function login_with_ldap($uid, $passwd, $next_url, $perm) { list($ldap_user, $error_msg) = ldap_auth($uid, $passwd); if ($error_msg) { error_page($error_msg); } $x = ldap_email_string($uid); $user = BoincUser::lookup_email_addr($x); if (!$user) { // LDAP authentication succeeded but we don't have a user record. // Create one. // $user = make_user_ldap($x, $ldap_user->name); } if (!$user) { error_page("Couldn't create user"); } Header("Location: " . url_base() . "{$next_url}"); send_cookie('auth', $user->authenticator, $perm); return; }
function univ_authenticate($user_id, $pass, $auth = false, $prot = false, $serv_account = false) { #some authorities can be endorsed - that means that, if they are authenticated, a user account may be created frmo them immediatelly; if (ereg('^(http:|https:|ldap:|ftp:|smtp:){0,1}(.*):(.*)$', $user_id, $res) && !$prot) { #ereg('([a-zA-Z0-9]+:){2,}',$user_id,$res); list($usId, $prot, $auth, $email) = $res; $valid = 0; $prot = ereg_replace(':$', '', $prot); } else { $email = $user_id; } switch ($prot) { case 'ldap': #if($auth=='mdanderson'){ #$server = 'ldaps://'; #} #elseif($auth=='eApps') { #$server = 'ldap://'; #if(!$email) $email = 'cn=Manager, dc=my-domain, dc=com'; #if(!$pass) $pass = '******'; #} $server = $auth; list($valid, $token) = ldap_auth($server, $email, $pass, $serv_account); break; case 'ftp': $valid = ftp_auth($auth, $email, $pass); break; default: switch ($auth) { case 'google': list($valid, $token) = google_auth("", $email, $pass); $token = md5($token); $expires = date('Y-m-d', time() + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60); ##token actually lasts for 2 weeks :O, but i will leave it 24 h for now. break; default: if (ereg('^s3db', $auth)) { #start by resolving the s3db uri ereg('(s3db:){0,1}(.*)$', $auth, $s3); list($s3_auth, $s3root, $s3name) = $s3; switch ($s3name) { case 'TCGA': $url = ''; break; default: $url = $GLOBALS['s3db_info']['deployment']['mothership'] . $s3name; } list($valid, $token, $expires) = s3db_auth($url, $email, $pass); #try s3db auth } else { $valid = 0; $token = "User was not validated."; } } } return array($valid, $token, $expires); }
ldap_close($ldapconn_s); // connect to ldap server $ldapconn = ldap_connect($ldap_server) or die("Could not connect to LDAP server."); ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); if ($ldapconn) { // try to bind/authenticate against ldap $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldap_user, $ldap_pass) || forbidden(); // "LDAP bind successful..."; error_log("success: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ', user: '******'PHP_AUTH_USER']); } ldap_close($ldapconn); } // no cache session_cache_limiter('nocache'); session_start(); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header("Expires: 0"); if (@$_SESSION['AUTH'] != 1) { authenticate(); } if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { authenticate(); } // check credentials ldap_auth(); // Get requested file name $path = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; error_log("serving: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ', user: '******'PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ', path: ' . $path); header("Content-Type: ", true); header("X-Accel-Redirect: /protected" . $path);
require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; xml_header(); $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } $ldap_auth = get_str("ldap_auth", true); if (LDAP_HOST && $ldap_auth) { // LDAP case. // $ldap_uid = get_str("ldap_uid"); $passwd = get_str("passwd"); list($ldap_user, $error_msg) = ldap_auth($ldap_uid, $passwd); if ($error_msg) { xml_error(ERR_BAD_USER_NAME, $error_msg); } $x = ldap_email_string($ldap_uid); $user = BoincUser::lookup_email_addr($x); if (!$user) { $user = make_user_ldap($x, $ldap_user->name); if (!$user) { xml_error(-1, "user record creation failed"); } } } else { // normal (non-LDAP) case $email_addr = get_str("email_addr"); $passwd_hash = get_str("passwd_hash", true);
$username = ntlm_get_user(); } else { $username = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']) ? trim(htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['username'])) : ''; } $username = substr(str_replace("\\'", "'", $username), 0, 25); $username = str_replace("'", "\\'", $username); $password = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['password']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['password'] : ''; $sql = "SELECT user_id, username, user_password, user_active, user_level, user_type\n FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "\n WHERE username = '******'", "''", $username) . "'"; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Error in obtaining userdata', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $use_ldap = $use_ldap && $row['user_type'] !== User_Type_phpBB ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($use_ldap) { // LDAP is in use and the user is not a phpBB Only User. $ldap_auth_result = ldap_auth($username, $password); } else { // We are not using LDAP or our user is phpBB only. $ldap_auth_result = false; } if ($row == false && $use_ldap && $ldap_auth_result == LDAP_AUTH_OK) { add_ldap_user($username); // User didnt exist, they do now, reuse the SQL. if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Error in obtaining userdata', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); } if ($row) { if ($row['user_level'] != ADMIN && $board_config['board_disable']) { redirect(append_sid("index.{$phpEx}", true));
public function auth_user($login, $password) { global $USERSTABLE; $_SESSION['LOGIN_REALM'] = 'local'; //LDAP if (ldap_auth($login, $password)) { //if password is valid in LDAP, we only have to check if user exists in the DB $sql = "SELECT `userID` FROM `{$USERSTABLE}` WHERE login='******' AND act=1;"; } else { //if LDAP didn't work, we check both login and passwd $password = hashpass($password); $sql = "SELECT `userID` FROM `{$USERSTABLE}` WHERE login='******' AND pass='******' AND act=1;"; } //END LDAP $result = db_query($sql); $ileadmin = count($result); if ($ileadmin == 1) { return $result[0][0]; } return -1; }
<center> <form name="form2" action="ldaplogin.php" method="post" > <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" /><br> <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password"/><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Log in"/> </form> </center> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $user = $_POST['username']; $pass = $_POST['password']; ldap_auth($user, $pass); } function ldap_auth($ldap_id, $ldap_password) { $ds = ldap_connect("") or die("Unable to connect to LDAP server. Please try again later."); if ($ldap_id == '') { die("You have not entered any LDAP ID. Please go back and fill it up."); } if ($ldap_password == '') { die("You have not entered any password. Please go back and fill it up."); } $sr = ldap_search($ds, "dc=iitb,dc=ac,dc=in", "(uid={$ldap_id})"); $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); $roll = $info[0]["employeenumber"][0]; $ldap_id = $info[0]['dn']; if (@ldap_bind($ds, $ldap_id, $ldap_password)) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($info[0]); echo '</pre>'; //for every information
function cn_login() { global $COLLATE; global $dbo; include 'include/validation_functions.php'; $action = empty($_GET['action']) ? 'show form' : $_GET['action']; $returnto = empty($_GET['returnto']) ? '' : $_GET['returnto']; if (isset($COLLATE['user']['username'])) { // The user is already logged in $notice = "alreadyloggedin-notice"; header("Location: index.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } if ($action != "login") { require_once './include/header.php'; echo "<h1>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Login'] . "</h1>\n" . "<br />"; ?> <div style="float: left; width: 28%;"> <form action="login.php?op=login&action=login&returnto=<?php echo urlencode($returnto); ?> " method="post"> <p><b><?php echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Username']; ?> :</b><br /> <input name="username" type="text" size="15" /></p> <p><b><?php echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Password']; ?> :</b><br /> <input name="password" type="password" size="15" /></p> <p><input type="submit" value=" <?php echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Go']; ?> " /></p> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { setTimeout("document.forms[0].username.focus()",1); } </script> <?php if ($COLLATE['settings']['auth_type'] != 'db') { echo "<div id=\"helper\" style=\"float: left; width: 70%; padding-left: 10px; border-left: 1px solid #000;\">\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Note'] . ":</b><br />\n" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['ldapformatnote'] . "</p>\n"; if (!empty($COLLATE['settings']['domain'])) { echo "<p>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['domainnote'] . "</p>"; } else { echo "<p>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['nodomainnote'] . "</p>\n"; } echo "</div>"; } echo "<p style=\"clear: left;\">"; require_once './include/footer.php'; exit; } $username = clean($_POST['username']); $password = clean($_POST['password']); if (strlen($username) < "4") { $notice = "shortusername-notice"; $returnto = urlencode($returnto); header("Location: login.php?notice={$notice}&returnto={$returnto}"); exit; } $auth = auth($username, $password); if ($auth == 'ldap') { $auth = ldap_auth($username, $password); $authtype = 'ldap'; } if ($auth == FALSE) { $level = "5"; $message = "authentication failed: {$username}"; collate_log($level, $message); $sql = "UPDATE users SET loginattempts=loginattempts+1 WHERE username='******'"; $dbo->query($sql); $notice = "failedlogin-notice"; $returnto = urlencode($returnto); header("Location: login.php?notice={$notice}&returnto={$returnto}"); exit; } if ($auth == "locked") { $level = "5"; $message = "user account locked: {$username}"; collate_log($level, $message); $notice = "lockedaccount-notice"; header("Location: login.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } // If they have gotten this far, they entered a correct pair of username and password. $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['accesslevel'] = $auth['accesslevel']; $_SESSION['language'] = $auth['language']; $_SESSION['ldapexempt'] = $auth['ldapexempt']; $sql = "UPDATE users SET loginattempts='0' WHERE username='******'"; $dbo->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE users SET last_login_at=NOW() WHERE username='******'"; $dbo->query($sql); if ($auth['passwdexpire'] < $now && $auth['passwdexpire'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || isset($auth['tmppasswd'])) { $returnto = urlencode($returnto); $notice = "passwdexpired-notice"; header("Location: login.php?op=changepasswd&returnto={$returnto}¬ice={$notice}"); exit; } if ($authtype == 'ldap') { $_SESSION['auth_type'] = 'ldap'; } $notice = "loginsuccess-notice"; if (stristr($returnto, "?") == TRUE) { $sep = "&"; } else { $sep = "?"; } $returnto .= $sep . "notice=" . $notice; if (stristr($returnto, ".php") == TRUE) { header("Location: {$returnto}"); exit; } else { header("Location: index.php?notice={$notice}"); exit; } }
if (!defined('DIRECT_ACCESS')) { die('ERR: access denied'); die; } require_once 'f-settings.php'; require_once 'f-ldap.php'; require_once 'f-ip.php'; if (isset($_POST['myusername'], $_POST['mypassword'])) { ob_start(); /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Call ldap_auth function from f-ldap.php *--------------------------------------------------------------- * */ if (ldap_auth($_POST['myusername'], $_POST['mypassword'])) { $my_usr = $_POST['myusername']; /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Sanitize username *--------------------------------------------------------------- * */ $my_usr = filter_var($my_usr, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $my_usr = filter_var($my_usr, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH); /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Save the vars accross pages *--------------------------------------------------------------- * */
function verify() { if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { // Return: Already logged in return true; } $userName = $_POST["userName"]; $password = $_POST["md5"]; $userName = sanitize_input($userName,2); $password = sanitize_input($password,1); ### Disable clear text password. Password is encrypted in the browser with javascript #$password = $_POST["password"]; // Assuming we have a valid username/password, check LDAP for authentication if (($userName != "") && ($password != "")) { $ldapVerified = ldap_auth ($userName, $password); } else { // user must log in $text = "Please login"; write_log_in( $text ); exit; } // If LDAP is disabled, use database to authenticate if ($ldapVerified == -1) { // verify username/password and log in $query = " SELECT id FROM people WHERE username = '******' AND password = '******' AND status > 0"; $result = run_query($query); $numMatchingUsers = count($result); } elseif ($ldapVerified == 0) { // LDAP is enabled but authentication failed -> deny login $numMatchingUsers = 0; } elseif ($ldapVerified == 1) { // LDAP authentication succeeded // Remove the domain portion of the username $shortUserName = get_user_sans_domain($userName); // Get the userid for the short form of the username after authenticating with domain $result = get_ldap_userid($shortUserName); $numMatchingUsers = count($result); } else { $msg = "Unable to authenticate: Unknown return code from ldap_auth: ($ldapVerified)"; log_entry ($msg); die ($msg); } if ( ($numMatchingUsers == 0) and ($ldapVerified == 1) ) { // New user exists in LDAP. Create entry for new user. $msg = "Creating new user entry for $userName after authenticating with LDAP."; log_entry($msg); // Remove the domain portion of the username $shortUserName = get_user_sans_domain($userName); // add_update_user($username, $md5, $password, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $totalGroup, $randomPass); add_update_user($shortUserName, "LDAP", "LDAP", $shortUserName, null,null, "users", null); $result = get_ldap_userid($shortUserName); $numMatchingUsers = count($result); } if ($numMatchingUsers > 0) { // Make sure we don't have more than one matching user (should be impossible) if ($numMatchingUsers > 1) { $msg = "Error: Multiple users with the same username: $userName"; log_entry ($msg); die ($msg); } $user = implode ("", $result); // register session variables and log the login $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $_SESSION['username'] = $userName; log_session ("login"); $cmd = "UPDATE people SET last_login = now() WHERE id = $user"; // Get the user's rights and save them in a session var $query = " SELECT rights.Actionid FROM people_groups, rights WHERE people_groups.userid = '$user' AND people_groups.groupid = rights.Usergroupid"; $actionId = run_query($query); $_SESSION['rights'] = $actionId; run_sql_cmd($cmd); // Return: successful login return true; } elseif ( ($numMatchingUsers == 0) and ( ($ldapVerified == 0) or ($ldapVerified == -1) ) ) { // bad user and password $_SESSION['badlogin'] = $userName; log_session ("badlogin"); $text = "Invalid username and/or password"; write_log_in( $text ); exit; } else { // This should never happen. debug_msg ("Unanticipated condition: numMatchingUsers=($numMatchingUsers) and ldapVerified=($ldapVerified)"); $msg = "Error: Unrecoverable condition during login for user ($userName)"; log_entry ($msg); die ($msg); } } // end verify function