$greet = function ($name = "", $surname = "") {
    echo "hello! {$name} {$surname}\n";
    #printf("Hello %d\r\n",$name);
$greet('Ioannis', "Papagiannis");
$greet = "myprint";
$greet('Matteo %s');
$greet = "printf";
$greet('Matteo %s\\n', "rocks");
$c = 'cello';
$c = $c[0];
if ($c == 'c') {
    echo "\nIt is c!\n";
myprint("Nick", "Carter");
printf("Hello World\n");
printf("from %s\n", "yiannis");
$x = rand(0, 0);
printf("random number=%d\n", $x);
if (isset($x)) {
    echo "x is actually set\n";
} else {
    echo "x is NOT set\n";
if (empty($x)) {
    echo "x is actually empty\n";
} else {
    echo "x is NOT empty\n";
Пример #2
function lang()
    defined('PAGE_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED') or define('PAGE_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED', 666);
    static $defaults = array('json' => false, 'force' => false, 'namespace' => 'default', 'usenativelocale' => true);
    static $userIsTranslator;
    return func_get_arg(0);
    if (is_null($userIsTranslator)) {
        $acl = Zend_Registry::get('acl');
        $user_role = class_exists('UserModel', false) ? UserModel::getCurrentUserInfo()->role : 'guest';
        $userIsTranslator = $acl->isAllowed($user_role, 'translate');
    $args = $originalArgs = func_get_args();
    $trString = array_shift($args);
    __log__("Want to translate string \"{$trString}\"", Zend_Log::INFO);
    //return $trString;
    $c = count($args);
    	if(preg_match('/company/', $trString)){
    if ($c > 1 && is_array($args[$c - 1])) {
        $options = array_pop($args);
    } else {
        $options = array();
    if (isset($args[0])) {
        $args = is_array($args[0]) ? $args[0] : array($args[0]);
    	if(preg_match('/about -/', $trString)){
    $options += $defaults;
    if (Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'admin') {
        $options['json'] = true;
    $options['register_untranslated_words'] = !!Zend_Registry::get('configuration')->register_untranslated_words;
    $translate = Zend_Registry::get('translations')->{$options['namespace']};
    if (is_null($translate)) {
        throw new Exception("No translation found under register {$options['namespace']}");
     * Do we have translation ?
    if ($translate->isTranslated($trString)) {
        $jsonStr = Zend_Json::encode($trString);
        $trString = $translate->translate($trString);
        if ($args) {
            $trString = myprint($trString, $args);
        return $trString;
        if ($userIsTranslator && !$options['json']) {
            $trString .= "<a href='#' onclick='translate({$jsonStr},this,options)'>#</a>";
        return $trString;
         * Is the language of translation default ?
    } else {
        if ($translate->getAdapter()->getLocale() == 'uk_UA' && $options['usenativelocale']) {
            if (is_string($args)) {
            return myprint($trString, $args);
             * Do we need to return original string ?
        } else {
            if ($userIsTranslator || $options['force']) {
                __log__("String is not translated but forced - \"{$trString}\"", Zend_Log::INFO);
                if ($options['register_untranslated_words']) {
                    AdminTranslateModel::getInstance()->addTranslationString(Zend_Registry::get('lang'), $trString);
                return myprint($trString, $args);
                if (!$options['json']) {
                    $jsonStr = Zend_Json::encode($trString);
                    $trString .= "<a href='#' onclick='translate({$jsonStr},this,options)'>*</a>";
                return myprint($trString, $args);
            } else {
                if (!UserController::isDispatchableNow()) {
                    //Need to let user login
                    __log__("String is not translated - \"{$trString}\"", Zend_Log::INFO);
                    //throw new Exception('Sorry page is not translated yet', PAGE_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED);
    return myprint($trString, $args);