function mysql2_query_secure($sql, $link, $arg = '', $log = false) { global $l, $lbl_log; $query = generate_secure_sql($sql, $arg); if ($log) { addLog($log, $query, $lbl_log); } if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { $_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_DEBUG'][] = html_entity_decode($query, ENT_QUOTES); } if (DEMO) { $rest = mb_strtoupper(substr($query, 0, 6)); if ($rest == 'UPDATE' or $rest == 'INSERT' or $rest == 'DELETE') { if (DEMO_MSG != 'show') { msg_info($l->g(2103)); define('DEMO_MSG', 'show'); } return false; } } $result = mysqli_query($link, $query); if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON' and !$result) { msg_error(mysqli_error($link)); } return $result; }
function show_computer_summary($computer) { global $l; $urls = $_SESSION['OCS']['url_service']; $labels = array('SYSTEM' => array('USERID' => $l->g(24), 'OSNAME' => $l->g(274), 'OSVERSION' => $l->g(275), 'OSCOMMENTS' => $l->g(286), 'DESCRIPTION' => $l->g(53), 'WINCOMPANY' => $l->g(51), 'WINOWNER' => $l->g(348), 'WINPRODID' => $l->g(111), 'WINPRODKEY' => $l->g(553), 'VMTYPE' => $l->g(1267)), 'NETWORK' => array('WORKGROUP' => $l->g(33), 'USERDOMAIN' => $l->g(557), 'IPADDR' => $l->g(34), 'NAME_RZ' => $l->g(304)), 'HARDWARE' => array('SWAP' => $l->g(50), 'MEMORY' => $l->g(26), 'UUID' => $l->g(1268), 'ARCH' => $l->g(1247)), 'AGENT' => array('USERAGENT' => $l->g(357), 'LASTDATE' => $l->g(46), 'LASTCOME' => $l->g(820))); $cat_labels = array('SYSTEM' => $l->g(1387), 'NETWORK' => $l->g(1388), 'HARDWARE' => $l->g(1389), 'AGENT' => $l->g(1390)); foreach ($labels as $cat_key => $cat) { foreach ($cat as $key => $lbl) { if ($key == "MEMORY") { $sqlMem = "SELECT SUM(capacity) AS 'capa' FROM memories WHERE hardware_id=%s"; $argMem = $computer->ID; $resMem = mysql2_query_secure($sqlMem, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $argMem); $valMem = mysqli_fetch_array($resMem); if ($valMem["capa"] > 0) { $memory = $valMem["capa"]; } else { $memory = $computer->{$key}; } $data[$key] = $memory; } elseif ($key == "LASTDATE" or $key == "LASTCOME") { $data[$key] = dateTimeFromMysql($computer->{$key}); } elseif ($key == "NAME_RZ") { $data[$key] = ""; $data_RZ = subnet_name($computer->ID); $nb_val = count($data_RZ); if ($nb_val == 1) { $data[$key] = $data_RZ[0]; } elseif (isset($data_RZ)) { foreach ($data_RZ as $index => $value) { $data[$key] .= $index . " => " . $value . "<br>"; } } } elseif ($key == "VMTYPE" and $computer->UUID != '') { $sqlVM = "select vm.hardware_id,vm.vmtype, from virtualmachines vm left join hardware h on where vm.uuid='%s' order by DESC"; $argVM = $computer->UUID; $resVM = mysql2_query_secure($sqlVM, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $argVM); $valVM = mysqli_fetch_array($resVM); $data[$key] = $valVM['vmtype']; $link_vm = "<a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $urls->getUrl('ms_computer') . "&head=1&systemid=" . $valVM['hardware_id'] . "' target='_blank'><font color=red>" . $valVM['name'] . "</font></a>"; $link[$key] = true; if ($data[$key] != '') { msg_info($l->g(1266) . "<br>" . $l->g(1269) . ': ' . $link_vm); } } elseif ($key == "IPADDR" and $_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('WOL', 'NO') == "NO") { $data[$key] = $computer->{$key} . " <a href=# OnClick='confirme(\"\",\"WOL\",\"bandeau\",\"WOL\",\"" . $l->g(1283) . "\");'><i>WOL</i></a>"; $link[$key] = true; } elseif ($computer->{$key} != '') { $data[$key] = $computer->{$key}; } } } echo open_form("bandeau"); show_summary($data, $labels, $cat_labels, $link); echo "<input type='hidden' id='WOL' name='WOL' value=''>"; echo close_form(); }
if ($infos_status['NIV_BIS'] == "") { msg_warning($l->g(1089)); } else { //define tab $data_on[1] = $l->g(1072); $data_on[2] = $l->g(1073); } if ($_SESSION['OCS']['CONFIGURATION']['TELEDIFF_WK'] == 'YES') { $data_on[4] = $l->g(107); } $form_name = "admins"; echo open_form($form_name); if (isset($data_on)) { onglet($data_on, $form_name, "onglet", 4); $table_name = $form_name; echo '<div class="mlt_bordure" >'; if ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 2) { dde_form($form_name); } elseif ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 4) { dde_conf($form_name); } elseif ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 1) { dde_show($form_name); } echo '</div>'; } else { msg_info($l->g(1187)); } echo close_form(); } else { msg_info($l->g(1075)); }
$tooltip = tooltip($msg_header_error_sol[$poub]); $msg_tooltip .= "<div " . $tooltip . ">" . $values . "</div>"; } } msg_error("<big>" . $l->g(1263) . "</big><br>" . $msg_tooltip, "top_msg_alert"); } //warning are detected if ($msg_header_warning != array()) { msg_warning(implode('<br>', $msg_header_warning), "top_msg_warning"); } } if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['TRUE_USER'])) { msg_info($_SESSION['OCS']['TRUE_USER'] . " " . $l->g(889) . " " . $_SESSION['OCS']["loggeduser"]); } if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']["TRUE_mesmachines"])) { msg_info($l->g(890)); } echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"; if (!isset($_SESSION['OCS']["loggeduser"])) { echo "<tr><td colspan=20 align=right>"; require_once 'plugins/language/language.php'; echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<div class='fond'>"; if ($_SESSION['OCS']["mesmachines"] == "NOTAG" and !(array_search('ms_debug', $_SESSION['OCS']['TRUE_PAGES']['ms_debug']) and $protectedGet[PAG_INDEX] == $pages_refs['ms_debug'])) { if (isset($LIST_ERROR)) { $msg_error = $LIST_ERROR; } else { $msg_error = $l->g(893); }
$version_database = $_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_BASE_VERS']; $form_name = 'form_update'; $rep_maj = 'files/update/'; //search all sql files for update $list_fichier = ScanDirectory($rep_maj, "sql"); echo "<form name='" . $form_name . "' id='" . $form_name . "' method='POST'>"; $msg_info[] = $l->g(2057); if (GUI_VER < $_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_BASE_VERS']) { msg_info(implode("<br />", $msg_info)); msg_error($l->g(2107) . "<br>" . $l->g(2108) . "<br>" . $l->g(2109) . ":" . $version_database . "=>" . $l->g(2110) . ":" . GUI_VER); echo "</form>"; require_once 'require/footer.php'; die; } $msg_info[] = $l->g(2109) . ":" . $version_database . "=>" . $l->g(2110) . ":" . GUI_VER; msg_info(implode("<br />", $msg_info)); echo "<br><input type=submit name='update' value='" . $l->g(2111) . "'>"; if (isset($_POST['update'])) { while ($version_database < GUI_VER) { $version_database++; if (in_array($version_database . ".sql", $list_fichier['name'])) { if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { msg_success("Mise à jour effectuée: " . $version_database . ".sql"); } exec_fichier_sql($rep_maj . '/' . $version_database . ".sql"); $sql = "update config set tvalue='%s' where name='GUI_VERSION'"; $arg = $version_database; $res_column = mysql2_query_secure($sql, $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg); $_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_BASE_VERS'] = $version_database; } else { msg_error($l->g(2114) . " " . $version_database);
show_computer_title($item); if (isset($protectedGet['cat']) and $protectedGet['cat'] == 'admin') { show_computer_summary($item); } //Wake On Lan function if (isset($protectedPost["WOL"]) and $protectedPost["WOL"] == 'WOL' and $_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('WOL', 'NO') == "NO") { require_once 'require/function_wol.php'; $wol = new Wol(); $sql = "select MACADDR,IPADDRESS from networks WHERE (hardware_id=%s) and status='Up'"; $arg = array($item->ID); $resultDetails = mysql2_query_secure($sql, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $arg); $msg = ""; while ($item = mysqli_fetch_object($resultDetails)) { $wol->wake($item->MACADDR, $item->IPADDRESS); if ($wol->wol_send == $l->g(1282)) { msg_info($wol->wol_send . "=>" . $item->MACADDR . "/" . $item->IPADDRESS); } else { msg_error($wol->wol_send . "=>" . $item->MACADDR . "/" . $item->IPADDRESS); } } } if ($ajax) { ob_end_clean(); } $plugins_serializer = new XMLPluginsSerializer(); $plugins = $plugins_serializer->unserialize(file_get_contents('config/computer/plugins.xml')); if (isset($protectedGet['cat']) and in_array($protectedGet['cat'], array('software', 'hardware', 'devices', 'admin', 'config', 'other'))) { // If category foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->getCategory() == $protectedGet['cat']) { $plugin_file = PLUGINS_DIR . "computer_detail/" . $plugin->getId() . "/" . $plugin->getId() . ".php";
function multi_lot($form_name, $lbl_choise) { global $protectedPost, $protectedGet, $l; $list_id = ""; //print_r($protectedPost); if (!isset($protectedGet['origine'])) { if (isset($protectedGet['idchecked']) and $protectedGet['idchecked'] != "") { $choise_req_selection['REQ'] = $l->g(584); $choise_req_selection['SEL'] = $l->g(585); $select_choise = show_modif($choise_req_selection, 'CHOISE', 2, $form_name); echo "<center>" . $lbl_choise . " " . $select_choise . "</center><br>"; } if ($protectedPost['CHOISE'] == 'REQ' or $protectedGet['idchecked'] == '') { msg_info($l->g(901)); if ($protectedGet['idchecked'] == '') { echo "<input type='hidden' name='CHOISE' value='" . $protectedPost['CHOISE'] . "'>"; $protectedPost['CHOISE'] = 'REQ'; } $list_id = $_SESSION['OCS']['ID_REQ']; } if ($protectedPost['CHOISE'] == 'SEL') { msg_info($l->g(902)); $list_id = $protectedGet['idchecked']; } //gestion tableau if (is_array($list_id)) { $list_id = implode(",", $list_id); } } else { $list_id = $protectedGet['idchecked']; } if ($list_id != "") { return $list_id; } else { return false; } }
fwrite($ch, "define(\"DB_NAME\", \"" . $_POST['database'] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"SERVER_READ\",\"" . $_POST["host"] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"SERVER_WRITE\",\"" . $_POST["host"] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"COMPTE_BASE\",\"" . $_POST["name"] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"PSWD_BASE\",\"" . $_POST["pass"] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "?>"); fclose($ch); msg_success("<b><a href='index.php'>" . $l->g(2051) . "</a></b>"); unset($_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_BASE_VERS']); die; } } if (!$error) { ob_flush(); flush(); msg_info($l->g(2030)); exec_fichier_sql($db_file, $link); $ch = @fopen(CONF_MYSQL, "w"); fwrite($ch, "<?php\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"DB_NAME\", \"" . $_POST['database'] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"SERVER_READ\",\"" . $_POST["host"] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"SERVER_WRITE\",\"" . $_POST["host"] . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"COMPTE_BASE\",\"" . $name_connect . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "define(\"PSWD_BASE\",\"" . $pass_connect . "\");\n"); fwrite($ch, "?>"); fclose($ch); if (!mysqli_connect($_POST["host"], $name_connect, $pass_connect)) { if (mysqli_connect_errno() == 0) { echo "<br><center><font color=red><b>" . $l->g(2043) . " " . $l->g(2044) . "</b><br></font></center>"; die; } else {
$tab_options['FILTRE']['h.ipaddr'] = $l->g(34); } printEnTete($title); echo "<br><br>"; $tab_options['LBL']['MAC'] = $l->g(95); $list_col_cant_del = array($l->g(66) => $l->g(66), 'SUP' => 'SUP', 'MODIF' => 'MODIF'); $table_name = "IPDISCOVER_" . $protectedGet['prov']; $form_name = $table_name; echo open_form($form_name); $result_exist = tab_req($table_name, $list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $sql, $form_name, 80, $tab_options); $fipdisc = ""; $values = look_config_default_values(array('IPDISCOVER_IPD_DIR')); $IPD_DIR = $values['tvalue']['IPDISCOVER_IPD_DIR'] . "/ipd"; if ($scriptPresent = @stat($fipdisc)) { $filePresent = true; if (!is_executable($fipdisc)) { $msg_info = $fipdisc . " " . $l->g(341); } else { if (!is_writable($IPD_DIR)) { $msg_info = $l->g(342) . " " . $fipdisc . " (" . $IPD_DIR . ")"; } } if (!isset($msg_info)) { echo "<br><input type='button'\"index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs['ms_ipdiscover_analyse'] . "&head=1&rzo=" . $protectedGet['value'] . "\",\"analyse\",\"location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=800,height=650\") name='analyse' value='" . $l->g(317) . "'>"; } else { msg_info($msg_info); } } echo close_form(); } }
$protectedPost['document_root'] = $document_root; } echo "<input type='hidden' name='document_root' value='" . $protectedPost['document_root'] . "'>\t \n\t <input type='hidden' id='timestamp' name='timestamp' value='" . $protectedPost['timestamp'] . "'>"; echo "<script language='javascript'>\n\t\tfunction verif()\n\t\t {\n\t\t\tvar msg = '';\n\t\t\tchamps = new Array('NAME','DESCRIPTION','OS','PROTOCOLE','PRIORITY','ACTION','ACTION_INPUT','REDISTRIB_USE');\n\t\t\tchamps_OS = new Array('NOTIFY_USER','NEED_DONE_ACTION');\n\t\t\tchamps_ACTION=new Array('teledeploy_file');\n\t\t\tchamps_REDISTRIB_USE=new Array('REDISTRIB_PRIORITY');\n\t\t\tchamps_NOTIFY_USER=new Array('NOTIFY_TEXT','NOTIFY_COUNTDOWN','NOTIFY_CAN_ABORT','NOTIFY_CAN_DELAY');\n\t\t\tchamps_NEED_DONE_ACTION=new Array('NEED_DONE_ACTION_TEXT');\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\tfor (var n = 0; n < champs.length; n++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById(champs[n]).value == ''){\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t msg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs[n]).style.backgroundColor = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfor (var n = 0; n < champs_OS.length; n++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById('OS').value == 'WINDOWS' && document.getElementById(champs_OS[n]).value == ''){\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_OS[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t msg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_OS[n]).style.backgroundColor = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tfor (var n = 0; n < champs_ACTION.length; n++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tvar name_file=document.getElementById(champs_ACTION[n]).value;\n\t\t\t\tname_file=name_file.toUpperCase();\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById(\"OS\").value == 'WINDOWS')\n\t\t\t\t\tvar debut=name_file.length-3;\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tvar debut=name_file.length-6;\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById('ACTION').value != 'EXECUTE' && document.getElementById(champs_ACTION[n]).value == ''){\n\t\t\t\t\talert('" . $l->g(602) . "');\n\t\t\t\t \tdocument.getElementById(champs_ACTION[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t \tmsg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\telse if (document.getElementById('ACTION').value != 'EXECUTE' && name_file.substring(debut,name_file.length) != 'ZIP' && document.getElementById(\"OS\").value == 'WINDOWS'){\n\t\t\t\t\talert('" . $l->g(1231) . "');\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById(champs_ACTION[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t\tmsg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t}else if (document.getElementById('ACTION').value != 'EXECUTE' && name_file.substring(debut,name_file.length) != 'TAR.GZ' && document.getElementById(\"OS\").value != 'WINDOWS'){\n\t\t\t\t\talert('" . $l->g(1232) . "');\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById(champs_ACTION[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t\tmsg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_ACTION[n]).style.backgroundColor = '';\n\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfor (var n = 0; n < champs_REDISTRIB_USE.length; n++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById('REDISTRIB_USE').value == 1 && document.getElementById(champs_REDISTRIB_USE[n]).value == ''){\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_REDISTRIB_USE[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t msg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_REDISTRIB_USE[n]).style.backgroundColor = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfor (var n = 0; n < champs_NOTIFY_USER.length; n++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById('NOTIFY_USER').value == 1 && document.getElementById(champs_NOTIFY_USER[n]).value == ''){\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_NOTIFY_USER[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t msg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_NOTIFY_USER[n]).style.backgroundColor = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfor (var n = 0; n < champs_NEED_DONE_ACTION.length; n++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (document.getElementById('NEED_DONE_ACTION').value == 1 && document.getElementById(champs_NEED_DONE_ACTION[n]).value == ''){\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_NEED_DONE_ACTION[n]).style.backgroundColor = 'RED';\n\t\t\t\t msg='NULL';\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t document.getElementById(champs_NEED_DONE_ACTION[n]).style.backgroundColor = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (msg != ''){\n\t\t\talert ('" . $l->g(1001) . "');\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}else\n\t\t\treturn true;\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t</script>"; echo "<div "; if ($protectedPost['valid']) { echo " style='display:none;'"; } echo ">"; printEnTete($l->g(434)); echo "<br>"; $activate = option_conf_activate('TELEDIFF_WK'); //If workflow for teledeploy is activated //We show only the package we can create if ($activate) { msg_info($l->g(1105) . "<br>" . $l->g(1106) . "<br>" . $l->g(1107)); //get all request with the status "Create a Package" $conf_creat_Wk = look_config_default_values(array('IT_SET_NIV_CREAT')); $info_dde_statut_creat = info_dde(find_dde_by_status($conf_creat_Wk['tvalue']['IT_SET_NIV_CREAT'])); if ($info_dde_statut_creat != '') { $array_id_fields = find_id_field(array('NAME_TELEDEPLOY', 'PRIORITY', 'NOTIF_USER', 'REPORT_USER', 'INFO_PACK')); //build the seach $id_name = "fields_" . $array_id_fields['NAME_TELEDEPLOY']->id; $id_description = "fields_" . $array_id_fields['INFO_PACK']->id; $id_priority = "fields_" . $array_id_fields['PRIORITY']->id; $id_notify_user = "******" . $array_id_fields['NOTIF_USER']->id; foreach ($info_dde_statut_creat as $id => $tab_value) { $list_dde_creat[$tab_value->ID] = $tab_value->{$id_name}; } echo "<br><b>" . $l->g(1183) . ":</b>" . show_modif($list_dde_creat, 'LIST_DDE_CREAT', 2, $form_name); if (!$protectedPost['LIST_DDE_CREAT'] or $protectedPost['LIST_DDE_CREAT'] == "") {
function media_invoke() { $popup_form = ''; list($path, $opt) = GET('folder, opt', 'GETPOST'); list($do_action, $pending) = GET('do_action, pending', 'POST'); // Change default uploads dir $udir = cn_path_construct(SERVDIR, 'uploads'); if (getoption('uploads_dir')) { $udir = preparation_path(getoption('uploads_dir')); } $edir = getoption('uploads_ext') ? getoption('uploads_ext') : getoption('http_script_dir') . '/uploads'; $dfile = cn_path_construct($udir, $path); // Remove root identifier $path = preparation_path($path); // Path detection $path = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\/_\\\\]/i', '-', $path); $root_dir = cn_path_construct($udir, $path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $just_uploaded = array(); // Get path struct $pathes = spsep($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (isset($pathes[0]) && $pathes[0] === '') { unset($pathes[0]); } // Do upload files if (request_type('POST')) { cn_dsi_check(); // Allowed Exts. $AE = spsep(getoption('allowed_extensions')); // Generate thumbnail after upload $thumbnail_with_upload = getoption('thumbnail_with_upload'); // UPLOAD FILES if (REQ('upload', 'POST')) { list($overwrite) = GET('overwrite'); $is_uploaded = FALSE; // Try for fopen url upload if ($upload_from_inet = REQ('upload_from_inet')) { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { // Get filename $url_name = spsep($upload_from_inet, '/'); $url_name = $url_name[count($url_name) - 1]; $url_name = preg_replace('/(%20|\\s|\\?|&|\\/)/', '_', $url_name); $url_name = str_replace('%', '_', $url_name); // resolve filename $c_file = $dfile . $url_name; // Overwrite [if can], or add file if ($overwrite && file_exists($c_file) || !file_exists($c_file)) { // Use context for disable error notices if (function_exists('stream_context_create')) { $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('ignore_errors' => true))); $fw = fopen($upload_from_inet, 'rb', false, $context); } else { // Read file $fw = fopen($upload_from_inet, 'rb'); } // --------- (fetch content) ------ ob_start(); fpassthru($fw); $file_image = ob_get_clean(); fclose($fw); // --------- // write2disk if ($wf = fopen($c_file, 'w')) { fwrite($wf, $file_image); fclose($wf); } // check image list($w, $h) = getimagesize($c_file); if ($w && $h) { cn_throw_message('File uploaded'); $max_width = getoption('max_thumbnail_width'); if ($w > $max_width && $thumbnail_with_upload) { $resize_result = resize_image($c_file, $max_width, 0); cn_throw_message($resize_result['msg'], $resize_result['status'] ? 'n' : 'w'); } $is_uploaded = TRUE; $just_uploaded[$url_name] = TRUE; } else { cn_throw_message("Wrong image file", 'e'); unlink($c_file); } } else { cn_throw_message("Can't overwrite or save", 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message('allow_url_fopen=0, check server configurations'); } } // Upload from local foreach ($_FILES['upload_file']['name'] as $id => $name) { if ($name) { $ext = NULL; if (preg_match('/\\.(\\w+)$/i', $name, $c)) { $ext = strtolower($c[1]); } // Check allowed ext if ($ext && in_array($ext, $AE)) { // encode url $name = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($name)); // encoded? replace filename if (strpos($name, '%') !== FALSE) { $name = str_replace('%', '', strtolower($name)); } // check file for exist if (file_exists($c_file = $dfile . $name)) { if ($overwrite) { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($c_file) . '] overwritten', 'w'); } else { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($c_file) . '] already exists', 'e'); continue; } } // Upload file to server if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$id], $c_file)) { $just_uploaded[$name] = TRUE; cn_throw_message('File uploaded [<b>' . cn_htmlspecialchars($name) . '</b>]'); $max_width = getoption('max_thumbnail_width'); list($w, $h) = getimagesize($c_file); if ($w > $max_width && $thumbnail_with_upload) { $resize_result = resize_image($c_file, $max_width, 0); cn_throw_message($resize_result['msg'], $resize_result['status'] ? 'n' : 'w'); } } else { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($c_file) . '] not uploaded! Please, check upload_max_filesize in PHP settings.', 'e'); } } else { cn_throw_message('File extension [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($ext) . '] not allowed', 'e'); } } elseif (!$is_uploaded) { cn_throw_message('No selected files for upload', 'e'); } } } elseif ($do_action || $pending) { list($rm) = GET('rm', 'POST'); // action --> delete entries if ($do_action == 'delete') { if (empty($rm)) { cn_throw_message('No files selected', 'w'); } else { foreach ($rm as $file) { if (file_exists($cfile = $dfile . $file)) { if (is_dir($cfile)) { rmdir($cfile); } else { //get thumbnail path $path_parts = pathinfo($cfile); $thumbnail_path = $path_parts['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.thumb.' . $path_parts['basename']; if (file_exists($thumbnail_path)) { unlink($thumbnail_path); } unlink($cfile); } } if (file_exists($cfile)) { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($cfile) . '] not deleted!', 'e'); } else { cn_throw_message('File [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($file) . '] deleted successfully'); } } } } elseif ($do_action == 'create') { $popup_form = i18n('Enter directory name') . ' <input type="text" name="new_dir" value="" />'; } elseif ($pending == 'create') { $new_dir_arr = GET('new_dir', 'POST'); $new_folder = array_pop($new_dir_arr); $new_folder = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]/i', '-', $new_folder); if ($new_folder) { $cfile = $dfile . $new_folder; if (is_dir($cfile)) { cn_throw_message('Folder [' . $new_folder . '] already exists!', 'e'); } else { mkdir($cfile); if (!is_dir($cfile)) { cn_throw_message('Folder [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($cfile) . ' not created]', 'e'); } else { cn_throw_message('Folder [' . $new_folder . '] created!'); } } } else { cn_throw_message('Specify folder name', 'w'); } $popup_form = ''; } elseif ($do_action == 'rename') { if ($rm) { $popup_form = '<div class="big_font">' . i18n('Rename file to') . '</div>'; $popup_form .= i18n('Tip: Write new file name') . '<br />'; $popup_form .= '<table>'; foreach ($rm as $id => $fn) { $hfn = cn_htmlspecialchars($fn); $popup_form .= '<tr><td align="right" class="indent"><b>' . $hfn . '</b><td>'; $popup_form .= '<td><input type="hidden" name="ids[' . $id . ']" value="' . $hfn . '"/>→</td>'; $popup_form .= '<td><input style="width: 300px;" type="text" name="place[' . $id . ']" value="' . $hfn . '" /> '; $popup_form .= '</td></tr>'; } $popup_form .= '</table>'; } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to rename', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'rename') { // ... list($ids, $place) = GET('ids, place', 'POST'); // prevent illegal moves $safe_dir = scan_dir($root_dir); foreach ($safe_dir as $id => $v) { $safe_dir[$id] = md5($v); } // do move all files / dirs foreach ($ids as $id => $file) { if (in_array(md5($file), $safe_dir)) { $filename = $place[$id]; if (strpos($filename, '\\') || strpos($filename, '/')) { cn_throw_message(i18n('The name of file [%1] should not contain special characters', cn_htmlspecialchars($file)), 'e'); continue; } $renameto = $root_dir . $filename; $thumb = $root_dir . '.thumb.' . $file; // do move if (rename($root_dir . $file, $renameto)) { if (file_exists($thumb)) { rename($thumb, $root_dir . '.thumb.' . $filename); } cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] renamed to [%2]', cn_htmlspecialchars($file), cn_htmlspecialchars($filename))); } else { cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] not renamed', cn_htmlspecialchars($file)), 'e'); } } } } elseif ($do_action == 'move') { if ($rm) { $popup_form = '<div class="big_font">' . i18n('Move files to') . '</div>'; $popup_form .= i18n('Tip: You can select the folder to move the file') . '<br />'; $popup_form .= '<table>'; $folders = array(); $dirs = scan_dir($root_dir); foreach ($dirs as $entry) { if (is_dir($root_dir . $entry) && !($entry === '..' || $entry === '.')) { $folders[] = $entry; } } foreach ($rm as $id => $fn) { $hfn = cn_htmlspecialchars($fn); $popup_form .= '<tr><td align="right" class="indent"><b>' . $hfn . '</b><td>'; $popup_form .= '<td><input type="hidden" name="ids[' . $id . ']" value="' . $hfn . '"/>→</td>'; $popup_form .= '<td>'; $cnt_folders = count($folders); if ($cnt_folders != 0 && !($cnt_folders == 1 && in_array($hfn, $folders))) { $popup_form .= '<select name="place_folder_' . $id . '">'; foreach ($folders as $dirn) { if ($dirn != $hfn) { $popup_form .= '<option value="' . $dirn . '">' . $dirn . '</option>'; } } $popup_form .= '</select>'; } if ($root_dir != $udir) { $popup_form .= '<nobr><input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:hideFolderList(this,' . $id . ')" name="moveup[' . $id . ']" value="Y" /> Move up</nobr>'; } else { $popup_form .= '<nobr> X Move up (You are in root folder)</nobr>'; } $popup_form .= '</td></tr>'; } $popup_form .= '</table>'; } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to move', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'move') { // ... list($ids, $moveup) = GET('ids, moveup', 'POST'); // prevent illegal moves $safe_dir = scan_dir($root_dir); foreach ($safe_dir as $id => $v) { $safe_dir[$id] = md5($v); } // do move all files / dirs foreach ($ids as $id => $file) { list($place_folder) = GET('place_folder_' . $id); if (in_array(md5($file), $safe_dir)) { $NF = ''; $foldername = preg_replace('/\\.\\//i', '', $place_folder); // move this file up if (isset($moveup[$id]) && count($pathes) > 0) { $nwfolder = dirname($root_dir); $foldername = 'up folder'; } else { $nwfolder = $root_dir . ($NF = isset($rm[0]) ? $rm[0] : '') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $foldername; if ($rm[0]) { $NF = $rm[0] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } $moveto = $nwfolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; //check for image thumbnail $thumb = $root_dir . '.thumb.' . $file; // do move if (rename($root_dir . $file, $moveto)) { if (file_exists($thumb)) { rename($thumb, $nwfolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.thumb.' . $file); } cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] moved to [%2]', cn_htmlspecialchars($file), cn_htmlspecialchars($foldername))); } else { cn_throw_message(i18n('File [%1] not moved', cn_htmlspecialchars($file)), 'e'); } } } } elseif ($do_action == 'thumb') { if (!empty($_POST['rm'])) { $popup_form = get_sizes_form('Make thumbnails', $do_action); } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to make thumbnail', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'thumb') { do_resize_image($root_dir); } elseif ($do_action == 'resize') { if (!empty($_POST['rm'])) { $popup_form = get_sizes_form('Resize source image', $do_action); } else { cn_throw_message('Select files to resize', 'w'); } } elseif ($pending == 'resize') { do_resize_image($root_dir, false); } elseif (!hook('media/post_action')) { msg_info("Action error"); } } } // Check dir exists if (is_dir($root_dir)) { $raw_files = scan_dir($root_dir); } else { cn_throw_message('Dir not exists', 'e'); $raw_files = array(); } $dirs = $files = array(); foreach ($raw_files as $file) { if (preg_match('/avatar_/', $file)) { continue; } $file_location = "{$root_dir}/{$file}"; if (is_dir($file_location)) { $dirs[] = array('url' => "{$path}/{$file}", 'name' => $file); } elseif (filesize(cn_path_construct($udir, $path) . $file) != 0) { list($w, $h) = getimagesize(cn_path_construct($udir, $path) . $file); $is_thumb = preg_match('/\\.thumb\\./', $file); $files[] = array('name' => $file, 'url' => $edir . '/' . ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $file, 'thumb' => file_exists($root_dir . '/.thumb.' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME)) ? $edir . '/' . ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . '.thumb.' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME) : '', 'local' => ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $file, 'just_uploaded' => isset($just_uploaded[$file]) ? TRUE : FALSE, 'is_thumb' => $is_thumb, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h, 'fs' => round(filesize($file_location) / 1024, 1)); } } uasort($dirs, 'usort_by_name_asc'); uasort($files, 'usort_by_name_asc'); // Top level (dashboard) cn_bc_add('Dashboard', cn_url_modify(array('reset'))); cn_bc_add('Media manager', cn_url_modify()); cn_assign("files, dirs, path, pathes, popup_form, root_dir", $files, $dirs, $path, $pathes, $popup_form, $root_dir); if ($opt === 'inline') { echo exec_tpl('window', 'title=Quick insert image', 'style=media/style.css', 'content=' . exec_tpl('media/general')); } else { echoheader('-@media/style.css', 'Media manager'); echo exec_tpl('media/general'); echofooter(); } }
function edit_news_delete() { cn_dsi_check(); if (!test('Nud')) { msg_info("Unable to delete news: no permission"); } $FlatDB = new FlatDB(); list($id, $source) = GET('id, source', 'GET'); $ida = db_index_load($source); $nloc = db_get_nloc($id); $db = db_news_load($nloc); // ------ $FlatDB->cn_remove_categories($db[$id]['c'], $db[$id]['id']); $FlatDB->cn_update_date(0, $db[$id]['id']); $FlatDB->cn_user_sync($db[$id]['u'], 0, $db[$id]['id']); $FlatDB->cn_remove_tags($db[$id]['tg'], $db[$id]['id']); // ------ unset($db[$id]); unset($ida[$id]); // Remove from meta-index $_ts_id = bt_get_id($id, 'nts_id'); bt_del_id($id, 'nts_id'); bt_del_id($_ts_id, 'nid_ts'); // Remove page alias $_ts_pg = bt_get_id($id, 'ts_pg'); bt_del_id($id, 'ts_pg'); bt_del_id($_ts_pg, 'pg_ts'); // save block db_save_news($db, $nloc); db_index_save($ida, $source); db_index_update_overall($source); cn_relocation(cn_url_modify(array('reset'), 'mod=editnews', "source={$source}")); $FlatDB->cache_clean(); }
function create_pack($sql_details, $info_details) { global $l; if (DEMO) { msg_info($l->g(2103)); return; } $info_details = xml_escape_string($info_details); //get temp file $fname = $sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "/tmp"; //cut this package if ($size = @filesize($fname)) { $handle = fopen($fname, "rb"); $read = 0; for ($i = 1; $i < $sql_details['nbfrags']; $i++) { $contents = fread($handle, $size / $sql_details['nbfrags']); $read += strlen($contents); $handfrag = fopen($sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "/" . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "-" . $i, "w+b"); fwrite($handfrag, $contents); fclose($handfrag); } $contents = fread($handle, $size - $read); $read += strlen($contents); $handfrag = fopen($sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "/" . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "-" . $i, "w+b"); fwrite($handfrag, $contents); fclose($handfrag); fclose($handle); unlink($sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "/tmp"); } else { if (!file_exists($sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp'])) { mkdir($sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp']); } } //if $info_details['DIGEST'] is null => no file to deploy, only execute commande in info file // so nb_frag=0 if (!isset($info_details['DIGEST']) or $info_details['DIGEST'] == "") { $sql_details['nbfrags'] = 0; } //create info $info = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; $info .= "<DOWNLOAD ID=\"" . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "\" " . "PRI=\"" . $info_details['PRI'] . "\" " . "ACT=\"" . $info_details['ACT'] . "\" " . "DIGEST=\"" . $info_details['DIGEST'] . "\" " . "PROTO=\"" . $info_details['PROTO'] . "\" " . "FRAGS=\"" . $sql_details['nbfrags'] . "\" " . "DIGEST_ALGO=\"" . $info_details['DIGEST_ALGO'] . "\" " . "DIGEST_ENCODE=\"" . $info_details['DIGEST_ENCODE'] . "\" "; if ($info_details['ACT'] == 'STORE') { $info .= "PATH=\"" . $info_details['PATH'] . "\" "; } if ($info_details['ACT'] == 'LAUNCH') { $info .= "NAME=\"" . $info_details['NAME'] . "\" "; } if ($info_details['ACT'] == 'EXECUTE') { $info .= "COMMAND=\"" . $info_details['COMMAND'] . "\" "; } $info .= "NOTIFY_USER=\"" . $info_details['NOTIFY_USER'] . "\" " . "NOTIFY_TEXT=\"" . $info_details['NOTIFY_TEXT'] . "\" " . "NOTIFY_COUNTDOWN=\"" . $info_details['NOTIFY_COUNTDOWN'] . "\" " . "NOTIFY_CAN_ABORT=\"" . $info_details['NOTIFY_CAN_ABORT'] . "\" " . "NOTIFY_CAN_DELAY=\"" . $info_details['NOTIFY_CAN_DELAY'] . "\" " . "NEED_DONE_ACTION=\"" . $info_details['NEED_DONE_ACTION'] . "\" " . "NEED_DONE_ACTION_TEXT=\"" . $info_details['NEED_DONE_ACTION_TEXT'] . "\" " . "GARDEFOU=\"" . $info_details['GARDEFOU'] . "\" />\n"; $handinfo = fopen($sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp'] . "/info", "w+"); fwrite($handinfo, utf8_decode($info)); fclose($handinfo); //delete all package with the same id mysql2_query_secure("DELETE FROM download_available WHERE FILEID='%s'", $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $sql_details['timestamp']); //insert new package $req = "INSERT INTO download_available(FILEID, NAME, PRIORITY, FRAGMENTS, SIZE, OSNAME, COMMENT,ID_WK) VALUES\n\t\t( '%s', '%s','%s', '%s','%s', '%s', '%s','%s' )"; $arg = array($sql_details['timestamp'], $sql_details['name'], $info_details['PRI'], $sql_details['nbfrags'], $sql_details['size'], $sql_details['os'], $sql_details['description'], $sql_details['id_wk']); mysql2_query_secure($req, $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg); addLog($l->g(512), $l->g(617) . " " . $sql_details['timestamp']); //info message msg_success($l->g(437) . " " . $sql_details['document_root'] . $sql_details['timestamp']); //delete cache for activation unset($_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE']['LIST_PACK']); unset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW']['LIST_PACK']); }
function tab_req($table_name, $list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $queryDetails, $form_name, $width = '100', $tab_options = '') { global $protectedPost, $l, $pages_refs; if (!$tab_options['AS']) { $tab_options['AS'] = array(); } if ($_SESSION['OCS']["tabcache"] == 0) { $tab_options['CACHE'] = 'RESET'; } echo "<script language='javascript'>\n\t\tfunction checkall()\n\t\t {\n\t\t\tfor(i=0; i<document." . $form_name . ".elements.length; i++)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif(document." . $form_name . ".elements[i].name.substring(0,5) == 'check'){\n\t\t\t if (document." . $form_name . ".elements[i].checked)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument." . $form_name . ".elements[i].checked = false;\n\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument." . $form_name . ".elements[i].checked = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t</script>"; $link = $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"]; //show select nb page $limit = nb_page($form_name, 100, "", "", $table_name); //you want to filter your result if (isset($tab_options['FILTRE'])) { $Details = filtre($tab_options['FILTRE'], $form_name, $queryDetails, $tab_options['ARG_SQL'], $tab_options['ARG_SQL_COUNT']); $queryDetails = $Details['SQL']; if (is_array($Details['ARG'])) { $tab_options['ARG_SQL'] = $Details['ARG']; } if (is_array($Details['ARG_COUNT'])) { $tab_options['ARG_SQL_COUNT'] = $Details['ARG_COUNT']; } } //by default, sort by column 1 if ($protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] == "" or !in_array($protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name], $list_fields) and !in_array($protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name], $tab_options['AS'])) { $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] = 1; } //by default, sort ASC if ($protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name] == "") { $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name] = 'ASC'; } //if data is signed and data = ip $tab_iplike = array('H.IPADDR', 'IPADDRESS', 'IP', 'IPADDR'); if (in_array(mb_strtoupper($protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name]), $tab_iplike)) { $queryDetails .= " order by INET_ATON(" . $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] . ") " . $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name]; } elseif ($tab_options['TRI']['SIGNED'][$protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name]]) { $queryDetails .= " order by cast(" . $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] . " as signed) " . $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name]; } elseif ($tab_options['TRI']['DATE'][$protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name]]) { if (isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL'])) { $queryDetails .= " order by STR_TO_DATE(%s,'%s') %s"; $tab_options['ARG_SQL'][] = $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name]; $tab_options['ARG_SQL'][] = $tab_options['TRI']['DATE'][$protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name]]; $tab_options['ARG_SQL'][] = $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name]; } else { $queryDetails .= " order by STR_TO_DATE(" . $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] . ",'" . $tab_options['TRI']['DATE'][$protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name]] . "') " . $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name]; } } else { $queryDetails .= " order by " . $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] . " " . $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name]; } if (isset($protectedPost["pcparpage"]) and $protectedPost["pcparpage"] <= 200) { $limit_result_cache = 200; $force_no_cache = false; } elseif (isset($protectedPost["pcparpage"])) { $limit_result_cache = $protectedPost["pcparpage"]; $force_no_cache = true; } //$tab_options['CACHE']='RESET'; //suppression de la limite de cache //si on est sur la m�me page mais pas sur le m�me onglet if ($_SESSION['OCS']['csv']['SQL'][$table_name] != $queryDetails or isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL']) and $tab_options['ARG_SQL'] != $_SESSION['OCS']['csv']['ARG'][$table_name]) { unset($protectedPost['page']); $tab_options['CACHE'] = 'RESET'; } //Delete cache if ($tab_options['CACHE'] == 'RESET' or isset($protectedPost['SUP_PROF']) and $protectedPost['SUP_PROF'] != '' or isset($protectedPost['RESET']) and $protectedPost['RESET'] != '') { if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { msg_info($l->g(5003)); } unset($_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE'][$table_name]); unset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name]); } if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name]) and $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name] > $limit["BEGIN"] and $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name] <= $limit["END"] and !isset($_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE'][$table_name][$limit["END"]])) { if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { msg_info($l->g(5004) . " " . $limit["END"] . " => " . ($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name] - 1)); } $limit["END"] = $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name] - 1; } if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE'][$table_name][$limit["END"]]) and isset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name])) { if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { msg_info($l->g(5005)); } $var_limit = $limit["BEGIN"]; while ($var_limit <= $limit["END"]) { $sql_data[$var_limit] = $_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE'][$table_name][$var_limit]; $var_limit++; } $num_rows_result = $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name]; if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME'])) { $tab_options['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME'] = $_SESSION['OCS']['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME']; } $result_data = gestion_donnees($sql_data, $list_fields, $tab_options, $form_name, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $queryDetails, $table_name); $data = $result_data['DATA']; $entete = $result_data['ENTETE']; $correct_list_col_cant_del = $result_data['correct_list_col_cant_del']; $correct_list_fields = $result_data['correct_list_fields']; $i = 1; } else { //search static values if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_DATA_FIXE'][$table_name])) { foreach ($_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_DATA_FIXE'][$table_name] as $key => $sql) { if (!isset($_SESSION['OCS']['ARG_DATA_FIXE'][$table_name][$key])) { $arg = array(); } else { $arg = $_SESSION['OCS']['ARG_DATA_FIXE'][$table_name][$key]; } if ($table_name == "TAB_MULTICRITERE") { $sql .= " and hardware_id in (" . implode(',', $_SESSION['OCS']['ID_REQ']) . ") group by hardware_id "; //ajout du group by pour r�gler le probl�me des r�sultats multiples sur une requete //on affiche juste le premier crit�re qui match $result = mysql_query($sql, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"]); } else { //add sort on column if need it if ($protectedPost['tri_fixe'] != '' and strstr($sql, $protectedPost['tri_fixe'])) { $sql .= " order by '%s' %s"; array_push($protectedPost['tri_fixe'], $arg); array_push($protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name], $arg); } $result = mysql2_query_secure($sql, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $arg); } while ($item = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($item->HARDWARE_ID != "") { $champs_index = $item->HARDWARE_ID; } elseif ($item->FILEID != "") { $champs_index = $item->FILEID; } //echo $champs_index."<br>"; if (isset($tablename_fixe_value)) { if (strstr($sql, $tablename_fixe_value[0])) { $list_id_tri_fixe[] = $champs_index; } } foreach ($item as $field => $value) { if ($field != "HARDWARE_ID" and $field != "FILEID" and $field != "ID") { // echo "<br>champs => ".$field." valeur => ".$value; $tab_options['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME'][$field][$champs_index] = $value; } } } } if (isset($tab_options['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME'])) { $_SESSION['OCS']['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME'] = $tab_options['REPLACE_VALUE_ALL_TIME']; } } // print_r($tab_options['VALUE']); // print_r($list_id_tri_fixe); //on vide les valeurs pr�c�dentes //pour optimiser la place sur le serveur if (!isset($tab_options['SAVE_CACHE'])) { unset($_SESSION['OCS']['csv'], $_SESSION['OCS']['list_fields']); } $_SESSION['OCS']['csv']['SQL'][$table_name] = $queryDetails; if (isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL'])) { $_SESSION['OCS']['csv']['ARG'][$table_name] = $tab_options['ARG_SQL']; } //requete de count unset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW']); if (!isset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name])) { unset($_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW']); if (!isset($tab_options['SQL_COUNT'])) { $querycount_begin = "select count(*) count_nb_ligne "; if (stristr($queryDetails, "group by") and substr_count($queryDetails, "group by") == 1) { $querycount_end = "," . substr($queryDetails, 6); } else { $querycount_end = stristr($queryDetails, 'from '); } $querycount = $querycount_begin . $querycount_end; } else { $querycount = $tab_options['SQL_COUNT']; } if (isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL_COUNT'])) { $resultcount = mysql2_query_secure($querycount, $link, $tab_options['ARG_SQL_COUNT']); } elseif (isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL'])) { $resultcount = mysql2_query_secure($querycount, $link, $tab_options['ARG_SQL']); } else { $resultcount = mysql2_query_secure($querycount, $link); } //if this query is only for show data (like : //select '%s' as NOM,'%s' as LIBELLE) if (!stristr($queryDetails, "from")) { unset($resultcount); } //En dernier recourt, si le count n'est pas bon, //on joue la requete initiale if (!$resultcount) { if (isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL'])) { $resultcount = mysql2_query_secure($queryDetails, $link, $tab_options['ARG_SQL']); } else { $resultcount = mysql2_query_secure($queryDetails, $link); } } if ($resultcount) { $num_rows_result = mysql_num_rows($resultcount); } //echo "<b>".$num_rows_result."</b>"; if ($num_rows_result == 1) { $count = mysql_fetch_object($resultcount); // echo $queryDetails; if ($count->count_nb_ligne > 0) { $num_rows_result = $count->count_nb_ligne; } } $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name] = $num_rows_result; } else { $num_rows_result = $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name]; if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { msg_info($l->g(5007)); } } //echo $querycount; //FIN REQUETE COUNT if (isset($limit)) { if ($limit["END"] < $limit_result_cache) { $queryDetails .= " limit " . $limit_result_cache; } else { $queryDetails .= " limit " . floor($limit["END"] / $limit_result_cache) * $limit_result_cache . "," . $limit_result_cache; } } if (isset($tab_options['ARG_SQL'])) { $resultDetails = mysql2_query_secure($queryDetails, $link, $tab_options['ARG_SQL']); } else { $resultDetails = mysql2_query_secure($queryDetails, $link); } flush(); $i = floor($limit["END"] / $limit_result_cache) * $limit_result_cache; $index = $limit["BEGIN"]; $value_data_begin = $limit["BEGIN"]; $value_data_end = $limit["END"] + 1; //echo $num_rows_result; if ($index > $num_rows_result) { $value_data_end = $num_rows_result - 1; } //echo $queryDetails; while ($item = mysql_fetch_object($resultDetails)) { if ($i >= $index) { unset($champs_index); if ($item->ID != "") { $champs_index = $item->ID; } elseif ($item->FILEID != "") { $champs_index = $item->FILEID; } if (isset($list_id_tri_fixe)) { $index = $champs_index; } if ($index > $num_rows_result) { break; } //on arr�te le traitement si on est au dessus du nombre de ligne foreach ($item as $key => $value) { $sql_data_cache[$index][$key] = $value; if ($index < $value_data_end and $index >= $value_data_begin) { flush(); $sql_data[$index][$key] = $value; foreach ($list_fields as $key => $value) { if ($tab_options['VALUE'][$key]) { if ($tab_options['VALUE'][$key][$champs_index] == "" and isset($tab_options['VALUE_DEFAULT'][$key])) { $sql_data[$index][$value] = $tab_options['VALUE_DEFAULT'][$key]; } else { $sql_data[$index][$value] = $tab_options['VALUE'][$key][$champs_index]; } } } } //ajout des valeurs statiques foreach ($list_fields as $key => $value) { if ($tab_options['VALUE'][$key]) { if ($tab_options['VALUE'][$key][$champs_index] == "" and isset($tab_options['VALUE_DEFAULT'][$key])) { $sql_data_cache[$index][$value] = $tab_options['VALUE_DEFAULT'][$key]; } else { $sql_data_cache[$index][$value] = $tab_options['VALUE'][$key][$champs_index]; } } } } $index++; } $i++; } // if ($i == 1){ // $num_rows_result=1; // $_SESSION['OCS']['NUM_ROW'][$table_name]=1; // } flush(); //traitement du tri des r�sultats sur une valeur fixe if (isset($list_id_tri_fixe)) { $i = 0; //parcourt des id tri�s while ($list_id_tri_fixe[$i]) { if ($limit["BEGIN"] <= $i and $i < $limit["BEGIN"] + $limit_result_cache) { $sql_data_tri_fixe[$i] = $sql_data[$list_id_tri_fixe[$i]]; } $i++; } unset($sql_data); $sql_data = $sql_data_tri_fixe; } // print_r($sql_data_cache); //on vide le cache des autres tableaux //pour optimiser la place dispo sur le serveur unset($_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE']); if (!$force_no_cache) { $_SESSION['OCS']['DATA_CACHE'][$table_name] = $sql_data_cache; } $result_data = gestion_donnees($sql_data, $list_fields, $tab_options, $form_name, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $queryDetails, $table_name); $data = $result_data['DATA']; $entete = $result_data['ENTETE']; $correct_list_col_cant_del = $result_data['correct_list_col_cant_del']; $correct_list_fields = $result_data['correct_list_fields']; } if ($num_rows_result > 0) { if (count($data) == 1 and (!isset($protectedPost['page']) or $protectedPost['page'] == 0)) { $num_rows_result = 1; } $title = $num_rows_result . " " . $l->g(90); if (isset($tab_options['LOGS'])) { addLog($tab_options['LOGS'], $num_rows_result . " " . $l->g(90)); } if (!isset($tab_options['no_download_result'])) { $title .= "<a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs['ms_csv'] . "&no_header=1&tablename=" . $table_name . "&base=" . $tab_options['BASE'] . "'><small> (" . $l->g(183) . ")</small></a>"; } $result_with_col = gestion_col($entete, $data, $correct_list_col_cant_del, $form_name, $table_name, $list_fields, $correct_list_fields, $form_name); $no_result = tab_entete_fixe($result_with_col['entete'], $result_with_col['data'], $title, $width, "", array(), $tab_options); if ($no_result) { show_page($num_rows_result, $form_name); echo "<input type='hidden' id='tri_" . $table_name . "' name='tri_" . $table_name . "' value='" . $protectedPost['tri_' . $table_name] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='tri_fixe' name='tri_fixe' value='" . $protectedPost['tri_fixe'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='sens_" . $table_name . "' name='sens_" . $table_name . "' value='" . $protectedPost['sens_' . $table_name] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='SUP_PROF' name='SUP_PROF' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='MODIF' name='MODIF' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='SELECT' name='SELECT' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='OTHER' name='OTHER' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='ACTIVE' name='ACTIVE' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='CONFIRM_CHECK' name='CONFIRM_CHECK' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='OTHER_BIS' name='OTHER_BIS' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='OTHER_TER' name='OTHER_TER' value=''>"; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { echo "</td></tr></table>"; msg_warning($l->g(766)); return FALSE; } }
msg_success($nb_line_affected . " " . $l->g(1026)); } //CAS OF WOL if (isset($protectedPost['WOL']) and $protectedPost['WOL'] != '') { require_once 'require/function_wol.php'; $wol = new Wol(); $sql = "select IPADDRESS,MACADDR from networks WHERE status='Up' and hardware_id in "; $arg = array(); $tab_result = mysql2_prepare($sql, $arg, $list_id); $resultDetails = mysql2_query_secure($tab_result['SQL'], $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $tab_result['ARG']); $msg = ""; while ($item = mysqli_fetch_object($resultDetails)) { $wol->wake($item->MACADDR, $item->IPADDRESS); $msg .= "<br>" . $wol->wol_send . "=>" . $item->MACADDR . "/" . $item->IPADDRESS; } msg_info($msg); } //tab definition if ($_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getConfigValue('CHANGE_ACCOUNTINFO') == "YES") { $def_onglets['TAG'] = $l->g(1022); } else { $protectedPost['onglet'] = 'SUP_PACK'; } $def_onglets['SUP_PACK'] = $l->g(1021); if ($_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('WOL', 'NO') == "NO") { $def_onglets['WOL'] = $l->g(1280); } if ($protectedPost['onglet'] == "") { $protectedPost['onglet'] = "TAG"; } //show onglet
function dashboard_selfchk() { $errors = array(); $check_dirs = array('cdata', 'cdata/backup', 'cdata/btree', 'cdata/log', 'cdata/news', 'cdata/plugins'); // 'uploads', // --- Check dirs foreach (hook('cnsc_dirs', $check_dirs) as $dir) { // Try create file in cdata $test_file = cn_path_construct(SERVDIR, $dir) . 'test.html'; fclose(fopen($test_file, 'w+')); // File exists? if (file_exists($test_file)) { unlink($test_file); } else { $errors[] = array('perm' => '---', 'file' => SERVDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir, 'msg' => i18n('<b>Directory not writable</b>')); } } // --- Check uploads dir if (getoption('uploads_dir')) { $updir = getoption('uploads_dir'); } else { $updir = cn_path_construct(SERVDIR, 'uploads'); } fclose(fopen($cfile = $updir . 'test.html', 'w+')); if (file_exists($cfile)) { unlink($cfile); } else { $errors[] = array('perm' => '---', 'file' => $updir, 'msg' => i18n('<b>Directory not writable</b>')); } // --- $check_files = array('/cdata/users.txt', '/cdata/flood.txt', '/cdata/conf.php'); foreach (hook('cnsc_files', $check_files) as $file) { $the_file = SERVDIR . $file; // Check exists if (file_exists($the_file)) { // Check readable if (is_readable($the_file)) { // FS. BEFORE clearstatcache(); $fs0 = filesize($the_file); $af = fopen($the_file, 'a+'); fwrite($af, "\n"); fclose($af); // FS. AFTER clearstatcache(); $fs1 = filesize($the_file); // REVERT $aw = fopen($the_file, 'a+'); ftruncate($aw, $fs0); fclose($aw); // Check writable status: no change in filesize if ($fs0 == $fs1) { $errors[] = array('perm' => decoct(fileperms($the_file)), 'file' => $the_file, 'msg' => i18n('File not writable')); } } else { $errors[] = array('perm' => decoct(fileperms($the_file)), 'file' => $the_file, 'msg' => i18n('File not writable')); } } else { $errors[] = array('perm' => '---', 'file' => $the_file, 'msg' => i18n('Not exists')); } } if ($errors) { cn_assign('errors', $errors); echoheader('', 'Permission self check'); echo exec_tpl('dashboard/selfchk'); echofooter(); } else { msg_info('All is fine, necessary permits have'); } }
$msg_warning .= $l->g(2043); } if ($msg_warning != "") { msg_warning($msg_warning); } mysql_select_db($_POST['database']); if (isset($_POST["label"])) { if ($_POST["label"] != "") { @mysql_query("DELETE FROM deploy WHERE NAME='label'"); $query = "INSERT INTO deploy VALUES('label','%s');"; $arg = $_POST["label"]; mysql2_query_secure($query, $link, $arg); //mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); msg_info($l->g(2044)); } else { msg_info($l->g(2045)); } } if ($_POST["fin"] == "fin") { // Configuration done, so try with account from config file if (!@mysql_connect($valServ, $valNme, $valPass)) { if (mysql_errno() == 0) { echo "<br><center><font color=red><b>" . $l->g(2043) . " " . $l->g(2044) . "</b><br></font></center>"; die; } else { echo "<br><center><font color=red><b>" . $l->g(2043) . " (" . $l->g(2017) . " " . $l->g(2010) . "=" . $_POST["host"] . " " . $l->g(2011) . "=ocs " . $l->g(2014) . "=ocs)" . "</b><br></font></center>"; } echo "<br><center><font color=red><b>" . $l->g(2065) . "</b></font></center>"; unlink(CONF_MYSQL); } else { msg_success("<b>" . $l->g(2050) . "</b><br><br><b><a href='index.php'>" . $l->g(2051) . "</a></b>");
$tab_nom = $l->g(674) . " " . show_modif($protectedPost['RULE_NAME'], "RULE_NAME", "0"); $tab = "<table align='center'>"; $i = 1; while ($i < $numero + 1) { if ($i == 1) { $entete = 'YES'; } else { $entete = 'NO'; } $tab .= fields_conditions_rules($i, $entete); $i++; } echo $tab_nom; echo $tab; echo "</tr></table>"; echo "<a onclick='return pag(" . $numero . ",\"NUM_RULES\",\"rules\")'><font color=green>" . $l->g(682) . "</font></a> <a onclick='return pag(\"RAZ\",\"RAZ\",\"rules\");'><font color=\"red\">" . $l->g(113) . "</font></a><br><br>"; if ($protectedPost['MODIF'] != "" or $protectedPost['OLD_MODIF'] != "") { echo "<input type='submit' value='" . $l->g(625) . "' name='MODIF_RULE' onclick='return check();'>"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' value='" . $l->g(683) . "' name='ADD_RULE' onclick='return check();'>"; } echo "<input type='hidden' id='NUM_RULES' name='NUM_RULES' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='RAZ' name='RAZ' value=''>"; echo "<input type='hidden' id='OLD_MODIF' name='OLD_MODIF' value='" . $modif . "'>"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' value='" . $l->g(685) . "' name='NEW_RULE'>"; } echo close_form(); } else { msg_info($l->g(1182)); }
printEntete($l->g(1245)); echo "<br>"; ajaxtab_entete_fixe($list_fields, $default_fields, $tab_options, $list_col_cant_del); //echo show_modif($name,'ADD_FILE',8,"",$configinput=array('DDE'=>100)); echo "<input type=submit name=ADD_FILE value='" . $l->g(1048) . "'>"; echo close_form(); } if (isset($protectedPost['ADD_FILE']) and $protectedPost['ADD_FILE'] != '') { $css = "mvt_bordure"; $form_name1 = "SEND_FILE"; //search max_allowed_packet value on mysql conf $sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet'"; $result = mysql2_query_secure($sql, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"]); $value = mysqli_fetch_array($result); //pass oct to Mo $upload_max_filesize = $value['Value'] / 1048576; msg_info($l->g(2022) . ' ' . $valBumf . $l->g(1240) . "<br>" . $l->g(2106) . " " . $upload_max_filesize . $l->g(1240)); //echo "post_max_size=".$valTpms.$l->g(1240).'//upload_max_filesize='.$valTumf.$l->g(1240); echo open_form($form_name1, '', "enctype='multipart/form-data' onsubmit=\"return verif_file_format('file_upload');\""); echo '<div class="' . $css . '" >'; echo $l->g(1048) . ": <input id='file_upload' name='file_upload' type='file' accept=''>"; echo "<br><br><input name='GO' id='GO' type='submit' value='" . $l->g(13) . "'> "; //echo "<input type='button' name='RESET' id='RESET' value='".$l->g(113)."' onclick='submit(".$form_name.")'>"; echo "</div>"; echo close_form(); echo "<br>"; } if ($ajax) { ob_end_clean(); tab_req($list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $sql, $tab_options); }
require_once 'require/function_telediff_wk.php'; $activate = option_conf_activate('TELEDIFF_WK'); if ($activate) { $conf_Wk = look_config_default_values(array('IT_SET_PERIM', 'IT_SET_NAME_TEST', 'IT_SET_NAME_LIMIT', 'IT_SET_TAG_NAME', 'IT_SET_NIV_TEST', 'IT_SET_NIV_REST')); //configuration sur le groupe if ($conf_Wk['ivalue']['IT_SET_PERIM'] != 1) { $mes_wk = ""; if ($conf_Wk['tvalue']['IT_SET_NAME_TEST'] == $name) { $mes_wk = $l->g(1188); } if ($conf_Wk['tvalue']['IT_SET_NAME_LIMIT'] == $name) { $mes_wk .= "<br>" . $l->g(1189); } } if ($mes_wk != '') { msg_info($l->g(1047) . ": " . $mes_wk); } } echo "<tr>" . $tdhd . $l->g(577) . $tdhf . $tdhdpb . $name . $tdhfpb; echo $tdhd . $l->g(593) . $tdhf . $tdhdpb . dateTimeFromMysql($item->LASTDATE) . $tdhfpb; if (!$pureStat) { echo "</tr><tr>" . $tdhd . $l->g(594) . $tdhf . $tdhdpb . date("F j, Y, g:i a", $item->CREATE_TIME) . $tdhfpb; } echo "</tr><tr><td> </td></tr>"; echo $tdhd . $l->g(615) . $tdhf . "<td align='left' width='20%' colspan='3'>"; if (!$pureStat) { echo $item->REQUEST; //affichage des requetes qui ont form� ce groupe if ($item->XMLDEF != "") { $tab_list_sql = regeneration_sql($item->XMLDEF); $i = 1;
require_once HEADER_HTML; if (isset($protectedPost['Valid_CNX'])) { $login_successful = $l->g(180); msg_error($login_successful); flush(); //you can't send a new login/passwd before 2 seconds sleep(2); } echo "<br/>"; $name_field = array("LOGIN", "PASSWD"); $tab_name = array($l->g(24) . ": ", $l->g(217) . ":"); $type_field = array(0, 4); $value_field = array($protectedPost['LOGIN'], ''); $tab_typ_champ = show_field($name_field, $type_field, $value_field); foreach ($tab_typ_champ as $id => $values) { $tab_typ_champ[$id]['CONFIG']['SIZE'] = 20; } if (DEMO) { msg_info($l->g(24) . ": " . DEMO_LOGIN . "<br/>" . $l->g(217) . ": " . DEMO_PASSWD); } if (isset($tab_typ_champ)) { tab_modif_values($tab_name, $tab_typ_champ, array(), array('button_name' => 'CNX', 'show_button' => 'BUTTON')); } require_once FOOTER_HTML; die; } else { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="OcsinventoryNG"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die; } }
if($protectedPost['ACTION'] != 'DEL'){ $tab_typ_champ[3]['DEFAULT_VALUE']=$protectedPost['UPDATE']; $tab_typ_champ[3]['INPUT_NAME']="UPDATE"; $tab_typ_champ[3]['INPUT_TYPE']=0; $tab_typ_champ[3]['CONFIG']['SIZE']=60; $tab_typ_champ[3]['CONFIG']['MAXLENGTH']=255; $tab_name[3]=$l->g(1133).":"; } $show_buttons=true; }else $show_buttons=false; tab_modif_values($tab_name,$tab_typ_champ,'',$l->g(1130),$comment="","EDITION",$show_buttons,$form_language);*/ } if ($_SESSION['OCS']['DEBUG'] == 'ON') { if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_DEBUG'])) { msg_info("<b>" . $l->g(5001) . "</b><br><br>" . implode('<br><hr>', $_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_DEBUG'])); } echo "<hr/>"; echo "<div align=center>VAR POST</div>"; if (isset($protectedPost)) { print_r_V2($protectedPost); } echo "<hr/>"; echo "<div align=center>VAR SESSION</div>"; foreach ($_SESSION['OCS'] as $key => $value) { if ($key != "fichLang" and $key != "LANGUAGE_FILE" and $key != "mac" and $key != "writeServer" and $key != "readServer") { $tab_session[$key] = $value; } } if (isset($tab_session)) { print_r_V2($tab_session);
$ssh->exec('sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem -out /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem -subj "/C=AU/ST=AU/L=AU/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd/OU=IT/CN=' . $root . '"'); $ssh->exec('service vsftpd restart'); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO dedicated(name,os,ip,port,user,password,status,language,os_bit) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ? ,? ,? ,?, ? ,?)"); $stmt->bind_param('sssissisi', $name, $os_version, $ip, $port, $user, $password, $status, $language, $os_bit); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); unset($root_password); unset($root); } msg_okay(_dedicated_message_added); } else { msg_error('Something went wrong, ' . $msg); } } } msg_info(_dedicated_message_info_abort); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" action="index.php?page=rootserver?add" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Name:</label> <div class="col-sm-6"> <input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" name="name" placeholder="Chewbacca"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2"> <select class="form-control input-sm" name="os"> <option disabled selected>Debian</option> <option>Debian 8 32bit</option> <option>Debian 8 64bit</option> <option disabled selected>Ubuntu</option> <option>Ubuntu 14.04 32bit</option> <option>Ubuntu 14.04 64bit</option>
//This group is define as RESTRICT zone if ($item->NAME == $conf_Wk['tvalue']['IT_SET_NAME_LIMIT']) { $restrict = $conf_Wk['tvalue']['IT_SET_NIV_REST']; $msg_wk .= $l->g(1193) . "<br>"; array_push($arg_affect_pack, $restrict); $fileid_show = array_merge($fileid_rest, $fileid_show); } //This group is not define for the teledeploy if (!isset($restrict)) { $msg_wk .= $l->g(1194) . " " . $conf_Wk['tvalue']['IT_SET_NIV_REST'] . " " . $l->g(1195); } $fileid_show = array_merge($fileid_total, $fileid_show); } } if (isset($msg_wk)) { msg_info($msg_wk); } } //activation options if ($protectedPost['MODIF'] != '' and isset($protectedPost['DWL_OPT']) and $protectedPost['DWL_OPT'] == "YES") { $tab_hidden['SELECT'] = $protectedPost['MODIF']; $tab_hidden['onglet'] = $protectedPost['onglet']; $tab_hidden['rule_choise'] = $protectedPost['rule_choise']; $action = array('REBOOT' => $l->g(1311), 'SHUTDOWN' => $l->g(1310)); $min = array('00' => '00', '15' => '15', '30' => '30', '45' => '45'); $hour = array('00' => '00', '01' => '01', '02' => '02', '03' => '03', '04' => '04', '05' => '05', '06' => '06', '07' => '07', '08' => '08', '09' => '09', '10' => '10', '11' => '11', '12' => '12'); $i = 0; while ($i <= 1) { if ($i == 0) { $am_pm = ''; } else {
mysql2_query_secure($sql_del, $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg_del); //delete cache unset($_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"]); require_once BACKEND . 'ipdiscover/ipdiscover.php'; $tab_options['CACHE'] = 'RESET'; } if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"])) { $dpt = array_keys($_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"]); array_unshift($dpt, ""); foreach ($dpt as $key => $value) { $list_index[$key] = $value; } asort($list_index); echo $l->g(562) . " " . show_modif($list_index, 'DPT_CHOISE', 2, $form_name, array('DEFAULT' => "NO")); } else { msg_info(mb_strtoupper($l->g(1134))); } if (isset($protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE']) and $protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE'] != '0') { $array_rsx = find_all_subnet($dpt[$protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE']]); $tab_options['VALUE']['LBL_RSX'] = $_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"][$dpt[$protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE']]]; $arg_sql = array(); $sql = " select * from (select inv.RSX as ID,\n\t\t\t\t\t inv.c as 'INVENTORIE',\n\t\t\t\t\t non_ident.c as 'NON_INVENTORIE',\n\t\t\t\t\t ipdiscover.c as 'IPDISCOVER',\n\t\t\t\t\t ident.c as 'IDENTIFIE',\n\t\t\t\t\t CASE WHEN ident.c IS NULL and ipdiscover.c IS NULL THEN 100 WHEN ident.c IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE round(100-(non_ident.c*100/(ident.c+non_ident.c)),1) END as 'pourcentage'\n\t\t\t from (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hardware_id) as c,'IPDISCOVER' as TYPE,tvalue as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM devices \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE name='IPDISCOVER' and tvalue in "; $arg = mysql2_prepare($sql, $arg_sql, $array_rsx); $arg['SQL'] .= " GROUP BY tvalue) \n\t\t\t\tipdiscover right join\n\t\t\t\t (SELECT count(distinct(hardware_id)) as c,'INVENTORIE' as TYPE,ipsubnet as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM networks left join subnet on networks.ipsubnet=subnet.netid\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ipsubnet in "; $arg = mysql2_prepare($arg['SQL'], $arg['ARG'], $array_rsx); $arg['SQL'] .= " and status='Up' GROUP BY ipsubnet) \n\t\t\t\tinv on ipdiscover.RSX=inv.RSX left join\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mac) as c,'IDENTIFIE' as TYPE,netid as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM netmap \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE mac IN (SELECT DISTINCT(macaddr) FROM network_devices) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand netid in "; $arg = mysql2_prepare($arg['SQL'], $arg['ARG'], $array_rsx); $arg['SQL'] .= " GROUP BY netid) \n\t\t\t\tident on ipdiscover.RSX=ident.RSX left join\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mac) as c,'NON IDENTIFIE' as TYPE,netid as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM netmap n\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN networks ns ON ns.macaddr=n.mac\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE n.mac NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(macaddr) FROM network_devices) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand (ns.macaddr IS NULL OR ns.IPSUBNET <> n.netid) \n\t \t\t\t\t\tand ns.HARDWARE_ID IS NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand n.netid in "; $arg = mysql2_prepare($arg['SQL'], $arg['ARG'], $array_rsx); $arg['SQL'] .= " GROUP BY netid) \n\t\t\t\tnon_ident on non_ident.RSX=inv.RSX \n\t\t\t\t) toto"; $tab_options['ARG_SQL'] = $arg['ARG'];
echo _PREFIX_FIELD; ?> _form" id="by_options" method="post" action="<?php echo str_replace('%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo _OPTION_CHECK_UPDATE; ?> " value="Y"> <?php if ($byrev_hotlink_gtfo_copy['enable_hotlink_gtfo'][0] == 'Disable') { msg_info(false, 'NOTE: Pugin is not active yet. Please set <b>Enable</b> from <b>Enable Hotlink Protection</b> option!', ''); } if ($byrev_hotlink_gtfo_copy['watermark_enabled'][0] == 'Disable') { msg_info(false, 'WARNING NOTE: Images are not fully protected - Watermark over Hotlink images is Disabled. Set <b>Enable</b> from <b>Enabled Watermark</b> option and click <b>Update Options</b>.', ''); } foreach ($byrev_hotlink_gtfo_copy as $key_index => $this_default) { if (is_array($this_default)) { $db_field = _PREFIX_FIELD . '[' . $key_index . ']'; list($_value, $_name, $_info, $_input) = $this_default; if ($_input == 'hidden') { echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $db_field . '" value="' . $_value . '">'; continue; } echo '<p class="by_item">'; echo '<div class="by_item_name" >'; _e($_name . ": "); echo '</div>'; if (!is_array($_input)) { if ($_input == 'hidden') {
<?php if (!defined('EXEC_TIME')) { die('Access restricted'); } // Loading filters require_once SERVDIR . '/core/modules/hooks/common.php'; // Require module ----- $_module = REQ('mod', 'GPG'); // Loading all modules (internal + external) $_init_modules = hook('modules/init_modules', array('main' => array('path' => 'dashboard', 'acl' => 'Cd'), 'addnews' => array('path' => 'add_news', 'acl' => 'Can'), 'editnews' => array('path' => 'edit_news', 'acl' => 'Cvn'), 'media' => array('path' => 'media', 'acl' => 'Cmm'), 'maint' => array('path' => 'maint', 'acl' => 'Cmt'), 'help' => array('path' => 'help', 'acl' => ''), 'logout' => array('path' => 'logout', 'acl' => ''))); // Required module not exist if (!isset($_init_modules[$_module])) { // external module chk $_module = hook('modules/init', 'main', $_module); } // Check restrictions, if user is authorized if (($user = member_get()) && defined('AREA') && AREA == 'ADMIN') { if (test($_init_modules[$_module]['acl'])) { // Request module $_mod_cfg = $_init_modules[$_module]; include MODULE_DIR . '/' . $_mod_cfg['path'] . '.php'; } else { //check user for ban group if ($user['acl'] == ACL_LEVEL_BANNED) { global $_SESS; $_SESSION = array(); } msg_info('Section [' . cn_htmlspecialchars($_module) . '] disabled for you', PHP_SELF); } }
$debug .= $l->g(5013) . "<br>"; if (isset($field_value_complement)) { foreach ($field_value_complement as $key => $value) { $debug .= $key . " => " . $value . "<br>"; } } $debug .= $l->g(5014) . "<br>"; if (isset($field_and_or)) { foreach ($field_and_or as $key => $value) { if ($value != '') { $debug .= $key . " => " . $value . "<br>"; } } } if (isset($debug) and $debug != '') { msg_info($debug); } } $i = 0; //tableau des requêtes à executer //qui est contruit au fur et a mesure $sql_search = array(); while ($table[$i]) { //initialisation de la variable des requêtes temporaires $sql_temp = ""; if ($field_compar[$i] == "" and substr($field_value[$i], 0, 4) != "ALL_") { $field_compar[$i] = "exact"; } //traitement du champ de comparaison switch ($field_compar[$i]) { case "exact":
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9._ -]+\$/", $parameter)) { $msg = _gameserver_map_invalid . "<br>"; $error = true; } } if (port_exists($row[3], $port, $row[2])) { $msg = _gameserver_port_in_use; $error = true; } if ($error == false) { $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE gameservers SET map = ?,parameter = ?, slots = ?, port = ?, parameters_active = ?, restart = ?,restart_time = ?,autoupdate = ?, game = ? WHERE id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('ssiiiiiiii', $map, $parameter, $slots, $port, $parameter_active, $restart_active, $time, $updates_active, $game, $row[0]); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); if ($db_game != $game) { msg_info(_gameserver_game_change); } } else { msg_error($msg); } } } $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT map,parameter,slots,port,parameters_active,restart,restart_time,autoupdate FROM gameservers WHERE id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('i', $row[0]); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($db_map, $db_parameter, $db_slots, $db_port, $db_parameter_active, $db_restart, $restart_time, $autoupdate); $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->close(); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT map_path FROM templates WHERE id = ?"); if (false === $stmt) { die('prepare() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($mysqli->error));