Пример #1
 public function parse_slide($slide = array())
     // make sure $slide is not serialized
     $slide = maybe_unserialize($slide);
     if (empty($slide)) {
         return $slide;
     // get slider setting and controls
     $slider_setting = $this->get_slider_setting();
     // get slide onfo if is set (usage: for tab content if is set)
     $info = isset($slide['info']) ? $slide['info'] : '';
     if (isset($slide['bg'])) {
         $slide_src = msp_get_the_absolute_media_url($slide['bg']);
         // generate thumb for master slider panel
         msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, 150, 150, true);
     $thumb = '';
     // add thumb just if thumblist is added to controls list
     // also always add thumbnail if slider template is gallery
     if ('true' == $slider_setting['thumbs'] && 'thumbs' == $slider_setting['thumbs_type'] || 'image-gallery' == $slider_setting['template']) {
         if (isset($slide['thumb']) && !empty($slide['thumb'])) {
             $thumb = $slide['thumb'];
             $thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($thumb);
         } elseif (isset($slide['bg'])) {
             // set custom thumb size if slider template is gallery
             if ('image-gallery' == $slider_setting['template']) {
                 $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, 175, 140, true);
             } else {
                 $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, $slider_setting['thumbs_width'], $slider_setting['thumbs_height'], true);
             $thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($thumb);
         } else {
             $thumb = '';
     $slides = array('slide_order' => isset($slide['order']) ? (int) $slide['order'] : 0, 'css_class' => isset($slide['cssClass']) ? (string) $slide['cssClass'] : '', 'css_id' => isset($slide['cssId']) ? (string) $slide['cssId'] : '', 'ishide' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'ishide', 'false'), 'src' => isset($slide['bg']) ? esc_attr(msp_get_the_relative_media_url($slide['bg'])) : '', 'src_full' => isset($slide['bg']) ? esc_attr(msp_get_the_relative_media_url($slide['bg'])) : '', 'title' => '', 'alt' => isset($slide['bgAlt']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgAlt']) : '', 'link' => isset($slide['link']) ? esc_attr($slide['link']) : '', 'target' => isset($slide['linkTarget']) ? (string) $slide['linkTarget'] : '', 'link_title' => isset($slide['linkTitle']) ? (string) $slide['linkTitle'] : '', 'link_class' => isset($slide['linkClass']) ? (string) $slide['linkClass'] : '', 'link_id' => isset($slide['linkId']) ? (string) $slide['linkId'] : '', 'link_rel' => isset($slide['linkRel']) ? (string) $slide['linkRel'] : '', 'video' => isset($slide['video']) ? esc_attr($slide['video']) : '', 'auto_play_video' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'autoplayVideo', 'false'), 'info' => wp_slash(do_shortcode($info)), 'mp4' => isset($slide['bgv_mp4']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgv_mp4']) : '', 'webm' => isset($slide['bgv_webm']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgv_webm']) : '', 'ogg' => isset($slide['bgv_ogg']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgv_ogg']) : '', 'autopause' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'bgv_autopause', 'false'), 'mute' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'bgv_mute', 'true'), 'loop' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'bgv_loop', 'true'), 'vbgalign' => isset($slide['bgv_fillmode']) ? (string) $slide['bgv_fillmode'] : 'fill', 'thumb' => $thumb, 'tab' => 'true' == $slider_setting['thumbs'] && 'tabs' == $slider_setting['thumbs_type'] ? str_replace('"', '&quote;', $info) : '', 'delay' => isset($slide['duration']) ? (string) $slide['duration'] : '', 'bgalign' => isset($slide['fillMode']) ? (string) $slide['fillMode'] : 'fill', 'bgcolor' => isset($slide['bgColor']) ? (string) $slide['bgColor'] : '', 'pattern' => isset($slide['pattern']) ? (string) $slide['pattern'] : '', 'tintcolor' => isset($slide['colorOverlay']) ? (string) $slide['colorOverlay'] : '');
     return $slides;
Пример #2
function msp_masterslider_slide_shortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('src' => '', 'src_full' => '', 'css_class' => '', 'css_id' => '', 'style' => '', 'src_blank' => MSWP_BLANK_IMG, 'title' => '', 'alt' => '', 'link' => '', 'rel' => '', 'target' => '_blank', 'video' => '', 'auto_play_video' => '', 'mp4' => '', 'webm' => '', 'ogg' => '', 'info' => '', 'autopause' => 'false', 'mute' => 'true', 'loop' => 'true', 'vbgalign' => 'fill', 'crop_width' => '', 'crop_height' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'tab' => '', 'delay' => '', 'bgalign' => '', 'bgcolor' => '', 'pattern' => '', 'tintcolor' => ''), $atts, 'masterslider_slide'));
    $css_class = empty($css_class) ? '' : ' ' . $css_class;
    $css_id = empty($css_id) ? '' : 'id="' . $css_id . '"';
    $style = esc_attr($style);
    $style .= empty($bgcolor) ? '' : 'background-color:' . $bgcolor . ';';
    $style_attr = empty($style) ? '' : 'style="' . $style . '"';
    // create delay attr if is set
    $data_delay = empty($delay) ? '' : 'data-delay="' . (double) $delay . '"';
    // create bg align attr if is set
    $data_align = empty($bgalign) ? '' : 'data-fill-mode="' . $bgalign . '"';
    // add slide starter tag
    $slide_start_tag = sprintf('<div %s class="ms-slide%s" %s %s %s >', $css_id, $css_class, $data_delay, $data_align, $style_attr) . "\n";
    // making start tag filterable for extend purposes
    $slide_start_tag = apply_filters('msp_masterslider_slide_start_tag', "\t\t\t\t" . $slide_start_tag, $atts);
    // parse slide content ///////////////////////////////////////////
    $slide_content = "";
    // if blank image is not set use original img instead
    $src_blank = empty($src_blank) ? $src : $src_blank;
    if (!empty($pattern) || !empty($tintcolor)) {
        $inline_style = !empty($tintcolor) ? 'style="background-color:' . $tintcolor . ';"' : '';
        $slide_content .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . sprintf('<div class="ms-pattern %s" %s ></div>', $pattern, $inline_style) . "\n";
    // main image markup
    if (!empty($src)) {
        $crop_width = empty($crop_width) || !is_numeric($crop_width) ? NULL : (int) $crop_width;
        $crop_height = empty($crop_height) || !is_numeric($crop_height) ? NULL : (int) $crop_height;
        if (strpos($src, '{{image}}') === false) {
            $src = msp_get_the_absolute_media_url($src);
        if ($crop_width || $crop_height) {
            $src = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($src, $crop_width, $crop_height, true);
        $slide_content .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s" data-src="%s" />', $src_blank, $alt, $title, $src) . "\n";
    $self_video_markup = '';
    // self host video background
    if (!empty($mp4)) {
        $self_video_markup .= "\t\t" . sprintf('<source src="%s" type="video/mp4"/>', $mp4) . "\n";
    if (!empty($webm)) {
        $self_video_markup .= "\t\t" . sprintf('<source src="%s" type="video/webm"/>', $webm) . "\n";
    if (!empty($ogg)) {
        $self_video_markup .= "\t\t" . sprintf('<source src="%s" type="video/ogg"/>', $ogg) . "\n";
    if (!empty($self_video_markup)) {
        $slide_content .= "\t" . sprintf('<video data-autopause="%s" data-mute="%s" data-loop="%s" data-fill-mode="%s" >%s%s%s</video>', msp_is_true($autopause), $mute, $loop, $vbgalign, "\n", $self_video_markup, "\t") . "\n";
    // link markup
    if (!empty($link)) {
        $link = '{{slide-image-url}}' == $link ? msp_get_the_absolute_media_url($src_full) : esc_url($link);
        $slide_content .= "\t" . sprintf('<a href="%s" target="%s" rel="%s" >%s</a>', $link, $target, $rel, $title) . "\n";
    // add layers that passed as content
    if (!empty($content)) {
        $slide_content .= $content . "\n";
    // thumb markup
    if (!empty($thumb)) {
        if (strpos($thumb, '{{thumb}}') === false) {
            $thumb = msp_get_the_absolute_media_url($thumb);
        $slide_content .= "\t" . sprintf('<img class="ms-thumb" src="%s" alt="%s" />', $thumb, $alt) . "\n";
    // tab markup
    if (!empty($tab)) {
        $slide_content .= "\t" . sprintf('<div class="ms-thumb" >%s</div>', str_replace('&quote;', '"', wp_specialchars_decode($tab))) . "\n";
    // video markup
    if (!empty($video)) {
        // create data-autoplay attr if video autoplay is enabled
        $data_auto_play_video = 'true' === $auto_play_video ? 'data-autoplay="' . $auto_play_video . '"' : '';
        $slide_content .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . sprintf('<a href="%s" data-type="video" %s></a>', $video, $data_auto_play_video) . "\n";
    // end slide content ////////////////////////////////////////////
    $slide_end_tag = "\t\t\t\t</div>";
    // making end tag filterable for extend purposes
    $slide_end_tag = apply_filters("msp_masterslider_slide_end_tag", $slide_end_tag, $atts);
    $slide_content = do_shortcode($slide_content);
    $output = empty($slide_content) ? '' : $slide_start_tag . $slide_content . $slide_end_tag;
    return apply_filters('masterslider_slide_content', $output, $slide_start_tag, $slide_content, $slide_end_tag);
 public function parse_slide($slide = array())
     // make sure $slide is not serialized
     $slide = maybe_unserialize($slide);
     if (empty($slide)) {
         return $slide;
     // get slider setting and controls
     $slider_setting = $this->get_slider_setting();
     // get slide onfo if is set (usage: for tab content if is set)
     $info = isset($slide['info']) ? $slide['info'] : '';
     if (isset($slide['bg'])) {
         $slide_src = msp_get_the_absolute_media_url($slide['bg']);
         // generate thumb for master slider panel
         msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, 150, 150, true);
     // stores a URL for thumbnail in thumbnail list
     $thumb = '';
     // add thumb just if thumblist is added to controls list
     // also always add thumbnail if slider template is gallery
     if ('true' == $slider_setting['thumbs'] && 'thumbs' == $slider_setting['thumbs_type'] || 'image-gallery' == $slider_setting['template']) {
         if (isset($slide['thumbOrginal']) && !empty($slide['thumbOrginal'])) {
             $thumb = $slide['thumbOrginal'];
             $thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($thumb);
         } elseif (isset($slide['bg'])) {
             // set custom thumb size if slider template is gallery
             if ('image-gallery' == $slider_setting['template']) {
                 $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, 175, 140, true);
             } else {
                 $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, $slider_setting['thumbs_width'], $slider_setting['thumbs_height'], true);
             $thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($thumb);
     // stores a URL for thumbnail in tab
     $tab_thumb = '';
     // get thumb for tab if thumblist is added to controls list
     if ('true' == $slider_setting['thumbs'] && 'tabs' == $slider_setting['thumbs_type'] && 'true' == $slider_setting['thumbs_in_tab']) {
         if (isset($slide['thumbOrginal']) && !empty($slide['thumbOrginal'])) {
             $tab_thumb = $slide['thumbOrginal'];
             $tab_thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($tab_thumb);
         } elseif (isset($slide['bg'])) {
             // generate a square thumb for tab
             $tab_thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($slide_src, $slider_setting['thumbs_height'], $slider_setting['thumbs_height'], true);
             $tab_thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($tab_thumb);
     $slides = array('slide_order' => isset($slide['order']) ? (int) $slide['order'] : 0, 'css_class' => isset($slide['cssClass']) ? (string) $slide['cssClass'] : '', 'css_id' => isset($slide['cssId']) ? (string) $slide['cssId'] : '', 'ishide' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'ishide', 'false'), 'src' => isset($slide['bg']) ? esc_attr(msp_get_the_relative_media_url($slide['bg'])) : '', 'src_full' => isset($slide['bg']) ? esc_attr(msp_get_the_relative_media_url($slide['bg'])) : '', 'title' => '', 'alt' => isset($slide['bgAlt']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgAlt']) : '', 'link' => isset($slide['link']) ? esc_attr($slide['link']) : '', 'target' => isset($slide['linkTarget']) ? (string) $slide['linkTarget'] : '', 'link_title' => isset($slide['linkTitle']) ? (string) $slide['linkTitle'] : '', 'link_class' => isset($slide['linkClass']) ? (string) $slide['linkClass'] : '', 'link_id' => isset($slide['linkId']) ? (string) $slide['linkId'] : '', 'link_rel' => isset($slide['linkRel']) ? (string) $slide['linkRel'] : '', 'video' => isset($slide['video']) ? esc_attr($slide['video']) : '', 'auto_play_video' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'autoplayVideo', 'false'), 'info' => wp_slash($info), 'mp4' => isset($slide['bgv_mp4']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgv_mp4']) : '', 'webm' => isset($slide['bgv_webm']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgv_webm']) : '', 'ogg' => isset($slide['bgv_ogg']) ? esc_attr($slide['bgv_ogg']) : '', 'autopause' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'bgv_autopause', 'false'), 'mute' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'bgv_mute', 'true'), 'loop' => $this->is_key_true($slide, 'bgv_loop', 'true'), 'vbgalign' => isset($slide['bgv_fillmode']) ? (string) $slide['bgv_fillmode'] : 'fill', 'thumb' => $thumb, 'tab' => 'true' == $slider_setting['thumbs'] && 'tabs' == $slider_setting['thumbs_type'] ? str_replace('"', '&quote;', $info) : '', 'tab_thumb' => $tab_thumb, 'delay' => isset($slide['duration']) ? (string) $slide['duration'] : '', 'bgalign' => isset($slide['fillMode']) ? (string) $slide['fillMode'] : 'fill', 'bgcolor' => isset($slide['bgColor']) ? (string) $slide['bgColor'] : '', 'pattern' => isset($slide['pattern']) ? (string) $slide['pattern'] : '', 'tintcolor' => isset($slide['colorOverlay']) ? (string) $slide['colorOverlay'] : '', 'layer_ids' => isset($slide['layer_ids']) && !empty($slide['layer_ids']) ? (array) $slide['layer_ids'] : array(), 'layers' => array());
     // get all layers in slider
     $all_layers = $this->get_layers();
     // store slide's layers
     $current_layers = array();
     // select the layers that belongs to this slide
     foreach ($slides['layer_ids'] as $layer_id) {
         if (isset($all_layers[$layer_id])) {
             $current_layers[] = $all_layers[$layer_id];
     // stores layers by layer order
     $layers_by_order = array();
     // collect layers by layer order
     foreach ($current_layers as $layer) {
         $layers_by_order[$layer['order']] = $layer;
     // sort layers by layer order
     // replace real layers data with layers id
     $slides['layers'] = $layers_by_order;
     return $slides;
Пример #4
 public function get_wc_slider_ms_slides_shortcode()
     if (!isset($this->parsed_slider_data['slides'])) {
         return '';
     $slides = $this->parsed_slider_data['slides'];
     $query = array();
     $query['image_from'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_image_from'];
     $query['excerpt_length'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_excerpt_len'];
     $exclude_posts_no_img = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_exclude_no_img'];
     $query['only_featured'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['wc_only_featured'];
     $query['only_instock'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['wc_only_instock'];
     $query['only_onsale'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['wc_only_onsale'];
     if (!empty($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_post_type'])) {
         $query['post_type'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_post_type'];
     $query['orderby'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_orderby'];
     $query['order'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_order'];
     $query['posts_per_page'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_post_count'];
     if (!empty($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_posts_not_in'])) {
         $posts_not_in = explode(',', $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_posts_not_in']);
         $query['post__not_in'] = array_filter($posts_not_in);
     if (!empty($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_posts_in'])) {
         $posts_in = explode(',', $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_posts_in']);
         $query['post__in'] = array_filter($posts_in);
     $query['offset'] = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_offset'];
     $taxs_data = array();
     if (!empty($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_tax_term_ids'])) {
         $taxs_data = explode(',', $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_tax_term_ids']);
     $tax_query = array();
     $wcs = msp_get_wc_slider_class();
     $query['tax_query'] = $wcs->get_tax_query($taxs_data);
     $query['image_size'] = 'full';
     $query = apply_filters('msp_wc_slider_query_args', $query, $this->parsed_slider_data);
     $this->post_slider_args = $query;
     $slides_shortcode = '';
     $th_wp_query = $wcs->get_query_results($query);
     if ($th_wp_query->have_posts()) {
         while ($th_wp_query->have_posts()) {
             $product = get_product($th_wp_query->post);
             $slide_content = '';
             $attrs = '';
             $this->post_id = $th_wp_query->post->ID;
             if (empty($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_slide_bg'])) {
                 $the_media = msp_get_auto_post_thumbnail_url($th_wp_query->post, $query['image_from']);
             } else {
                 $the_media = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_slide_bg'];
             // skip this post if it does not have image and $exclude_posts_no_img is enabled
             if (empty($the_media) && 'true' == $exclude_posts_no_img) {
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'src', esc_attr($the_media));
             // generate slide_info shortcode if slideinfo control is added
             if (isset($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['slideinfo']) && 'true' == $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['slideinfo']) {
                 if (!empty($slides['0']['info'])) {
                     $slide_info = preg_replace_callback('/{{[\\w-]+}}/', array($this, 'do_template_tag'), $slides['0']['info']);
                 } else {
                     $slide_info = "&nbsp;";
                 $slide_content .= $this->get_ms_slide_info_shortcode($slide_info);
             if ($this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_link_slide']) {
                 $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'link', get_the_permalink($th_wp_query->post->ID));
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'title', $this->escape_square_brackets(get_the_title($th_wp_query->post->ID)));
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'alt', $this->escape_square_brackets(get_the_title($th_wp_query->post->ID)));
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'target', $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['ps_link_target']);
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'delay', $slides['0']['delay']);
             // bg color and align for slides
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'bgalign', $slides['0']['bgalign']);
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'bgcolor', $slides['0']['bgcolor']);
             if ('true' == $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs']) {
                 if ('thumbs' == $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs_type']) {
                     if (!empty($the_media)) {
                         // set custom thumb size if slider template is gallery
                         if ('image-gallery' == $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['template']) {
                             $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($the_media, 175, 140, true);
                         } else {
                             $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($the_media, $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs_width'], $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs_height'], true);
                         $thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($thumb);
                         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'thumb', $thumb);
                     } else {
                         $tab = '<div class=&quot;ms-thumb-alt&quot;>' . get_the_title($th_wp_query->post->ID) . '</div>';
                         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'tab', $tab);
                 } elseif ('tabs' == $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs_type']) {
                     // if "insert thumb" option was enabled generate and add the thumbnail
                     if ('true' == $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs_in_tab']) {
                         $thumb_height = $this->parsed_slider_data['setting']['thumbs_height'];
                         $tab_thumb = msp_get_auto_post_thumbnail_url($th_wp_query->post, 'featured', array($thumb_height, $thumb_height), true);
                         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'tab_thumb', $tab_thumb);
                     if (!empty($slides['0']['info'])) {
                         $tab_context = preg_replace_callback('/{{[\\w-]+}}/', array($this, 'do_template_tag'), $slides['0']['info']);
                     } else {
                         $tab_context = get_the_title($th_wp_query->post->ID);
                     $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'tab', $this->escape_special($tab_context));
             $slide_content .= $this->get_ms_layers_shortcode($slides['0']['layers']);
             $slides_shortcode .= sprintf('[%1$s %2$s]%4$s%3$s[/%1$s]%4$s', 'ms_slide', $attrs, $slide_content, "\n");
     // Restore original Post Data
     return $slides_shortcode;
  * Filter the default gallery shortcode output.
  * @see gallery_shortcode()
  * @param string $output The gallery output. Default empty.
  * @param array  $attr   Attributes of the gallery shortcode.
 public function gallery_output($output, $attr)
     if (!(isset($attr['masterslider']) && ($attr['masterslider'] == 'yes' || $attr['masterslider'] == 'true'))) {
         return $output;
     $post = get_post();
     // Sanitize orderby
     if (isset($attr['orderby'])) {
         $attr['orderby'] = sanitize_sql_orderby($attr['orderby']);
         if (!$attr['orderby']) {
     $atts = shortcode_atts(array('order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID', 'id' => $post ? $post->ID : 0, 'width' => '960', 'height' => '540', 'loop' => 'false', 'autoplay' => 'false', 'auto_height' => 'false', 'skin' => 'ms-skin-default', 'preload' => 2, 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'link' => '', 'class' => '', 'target' => '_self', 'delay' => '3', 'caption' => 'true', 'thumbs_type' => 'thumbs', 'thumbs' => 'true', 'thumbs_align' => 'bottom', 'thumbs_width' => 140, 'thumbs_height' => 80, 'thumbs_space' => 2, 'thumbs_inset' => 'false', 'thumbs_autohide' => 'false', 'thumbs_margin' => 2), $attr, 'masterslider_gallery');
     // You can filter the following attrs by 'shortcode_atts_masterslider_gallery' filter hook (http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/shortcode_atts)
     $id = intval($atts['id']);
     if ('RAND' == $atts['order']) {
         $atts['orderby'] = 'none';
     // Collect slider options in $slider_attrs array
     $slider_attrs = array('width' => $atts['width']);
     $slider_attrs['height'] = $atts['height'];
     $slider_attrs['class'] = 'master-slider-gallery ' . esc_attr($atts['class']);
     $slider_attrs['id'] = 0;
     $slider_attrs['loop'] = $atts['loop'];
     $slider_attrs['autoplay'] = $atts['autoplay'];
     $slider_attrs['slideinfo_margin'] = '0';
     $slider_attrs['slideinfo_height'] = '30';
     $slider_attrs['skin'] = $atts['skin'];
     $slider_attrs['preload'] = $atts['preload'];
     $slider_attrs['auto_height'] = $atts['auto_height'];
     // Whether thumbail is enables or not
     $has_thumb = 'true' === $atts['thumbs'];
     $has_tab = !$has_thumb && 'tabs' === $atts['thumbs_type'];
     $has_slideinfo = 'true' === $atts['caption'];
     // Add thumbnail options id enabled
     if ($has_thumb) {
         $slider_attrs['thumbs'] = $atts['thumbs'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_type'] = $atts['thumbs_type'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_align'] = $atts['thumbs_align'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_width'] = $atts['thumbs_width'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_height'] = $atts['thumbs_height'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_space'] = $atts['thumbs_space'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_inset'] = $atts['thumbs_inset'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_autohide'] = $atts['thumbs_autohide'];
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_margin'] = $atts['thumbs_margin'];
         if ('bottom' == $slider_attrs['thumbs_align']) {
             $slider_attrs['slideinfo_margin'] = '80';
     } elseif ($has_tab) {
         $slider_attrs['thumbs_type'] = 'tabs';
     if ($has_slideinfo) {
         $slider_attrs['slideinfo'] = 'true';
         $slider_attrs['slideinfo_inset'] = 'true';
         $slider_attrs['slideinfo_height'] = '30';
     // get attachments
     if (!empty($atts['include'])) {
         $_attachments = get_posts(array('include' => $atts['include'], 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $atts['order'], 'orderby' => $atts['orderby']));
         $attachments = array();
         foreach ($_attachments as $key => $val) {
             $attachments[$val->ID] = $_attachments[$key];
     } elseif (!empty($atts['exclude'])) {
         $attachments = get_children(array('post_parent' => $id, 'exclude' => $atts['exclude'], 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $atts['order'], 'orderby' => $atts['orderby']));
     } else {
         $attachments = get_children(array('post_parent' => $id, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $atts['order'], 'orderby' => $atts['orderby']));
     // skip if no attachments found
     if (empty($attachments)) {
         return '';
     $slides_shortcode = '';
     foreach ($attachments as $id => $attachment) {
         $attrs = '';
         $img_src = msp_get_the_resized_attachment_src($id, 1400);
         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'src', $img_src);
         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'src_full', $img_src);
         if ('file' == $atts['link']) {
             $link = $img_src;
         } elseif ('none' == $atts['link']) {
             $link = '';
         } else {
             $link = get_permalink($id);
         if (!empty($link)) {
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'link', $link);
         $info = '';
         if (empty($attachment->post_excerpt)) {
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'alt', $attachment->post_excerpt);
         } else {
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'alt', $attachment->post_title);
         if ($has_slideinfo) {
             $caption = $attachment->post_excerpt ? $attachment->post_excerpt : $attachment->post_title;
             $info = sprintf('[ms_slide_info]%s[/ms_slide_info]%s', $caption, "\n");
         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'target', $atts['target']);
         $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'delay', $atts['delay']);
         if ($has_thumb) {
             $thumb = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($img_src, $atts['thumbs_width'], $atts['thumbs_height'], true);
             $thumb = msp_get_the_relative_media_url($thumb);
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'thumb', $thumb);
         } elseif ($has_tab) {
             $tab = '<div class=&quot;ms-thumb-alt&quot;>' . $attachment->post_title . '</div>';
             $attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', 'tab', $tab);
         $slides_shortcode .= sprintf('[ms_slide %1$s]%3$s%2$s[/ms_slide]%3$s', $attrs, $info, "\n");
      * Filter slider default attributes. To find full list of slider options, take a look at "msp_masterslider_wrapper_shortcode"
      * function in /includes/msp-shortcodes.php file
      * @var array      List of slider options with values
     $slider_attrs = apply_filters('masterslider_gallery_slider_attrs', $slider_attrs);
     // Convert attrs to string
     $slides_shortcode_attrs = '';
     foreach ($slider_attrs as $slider_attr => $slider_attr_value) {
         $slides_shortcode_attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', $slider_attr, $slider_attr_value);
     // Create slider shortcode
     $gallery_slider_shortcode = sprintf('[ms_slider %1$s]%2$s%3$s[/ms_slider]', $slides_shortcode_attrs, "\n", $slides_shortcode);
     return do_shortcode($gallery_slider_shortcode);
Пример #6
        foreach ($attachment_ids as $attachment_id) {
            $image_link = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id);
            if (!$image_link) {
            $image_title = esc_attr(get_the_title($attachment_id));
            $image_src = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($image_link, $slide_image_dimensions['width'], $slide_image_dimensions['height'], $slide_image_dimensions['crop']);
            $attachment_count = count($product->get_gallery_attachment_ids());
            if ($attachment_count > 0) {
                $gallery = "&#91;product-gallery&#93;";
            } else {
                $gallery = '';
            $slide_options = array('src' => $image_src, 'css_class' => 'zoom ms-zoom', 'title' => $image_title, 'alt' => $image_title, 'rel' => 'prettyPhoto' . $gallery, 'target' => '_blank', 'video' => '', 'mp4' => '', 'webm' => '', 'ogg' => '', 'autopause' => 'false', 'mute' => 'true', 'loop' => 'true', 'crop_width' => '', 'crop_height' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'delay' => '', 'bgalign' => '');
            if ($enable_thumbnail) {
                $slide_options['thumb'] = msp_get_the_resized_image_src($image_link, $thumbnail_dimensions['width'], $thumbnail_dimensions['height'], $thumbnail_dimensions['crop']);
            $slide_options = apply_filters('msp_woocommerce_single_product_slider_slide_params', $slide_options, $post);
            $slide_attrs = '';
            foreach ($slide_options as $attr => $attr_value) {
                $slide_attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', $attr, esc_attr($attr_value));
            $slides .= sprintf('[ms_slide %s ][/ms_slide]', $slide_attrs);
    $slider_shortcode = !empty($slides) ? sprintf('[ms_slider %s ]%s[/ms_slider]', $slider_attrs, $slides) : '';
    echo do_shortcode($slider_shortcode);
} elseif ($image_count === 1) {
    if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
        $image_title = esc_attr(get_the_title(get_post_thumbnail_id()));