/** * Builds notification emails for the selected customers about changes made in bugs reports they are linked to * * @param array $customer_ids the ids of the customer to notify * @param string $from the start of the interval * @param string $to the end of the interval * * @return array notified customers */ static function buildNotificationEmails($customer_ids, $from, $to) { $emails = array(); lang_push(plugin_config_get('email_notification_language')); $fromDate = self::startOfDay(strtotime($from)); $toDate = self::endOfDay(strtotime($to)); $changedBugIds = CustomerManagementDao::findAllChangedBugIds($customer_ids, $fromDate, $toDate); $dateFormat = config_get('short_date_format'); foreach ($customer_ids as $customer_id) { $changesForCustomer = array(); foreach ($changedBugIds as $changedBugId) { if ($changedBugId['customer_id'] == $customer_id) { $changesForCustomer[] = array('bug' => bug_get($changedBugId['bug_id'])); } } if (count($changesForCustomer) > 0) { $counter = 0; $text = ''; foreach ($changesForCustomer as $changeForCustomer) { $counter++; $bugId = $changeForCustomer['bug']->id; $text .= $counter . '. '; $text .= sprintf(plugin_lang_get('email_notification_bug_header'), $changeForCustomer['bug']->id, $changeForCustomer['bug']->summary, date($dateFormat, $changeForCustomer['bug']->date_submitted), get_enum_element('status', $changeForCustomer['bug']->status)); $text .= "\n"; $reporterName = user_get_name($changeForCustomer['bug']->reporter_id); $reporterEmail = user_get_email($changeForCustomer['bug']->reporter_id); $text .= sprintf(plugin_lang_get('email_notification_bug_reported_by'), $reporterName, $reporterEmail); $text .= "\n"; $text .= sprintf(plugin_lang_get('email_notification_bug_description'), $changeForCustomer['bug']->description); $text .= "\n\n"; } $customer = CustomerManagementDao::getCustomer($customer_id); $email = new EmailData(); $email->email = $customer['email']; $email->subject = sprintf(plugin_lang_get('email_notification_title'), $customer['name'], $from, $to); $email->body = $text; $email->metadata['priority'] = config_get('mail_priority'); $email->metadata['charset'] = 'utf-8'; array_push($emails, $email); } } lang_pop(); return $emails; }
function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_lang_overrides; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain # also suppress php 5 strict warnings if (0 == error_reporting() || 2048 == $p_type) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } } $t_short_file = basename($p_file); $t_method_array = config_get('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } # build an appropriate error string switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION ERROR #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION WARNING #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; default: #shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = ''; $t_error_description = $p_error; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); if ('halt' == $t_method) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); # ob_end_clean() still seems to call the output handler which # outputs the headers indicating compression. If we had # PHP > 4.2.0 we could use ob_clean() instead but as it is # we need to disable compression. compress_disable(); if (ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } print '<br /><div align="center"><table class="width50" cellspacing="1">'; print "<tr><td class=\"form-title\">{$t_error_type}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td><p class=\"center\" style=\"color:red\">{$t_error_description}</p></td></tr>"; print '<tr><td><p class="center">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { print lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { print "<a href=\"{$g_error_proceed_url}\">" . lang_get('proceed') . '</a>'; } print '</p></td></tr>'; if (ON == config_get('show_detailed_errors')) { print '<tr><td>'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); print '</td></tr>'; print '<tr><td>'; error_print_stack_trace(); print '</td></tr>'; } print '</table></div>'; if ($g_error_handled && !is_blank($t_old_contents)) { print '<p>Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</p>'; print '<div style="border: solid 1px black;padding: 4px">'; print $t_old_contents; print '</div>'; } if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED) { html_page_bottom1(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } exit; } else { if ('inline' == $t_method) { print "<p style=\"color:red\">{$t_error_type}: {$t_error_description}</p>"; } else { # do nothing } } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_handled = true; $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
if (strcmp($f_access_level, $t_old_access_level)) { $t_old_access_string = get_enum_element('access_levels', $t_old_access_level); $t_new_access_string = get_enum_element('access_levels', $f_access_level); $t_changes .= lang_get('access_level_label') . lang_get('word_separator') . $t_old_access_string . ' => ' . $t_new_access_string . "\n\n"; } if (!empty($t_changes)) { $t_subject = '[' . config_get('window_title') . '] ' . lang_get('email_user_updated_subject'); $t_updated_msg = lang_get('email_user_updated_msg'); $t_message = $t_updated_msg . "\n\n" . config_get('path') . 'account_page.php' . "\n\n" . $t_changes; email_store($t_email, $t_subject, $t_message); log_event(LOG_EMAIL, sprintf('Account update notification sent to ' . $f_username . ' (' . $t_email . ')')); if (config_get('email_send_using_cronjob') == OFF) { email_send_all(); } } lang_pop(); } $t_redirect_url = 'manage_user_edit_page.php?user_id=' . $c_user_id; form_security_purge('manage_user_update'); html_page_top(null, $result ? $t_redirect_url : null); if ($f_protected && $t_old_protected) { # PROTECTED echo '<div class="failure-msg">'; echo lang_get('manage_user_protected_msg') . '<br />'; print_bracket_link($t_redirect_url, lang_get('proceed')); echo '</div>'; } else { if ($result) { # SUCCESS html_operation_successful($t_redirect_url); }
/** * Default error handler * * This handler will not receive E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_*, or E_COMPILE_* * errors. * * E_USER_* are triggered by us and will contain an error constant in $p_error * The others, being system errors, will come with a string in $p_error * * @access private * @param integer $p_type Contains the level of the error raised, as an integer. * @param string $p_error Contains the error message, as a string. * @param string $p_file Contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string. * @param integer $p_line Contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer. * @param array $p_context To the active symbol table at the point the error occurred (optional). * @return void * @uses lang_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses compress_api.php * @uses database_api.php (optional) * @uses html_api.php (optional) */ function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, array $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; $t_db_connected = false; if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { $t_db_connected = true; } } $t_html_api = false; if (function_exists('html_end')) { $t_html_api = true; } # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if ($t_db_connected) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } $t_method_array = config_get_global('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { if (isset($t_method_array[E_ALL])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[E_ALL]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } } # build an appropriate error string $t_error_location = 'in \'' . $p_file . '\' line ' . $p_line; $t_error_description = '\'' . $p_error . '\' ' . $t_error_location; switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; break; case E_STRICT: $t_error_type = 'STRICT NOTICE'; break; case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: # This should generally be considered fatal (like E_ERROR) $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM ERROR'; break; case E_DEPRECATED: $t_error_type = 'DEPRECATED'; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = 'APPLICATION ERROR #' . $p_error; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); if ($t_method == DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE) { $t_error_description .= ' (' . $t_error_location . ")\n" . error_string(ERROR_DISPLAY_USER_ERROR_INLINE); } break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'APPLICATION WARNING #' . $p_error; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error) . ' (' . $t_error_location . ')'; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; break; case E_USER_DEPRECATED: # Get the parent of the call that triggered the error to facilitate # debugging with a more useful filename and line number $t_stack = debug_backtrace(); $t_caller = $t_stack[2]; $t_error_type = 'WARNING'; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error) . ' (in ' . $t_caller['file'] . ' line ' . $t_caller['line'] . ')'; if ($t_method == DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE && php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { # Enqueue messages for later display with error_print_delayed() global $g_errors_delayed; $g_errors_delayed[] = $t_error_description; $g_error_handled = true; return; } break; default: # shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = 'UNHANDLED ERROR TYPE (' . '<a href="http://php.net/errorfunc.constants">' . $p_type . '</a>)'; $t_error_description = $p_error . ' (' . $t_error_location . ')'; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { if (DISPLAY_ERROR_NONE != $t_method) { echo $t_error_type . ': ' . $t_error_description . "\n"; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo "\n"; debug_print_backtrace(); } } if (DISPLAY_ERROR_HALT == $t_method) { exit(1); } } else { switch ($t_method) { case DISPLAY_ERROR_HALT: # disable any further event callbacks if (function_exists('event_clear_callbacks')) { event_clear_callbacks(); } $t_oblen = ob_get_length(); if ($t_oblen > 0) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); if (!error_handled()) { # Retrieve the previously output header if (false !== preg_match_all('|^(.*)(</head>.*$)|is', $t_old_contents, $t_result) && isset($t_result[1]) && isset($t_result[1][0])) { $t_old_headers = $t_result[1][0]; unset($t_old_contents); } } } # We need to ensure compression is off - otherwise the compression headers are output. compress_disable(); # then clean the buffer, leaving output buffering on. if ($t_oblen > 0) { ob_clean(); } # If HTML error output was disabled, set an error header and stop if (defined('DISABLE_INLINE_ERROR_REPORTING')) { # @TODO Have a mapping for mantis error codes to appropiate HTTP error codes header(' ', true, 400); exit(1); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { if ($t_html_api) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } else { echo '<html><head><title>', $t_error_type, '</title></head><body>'; } } else { # Output the previously sent headers, if defined if (isset($t_old_headers)) { echo $t_old_headers, "\n"; html_page_top2(); } } echo '<div id="error-msg">'; echo '<div class="error-type">' . $t_error_type . '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-description">', $t_error_description, '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-info">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { echo lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { echo '<a href="', $g_error_proceed_url, '">', lang_get('proceed'), '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo '<div class="error-details">'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-trace">'; error_print_stack_trace(); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; if (isset($t_old_contents)) { echo '<div class="warning">Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</div>'; echo '<div id="old-contents">'; echo $t_old_contents; echo '</div>'; } if ($t_html_api) { if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_bottom(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } } else { echo '</body></html>', "\n"; } exit(1); case DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE: if (!defined('DISABLE_INLINE_ERROR_REPORTING')) { echo '<div class="error-inline">', $t_error_type, ': ', $t_error_description, '</div>'; } $g_error_handled = true; break; default: # do nothing - note we treat this as we've not handled an error, so any redirects go through. } } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
/** * Send a bug reminder to the given user(s), or to each user if the first parameter is an array * * @param int|array $p_recipients user id or list of user ids array to send reminder to * @param int $p_bug_id Issue for which the reminder is sent * @param string $p_message Optional message to add to the e-mail * @return array List of users ids to whom the reminder e-mail was actually sent */ function email_bug_reminder($p_recipients, $p_bug_id, $p_message) { if (!is_array($p_recipients)) { $p_recipients = array($p_recipients); } $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id'); $t_sender_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); $t_sender = user_get_name($t_sender_id); $t_subject = email_build_subject($p_bug_id); $t_date = date(config_get('normal_date_format')); $result = array(); foreach ($p_recipients as $t_recipient) { lang_push(user_pref_get_language($t_recipient, $t_project_id)); $t_email = user_get_email($t_recipient); if (access_has_project_level(config_get('show_user_email_threshold'), $t_project_id, $t_recipient)) { $t_sender_email = ' <' . user_get_email($t_sender_id) . '>'; } else { $t_sender_email = ''; } $t_header = "\n" . lang_get('on_date') . " {$t_date}, {$t_sender} {$t_sender_email} " . lang_get('sent_you_this_reminder_about') . ": \n\n"; $t_contents = $t_header . string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn($p_bug_id, $t_recipient) . " \n\n{$p_message}"; if (ON == config_get('enable_email_notification')) { $t_id = email_store($t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents); if ($t_id !== null) { $result[] = $t_recipient; } log_event(LOG_EMAIL, "queued reminder email #{$t_id} for U{$t_recipient}"); } lang_pop(); } if (OFF == config_get('email_send_using_cronjob')) { email_send_all(); } return $result; }
/** * Default error handler * * This handler will not receive E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_*, or E_COMPILE_* * errors. * * E_USER_* are triggered by us and will contain an error constant in $p_error * The others, being system errors, will come with a string in $p_error * * @access private * @param int p_type contains the level of the error raised, as an integer. * @param string p_error contains the error message, as a string. * @param string p_file contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string. * @param int p_line contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer. * @param array p_context to the active symbol table at the point the error occurred (optional) * @uses lang_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses compress_api.php * @uses database_api.php (optional) * @uses html_api.php (optional) */ function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_lang_overrides; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; $t_db_connected = false; if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { $t_db_connected = true; } } $t_html_api = false; if (function_exists('html_end')) { $t_html_api = true; } # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if ($t_db_connected) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } $t_short_file = basename($p_file); $t_method_array = config_get_global('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { if (isset($t_method_array[E_ALL])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[E_ALL]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } } # build an appropriate error string switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION ERROR #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION WARNING #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; default: # shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = ''; $t_error_description = $p_error; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); switch ($t_method) { case 'halt': # disable any further event callbacks if (function_exists('event_clear_callbacks')) { event_clear_callbacks(); } $t_oblen = ob_get_length(); if (error_handled() && $t_oblen > 0) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); } # We need to ensure compression is off - otherwise the compression headers are output. compress_disable(); # then clean the buffer, leaving output buffering on. if ($t_oblen > 0) { ob_clean(); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { if ($t_html_api) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } else { echo '<html><head><title>', $t_error_type, '</title></head><body>'; } } echo '<br /><div align="center"><table class="width50" cellspacing="1">'; echo '<tr><td class="form-title">', $t_error_type, '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><p class="center" style="color:red">', $t_error_description, '</p></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><p class="center">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { echo lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { echo '<a href="', $g_error_proceed_url, '">', lang_get('proceed'), '</a>'; } echo '</p></td></tr>'; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo '<tr><td>'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; error_print_stack_trace(); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table></div>'; if (isset($t_old_contents)) { echo '<p>Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</p>'; echo '<div style="border: solid 1px black;padding: 4px">'; echo $t_old_contents; echo '</div>'; } if ($t_html_api) { if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_bottom(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } } else { echo '</body></html>', "\n"; } exit; case 'inline': echo '<p style="color:red">', $t_error_type, ': ', $t_error_description, '</p>'; $g_error_handled = true; break; default: # do nothing - note we treat this as we've not handled an error, so any redirects go through. } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
/** * Default error handler * * This handler will not receive E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_*, or E_COMPILE_* * errors. * * E_USER_* are triggered by us and will contain an error constant in $p_error * The others, being system errors, will come with a string in $p_error * * @access private * @param int p_type contains the level of the error raised, as an integer. * @param string p_error contains the error message, as a string. * @param string p_file contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string. * @param int p_line contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer. * @param array p_context to the active symbol table at the point the error occurred (optional) * @uses lang_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses compress_api.php * @uses database_api.php (optional) * @uses html_api.php (optional) */ function error_handler($p_type, $p_error, $p_file, $p_line, $p_context) { global $g_error_parameters, $g_error_handled, $g_error_proceed_url; global $g_lang_overrides; global $g_error_send_page_header; # check if errors were disabled with @ somewhere in this call chain if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $t_lang_pushed = false; $t_db_connected = false; if (function_exists('db_is_connected')) { if (db_is_connected()) { $t_db_connected = true; } } $t_html_api = false; if (function_exists('html_end')) { $t_html_api = true; } # flush any language overrides to return to user's natural default if ($t_db_connected) { lang_push(lang_get_default()); $t_lang_pushed = true; } $t_short_file = basename($p_file); $t_method_array = config_get_global('display_errors'); if (isset($t_method_array[$p_type])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[$p_type]; } else { if (isset($t_method_array[E_ALL])) { $t_method = $t_method_array[E_ALL]; } else { $t_method = 'none'; } } # build an appropriate error string switch ($p_type) { case E_WARNING: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM WARNING'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_NOTICE: $t_error_type = 'SYSTEM NOTICE'; $t_error_description = "'{$p_error}' in '{$p_file}' line {$p_line}"; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION ERROR #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); if ($t_method == DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE) { $t_error_description .= "\n" . error_string(ERROR_DISPLAY_USER_ERROR_INLINE); } break; case E_USER_WARNING: $t_error_type = "APPLICATION WARNING #{$p_error}"; $t_error_description = error_string($p_error); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: # used for debugging $t_error_type = 'DEBUG'; $t_error_description = $p_error; break; default: # shouldn't happen, just display the error just in case $t_error_type = ''; $t_error_description = $p_error; } $t_error_description = nl2br($t_error_description); switch ($t_method) { case DISPLAY_ERROR_HALT: # disable any further event callbacks if (function_exists('event_clear_callbacks')) { event_clear_callbacks(); } $t_oblen = ob_get_length(); if ($t_oblen > 0) { $t_old_contents = ob_get_contents(); if (!error_handled()) { # Retrieve the previously output header if (false !== preg_match_all('|^(.*)(</head>.*$)|is', $t_old_contents, $result)) { $t_old_headers = $result[1][0]; unset($t_old_contents); } } } # We need to ensure compression is off - otherwise the compression headers are output. compress_disable(); # then clean the buffer, leaving output buffering on. if ($t_oblen > 0) { ob_clean(); } # don't send the page header information if it has already been sent if ($g_error_send_page_header) { if ($t_html_api) { html_page_top1(); if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_top2(); } else { html_page_top2a(); } } else { echo '<html><head><title>', $t_error_type, '</title></head><body>'; } } else { # Output the previously sent headers, if defined if (isset($t_old_headers)) { echo $t_old_headers, "\n"; html_page_top2(); } } echo '<div id="error-msg">'; echo '<div class="error-type">' . $t_error_type . '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-description">', $t_error_description, '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-info">'; if (null === $g_error_proceed_url) { echo lang_get('error_no_proceed'); } else { echo '<a href="', $g_error_proceed_url, '">', lang_get('proceed'), '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; if (ON == config_get_global('show_detailed_errors')) { echo '<div class="error-details">'; error_print_details($p_file, $p_line, $p_context); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="error-trace">'; error_print_stack_trace(); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; if (isset($t_old_contents)) { echo '<div class="warning">Previous non-fatal errors occurred. Page contents follow.</div>'; echo '<div id="old-contents">'; echo $t_old_contents; echo '</div>'; } if ($t_html_api) { if ($p_error != ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED && $t_db_connected == true) { html_page_bottom(); } else { html_body_end(); html_end(); } } else { echo '</body></html>', "\n"; } exit; case DISPLAY_ERROR_INLINE: echo '<div class="error-inline">', $t_error_type, ': ', $t_error_description, '</div>'; $g_error_handled = true; break; default: # do nothing - note we treat this as we've not handled an error, so any redirects go through. } if ($t_lang_pushed) { lang_pop(); } $g_error_parameters = array(); $g_error_proceed_url = null; }
/** * Send a notification to user or set of users that were mentioned in an issue * or an issue note. * * @param integer $p_bug_id Issue for which the reminder is sent. * @param array $p_mention_user_ids User id or list of user ids array. * @param string $p_message Optional message to add to the e-mail. * @param array $p_removed_mention_user_ids The users that were removed due to lack of access. * @return array List of users ids to whom the reminder e-mail was actually sent */ function email_user_mention($p_bug_id, $p_mention_user_ids, $p_message, $p_removed_mention_user_ids = array()) { if (OFF == config_get('enable_email_notification')) { log_event(LOG_EMAIL_VERBOSE, 'email notifications disabled.'); return array(); } $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id'); $t_sender_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); $t_sender = user_get_name($t_sender_id); $t_subject = email_build_subject($p_bug_id); $t_date = date(config_get('normal_date_format')); $t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); $t_users_processed = array(); foreach ($p_removed_mention_user_ids as $t_removed_mention_user_id) { log_event(LOG_EMAIL_VERBOSE, 'skipped mention email for U' . $t_removed_mention_user_id . ' (no access to issue or note).'); } $t_result = array(); foreach ($p_mention_user_ids as $t_mention_user_id) { # Don't trigger mention emails for self mentions if ($t_mention_user_id == $t_user_id) { log_event(LOG_EMAIL_VERBOSE, 'skipped mention email for U' . $t_mention_user_id . ' (self-mention).'); continue; } # Don't process a user more than once if (isset($t_users_processed[$t_mention_user_id])) { continue; } $t_users_processed[$t_mention_user_id] = true; # Don't email mention notifications to disabled users. if (!user_is_enabled($t_mention_user_id)) { continue; } lang_push(user_pref_get_language($t_mention_user_id, $t_project_id)); $t_email = user_get_email($t_mention_user_id); if (access_has_project_level(config_get('show_user_email_threshold'), $t_project_id, $t_mention_user_id)) { $t_sender_email = ' <' . user_get_email($t_sender_id) . '> '; } else { $t_sender_email = ''; } $t_complete_subject = sprintf(lang_get('mentioned_in'), $t_subject); $t_header = "\n" . lang_get('on_date') . ' ' . $t_date . ', ' . $t_sender . ' ' . $t_sender_email . lang_get('mentioned_you') . "\n\n"; $t_contents = $t_header . string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn($p_bug_id) . " \n\n" . $p_message; $t_id = email_store($t_email, $t_complete_subject, $t_contents); if ($t_id !== null) { $t_result[] = $t_mention_user_id; } log_event(LOG_EMAIL_VERBOSE, 'queued mention email ' . $t_id . ' for U' . $t_mention_user_id); lang_pop(); } return $t_result; }