public function le($other) { return le($this, $other); }
/** * Dequeues and returns the "smallest" object in this deap. * The smallest object in this deap is the object * which is less than or equal to all other objects in this deap. * * @return object IComparable The "smallest" object in this deap. */ public function dequeueMin() { if ($this->count == 0) { throw new ContainerEmptyException(); } $result = $this->array[2]; $last = $this->array[$this->count + 1]; --$this->count; if ($this->count <= 1) { $this->array[2] = $last; } else { $i = 2; while (2 * $i < $this->count + 2) { $child = 2 * $i; if ($child + 1 < $this->count + 2 && lt($this->array[$child + 1], $this->array[$child])) { $child += 1; } $this->array[$i] = $this->array[$child]; $i = $child; } $j = $this->dual($i); if (le($last, $this->array[$j])) { $this->insertMin($i, $last); } else { $this->array[$i] = $this->array[$j]; $this->insertMax($j, $last); } } return $result; }
$lat2 = $idd->response->items[$s]->fromlatitude; $long2 = $idd->response->items[$s]->fromlongitude; ///если гео данные пусты пропустить обработку клиента if ($long22 == "" && $long2 == "") { continue; } else { if ($long22 == "") { ////найти растояние $dist0 = le($lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2); } if ($long2 == "") { ///найти растояние $dist0 = le($lat1, $long1, $lat22, $long22); } else { ///найти растояние $dist0 = le($lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2); } } ///если фильтр растояния удовлетворяет... if ($dist1 >= $dist0) { $from = $idd->response->items[$s]->from; $to = $idd->response->items[$s]->to; $price = $idd->response->items[$s]->price; $phone = $idd->response->items[$s]->client->phone; $idd1 = $idd->response->items[$s]->id; $req = "INSERT INTO `current_taxa_android` (`from`, `to`, `price`, `phone`, `dist`, `id_tax`, `taxist_id`) VALUES ('{$from}', '{$to}', '{$price}', '{$phone}', '{$dist0}', '{$idd1}', '" . $ss1 . "');"; echo $phone . "@android-out"; //echo 104; db_req_without_resp($req); //////изменить статус на кандидат найден $sql = "UPDATE `indriver`.`taxist` SET `work`='5' WHERE `taxist_id`='" . $ss1 . "';";
// $sprites []= new Jm_Console_Sprite(' ' . round(mt_rand(0, 1)) . ' '); } // add the sprites to the stage $stage = Jm_Console_Stage::instance(); foreach ($sprites as $sprite) { $stage->append($sprite); } // register the onEnterFrame listener $stage->addListener(Jm_Console_StageEvent::ENTER_FRAME, 'stage_onEnterFrame'); // initialize the animation clock $t = 0; // start animation $stage->setFps(25); $stage->play(); } catch (Exception $e) { le($e); } /** * * */ function stage_onEnterFrame(Jm_Console_StageEvent $event) { global $sprites; global $t; $stage = Jm_Console_Stage::instance(); $w = $stage->getWidth(); $h = $stage->getHeight(); foreach ($sprites as $index => $sprite) { $posx = intval(ceil($w / 2)) + $index * 3; $posy = intval(ceil($h / 2 * (sin(($t / 100 + 3 * $index) * 3.14 / 180) * 0.35 + 1)));
<?php $lat1 = 62.044395; $long1 = 129.738739; $lat2 = 62.017593; $long2 = 129.688232; echo le($lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2); function le($lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2) { $R = 6372795; $lat1 *= pi() / 180; $lat2 *= pi() / 180; $long1 *= pi() / 180; $long2 *= pi() / 180; $cl1 = cos($lat1); $cl2 = cos($lat2); $sl1 = sin($lat1); $sl2 = sin($lat2); $delta = $long2 - $long1; $cdelta = cos($delta); $sdelta = sin($delta); $y = sqrt(pow($cl2 * $sdelta, 2) + pow($cl1 * $sl2 - $sl1 * $cl2 * $cdelta, 2)); $x = $sl1 * $sl2 + $cl1 * $cl2 * $cdelta; $ad = atan2($y, $x); $dist = $ad * $R; return intval($dist); }
/** * Returns a multiset which is the union of this multiset * and the specified multiset. * It is assumed that the specified multiset is an instance of * the MultisetAsLinkedList class. * * @param IMultiset $multiset The multiset to join with this multiset. * @return object IMultiset * The union of this multiset with the specified multiset. */ public function union(IMultiset $set) { if ($this->getClass() != $set->getClass()) { throw new TypeError(); } if ($this->universeSize != $set->universeSize) { throw new ArgumentError(); } $result = new MultisetAsLinkedList($this->universeSize); $p = $this->list->getHead(); $q = $set->list->getHead(); while ($p !== NULL && q !== NULL) { if (le($p->getDatum(), $q->getDatum())) { $result->list->append($p->getDatum()); $p = $p->getNext(); } else { $result->list->append($q->getDatum()); $q = $q->getNext(); } } for (; $p !== NULL; $p = $p->getNext()) { $result->list->append($p->getDatum()); } for (; $q != NULL; $q = $q->getNext()) { $result->list->append($q->getDatum()); } return $result; }
function exc($message, $quiet = false) { $e = new \Exception($message); le($e->getMessage()); ld($e->getTraceAsString()); if (!$quiet) { throw $e; } }
/** * Dequeues and returns the "smallest" object in this heap. * The smallest element is the object in this heap * that is less than or equal to all other objects in this heap. * * @return object IObject The "smallest" object in this heap. */ public function dequeueMin() { if ($this->count == 0) { throw new ContainerEmptyException(); } $result = $this->array[1]; $last = $this->array[$this->count]; --$this->count; $i = 1; while (2 * $i < $this->count + 1) { $child = 2 * $i; if ($child + 1 < $this->count + 1 && lt($this->array[$child + 1], $this->array[$child])) { $child += 1; } if (le($last, $this->array[$child])) { break; } $this->array[$i] = $this->array[$child]; $i = $child; } $this->array[$i] = $last; return $result; }
public function le($column, $value) { $this->model->setCondition(le($column, $value)); return $this; }