function check_against_compiled($program) { global $filename; // Interpret $result = run_with_php($program, $filename); if ($result == false) { return false; } list($php_out, $php_err, $php_exit) = $result; // Compile $result = run_with_phc($program, $filename); if ($result == false) { return false; } list($phc_out, $phc_err, $phc_exit) = $result; if ($phc_out != $php_out || $phc_err != $php_err || $phc_exit != $php_exit) { mydebug(1, "Outputs differ"); return true; } mydebug(1, "Outputs are the same"); return false; }
function debug() { // forces debug //var_dump($this); $GLOBALS['debug'] = 1; mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "FDIR: " . $this->family); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "CSS: " . $this->CSS_filename); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "CSSDIR: " . $this->CSS_dir); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "TPL: " . $this->template); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "TPLDIR: " . $this->template_dir); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "JS: " . $this->JS_filename); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "JSDIR: " . $this->JS_dir); mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, "MDIR: " . $this->module_dir); $GLOBALS['debug'] = 0; }
function make_linkFN($children_ha, $im_dest, $position_node) { $background_R = $GLOBALS['background_R']; $background_G = $GLOBALS['background_G']; $background_B = $GLOBALS['background_B']; $foreground_R = $GLOBALS['foreground_R']; $foreground_G = $GLOBALS['foreground_R']; $foreground_B = $GLOBALS['foreground_R ']; $root_dir = $GLOBALS['root_dir']; $layout_template = $GLOBALS['layout_template']; $duplicate_dir_structure = $GLOBALS['duplicate_dir_structure']; $family = $GLOBALS['family']; $debug = $GLOBALS['debug']; $src_x = 0; $src_y = 0; $text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im_dest, $foreground_R, $foreground_G, $foreground_B); $node_from_found = 0; $node_to_found = 0; foreach ($children_ha as $child) { $id_node_from = $child['id_child']; $linked = $child['linked']; if (!empty($linked)) { foreach ($linked as $link) { $id_node_to = $link['id_node_to']; mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, array('id_node_to' => $id_node_to, 'id_node_from' => $id_node_from)); foreach ($position_node as $pos) { $id_node = $pos['id_node']; mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, array('id_node_from' => $id_node_from, 'id_node_to' => $id_node_to, 'id_node' => $id_node, 'trovato' => $node_from_found)); if ($id_node == $id_node_from and !$node_from_found) { // get position of node from mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, $id_node); $bounds = $pos['bounds']; $bounds = explode(",", $bounds); $xa1 = $bounds[0]; $ya1 = $bounds[1]; // left top corner $xa4 = $bounds[2]; $ya4 = $bounds[3]; // right bottom corner $xa2 = $xa4; $ya2 = $ya1; // right top corner $xa3 = $xa1; $ya3 = $ya4; // left bottom corner $node_from_found = 1; } elseif ($id_node == $id_node_to and !$node_to_found) { // get position of node to $node_to_found = 1; $bounds = $pos['bounds']; $bounds = explode(",", $bounds); $xb1 = $bounds[0]; $yb1 = $bounds[1]; // left top corner $xb4 = $bounds[2]; $yb4 = $bounds[3]; // right bottom corner $xb2 = $xb4; $yb2 = $yb1; // right top corner $xb3 = $xb1; $yb3 = $yb4; // left bottom corner } } if ($node_from_found and $node_to_found) { $node_from_found = 0; $node_to_found = 0; // Calcola la distanza tra i punti $min_dist = 10000; $min_array = 0; $distanza_ar = array(); $coordinate_ar = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { $XA = "xa" . $i; $YA = "ya" . $i; for ($o = 1; $o <= 4; $o++) { $XB = "xb" . $o; $YB = "yb" . $o; $distanza_ar[] = round(sqrt(abs(pow(${$XA} - ${$XB}, 2) + pow(${$YA} - ${$YB}, 2)))); $coordinate_ar[] = ${$XA} . "," . ${$YA} . "," . ${$XB} . "," . ${$YB}; } } for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) { if ($distanza_ar[$i] < $min_dist) { $min_array = $i; $min_dist = $distanza_ar[$i]; # echo "Minore = $min_array, distanza Minore = $min_dist <BR>"; } } $coordinate = $coordinate_ar[$min_array]; $coord_final = explode(",", $coordinate); # echo "$coordinate<BR><BR>"; $x_from = $coord_final[0]; $y_from = $coord_final[1]; $x_to = $coord_final[2]; $y_to = $coord_final[3]; imagedashedline($im_dest, $x_from, $y_from, $x_to, $y_to, $text_color); } } } } return true; }
$xp->data_void(); if ($ris_ar['0'] != 'errore') { $dati = translateFN('Risultato: ') . $ris_ar[0] . '<br>'; $dati .= translateFN('Nodi processati: ') . $ris_ar['1'] . '<br>'; $dati .= translateFN('Media copiati: ') . $ris_ar['2'] . '<br>'; $dati .= translateFN('Media non copiati: ') . count($ris_ar['3']) . '<br>'; $backup_copy = copy(realpath(AUTHOR_COURSE_PATH_DEFAULT . '/' . $xml_file), realpath(UPLOAD_PATH . $author_id . '/' . $id . '.xml')); } else { $dati = translateFN('Risultato: ') . $ris_ar[0] . '<br>'; $dati .= translateFN('Nodi processati: ') . @$ris_ar['1'] . '<br>'; $dati .= translateFN('Media copiati: ') . @$ris_ar['2'] . '<br>'; $dati .= translateFN('Media non copiati: ') . count(@$ris_ar['3']) . '<br>'; while (list($key, $val) = each($ris_ar['errori'])) { $dati .= $val . '<br>'; } } } else { mydebug(__LINE__, __FILE__, $xp->init_error); $dati .= translateFN('ERRORE: Non è stato scelto un file XML o la sintassi non è corretta.'); } // elimina l'oggetto dalla memoria unset($xp); $menu = '<a href="' . HTTP_ROOT_DIR . '/courses/author.php">' . translateFN('home') . '</a>'; $menu .= '<br><a href="' . HTTP_ROOT_DIR . '/admin/author_add_course.php">' . translateFN('nuovo corso') . '</a>'; $banner = (include ROOT_DIR . '/include/'); $help = translateFN("Da qui l'Autore del corso può inserire un corso in formato XML nel database ADA."); $status = translateFN('Inserimento corso'); // preparazione output HTML e print dell' output $title = translateFN('ADA - Inserimento del corso nel database'); $content_dataAr = array('menu' => $menu, 'banner' => $banner, 'dati' => $dati, 'help' => $help, 'status' => $status, 'user_name' => $user_name, 'user_type' => $user_type, 'agenda' => $user_agenda->getHtml(), 'messages' => $user_messages->getHtml()); ARE::render($layout_dataAr, $content_dataAr);