if($forum['password']) { if($action == 'pwverify') { if($pw != $forum['password']) { showmessage('forum_passwd_incorrect', NULL, 'HALTED'); } else { dsetcookie('fidpw'.$fid, $pw); showmessage('forum_passwd_correct', "forumdisplay.php?fid=$fid"); } } elseif($forum['password'] != $_DCOOKIE['fidpw'.$fid]) { include template('forumdisplay_passwd'); exit(); } } $sdb = loadmultiserver(); foreach(array('modarea_c', 'sidebar') as $key) { if(!isset($_COOKIE['discuz_collapse']) || strpos($_COOKIE['discuz_collapse'], $key) === FALSE) { $collapseimg[$key] = 'collapsed_no'; $collapse[$key] = ''; } else { $collapseimg[$key] = 'collapsed_yes'; $collapse[$key] = 'display: none'; } } if($forum['modrecommend'] && $forum['modrecommend']['open']) { $forum['recommendlist'] = recommendupdate($fid, $forum['modrecommend'], '', 1); }
$Id: viewthread.php 17531 2009-01-19 01:32:52Z tiger $ */ if (!defined('CURSCRIPT')) { define('CURSCRIPT', 'viewthread'); } define('SQL_ADD_THREAD', ' t.dateline, t.special, t.lastpost AS lastthreadpost, '); require_once './include/common.inc.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/forum.func.php'; $page = max($page, 1); if ($cachethreadlife && $forum['threadcaches'] && !$discuz_uid && $page == 1 && !$forum['special']) { viewthread_loadcache(); } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/discuzcode.func.php'; $discuz_action = 3; $sdb = loadmultiserver('viewthread'); $thread = $sdb->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}threads t WHERE tid='{$tid}'" . ($auditstatuson ? '' : " AND displayorder>='0'")); if (!$thread) { showmessage('thread_nonexistence'); } $oldtopics = isset($_DCOOKIE['oldtopics']) ? $_DCOOKIE['oldtopics'] : 'D'; if (strpos($oldtopics, 'D' . $tid . 'D') === FALSE) { $oldtopics = 'D' . $tid . $oldtopics; if (strlen($oldtopics) > 3072) { $oldtopics = preg_replace("((D\\d+)+D).*\$", "\\1", substr($oldtopics, 0, 3072)); } dsetcookie('oldtopics', $oldtopics, 3600); } if ($lastvisit < $thread['lastpost'] && (!isset($_DCOOKIE['fid' . $fid]) || $thread['lastpost'] > $_DCOOKIE['fid' . $fid])) { dsetcookie('fid' . $fid, $thread['lastpost'], 3600); }
define('CURSCRIPT', 'wap'); require_once '../include/common.inc.php'; if (preg_match('/(mozilla|m3gate|winwap|openwave)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { dheader("Location: {$boardurl}index.php"); } require_once './include/global.func.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/forum.func.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/chinese.class.php'; @(include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './forumdata/cache/cache_forums.php'); $discuz_action = 191; $action = isset($action) ? $action : 'home'; if ($action == 'goto' && !empty($url)) { header("Location: {$url}"); exit; } else { wapheader($bbname); } include language('wap'); if (!$wapstatus) { wapmsg('wap_disabled'); } elseif ($bbclosed) { wapmsg('board_closed'); } $sdb = loadmultiserver('wap'); $chs = ''; if (in_array($action, array('home', 'login', 'register', 'search', 'stats', 'my', 'myphone', 'goto', 'forum', 'thread', 'post'))) { require_once './include/' . $action . '.inc.php'; } else { wapmsg('undefined_action'); } wapfooter();
*/ define('NOROBOT', TRUE); define('CURSCRIPT', 'search'); require_once './include/common.inc.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/forum.func.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_forums.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_icons.php'; $discuz_action = 111; $cachelife_time = 300; // Life span for cache of searching in specified range of time $cachelife_text = 3600; // Life span for cache of text searching $sdb = loadmultiserver('search'); $srchtype = empty($srchtype) ? '' : trim($srchtype); $checkarray = array('posts' => '', 'trade' => '', 'qihoo' => '', 'threadsort' => ''); $searchid = isset($searchid) ? intval($searchid) : 0; if($srchtype == 'trade' || $srchtype == 'threadsort' || $srchtype == 'qihoo') { $checkarray[$srchtype] = 'checked'; } elseif($srchtype == 'title' || $srchtype == 'fulltext') { $checkarray['posts'] = 'checked'; } else { $srchtype = ''; $checkarray['posts'] = 'checked'; }