Пример #1
function mg_items_meta_save($post_id)
    if (isset($_POST['mg_item_noncename'])) {
        // authentication checks
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['mg_item_noncename'], 'lcwp_nonce')) {
            return $post_id;
        // check user permissions
        if ($_POST['post_type'] == 'page') {
            if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) {
                return $post_id;
        } else {
            if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
                return $post_id;
        require_once MG_DIR . '/functions.php';
        require_once MG_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php';
        $validator = new simple_fv();
        $indexes = array();
        // thumb center
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_thumb_center', 'label' => 'Thumbnail Center');
        // main type and layout
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_main_type', 'label' => 'Item Type');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_layout', 'label' => 'Display Mode');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_lb_max_w', 'label' => 'Lightbox Max-width');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_img_maxheight', 'label' => 'Full size image max-height');
        // custom attributes
        if (is_array(mg_get_type_opt_indexes($_POST['mg_main_type']))) {
            foreach (mg_get_type_opt_indexes($_POST['mg_main_type']) as $copt) {
                $indexes[] = array('index' => $copt, 'label' => $copt);
        // type attributes
        $type_opt = mg_types_meta_opt($_POST['mg_main_type']);
        if ($type_opt) {
            foreach ($type_opt as $opt) {
                $indexes[] = $opt['validate'];
        $fdata = $validator->form_val;
        $error = $validator->getErrors();
        // clean data
        foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $fdata[$key] = stripslashes($val);
            } else {
                $fdata[$key] = array();
                foreach ($val as $arr_val) {
                    $fdata[$key][] = stripslashes($arr_val);
        // save data
        foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) {
            delete_post_meta($post_id, $key);
            add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $fdata[$key], true);
        // update the grid categories
    return $post_id;
Пример #2
function mg_wc_meta_save($post_id)
    if (isset($_POST['mg_wc_noncename'])) {
        // authentication checks
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['mg_wc_noncename'], 'lcwp_nonce')) {
            return $post_id;
        // check user permissions
        if ($_POST['post_type'] == 'page') {
            if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) {
                return $post_id;
        } else {
            if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
                return $post_id;
        include_once MG_DIR . '/functions.php';
        include_once MG_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php';
        $validator = new simple_fv();
        $indexes = array();
        // thumb center
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_thumb_center', 'label' => 'Thumbnail Center');
        // layout and img settings
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_main_type', 'label' => 'Enable product');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_layout', 'label' => 'Display Mode');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_lb_max_w', 'label' => 'Lightbox Max-width');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_wc_prod_cats', 'label' => 'Product categories');
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_img_maxheight', 'label' => 'Image max height');
        // multiple images
        $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_slider_add_featured', 'label' => 'Prepend featured image');
        foreach (mg_types_meta_opt('img_gallery') as $opt) {
            $indexes[] = $opt['validate'];
        $fdata = $validator->form_val;
        $error = $validator->getErrors();
        // clean data
        foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $fdata[$key] = stripslashes($val);
            } else {
                $fdata[$key] = array();
                foreach ($val as $arr_val) {
                    $fdata[$key][] = stripslashes($arr_val);
        // save data
        foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) {
            delete_post_meta($post_id, $key);
            add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $fdata[$key], true);
        // assign mg cats to this product
        if (!is_array($fdata['mg_wc_prod_cats'])) {
            $fdata['mg_wc_prod_cats'] = array();
        wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $fdata['mg_wc_prod_cats'], 'mg_item_categories', $append = false);
        // update the grid categories
    return $post_id;