function bfox_ajax_send_bible_text() { sleep(1); set_bfox_ref(new BfoxRef($_POST['ref_str'])); ob_start(); load_bfox_template('admin-bfox_tool'); $content = ob_get_clean(); $content = addslashes(str_replace("\n", '', $content)); $script = "bfox_quick_view_loaded('{$ref_str}', '{$content}');"; die($script); }
function bfox_plan_do_feed_readings() { if (is_single()) { global $post; if ('bfox_plan' == $post->post_type) { $feed = get_query_var('feed'); if ('readings-rss' == $feed) { load_bfox_template('rss-bfox_plan'); } else { if ('readings-ical' == $feed) { load_bfox_template('ical-bfox_plan'); } } } } }
function bfox_bp_before_bible_directory_activity_content() { $ref = bfox_ref(); $search_value = $ref->get_string(BibleMeta::name_short); ?> <form action="<?php echo get_post_type_archive_link('bfox_tool'); ?> " method="get" id="bible-directory-form" class="dir-form"> <h3><?php _e('Bible Reader', 'bfox'); ?> </h3> <div id="bible-dir-search" class="dir-search no-ajax"> <?php bfox_bp_bible_directory_search_form($search_value, __('Go to passage', 'bfox')); ?> </div><!-- #group-dir-search --> </form> <h4><?php echo bfox_ref_str(); ?> </h4> <div class="bfox-tool-bp-bible"> <div id="bfox-bible-container"> <?php load_bfox_template('content-bfox_tool'); ?> </div> </div> <?php }
function bfox_tool_template_redirect($template) { if ('bfox_tool' == get_query_var('post_type')) { if (is_singular('bfox_tool')) { load_bfox_template('single-bfox_tool'); exit; } if (is_archive()) { load_bfox_template('archive-bfox_tool'); exit; } } }
<?php /** * The template for displaying Bible tooltips. * * Just displays the Bible Tool iFrame * */ ?> <div class="bfox-tooltip"> <?php load_bfox_template('iframe-bfox_tool'); ?> </div>
<?php /** * The template for displaying Bible Tools within the admin interface (ie. on Edit Post screen) * */ if (!empty($_REQUEST['src'])) { ?> <?php echo bfox_tool_content_for_ref(new BfoxRef($_REQUEST['ref'])); } else { ?> <?php load_bfox_template('archive-bfox_tool'); }
<select class="bfox-tool-name" id="bfox-tool-name-main" name="tool"><?php echo bfox_tool_select_options(); ?> </select> <input type="submit" class="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Go'); ?> " /> </form> <div class="depends-bfox-tool-ref-global depends-bfox-tool-name-main" data-url="<?php echo bfox_tool_context_ajax_url('main'); ?> "> <?php load_bfox_template('content-bfox_tool'); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e('Bible Tool Not Found'); ?> </h1> </header><!-- .entry-header -->
/** * Creates the form displaying the scripture quick view * */ function bfox_blog_quick_view_meta_box() { global $post_ID; $ref = bfox_blog_post_get_ref($post_ID); if (!empty($_REQUEST['bfox_ref'])) { $ref->add_string($_REQUEST['bfox_ref']); } $is_valid = $ref->is_valid(); if ($is_valid) { $ref_str = $ref->get_string(); } set_bfox_ref($ref); // Create the form load_bfox_template('edit_post-bfox_tool'); }