function BOUCLE_articleshtml_ce97d1249b67fffb20134bd49b8a9e29(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_articles'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles', 'L1' => 'spip_auteurs_liens'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array("articles.id_article"); $command['select'] = array("articles.titre", "articles.id_article", "articles.lang", "articles.texte", "articles.descriptif", "articles.chapo", ""); $command['orderby'] = array('articles.titre'); $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('articles', 'id_objet', 'id_article', 'L1.objet=' . sql_quote('article'))); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'L1.id_auteur', sql_quote($Pile[$SP]['id_auteur'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\''))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/auteur.html', 'html_ce97d1249b67fffb20134bd49b8a9e29', '_articles', 39, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t1 = ' <h3><a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '/spip.php?action=converser&redirect=' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '%2F' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '&var_lang=' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" hreflang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(filtre_introduction_dist($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], strlen($Pile[$SP]['descriptif']) ? '' : $Pile[$SP]['chapo'] . "\n\n" . $Pile[$SP]['texte'], 500, $connect, null)))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a></h3> <div class="detail"> ' . interdire_scripts(nom_jour(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))) . ' ' . interdire_scripts(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))) . ' </div> '; $t0 .= (strlen($t1) && strlen($t0) ? '<br />' : '') . $t1; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_articles @ squelettes/auteur.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_art_agendahtml_78503d8cb0bd66f2d97f4b9c0f7d329a(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_art_agenda'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles', 'L1' => 'spip_mots_liens', 'L2' => 'spip_mots'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array("articles.id_article"); $command['select'] = array("articles.date_redac", "articles.id_article", "articles.texte", "articles.descriptif", "articles.chapo", "articles.titre", "articles.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array('articles.date_redac'); $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('articles', 'id_objet', 'id_article', 'L1.objet=' . sql_quote('article')), 'L2' => array('L1', 'id_mot')); $command['limit'] = '0,5'; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'L2.titre', "'Agenda'"), array('<', 'TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,articles.date_redac,NOW())/24', "1"), array('=', 'articles.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\''))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-menu-agenda.html', 'html_78503d8cb0bd66f2d97f4b9c0f7d329a', '_art_agenda', 4, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <li>' . (($t1 = strval(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])))) !== '' ? '<span>' . $t1 . (' ' . (($t2 = strval(heures(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) != '0' ? (($t3 = strval(heures(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])))) !== '' ? $t3 . ':' : '') . minutes(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) : '')) !== '' ? '- ' . $t2 : '') . '</span>') : '') . ' <a class="lien' . interdire_scripts(@$Pile[0]['exposer']) . ' article" href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(filtre_introduction_dist($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], strlen($Pile[$SP]['descriptif']) ? '' : $Pile[$SP]['chapo'] . "\n\n" . $Pile[$SP]['texte'], 500, $connect, null)))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a> </li> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_art_agenda @ squelettes/inc/inc-menu-agenda.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_breves_rubriqueshtml_11157eacea3e766769d2031f1e2eed04(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'breves'; $command['id'] = '_breves_rubriques'; $command['from'] = array('breves' => 'spip_breves'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("breves.date_heure", "breves.date_heure AS date", "breves.id_breve", "breves.texte", "breves.titre", "breves.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array('breves.date_heure DESC'); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = '0,10'; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('breves.statut', 'publie,prop', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'breves.id_rubrique', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'')), array('=', 'breves.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\''))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-breves.html', 'html_11157eacea3e766769d2031f1e2eed04', '_breves_rubriques', 2, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <li>' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))))) !== '' ? '<span>' . $t1 . '</span>' : '') . ' <a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_breve'], 'breve', '', '', true))) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(filtre_introduction_dist('', $Pile[$SP]['texte'], 300, $connect, null)))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a> </li> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_breves_rubriques @ squelettes/inc/inc-breves.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
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function BOUCLE_rubrique_principalhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'rubriques'; $command['id'] = '_rubrique_principal'; $command['from'] = array('rubriques' => 'spip_rubriques'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("rubriques.id_rubrique", "rubriques.lang", "rubriques.titre", "rubriques.id_secteur", "rubriques.texte", "rubriques.descriptif"); $command['orderby'] = array(); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('rubriques.statut', '!', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'rubriques.id_rubrique', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/rubrique.html', 'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490', '_rubrique_principal', 1, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'oui', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" lang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" dir="' . lang_dir($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '"> <head> <title>[' . interdire_scripts(textebrut(typo($GLOBALS['meta']['nom_site'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '] : ' . interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))))) . '</title> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-meta') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',7,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:syndiquer_rubrique') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))))) . '" href="' . interdire_scripts(parametre_url(generer_url_public('backend', ''), 'id_rubrique', $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'])) . '" /> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('styles') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',10,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> </head> <body dir="' . lang_dir($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '" class="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' rubrique sect' . $Pile[$SP]['id_secteur'] . ' ' . BOUCLE_rubriques_bodyhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' rub' . $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'] . '"> <div id="page" class="rubrique rub' . $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'] . '"> <!-- ***************************************************************** Bandeau, titre du site et menu langue Header and main menu (top and right) ************************************************************* --> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bandeau') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',20,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> <!-- ***************************************************************** Contenu principal (centre) Main content (center) ************************************************************* --> <div id="bloc-contenu"> <h5> <a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(typo($GLOBALS['meta']['nom_site'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])) . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . '</a> ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_rubriques_cheminhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? ' ' . $t1 . ' ' : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(couper(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])), '60')))) !== '' ? '<b class=\'separateur\'>></b> ' . $t1 : '') . ' </h5> <div class="ligne-debut"></div><!-- ligne-debut --> ' . (($t1 = strval(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_rubrique', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'], quete_parent($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']), 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logos\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />', '120', '0')))) !== '' ? '<div class="logo-liste-art"> ' . $t1 . ' </div>' : '') . ' <h1 class="titre-article">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</h1> ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(($a = filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', propre($Pile[$SP]['texte'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '560', '0')) or is_string($a) and strlen($a)) ? $a : interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? '<div class="chapo ' . interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['texte'] ? '' : '') . '" id="description"> ' . $t1 . (' ' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(calculer_notes()))) !== '' ? '<div class="notes" style="padding: 0 1.5em;">' . $t2 . '</div>' : '') . ' </div><!-- chapo -->') : '') . ' ' . recuperer_fond('inc/inc-rub-documents', array_merge($Pile[0], array('id_rubrique' => $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'])), array('compil' => array('squelettes/rubrique.html', 'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490', '_rubrique_principal', 43, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])), _request('connect')) . ' ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_type_miniplanhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? $t1 . ' ' : ' ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-rub-articles') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'id_secteur\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_secteur']) . ', \'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',63,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> ') . ' <br class="nettoyeur" /> </div><!-- bloc-contenu --> <!-- ***************************************************************** Menus contextuels (droite) Contextual menus (right) ************************************************************* --> <div id="encart"> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-annonces') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',76,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-breves') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',78,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-syndic') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',80,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> </div><!-- encart --> <!-- ***************************************************************** Navigation principale et rubriques (haut et/ou gauche) Main and Sections Navigation (top and/orleft) ************************************************************* --> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',88,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> <!-- ***************************************************************** Pied de page - Footer ************************************************************* --> ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ', \'id_secteur\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_secteur']) . ', \'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',92,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect")); ?' . '> </div><!-- page --> </body> </html> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_rubrique_principal @ squelettes/rubrique.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
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function BOUCLE_articleshtml_a80389532d86f8e6929960268237a0a8(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; $doublons_index = array(); // Initialise le(s) critère(s) doublons if (!isset($doublons[$d = 'articles'])) { $doublons[$d] = ''; } if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_articles'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("", "articles.lang", "articles.id_article", "articles.texte", "articles.descriptif", "articles.chapo", "articles.titre"); $command['orderby'] = array(' DESC'); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = '0,3'; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array(sql_in('articles.id_article', $doublons[$doublons_index[] = 'articles'], 'NOT'))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-trad.html', 'html_a80389532d86f8e6929960268237a0a8', '_articles', 6, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { foreach ($doublons_index as $k) { $doublons[$k] .= "," . $Pile[$SP]['id_article']; } // doublons lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <li>' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))))) !== '' ? '<span>' . $t1 . ((($t2 = strval(traduire_nom_langue(spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])))) !== '' ? ' - <dfn class="lang">' . $t2 . '</dfn>' : '') . '</span>') : '') . ' <a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '/spip.php?action=converser&redirect=' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '%2F' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '&var_lang=' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" hreflang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(filtre_introduction_dist($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], strlen($Pile[$SP]['descriptif']) ? '' : $Pile[$SP]['chapo'] . "\n\n" . $Pile[$SP]['texte'], 500, $connect, null)))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a> </li> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_articles @ squelettes/inc/inc-trad.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_archivehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; $doublons_index = array(); // Initialise le(s) critère(s) doublons if (!isset($doublons[$d = 'articles' . 'archives'])) { $doublons[$d] = ''; } if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_archive'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles', 'L1' => 'spip_mots_liens', 'L2' => 'spip_mots'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array("articles.id_article"); $command['select'] = array("articles.date_redac", "articles.id_article", "articles.titre", "articles.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array('articles.date_redac DESC'); $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('articles', 'id_objet', 'id_article', 'L1.objet=' . sql_quote('article')), 'L2' => array('L1', 'id_mot')); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'L2.titre', "'Agenda'"), array('=', 'articles.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'')), array(sql_in('articles.id_article', $doublons[$doublons_index[] = 'articles' . 'archives'], 'NOT'))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/agenda.html', 'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500', '_archive', 77, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { // COMPTEUR $Numrows['_archive']['compteur_boucle'] = 0; lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { $Numrows['_archive']['compteur_boucle']++; foreach ($doublons_index as $k) { $doublons[$k] .= "," . $Pile[$SP]['id_article']; } // doublons lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' ' . (($t1 = strval(unique(annee(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac']))))) !== '' ? ' ' . ($Numrows['_archive']['compteur_boucle'] > '1' ? '</ul></li></ul></div>' : '') . ' <div id="plan"> <h3>' . $t1 . '</h3> <ul> ' : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = strval(nom_mois(unique(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac']), 'Y-m'))))) !== '' ? ' ' . (unique(annee(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])), 'nouvelle') ? '' : '</ul></li>') . ' <li>' . $t1 . ' <ul> ' : '') . ' <li><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a></li> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_archive @ squelettes/agenda.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_secteurshtml_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'rubriques'; $command['id'] = '_secteurs'; $command['from'] = array('rubriques' => 'spip_rubriques'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("rubriques.id_rubrique", "rubriques.lang", "0+rubriques.titre AS num1", "rubriques.titre"); $command['orderby'] = array('rubriques.lang DESC', 'num1', 'rubriques.titre'); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('rubriques.statut', '!', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'rubriques.id_parent', 0), array('=', 'rubriques.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\''))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/plan.html', 'html_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046', '_secteurs', 39, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' ' . (($t1 = strval(traduire_nom_langue(unique(spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])), 'langues'))) !== '' ? '<h2>' . $t1 . '</h2>' : '') . ' <div class="plan-archives" style="clear:both;"> ' . filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_rubrique', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'], quete_parent($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']), 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logo_right spip_logos\" alt=\"\" style=\"float:right\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />', '120', '0')) . ' <h3><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'], 'rubrique', '', '', true))) . '">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a></h3> </div> ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_articles_racinehtml_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? ' <ul> ' . $t1 . ' </ul> ' : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_rubriqueshtml_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? ' <ul> ' . $t1 . ' </ul> ' : '') . ' '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_secteurs @ squelettes/plan.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_articles_rubriquehtml_8bf8bdc0aa13e79e11d908f1699ff96f(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; $command['pagination'] = array(isset($Pile[0]['debut_articles_rubrique']) ? $Pile[0]['debut_articles_rubrique'] : null, 10); if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_articles_rubrique'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("articles.id_rubrique", "0+articles.titre AS num", "", "articles.id_article", "articles.surtitre", "articles.descriptif", "articles.titre", "articles.soustitre", "articles.chapo", "articles.texte", "articles.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array('num', ' DESC'); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), sql_in('articles.id_rubrique', calcul_branche_in(sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique'])))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-rub-articles.html', 'html_8bf8bdc0aa13e79e11d908f1699ff96f', '_articles_rubrique', 1, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { // COMPTEUR $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['compteur_boucle'] = 0; $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['total'] = @intval($iter->count()); $debut_boucle = isset($Pile[0]['debut_articles_rubrique']) ? $Pile[0]['debut_articles_rubrique'] : _request('debut_articles_rubrique'); if (substr($debut_boucle, 0, 1) == '@') { $debut_boucle = $Pile[0]['debut_articles_rubrique'] = quete_debut_pagination('id_article', $Pile[0]['@id_article'] = substr($debut_boucle, 1), 10, $iter); $iter->seek(0); } $debut_boucle = intval($debut_boucle); $debut_boucle = ($tout = $debut_boucle == -1) ? 0 : $debut_boucle; $debut_boucle = max(0, min($debut_boucle, floor(($Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['total'] - 1) / 10) * 10)); $debut_boucle = intval($debut_boucle); $fin_boucle = min($tout ? $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['total'] : $debut_boucle + 9, $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['total'] - 1); $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['grand_total'] = $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['total']; $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']["total"] = max(0, $fin_boucle - $debut_boucle + 1); if ($debut_boucle > 0 and $debut_boucle < $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['grand_total'] and $iter->seek($debut_boucle, 'continue')) { $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['compteur_boucle'] = $debut_boucle; } lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { $Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['compteur_boucle']++; if ($Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['compteur_boucle'] <= $debut_boucle) { continue; } if ($Numrows['_articles_rubrique']['compteur_boucle'] - 1 > $fin_boucle) { break; } lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <br class="nettoyeur" /> ' . (($t1 = strval(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', strlen($logo = !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_article', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_article'], '', 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logos\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />') ? '<a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '">' . $logo . '</a>' : '', '120', '0')))) !== '' ? '<div class="logo-liste-art"> ' . $t1 . ' </div>' : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo($Pile[$SP]['surtitre'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<div class="surtitre">' . $t1 . '</div>' : '') . ' <h3> <a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '/' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0])))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a> ' . BOUCLE_articles_rubrique_nomhtml_8bf8bdc0aa13e79e11d908f1699ff96f($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' </h3> ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo($Pile[$SP]['soustitre'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<div class="sous-titre">' . $t1 . '</div>' : '') . ' <div class="detail"> ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(nom_jour(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))))) !== '' ? '<span class="date">' . $t1 : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))))) !== '' ? $t1 . '</span>' : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = strval(recuperer_fond('modeles/lesauteurs', array('objet' => 'article', 'id_objet' => $Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'id_article' => $Pile[$SP]['id_article']), array('trim' => true, 'compil' => array('squelettes/inc/inc-rub-articles.html', 'html_8bf8bdc0aa13e79e11d908f1699ff96f', '_articles_rubrique', 17, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])), ''))) !== '' ? '<span class="auteurs">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:par_auteur') . ' ' . $t1 . '</span>' : '') . ' </div><!-- detail --> <div class="texte"> ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '552', '0')) ? (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '552', '0'))))) !== '' ? '<div class="">' . $t2 . ('</div> <div class="suite"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" title="...' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . '" >' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . '</a></div>') : '') . ' ' : interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['chapo'], $connect, $Pile[0]) ? (($t3 = strval(interdire_scripts(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', propre($Pile[$SP]['chapo'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '552', '0'))))) !== '' ? '<div class="">' . $t3 . ('</div> <div class="suite"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" title="...' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . '" >' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . '</a></div>') : '') . ' ' : (($t3 = strval(interdire_scripts(couper(propre($Pile[$SP]['texte'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '300')))) !== '' ? '<div class="">' . $t3 . ('</div> <div class="suite"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" title="...' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . '" >' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . '</a></div>') : '') . ' ') . ' '))) !== '' ? '<div class="extrait">' . $t1 . '</div><!-- fin extrait -->' : '') . ' </div><!-- fin texte --> <br class="nettoyeur" /> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_articles_rubrique @ squelettes/inc/inc-rub-articles.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_annonces_arthtml_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_annonces_art'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles', 'L1' => 'spip_mots_liens', 'L2' => 'spip_mots'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array("articles.id_article"); $command['select'] = array("", "articles.id_article", "articles.descriptif", "articles.titre", "articles.surtitre", "articles.soustitre", "articles.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array(' DESC'); $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('articles', 'id_objet', 'id_article', 'L1.objet=' . sql_quote('article')), 'L2' => array('L1', 'id_mot')); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'articles.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'')), array('=', 'L2.titre', "'Annonce'")); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-annonces.html', 'html_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91', '_annonces_art', 97, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <li class="annonce"> ' . (!is_array($l = quete_logo('id_article', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_article'], '', 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logos\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />' ? '<a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '"' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(attribut_html(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? ' title="' . $t2 . '"' : '') . ' style="text-align:center;"> ' . inserer_attribut(inserer_attribut(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_article', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_article'], '', 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logos\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />', '150', '0')), 'alt', interdire_scripts(attribut_html(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))), 'title', interdire_scripts(attribut_html(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . ' </a> ' : '<p> ' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo($Pile[$SP]['surtitre'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<small style="text-transform:uppercase">' . $t2 . '</small>' : '') . ' ' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<big style="text-align:center;"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '"' . (($t3 = strval(interdire_scripts(attribut_html(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? ' title="' . $t3 . '"' : '') . ' style="text-align:center;">' . $t2 . '</a></big>' : '') . ' ' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo($Pile[$SP]['soustitre'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<span>' . $t2 . '</span>' : '') . ' <br /> </p> ') . ' </li> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_annonces_art @ squelettes/inc/inc-annonces.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function BOUCLE_rub_menuhtml_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'rubriques'; $command['id'] = '_rub_menu'; $command['from'] = array('rubriques' => 'spip_rubriques'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("rubriques.id_rubrique", "rubriques.lang", "rubriques.titre"); $command['orderby'] = array(); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('rubriques.statut', '!', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'rubriques.id_rubrique', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-menu.html', 'html_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614', '_rub_menu', 17, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' ' . BOUCLE_filleshtml_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' ' . BOUCLE_hierarchie_courantehtml_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' ' . BOUCLE_touthtml_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' <h3 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:rubriques') . '</h3> <ul> ' . BOUCLE_secteurs2html_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' </ul> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_rub_menu @ squelettes/inc/inc-menu.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }