} else { $feed = $_POST['feed']; $message = 'feed updated'; } update_feed($feed, $module, array_keys($_POST['cat'])); header('Location: ' . implode('/', array(WWW_ROOT, 'module', $module, feed_id_encode($feed)))); message($message); return; } $feed = !empty($request_parts[2]) ? feed_id_decode($request_parts[2]) : NULL; $args = array( 'module' => $module, 'filters' => get_filters($module), 'feed' => $feed, 'feed_cats' => get_feed_cats($feed) ); if ($feed) { $args['title'] = module_name($module) . ' ' . feed_id_encode($feed); $args['feed_items'] = get_feed_items($module, $feed); template('module', $args); } else { $args['title'] = module_name($module); template('module', $args); } } http_response_code(404);
<div class="container-fluid"> <?php if (is_login()) { ?> <div class="nav-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav"> <li <?php echo $current == 'beranda' ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> > <a class="brand visible-desktop" href="<?php echo active_module_url(); ?> "><?php echo module_name(); ?> </a> </li> <!-- PPAT --> <li class="dropdown <?php echo $current == 'sspd' ? 'active' : ''; ?> "> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">SSPD<strong class="caret"></strong></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="<?php echo active_module_url('sspd'); ?> ">Registrasi SSPD</a></li>
function user_inprogress_courses_report($userid) { global $CFG, $DB; $count_course = 0; $courses = $DB->get_records_sql('select c.id,c.category,c.fullname,cc.timeenrolled from {course} c inner join {course_completions} cc on c.id = cc.course where cc.timecompleted is NULL and cc.timeenrolled > 0 and cc.userid = ' . $userid); $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array(get_string('s_no', 'block_course_status_tracker'), get_string('module', 'block_course_status_tracker'), get_string('course_name', 'block_course_status_tracker'), get_string('timeenrolled', 'block_course_status_tracker')); $table->size = array('20%', '35%', '50%'); $table->width = "80%"; $table->align = array('center', 'left', 'left'); $table->data = array(); $i = 0; if ($courses) { foreach ($courses as $course) { $row = array(); $row[] = ++$i; $row[] = module_name($course->category); $row[] = "<a href=" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/course/view.php?id=" . $course->id . ">" . $course->fullname . "</a>"; $row[] = date(DATE_RFC1123, $course->timeenrolled); $table->data[] = $row; } } return $table; }
$modules = get_modules(); random_emoji(); ?> <table> <tr> <th>module</th> <th>items</th> </tr> <? foreach ($modules as $item) : ?> <tr> <td> <strong> <a href="<?php echo module_link($item['module']); ?> "><?php echo module_name($item['module']); ?> </strong> </td> <td><?php echo $item['count']; ?> </td> </tr> <? endforeach; ?> </table>
/** * This function return list of courses in which user enrolled. * * @see module_name() * @enrol_get_users_courses * @param int $userid Moodle userid * @return Return table in which user can see the enrolled courses list. */ function user_enrolled_courses_report($userid) { global $CFG; $count_course = 0; $courses = enrol_get_users_courses($userid, false, 'id, shortname, showgrades'); if ($courses) { $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array(get_string('s_no', 'block_course_status_tracker'), get_string('module', 'block_course_status_tracker'), get_string('course_name', 'block_course_status_tracker')); $table->size = array('15%', '35%', '50%'); $table->align = array('center', 'left', 'left'); $table->width = '80%'; $table->data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($courses as $course) { $row = array(); $row[] = ++$i; $row[] = module_name($course->category); $row[] = "<a href=" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/course/view.php?id=" . $course->id . ">" . course_name($course->id) . "</a>"; $table->data[] = $row; } } return $table; }