Пример #1

// Output the email if the viewer is an admin.
if (ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
<p class='subText'><?php 
    echo sanitizeHTML($member["email"]);

<p id='memberGroup' class='subText'><?php 
echo memberGroup($member["account"], $member["groups"], true);
<p id='memberLastActive' class='subText'><?php 
printf(T("Last active %s"), empty($member["preferences"]["hideOnline"]) ? "<span title='" . date(T("date.full"), $member["lastActionTime"]) . "'>" . relativeTime($member["lastActionTime"], true) . "</span>" : "[" . T("hidden") . "]");


// Output the member actions menu.
if ($data["actions"]->count()) {
<ul id='memberActions'>
  * Format post data into an array which can be used to display the post template view (conversation/post).
  * @param array $post The post data.
  * @param array $conversation The details of the conversation which the post is in.
  * @return array A formatted array which can be used in the post template view.
 public function formatPostForTemplate($post, $conversation)
     $canEdit = ET::postModel()->canEditPost($post, $conversation);
     $avatar = avatar($post);
     // Construct the post array for use in the post view (conversation/post).
     $formatted = array("id" => "p" . $post["postId"], "title" => memberLink($post["memberId"], $post["username"]), "avatar" => (!$post["deleteTime"] and $avatar) ? "<a href='" . URL(memberURL($post["memberId"], $post["username"])) . "'>{$avatar}</a>" : false, "class" => $post["deleteTime"] ? array("deleted") : array(), "info" => array(), "controls" => array(), "body" => !$post["deleteTime"] ? $this->displayPost($post["content"]) : false, "footer" => array(), "data" => array("id" => $post["postId"], "memberid" => $post["memberId"]));
     $date = smartTime($post["time"], true);
     // Add the date/time to the post info as a permalink.
     $formatted["info"][] = "<a href='" . URL(postURL($post["postId"])) . "' class='time' title='" . _strftime(T("date.full"), $post["time"]) . "' data-timestamp='" . $post["time"] . "'>" . (!empty($conversation["searching"]) ? T("Show in context") : $date) . "</a>";
     // If the post isn't deleted, add a lot of stuff!
     if (!$post["deleteTime"]) {
         // Add the user's online status / last action next to their name.
         if (empty($post["preferences"]["hideOnline"])) {
             $lastAction = ET::memberModel()->getLastActionInfo($post["lastActionTime"], $post["lastActionDetail"]);
             if ($lastAction[0]) {
                 $lastAction[0] = " (" . sanitizeHTML($lastAction[0]) . ")";
             if ($lastAction) {
                 array_unshift($formatted["info"], "<" . (!empty($lastAction[1]) ? "a href='{$lastAction[1]}'" : "span") . " class='online' title='" . T("Online") . "{$lastAction[0]}'><i class='icon-circle'></i></" . (!empty($lastAction[1]) ? "a" : "span") . ">");
         // Show the user's group type.
         $formatted["info"][] = "<span class='group'>" . memberGroup($post["account"], $post["groups"]) . "</span>";
         $formatted["class"][] = "group-" . $post["account"];
         foreach ($post["groups"] as $k => $v) {
             if ($k) {
                 $formatted["class"][] = "group-" . $k;
         // If the post has been edited, show the time and by whom next to the controls.
         if ($post["editMemberId"]) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<span class='editedBy'>" . sprintf(T("Edited %s by %s"), "<span title='" . _strftime(T("date.full"), $post["editTime"]) . "' data-timestamp='" . $post["editTime"] . "'>" . relativeTime($post["editTime"], true) . "</span>", memberLink($post["editMemberId"], $post["editMemberName"])) . "</span>";
         // If the user can reply, add a quote control.
         if ($conversation["canReply"]) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL(conversationURL($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["title"]) . "/?quote=" . $post["postId"] . "#reply") . "' title='" . T("Quote") . "' class='control-quote'><i class='icon-quote-left'></i></a>";
         // If the user can edit the post, add edit/delete controls.
         if ($canEdit) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL("conversation/editPost/" . $post["postId"]) . "' title='" . T("Edit") . "' class='control-edit'><i class='icon-edit'></i></a>";
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL("conversation/deletePost/" . $post["postId"] . "?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' title='" . T("Delete") . "' class='control-delete'><i class='icon-remove'></i></a>";
         } elseif (!$conversation["locked"] && !ET::$session->isSuspended() && $post["memberId"] == ET::$session->userId && (!$post["deleteMemberId"] || $post["deleteMemberId"] == ET::$session->userId) && C("esoTalk.conversation.editPostTimeLimit") == "reply") {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<span title='" . sanitizeHTML(T("message.cannotEditSinceReply")) . "' class='control-edit disabled'><i class='icon-edit'></i></span>";
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<span title='" . sanitizeHTML(T("message.cannotEditSinceReply")) . "' class='control-delete disabled'><i class='icon-remove'></i></span>";
     } else {
         // Add the "deleted by" information.
         if ($post["deleteMemberId"]) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<span>" . sprintf(T("Deleted %s by %s"), "<span title='" . _strftime(T("date.full"), $post["deleteTime"]) . "' data-timestamp='" . $post["deleteTime"] . "'>" . relativeTime($post["deleteTime"], true) . "</span>", memberLink($post["deleteMemberId"], $post["deleteMemberName"])) . "</span>";
         // If the user can edit the post, add a restore control.
         if ($canEdit) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL("conversation/restorePost/" . $post["postId"] . "?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' title='" . T("Restore") . "' class='control-restore'><i class='icon-reply'></i></a>";
     $this->trigger("formatPostForTemplate", array(&$formatted, $post, $conversation));
     return $formatted;
Пример #3
  * Returns a formatted activity item for the "groupChange" activity type. For example, '[fromMember] changed
  * [member]'s group to [groups].'
  * @see postActivity() for parameter and return information.
 public static function groupChangeActivity($item, $member)
     $groups = memberGroup($item["data"]["account"], $item["data"]["groups"], true);
     return array(sprintf(T("%s changed %s's group to %s."), name($item["fromMemberName"]), name($member["username"]), "<strong>" . $groups . "</strong>"), false);
  * Format post data into an array which can be used to display the post template view (conversation/post).
  * @param array $post The post data.
  * @param array $conversation The details of the conversation which the post is in.
  * @return array A formatted array which can be used in the post template view.
 protected function formatPostForTemplate($post, $conversation)
     $canEdit = $this->canEditPost($post, $conversation);
     $avatar = avatar($post["memberId"], $post["avatarFormat"]);
     // Construct the post array for use in the post view (conversation/post).
     $formatted = array("id" => "p" . $post["postId"], "title" => memberLink($post["memberId"], $post["username"]), "avatar" => (!$post["deleteMemberId"] and $avatar) ? "<a href='" . URL(memberURL($post["memberId"], $post["username"])) . "'>{$avatar}</a>" : false, "class" => $post["deleteMemberId"] ? array("deleted") : array(), "info" => array(), "controls" => array(), "body" => !$post["deleteMemberId"] ? $this->displayPost($post["content"]) : false, "data" => array("id" => $post["postId"], "memberid" => $post["memberId"]));
     // If the post was within the last 24 hours, show a relative time (eg. 2 hours ago.)
     if (time() - $post["time"] < 24 * 60 * 60) {
         $date = relativeTime($post["time"], true);
     } else {
         $date = date("M j", $post["time"]);
     // Add the date/time to the post info as a permalink.
     $formatted["info"][] = "<a href='" . URL(postURL($post["postId"])) . "' class='time' title='" . date(T("date.full"), $post["time"]) . "'>" . (!empty($conversation["searching"]) ? T("Context") : $date) . "</a>";
     // If the post isn't deleted, add a lot of stuff!
     if (!$post["deleteMemberId"]) {
         // Add the user's online status / last action next to their name.
         $lastAction = ET::memberModel()->getLastActionInfo($post["lastActionTime"], $post["lastActionDetail"]);
         if ($lastAction[0]) {
             $lastAction[0] = " (" . sanitizeHTML($lastAction[0]) . ")";
         if ($lastAction) {
             array_unshift($formatted["info"], "<" . (!empty($lastAction[1]) ? "a href='{$lastAction[1]}'" : "span") . " class='online' title='" . T("Online") . "{$lastAction[0]}'>" . T("Online") . "</" . (!empty($lastAction[1]) ? "a" : "span") . ">");
         // Show the user's group type.
         $formatted["info"][] = "<span class='group'>" . memberGroup($post["account"], $post["groups"]) . "</span>";
         // If the post has been edited, show the time and by whom next to the controls.
         if ($post["editMemberId"]) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<span class='editedBy'>" . sprintf(T("Edited %s by %s"), "<span title='" . date(T("date.full"), $post["editTime"]) . "'>" . relativeTime($post["editTime"], true) . "</span>", $post["editMemberName"]) . "</span>";
         // If the user can reply, add a quote control.
         if ($conversation["canReply"]) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL(conversationURL($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["title"]) . "/?quote=" . $post["postId"] . "#reply") . "' title='" . T("Quote") . "' class='control-quote'>" . T("Quote") . "</a>";
         // If the user can edit the post, add edit/delete controls.
         if ($canEdit) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL("conversation/editPost/" . $post["postId"]) . "' title='" . T("Edit") . "' class='control-edit'>" . T("Edit") . "</a>";
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL("conversation/deletePost/" . $post["postId"] . "?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' title='" . T("Delete") . "' class='control-delete'>" . T("Delete") . "</a>";
     } else {
         // Add the "deleted by" information.
         if ($post["deleteMemberId"]) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<span>" . sprintf(T("Deleted %s by %s"), "<span title='" . date(T("date.full"), $post["deleteTime"]) . "'>" . relativeTime($post["deleteTime"], true) . "</span>", $post["deleteMemberName"]) . "</span>";
         // If the user can edit the post, add a restore control.
         if ($canEdit) {
             $formatted["controls"][] = "<a href='" . URL("conversation/restorePost/" . $post["postId"] . "?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' title='" . T("Restore") . "' class='control-restore'>" . T("Restore") . "</a>";
     $this->trigger("formatPostForTemplate", array(&$formatted, $post, $conversation));
     return $formatted;