id' => $_GP['id'])); message("修改成功", "refresh", "success"); } } include page('bonus'); exit; } $bonus_list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT *,0 sendcount,0 usercount FROM " . table('bonus_type') . " where deleted=0"); foreach ($bonus_list as $index => $bonus) { $bonus_list[$index]['sendcount'] = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table('bonus_user') . " where deleted=0 and bonus_type_id=:bonus_type_id", array(":bonus_type_id" => $bonus['type_id'])); $bonus_list[$index]['usercount'] = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . table('bonus_user') . " where deleted=0 and isuse=1 and bonus_type_id=:bonus_type_id", array(":bonus_type_id" => $bonus['type_id'])); } include page('bonus_list');