Пример #1
function ldap_lookup_uid($uid, $fields = null)
    return ldap_lookup($uid, $fields);
	A few of the parameters for this function are currently stored in the redcap_config table...  This probably isn't ideal and we should look into declaring a .properties file or something like that for storing per-installation specific values.

	Andy Martin
	Stanford University

// MAKE SURE redcap_confg CONTIANS stanford_ldap_url AND stanford_ldap_token;
// Note: success just means the query returned - not that the result is a single valid user
// Do a 'soft' match looking for anything that resembles the searched username
// (such as email addresses or aliases in LDAP)
// 	Our ldap_lookup returns an array like:
// 		[	"count" => 2,
// 			"1" => ["uid" => "andy123", "attribute1..n" => "value1..n"],
// 			"2" => [...]
// 		]
list($success, $ldap_result) = ldap_lookup($username, false);
$msg = array();
// Array to hold messages
// If the LDAP server is down or another error occurs, notify the user
if (!$success) {
    // Deliver error message and exit
    $msg[] = "There was an error validating the specified SUNet ID (<b>{$username}</b>).<br/><br/>\n\t\t\tThis usually means the Stanford LDAP resource is not responding or another network error\n\t\t\thas occurred.  Please back up and try again.  If this error recurs, please send an email to\n\t\t\t<a href='mailto:redcap-help@lists.stanford.edu'>redcap-help@lists.stanford.edu</a> \n\t\t\tdescribing the problem.\n\t\t\t<hr><br>We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to resolve it promptly.";
    // Potentially notify a REDCap admin! with $ldap_result as a message
    return array('status' => FALSE, 'message' => implode('<br><br>', $msg));
// Get number of results from LDAP search (included as first paramter from response)
$count = $ldap_result['count'];
// No match found
if ($count === 0) {
    $msg[] = "The specified SUNet ID (<b>{$username}</b>) does not appear to be valid.<br/><br/>\n\t\tSome users have aliases so the prefix to their email address isn't necessarily the same as their\n\t\tSUNet ID.  Try searching <a href='http://stanfordwho.stanford.edu/SWApp/authSearch.do?search={$username}' \n\t\ttarget='_BLANK'><b>Stanford Who</b></a> if you are unsure.<br><br>\n\t\tIf you are unable to locate your collaborator in Stanford Who, please contact them and request \n\t\ttheir correct SUNet ID.";
    return array('status' => FALSE, 'message' => implode('<br><br>', $msg));