/** * Check whether MyAlerts is activated. Useful for 3rd parties. Example usage: * * <pre> * if (function_exists('myalerts_is_activated') && myalerts_is_activated()) { * // Do work with MyAlerts. * } * </pre> * * @return bool Whether MyAlerts is activated and installed. */ function myalerts_is_activated() { global $cache; $plugins = $cache->read('plugins'); $activePlugins = $plugins['active']; $isActive = false; if (in_array('myalerts', $activePlugins)) { $isActive = true; } return myalerts_is_installed() && $isActive; }
if ($wiki['watching'] != null) { $watching = explode(',', $wiki['watching']); if (in_array($mybb->user['uid'], $watching)) { error($lang->wiki_already_watching); } } if ($wiki['watching'] == null) { $wiki['watching'] = $mybb->user['uid']; } else { $wiki['watching'] .= ",{$mybb->user['uid']}"; } $db->write_query(sprintf("UPDATE `%swiki` SET `watching`='{$wiki['watching']}' WHERE `id`='{$id}'", TABLE_PREFIX)); $plugins->run_hooks('wiki_watch_end'); redirect("wiki.php", $lang->wiki_now_watching); } elseif ($mybb->input['action'] == 'unwatch') { if (!function_exists('myalerts_is_installed') || !myalerts_is_installed()) { error($lang->wiki_myalerts_not_installed); } $id = (int) $mybb->input['id']; $query = $db->write_query(sprintf("SELECT watching FROM `%swiki` WHERE `id`='{$id}'", TABLE_PREFIX)); if ($db->num_rows($query) === 0) { error($lang->doesntexist); } $wiki = $db->fetch_array($query); $plugins->run_hooks('wiki_unwatch_start'); if ($wiki['watching'] != null) { $watching = explode(',', $wiki['watching']); if (!in_array($mybb->user['uid'], $watching)) { error($lang->wiki_not_already_watching); } $pointer = array_search($mybb->user['uid'], $watching);
/** * Check if MyAlerts 2.0 exists. */ public static function myalerts_exists() { return function_exists("myalerts_is_installed") && myalerts_is_installed(); }