function largo_byline($echo = true, $exclude_date = false, $post = null) { if (!empty($post)) { if (is_object($post)) { $post_id = $post->ID; } else { if (is_numeric($post)) { $post_id = $post; } } } else { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } $values = get_post_custom($post_id); if (function_exists('get_coauthors') && !isset($values['largo_byline_text'])) { $coauthors = get_coauthors($post_id); foreach ($coauthors as $author) { $byline_text = $author->display_name; if ($org = $author->organization) { $byline_text .= ' (' . $org . ')'; } $out[] = '<a class="url fn n" href="' . get_author_posts_url($author->ID, $author->user_nicename) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Read All Posts By %s', 'largo'), $author->display_name)) . '" rel="author">' . esc_html($byline_text) . '</a>'; } if (count($out) > 1) { end($out); $key = key($out); reset($out); $authors = implode(', ', array_slice($out, 0, -1)); $authors .= ' <span class="and">' . __('and', 'largo') . '</span> ' . $out[$key]; } else { $authors = $out[0]; } } else { $authors = largo_author_link(false, $post_id); } $output = '<span class="by-author"><span class="by">' . __('By', 'largo') . '</span> <span class="author vcard" itemprop="author">' . $authors . '</span></span>'; if (!$exclude_date) { $output .= '<span class="sep"> | </span><time class="entry-date updated dtstamp pubdate" datetime="' . esc_attr(get_the_date('c', $post_id)) . '">' . largo_time(false, $post_id) . '</time>'; } if (current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) { $output .= '<span class="sep"> | </span><span class="edit-link"><a href="' . get_edit_post_link($post_id) . '">' . __('Edit This Post', 'largo') . '</a></span>'; } if (is_single() && of_get_option('clean_read') === 'byline') { $output .= '<a href="#" class="clean-read">' . __('View as "Clean Read"', 'largo') . '</a>'; } if ($echo) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } }
function largo_byline($echo = true, $exclude_date = false, $post = null) { if (!empty($post)) { if (is_object($post)) { $post_id = $post->ID; } else { if (is_numeric($post)) { $post_id = $post; } } } else { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } $values = get_post_custom($post_id); if (function_exists('get_coauthors') && !isset($values['largo_byline_text'])) { $coauthors = get_coauthors($post_id); foreach ($coauthors as $author) { $byline_text = $author->display_name; if ($org = $author->organization) { $byline_text .= ' (' . $org . ')'; } $out[] = '<a class="url fn n" href="' . get_author_posts_url($author->ID, $author->user_nicename) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Read All Posts By %s', 'largo'), $author->display_name)) . '" rel="author">' . esc_html($byline_text) . '</a>'; } if (count($out) > 1) { end($out); $key = key($out); reset($out); $authors = implode(', ', array_slice($out, 0, -1)); $authors .= ' <span class="and">' . __('and', 'largo') . '</span> ' . $out[$key]; } else { $authors = $out[0]; } } else { $authors = largo_author_link(false, $post_id); } $output = '<span class="by-author"><span class="by">' . __('By', 'largo') . '</span> <span class="author vcard" itemprop="author">' . $authors . '</span></span>'; if (!$exclude_date) { $output .= '<span class="sep"> | </span><time class="entry-date updated dtstamp pubdate" datetime="' . esc_attr(get_the_date('c', $post_id)) . '">' . largo_time(false, $post_id) . '</time>'; } /** * Filter the largo_byline output text to allow adding items at the beginning or the end of the text. * * @since 0.5.4 * @param string $partial The HTML of the output of largo_byline(), before the edit link is added. * @link */ $output = apply_filters('largo_byline', $output); if (current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) { $output .= '<span class="sep"> | </span><span class="edit-link"><a href="' . get_edit_post_link($post_id) . '">' . __('Edit This Post', 'largo') . '</a></span>'; } if ($echo) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } }