$sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "facture as f ON f.rowid = fd.fk_facture"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accountingaccount as aa ON aa.rowid = fd.fk_code_ventilation"; $sql .= " WHERE f.datef >= '" . $db->idate(dol_get_first_day($y, 1, false)) . "'"; $sql .= " AND f.datef <= '" . $db->idate(dol_get_last_day($y, 12, false)) . "'"; if (!empty($conf->multicompany->enabled)) { $sql .= " AND f.entity = '" . $conf->entity . "'"; } $sql .= " GROUP BY fd.fk_code_ventilation"; dol_syslog("htdocs/accountancy/customer/index.php sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG); $resql = $db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $i = 0; $num = $db->num_rows($resql); while ($i < $num) { $row = $db->fetch_row($resql); print '<tr><td>' . length_accountg($row[0]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="left">' . $row[1] . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[2]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[3]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[4]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[5]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[6]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[7]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[8]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[9]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[10]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[11]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[12]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[13]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right"><b>' . price($row[14]) . '</b></td>'; print '</tr>';
$sql .= " WHERE ff.datef >= '" . $db->idate(dol_get_first_day($y, 1, false)) . "'"; $sql .= " AND ff.datef <= '" . $db->idate(dol_get_last_day($y, 12, false)) . "'"; $sql .= " AND ff.fk_statut > 0 "; if (!empty($conf->multicompany->enabled)) { $sql .= " AND ff.entity IN (" . getEntity("facture_fourn", 1) . ")"; } $sql .= " GROUP BY ffd.fk_code_ventilation"; dol_syslog('/accountancy/supplier/index.php:: sql=' . $sql); $resql = $db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $i = 0; $num = $db->num_rows($resql); while ($i < $num) { $row = $db->fetch_row($resql); $var = !$var; print '<tr ' . $bc[$var] . '><td>' . length_accountg($row[0]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="left">' . $row[1] . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[2]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[3]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[4]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[5]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[6]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[7]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[8]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[9]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[10]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[11]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[12]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($row[13]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right"><b>' . price($row[14]) . '</b></td>'; print '</tr>';
$cpt = 0; foreach ($mesCasesCochees as $maLigneCochee) { $maLigneCourante = explode("_", $maLigneCochee); $monId = $maLigneCourante[0]; $monNumLigne = $maLigneCourante[1]; $monCompte = $mesCodesVentilChoisis[$monNumLigne]; $sql = " UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "facturedet"; $sql .= " SET fk_code_ventilation = " . $monCompte; $sql .= " WHERE rowid = " . $monId; $accountventilated = new AccountingAccount($db); $accountventilated->fetch($monCompte, ''); dol_syslog("/accountancy/customer/list.php sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG); if ($db->query($sql)) { print '<div><font color="green">' . $langs->trans("Lineofinvoice") . ' ' . $monId . ' - ' . $langs->trans("VentilatedinAccount") . ' : ' . length_accountg($accountventilated->account_number) . '</font></div>'; } else { print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("ErrorDB") . ' : ' . $langs->trans("Lineofinvoice") . ' ' . $monId . ' - ' . $langs->trans("NotVentilatedinAccount") . ' : ' . length_accountg($accountventilated->account_number) . '<br/> <pre>' . $sql . '</pre></font></div>'; } $cpt++; } } else { print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("AnyLineVentilate") . '</font></div>'; } print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("EndProcessing") . '</font></div>'; } /* * Customer Invoice lines */ if (!empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION)) { $limit = $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION; } else { if ($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION <= 0) {
// setEventMessages(null, $accounting->errors, 'errors'); $msg .= '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("ErrorDB") . ' : ' . $langs->trans("Product") . ' ' . $productid . ' ' . $langs->trans("NotVentilatedinAccount") . ' : id=' . $accounting_account_id . '<br/> <pre>' . $sql . '</pre></font></div>'; } else { $sql = " UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "product"; if ($accounting_product_mode == 'ACCOUNTANCY_BUY') { $sql .= " SET accountancy_code_buy = " . $accounting->account_number; } if ($accounting_product_mode == 'ACCOUNTANCY_SELL') { $sql .= " SET accountancy_code_sell = " . $accounting->account_number; } $sql .= " WHERE rowid = " . $productid; dol_syslog("/accountancy/admin/productaccount.php sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG); if ($db->query($sql)) { $msg .= '<div><font color="green">' . $langs->trans("Product") . ' ' . $productid . ' ' . $langs->trans("VentilatedinAccount") . ' : ' . length_accountg($accounting->account_number) . '</font></div>'; } else { $msg .= '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("ErrorDB") . ' : ' . $langs->trans("Product") . ' ' . $productid . ' ' . $langs->trans("NotVentilatedinAccount") . ' : ' . length_accountg($accounting->account_number) . '<br/> <pre>' . $sql . '</pre></font></div>'; } } $cpt++; } } else { $msg .= '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("AnyLineVentilate") . '</font></div>'; } $msg .= '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("EndProcessing") . '</font></div>'; } } $form = new FormVentilation($db); // Defaut AccountingAccount RowId Product / Service // at this time ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT & ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT are account number not accountingacount rowid // so we need to get those default value rowid first $accounting = new AccountingAccount($db);
if ($k != 'type') { print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">"; print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $val["soclib"] . "</td>"; print "<td>" . length_accounta($k) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $langs->trans('ThirdParty') . " (" . $val['soclib'] . ")</td>"; print "<td>" . $val["type_payment"] . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } } else { foreach ($tabbq[$key] as $k => $mt) { print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">"; print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $reflabel . "</td>"; print "<td>" . length_accountg($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUSPENSE) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $langs->trans('ThirdParty') . "</td>"; print "<td> </td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } $var = !$var; } print "</table>"; llxFooter(); } $db->close();
print $formventilation->select_account($line->numero_compte, 'account_number', 0, array(), 1, 1, ''); print '</td>'; print '<td>'; print $formventilation->select_auxaccount($line->code_tiers, 'code_tiers', 1); print '</td>'; print '<td><input type="text" size="15" name="label_compte" value="' . $line->label_compte . '"/></td>'; print '<td align="right"><input type="text" size="6" name="debit" value="' . price($line->debit) . '"/></td>'; print '<td align="right"><input type="text" size="6" name="credit" value="' . price($line->credit) . '"/></td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($line->montant) . '</td>'; print '<td align="center">' . $line->sens . '</td>'; print '<td>'; print '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $line->id . '">' . "\n"; print '<input type="submit" class="button" name="update" value="' . $langs->trans("Update") . '">'; print '</td>'; } else { print '<td>' . length_accountg($line->numero_compte) . '</td>'; print '<td>' . length_accounta($line->code_tiers) . '</td>'; print '<td>' . $line->label_compte . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($line->debit) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($line->credit) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right">' . price($line->montant) . '</td>'; print '<td align="center">' . $line->sens . '</td>'; print '<td align="center">'; print '<a href="./card.php?action=update&id=' . $line->id . '&piece_num=' . $line->piece_num . '">'; print img_edit(); print '</a> '; print '<a href="./card.php?action=delete&id=' . $line->id . '&piece_num=' . $line->piece_num . '">'; print img_delete(); print '</a>'; print '</td>'; }
$accountingaccount->fetch(null, $k); if ($mt) { print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">"; print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . length_accountg($k) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $accountingaccount->label . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } // VAT foreach ($tabtva[$key] as $k => $mt) { if ($mt) { print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">"; print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . length_accountg($k) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $langs->trans("VAT") . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } $var = !$var; } print "</table>"; } llxFooter(); $db->close();
$sql .= " ROUND(SUM(IF(MONTH(bk.doc_date)=9,bk.montant,0)),2) AS 'Septembre',"; $sql .= " ROUND(SUM(IF(MONTH(bk.doc_date)=10,bk.montant,0)),2) AS 'Octobre',"; $sql .= " ROUND(SUM(IF(MONTH(bk.doc_date)=11,bk.montant,0)),2) AS 'Novembre',"; $sql .= " ROUND(SUM(IF(MONTH(bk.doc_date)=12,bk.montant,0)),2) AS 'Decembre',"; $sql .= " ROUND(SUM(bk.montant),2) as 'Total'"; $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_bookkeeping as bk"; $sql .= " WHERE bk.doc_date >= '" . $db->idate(dol_get_first_day($y, 1, false)) . "'"; $sql .= " AND bk.doc_date <= '" . $db->idate(dol_get_last_day($y, 12, false)) . "'"; $sql .= " GROUP BY bk.numero_compte"; $resql = $db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $i = 0; $num = $db->num_rows($resql); while ($i < $num) { $row = $db->fetch_row($resql); print '<tr><td width="14%">' . length_accountg($row[0]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[1]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[2]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[3]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[4]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[5]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[6]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[7]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[8]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[9]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[10]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[11]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="6.5%">' . price($row[12]) . '</td>'; print '<td align="right" width="8%"><b>' . price($row[13]) . '</b></td>'; print '</tr>'; $i++;
print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . length_accountg($k) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $accountingaccount->label . "</td>"; print '<td align="right">' . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>"; print '<td align="right">' . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } // VAT foreach ($tabtva[$key] as $k => $mt) { if ($mt) { print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . " >"; print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . length_accountg($k) . "</td><td>" . $langs->trans("VAT") . "</td>"; print '<td align="right">' . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>"; print '<td align="right">' . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">"; // Third party foreach ($tabttc[$key] as $k => $mt) { print "<td>" . $date . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>"; $companystatic->id = $tabcompany[$key]['id']; $companystatic->name = $tabcompany[$key]['name']; print "<td>" . length_accounta($k); print "</td><td>" . $langs->trans("ThirdParty"); print ' (' . $companystatic->getNomUrl(0, 'supplier', 16) . ')';
print '<table width="100%" class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td class="nowrap">'; print $langs->trans("ProductAccountancySellCode"); print '</td>'; print '</tr></table>'; print '</td><td colspan="2">'; print length_accountg($object->accountancy_code_sell); print '</td></tr>'; // Accountancy buy code print '<tr><td class="nowrap">'; print '<table width="100%" class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td class="nowrap">'; print $langs->trans("ProductAccountancyBuyCode"); print '</td>'; print '</tr></table>'; print '</td><td colspan="2">'; print length_accountg($object->accountancy_code_buy); print '</td></tr>'; // Status (to sell) /* print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Status").' ('.$langs->trans("Sell").')</td><td colspan="2">'; if (! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && $user->rights->produit->creer && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_DIRECT_STATUS_UPDATE)) { print ajax_object_onoff($object, 'status', 'tosell', 'ProductStatusOnSell', 'ProductStatusNotOnSell'); } else { print $object->getLibStatut(2,0); } print '</td></tr>'; // Status (to buy) print '<tr><td>'.$langs->trans("Status").' ('.$langs->trans("Buy").')</td><td colspan="2">'; if (! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && $user->rights->produit->creer && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_DIRECT_STATUS_UPDATE)) {
if ($fieldlist[$field] == 'localtax2') { $valuetoshow = price($valuetoshow, 0, $langs, 0, 0); if ($obj->localtax2 == 0) { $valuetoshow = ''; } $align = "right"; } else { if (in_array($fieldlist[$field], array('taux', 'localtax1', 'localtax2'))) { $valuetoshow = price($valuetoshow, 0, $langs, 0, 0); $align = "right"; } else { if (in_array($fieldlist[$field], array('recuperableonly'))) { $align = "center"; } else { if ($fieldlist[$field] == 'accountancy_code' || $fieldlist[$field] == 'accountancy_code_sell' || $fieldlist[$field] == 'accountancy_code_buy') { $valuetoshow = length_accountg($valuetoshow); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }
print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("BankAccountDomiciliation") . '</td><td colspan="3">'; print nl2br($account->domiciliation); print "</td></tr>\n"; print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("BankAccountOwner") . '</td><td colspan="3">'; print $account->proprio; print "</td></tr>\n"; print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("BankAccountOwnerAddress") . '</td><td colspan="3">'; print nl2br($account->owner_address); print "</td></tr>\n"; print '</table>'; print '<br>'; } print '<table class="border" width="100%">'; // Accountancy code print '<tr><td width="25%">' . $langs->trans("AccountancyCode") . '</td>'; print '<td colspan="3">' . length_accountg($account->account_number) . '</td></tr>'; // Accountancy journal if (!empty($conf->accounting->enabled)) { print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("AccountancyJournal") . '</td>'; print '<td colspan="3">' . $account->accountancy_journal . '</td></tr>'; } print '</table>'; print '</div>'; /* * Barre d'actions */ print '<div class="tabsAction">'; if ($user->rights->banque->configurer) { print '<a class="butAction" href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?action=edit&id=' . $account->id . '">' . $langs->trans("Modify") . '</a>'; } $canbedeleted = $account->can_be_deleted();
/** * Return list of accounts with label by chart of accounts * * @param string $selectid Preselected chart of accounts * @param string $htmlname Name of field in html form * @param int $showempty Add an empty field * @param array $event Event options * @param int $select_in $selectid value is a aa.rowid (0 default) or aa.account_number (1) * @param int $select_out set value returned by select 0=rowid (default), 1=account_number * @param int $aabase set accounting_account base class to display empty=all or from 1 to 8 will display only account beginning by this number * * @return string String with HTML select */ function select_account($selectid, $htmlname = 'account', $showempty = 0, $event = array(), $select_in = 0, $select_out = 0, $aabase = '') { global $conf; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/accounting.lib.php'; $out = ''; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT aa.account_number, aa.label, aa.rowid, aa.fk_pcg_version"; $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_account as aa"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_system as asy ON aa.fk_pcg_version = asy.pcg_version"; $sql .= " AND asy.rowid = " . $conf->global->CHARTOFACCOUNTS; $sql .= " AND aa.active = 1"; $sql .= " ORDER BY aa.account_number"; dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::select_account sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG); $resql = $this->db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $out .= ajax_combobox($htmlname, $event); $out .= '<select id="' . $htmlname . '" class="flat" name="' . $htmlname . '">'; if ($showempty) { $out .= '<option value="-1"></option>'; } $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql); $trunclength = defined('ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT') ? $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT : '50'; $i = 0; if ($num) { while ($i < $num) { $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql); $label = length_accountg($obj->account_number) . ' - ' . $obj->label; $label = dol_trunc($label, $trunclength); if ($select_in == 0) { $select_value_in = $obj->rowid; } if ($select_in == 1) { $select_value_in = $obj->account_number; } if ($select_out == 0) { $select_value_out = $obj->rowid; } if ($select_out == 1) { $select_value_out = $obj->account_number; } // Remember guy's we store in database llx_facturedet the rowid of accounting_account and not the account_number // Because same account_number can be share between different accounting_system and do have the same meaning if ($selectid != '' && $selectid == $select_value_in) { // $out .= '<option value="' . $obj->account_number . '" selected>' . $label . '</option>'; $out .= '<option value="' . $select_value_out . '" selected>' . $label . '</option>'; } else { // $out .= '<option value="' . $obj->account_number . '">' . $label . '</option>'; $out .= '<option value="' . $select_value_out . '">' . $label . '</option>'; } $i++; } } $out .= '</select>'; } else { $this->error = "Error " . $this->db->lasterror(); dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::select_account " . $this->error, LOG_ERR); return -1; } $this->db->free($resql); return $out; }