Пример #1
if ($checked != '-1') {
    $wheresql .= " AND checked='{$checked}'";
if ($indays) {
    $wheresql .= " AND updatedate>'" . ($timestamp - 86400 * $indays) . "'";
if ($outdays) {
    $wheresql .= " AND updatedate<'" . ($timestamp - 86400 * $outdays) . "'";
$urlsarr = array(0 => array(lang('nolimittype'), "?action={$action}"));
foreach ($mcommus as $k => $v) {
    if ($v['cclass'] == 'comment') {
        $urlsarr[$k] = array($v['cname'], "?action={$action}&cuid={$k}");
count($urlsarr) > 2 && murl_nav($urlsarr, $cuid, 6);
if (!submitcheck('barcsedit')) {
    $checkedarr = array('-1' => lang('nolimit'), '0' => lang('nocheckcomment'), '1' => lang('checkedcomment'));
    tabheader(lang('filtersetting') . viewcheck('viewdetail', $viewdetail, 'tbodyfilter') . '&nbsp; &nbsp; ' . strbutton('bfilter', 'filter0'), 'arcsedit', "?action=amcomments&page={$page}");
    echo "<tbody id=\"tbodyfilter\" style=\"display: " . (empty($viewdetail) ? 'none' : '') . "\">";
    trhidden('cuid', $cuid);
    trbasic(lang('checkstate'), '', makeradio('checked', $checkedarr, $checked), '');
    trbasic(lang('uclass'), 'ucid', makeoption(array(0 => lang('allcoclass')) + $ucidsarr, $ucid), 'select');
    trbasic(lang('srcmemberid'), 'fromid', $fromid);
    trbasic(lang('srcmembercname'), 'fromname', $fromname, 'text', lang('agsearchkey'));
    trrange(lang('commentdate'), array('outdays', empty($outdays) ? '' : $outdays, '', '&nbsp; ' . lang('daybefore') . '&nbsp; -&nbsp; ', 5), array('indays', empty($indays) ? '' : $indays, '', '&nbsp; ' . lang('dayin'), 5));
    echo "</tbody>";
    $pagetmp = $page;
    do {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT * {$fromsql} {$wheresql} ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT " . ($pagetmp - 1) * $mrowpp . ",{$mrowpp}");
Пример #2
require_once M_ROOT . './include/ucenter/config.inc.php';
require_once M_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php';
list($uid, $username) = uc_get_user($curuser->info['mname']);
$boxs = array('newpm', 'privatepm', 'systempm', 'announcepm');
$boxl = array('noreadpm', 'memberpm', 'syspm', 'ucpm');
$new = uc_pm_checknew($uid, 4);
$new['privatepm'] = $new['newprivatepm'];
$new['systempm'] = $new['newpm'] - $new['privatepm'];
$action == 'pmbox' && ($box = !empty($box) && in_array($box, $boxs) ? $box : ($new['newpm'] ? 'newpm' : 'privatepm'));
$l = count($boxs);
$urlsarr = array('pmsend' => array(lang('sendpm'), '?action=pmsend'));
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
    $urlsarr[$boxs[$i]] = array(lang($boxl[$i]) . ($new[$boxs[$i]] ? '(' . $new[$boxs[$i]] . ')' : ''), "?action=pmbox&box={$boxs[$i]}&page={$page}");
murl_nav($urlsarr, 'pmbox' == $action ? $box : 'pmsend', 6);
if ($action == 'pmsend') {
    if (!submitcheck('bpmsend')) {
        tabheader(lang('sendpm'), 'pmsend', "?action=pmsend&box={$box}&page={$page}", 2, 0, 1);
        trbasic(lang('pmtitle'), 'pmnew[title]', '', 'btext');
        trbasic(lang('pmtonames'), 'pmnew[tonames]', empty($tonames) ? '' : $tonames, 'btext');
        trbasic(lang('pmcontent'), 'pmnew[content]', '', 'btextarea');
        $submitstr = '';
        //		$submitstr .= makesubmitstr('pmnew[title]',1,0,0,80);
        $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('pmnew[tonames]', 1, 0, 0, 100);
        $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('pmnew[content]', 1, 0, 0, 1000);
        $submitstr .= tr_regcode('pm');
    } else {