Пример #1
 function handleTallyReq($voterReq)
     switch ($voterReq['cmd']) {
         // TODO throw an error if cmd is not set
         case 'getWinners':
             $winners = array();
             foreach ($this->elConfig['questions'] as $question) {
                 $completeElectionId = makeCompleteElectionId($this->elConfig['electionId'], $question['questionID']);
                 $pseudoVoterReq = array('electionId' => $completeElectionId);
                 $allvotesTmp = parent::getAllVotesEvent($pseudoVoterReq);
                 $allVotes = $allvotesTmp['data']['allVotes'];
                 $winners[$question['questionID']] = $this->GetResultMain($allVotes, $question['tallyData'], $question['options']);
             $result = array('cmd' => 'showWinners', 'data' => $winners);
             return $result;
         case 'getStatistic':
             // get the array of questions from the requested questionId or return all questions
             if (isset($voterReq['questionID'])) {
                 // return the result statistics for the requested question only
                 if (is_array($voterReq['questionID'])) {
                     $questionIds = $voterReq['questionID'];
                 } else {
                     $questionIds[] = $voterReq['questionID'];
                 // just a single question requested
                 foreach ($questionIds as $questionId) {
                     if (!(is_int($questionId) || is_string($questionId))) {
                         WrongRequestException::throwException(85657, 'The questionID must be an int, a string or an array of integers resp. strings', print_r($voterReq, true));
                     $key = find_in_subarray($this->elConfig['questions'], 'questionID', $questionId);
                     if ($key === false) {
                         WrongRequestException::throwException(85658, 'The questionID you requested does not exist', print_r($questionId, true));
                     $questions[] = $this->elConfig['questions'][$key];
             } else {
                 $questions = $this->elConfig['questions'];
             // return the result statistics for all questions
             // generate statistics
             $resultStat = array();
             foreach ($questions as $question) {
                 $completeElectionId = makeCompleteElectionId($this->elConfig['electionId'], $question['questionID']);
                 $pseudoVoterReq = array('electionId' => $completeElectionId);
                 $allvotesTmp = parent::getAllVotesEvent($pseudoVoterReq);
                 $allVotes = $allvotesTmp['data']['allVotes'];
                 $allOptionIDs = $this->getAllOptionIDs($question['options']);
                 $resultStat[$question['questionID']] = $this->GetResultStat($allVotes, $allOptionIDs, $question['tallyData']['scheme']);
             $result = array('cmd' => 'showStatistic', 'data' => $resultStat);
             return $result;
             return parent::handleTallyReq($voterReq);
Пример #2
 function verifyBallots($voterReq, $blindedHashesFromDB)
     // $voterReq: .ballots[] .electionId .VoteId   //.blindedHash[] .serversAlreadySigned[]
     //contains an array saying the x-th server has to sign y ballots
     // verify if user is allowed to vote and status of communication (done: pickBallots, next: signBallots) is correct
     // verify content of the ballot
     // verify if the correct number of ballots was sent: if (count($voterReq["ballots"]) != $this->numVerifyBallots) { WrongRequestException::throwException('not the correct number of ballots sent'); }
     $tmpret = array();
     if ($voterReq['electionId'] != $this->electionId) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(210, 'Error: electionID is wrong', "expected electionID: {$this->electionId}, received electionID in ballot {$i}: " . $voterReq['ballots'][$i]['electionId']);
     if (!isset($voterReq['questions']) || !is_array($voterReq['questions'])) {
         WrongRequestException::throwException(223, "Error: questions must be set and an array", print_r($voterReq, true));
     for ($q = 0; $q < count($voterReq['questions']); $q++) {
         if (!isset($voterReq["questions"][$q]['questionID']) || !(is_int($voterReq["questions"][$q]['questionID']) || is_string($voterReq["questions"][$q]['questionID']))) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(227, 'Error: verifyBallots(): missing questionID or it is not of type int', $q);
         $qno = find_in_subarray($voterReq["questions"], 'questionID', $blindedHashesFromDB['blindedHashes']['questions'][$q]['questionID']);
         if ($qno === false) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(237, 'Error: All questions must be disclosed', 'Number in question array for which no questionID was found in voterrequest: ' . $q);
         if (!isset($voterReq['questions'][$q]['ballots']) || !is_array($voterReq['questions'][$q]['ballots'])) {
             WrongRequestException::throwException(224, "/questions[].['ballots']/ must be set and of type array", print_r($voterReq, true));
         foreach ($blindedHashesFromDB['requestedBallots']['questions'][$q]['picked'] as $p) {
             $i = find_in_subarray($voterReq['questions'][$q]['ballots'], 'ballotno', $p);
             if ($i === false) {
                 WrongRequestException::throwException(211, "A picked Ballot was not sent", "verifyBallots: not sent ballot: {$p}");
             $curVoterBallot = $voterReq["questions"][$qno]["ballots"][$i];
             if (!isset($curVoterBallot['unblindf']) || !is_string($curVoterBallot['unblindf'])) {
                 WrongRequestException::throwException(225, 'Error: /unblindf/ must be set and of type /string/', print_r($curVoterBallot, true));
             // verify if the sent ballot was requested
             //	$kw = array_search($curVoterBallot['ballotno'], $blindedHashesFromDB['requestedBallots']['questions'][$q]['picked']);
             //	if ($kw === false) WrongRequestException::throwException(211, "A Ballot was sent for verification purpose that was not requested", "verifyBallots: not requested ballot: " . $voterReq['ballots'][$i]['ballotno'] . "requested ballots: " . print_r($blindedHashesFromDB['requestedBallots'], true));
             //	$requestedballots['sent'][$kw] = true;
             //	}
             // verify hash
             $str = $this->ballot2strForSig($curVoterBallot, makeCompleteElectionId($this->electionId, $blindedHashesFromDB['blindedHashes']['questions'][$q]['questionID']));
             $blindedHashFromDatabase = $blindedHashesFromDB['blindedHashes']['questions'][$q]['ballots'][$curVoterBallot['ballotno']]['blindedHash'];
             $unblindf = $curVoterBallot['unblindf'];
             $hashOk = $this->crypt->verifyBlindedHash($str, $unblindf, $blindedHashFromDatabase);
             if (!($hashOk === true)) {
                 WrongRequestException::throwException(212, "Error: hash wrong", "hash from signature: " . $verifyHash->toHex() . "calculated hash: {$hashByMe}");
             // verify sigs from previous servers .ballots.sigs: .sig(encryptet previous sig or hash if first sig) .sigBy (name of the signing server in order to identify the correct public key)
             $sigsOk = false;
             if (isset($curVoterBallot['sigs'])) {
                 $sigsOk = $this->crypt->verifySigs($str, $curVoterBallot['sigs']);
             } else {
                 $sigsOk = true;
             // no sigs there
             $tmpret[$i] = $hashOk === true && $sigsOk === true;
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $ret = $tmpret[$i] === true;
             } else {
                 $ret = $ret === true && $tmpret[$i] === true;
             // TODO verify if votingId is unique
             // load $allvotingno from database
             // if (array_search($raw['votingno'], $allvotingno) == false) {$e = WrongRequestException::throwException... error("Voting number allocated"); return $e;}
         // verify if all requested ballots were sent
         /*		for ($i=0; $i<count($requestedballots["num"]); $i++) {
         			 if (! $requestedballots['sent']) {
         			$e = throwExeption...("Not all requested ballots were sent for verification. Ballots $requestedballots[num][$i] is missing.");
         // array($tmpret, $hashByMe, $unblindethashFromDatabaseStr);
         if ($q == 0) {
             $retQ = $ret;
         } else {
             $retQ = $retQ === true && $ret === true;
     return $retQ;