Пример #1
 * Load Scripts
 * Enqueues the required scripts.
 * @since 1.0
 * @global $mashsb_options
 * @global $post
 * @return void
 * @param string $hook Page hook
function mashsb_load_scripts($hook)
    global $mashsb_options, $post, $mashsb_sharecount;
    if (!apply_filters('mashsb_load_scripts', mashsbGetActiveStatus(), $hook)) {
        mashdebug()->info("mashsb_load_script not active");
    $url = mashsb_get_url();
    $title = urlencode(html_entity_decode(the_title_attribute('echo=0'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
    $title = str_replace('#', '%23', $title);
    $titleclean = esc_html($title);
    $image = "";
    $desc = "";
    if (isset($post->ID)) {
        $image = mashsb_get_image($post->ID);
        $desc = mashsb_get_excerpt_by_id($post->ID);
    // Rest API Not used any longer
    //$restapi = mashsb_allow_rest_api() ? "1" : "0";
    /* Load hashshags */
    $hashtag = !empty($mashsb_options['mashsharer_hashtag']) ? $mashsb_options['mashsharer_hashtag'] : '';
    $js_dir = MASHSB_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/';
    // Use minified libraries if Mashshare debug mode is turned off
    $suffix = mashsbIsDebugMode() ? '' : '.min';
    isset($mashsb_options['load_scripts_footer']) ? $in_footer = true : ($in_footer = false);
    wp_enqueue_script('mashsb', $js_dir . 'mashsb' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery'), MASHSB_VERSION, $in_footer);
    //wp_enqueue_script( 'element-queries', $js_dir . 'ElementQueries' . '.js', array('jquery'), MASHSB_VERSION, $in_footer );
    //wp_enqueue_script( 'resize-sensor', $js_dir . 'ResizeSensor' . '.js', array('jquery'), MASHSB_VERSION, $in_footer );
    !isset($mashsb_options['disable_sharecount']) ? $shareresult = getSharedcount($url) : ($shareresult = 0);
    wp_localize_script('mashsb', 'mashsb', array('shares' => $shareresult, 'round_shares' => isset($mashsb_options['mashsharer_round']), 'animate_shares' => isset($mashsb_options['animate_shares']) && is_singular() ? 1 : 0, 'dynamic_buttons' => isset($mashsb_options['dynamic_button_resize']) ? 1 : 0, 'share_url' => $url, 'title' => $titleclean, 'image' => $image, 'desc' => $desc, 'hashtag' => $hashtag, 'subscribe' => !empty($mashsb_options['subscribe_behavior']) && $mashsb_options['subscribe_behavior'] === 'content' ? 'content' : 'link', 'subscribe_url' => isset($mashsb_options['subscribe_link']) ? $mashsb_options['subscribe_link'] : '', 'activestatus' => mashsbGetActiveStatus(), 'singular' => is_singular() ? 1 : 0, 'twitter_popup' => isset($mashsb_options['twitter_popup']) ? 0 : 1, 'refresh' => mashsb_is_cache_refresh() ? 1 : 0));
Пример #2
 * Force cache refresh via GET REQUEST
 * @global array $mashsb_options
 * @return boolean true for cache refresh
function mashsb_force_cache_refresh()
    global $mashsb_options;
    // Needed for testing (phpunit)
    if (MASHSB_DEBUG || isset($mashsb_options['disable_cache'])) {
        mashsb()->logger->info('mashsb_force_cache_refresh() -> Debug mode enabled');
        return true;
    $caching_method = !empty($mashsb_options['caching_method']) ? $mashsb_options['caching_method'] : 'refresh_loading';
    // Old method and less performant - Cache is rebuild during pageload
    if ($caching_method == 'refresh_loading') {
        if (mashsb_is_cache_refresh()) {
            return true;
    // New method - Cache will be rebuild after complete pageloading and will be initiated via ajax.
    if (isset($_GET['mashsb-refresh']) && $caching_method == 'async_cache') {
        MASHSB()->logger->info('Force Cache Refresh');
        return true;
Пример #3
 * Check via ajax if cache should be updated
 * @deprecated not used
 * @return string numerical 
function mashsb_ajax_refresh_cache()
    if (mashsb_is_cache_refresh()) {
    } else {
Пример #4
function getSharedcount($url)
    global $mashsb_options, $post, $mashsb_sharecount, $mashsb_error;
    // todo test a global share count var if it reduces the amount of requests
    // Return global share count variable to prevent multiple execution
    if (is_array($mashsb_sharecount) && array_key_exists($url, $mashsb_sharecount) && !empty($mashsb_sharecount[$url]) && !mashsb_is_cache_refresh()) {
        return $mashsb_sharecount[$url] + getFakecount();
    // Remove mashsb-refresh query parameter
    $url = mashsb_sanitize_url($url);
     * Deactivate share count on:
     * - 404 pages
     * - search page
     * - empty url
     * - disabled permalinks
     * - disabled share count setting
     * - deprecated: admin pages (we need to remove this for themes which are using a bad infinite scroll implementation where is_admin() is always true)
    if (is_404() || is_search() || empty($url) || !mashsb_is_enabled_permalinks() || isset($mashsb_options['disable_sharecount'])) {
        return apply_filters('filter_get_sharedcount', 0);
    * Return share count on non singular pages when url is defined
      Possible: Category, blog list pages, non singular() pages. This store the shares in transients with mashsbGetNonPostShares();
    if (!empty($url) && is_null($post)) {
        return apply_filters('filter_get_sharedcount', mashsbGetNonPostShares($url));
     * Refresh Cache
    if (mashsb_force_cache_refresh() && is_singular()) {
        // Its request limited
        if (mashsb_is_req_limited()) {
            return get_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_shares', true) + getFakecount();
        // free some memory
        // Write timestamp (Use this on top of this condition. If this is not on top following return statements will be skipped and ignored - possible bug?)
        update_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_timestamp', time());
        MASHSB()->logger->info('Refresh Cache: Update Timestamp: ' . time());
        // Get the share Object
        $mashsbSharesObj = mashsbGetShareObj($url);
        // Get the share count Method
        $mashsbShareCounts = mashsbGetShareMethod($mashsbSharesObj);
        // Get stored share count
        $mashsbStoredShareCount = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_shares', true);
        // Create global sharecount
        $mashsb_sharecount = array($url => $mashsbShareCounts->total);
         * Update post_meta only when API is requested and
         * API share count is greater than real fresh requested share count ->
        //wp_die('error' . $mashsbShareCounts->error);
        if ($mashsbShareCounts->total >= $mashsbStoredShareCount) {
            update_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_shares', $mashsbShareCounts->total);
            update_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_jsonshares', json_encode($mashsbShareCounts));
            MASHSB()->logger->info("Refresh Cache: Update database with share count: " . $mashsbShareCounts->total);
            /* return counts from getAllCounts() after DB update */
            return apply_filters('filter_get_sharedcount', $mashsbShareCounts->total + getFakecount());
        /* return previous counts from DB Cache | this happens when API has a hiccup and does not return any results as expected */
        return apply_filters('filter_get_sharedcount', $mashsbStoredShareCount + getFakecount());
    } else {
        // Return cached results
        $cachedCountsMeta = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_shares', true);
        $cachedCounts = $cachedCountsMeta + getFakecount();
        MASHSB()->logger->info('Cached Results: ' . $cachedCounts . ' url:' . $url);
        return apply_filters('filter_get_sharedcount', $cachedCounts);