if ($_catids || $_areaids) { require DT_ROOT . '/admin/admin_check.inc.php'; } $this_forward = '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file; if (in_array($action, array('', 'check'))) { $sorder = array('结果排序方式', '更新时间降序', '更新时间升序', '是否文字降序', '是否文字升序', '是否推荐降序', '是否推荐升序'); $dorder = array('listorder DESC,itemid DESC', 'edittime DESC', 'eidttime ASC', 'type DESC', 'type ASC', 'elite DESC', 'elite ASC'); $stype = array('类型', '文字', 'LOGO'); $dtype = array('0', '1', '2'); $level = isset($level) ? intval($level) : 0; $typeid = isset($typeid) ? intval($typeid) : 0; $type = isset($type) ? intval($type) : 0; isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0; $type_select = type_select('link', 1, 'typeid', '请选择分类', $typeid); $order_select = dselect($sorder, 'order', '', $order); $level_select = level_select('level', '级别', $level); $_type_select = dselect($stype, 'type', '', $type); $condition = ''; if ($_areaids) { $condition .= " AND areaid IN (" . $_areaids . ")"; } //CITY if ($keyword) { $condition .= " AND title LIKE '%{$keyword}%'"; } if ($typeid) { $condition .= " AND typeid={$typeid}"; } if ($type) { $condition .= $type == 1 ? " AND thumb=''" : " AND thumb<>''"; }
?> image/img_add.gif" width="12" height="12" title="管理分类" class="c_p" onclick="Dwidget('?file=type&item=<?php echo $file; ?> ', '投票分类');"/> <span id="dtypeid" class="f_red"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tl"><span class="f_red">*</span> 投票标题</td> <td><input name="post[title]" type="text" id="title" size="50" value="<?php echo $title; ?> "/> <?php echo dstyle('post[style]', $style); ?> <?php echo level_select('post[level]', '级别', $level); ?> <span id="dtitle" class="f_red"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tl"><span class="f_hid">*</span> 投票有效期</td> <td><?php echo dcalendar('post[fromtime]', $fromtime); ?> 至 <?php echo dcalendar('post[totime]', $totime); ?> <?php echo tips('不填表示不限时间'); ?> </td>
$dorder = array($MOD['order'], 'edittime DESC', 'edittime ASC', 'addtime DESC', 'addtime ASC', 'hits DESC', 'hits ASC', 'download DESC', 'download ASC', 'itemid DESC', 'itemid ASC'); $level = isset($level) ? intval($level) : 0; isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0; isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0; isset($datetype) && in_array($datetype, array('edittime', 'addtime')) or $datetype = 'addtime'; $fromdate = isset($fromdate) && is_date($fromdate) ? $fromdate : ''; $fromtime = $fromdate ? strtotime($fromdate . ' 0:0:0') : 0; $todate = isset($todate) && is_date($todate) ? $todate : ''; $totime = $todate ? strtotime($todate . ' 23:59:59') : 0; $fileext = isset($fileext) ? trim($fileext) : ''; $areaid = isset($areaid) ? intval($areaid) : 0; $thumb = isset($thumb) ? intval($thumb) : 0; $guest = isset($guest) ? intval($guest) : 0; $itemid or $itemid = ''; $fields_select = dselect($sfields, 'fields', '', $fields); $level_select = level_select('level', '级别', $level, 'all'); $order_select = dselect($sorder, 'order', '', $order); $condition = ''; if ($_childs) { $condition .= " AND catid IN (" . $_childs . ")"; } //CATE if ($_areaids) { $condition .= " AND areaid IN (" . $_areaids . ")"; } //CITY if ($keyword) { $condition .= " AND {$dfields[$fields]} LIKE '%{$keyword}%'"; } if ($catid) { $condition .= $CAT['child'] ? " AND catid IN (" . $CAT['arrchildid'] . ")" : " AND catid={$catid}";
} ?> </table> <div class="btns"> <input type="submit" value=" 删除信息 " class="btn" onclick="if(confirm('确定要删除选中信息吗?此操作将不可撤销')){this.form.action='?moduleid=<?php echo $moduleid; ?> &file=<?php echo $file; ?> &specialid=<?php echo $specialid; ?> &action=delete'}else{return false;}"/> <?php echo level_select('level', '设置级别为</option><option value="0">取消', 0, 'onchange="this.form.action=\'?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&specialid=' . $specialid . '&action=level\';this.form.submit();"'); ?> <select name="typeid" onchange="this.form.action='?moduleid=<?php echo $moduleid; ?> &file=<?php echo $file; ?> &specialid=<?php echo $specialid; ?> &action=type';this.form.submit();"> <option value="0">设置分类为</option> <option value="0">未分类</option> <?php
?> /> 关闭 <?php tips('此项会增加服务器负担,请根据需要和服务器配置决定是否开启。MATCH模式需要MySQL 4以上版本,且需要在MySQL的my.ini添加ft_min_word_len=1才能支持2个汉字的中文搜索。如果不能设置可以使用LIKE模式,但是效率会低于MATCH模式。<br/>开启MATCH模式请在数据库维护里执行以下SQL添加全文索引<br/>ALTER TABLE `' . $table_data . '` ADD FULLTEXT (`content`);<br/>全文索引占用一定数据空间,如果不开启MATCH模式可以执行以下语句删除索引<br/>ALTER TABLE `' . $table_data . '` DROP INDEX `content`;'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tl">级别中文别名</td> <td> <input type="text" name="setting[level]" style="width:98%;" value="<?php echo $level; ?> "/> <br/>用 | 分隔不同别名 依次对应 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 级 <?php echo level_select('post[level]', '提交后点此预览效果'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:<?php echo DT_EDITOR == 'fckeditor' ? '' : 'none'; ?> "> <td class="tl">编辑器批量传图</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="setting[swfu]" value="0" <?php if ($swfu == 0) { echo 'checked'; } ?> /> 关闭
?> ', '[<?php echo $special['title']; ?> ] 专题信息分类', 550, 250);"><img src="<?php echo $MODULE[2]['linkurl']; ?> image/img_add.gif" width="12" height="12" title="管理分类"/></a> <span id="dtypeid" class="f_red"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tl"><span class="f_red">*</span> 信息标题</td> <td><input name="post[title]" type="text" id="title" size="60" value="<?php echo $title; ?> "/> <?php echo level_select('post[level]', '级别', $level, 'id="level"'); ?> <?php echo dstyle('post[style]', $style); ?> <br/><span id="dtitle" class="f_red"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tl"><span class="f_red">*</span> 链接地址</td> <td><input name="post[linkurl]" type="text" id="linkurl" size="60" value="<?php echo $linkurl; ?> "/> <br/><span id="dlinkurl" class="f_red"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tl"><span class="f_hid">*</span> 标题图片</td>
isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0; isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0; $level = isset($level) ? intval($level) : 0; $ontop = isset($ontop) ? intval($ontop) : 0; isset($style) or $style = 0; $style = isset($COLOR[$style]) ? '#' . $style : ''; isset($datetype) && in_array($datetype, array('edittime', 'addtime', 'replytime')) or $datetype = 'addtime'; $fromdate = isset($fromdate) && is_date($fromdate) ? $fromdate : ''; $fromtime = $fromdate ? strtotime($fromdate . ' 0:0:0') : 0; $todate = isset($todate) && is_date($todate) ? $todate : ''; $totime = $todate ? strtotime($todate . ' 23:59:59') : 0; $thumb = isset($thumb) ? intval($thumb) : 0; $guest = isset($guest) ? intval($guest) : 0; $itemid or $itemid = ''; $fields_select = dselect($sfields, 'fields', '', $fields); $level_select = level_select('level', '精华', $level, 'all'); $order_select = dselect($sorder, 'order', '', $order); $condition = ''; if ($_childs) { $condition .= " AND catid IN (" . $_childs . ")"; } //CATE if ($_areaids) { $condition .= " AND areaid IN (" . $_areaids . ")"; } //CITY if ($keyword) { $condition .= " AND {$dfields[$fields]} LIKE '%{$keyword}%'"; } if ($catid) { $condition .= $CAT['child'] ? " AND catid IN (" . $CAT['arrchildid'] . ")" : " AND catid={$catid}";
<?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="6" class="f_red"> 没有找到可用的信息,请重新筛选</td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <?php echo type_select($tid, 0, 'typeid', '请选择分类', 0, 'id="typeid"'); ?> <?php echo level_select('level', '级别', 0, 'id="level"'); ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" 添 加 " class="btn"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> <div class="pages"><?php echo $pages; ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript">Menuon(1);</script> <?php include tpl('footer');