Пример #1
  * Execute.
 public function execute()
     mtrace('Sync cohort roles...');
     $result = api::sync_all_cohort_roles();
     mtrace('Added ' . count($result['rolesadded']));
     mtrace('Removed ' . count($result['rolesremoved']));
Пример #2
 * set or unset an access to some peer
 * @param int $userid
 * @param bool $access true or false
 * @param string $wwwroot optional host root to give acces to. the access filed name is computed from the wwwroot url
function user_mnet_hosts_set_access($userid, $access, $wwwroot = null)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    if (!$wwwroot) {
        $wwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
    $accesskey = user_mnet_hosts_make_accesskey($wwwroot, true);
    if (!($field = $DB->get_record('user_info_field', array('shortname' => $accesskey)))) {
        // Try to setup install if results not having done before.
        if ($wwwroot == $CFG->wwwroot) {
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/user_mnet_hosts/db/install.php';
            mtrace("Second chance {$accesskey} ");
            $field = $DB->get_record('user_info_field', array('shortname' => $accesskey));
        } else {
            return false;
    if ($data = $DB->get_record('user_info_data', array('userid' => $userid, 'fieldid' => $field->id))) {
        $data->data = $access;
        $DB->update_record('user_info_data', $data);
    } else {
        $data = new StdClass();
        $data->userid = $userid;
        $data->fieldid = $field->id;
        $data->data = $access;
        $DB->insert_record('user_info_data', $data);
 public function execute()
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/enrolmentreminder/lib.php';
     mtrace('running enrolment reminders scheduled task');
     set_config('lastcron', time(), 'local_enrolmentreminder');
  * Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
  * This function searches for things that need to be done, such
  * as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
  * Runs any automatically scheduled reports weekly or monthly.
  * @return boolean
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../locallib.php';
     $timenow = time();
     list($startofthisweek, $startoflastweek) = report_customsql_get_week_starts($timenow);
     list($startofthismonth) = report_customsql_get_month_starts($timenow);
     mtrace("... Looking for old temp CSV files to delete.");
     $numdeleted = report_customsql_delete_old_temp_files($startoflastweek);
     if ($numdeleted) {
         mtrace("... {$numdeleted} old temporary files deleted.");
     // Get daily scheduled reports.
     $dailyreportstorun = report_customsql_get_ready_to_run_daily_reports($timenow);
     // Get weekly and monthly scheduled reports.
     $scheduledreportstorun = $DB->get_records_select('report_customsql_queries', "(runable = 'weekly' AND lastrun < :startofthisweek) OR\n                                             (runable = 'monthly' AND lastrun < :startofthismonth)", array('startofthisweek' => $startofthisweek, 'startofthismonth' => $startofthismonth), 'lastrun');
     // All reports ready to run.
     $reportstorun = array_merge($dailyreportstorun, $scheduledreportstorun);
     foreach ($reportstorun as $report) {
         mtrace("... Running report " . strip_tags($report->displayname));
         try {
             report_customsql_generate_csv($report, $timenow);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             mtrace("... REPORT FAILED " . $e->getMessage());
Пример #5
 function filter($text, array $options = array())
     global $CFG;
     if (!is_string($text) or empty($text)) {
         // non string data can not be filtered anyway
         return $text;
     if (stripos($text, '</a>') === false) {
         // performance shortcut - all regexes bellow end with the </a> tag,
         // if not present nothing can match
         return $text;
     $newtext = $text;
     // we need to return the original value if regex fails!
      * TODO
      * The following doesn't work correctly; we get an array with only letters:
      * [0]=>"<a href="http://link.mediacore.tv/media/video">link</a>", 
      * [1]=>"n", 
      * [2]=>"N";
      * This effects the actual filter function below.
     $search = '/<a\\s[^>]+http:\\/\\/([0-9A-Za-z])+\\.mediacore\\.tv\\/([0-9A-Za-z])[^>]+>([0-9A-Za-z])+[^>]+>/';
     $newtext = preg_replace_callback($search, 'filter_mediacorefilter_callback', $newtext);
     if (empty($newtext) or $newtext === $text) {
         // error or not filtered
         mtrace('link empty');
         return $text;
     return $newtext;
 * Cron that runs any automatically scheduled reports weekly or monthly.
function report_customsql_cron()
    global $CFG;
    $timenow = time();
    if (!empty($CFG->reportcustomsqlmaxruntime)) {
        $timestop = $timenow + $CFG->reportcustomsqlmaxruntime;
    } else {
        $timestop = $timenow + 180;
        // Three minutes.
    list($startofthisweek, $startoflastweek) = report_customsql_get_week_starts($timenow);
    list($startofthismonth) = report_customsql_get_month_starts($timenow);
    mtrace("... Looking for old temp CSV files to delete.");
    $numdeleted = report_customsql_delete_old_temp_files($startoflastweek);
    if ($numdeleted) {
        mtrace("... {$numdeleted} files deleted.");
    $reportstorun = get_records_select('report_customsql_queries', "(runable = 'weekly' AND lastrun < {$startofthisweek}) OR\n            (runable = 'monthly' AND lastrun < {$startofthismonth})", 'lastrun');
    if (empty($reportstorun)) {
    while (!empty($reportstorun) && time() < $timestop) {
        $report = array_shift($reportstorun);
        mtrace("... Running report " . strip_tags($report->displayname));
        try {
            report_customsql_generate_csv($report, $timenow);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            mtrace("... REPORT FAILED " . $e->getMessage());
Пример #7
* MS Word extractor
* @param object $resource 
* @uses CFG, USER
function get_text_for_indexing_doc(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    $moodleroot = @$CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot ? "{$CFG->dirroot}/" : '';
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_word_to_text_cmd)) {
        if (!file_exists("{$moodleroot}{$CFG->block_search_word_to_text_cmd}")) {
            mtrace('Error with MSWord to text converter command : exectuable not found.');
        } else {
            $file = escapeshellarg($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $resource->course . '/' . $resource->reference);
            $command = trim($CFG->block_search_word_to_text_cmd);
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$moodleroot}{$command} {$file}";
            if ($CFG->block_search_word_to_text_env) {
            mtrace("Executing : {$text_converter_cmd}");
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return mb_convert_encoding($result, 'UTF8', 'auto');
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with MSWord to text converter command : execution failed. ');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with MSWord to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
Пример #8
  * Do the job.
  * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried).
 public function execute()
     global $CFG;
     $timenow = time();
     // Run stats as at the end because they are known to take very long time on large sites.
     if (!empty($CFG->enablestats) and empty($CFG->disablestatsprocessing)) {
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/statslib.php';
         // Check we're not before our runtime.
         $timetocheck = stats_get_base_daily() + $CFG->statsruntimestarthour * 60 * 60 + $CFG->statsruntimestartminute * 60;
         if ($timenow > $timetocheck) {
             // Process configured number of days as max (defaulting to 31).
             $maxdays = empty($CFG->statsruntimedays) ? 31 : abs($CFG->statsruntimedays);
             if (stats_cron_daily($maxdays)) {
                 if (stats_cron_weekly()) {
                     if (stats_cron_monthly()) {
         } else {
             mtrace('Next stats run after:' . userdate($timetocheck));
Пример #9
  * Automatically update the registration on all hubs
 public function cron()
     global $CFG;
     if (extension_loaded('xmlrpc')) {
         //check if the last registration cron update was less than a week ago
         $lastcron = get_config('registration', 'crontime');
         if ($lastcron === false or $lastcron < strtotime("-7 day")) {
             //set to a week, see MDL-23704
             $function = 'hub_update_site_info';
             require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/webservice/xmlrpc/lib.php";
             //update all hub where the site is registered on
             $hubs = $this->get_registered_on_hubs();
             foreach ($hubs as $hub) {
                 //update the registration
                 $siteinfo = $this->get_site_info($hub->huburl);
                 $params = array('siteinfo' => $siteinfo);
                 $serverurl = $hub->huburl . "/local/hub/webservice/webservices.php";
                 $xmlrpcclient = new webservice_xmlrpc_client($serverurl, $hub->token);
                 try {
                     $result = $xmlrpcclient->call($function, $params);
                     mtrace(get_string('siteupdatedcron', 'hub', $hub->hubname));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $errorparam = new stdClass();
                     $errorparam->errormessage = $e->getMessage();
                     $errorparam->hubname = $hub->hubname;
                     mtrace(get_string('errorcron', 'hub', $errorparam));
             set_config('crontime', time(), 'registration');
     } else {
         mtrace(get_string('errorcronnoxmlrpc', 'hub'));
Пример #10
* @param object $resource
* @uses CFG, USER
function get_text_for_indexing_pdf(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // adds moodle root switch if none was defined
    if (!isset($CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot)) {
        set_config('block_search_usemoodleroot', 1);
    $moodleroot = $CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot ? "{$CFG->dirroot}/" : '';
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd)) {
        preg_match("/^\\S+/", $CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd, $matches);
        if (!file_exists("{$moodleroot}{$matches[0]}")) {
            mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : executable not found at ' . $moodleroot . $matches[0]);
        } else {
            $file = escapeshellarg($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $resource->course . '/' . $resource->reference);
            $command = trim($CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd);
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$moodleroot}{$command} {$file} -";
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return $result;
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : execution failed for ' . $text_converter_cmd . '. Check for execution permission on pdf converter executable.');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
Пример #11
 public function authenticate($userId, $challenge, $response)
     Manager::logMessage("[LOGIN] Authenticating {$userId} MD5");
     $login = NULL;
     try {
         $user = Manager::getModelMAD('user');
         mtrace("Authenticate userID = {$userId}");
         if ($user->validatePasswordMD5($challenge, $response)) {
             $profile = $user->getProfileAtual();
             $login = new MLogin($user);
             if (Manager::getOptions("dbsession")) {
                 $session = Manager::getModelMAD('session');
             Manager::logMessage("[LOGIN] Authenticated {$userId} MD5");
             return true;
         } else {
             Manager::logMessage("[LOGIN] {$userId} NOT Authenticated MD5");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Manager::logMessage("[LOGIN] {$userId} NOT Authenticated MD5 - " . $e->getMessage());
     return false;
  * Performs the task
  * @throws moodle_exception on an error (the job will be retried)
 public function execute()
     global $DB;
     $subcourses = $DB->get_records("subcourse", null, "", "id, course, refcourse");
     if (empty($subcourses)) {
     $updatedids = array();
     foreach ($subcourses as $subcourse) {
         if (empty($subcourse->refcourse)) {
             mtrace("Subcourse {$subcourse->id}: no referenced course configured ... skipped");
         mtrace("Subcourse {$subcourse->id}: fetching grades from course {$subcourse->refcourse} to course {$subcourse->course} ... ", "");
         $result = subcourse_grades_update($subcourse->course, $subcourse->id, $subcourse->refcourse);
         if ($result == GRADE_UPDATE_OK) {
             $updatedids[] = $subcourse->id;
         } else {
             mtrace("failed with error code " . $result);
     if (!empty($updatedids)) {
Пример #13
  * Automatically update the registration on all hubs
 public function cron()
     global $CFG;
     if (extension_loaded('xmlrpc')) {
         $function = 'hub_update_site_info';
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/webservice/xmlrpc/lib.php";
         // Update all hubs where the site is registered.
         $hubs = $this->get_registered_on_hubs();
         if (empty($hubs)) {
             mtrace(get_string('registrationwarning', 'admin'));
         foreach ($hubs as $hub) {
             // Update the registration.
             $siteinfo = $this->get_site_info($hub->huburl);
             $params = array('siteinfo' => $siteinfo);
             $serverurl = $hub->huburl . "/local/hub/webservice/webservices.php";
             $xmlrpcclient = new webservice_xmlrpc_client($serverurl, $hub->token);
             try {
                 $result = $xmlrpcclient->call($function, $params);
                 // To update timemodified.
                 mtrace(get_string('siteupdatedcron', 'hub', $hub->hubname));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $errorparam = new stdClass();
                 $errorparam->errormessage = $e->getMessage();
                 $errorparam->hubname = $hub->hubname;
                 mtrace(get_string('errorcron', 'hub', $errorparam));
     } else {
         mtrace(get_string('errorcronnoxmlrpc', 'hub'));
Пример #14
 * This function does the cron process within the time range according to settings.
function tool_qeupgradehelper_process($settings)
    global $CFG;
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php';
    if (!tool_qeupgradehelper_is_upgraded()) {
        mtrace('qeupgradehelper: site not yet upgraded. Doing nothing.');
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/afterupgradelib.php';
    $hour = (int) date('H');
    if ($hour < $settings->starthour || $hour >= $settings->stophour) {
        mtrace('qeupgradehelper: not between starthour and stophour, so doing nothing (hour = ' . $hour . ').');
    $stoptime = time() + $settings->procesingtime;
    mtrace('qeupgradehelper: processing ...');
    while (time() < $stoptime) {
        $quiz = tool_qeupgradehelper_get_quiz_for_upgrade();
        if (!$quiz) {
            mtrace('qeupgradehelper: No more quizzes to process. You should probably disable the qeupgradehelper cron settings now.');
            // No more to do;
        $quizid = $quiz->id;
        $quizsummary = tool_qeupgradehelper_get_quiz($quizid);
        if ($quizsummary) {
            mtrace('  starting upgrade of attempts at quiz ' . $quizid);
            $upgrader = new tool_qeupgradehelper_attempt_upgrader($quizsummary->id, $quizsummary->numtoconvert);
            mtrace('  upgrade of quiz ' . $quizid . ' complete.');
    mtrace('qeupgradehelper: Done.');
Пример #15
 public static function handlerRequest($data = NULL)
     try {
         // se é uma chamada Ajax, inicializa MAjax
         if (Manager::isAjaxCall()) {
             Manager::$ajax = new \Maestro\UI\MAjax(Manager::getOptions('charset'));
         self::setData($data ?: $_REQUEST);
         mtrace('DTO Data:');
         do {
             self::$result = MApp::handler();
         } while (self::$forward != '');
     } catch (\Maestro\Services\Exception\ENotFoundException $e) {
         self::$result = new Results\MNotFound($e);
     } catch (\Maestro\Services\Exception\ESecurityException $e) {
         self::$result = new Results\MInternalError($e);
     } catch (\Maestro\Services\Exception\ETimeOutException $e) {
         self::$result = new Results\MInternalError($e);
     } catch (\Maestro\Services\Exception\ERuntimeException $e) {
         self::$result = new Results\MRunTimeError($e);
     } catch (\Maestro\Services\Exception\EMException $e) {
         self::$result = new Results\MInternalError($e);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         self::$result = new Results\MInternalError($e);
* OpenOffice Odt extractor
* @param object $resource 
* @uses $CFG
function get_text_for_indexing_odt(&$resource, $directfile = '')
    global $CFG;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
    $moodleroot = @$CFG->block_search_usemoodleroot ? "{$CFG->dirroot}/" : '';
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_odt_to_text_cmd)) {
        if (!file_exists("{$moodleroot}{$CFG->block_search_odt_to_text_cmd}")) {
            mtrace('Error with OpenOffice ODT to text converter command : exectuable not found.');
        } else {
            if ($directfile == '') {
                $file = escapeshellarg("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}");
            } else {
                $file = escapeshellarg("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$directfile}");
            $command = trim($CFG->block_search_odt_to_text_cmd);
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$moodleroot}{$command} --encoding=UTF-8 {$file}";
            mtrace("Executing : {$text_converter_cmd}");
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return $result;
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with OpenOffice ODT to text converter command : execution failed. ');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with OpenOffice ODT to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
Пример #17
function glossary_rss_feeds()
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    //Check CFG->enablerssfeeds
    if (empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) {
        debugging("DISABLED (admin variables)");
        //Check CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds
    } else {
        if (empty($CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds)) {
            debugging("DISABLED (module configuration)");
            //It's working so we start...
        } else {
            //Iterate over all glossaries
            if ($glossaries = get_records("glossary")) {
                foreach ($glossaries as $glossary) {
                    if (!empty($glossary->rsstype) && !empty($glossary->rssarticles) && $status) {
                        $filename = rss_file_name('glossary', $glossary);
                        // RSS file
                        //First let's make sure there is work to do by checking existing files
                        if (file_exists($filename)) {
                            if ($lastmodified = filemtime($filename)) {
                                if (!glossary_rss_newstuff($glossary, $lastmodified)) {
                        //Ignore hidden forums
                        if (!instance_is_visible('glossary', $glossary)) {
                            if (file_exists($filename)) {
                        mtrace("Updating RSS feed for " . format_string($glossary->name, true) . ", ID: {$glossary->id}");
                        //Get the XML contents
                        $result = glossary_rss_feed($glossary);
                        //Save the XML contents to file
                        if (!empty($result)) {
                            $status = rss_save_file("glossary", $glossary, $result);
                        //Some debug...
                        if (debugging()) {
                            if (empty($result)) {
                                echo "ID: {$glossary->id}-> (empty) ";
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($status)) {
                                    echo "ID: {$glossary->id}-> OK ";
                                } else {
                                    echo "ID: {$glossary->id}-> FAIL ";
    return $status;
Пример #18
 * this function schedules the user synchronisation updates
 * Implementation specific : Generic
function local_ent_installer_cron()
    global $CFG;
    if (!get_config('local_ent_installer', 'cron_enable')) {
    $now = time();
    $needscron = false;
    $chour = 0 + get_config('local_ent_installer', 'cron_hour');
    $cmin = 0 + get_config('local_ent_installer', 'cron_min');
    $cfreq = get_config('local_ent_installer', 'cron_enable');
    $now = time();
    $nowdt = getdate($now);
    $expectedtime = get_config('local_ent_installer', 'last_sync_date') + $cfreq - HOURSEC;
    $crondebug = optional_param('crondebug', false, PARAM_BOOL);
    if ($now < $expectedtime && !$crondebug) {
    if (!empty($CFG->ent_installer_running)) {
    if ($nowdt['hours'] * 60 + $nowdt['minutes'] >= $chour * 60 + $cmin || $crondebug) {
        set_config('ent_installer_running', 1);
        set_config('last_sync_date', $now, 'local_ent_installer');
        // Get ldap params from real ldap plugin.
        $ldapauth = get_auth_plugin('ldap');
        $options = array('host' => $CFG->wwwroot);
        // Run the customised synchro.
        local_ent_installer_sync_users($ldapauth, $options);
        set_config('ent_installer_running', null);
    } else {
        mtrace('waiting for valid time ');
  * Update course visibility if the start date has become due.
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     $start = time();
     // Get list of courses to update.
     mtrace("\n  Searching for courses to make visible ...");
     // Use the configured timezone.
     // Course start dates are always set to midnight but we will check the whole day in case the value has been
     // manually updated.
     $beginofday = strtotime('midnight', time());
     $endofday = strtotime('tomorrow', $beginofday) - 1;
     // If startdate is today and visibility = 0 then set visibility = 1.
     $select = "visible = 0 AND startdate BETWEEN {$beginofday} AND {$endofday}";
     if ($courses = $DB->get_records_select('course', $select)) {
         foreach ($courses as $course) {
             if (!$DB->set_field('course', 'visible', 1, array('id' => $course->id))) {
                 mtrace("    {$course->id}: {$course->shortname} could not be updated for some reason.");
             } else {
                 mtrace("    {$course->id}: {$course->shortname} is now visible");
     } else {
         mtrace("  Nothing to do, except ponder the boundless wonders of the Universe, perhaps. ;-)\n");
     $end = time();
     mtrace(($end - $start) / 60 . ' mins');
  * Do the job.
  * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried).
 public function execute()
     global $CFG;
     $tmpdir = $CFG->tempdir;
     // Default to last weeks time.
     $time = strtotime('-1 week');
     $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmpdir);
     // Show all child nodes prior to their parent.
     $iter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     for ($iter->rewind(); $iter->valid(); $iter->next()) {
         $node = $iter->getRealPath();
         if (!is_readable($node)) {
         // Check if file or directory is older than the given time.
         if ($iter->getMTime() < $time) {
             if ($iter->isDir() && !$iter->isDot()) {
                 // Don't attempt to delete the directory if it isn't empty.
                 if (!glob($node . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*')) {
                     if (@rmdir($node) === false) {
                         mtrace("Failed removing directory '{$node}'.");
             if ($iter->isFile()) {
                 if (@unlink($node) === false) {
                     mtrace("Failed removing file '{$node}'.");
Пример #21
* Global Search Engine for Moodle
* add-on 1.8+ : Valery Fremaux [valery.fremaux@club-internet.fr] 
* 2007/08/02
* this is a format handler for getting text out of a proprietary binary format 
* so it can be indexed by Lucene search engine
function get_text_for_indexing_pdf(&$resource)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!isadmin($USER->id)) {
    // just call pdftotext over stdout and capture the output
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd)) {
        preg_match("/^\\S+/", $CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd, $matches);
        if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/{$matches[0]}")) {
            mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : exectuable not found.');
        } else {
            $file = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $resource->course . '/' . $resource->reference;
            $text_converter_cmd = "{$CFG->dirroot}/{$CFG->block_search_pdf_to_text_cmd} {$file} -";
            $result = shell_exec($text_converter_cmd);
            if ($result) {
                return $result;
            } else {
                mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : execution failed.');
                return '';
    } else {
        mtrace('Error with pdf to text converter command : command not set up. Execute once search block configuration.');
        return '';
Пример #22
 * Quiz statistics report cron code. Deletes cached data more than a certain age.
function quiz_statistics_cron()
    global $DB;
    mtrace("\n  Cleaning up old quiz statistics cache records...", '');
    $expiretime = time() - 5 * HOURSECS;
    $DB->delete_records_select('quiz_statistics', 'timemodified < ?', array($expiretime));
    return true;
Пример #23
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/bibliography/locallib.php';
     mtrace("Starting download of primo URLs");
     list($totalurls, $numcourseocodes) = local_bibliography_download_urls();
     mtrace("A total of {$totalurls} were downloaded for {$numcourseocodes} course codes.");
function xlog($message)
    global $reportfile;
    // Output to screen
    // Write to report file
    fwrite($reportfile, $message . "\n");
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/uai/locallib.php';
     mtrace("Starting quiz notifications");
     list($totalmessages, $numnotifications) = local_uai_send_notifications();
     mtrace("A total of {$totalmessages} were sent for {$numnotifications} courses.");
Пример #26
 function before_delete()
     $hook = CoursePrefsHook::findByUnique($this->cpsName());
     if ($hook && $hook->delete()) {
         $a->name = $hook->getName();
         $a->type = $hook->getType();
         mtrace(get_string('hook_delete', 'block_courseprefs', $a));
Пример #27
  * Do the job.
  * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried).
 public function execute()
     // Context maintenance stuff.
     mtrace(' Cleaned up context instances');
     // If you suspect that the context paths are somehow corrupt
     // replace the line below with: context_helper::build_all_paths(true).
Пример #28
  * Task execution which syncs users with LDAP
  * @see \core\task\task_base::execute()
  * @global \moodle_database $DB
 public function execute()
     global $DB;
     $enrolments = $DB->get_records('enrol', ['enrol' => 'mandatory', 'status' => 0]);
     foreach ($enrolments as $enrolment) {
         $userids = $this->process_enrolment($enrolment);
         mtrace(vsprintf('Enroled %d users in course %s', [count($userids), $enrolment->courseid]));
Пример #29
function local_mail_update_process($settings)
    global $DB;
    $hour = (int) date('H');
    if ($hour < $settings->cronstart || $hour >= $settings->cronstop) {
        mtrace('mailupdater: not between starthour and stophour, so doing nothing (hour = ' . $hour . ').');
        return false;
    // Setup the stop time.
    if ($settings->cronduration) {
        $stoptime = time() + $settings->cronduration;
    } else {
        $stoptime = false;
    $countrecords = $DB->count_records('local_mail_messages');
    $limitfrom = 0;
    $limitnum = 1000;
    $inserts = 0;
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    $count = 0;
    $starttime = time();
    while ((!$stoptime || time() < $stoptime) && $count < $countrecords) {
        $recordset = $DB->get_recordset('local_mail_messages', array(), '', '*', $limitfrom, $limitnum);
        try {
            $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
            foreach ($recordset as $record) {
                if (!$DB->get_records('local_mail_index', array('messageid' => $record->id, 'type' => 'attachment'))) {
                    $indexrecord = new stdClass();
                    $userid = $DB->get_field('local_mail_message_users', 'userid', array('messageid' => $record->id, 'role' => 'from'));
                    $indexrecord->userid = $userid;
                    $indexrecord->type = 'attachment';
                    $indexrecord->time = $record->time;
                    $indexrecord->messageid = $record->id;
                    $unread = $DB->get_field('local_mail_message_users', 'unread', array('messageid' => $record->id, 'role' => 'from'));
                    $indexrecord->unread = $unread;
                    $context = context_course::instance($record->courseid);
                    if ($fs->is_area_empty($context->id, 'local_mail', 'message', $record->id, 'filename', false)) {
                        $indexrecord->item = 0;
                    } else {
                        $indexrecord->item = 1;
                    $DB->insert_record('local_mail_index', $indexrecord);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
        $count += 1000;
        $limitfrom += $limitnum;
    return true;
Пример #30
function mdk_set_config($name, $value, $plugin = null)
    set_config($name, $value, $plugin);
    $value = is_bool($value) ? (int) $value : $value;
    if ($plugin) {
        // Make a fancy name.
        $name = "{$plugin}/{$name}";
    mtrace("Setting {$name} to {$value}");