Пример #1
function search($q)
    global $prefs;
    $url = $prefs['siteurl'];
    $s_filter = filterSearch();
    $form = fetch('form', 'txp_form', 'name', 'search_results');
    // lose this eventually - only used if search_results form is missing
    $form = !$form ? legacy_form() : $form;
    $rs = safe_rows("*, ID as thisid, unix_timestamp(Posted) as posted, Title as title,\n\t\t\tmatch (Title,Body) against ('{$q}') as score", "textpattern", "(Title rlike '{$q}' or Body rlike '{$q}') {$s_filter}\n\t\t\tand Status = 4 and Posted <=now() order by score desc limit 40");
    if ($rs) {
        $result_rows = count($rs);
        $text = $result_rows == 1 ? gTxt('article_found') : gTxt('articles_found');
    } else {
        $result_rows = 0;
        $text = gTxt('articles_found');
    $results[] = graf($result_rows . ' ' . $text);
    if ($result_rows > 0) {
        foreach ($rs as $a) {
            $result_date = safe_strftime($archive_dateformat, $posted);
            $uTitle = $url_title ? $url_title : stripSpace($Title);
            $hurl = permlinkurl($a);
            $result_url = '<a href="' . $hurl . '">' . $hurl . '</a>';
            $result_title = '<a href="' . $hurl . '">' . $Title . '</a>';
            $result = preg_replace("/>\\s*</", "> <", $Body_html);
            preg_match_all("/\\s.{1,50}" . preg_quote($q) . ".{1,50}\\s/i", $result, $concat);
            $concat = join(" ... ", $concat[0]);
            $concat = strip_tags($concat);
            $concat = preg_replace('/^[^>]+>/U', "", $concat);
            $concat = preg_replace("/({$q})/i", "<strong>\$1</strong>", $concat);
            $result_excerpt = $concat ? "... " . $concat . " ..." : '';
            $glob['search_result_title'] = $result_title;
            $glob['search_result_excerpt'] = $result_excerpt;
            $glob['search_result_url'] = $result_url;
            $glob['search_result_date'] = $result_date;
            $GLOBALS['this_result'] = $glob;
            $thisresult = $form;
            $results[] = parse($thisresult);
    return is_array($results) ? join('', $results) : '';
Пример #2
 * Performs searching and returns results.
 * This is now performed by doArticles().
 * @param      string $q
 * @deprecated in 4.0.4
 * @see        doArticles()
function search($q)
    global $prefs;
    $url = $prefs['siteurl'];
    $s_filter = filterSearch();
    $form = fetch('form', 'txp_form', 'name', 'search_results');
    // Lose this eventually - only used if search_results form is missing.
    $form = !$form ? legacy_form() : $form;
    $rs = safe_rows("*, ID AS thisid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS posted, Title AS title,\n        MATCH (Title,Body) AGAINST ('{$q}') AS score", 'textpattern', "(Title RLIKE '{$q}' OR Body RLIKE '{$q}') {$s_filter}\n        AND Status = 4 AND Posted <= " . now('posted') . " ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 40");
    if ($rs) {
        $result_rows = count($rs);
        $text = $result_rows == 1 ? gTxt('article_found') : gTxt('articles_found');
    } else {
        $result_rows = 0;
        $text = gTxt('articles_found');
    $results[] = graf($result_rows . ' ' . $text);
    if ($result_rows > 0) {
        foreach ($rs as $a) {
            $result_date = safe_strftime($archive_dateformat, $posted);
            $uTitle = $url_title ? $url_title : stripSpace($Title);
            $hurl = permlinkurl($a);
            $result_url = '<a href="' . $hurl . '">' . $hurl . '</a>';
            $result_title = '<a href="' . $hurl . '">' . $Title . '</a>';
            $result = preg_replace("/>\\s*</", "> <", $Body_html);
            preg_match_all("/\\s.{1,50}" . preg_quote($q) . ".{1,50}\\s/i", $result, $concat);
            $concat = join(" ... ", $concat[0]);
            $concat = strip_tags($concat);
            $concat = preg_replace('/^[^>]+>/U', "", $concat);
            $concat = preg_replace("/({$q})/i", "<strong>\$1</strong>", $concat);
            $result_excerpt = $concat ? "... " . $concat . " ..." : '';
            $glob['search_result_title'] = $result_title;
            $glob['search_result_excerpt'] = $result_excerpt;
            $glob['search_result_url'] = $result_url;
            $glob['search_result_date'] = $result_date;
            $GLOBALS['this_result'] = $glob;
            $thisresult = $form;
            $results[] = parse($thisresult);
    return is_array($results) ? join('', $results) : '';
Пример #3
function search($q)
    global $prefs;
    $url = $prefs['siteurl'];
    $s_filter = filterSearch();
    $form = fetch('form', 'txp_form', 'name', 'search_results');
    // lose this eventually - only used if search_results form is missing
    $form = !$form ? legacy_form() : $form;
    $rs = safe_rows("ID, Title, Body_html, Section, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, \n\t\t\tmatch (Title,Body) against ('{$q}') as score", "textpattern", "Title rlike '{$q}' or Body rlike '{$q}' {$s_filter}\n\t\t\tand Status = 4 and Posted <=now() order by score desc limit 40");
    if ($rs) {
        $result_rows = count($rs);
        $text = $result_rows == 1 ? gTxt('article_found') : gTxt('articles_found');
    } else {
        $result_rows = 0;
        $text = gTxt('articles_found');
    $results[] = graf($result_rows . ' ' . $text);
    if ($result_rows > 0) {
        foreach ($rs as $a) {
            $result_date = date("j M Y", $uPosted);
            $hurl = $url_mode ? $siteurl . $path_from_root . $Section . '/' . $ID . '/' . stripSpace($Title) : $siteurl . $path_from_root . 'index.php?id=' . $ID;
            $result_url = '<a href="http://' . $hurl . '">' . $hurl . '</a>';
            $result_title = '<a href="http://' . $hurl . '">' . $Title . '</a>';
            $result = preg_replace("/>\\s*</", "> <", $Body_html);
            preg_match_all("/\\s.{0,50}" . $q . ".{0,50}\\s/i", $result, $concat);
            $concat = implode(" ... ", $concat[0]);
            $concat = strip_tags($concat);
            $concat = preg_replace('/^[^>]+>/U', "", $concat);
            $concat = preg_replace("/({$q})/i", "<strong>\$1</strong>", $concat);
            $result_excerpt = $concat ? "... " . $concat . " ..." : '';
            $glob['search_result_title'] = $result_title;
            $glob['search_result_excerpt'] = $result_excerpt;
            $glob['search_result_url'] = $result_url;
            $glob['search_result_date'] = $result_date;
            $GLOBALS['this_result'] = $glob;
            $thisresult = $form;
            $results[] = parse($thisresult);
    return is_array($results) ? join('', $results) : '';