Пример #1
    $type_session = 'with_session';
$reg_statut_id = isset($_GET['statut_id']) ? $_GET['statut_id'] : '';
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    settype($id, 'integer');
} else {
$back = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    $back = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if (isset($_GET['action_moderate'])) {
    moderate_entry_do($id, $_GET['moderate'], $_GET['description']);
    header('Location:' . $_GET['page'] . '.php');
$sql = 'SELECT ' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.name,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.description,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.beneficiaire,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_room.room_name,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_area.area_name,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.type,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.room_id,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.repeat_id,
' . grr_sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix('' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.timestamp') . ',
(' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.end_time - ' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.start_time),
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.start_time,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_entry.end_time,
' . TABLE_PREFIX . '_area.id,
Пример #2
    $type_session = "with_session";
$reg_statut_id = isset($_GET["statut_id"]) ? $_GET["statut_id"] : "";
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    settype($id, "integer");
} else {
$back = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    $back = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if (isset($_GET["action_moderate"])) {
    moderate_entry_do($id, $_GET["moderate"], $_GET["description"]);
    header("Location:" . $_GET['page'] . ".php");
$sql = "SELECT " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.name,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.description,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.beneficiaire,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.room_name,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area.area_name,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.type,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.room_id,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.repeat_id,\n" . grr_sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix("" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.timestamp") . ",\n(" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.end_time - " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.start_time),\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.start_time,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.end_time,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area.id,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.statut_entry,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.delais_option_reservation,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.option_reservation, " . "" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.moderate,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.beneficiaire_ext,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.create_by,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.jours,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.active_ressource_empruntee,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.clef,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.courrier\nFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area\nWHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.room_id = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.id\nAND " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.area_id = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area.id\nAND " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry.id='" . $id . "'";
$sql_backup = "SELECT " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.name,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.description,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.beneficiaire,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.room_name,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area.area_name,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.type,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.room_id,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.repeat_id,\n" . grr_sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix("" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.timestamp") . ",\n(" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.end_time - " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.start_time),\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.start_time,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.end_time,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area.id,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.statut_entry,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.delais_option_reservation,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.option_reservation, " . "" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.moderate,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.beneficiaire_ext,\n" . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.create_by\nFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area\nWHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.room_id = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.id\nAND " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_room.area_id = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_area.id\nAND " . TABLE_PREFIX . "_entry_moderate.id='" . $id . "'";
$res = grr_sql_query($sql);
if (!$res) {
    fatal_error(0, grr_sql_error());
if (grr_sql_count($res) < 1) {
    $reservation_is_delete = 'y';
    $was_del = TRUE;
    $res_backup = grr_sql_query($sql_backup);
    if (!$res_backup) {
        fatal_error(0, grr_sql_error());
Пример #3
/** mrbsCreateRepeatingEntrys()
 * Creates a repeat entry in the data base + all the repeating entrys
 * $starttime   - Start time of entry
 * $endtime     - End time of entry
 * $rep_type    - The repeat type
 * $rep_enddate - When the repeating ends
 * $rep_opt     - Any options associated with the entry
 * $room_id     - Room ID
 * $beneficiaire       - beneficiaire
 * $beneficiaire_ext - bénéficiaire extérieur
 * $name        - Name
 * $type        - Type (Internal/External)
 * $description - Description
  *$rep_jour_c - Le jour cycle d'une réservation, si aucun 0
 * Returns:
 *   0        - An error occured while inserting the entry
 *   non-zero - The entry's ID
function mrbsCreateRepeatingEntrys($starttime, $endtime, $rep_type, $rep_enddate, $rep_opt,
                                   $room_id, $creator, $beneficiaire, $beneficiaire_ext, $name, $type, $description, $rep_num_weeks, $option_reservation,$overload_data, $moderate, $rep_jour_c)
    global $max_rep_entrys, $id_first_resa;
    $area = mrbsGetRoomArea($room_id);
    $reps = mrbsGetRepeatEntryList($starttime, $rep_enddate, $rep_type, $rep_opt, $max_rep_entrys, $rep_num_weeks, $rep_jour_c, $area);
    if(count($reps) > $max_rep_entrys)
        return 0;

        mrbsCreateSingleEntry($starttime, $endtime, 0, 0, $room_id, $creator, $beneficiaire, $beneficiaire_ext, $name, $type, $description, $option_reservation,$overload_data,$moderate, $rep_jour_c,"-");
        $id_first_resa = grr_sql_insert_id("".TABLE_PREFIX."_entry", "id");

    $ent = mrbsCreateRepeatEntry($starttime, $endtime, $rep_type, $rep_enddate, $rep_opt, $room_id, $creator, $beneficiaire, $beneficiaire_ext, $name, $type, $description, $rep_num_weeks,$overload_data, $rep_jour_c);
        $diff = $endtime - $starttime;

        for($i = 0; $i < count($reps); $i++) {
            mrbsCreateSingleEntry($reps[$i], $reps[$i] + $diff, 1, $ent,
                 $room_id, $creator, $beneficiaire, $beneficiaire_ext, $name, $type, $description, $option_reservation,$overload_data, $moderate, $rep_jour_c,"-");
            $id_new_resa = grr_sql_insert_id("".TABLE_PREFIX."_entry", "id");
            // s'il s'agit d'une modification d'une ressource déjà modérée et acceptée : on met à jour les infos dans la table ".TABLE_PREFIX."_entry_moderate
            if ($moderate==2) moderate_entry_do($id_new_resa,1,"","no");
            // On récupère l'id de la première réservation de la série et qui sera utilisé pour l'enoi d'un mail
            if ($i == 0) $id_first_resa = $id_new_resa;

    return $ent;