Пример #1
 function parse_links($s, $cached = 1)
     // turn plain text urls into links
     //  return preg_replace ('/\\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i', "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"open_url('\\0')\";return false;>\\0</a>", $s);
     //  return ereg_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]","<a href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $s);
     //  $s = eregi_replace("((([ftp://])|(http(s?)://))((:alnum:|[-\%\.\?\=\#\_\:\&\/\~\+\@\,\;])*))","<a href = '\\0' target='_blank'>\\0</a>", $s);
     //  $s = eregi_replace("(([^/])www\.|(^www\.))((:alnum:|[-\%\.\?\=\#\_\:\&\/\~\+\@\,\;])*)", "\\2<a href = 'http://www.\\4'>www.\\4</a>", $s);
     $a = explode(' ', strip_tags2($s));
     $a = misc_array_unique_merge($a);
     // remove dupes
     // find eventual urls
     for ($i = 0; isset($a[$i]); $i++) {
         if (is_url($a[$i])) {
             $url = $a[$i];
             // DEBUG
             //echo $url;
             if (!stristr($url, 'http://')) {
                 $url = 'http://' . $url;
             // cached: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ucon64.sourceforge.net
             $link = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>';
             if ($cached == 1) {
                 $link = $link . '[<a href="http://web.archive.org/web/*/' . $url . '">Cached</a>]';
             $s = str_replace($a[$i], $link, $s);
     return $s;
Пример #2
 function rsscache_sql_keyword_func($any = NULL, $require = NULL, $exclude = NULL, $table_suffix = NULL)
     $debug = 0;
     // DEBUG
     //  if ($debug == 1)
     //    echo 'any: '.$any.'<br>require: '.$require.'<br>exclude: '.$exclude.'<br>';
     $rsstool_table = rsscache_tablename('rsstool', $table_suffix);
     $keyword_table = rsscache_tablename('keyword', $table_suffix);
     // HACK: merge any and require since result is sorted by number of matches
     $q = $any . ' ' . $require;
     $p = '';
     $p .= ' (' . ' SELECT' . ' SQL_CACHE rsstool_url_crc32, COUNT(*) AS rsscache_rows' . ' FROM ' . $keyword_table . ' WHERE ' . $keyword_table . '.rsstool_keyword_crc16' . ' IN ( ';
     $s = misc_get_keywords($q, 0);
     // isalnum()
     $a = explode(' ', $s);
     $a = misc_array_unique_merge($a);
     $func = 'misc_crc16';
     // 0xffff keywords
     //  $func = 'misc_crc24'; // 0xffffff keywords
     //  $func = 'crc32'; // 0xffffffff keywords
     $a = array_map($func, $a);
     $p .= implode(', ', $a);
     $p .= ' )' . ' GROUP BY rsstool_url_crc32' . ' ORDER BY rsscache_rows DESC' . ' LIMIT 256' . ' )' . ' AS temp' . ' JOIN ' . $rsstool_table . ' ON ' . $rsstool_table . '.rsstool_url_crc32 = temp.rsstool_url_crc32';
     // DEBUG
     //  echo $p;
     return $p;