function getcount($userseq, $date) { try { $monthstart = monthstart($date); $monthend = monthend($date); global $TABLE; $sql = sprintf("\r\n\t\t\t\t SELECT * FROM %s A\r\n\t\t\t\t WHERE UserSeq='%s' AND AttendDt>='%s' AND AttendDt<='%s'\r\n\t\t\t\t", $this->tbl_userattendhistory, $userseq, $monthstart, $monthend); $list = $this->dbop->execSQL($sql); return count($list); } catch (Exception $e) { } return 0; }
public function getTodayCalory() { $userseq = $this->input->post("UserSeq"); $prescriptdate = $this->input->post("PrescriptDate"); try { global $TABLE; $monthst = monthstart($prescriptdate); $monthen = monthend($prescriptdate); $consumecal = $this->getConsumeCalory($userseq, $prescriptdate); $intakecal = $this->getIntakeCalory($userseq, $prescriptdate); $consumemonthlycal = $this->getMonthlyConsumeCalory($userseq, $prescriptdate); $intakemonthlycal = $this->getMonthlyIntakeCalory($userseq, $prescriptdate); // Intake Calory $where = "A.UserSeq='" . $userseq . "' AND A.Date='" . $prescriptdate . "'"; $sql = sprintf("\r\n\t\t\tSELECT A.*, B.FoodName FROM %s A INNER JOIN %s B ON A.FoodSeq = B.Seq\r\n\t\t\tWHERE %s", $TABLE['userdailyfood'], $TABLE['food'], $where); $data = $this->dbop->execSQL($sql); $foodlist = array(); foreach ($data as $d) { $foodlist[] = array("Seq" => $d->Seq, "IntakeKind" => $d->IntakeKind, "FoodName" => $d->FoodName, "Kcal" => $d->KCal, "Ea" => $d->Ea); } $calory = $intakecal - $consumecal; $monthlycalory = $intakemonthlycal - $consumemonthlycal; echo json_capsule(array('Response' => 'Success', 'TodayCalory' => $calory, 'TodayConsumeCalory' => $consumecal, 'TodayIntakeCalory' => $intakecal, 'ConsumeCalory' => $consumemonthlycal, 'IntakeCalory' => $intakemonthlycal, 'FoodList' => $foodlist)); } catch (Exception $e) { echo json_capsule(array('Response' => 'Fail', 'RtMsg' => 'Failed to get today calory.', 'Error' => $e->getMessage())); } }