Пример #1
function viewlinkdetails($lid, $ttitle)
    global $prefix, $db, $admin, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $module_name;
    include "header.php";
    include "modules/{$module_name}/l_config.php";
    $lid = intval($lid);
    $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_links_votedata WHERE ratinglid = '{$lid}'");
    $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult);
    $anonvotes = 0;
    $anonvoteval = 0;
    $outsidevotes = 0;
    $outsidevoteeval = 0;
    $regvoteval = 0;
    $topanon = 0;
    $bottomanon = 11;
    $topreg = 0;
    $bottomreg = 11;
    $topoutside = 0;
    $bottomoutside = 11;
    $avv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $truecomments = $totalvotesDB;
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($voteresult)) {
        $ratingDB = intval($row['rating']);
        $ratinguserDB = $row['ratinguser'];
        $ratingcommentsDB = $row['ratingcomments'];
        if ($ratingcommentsDB == "") {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            $anonvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
            if ($ratinguserDB == 'outside') {
                $outsidevoteval += $ratingDB;
        } else {
            $outsidevotes = 0;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") {
            $regvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") {
            if ($ratingDB > $topreg) {
                $topreg = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomreg) {
                $bottomreg = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            if ($ratingDB > $topanon) {
                $topanon = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomanon) {
                $bottomanon = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == "outside") {
            if ($ratingDB > $topoutside) {
                $topoutside = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomoutside) {
                $bottomoutside = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
    $regvotes = $totalvotesDB - $anonvotes - $outsidevotes;
    if ($totalvotesDB == 0) {
        $finalrating = 0;
    } else {
        if ($anonvotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
            /* Figure Outside Only Vote */
            $finalrating = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $totalvotesDB;
            $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
        } else {
            if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
                /* Figure Anon Only Vote */
                $finalrating = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
            } else {
                if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $anonvotes == 0) {
                    /* Figure Reg Only Vote */
                    $finalrating = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                    $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    $avgRU = $regvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                    $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
                } else {
                    if ($regvotes == 0 && $useoutsidevoting == 1 && $outsidevotes != 0 && $anonvotes != 0) {
                        /* Figure Reg and Anon Mix */
                        $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        if ($anonweight > $outsideweight) {
                            /* Anon is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $anonweight / $outsideweight;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $newimpact;
                            $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                        } else {
                            /* Outside is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $outsideweight / $anonweight;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes / $newimpact;
                            $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    } else {
                        /* REG User vs. Anonymous vs. Outside User Weight Calutions */
                        $impact = $anonweight;
                        $outsideimpact = $outsideweight;
                        if ($regvotes == 0) {
                            $avgRU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgRU = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                        if ($anonvotes == 0) {
                            $avgAU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
                            $avgOU = 0;
                        } else {
                            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        $impactRU = $regvotes;
                        $impactAU = $anonvotes / $impact;
                        $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $outsideimpact;
                        $finalrating = ($avgRU * $impactRU + $avgAU * $impactAU + $avgOU * $impactOU) / ($impactRU + $impactAU + $impactOU);
                        $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($avgOU == 0 || $avgOU == "") {
        $avgOU = "";
    } else {
        $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($avgRU == 0 || $avgRU == "") {
        $avgRU = "";
    } else {
        $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($avgAU == 0 || $avgAU == "") {
        $avgAU = "";
    } else {
        $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($topanon == 0) {
        $topanon = "";
    if ($bottomanon == 11) {
        $bottomanon = "";
    if ($topreg == 0) {
        $topreg = "";
    if ($bottomreg == 11) {
        $bottomreg = "";
    if ($topoutside == 0) {
        $topoutside = "";
    if ($bottomoutside == 11) {
        $bottomoutside = "";
    $totalchartheight = 70;
    $chartunits = $totalchartheight / 10;
    $avvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvmultiplier = 0;
    $rvvmultiplier = 0;
    $ovvmultiplier = 0;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        if ($anonvotes != 0) {
            $avvper[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] / $anonvotes;
        if ($regvotes != 0) {
            $rvvper[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] / $regvotes;
        if ($outsidevotes != 0) {
            $ovvper[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] / $outsidevotes;
        $avvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($avvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $rvvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($rvvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $ovvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($ovvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        if ($avv[$rcounter] > $avvmultiplier) {
            $avvmultiplier = $avv[$rcounter];
        if ($rvv[$rcounter] > $rvvmultiplier) {
            $rvvmultiplier = $rvv[$rcounter];
        if ($ovv[$rcounter] > $ovvmultiplier) {
            $ovvmultiplier = $ovv[$rcounter];
    if ($avvmultiplier != 0) {
        $avvmultiplier = 10 / $avvmultiplier;
    if ($rvvmultiplier != 0) {
        $rvvmultiplier = 10 / $rvvmultiplier;
    if ($ovvmultiplier != 0) {
        $ovvmultiplier = 10 / $ovvmultiplier;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] * $avvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] * $rvvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] * $ovvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        if ($avvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($rvvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($ovvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
    $transfertitle = ereg_replace("_", " ", $ttitle);
    $displaytitle = $transfertitle;
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _LINKPROFILE . ": {$displaytitle}</b></font><br><br>";
    linkinfomenu($lid, $ttitle);
    echo "<br><br>" . _LINKRATINGDET . "<br>" . "" . _TOTALVOTES . " {$totalvotesDB}<br>" . "" . _OVERALLRATING . ": {$finalrating}</center><br><br>" . "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"455\">" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _REGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font>" . "</td></tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\">" . "<font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$regvotes}</font>" . "</td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\" width=\"200\">";
    if ($regvotes == 0) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LINKRATING . ": {$avgRU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMOFCOMMENTS . ": {$truecomments}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td></tr>" . "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br><br>" . _WEIGHNOTE . " {$anonweight} " . _TO . " 1.</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _UNREGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$anonvotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\" width=\"200\">";
    if ($anonvotes == 0) {
        echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOUNREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>";
    } else {
        echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LINKRATING . ": {$avgAU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">&nbsp;</font></td></tr>";
    if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
        echo "<tr><td valign=top colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br><br>" . _WEIGHOUTNOTE . " {$outsideweight} " . _TO . " 1.</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _OUTSIDEVOTERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$outsidevotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\" width=\"200\">";
        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
            echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOOUTSIDEVOTES . "</font></center>";
        } else {
            echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table>";
        echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LINKRATING . ": {$avgOU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">&nbsp;</font></td></tr>";
    echo "</table><br><br><center>";
    linkfooter($lid, $ttitle);
    echo "</center>";
    include "footer.php";
Пример #2
function viewlinkdetails($lid, $ttitle)
    global $linksprefix, $db, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4;
    global $anonymous, $module_name, $weblinks_config;
    require_once 'header.php';
    $outsideweight = $weblinks_config['outsideweight'];
    $anonweight = $weblinks_config['anonweight'];
    $useoutsidevoting = $weblinks_config['useoutsidevoting'];
    $detailvotedecimal = $weblinks_config['detailvotedecimal'];
    $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $linksprefix . "_votedata WHERE ratinglid = {$lid}");
    $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult);
    $avgOU = 0;
    $avgRU = 0;
    $anonvotes = 0;
    $anonvoteval = 0;
    $outsidevotes = 0;
    $outsidevoteeval = 0;
    $regvoteval = 0;
    $topanon = 0;
    $bottomanon = 11;
    $topreg = 0;
    $bottomreg = 11;
    $topoutside = 0;
    $bottomoutside = 11;
    $avv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $truecomments = $totalvotesDB;
    while (list($ratingDB, $ratinguserDB, $ratingcommentsDB) = $db->sql_fetchrow($voteresult)) {
        if ($ratingcommentsDB == '') {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            $anonvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
            if ($ratinguserDB == 'outside') {
                $outsidevoteval += $ratingDB;
        } else {
            $outsidevotes = 0;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != 'outside') {
            $regvoteval += $ratingDB;
        if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != 'outside') {
            if ($ratingDB > $topreg) {
                $topreg = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomreg) {
                $bottomreg = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) {
            if ($ratingDB > $topanon) {
                $topanon = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomanon) {
                $bottomanon = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
        if ($ratinguserDB == 'outside') {
            if ($ratingDB > $topoutside) {
                $topoutside = $ratingDB;
            if ($ratingDB < $bottomoutside) {
                $bottomoutside = $ratingDB;
            for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
                if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) {
    $regvotes = $totalvotesDB - $anonvotes - $outsidevotes;
    if ($totalvotesDB == 0) {
        $finalrating = 0;
    } else {
        if ($anonvotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
            /* Figure Outside Only Vote */
            $finalrating = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
            $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $totalvotesDB;
            $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
        } else {
            if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) {
                /* Figure Anon Only Vote */
                $finalrating = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
            } else {
                if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $anonvotes == 0) {
                    /* Figure Reg Only Vote */
                    $finalrating = $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                    $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    $avgRU = $regvoteval / $totalvotesDB;
                    $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
                } else {
                    if ($regvotes == 0 && $useoutsidevoting == 1 && $outsidevotes != 0 && $anonvotes != 0) {
                        /* Figure Reg and Anon Mix */
                        $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        if ($anonweight > $outsideweight) {
                            /* Anon is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $anonweight / $outsideweight;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $newimpact;
                            $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating(isset($detailvotedecimal) ? ", {$detailvotedecimal}" : ''));
                        } else {
                            /* Outside is 'standard weight' */
                            $newimpact = $outsideweight / $anonweight;
                            $impactOU = $outsidevotes;
                            $impactAU = $anonvotes / $newimpact;
                            $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU);
                            $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
                    } else {
                        /* REG User vs. Anonymous vs. Outside User Weight Calculations */
                        $impact = $anonweight;
                        $outsideimpact = $outsideweight;
                        $avgRU = $regvotes == 0 ? 0 : $regvoteval / $regvotes;
                        $avgAU = $anonvotes == 0 ? 0 : $anonvoteval / $anonvotes;
                        $avgOU = $outsidevotes == 0 ? 0 : $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes;
                        $impactRU = $regvotes;
                        $impactAU = $anonvotes / $impact;
                        $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $outsideimpact;
                        $finalrating = ($avgRU * $impactRU + $avgAU * $impactAU + $avgOU * $impactOU) / ($impactRU + $impactAU + $impactOU);
                        $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($avgOU == 0 || $avgOU == '') {
        $avgOU = '';
    } else {
        $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($avgRU == 0 || $avgRU == '') {
        $avgRU = '';
    } else {
        $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($avgAU == 0 || $avgAU == '') {
        $avgAU = '';
    } else {
        $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal);
    if ($topanon == 0) {
        $topanon = '';
    if ($bottomanon == 11) {
        $bottomanon = '';
    if ($topreg == 0) {
        $topreg = '';
    if ($bottomreg == 11) {
        $bottomreg = '';
    if ($topoutside == 0) {
        $topoutside = '';
    if ($bottomoutside == 11) {
        $bottomoutside = '';
    $totalchartheight = 70;
    $chartunits = $totalchartheight / 10;
    $avvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $rvvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $ovvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $avvmultiplier = 0;
    $rvvmultiplier = 0;
    $ovvmultiplier = 0;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        if ($anonvotes != 0) {
            $avvper[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] / $anonvotes;
        if ($regvotes != 0) {
            $rvvper[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] / $regvotes;
        if ($outsidevotes != 0) {
            $ovvper[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] / $outsidevotes;
        $avvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($avvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $rvvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($rvvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        $ovvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($ovvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1);
        if ($avv[$rcounter] > $avvmultiplier) {
            $avvmultiplier = $avv[$rcounter];
        if ($rvv[$rcounter] > $rvvmultiplier) {
            $rvvmultiplier = $rvv[$rcounter];
        if ($ovv[$rcounter] > $ovvmultiplier) {
            $ovvmultiplier = $ovv[$rcounter];
    if ($avvmultiplier != 0) {
        $avvmultiplier = 10 / $avvmultiplier;
    if ($rvvmultiplier != 0) {
        $rvvmultiplier = 10 / $rvvmultiplier;
    if ($ovvmultiplier != 0) {
        $ovvmultiplier = 10 / $ovvmultiplier;
    for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) {
        $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] * $avvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] * $rvvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] * $ovvmultiplier * $chartunits;
        if ($avvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($rvvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
        if ($ovvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) {
            $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1;
    $displaytitle = ereg_replace('_', ' ', $ttitle);
    echo '<br />';
    echo '<div style="text-align:center;"><span class="option"><b>' . _LINKPROFILE . ": {$displaytitle}</b></span><br />";
    linkinfomenu($lid, $ttitle);
    echo '<br /><br /><p style="border:2px solid ' . $bgcolor2 . '; background:' . $bgcolor3 . '; width:150px; margin:auto;">' . '<b>' . _LINKRATINGDET . '</b><br />' . '<b>' . _TOTALVOTES . "</b> {$totalvotesDB}<br />" . '<b>' . _OVERALLRATING . ":</b> {$finalrating}</p><br /></div>";
    echo '<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="455">' . '<tr><td colspan="2" style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" class="content"><b>' . _REGISTEREDUSERS . '</b></td></tr>' . '<tr>' . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$regvotes}</td>" . '<td rowspan="5" style="width:200px;">';
    if ($regvotes == 0) {
        echo '<div style="text-align:center;" class="content">' . _NOREGUSERSVOTES . '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<table border="1" width="200">' . '<tr>' . '<td valign="top" align="center" colspan="10" style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';">' . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['1']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['2']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['3']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['4']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['5']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['6']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['7']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['8']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['9']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$rvv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['10']}\" /></td>" . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">1</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">2</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">3</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">4</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">5</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">6</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">7</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">8</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">9</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">10</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>';
    echo '</td>' . '</tr>' . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\">" . _LINKRATING . ": {$avgRU}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topreg}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomreg}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _NUMOFCOMMENTS . ": {$truecomments}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td></tr>" . "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" class=\"tiny\"><br /><br />" . _WEIGHNOTE . " {$anonweight} " . _TO . " 1.</td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\"><b>" . _UNREGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$anonvotes}</td>" . '<td rowspan="4" style="width:200px;">';
    if ($anonvotes == 0) {
        echo '<div style="text-align:center;" class="content">' . _NOUNREGUSERSVOTES . '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<table border="1" width="200">' . '<tr>' . '<td valign="top" align="center" colspan="10" style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';">' . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['1']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['2']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['3']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['4']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['5']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['6']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['7']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['8']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['9']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img alt=\"{$avv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['10']}\" /></td>" . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">1</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">2</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">3</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">4</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">5</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">6</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">7</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">8</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">9</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">10</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>';
    echo '</td>' . '</tr>' . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\">" . _LINKRATING . ": {$avgAU}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topanon}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomanon}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">&nbsp;</td></tr>";
    if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) {
        echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" class=\"tiny\"><br /><br />" . _WEIGHOUTNOTE . " {$outsideweight} " . _TO . " 1.</td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\"><b>" . _OUTSIDEVOTERS . "</b></td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$outsidevotes}</td>" . '<td rowspan="5" style="width:200px;">';
        if ($outsidevotes == 0) {
            echo '<div style="text-align:center;" class="content">' . _NOOUTSIDEVOTES . '</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<table border="1" width="200">' . '<tr>' . '<td valign="top" align="center" colspan="10" style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';">' . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['1']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['2']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['3']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['4']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['5']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['6']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['7']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['8']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['9']}\" /></td>" . "<td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" valign=\"bottom\"><img  alt=\"{$ovv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['10']}\" /></td>" . '</tr>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">1</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">2</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">3</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">4</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">5</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">6</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">7</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">8</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">9</td>' . '<td style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';" valign="bottom" align="center">10</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>';
        echo '</td>' . '</tr>' . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\">" . _LINKRATING . ": {$avgOU}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topoutside}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor2};\" class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomoutside}</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"background:{$bgcolor1};\" class=\"content\">&nbsp;</td></tr>";
    echo '</table><br /><br /><div style="text-align:center;">';
    linkfooter($lid, $ttitle);
    echo '</div>';