Пример #1
    makePluslet(_("Browse FAQs by Collection"), $browse_box, "no_overflow");
} else {
    $browse_subject_box = "<p>" . _("If you wish to edit a FAQ, click the link.") . "</p>";
    $q = "SELECT faq_id, question, answer, keywords, last_revised, last_revised_by\nFROM faq\nORDER BY faq_id DESC";
    $q = "SELECT * FROM faq f, faq_subject fs, subject s WHERE f.faq_id = fs.faq_id AND s.subject_id = fs.subject_id GROUP BY subject";
    $r = $db->query($q);
    $colour1 = "evenrow";
    $colour2 = "oddrow";
    $row_count = 1;
    foreach ($r as $myrow) {
        $sub_id = $myrow["subject_id"];
        $subject = $myrow["subject"];
        $row_colour = $row_count % 2 ? $colour1 : $colour2;
        $browse_subject_box .= "<h3>{$subject}</h3>";
        $q2 = "SELECT * FROM faq_subject fs, faq f WHERE  f.faq_id = fs.faq_id AND fs.subject_id = '{$sub_id}'";
        $r2 = $db->query($q2);
        $browse_subject_box .= "<ul>";
        foreach ($r2 as $myrow2) {
            $browse_subject_box .= "<li><a class=\"showmedium\" href=\"faq.php?faq_id=" . $myrow2["faq_id"] . "&wintype=pop\">" . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($myrow2["question"])) . "</a></li>";
        $browse_subject_box .= "</ul>";
    makePluslet(_("Browse FAQs by Subject Area"), $browse_subject_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "</div>";
// close pure
include "../includes/footer.php";
Пример #2
// disciplines
$querierDept = new Querier();
$qdiscipline = "select discipline_id, discipline, sort from discipline order by sort, discipline";
$disciplineArray = $querierDept->query($qdiscipline);
foreach ($disciplineArray as $value) {
    $ourlist .= "<li id=\"item-{$value['0']}\" class=\"sortable_item disc-sortable\"><a id=\"delete-{$value['0']}\"><img src=\"{$IconPath}/delete.png\" class=\"pointer\" /></a> &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"discipline[]\" value=\"{$value['1']}\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"discipline_id[]\" value=\"{$value['0']}\" /></li>";
$discipline_box = "\n<form id=\"disciplines\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<button class=\"button\" id=\"save_guide\"  class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" style=\"display: block;\" name=\"update_disciplines\" >" . _("SAVE CHANGES") . "</button>\n\n<p>" . _("NOTE:  Disciplines were added to facilitate Serials Solution ingest of data.  This original set was provided by SerSol in Nov 2012. \n    If you are a SerSol customer, you might not want to change these.  Sort may or may not be implemented in your version of SP.") . "</p>\n<p>" . _("Enter discipline type label.") . "</p>\n<br />\n\n<ul id=\"sortable-\" class=\"sortable_list\">\n{$ourlist}\n</ul>\n</form>\n";
$add_discipline_box = "\n<form id=\"new_discipline\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<span class=\"record_label\">" . _("Source Name") . "</span><br />\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"source\" id=\"\" size=\"40\" class=\"\" value=\"\">\n<br /><br />\n<button class=\"button\" id=\"add_discipline\" name=\"add_discipline\">" . _("Add New Discipline") . "</button>\n</form>";
print feedBack($feedback);
print "\n\n<form id=\"disciplines\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">\n";
makePluslet(_("Disciplines"), $discipline_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>\n<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Add Discipline"), $add_discipline_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "</div>";
// close pure
include "../includes/footer.php";
<script type="text/javascript">
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {

   // Make "Save Changes" button appear on sorting
   // connectWith: '.sort-column',
Пример #3
    $out .= $our_items->displayTypes();
} else {
    // if it's the type type, show filter tip
    if (isset($clean_type) && $clean_type != "") {
        $out .= "<div class=\"faq_filter\">displaying databases filtered by {$clean_type} >> <a href=\"databases.php?letter=bytype\">view all types</a></div>";
    // otherwise display our results from the database list
    $out .= $our_items->writeTable($_GET["letter"], $clean_id, $description_search);
// Assemble the content for our main pluslet/box
$display = $intro . $out;
include "includes/header_um.php";
// Our version 2 vs version 3 styles choice
if (isset($v2styles) && $v2styles == 1) {
    $db_results = "<form class=\"pure-form\">{$alphabet}</form>\n  {$display}";
    $layout = makePluslet("", $db_results, "", "", FALSE);
} else {
    print "version 3 styles not set up yet";
// Trial Databases //
// xxxUM trial databases--requires DB_Trials in ctags fieldxxx
// In v4.2 uses the "status" field set to "Trial"
$connection = $db->getConnection();
$statement = $connection->prepare("select distinct title, location, access_restrictions, title.title_id as this_record\n        FROM title, location, location_title\n        WHERE record_status = 'Trial'\n        AND title.title_id = location_title.title_id\n        AND location.location_id = location_title.location_id\n        ORDER BY title");
$trial_list = "";
if ($rtrial = $statement->fetchAll()) {
    $trial_list = "<ul>\n";
    foreach ($rtrial as $myrow) {
        // add proxy string if necessary
        if ($myrow[2] != 1) {
Пример #4
 public function outputSelfEditForm()
     // This is just the information that a user can edit about themselves
     // agd april 2014
     global $require_user_columns;
     global $omit_user_columns;
     global $use_shibboleth;
     $isPersonalOmitted = in_array(_("personal_information"), $omit_user_columns);
     $isEmergencyContactOmitted = in_array(_("emergency_contact"), $omit_user_columns);
     $action = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?staff_id=" . $this->_staff_id;
     // set up
     print "<div class=\"pure-g\">";
     // start form
     print "<form action=\"" . $action . "\" method=\"post\" id=\"new_record\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" class=\"pure-form pure-form-stacked\">\n    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"staff_id\" value=\"" . $this->_staff_id . "\" />\n    <div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">\n    ";
     // Only display the update personal info if this isn't turned off
     if (!$isPersonalOmitted) {
     } else {
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"street_address\" id=\"street_address\" value=\"" . $this->_street_address . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"city\" id=\"city\" value=\"" . $this->_city . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"state\" id=\"state\" value=\"" . $this->_state . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zip\" id=\"zip\" value=\"" . $this->_zip . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"home_phone\" id=\"home_phone\" value=\"" . $this->_home_phone . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cell_phone\" id=\"cell_phone\" value=\"" . $this->_cell_phone . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lat_long\" id=\"lat_long\"value=\"" . $this->_lat_long . "\" />\n";
     // Only display the emergency info if it isn't turned off
     if (!$isEmergencyContactOmitted) {
     } else {
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"emergency_contact_name\" id=\"emergency_contact_name\" value=\"" . $this->_emergency_contact_name . "\" />";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"emergency_contact_relation\" id=\"emergency_contact_relation\" value=\"" . $this->_emergency_contact_relation . "\" />\n";
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"emergency_contact_phone\" id=\"emergency_contact_phone\" value=\"" . $this->_emergency_contact_phone . "\" />\n";
     print "</div>";
     // close pure-1-3
     print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
     print "<div class=\"pluslet\">\n    <div class=\"titlebar\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar_text\">" . _("Biographical Details") . "</div>\n      <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"pluslet_body\">\n    <p>" . _("Please only include professional details.") . "</p><br />";
     echo "</div></div>";
     // end pluslet_body, end pluslet
     print "<div class=\"pluslet\">\n    <div class=\"titlebar\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar_text\">" . _("Social Media Accounts") . "</div>\n      <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"pluslet_body\">";
     echo self::outputSocialMediaForm();
     echo "</div></div>";
     // end pluslet_body, end pluslet
     print "</div>";
     // close pure-1-3
     print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
     // only do if someone isn't using Shib
     if (isset($use_shibboleth) && $use_shibboleth === TRUE) {
         // nothing.  I've done it this way in case someone with an older config.php file doesn't have this $use_shibboleth var set
     } else {
         $password_update = "<p><a href=\"../includes/set_password.php?staff_id=" . $this->_staff_id . "\" id=\"reset_password\">" . _("The password is hidden.  Reset?") . "</a></p>";
         makePluslet(_("Change Password?"), $password_update, "no_overflow");
     $saver = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_record\" class=\"pure-button pure-button-primary\" value=\"" . _("Update Now!") . "\" />";
     makePluslet(_("Save"), $saver, "no_overflow");
     print "</div>";
     // close pure-1-3
     // now let's add all our missing/hidden data
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"staff_id\" value=\"" . $this->_staff_id . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lname\" value=\"" . $this->_lname . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fname\" value=\"" . $this->_fname . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"title\" value=\"" . $this->_title . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tel\" value=\"" . $this->_tel . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"department_id\" value=\"" . $this->_department_id . "\" />";
     //print "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$this->_department_id}\" name=\"department_id[]\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"staff_sort\" value=\"" . $this->_staff_sort . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . $this->_email . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_type_id\" value=\"" . $this->_user_type_id . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ptags\" value=\"" . $this->_ptags . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"active\" value=\"" . $this->_active . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"position_number\" value=\"" . $this->_position_number . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"job_classification\" value=\"" . $this->_job_classification . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"room_number\" value=\"" . $this->_room_number . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"supervisor_id\" value=\"" . $this->_supervisor_id . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fax\" value=\"" . $this->_fax . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"intercom\" value=\"" . $this->_intercom . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lat_long\" value=\"" . $this->_lat_long . "\" />";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fullname\" value=\"" . $this->_fullname . "\" />";
     print "</form>";
     // close form
     print "</div>";
     // close pure
Пример #5
    <br />
    <div align="center"><a href="forgotpassword.php">' . _("I have forgotten my password") . '</a></div>
$logo = "<img src=\"{$AssetPath}" . "images/admin/logo_v3_full.png\" border=\"0\" />\n\n<br />";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo getControlURL();
includes/css.php" type="text/css" media="all" />

<body id="controlpage">

    <div style="margin: 4em auto; width: 350px;">
makePluslet($logo, $login_form, "");



Пример #6
    $vid_list = "<p>" . _("No Videos yet.  Grab your camera.") . "</p>";
$ingest_body_text = "<a href=\"ingest.php\">" . _("FIND VIDEOS") . "</a>";
$add_metadata_text = "<a href=\"video.php\">" . _("ENTER VIDEO") . "</a>";
$about_videos_text = "<p><i class=\"fa fa-pencil fa-lg\" alt=\"" . _("Edit") . "\"></i> = " . _("Edit") . "</p>\n    <p><i class=\"fa fa-eye fa-lg\" alt=\"" . _("View") . "\"></i> = " . _("View Video on Public Site") . "</p>";
print "<br />\n\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">  \n\n    <div class=\"pluslet no_overflow\" id=\"answered\">\n    <div class=\"titlebar\">" . _("Collected Videos") . "</div>\n    <p class=\"pluslet_body\"><strong>{$row_count1} " . _("Videos visible") . "</strong> ";
if (!isset($_GET["limit"]) || $_GET["limit"] != "all") {
    print "(<a href=\"index.php?limit=all\">" . _("See All") . "</a>)";
print "</p><br />\n<div class=\"pluslet_body\">    \n{$vid_list}\n</div>\n</div>";
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-2-3
print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Ingest Video Metadata"), $ingest_body_text, "no_overflow");
makePluslet(_("Add Metadata by Hand"), $add_metadata_text, "no_overflow");
makePluslet(_("About Videos"), $about_videos_text, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-1-3
print "</div>";
// close pure-g
include "../includes/footer.php";

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(".toggle_unanswered").click(function() {
      $("#unanswered .hideme").toggle();
      return false;
Пример #7
 public function outputForm($wintype = "")
     global $wysiwyg_desc;
     global $CKPath;
     global $CKBasePath;
     global $IconPath;
     global $guide_types;
     global $all_tbtags;
     global $all_cattags;
     //print "<pre>";print_r($this->_staffers); print "</pre>";
     $action = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?talkback_id=" . $this->_talkback_id;
     if ($wintype != "") {
         $action .= "&wintype=pop";
     $tb_title_line = _("Edit TalkBack");
     echo "\n<form action=\"" . $action . "\" method=\"post\" id=\"new_record\" class=\"pure-form pure-form-stacked\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"talkback_id\" value=\"" . $this->_talkback_id . "\" />\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">\n    <div class=\"pluslet\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar\">\n        <div class=\"titlebar_text\">{$tb_title_line}</div>\n        <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n      </div>\n      <div class=\"pluslet_body\">\n\n<label for=\"question\">" . _("Question") . "</label>\n<textarea name=\"question\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"50\" class=\"required_field\">" . stripslashes($this->_question) . "</textarea>\n\n<label for=\"a_from\">" . _("Question By") . "</label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"q_from\" size=\"20\" class=\"required_field\" value=\"" . $this->_q_from . "\">\n\n<label for=\"answer\">" . _("Answer") . "</label>";
     if ($wysiwyg_desc == 1) {
         include $CKPath;
         global $BaseURL;
         $oCKeditor = new CKEditor($CKBasePath);
         $oCKeditor->timestamp = time();
         $config['toolbar'] = 'SubsPlus_Narrow';
         // Default shows a much larger set of toolbar options
         $config['height'] = '200';
         $config['filebrowserUploadUrl'] = $BaseURL . "ckeditor/php/uploader.php";
         echo $oCKeditor->editor('answer', $this->_answer, $config);
         echo "<br />";
     } else {
         echo "<textarea name=\"answer\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"70\">" . stripslashes($this->_answer) . "</textarea>";
     // Answer By
     $qStaff = "select staff_id, CONCAT(fname, ' ', lname) as fullname FROM staff WHERE ptags LIKE '%talkback%' ORDER BY lname, fname";
     $querierStaff = new Querier();
     $staffArray = $querierStaff->query($qStaff);
     // put in a default user
     if ($this->_a_from == "") {
         $selected_user = $_SESSION["staff_id"];
     } else {
         $selected_user = $this->_a_from;
     $staffMe = new Dropdown("a_from", $staffArray, $selected_user, "50", "--Select--");
     $staff_string = $staffMe->display();
     $answerer = "<label=\"record_label\"></label>\n            {$staff_string}\n        ";
     // Is Live
     $is_live = "<label=\"display\"></label>\n<input name=\"display\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\"";
     if ($this->_display == 1) {
         $is_live .= " checked=\"checked\"";
     $is_live .= " /> " . _("Yes") . " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input name=\"display\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\"";
     if ($this->_display == 0) {
         $is_live .= " checked=\"checked\"";
     $is_live .= " /> " . _("No") . "\n<br class=\"clear-both\" /><br />";
     // tbtags
     $tb_tags = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tbtags\" value=\"" . $this->_tbtags . "\" />\n\t\t\t<label=\"record_label\"></label>";
     $current_tbtags = explode("|", $this->_tbtags);
     $tag_count = 0;
     // added because if you have a lot of ctags, it just stretches the div forever
     foreach ($all_tbtags as $key => $value) {
         if ($tag_count == 3) {
             $tb_tags .= "<br />";
             $tag_count = 0;
         if (in_array($key, $current_tbtags)) {
             $tb_tags .= "<span class=\"ctag-on\">{$key}</span>";
         } else {
             $tb_tags .= "<span class=\"ctag-off\">{$key}</span>";
     // cattags
     $cat_tags = "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"cattag-data\" name=\"cattags\" value=\"" . $this->_cattags . "\" />\n\t\t\t<label=\"record_label\"></label>";
     $current_cattags = explode("|", $this->_cattags);
     $tag_count = 0;
     // added because if you have a lot of ctags, it just stretches the div forever
     foreach ($all_cattags as $key => $value) {
         if ($tag_count == 3) {
             $cat_tags .= "<br />";
             $tag_count = 0;
         if (in_array($value, $current_cattags)) {
             $cat_tags .= "<span class=\"ctag-on\">{$value}</span>";
         } else {
             $cat_tags .= "<span class=\"ctag-off\">{$value}</span>";
     echo "\n\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n<!-- right hand column -->";
     $last_mod = _("Last modified: ") . lastModded("talkback", $this->_talkback_id);
     $title_save_box = "<div id=\"last_edited\">{$last_mod}</div>";
     echo "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">\n    <div class=\"pluslet\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar\">\n        <div class=\"titlebar_text\">{$title_save_box}</div>\n        <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n      </div>\n      <div class=\"pluslet_body\">\n    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_record\" class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" value=\"" . _("Save Now") . "\" />";
     // if a) it's not a new record, and  b) we're an admin or c) we are listed as a librarian for this guide, show delete button
     if ($this->_talkback_id != "") {
         if (isset($_SESSION["admin"]) && $_SESSION["admin"] == "1") {
             echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete_record\" class=\"button pure-button delete_button  pure-button-warning\" value=\"" . _("Delete Forever!") . "\" />";
     echo "</div></div>";
     makePluslet(_("Answered By"), $answerer, "no_overflow");
     makePluslet(_("Is this comment live?"), $is_live, "no_overflow");
     makePluslet(_("Site Tags (relevant library sites)"), $tb_tags, "no_overflow");
     makePluslet(_("Topic Tags (relevant topics)"), $cat_tags, "no_overflow");
Пример #8
    $title_line = _("Organize Resources for ") . "{$subject_name}";
    $response = "<div id=\"feedback\" class=\"feedback\"></div>\n    <p id=\"savour\" align=\"center\"><button id=\"save_guide\" class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" style=\"display:none;\">" . _("SAVE CHANGES") . "</button></p>";
print $response;
$org_box = "<p>" . _("You may drag items to rearrange their order") . $ourlist;
// Print out //
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">  \n  ";
makePluslet($title_line, $org_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
if (isset($_GET["wintype"]) && $_GET["wintype"] == "pop") {
    // don't include sidebar in popup
} else {
    $links_box = "\n        <ul>\n        <li><a href=\"guide.php?subject_id={$subject_id}\">" . _("Admin guide") . "</a></li>\n        <li><a href=\"{$PublicPath}" . "guide.php?subject={$shortform}\">" . _("Public guide") . "</a></li>\n        </ul>";
    makePluslet(_("View Guide"), $links_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "</div>";
// close pure
include "../includes/footer.php";

<script type="text/javascript">
    var user_id = "<?php 
print $_SESSION["staff_id"];
    var user_name = "<?php 
Пример #9
 public function outputForm($wintype = "")
     global $wysiwyg_desc;
     global $CKPath;
     global $CKBasePath;
     global $IconPath;
     global $PublicPath;
     global $guide_types;
     $action = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     echo "\n<form action=\"" . $action . "\" method=\"post\" id=\"new_transaction\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" class=\"pure-form\">\n<h1>Add Transactions</h1>\n<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"location_id\">\n";
     foreach ($this->_locations as $value) {
         echo "<option value=\"{$value['0']}\">{$value['1']}</option>";
     echo "\n</select>\n\n<span><input type=\"text\" name=\"datetime\" value=\"" . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . "\" size=\"30\" /></span>\n\n<br style=\"clear: both;\" />";
     // loop through our modes, to create one box for each
     foreach ($this->_modes as $value) {
         $box_content = "";
         // create the radio buttons
         // loop through the types
         foreach ($this->_types as $value2) {
             $box_content .= "\n        <label for=\"option-{$value['1']}-{$value2['0']}\" class=\"pure-radio\">\n        <input id=\"option-{$value['1']}-{$value2['0']}\" type=\"radio\" name=\"type_id\" value=\"{$value2['0']}\">\n        {$value2['1']}\n    </label>";
         $box_content .= "<textarea class=\"form-control\" rows=\"2\" placeholder=\"notes\" name=\"notes-{$value['0']}\"></textarea>\n  <br />\n  <p><input class=\"pure-button pure-button-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Add {$value['1']}\" name=\"submit_record-{$value['0']}\">\n  &nbsp; x &nbsp;<input name=\"times-{$value['0']}\" type=\"text\" value=\"1\" size=\"1\" /></p>\n  ";
         // create one pluslet per mode
         makePluslet($value[1], $box_content, "inline-block");
     echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode_id\" value=\"\"/>";
     echo "</form>";
Пример #10
    <div class="pure-u-1-3">
echo makePluslet(_("Add New Collection"), $add_collection_box, "no_overflow");
echo makePluslet(_("Guide Collections List"), $guide_collection_list, "no_overflow");

    <div class="pure-u-1-3">
echo makePluslet(_("Add Guides"), $guide_search_viewport, "no_overflow");

    <div class="pure-u-1-3">
echo makePluslet(_("Collection Details"), $guide_collection_viewport, "no_overflow");
echo makePluslet(_("Associated Guides"), $associated_guides_viewport, "no_overflow");


    var gcs = guideCollectionService();
Пример #11
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo getControlURL();
includes/css.php" type="text/css" media="all" />
        <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "<?php 
print $AssetPath;
print _("Forgot Password");

    <body id="controlpage">

    <div style="margin: 4em auto; width: 350px;">
makePluslet($logo, $our_form, "");


Пример #12
 public function outputForm($wintype = "")
     global $wysiwyg_desc;
     global $CKPath;
     global $CKBasePath;
     global $IconPath;
     global $AssetPath;
     global $guide_types;
     global $video_storage_types;
     global $all_vtags;
     //print "<pre>";print_r($this->_staffers); print "</pre>";
     $action = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?video_id=" . $this->_video_id;
     if ($wintype != "") {
         $action .= "&wintype=pop";
     $vid_title_line = _("Edit Video Info");
     echo "\n<form action=\"" . $action . "\" method=\"post\" id=\"new_record\" class=\"pure-form pure-form-stacked\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"video_id\" value=\"" . $this->_video_id . "\" />\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">\n    <div class=\"pluslet\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar\">\n        <div class=\"titlebar_text\">{$vid_title_line}</div>\n        <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n      </div>\n      <div class=\"pluslet_body\">\n\n<label for=\"title\">" . _("Title") . "</label>\n<textarea name=\"title\" rows=\"2\" cols=\"50\">" . stripslashes($this->_title) . "</textarea>\n\n<label for=\"description\">" . _("Description") . "</label>";
     if ($wysiwyg_desc == 1) {
         include $CKPath;
         global $BaseURL;
         $oCKeditor = new CKEditor($CKBasePath);
         $oCKeditor->timestamp = time();
         $config['toolbar'] = 'Basic';
         // Default shows a much larger set of toolbar options
         $config['height'] = '100';
         $config['filebrowserUploadUrl'] = $BaseURL . "ckeditor/php/uploader.php";
         echo $oCKeditor->editor('description', $this->_description, $config);
         echo "<br />";
     } else {
         echo "<textarea name=\"description\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"70\">" . stripslashes($this->_description) . "</textarea>";
     // Generate our dropdown
     $guideMe = new Dropdown("source", $video_storage_types, $this->_source, "50");
     $guide_string = $guideMe->display();
     echo "\n    <label for=\"source\">" . _("Video file storage location") . "</label>\n{$guide_string}\n\n<label for=\"foreign_id\">" . _("Foreign ID") . "</label>\n<input name=\"foreign_id\" value=\"" . stripslashes($this->_foreign_id) . "\" size=\"15\" />\n  <span class=\"smaller\">* " . "Enter the embed code id for youtube or vimeo" . "</span><br />\n<label for=\"duration\">" . _("Duration in seconds") . "</label>\n<input name=\"duration\" value=\"" . stripslashes($this->_duration) . "\" size=\"5\" />\n<br />";
     // Tags
     echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"vtags\" value=\"" . $this->_vtags . "\" />\n\t\t\t<span class=\"record_label\">vtags: </span> ";
     $current_vtags = explode("|", $this->_vtags);
     $tag_count = 0;
     // added because if you have a lot of ctags, it just stretches the div forever
     $vid_tags = "";
     foreach ($all_vtags as $value) {
         if ($tag_count == 5) {
             $vid_tags .= "<br />";
             $tag_count = 0;
         if (in_array($value, $current_vtags)) {
             $vid_tags .= "<span class=\"ctag-on\">{$value}</span>";
         } else {
             $vid_tags .= "<span class=\"ctag-off\">{$value}</span>";
     print $vid_tags;
     // Is Live
     $is_live = "<label for=\"display\">" . _("Live?") . "</label>\n<input name=\"display\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\"";
     if ($this->_display == 1) {
         $is_live .= " checked=\"checked\"";
     $is_live .= " /> " . _("Yes") . " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input name=\"display\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\"";
     if ($this->_display == 0) {
         $is_live .= " checked=\"checked\"";
     $is_live .= " /> " . _("No") . "\n<br class=\"clear-both\" /><br />";
     // Thumbnail
     $this->_vid_loc = $AssetPath . "images/video_thumbs/" . $this->_video_id . "_medium.jpg";
     $thumbnail = "<img src=\"" . $this->_vid_loc . "\" alt=\"" . _("Thumbnail") . "\" />";
     if ($this->_video_id != "") {
         $thumbnail .= "<p><a href=\"../includes/set_image.php?video_id={$this->_video_id}\" id=\"load_photo\">" . _("Click to update thumbnail") . "</a></p>";
     } else {
         $thumbnail .= "<p>" . _("You can change the thumbnail after saving.") . "</p>";
     echo "\n\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n<!-- right hand column -->";
     $last_mod = _("Last modified: ") . lastModded("video", $this->_video_id);
     $title_save_box = "<div id=\"last_edited\">{$last_mod}</div>";
     print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">\n    <div class=\"pluslet\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar\">\n        <div class=\"titlebar_text\">{$title_save_box}</div>\n        <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n      </div>\n      <div class=\"pluslet_body\">\n    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_record\" class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" value=\"" . _("Save Now") . "\" />";
     // if a) it's not a new record, and  b) we're an admin or c) we are listed as a librarian for this guide, show delete button
     if ($this->_video_id != "") {
         if ($_SESSION["admin"] == "1" || $_SESSION["eresource_mgr"] == "1") {
             echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete_record\" class=\"button pure-button delete_button pure-button-warning\" value=\"" . _("Delete Forever!") . "\">";
     echo "</div></div>\n        <div class=\"pluslet\">\n      <div class=\"titlebar\">\n        <div class=\"titlebar_text\"></div>\n        <div class=\"titlebar_options\"></div>\n      </div>\n      <div class=\"pluslet_body\">\n            <label for=\"date\">" . _("Create Date") . "</label>\n            <input type=\"text\" name=\"date\" value=\"" . $this->_date . "\" />\n            <span class=\"smaller\">" . "YYYY-MM-DD" . "</span>\n            <br /><br />\n            {$is_live}\n            </div></div>\n            </form>";
     makePluslet(_("Thumbnail"), $thumbnail, "no_overflow");
Пример #13
// Sources
$querierDept = new Querier();
$qSource = "select source_id, source, rs from source order by rs, source";
$sourceArray = $querierDept->query($qSource);
foreach ($sourceArray as $value) {
    $ourlist .= "<li id=\"item-{$value['0']}\" class=\"sortable_item\" style=\"margin-bottom: .5em;\"><a id=\"delete-{$value['0']}\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\" title=\"" . _("Remove") . "\"></i></a> &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"source[]\" value=\"{$value['1']}\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"source_id[]\" value=\"{$value['0']}\" /></li>";
$source_box = "\n<form id=\"sources\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<button class=\"button\" id=\"save_guide\"  class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" style=\"display: block;\" name=\"update_sources\" >" . _("SAVE CHANGES") . "</button>\n\n<p>" . _("Enter source type label.  Drag sources to change sort order.") . "</p>\n<br />\n\n<ul id=\"sortable-\" class=\"sortable_list\">\n{$ourlist}\n</ul>\n</form>\n";
$add_source_box = "\n<form id=\"new_source\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<span class=\"record_label\">" . _("Source Name") . "</span><br />\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"source\" id=\"\" size=\"40\" class=\"\" value=\"\">\n<br /><br />\n<button class=\"button\" id=\"add_source\" name=\"add_source\">" . _("Add New Source") . "</button>\n</form>";
print feedBack($feedback);
print "\n\n<form id=\"sources\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">\n";
makePluslet(_("Sources"), $source_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>\n<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Add Source"), $add_source_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "</div>";
// close pure
include "../includes/footer.php";
<script type="text/javascript">
 jQuery(function() {

   // Make "Save Changes" button appear on sorting
   // connectWith: '.sort-column',
Пример #14
$staff_drop_close = "</select>\n";
$staff_dropdown = $staff_drop_base . $staff_drop_vals . $staff_drop_close;
$staff_dropdown_ticks = $staff_drop_ticks . $staff_drop_vals . $staff_drop_close;
// Get all the guide types into a dropdown
$type_drop_base = "<select name=\"filter_type_id\" id=\"filter_by_type\">\n\n<option value=\"All\">" . _("All") . "</option>\n";
$type_drop_ticks = "<select name=\"filter_type_id\" id=\"filter_by_type_ticked\">\n";
$type_drop_vals = "\n<option value=\"\" class=\"guide-status\">" . _("~~Guide Status~~") . "</option>\n\n<option value=\"Public\">" . _("Public") . "</option>\n\n<option value=\"Hidden\">" . _("Hidden") . "</option>\n\n<option value=\"Suppressed\">" . _("Suppressed") . "</option>\n\n<option value=\"\" class=\"guide-status\">" . _("~~Guide Types~~") . "</option>\n";
foreach ($guide_types as $key => $value) {
    $type_drop_vals .= "<option value=\"{$key}\">{$value}</option>\n";
$type_drop_close = "</select>\n";
$type_dropdown = $type_drop_base . $type_drop_vals . $type_drop_close;
$type_dropdown_ticks = $type_drop_ticks . $type_drop_vals . $type_drop_close;
$mg_box = "\n\n<div class=\"tick-wrap\"  style=\"padding: 1em 10px;\">\n\t<span class=\"filter\" id=\"ticked_label\">" . _("Ticked Guides") . "</span>\n\t<span class=\"filter\">" . _("Show Guides By") . " {$staff_dropdown}</span>\n\t<span class=\"filter\">" . _("Show") . " {$type_dropdown}</span>\n</div>\n\n\n<div id=\"tickzone\" style=\"display: none;padding: 1em 10px;\"><span class=\"filter_ticks\" >" . _("Assign to ") . " {$staff_dropdown_ticks}</span><span class=\"filter_ticks\" > Change To {$type_dropdown_ticks}</span><span class=\"filter_ticks\" id=\"tick_forget\">Never Mind</span></div>\n</div>\n<div id=\"listing_space\" style=\" \">\n{$staff_list}\n</div>\n</div>\n";
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Manage Guides"), $mg_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div></div>";
include "../includes/footer.php";

<script type="text/javascript">

$(function (){

$('#filter_by_type').livequery('change', function() {
	var type_text = $('#filter_by_type :selected').text();
	$("#listing_space").load("admin_bits.php", {action: 'guide_type', filter_key: type_text});

$('#filter_by_staff').livequery('change', function() {
	var staff_id = $('#filter_by_staff :selected').val();
Пример #15
 public function outputRelatedPluslets()
     global $BaseURL;
     $db = new Querier();
     $q = "SELECT sub.subject_id, p.pluslet_id, t.tab_index, p.title, sub.subject\n\t\t\tFROM pluslet p\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN pluslet_section ps\n\t\t\tON p.pluslet_id = ps.pluslet_id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN section s\n\t\t\tON ps.section_id = s.section_id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN tab t\n\t\t\tON s.tab_id = t.tab_id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN subject sub\n\t\t\tON t.subject_id = sub.subject_id\n\t\t\tWHERE p.body LIKE '%{{dab},{{$this->_record_id}}%'";
     $lobjRows = $db->query($q);
     $lstrBody = "";
     foreach ($lobjRows as $lobjRow) {
         $lstrBody .= "<div><a href=\"{$BaseURL}control/guides/guide.php?subject_id={$lobjRow['subject_id']}#box-{$lobjRow['tab_index']}-{$lobjRow['pluslet_id']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$lobjRow['subject']} <span class=\"small_extra\">{$lobjRow['title']}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a></div>";
     makePluslet('Referenced in Pluslets', $lstrBody, 'no-overflow');
Пример #16
$all_guides .= "\n<form method=\"get\" action=\"manage_items.php\" name=\"form\">\n<select name=\"subject_id\" size=\"1\">\n<option value=\"\">" . _("-- Choose Guide --") . "</option>\n{$subs_option_boxes}\n</select>\n<br /><br />\n<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Submit") . "\" />\n</form>";
$manage_all_box = "<p>" . _("Use this to organize which items are associated with a record, and thus displayed in 'All Items by Source' box.") . "</p>\n{$all_guides}\n<br />\n<p><i class=\"fa fa-pencil fa-lg\" alt=\"" . _("Edit icon") . "\"></i> " . _("Note: You can also do this in a guide, by clicking on the pencil icon for an 'All Items by Source' box.") . "</p>\n<div id=\"test_url\"></div>";
// Uploads Box //
$uploads_box = "<p>" . _("Highlighted items are orphans.  Pity the orphans!") . "</p>";
// Allow admin to see all
if (isset($_SESSION["admin"]) && $_SESSION["admin"] == 1) {
    $uploads_box .= "<p>" . _("Admin Tip: add ?view=all to this page's URL to see all users' items.") . "</p>";
$uploads_box .= "<br />{$file_list}";
// Print out //
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-1-2\">  \n  ";
makePluslet(_("Manage your Uploads"), $uploads_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-2\">";
makePluslet(_("Manage All Items by Source"), $manage_all_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "</div>";
// close pure
include "../includes/footer.php";
// functions used in the non-find option
// two functions from http://php.net/manual/en/function.readdir.php
// used for recursively reading directories
function listdir($dir = '.')
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        return false;
Пример #17
$tbArrayYes = $querierTBYES->query($qTBYES);
$tb_yes_answer = genTalkBacks($tbArrayYes, 1);
// Prepare layout
$tb_body = "\n  <p>" . _("Show:") . $show_links . "</p>\n  <p>" . _("Site Filter:") . $filters . "</p>\n  <p>" . _("Topic Filter:") . $cat_filters . "</p>\n  <br /><br />\n   {$tb_yes_answer}\n";
// Show Results
$about_tb_body = "\n<p>" . _("TalkBack questions come via the web form on the public TalkBack page. An email should be sent to the admin when a new one arrives, and they may be answered here.") . "</p>\n<br />\n    <ul>\n    <li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$TalkBackPath}\">" . _("TalkBack Public Page") . "</a></li>\n</ul>\n";
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">  \n  ";
makePluslet(_("View and Answer TalkBacks"), $tb_body, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-2-3
print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("About TalkBack"), $about_tb_body, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-1-3
print "</div>";
// close pure-g
include "../includes/footer.php";
// genTalkBacks
// format our tb data
function genTalkBacks($tbArray, $show_response = 1)
    global $IconPath;
    $row_count1 = 0;
    $row_count2 = 0;
    $colour1 = "evenrow";
Пример #18
} else {
    $faq_list = "<p>" . _("No FAQs yet.  Why not dream one up?") . "</p>";
$faq_body = "<p><strong>{$row_count1} " . _("FAQs visible");
if (!isset($limit) || $limit != "all") {
    $faq_body .= " (<a href=\"index.php?limit=all\">" . _("See All") . "</a>)";
$faq_body .= "</strong></p>" . $faq_list;
<div class="pure-g">
  <div class="pure-u-2-3">  

makePluslet(_("View FAQs"), $faq_body, "no_overflow");

  <div class="pure-u-1-3">  
    <div class="pluslet">
      <div class="titlebar">
        <div class="titlebar_text"><?php 
print _("Create FAQ");
        <div class="titlebar_options"></div>
      <div class="topimage"></div>
      <div class="pluslet_body">
        <p><a href="faq.php?faq_id=&amp;wintype=pop" class="showmedium-reloader"><?php 
Пример #19
$qDept = "select department_id, name, telephone, department_sort, email, url from department order by department_sort";
$deptArray = $querierDept->query($qDept);
$ourlist = "";
foreach ($deptArray as $value) {
    $ourlist .= "<li id=\"item-{$value['0']}\" class=\"sortable_item department-sortable\"><a id=\"delete-{$value['0']}\"><img src=\"{$IconPath}/delete.png\" class=\"pointer\" /></a>\n  &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"dept[]\" value=\"{$value['1']}\" /> \n  &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"tel[]\" value=\"{$value['2']}\" /> \n  &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"20\" name=\"email[]\" value=\"{$value['4']}\" />\n  &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"20\" name=\"url[]\" value=\"{$value['5']}\" />\n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dept_id[]\" value=\"{$value['0']}\" /></li>";
$dept_box = "\n<p>" . _("Enter department name, telephone number, email, website url.  Drag departments to change display order.") . "</p>\n<button id=\"save_guide\" class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" style=\"display: block;\" name=\"update_departments\" >" . _("SAVE CHANGES") . "</button>\n<form id=\"departments\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n\n<ul id=\"sortable-\" class=\"sortable_list\">\n{$ourlist}\n</ul>\n</form>";
$add_dept_box = "<form id=\"new_department\" action=\"\" class=\"pure-form pure-form-stacked\" method=\"post\">\n<label for=\"department\">" . _("Department Name") . "</label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"department\" id=\"\" size=\"40\" value=\"\">\n\n<label for=\"telephone\">" . _("Telephone") . "</label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"telephone\" id=\"\" size=\"10\" value=\"\">\n\n<label for=\"email\">" . _("Email") . "</label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" id=\"\" size=\"20\" value=\"\">\n\n<label for=\"url\">" . _("Website") . "</label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" id=\"\" size=\"40\" value=\"\">\n<p></p>\n<button class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" id=\"add_dept\" name=\"add_department\" >" . _("Add New Department") . "</button>\n</form>";
$view_depts_box = "<ul>\n<li><a href=\"{$PublicPath}" . "/staff.php?letter=By Department\" target=\"_blank\">" . _("Staff by Department") . "</a></li>\n</ul>";
print feedBack($feedback);
print "<div class=\"sort_feedback\"></div>";
print "\n\n<form id=\"departments\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">\n";
makePluslet(_("Departments"), $dept_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>\n<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Add Department"), $add_dept_box, "no_overflow");
makePluslet(_("View Live!"), $view_depts_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-
print "</div>";
// close pure
include "../includes/footer.php";
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

        // Make "Save Changes" button appear on sorting
        // connectWith: '.sort-column',
Пример #20
$recent_activity = seeRecentChanges("", 20);
$users_box = "<ul>\n            <li><a href=\"user.php?type=add\">" . _("Add New User") . "</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"user.php?browse\">" . _("Browse Users") . "</a></li>\n        </ul>";
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">  \n  ";
makePluslet(_("Users"), $users_box, "no_overflow");
$map_box = "<p>" . _("Note:  This is potentially confidential stuff.") . "</p>\n        <ul>\n            <li><a href=\"staff_map.php\">" . _("View Map of Staff Addresses") . "</a></li>\n        </ul>";
makepluslet(_("Staff Map"), $map_box, "no_overflow");
$guides_box = "<ul>\n            <li><a href=\"manage_guides.php\">" . _("Manage Guides") . "</a></li>";
if ($use_disciplines == TRUE) {
    $guides_box .= '<li><a href="disciplines.php">' . _("Manage Disciplines") . '</a></li>';
$guides_box .= "</ul>";
makepluslet(_("Guides"), $guides_box, "no_overflow");
$departments_box = "\n<ul>\n    <li><a href=\"departments.php\">" . _("Browse/Add New Department") . "</a></li>\n</ul>";
makepluslet(_("Departments"), $departments_box, "no_overflow");
$sources_box = "<ul>\n            <li><a href=\"sources.php\">" . _("Add New Source Type") . "</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"../guides/link_checker.php?type=records\">" . _("Check All Records' Links") . "</a></li>\n        </ul>";
makepluslet(_("Record Source Types"), $sources_box, "no_overflow");
$faq_box = "<ul>\n            <li><a href=\"faq_collections.php\">" . _("Browse/Add FAQ Collections") . "</a></li>\n        </ul>";
makepluslet(_("FAQ Collections"), $faq_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-1-3
print "<div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Recent Activity"), $recent_activity, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-2-3
print "</div>";
// close pure

include "../includes/footer.php";
Пример #21
echo $IconPath;
/required.png"  class="bullet" alt="bullet"/> <a href="includes/set_password.php?staff_id=<?php 
print $_SESSION["staff_id"];
" id="reset_password">Reset Password </a></p>
print $mod_bio;
print $mod_photo;
print $view_contact_info;
$our_faves = "<ul>\n  <li><a href=\"records/record.php\">" . _("Create New Record") . "</a></li>\n  <li><a href=\"guides/metadata.php\">" . _("Create New Guide") . "</a></li>\n  <li><a href=\"faq/f*g.php\">" . _("Create New FAQ") . "</a></li>\n  </ul>";
print makePluslet(_("Favourites"), $our_faves);
  <div class="pluslet">
    <div class="titlebar">
      <div class="titlebar_text"><?php 
print _("Background Options");
      <div class="titlebar_options"></div>
    <div class="topimage"></div>
    <div class="pluslet_body">
      <span id="bg_feedback" class="feedback"></span>
foreach ($all_bgs as $value) {
Пример #22
 public function checkVisibility()
     global $BaseURL;
     switch ($this->_active) {
         case 0:
             //direct URL so return true for hidden or public
         //direct URL so return true for hidden or public
         case 1:
             return TRUE;
         case 2:
             //suppressed so check ptag guide and is logged in
             if (isset($_SESSION['staff_id']) && isset($_SESSION['records']) && $_SESSION['records'] == 1) {
                 return TRUE;
             } else {
                 global $AssetPath;
                 $page_title = 'Guide Unavailable';
                 $body = 'This guide is currently unavailable. It may be under maintenance, or just resting.<br />';
                 $body .= '<a href="index.php">Find another guide.</a>';
                 include dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/subjects/includes/header.php";
                 makePluslet('Guide Not Public', $body, "no_overflow");
                 return FALSE;
             //not implemented to redirect to index page
             return FALSE;
Пример #23
    $colour1 = "oddrow";
    $colour2 = "evenrow";
    if ($full_result) {
        foreach ($full_result as $myrow) {
            $label = $myrow[0];
            $url = $myrow[2];
            $blurb = $myrow[1];
            $id = $myrow[4];
            $row_colour = $row_count % 2 ? $colour1 : $colour2;
            // weed out extraneous P tags
            $blurb = stripP($blurb);
            $results .= "<div class=\"record-results {$row_colour}\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"{$IconPath}/required.png\" alt=\"bullet\" /> <a href=\"record.php?record_id={$id}\" class=\"record-label\">{$label}</a>\n";
            $results .= "</div>\n";
// let's put it together
$letter_header_body = "<div align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 1.2em;\">{$atoz}</div>\n\n<div align=\"center\" class=\"ctag_list\">{$tag_list}</div>\n<h2 align=\"center\">{$alpha_id}</h2>\n{$results}\n\n";
$new_record_body = " \n  <ol>\n    <li>" . _("Make sure the item doesn't already exist!") . "</li>\n    <li><a href=\"record.php\">" . _("Create new item") . "</a></li>\n  </ol>";
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">  \n  ";
makePluslet(_("Browse Records"), $letter_header_body, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-2-3
print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("New Record"), $new_record_body, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-1-3
print "</div>";
// close pure-g
include "../includes/footer.php";
Пример #24
  <div class="pluslet no_overflow">
    <div class="titlebar">
      <div class="titlebar_text"><?php 
print _("Search Subject Guides, Database Records, Staff List, FAQs, etc.");
      <div class="titlebar_options"></div>
    <div class="pluslet_body">

makePluslet($subtitle, $search_result, "no_overflow");

    <div class="pure-u-1-2">


//print "<pre>";
include "includes/footer.php";
Пример #25
// Add header now
include "includes/header.php";
// put together our main result display
$guide_results = "";
if (isset($_GET["d"])) {
    $guide_results = listGuideCollections($_GET["d"]);
} else {
    // Default collection listing
    $intro = "<p></p>";
    //$guide_list = listGuides($search, $view_type);
    $guide_results = listCollections($search);
$layout = makePluslet("", $guide_results, "", "", FALSE);
// End CHC hack
// Now we are finally read to display the page
<br />
<div class="pure-g" id="guidesplash">
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-2-3" id="listguides">
print $layout;


    <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-3">
Пример #26
                    $staff_list .= "{$staff['2']}, {$staff['1']}";
                } else {
                    $staff_list .= "{$staff['3']}";
                $staff_list .= "</a></div>\n                <div id=\"user-{$staff['0']}\" class=\"{$row_colour} striper\">{$these_tags} {$button}<span></span>\n                </div>";
        $staff_list .= "";
        makePluslet($value[1], $staff_list, "no_overflow");
    //print $staff_list;
    print "</div>\n    <div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
    // time to give some help
    $privs_blurb = _("Select which parts of SubjectsPlus this user may access.\n                <p><strong>records</strong> allows access to both the Record and Guide tabs.\n                <p><strong>eresource_mgr</strong> allows the user to see all the information about a Record (and delete it), and quickly see all guides.\n                <p><strong>admin</strong> allows access to the overall admin of the site.\n                <p><strong>librarian</strong> means user shows up in lists of librarians.\n                <p><strong>supervisor</strong> means user shows up in list of supervisors\n                <p><strong>view_map</strong> lets user see the map of where everyone lives.  Probably only for muckymucks.  Might not be implemented on your site; check wiki for help.\n                ");
    makePluslet(_("On Privilege"), $privs_blurb, "no_overflow");
    print "</div>";
    include "../includes/footer.php";

<script type="text/javascript">
        /* ptags     */

        $("span[class*=ctag-]").livequery('click', function() {

            var all_tags = "";

            // change to other class
Пример #27
    foreach ($resultArray as $value) {
        $ourlist .= "<p id=\"item-{$value['0']}\" style=\"margin-bottom: 1em;\"><a id=\"delete-{$value['0']}\"><img src=\"{$IconPath}/delete.png\" class=\"pointer\" /></a> &nbsp; <input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"name[]\" value=\"{$value['1']}\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"faqpage_id[]\" value=\"{$value['0']}\" /></p>";
$collection_box = "<form id=\"sources\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<p>" . _("Edit label or delete collection.") . "</p>\n{$ourlist}\n</form>";
$add_collection_box = "<form id=\"new_collection\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<span class=\"record_label\">" . _("Collection Name") . "</span><br />\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"new_coll_name\" id=\"\" size=\"40\" class=\"required_field\" value=\"\">\n<br /><br />\n<button class=\"button pure-button pure-button-primary\" id=\"add_collection\" name=\"add_collection\">" . _("Add New Collection") . "</button>\n</form>\n<div>";
// Print 'er out
echo feedBack($feedback);
print "\n<div class=\"pure-g\">\n  <div class=\"pure-u-2-3\">  \n";
makePluslet(_("Current Collections"), $collection_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-2-3
print "<div class=\"pure-u-1-3\">";
makePluslet(_("Add Collection"), $add_collection_box, "no_overflow");
print "</div>";
// close pure-u-1-3
print "</div>";
// close pure-g
include "../includes/footer.php";
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

        $('a[id*=delete-]').livequery('click', function(event) {

            var delete_id = $(this).attr("id").split("-");
            var item_id = delete_id[1];