function getCloudService($jsonParams) { $arg1 = 'providername'; $accountprovider = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; $arg1 = 'domain'; $domain = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; $arg10 = 'cloudproviders'; $cloudproviders = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $providerArray = json_decode($cloudproviders); $subscriptionid = "subscriptionid"; $subscrid = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$subscriptionid}; loghandler(DEBUG, "Subscription id:" . $subscrid); $certpath = "ServiceManagementAPICertificate"; $certfpath = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$certpath}; loghandler(DEBUG, "Certificate path:" . $certfpath); //$connectionString="SubscriptionID=".$subscrid.";CertificatePath=/var/cloudbox/azurecer/mycert.pem"; $connectionString = "SubscriptionID=" . $subscrid . ";CertificatePath=/var/cloudbox/" . $domain . "/data/keys/" . $certfpath; loghandler(DEBUG, "Connection String:" . $connectionString); try { $serviceManagementRestProxy = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createServiceManagementService($connectionString); return $serviceManagementRestProxy; } catch (Exception $se) { $message = $se->getMessage(); trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } return null; }
function getAWSService($region, $accprov) { $providerArray = json_decode($this->getAppContext()->getCloudproviders()); $awsacesskey = $providerArray->{$accprov}->accessKey; $secretkey = $providerArray->{$accprov}->secretKey; try { loghandler(DEBUG, "Creating service factory"); //echo "\ncreating service factory ....................:"; $aws = Aws::factory(array('key' => $awsacesskey, 'secret' => $secretkey, 'region' => $region)); loghandler(DEBUG, "Got service factory"); return $aws; } catch (Exception $se) { $message = $se->getMessage(); trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } return null; }
function getService($jsonParams) { $arg10 = 'cloudproviders'; $cloudproviders = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $cloudproviders = json_decode($cloudproviders); $arg1 = 'providername'; $provname = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; loghandler(DEBUG, "Provider Name: " . $provname); $provtype = "providerType"; if ($provname != null && strlen(trim($provname)) > 0) { $type = $cloudproviders->{$provname}->{$provtype}; // $type="amazon"; loghandler(DEBUG, "ProviderType: " . $type); switch ($type) { case "amazon": require_once 'AWS/AWSServiceProvider.php'; $awsService = new AWSServiceProvider(); $cloudService = $awsService->getCloudService($jsonParams); return $cloudService; case "azure": require_once 'Azure/AzureServiceManagementProvider.php'; $azureService = new AzureServiceManagementProvider(); $cloudService = $azureService->getCloudService($jsonParams); return $cloudService; case "vchs": require_once 'VMWare/VMWareServiceProvider.php'; $vmwareService = new VMWareServiceProvider(); $cloudService = $vmwareService->getCloudService($jsonParams); return $cloudService; case "VSO": require_once 'VSO/VSOServiceProvider.php'; $vsoService = new VSOServiceProvider(); $cloudService = $vsoService->getCloudService($jsonParams); return $cloudService; case "Jenkins": require_once 'Jenkins/JenkinsServiceProvider.php'; $jenService = new JenkinsServiceProvider(); $cloudService = $jenService->getCloudService($jsonParams); return $cloudService; } } else { return null; } }
function getCloudService($jsonParams) { $arg1 = 'providername'; $accountprovider = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; loghandler(INFO, "Connecting to provider:" . $accountprovider); $arg10 = 'cloudproviders'; $cloudproviders = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $providerArray = json_decode($cloudproviders); $password = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->password; $username = "******"; $user = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$username}; $serverurl = "serverURL"; $serverurl = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$serverurl}; $serv = new VSOService(); $serv->setUserName($user); $serv->setPassword($password); $serv->setServiceURL($serverurl); return $serv; }
function getCloudService($jsonParams) { $arg1 = 'providername'; $accountprovider = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; $arg10 = 'region'; $region = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $arg10 = 'cloudproviders'; $cloudproviders = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $providerArray = json_decode($cloudproviders); $awsacesskey = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->accessKey; $secretkey = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->secretKey; try { loghandler(DEBUG, "Creating service factory"); $aws = Aws::factory(array('key' => $awsacesskey, 'secret' => $secretkey, 'region' => $region)); loghandler(DEBUG, "Got service factory"); return $aws; } catch (Exception $se) { $message = $se->getMessage(); trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } return null; }
/** * This method process plugin input to retreive the provider details. * @param $jsonParams Input parameters to the plugin in json format. * @return array $integrationdetails Array containing credentials to connect to the provider. * */ function getService($jsonParams) { $arg10 = 'cloudproviders'; $cloudproviders = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $cloudproviders = json_decode($cloudproviders); $arg1 = 'providername'; $provname = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; loghandler(DEBUG, "Provider Name: " . $provname); $provtype = "providerType"; if ($provname != null && strlen(trim($provname)) > 0) { $regfields = $cloudproviders->{$provname}; // $integration= file_get_contents("integration.json"); // $integration=json_decode($integration); // $regfields= $integration->$type->registrationFields; $integrationdetails = array(); foreach ($regfields as $key => $value) { $integrationdetails[$key] = $cloudproviders->{$provname}->{$key}; } return $integrationdetails; } else { return null; } }
function getCloudService($jsonParams) { $arg1 = 'providername'; $accountprovider = $jsonParams->{$arg1}; loghandler(INFO, "Connecting to provider:" . $accountprovider); $arg10 = 'cloudproviders'; $cloudproviders = $jsonParams->{$arg10}; $providerArray = json_decode($cloudproviders); $password = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->password; $serverurl = "server name"; $server = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$serverurl}; $username = "******"; $user = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$username}; $this->orgName = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->Organisation; $datacenter = "Data center"; $this->vdc = $providerArray->{$accountprovider}->{$datacenter}; // Initialize parameters $httpConfig = array('ssl_verify_peer' => false, 'ssl_verify_host' => false); $sdkversion = "5.5"; $auth = array('username' => $user, 'password' => $password); // Create a service object"; $service = VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService(); try { // Login to the service portal, parameters are set from command line $service->login($server, $auth, $httpConfig, $sdkversion); $serv = new VMWareService(); $serv->setService($service); $serv->setOrganisation($this->orgName); $serv->setDataCenter($this->vdc); $serv->setProviderName($accountprovider); return $serv; } catch (Exception $se) { $message = $se->getMessage(); trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } return null; }
public function performAppcompletion() { loghandler(INFO, "App completed successfully"); $date_b = new DateTime(); $interval = date_diff($this->stime, $date_b); loghandler(INFO, "Total time taken: " . $interval->format('%h:%i:%s')); }
/** * Checks if server is up and running * * @param string dns : dns of target server * @param number sshport : ssh port to be used to check for connection * @return string Success : displays an appropriate message * Failure : exits with a failure status with an appropriate message */ function checkConnect($dns, $sshport = 22) { $connectionTimeout = time(); $connectionTimeout = $connectionTimeout + 10 * 10; do { if ($dns == null || $dns == '') { trigger_error("Invalid dns" . $dns, E_USER_ERROR); } loghandler(INFO, "Checking connectivity to: " . $dns); $connection = ssh2_connect($dns, $sshport); if (!$connection) { sleep(10); } } while (!$connection && time() < $connectionTimeout); if (!$connection) { trigger_error("Failed to connect to " . $dns, E_USER_ERROR); } }
function notifyUsersInCloudmunch($serverurl, $message, $contextarray, $domain) { // $url =$masterurl . "/cbdata.php?context=".$context."&username=CI&mode=update&domain=".$domain."&data=".$serverArray; // global $curl_verbose; $curl_verbose = 0; //var_dump($serverArray); $dataarray = json_encode($contextarray); $dataarray = urlencode($dataarray); $message = urlencode($message); //cbdata.php?action=NOTIFY&to=*&message=whatever message&usercontext={�project�:project name,�job�:jobname,�context�:�servers�,�id�:server name�} //$data = "data=" . json_encode($serverArray); $usercontext = "usercontext=" . $dataarray; // $url = $serverurl . "/cbdata.php?action=NOTIFY&to=*&message=".$message."&usercontext=".$dataarray."&domain=" . $domain."&username=CI"; $url = $serverurl . "/cbdata.php?action=NOTIFY&to=*&message=" . $message . "&domain=" . $domain . "&username=CI"; //$url=urlencode($url); //echo "\nurl is:" . $url.PHP_EOL; $options = array(CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => 1, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE => 1, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 20, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $usercontext, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_VERBOSE => $curl_verbose, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false); $post = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($post, $options); $result = curl_exec($post); $response_code = curl_getinfo($post, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($result === FALSE) { trigger_error("Error in notifying to cloudmunch", E_USER_ERROR); } else { loghandler(INFO, "result:" . $result); loghandler(INFO, "Notification send"); //echo "\nresult:" . $result.PHP_EOL; } }
function deleteServer($serverName) { $deployArray = getDataForContext($this->appContext->getMasterURL(), "server", $this->appContext->getDomainName()); $deployArray = json_decode($deployArray); if ($deployArray == null) { loghandler(INFO, 'Not able to read the server details'); //sysout("ERROR", 'Not able to read the server details'); } else { foreach ($deployArray as $i => $detailArray) { if (array_key_exists($serverName, $detailArray)) { unset($deployArray[$i]); } } $deployArray = array_values($deployArray); updateContext($this->appContext->getMasterURL(), "server", $this->appContext->getDomainName(), $deployArray); } }