Пример #1

include "connect/database.php";
securityValidation($_COOKIE['id'], "10");
$pro = listAll("proyectos,pro_transactions,user", "WHERE t_id = '{$_GET['i']}' AND t_pro_id = pro_id AND t_status = 'P' AND user_id = id ORDER BY t_pdate DESC");
$rs_pro = mysql_fetch_object($pro);
$oferta = listAll("ofertas", "WHERE id='{$rs_pro->t_oferta_id}' AND awarded='S'");
$rs_oferta = mysql_fetch_object($oferta);
$oferta_user = listAll("user", "WHERE id='{$rs_oferta->user_id}'");
$rs_oferta_user = mysql_fetch_object($oferta_user);
$paypal_user = listAll("user_det", "WHERE id_user='******' AND id_data='17'");
$rs_paypal = mysql_fetch_object($paypal_user);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Pagos realizados</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" />
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    <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/ie9.css"/>

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    <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/ie7.css"/>
Пример #2

use Fototea\Models\Referral;
use Fototea\Models\User;
use Fototea\Models\Credit;
use Fototea\Util\FAnalytics;
$user_code = $_REQUEST['c'];
$list = listAll("user", "WHERE act_code='{$user_code}'");
@($val = mysql_num_rows($list));
if ($val > 0) {
    $user = mysql_fetch_object($list);
    $user_update = updateTable("user", "act='S'", "act_code='{$user_code}'");
    $mss = '&iexcl;Tu cuenta ha sido activada con &eacute;xito!<br><br><a href="login" class="txtAzul">Entrar a tu cuenta</a>.';
    // Create user profile folder
    $folder_id = sha1($user->id);
    $dir = "../profiles/" . $folder_id;
    $dir2 = $dir . "/";
    @mkdir($dir2, 0777, true);
    // Event = Confirmacion de registro
    $events = FAnalytics::getInstance();
    if ($user->user_type == User::USER_TYPE_PHOTOGRAPHER) {
        $events->trackEvent('Usuario - Confirmaciones de registro', 'Confirmación de fotógrafo', $user->user_type);
    } else {
        $events->trackEvent('Usuario - Confirmaciones de registro', 'Confirmación de cliente', $user->user_type);
    // Add referral to referring user if exists
    if (isset($_GET['ru']) && isset($_GET['ru'])) {
        $referringUserId = $_GET['ru'];
        $media = $_GET['rm'];
        if ($referringUserId != null) {
            $referral = new Referral();
Пример #3
        if ($_COOKIE['id'] == $rs_user_pro->user_id) {
            $completeName = $us_pro['full_name'];
            $to = $us_of['email'];
            $asunto = "Has recibido un comentario en una de tus ofertas";
            $mailCont = '</strong> ha comentado en tu oferta, en el proyecto "<span style="color:#cc6600; font-weight:bold;">' . $rs_user_pro->pro_tit . '</span>". Para ver el comentario haz click <a href="' . FConfig::getUrl('proyecto') . '?id=' . $rs_user_pro->pro_id . '" target="_blank">aquí</a>.';
            $not_user = Notification::create($us_of['id'], 'Has recibido un mensaje de ' . $completeName, Notification::TYPE_COMMENT, json_encode($notificationData));
    //End notification
    $sender_us = getUserInfo($_COOKIE['id']);
    $params = array('site_url' => FConfig::getUrl('site_url'), 'logo_url' => FConfig::getUrl('images/logo_footer.png'), 'user_name' => $completeName, 'comment_name' => $sender_us['name'] . ' ' . $sender_us['lastname'], 'content' => $mailCont);
    $body = FMailer::replaceParameters($params, file_get_contents('../views/emails/comentarioOfertaEmail.html'));
    $mailer = new FMailer();
    $receivers = array(array('email' => $to));
    $mailer->sendEmail($asunto, $body);
    $arreglo[] = array('resp' => "Se ha enviado la información");
    echo json_encode($arreglo);
if ($act == "validarPago") {
    $pro_id = $_REQUEST['pro_id'];
    $oferta_id = $_REQUEST['oferta_id'];
    $oferta = listAll("pro_transactions", "WHERE t_oferta_id = '{$oferta_id}' AND t_pro_id = '{$pro_id}' AND t_status = 'L'");
    $row = mysql_num_rows($oferta);
    if ($row > 0) {
        $arreglo[] = array('resp' => "true");
    } else {
        $arreglo[] = array('resp' => "false");
    echo json_encode($arreglo);
Пример #4
                        <col class="con0" />
                        <col class="con1" />
                           <th width="10%" class="head1">ID</th>
                           <th width="30%" class="head0">Apellidos</th>
                           <th width="30%" class="head1">Nombre</th>
                           <th width="15%" class="head0">Usuario</th>
                            <th width="10%" class="head1">&nbsp;</th>
$banner = listAll("user", " ORDER BY lastname ASC");
while ($rs_banner = mysql_fetch_object($banner)) {
                        <tr class="gradeX" id="reg<?php 
    echo $rs_banner->id;
                         <td align="center"><?php 
    echo $rs_banner->id;
                         <td align="center"><?php 
    echo $rs_banner->lastname;
                         <td align="center"><?php 
Пример #5
                updateTable("albumes_det", "ad_url = '" . $fileNameUnique . "'", "ad_id = " . $photo_id);
                $pathFile = '../profiles/' . $perfilSha1 . '/' . $albumSha1 . '/' . $fileNameUnique;
                move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $pathFile);
                // Event: Fotos subidas álbumes
                $events = FAnalytics::getInstance();
                $events->trackEvent('Album - Fotos subidas', 'Foto subida al album ' . $albumId, $user->id);
                return 'success';
            } else {
                return 'error';
        if ($act == "principalFoto") {
            $foto = $_REQUEST['ad_id'];
            updateTable("albumes_det", "ad_is_principal = false", "ad_a_id = '{$_REQUEST['album']}'");
            updateTable("albumes_det", "ad_is_principal = true", "ad_a_id = '{$_REQUEST['album']}' AND ad_id = '{$foto}'");
    if ($act == "buscarFoto") {
        $foto = $_REQUEST['foto'];
        $limit = $foto - 1;
        $foto = listAll("albumes_det", "WHERE ad_a_id = '{$_REQUEST['a_id']}' AND ad_status='S' LIMIT {$limit},{$foto}");
        $rs_foto = mysql_fetch_object($foto);
        $url_img = "profiles/" . sha1($rs_foto->ad_user_id) . "/" . sha1($rs_foto->ad_a_id) . "/" . $rs_foto->ad_url;
        $fecha = explode(" ", dateField($rs_foto->ad_cdate));
        $desc = $fecha[0];
        $arreglo[] = array('img' => $url_img, 'desc' => $desc);
        echo json_encode($arreglo);
} else {
Пример #6
		 <div class="left ctaFecha alignCenter">Fecha</div>
		 <div class="left ctaProyecto">Descripci&oacute;n</div>
		 <div class="left ctaUser alignCenter">Adjudicado a</div>
		 <div class="left ctaMonto alignCenter">Monto</div>
	 <div class="mensajesList">
$mov = listAll("proyectos,pro_transactions", "WHERE user_id = '{$_COOKIE['id']}' AND t_pro_id = pro_id AND t_status ='L' ORDER BY t_pdate DESC");
$rows = mysql_num_rows($mov);
if ($rows < 1) {
    echo ' <div class="mensajeItem">No tiene proyectos finalizados</div>';
} else {
    while ($rs_mov = mysql_fetch_object($mov)) {
        $oferta = listAll("ofertas", "WHERE pro_id = '{$rs_mov->pro_id}' AND awarded='S'");
        $rs_oferta = mysql_fetch_object($oferta);
        $from = getUserInfo($rs_oferta->user_id);
        $fechaMens = explode(" ", dateField($rs_mov->t_pdate));
        if ($fechaMens[0] == date("d-m-Y")) {
            $fm = $fechaMens[1];
        } else {
            $fm = $fechaMens[0];
        $total = $total + $rs_oferta->bid;
		 <div class="ctaItem " >
				<div class="mensajeItemContainer">
				<div class="left ctaFecha alignCenter"><?php 
        echo $rs_mov->t_trans_id;
Пример #7
use Fototea\Config\FConfig;
use Fototea\Util\FMailer;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
include_once '../scripts/libSM.php';
$user_email = $_REQUEST['user'];
$act_code = $_REQUEST['act-code'];
//action recover password
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == "recuperar") {
    $rs_user = mysql_fetch_object(listAll("user", "WHERE user = '******'"));
    $to = $rs_user->user;
    $toName = $rs_user->name . ' ' . $rs_user->lastname;
    $asunto = "Recuperar contraseña";
    $params = array('site_url' => FConfig::getUrl(), 'logo_url' => FConfig::getUrl('images/logo_footer.png'), 'nombre' => $toName, 'recuperar_url' => FConfig::getUrl('reinicia-contrasena') . '?c=' . $rs_user->act_code);
    $body = FMailer::replaceParameters($params, file_get_contents('../views/emails/recuperarContrasenaEmail.html'));
    $mailer = new FMailer();
    $receivers = array(array('email' => $to, 'name' => $toName));
    $mailer->sendEmail($asunto, $body);
    $arreglo[] = array('resp' => "Se ha enviado la información");
    echo json_encode($arreglo);
//action rest password
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == "reset") {
    $pass = sha1($_REQUEST['pass']);
    $rs_user2 = mysql_fetch_object(listAll("user", "WHERE act_code = '{$act_code}'"));
    $salt = $rs_user2->salt;
    $newPass = sha1($salt . $pass);
    updateTable("user", "password = '******'", "act_code = '{$act_code}'");
    $arreglo[] = array('resp' => "Se ha enviado la información");
    echo json_encode($arreglo);
Пример #8
<div class="alignCenter">Tu ofertaste por<br><span class="font18 fontW400 txtNaranja">$ <?php 
        echo $oferta_user['monto'];
		  <div class="headerProyectosList">Proyectos Nuevos</div>
$projectsN = listAll("proyectos", "WHERE pro_status = 'A' ORDER BY pro_date_end DESC");
while ($rs_proN = mysql_fetch_object($projectsN)) {
    $diasRestN = diffDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $rs_proN->pro_date_end);
    $dateCreate = explode(" ", $rs_proN->pro_cdate);
    $oferta_userN = getOferta($rs_proN->pro_id, $_COOKIE['id']);
		 <div class="proyectosListado">
		 <div class="left proyectosListadoTitulo"><a class="txtAzul" href="proyecto?id=<?php 
    echo $rs_proN->pro_id;
    echo ucfirst($rs_proN->pro_tit);
		 <div class="left proyectosListadoDesc"><?php 
    echo substr($rs_proN->pro_descripcion, "0", "90");
Пример #9
	<div class="albumTit">Album: <?php 
    echo $rs_album->a_tit;
    if ($rs_album->a_user_id == $_COOKIE['id']) {
- <a href="album?a=<?php 
        echo $_GET['a'];
" class="txtNaranja font12">Editar</a><?php 
	<div class="container_img">	
    $fotos = listAll("albumes_det", "WHERE ad_a_id = '{$_GET['a']}' AND ad_status= 'S'");
    $rows_fotos = mysql_num_rows($fotos);
    if ($rows_fotos > 0) {
        $i = 1;
        while ($rs_fotos = mysql_fetch_object($fotos)) {
	<div class="container_list_img left" id="img_<?php 
            echo $rs_fotos->ad_id;
	 <div class="deleteImg" onclick="deleteImg(<?php 
            echo $rs_fotos->ad_id;
            echo $_GET['a'];
Пример #10

            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-12">
                    <div class="form-group">
$list_cat = listAll("categories", "ORDER BY categories.order ASC");
while ($rs_cat = mysql_fetch_object($list_cat)) {
    echo $rs_cat->description;
                            <ul class="categories-list-form">
    $list_subCat = listAll("categories_event", "WHERE id_cat = '{$rs_cat->id}' ORDER BY description ASC");
    while ($rs_subCat = mysql_fetch_object($list_subCat)) {
        $userCat = getUserInterest($userInfo['id'], $rs_subCat->id);
                                    <li class="txtGris"><input name="user_interes[]" id="user_interes" class="user_interes" type="checkbox" value="<?php 
        echo $rs_subCat->id;
" <?php 
        if ($userCat == true) {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
        echo $rs_subCat->description;
Пример #11
        $gender = "M";
$user_name = utf8_decode($data['first_name']);
$user_lastname = utf8_decode($data['last_name']);
$user_gender = $gender;
$user_email = $data['email'];
$user_pass = sha1($data['password']);
$user_dob = $bday[2] . "-" . $bday[0] . "-" . $bday[1];
$user_type = $data['user_type'];
$user_salt = salt();
$user_act = "N";
$user_act_code = StringHelper::generateRandomString();
$passEnc = sha1($user_salt . $user_pass);
$reg = listAll("user", "WHERE user = '******'");
$reg_num = mysql_num_rows($reg);
if ($reg_num < 1) {
    $user_insert = insertTable("user", "'','{$user_name}','{$user_lastname}','{$user_dob}','{$user_gender}','{$user_email}','{$passEnc}','{$user_salt}','{$user_type}',NOW(),'0000-00-00 00:00:00','{$user_act}','{$user_act_code}', false, false");
    if ($user_insert > 0) {
        $to = $user_email;
        $toName = $user_name . ' ' . $user_lastname;
        $asunto = "Confirmación de registro";
        $params = array('site_url' => FConfig::getUrl(), 'logo_url' => FConfig::getUrl('images/logo_footer.png'), 'nombre' => $toName, 'confirmacion_url' => FConfig::getUrl('confirmacion') . '?c=' . $user_act_code . '&e=' . $user_email);
        $body = FMailer::replaceParameters($params, file_get_contents('../views/emails/registroEmail.html'));
        $mailer = new FMailer();
        $receivers = array(array('email' => $to, 'name' => $toName));
        $mailer->sendEmail($asunto, $body);
Пример #12
$intereses = array();
if ($user_info['user_type'] == User::USER_TYPE_PHOTOGRAPHER) {
    $list_cat = listAll("categories", "ORDER BY categories.order ASC");
    while ($rs_cat = mysql_fetch_object($list_cat)) {
        //Busco las subcategorias del usuario
        $list_subCat_val = listAll("categories_event e, user_det u", "WHERE id_cat = '{$rs_cat->id}' AND e.id = u.description AND u.id_data = '15' AND u.id_user = '******'id'] . "'  ORDER BY e.description ASC", 'u.description');
        $user_subcats_ids = array();
        while ($rs_subCat = mysql_fetch_object($list_subCat_val)) {
            $user_subcats_ids[] = $rs_subCat->description;
        $user_subcats = array();
        //Si hay las muestro
        if (count($user_subcats_ids) > 0) {
            $list_subCat = listAll("categories_event", "WHERE id_cat = '{$rs_cat->id}' and id IN (" . implode(',', $user_subcats_ids) . ")  ORDER BY description ASC");
            while ($rs_subCat = mysql_fetch_object($list_subCat)) {
                $user_subcats[] = $rs_subCat;
        $rs_cat->user_subcats = $user_subcats;
        $intereses[] = $rs_cat;
    //end while

<h2 class="main-title">
    Datos del Usuario
Пример #13
                       <col class="con1" />
                        <col class="con0" />
                        <col class="con1" />
                           <th width="10%" class="head1">Fecha</th>
                           <th width="30%" class="head0">Email</th>
                           <th width="30%" class="head1">Tipo usuario</th>
$banner = listAll("prelaunch_email", " ORDER BY cdate DESC");
while ($rs_banner = mysql_fetch_object($banner)) {
                        <tr class="gradeX" id="reg<?php 
    echo $rs_banner->id;
                         <td align="center"><?php 
    echo dateField($rs_banner->cdate);
                         <td align="center"><?php 
    echo $rs_banner->email;
                         <td align="center"><?php 
Пример #14
        $projects = $adjudicated_projects;
    } elseif ($filter == "finalizados") {
        $projects = $closed_projects;
    } else {
        //$projects = $my_projects;  //TODO aclarar esta parte con paulo ofertas o proyectos??
        $projects = $opened_projects;
        $filter = "enviadas";
    $project_list = array();
    while ($rs_proj = mysql_fetch_object($projects)) {
        $rs_proj->days_left = diffDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $rs_proj->pro_date_end);
        $rs_proj->pro_tit = ucfirst($rs_proj->pro_tit);
        $rs_proj->mensaje = substr($rs_proj->mensaje, "0", "1000");
        //Get proyect owner
        $pro_user = listAll("proyectos", "WHERE pro_id = '{$rs_proj->pro_id}'");
        $pro_user = mysql_fetch_object($pro_user);
        $rs_proj->project_owner = getUserInfo($pro_user->user_id);
        $rs_proj->project_owner_ratings = ratings($pro_user->user_id);
        //TODO mejorar esto, al ejecutar los queries de arriba sobre project view no hay necesidad de hacer esto
        $proView = Project_View::loadProjectById($rs_proj->pro_id);
        $rs_proj->total_ofertas = $proView->total_ofertas;
        $project_list[] = $rs_proj;

if ($current_user->user_type == User::USER_TYPE_PHOTOGRAPHER) {
Пример #15
"  class="longinput"/></span>
                        	<label>Codigo postal:</label>
                            <span class="field"><input type="text" name="zip" id="zip" value="<?php 
echo $user['cp'];
"  class="longinput"/></span>
	                            <span class="field"><select name="user_pais" id="user_pais" class="cmBoxRegistro">
							     <option value="-1">Pa&iacute;s</option>
$pais_q = listAll("paises", " ORDER BY nombre ASC");
while ($pais = mysql_fetch_object($pais_q)) {
								    	<option value="<?php 
    echo $pais->iso;
" <?php 
    if ($user['pais_ab'] == $pais->iso) {
        echo 'selected="selected"';
    echo utf8_encode($pais->nombre);
                       <div id="content-module">
$modules = listAll("modules", " WHERE id != 1 ORDER BY description");
while ($rs_modules = mysql_fetch_object($modules)) {
                                <strong> - &nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
    echo strtoupper($rs_modules->description);
 </strong><br /><br />
    $submodules = listAll("submodules", "WHERE modules_id = {$rs_modules->id} ORDER BY description ASC");
    while ($rs_submod = mysql_fetch_object($submodules)) {
        $security = listAll("security", "WHERE users_id = {$_GET['i']} AND modules_id = " . $rs_submod->id);
        $rs_sec = mysql_num_rows($security);
                                 <input type="checkbox" name="sec[]" id="sec" value="<?php 
        echo $rs_submod->id;
" <?php 
        if ($rs_sec == "1") {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
/>  &nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
        echo $rs_submod->description;
 <br /><br />
Пример #17
<a href="javascript:cancelarProyecto(<?php 
                echo $rs_proj->pro_id;
);" class="txtNaranja">Cancelar proyecto</a><?php 
            } else {
                echo "&nbsp;";
        $calVal = validarCalificacion($_COOKIE['id'], $rs_proj->pro_id);
        $pago = listAll("pro_transactions", "WHERE t_pro_id = '{$rs_proj->pro_id}' AND t_status = 'L'");
        $row_pago = mysql_num_rows($pago);
        if ($rs_proj->pro_status == "A" || $rs_proj->pro_status == "B" || $rs_proj->pro_status == "C") {
				 <div class="btn_naranja">
            if ($rs_proj->pro_status == "A") {
				 	<a href="proyecto?id=<?php 
                echo $rs_proj->pro_id;
">Ver ofertas ></a>
            } else {
                if ($rs_proj->pro_status == "B" || $rs_proj->pro_status == "C") {
Пример #18

include "connect/database.php";
securityValidation($_COOKIE['id'], "14");
$ban = listAll("banners", "WHERE\tid = {$_GET['i']}");
$rs_ban = mysql_fetch_object($ban);
if ($_POST) {
    $img_del = deletePhoto($rs_ban->img, "../../www/beta/fototea/banners/");
    $imagen = uploadFile("imagen", "../../www/beta/fototea/banners/", "50");
    $values = "titulo = '" . $_POST['titulo'] . "',texto = '" . $_POST['texto'] . "',orden = '" . $_POST['orden'] . "',img = '" . $imagen . "'";
    $bannerIn = updateTable("banners", $values, "id = {$_GET['i']}");
    if ($bannerIn != false) {
	alert("Se ha modificado el banner correctamente.");
    } else {
	alert("No se ha  podido modificar el banner correctamente.");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
Пример #19
function getOferta($pro_id, $user_id)
    $oferta_user = listAll("ofertas", "WHERE pro_id = '{$pro_id}' AND user_id = '{$user_id}'");
    $rows_oferta = mysql_num_rows($oferta_user);
    $rs_oferta = mysql_fetch_object($oferta_user);
    if ($rows_oferta > 0) {
        $oferta['monto'] = $rs_oferta->bid;
        $oferta['propuesta'] = $rs_oferta->mensaje;
        $oferta['fecha'] = $rs_oferta->cdate;
        $oferta['awarded'] = $rs_oferta->awarded;
        $oferta['id'] = $rs_oferta->id;
        return $oferta;
    } else {
        return false;
Пример #20
            <div class="col-sm-2"></div>


<div class="width100 divRotator under-header">
    <div id="slides">

$banner = listAll("banners", "ORDER BY orden ASC");
$i = 1;
$banner_num = mysql_num_rows($banner);
while ($rs_banner = mysql_fetch_object($banner)) {

        <div id="d_<?php 
    echo $i;
" class="rotatorBkContent <?php 
    if ($i == 1) {
        echo 'rotatorActive';
" style="background:url('banners/<?php 
    echo $rs_banner->img;
Пример #21
use Fototea\Config\FConfig;
use Fototea\Models\User;
use Fototea\Models\UserDetail;
use Fototea\Util\ImageHelper;
use Fototea\Util\FAnalytics;
use Fototea\Util\FMailer;
use Fototea\Util\StringHelper;
use Fototea\Util\UrlHelper;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
include_once '../scripts/libSM.php';
$session = validaSession();
$action = $_REQUEST['act'];
if ($action == "val_mail") {
    $mail = listAll("user", "WHERE user = '******'email'] . "'");
    $row = mysql_num_rows($mail);
    if ($row > 0) {
        $ee = 1;
    } else {
        $ee = 0;
    $arreglo[] = array('resp' => $ee);
    echo json_encode($arreglo);
if ($session == true) {
    $userType = securityValidation($_COOKIE['id']);
    //TODO server side validations
    //TODO Use ORM here to avoid sql injection and improve code
    if ($action == "completarPerfil") {
        $user_gender = $_REQUEST['user_gender'];
Пример #22
		 <div class="left ctaFecha alignCenter">Fecha</div>
		 <div class="left ctaProyecto">Descripci&oacute;n</div>
		 <div class="left ctaUser alignCenter">Publicado por</div>
		 <div class="left ctaMonto alignCenter">Monto</div>
	 <div class="mensajesList">
$mov = listAll("ofertas,pro_transactions", "WHERE user_id = '{$_COOKIE['id']}' AND t_oferta_id = id AND t_status ='L' ORDER BY t_pdate DESC");
$rows = mysql_num_rows($mov);
if ($rows < 1) {
    echo ' <div class="mensajeItem">No tiene proyectos finalizados</div>';
} else {
    while ($rs_mov = mysql_fetch_object($mov)) {
        $oferta = listAll("proyectos", "WHERE pro_id = '{$rs_mov->pro_id}' AND pro_status='F'");
        $rs_oferta = mysql_fetch_object($oferta);
        $from = getUserInfo($rs_oferta->user_id);
        $fechaMens = explode(" ", dateField($rs_mov->t_pdate));
        if ($fechaMens[0] == date("d-m-Y")) {
            $fm = $fechaMens[1];
        } else {
            $fm = $fechaMens[0];
        $total = $total + $rs_mov->bid;
		 <div class="ctaItem " >
				<div class="mensajeItemContainer">
				<div class="left ctaFecha alignCenter"><?php 
        echo $rs_mov->t_trans_id;
Пример #23
} else {
	 		El usuario <strong><?php 
    echo ucwords($user_info['name']) . " " . ucwords($user_info['lastname']);
</strong> no ha recibido comentarios hasta el momento
 		<div class="comentarios_perfil">
 			<div class="proOfertasHeader">Comentarios</div>
$com = listAll("reviews", "WHERE r_user_id = '{$user_info['id']}' AND r_type = 'CO' ORDER BY r_cdate ASC");
while ($rs_com = mysql_fetch_object($com)) {
    $user_com = getUserInfo($rs_com->r_user_eval);
		 	 	<div class="comentario_list">
		 	 	<div class="left comentarioImgUser">
    if (is_null($user_com['user_img'])) {
        $img_profile = "images/img_profile_default.jpg";
    } else {
        $img_profile = "thumb.php?w=60&h=60&url=profiles/" . sha1($user_com['id']) . "/" . $user_com['user_img'];
    $reviewO = ratings($user_com['id']);
			 		<a href="perfil?us=<?php 
    echo $user_com['act_code'];
Пример #24
	 <div class="bkGreen mensajesHeader">
echo $rs_mens->m_subject;
	 <div id="msnCont">
	 <div id="msnList">
$mensaje_txt = listAll("mensajes_det", "WHERE md_m_id = '{$rs_mens->m_id}' ORDER BY md_cdate DESC");
while ($rs_mt = mysql_fetch_object($mensaje_txt)) {
    $from = getUserInfo($rs_mt->md_from);
    $fechaMens = explode(" ", dateField($rs_mt->md_cdate));
    if ($fechaMens[0] == date("d-m-Y")) {
        $fm = $fechaMens[1];
    } else {
        $fm = $fechaMens[0];
    if (is_null($from['user_img'])) {
        $img_profile = "images/img_profile_default.jpg";
    } else {
        $img_profile = "thumb.php?w=45&h=45&url=profiles/" . sha1($from['id']) . "/" . $from['user_img'];
	 <div class="mensajeTxtCont">
Пример #25
    //    $not = listAll("notificaciones"," WHERE user_id = $currentUser->id  AND leido = 'N' ORDER BY cdate DESC");
    //    while($rs_not = mysql_fetch_object($not)){
    //        $notList[] = $rs_not;
    //    }
    $notList = Notification::getUserNotifications($currentUser->id);
//TODO:  eliminar esto algun dia FALLBACK OLD STYLES HERE
$skipLegacy = array('perfil', 'login', 'registro', 'agregarProyecto', 'contactanos', 'metodopago', 'pagoexito', 'pagoerror', 'bodas');
<html lang="es">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
$seo = listAll("seo", "WHERE page='%{$_items['0']}'");
$rs_seo = mysql_fetch_object($seo);
if (empty($rs_seo->page)) {
        <title>Fototea: Mercado de fot&oacute;grafos y editores independientes</title>
        <meta name="description" content="Fototea es la única plataforma en donde podrás contratar  Fotógrafos, Cineastas, Editores y Creativos audiovisuales para tus proyectos y eventos">
		<meta name="keywords" content="Fotografia,Fotografo,Audiovisual,Productor,Barcelona,Madrid,España,Evento,Freelance,Retratos,Campaña, Publicidad,Promocion,Modelos,Fotos,Sesion,Promocion,Corporativo">
} else {
    echo $rs_seo->title;
        <meta name="description" content="<?php 
    echo $rs_seo->description;
Пример #26

if ($session == true) {
    $id_pro = $_GET['pid'];
    $id_of = $_GET['oid'];
    $projects = listAll("proyectos, ofertas", "WHERE ofertas.id = '{$id_of}' AND proyectos.pro_id = '{$id_pro}' AND ofertas.user_id = '{$_COOKIE['id']}' AND proyectos.pro_id = ofertas.pro_id");
    $rs_pro = mysql_fetch_object($projects);
    $diasRest = diffDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $rs_pro->pro_date_end);
$(document).ready(function() {

	$("#pro_propuesta").blur(function() {
		if ($("#pro_propuesta").val() == ""){
	$("#pro_oferta").blur(function() {
		if ($("#pro_oferta").val() == ""){

		var error = 0;
Пример #27
                        <col class="con0" />
                        <col class="con1" />
                        <col class="con0" />
                           <th width="40%" class="head1">Proyecto</th>
                            <th width="20%" class="head0">Monto</th>
                            <th width="25%" class="head0">Fecha</th>
                            <th width="15%" class="head0">&nbsp;</th>
					$pro=  listAll("proyectos,pro_transactions","WHERE t_pro_id = pro_id AND t_status = 'P' ORDER BY t_pdate DESC");
					while($rs_pro= mysql_fetch_object($pro)){
                        <tr class="gradeX" id="reg<?=$rs_pro->pro_id;?>">
                            <td align="center">$ <?=number_format($rs_pro->t_monto,2,",",".");?> </td>
                            <td align="center"><?=dateField($rs_pro->t_pdate);?>  </td>
                            <td class="center"><a href="pagos-detalles.php?i=<?=$rs_pro->t_id;?>" class="edit">Ver detalles</a></td>
                       <?php } ?>
                    <br clear="all" /><br />
                   </div> <!--content-->
Пример #28

include "connect/database.php";
securityValidation($_COOKIE['id'], "20");
if ($_POST) {
    $we = "value = '" . $_POST['price'] . "'";
    updateTable("varios", $we, "id = 1");
$varios = listAll("varios", "WHERE id = 1");
$rs_var = mysql_fetch_object($varios);
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
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<script type="text/javascript" src="js/plugins/jquery-1.7.min.js"></script>
Пример #29
function getUserInterest($idUs, $idCat)
    $usr_q = listAll("user_det", "WHERE id_user = '******' AND id_data = '15' AND description = '{$idCat}'");
    $usr_data = mysql_num_rows($usr_q);
    if ($usr_data > 0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Пример #30
                            <span class="formwrapper">
$modules = listAll("modules", " WHERE id != 1 ORDER BY description");
while ($rs_modules = mysql_fetch_object($modules)) {
                                <strong> - &nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
    echo strtoupper($rs_modules->description);
 </strong><br /><br />
    $submodules = listAll("submodules", "WHERE modules_id = {$rs_modules->id} ORDER BY description ASC");
    while ($rs_submod = mysql_fetch_object($submodules)) {
        $security = listAll("security", "WHERE users_id = {$_COOKIE['id']} AND modules_id = " . $rs_submod->id);
        $rs_sec = mysql_num_rows($security);
                                 <input type="checkbox" name="sec[]" id="sec" value="<?php 
        echo $rs_submod->id;
" <?php 
        if ($rs_sec == "1") {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
 disabled="disabled" />  &nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
        echo $rs_submod->description;
 <br /><br />