the_post(); /* Pre-load meta data into variables */ $sidebar_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'sidebar-color'); $sidebar_text_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'sidebar-text-color'); $header_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'header-color'); $body_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'body-color'); $text_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'page-text-color'); $headline_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'headline-color'); $logo = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'logo'); $sidebar = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'sidebar'); $social_display = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'display-social'); $bg_image = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'bg-image'); $mobile_form = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'mobile-form'); $submit_button_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'submit-button-color'); $content = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'main-content'); $conversion_area = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'conversion-area-content'); // Convert Hex to RGB Value for submit button function Hex_2_RGB($hex) { $hex = preg_replace("/#/", "", $hex); $color = array(); if (strlen($hex) == 3) { $color['r'] = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 1) . $r); $color['g'] = hexdec(substr($hex, 1, 1) . $g); $color['b'] = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 1) . $b); } else { if (strlen($hex) == 6) { $color['r'] = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)); $color['g'] = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)); $color['b'] = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)); }
/* Include ACF Field Definitions */ include_once LANDINGPAGES_PATH . 'templates/' . $key . '/config.php'; /* Define Landing Pages's custom pre-load hook for 3rd party plugin integration */ do_action('lp_init'); /* Load $post data and start normal WordPress Loop */ if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $content = get_field('simple-solid-lite-main-content', $post->ID, false); $conversion_area = get_field('simple-solid-lite-conversion-area-content', $post->ID, false); $header = get_field('simple-solid-lite-header-display', $post->ID, false); $footer = get_field('simple-solid-lite-footer-display', $post->ID, false); $background_style = get_field('simple-solid-lite-background-style', $post->ID, false); $logo = get_field('simple-solid-lite-logo', $post->ID, false); /* needs to be false for acf lite users */ $old_logo = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'logo'); $logo = $logo ? $logo : $old_logo; $background_image = get_field('simple-solid-lite-background-image', $post->ID, false); /* needs to be false for acf lite users */ $background_color = get_field('simple-solid-lite-background-color', $post->ID, false); $submit_color = get_field('simple-solid-lite-submit-color', $post->ID, false); $social_media_options = get_field('simple-solid-lite-social-media-options', $post->ID, false); $copyright_text = get_field('simple-solid-lite-copyright-text', $post->ID, false); if ($background_style === "fullscreen") { $bg_style = 'background: url(' . $background_image . ') no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' . $background_image . '", sizingMethod="scale"); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' . $background_image . '", sizingMethod="scale")";';
function lp_main_headline($post = null, $headline = null, $return = false) { if (!isset($post)) { global $post; } if (!$headline) { $main_headline = lp_get_value($post, 'lp', 'main-headline'); $main_headline = apply_filters('lp_main_headline', $main_headline, $post); if (!$return) { echo $main_headline; } else { return $main_headline; } } else { $main_headline = apply_filters('lp_main_headline', $main_headline, $post); if (!$return) { echo $headline; } else { return $headline; } } }
if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); /* Pre-load meta data into variables */ $content = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'main-content'); $conversion_area = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'conversion-area-content'); $content_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'content-color'); $body_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'body-color'); $sidebar_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'sidebar-color'); $text_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'content-text-color'); $sidebar_text_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'sidebar-text-color'); $headline_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'headline-color'); $logo = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'logo'); $sidebar = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'sidebar'); $social_display = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'display-social'); $submit_button_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'submit-button-color'); // Get Colorscheme $submit_color_scheme = inbound_color_scheme($submit_button_color, 'int'); // Get lighter submit color $top_grad_submit = inbound_color($submit_color_scheme, 35); $RBG_array = inbound_Hex_2_RGB($submit_button_color); $red = $RBG_array['r']; $green = $RBG_array["g"]; $blue = $RBG_array["b"]; $RBG_array_1 = inbound_Hex_2_RGB($top_grad_submit); $red_1 = $RBG_array_1['r']; $green_1 = $RBG_array_1["g"]; $blue_1 = $RBG_array_1["b"]; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"><head profile=""><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
the_post(); /* Pre-load meta data into variables */ $content = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'main-content'); $conversion_area = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'conversion-area-content'); // Text color: Use this setting to change the Text Color $text_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'text-color'); // Content color: Use this setting to change the Content BG Color $content_background = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'content-background'); // Form Text color: Use this setting to change the Form Text Color $form_text_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'form-text-color'); // Background Settings: Use this setting to change the Text Color $background_style = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'background-style'); // Background Image: Use this setting to change the Text Color $background_image = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'background-image'); // Background Color: Use this setting to change the Text Color $background_color = lp_get_value($post, $key, 'background-color'); if ($background_style === "fullscreen") { $bg_style = 'background: url(' . $background_image . ') no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' . $background_image . '", sizingMethod="scale"); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' . $background_image . '", sizingMethod="scale")";'; } else { if ($background_style === "color") { $bg_style = 'background: #' . $background_color . ';'; } else { if ($background_style === "tile") { $bg_style = 'background: url(' . $background_image . ') repeat; '; } else {
// Main Content ?> </div> </div> <div class="form inbound_the_conversion_area" data-eq-selector=".cf.container .form:eq(0)" data-count-size="1" data-css-selector=".cf.container .form" data-js-selector=".cf.container .form"><?php echo do_shortcode($conversion_area); // Conversion Area ?> </div> <div class="cf"></div> </section> <footer class=""> <div class="foot-left inbound_option_area" data-eq-selector=".cf.container .foot-left:eq(0)" data-count-size="1" data-css-selector=".cf.container .foot-left" data-js-selector=".cf.container .foot-left" data-option-name="Copyright Text" data-option-kind="text" inbound-option-name="Copyright Text"><?php echo lp_get_value($post, $key, "copyright-text"); ?> </div> <div class="cf"></div> </footer> <div id="inbound-template-name" style="display:none;">Simple-Solid</div> <?php break; } } do_action('lp_footer'); wp_footer(); ?> </body></html>