function renderConfigEditor() { global $pageno; $per_user = $pageno == 'myaccount'; global $configCache; startPortlet('Current configuration'); echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=center class=widetable width='50%'>\n"; echo "<tr><th class=tdleft>Option</th>"; echo "<th class=tdleft>Value</th></tr>"; printOpFormIntro('upd'); $i = 0; foreach ($per_user ? $configCache : loadConfigCache() as $v) { if ($v['is_hidden'] != 'no') { continue; } if ($per_user && $v['is_userdefined'] != 'yes') { continue; } echo "<input type=hidden name={$i}_varname value='{$v['varname']}'>"; echo '<tr><td class="tdright">'; echo renderConfigVarName($v); echo '</td>'; echo "<td class=\"tdleft\"><input type=text name={$i}_varvalue value='" . htmlspecialchars($v['varvalue'], ENT_QUOTES) . "' size=24></td>"; echo '<td class="tdleft">'; if ($per_user && $v['is_altered'] == 'yes') { echo getOpLink(array('op' => 'reset', 'varname' => $v['varname']), 'reset'); } echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; $i++; } echo "<input type=hidden name=num_vars value={$i}>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=3>"; printImageHREF('SAVE', 'Save changes', TRUE); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</form>"; finishPortlet(); }
function loadConfigDefaults() { global $configCache; $configCache = loadConfigCache(); if (!count($configCache)) { throw new RackTablesError('Failed to load configuration from the database.', RackTablesError::INTERNAL); } foreach ($configCache as $varname => &$row) { $row['is_altered'] = 'no'; if ($row['vartype'] == 'uint') { $row['varvalue'] = 0 + $row['varvalue']; } $row['defaultvalue'] = $row['varvalue']; } }